India. 1.3 Billion Customers Waiting: Discover Markets, Growth and Opportunities in India's Food Processing Sector
India. 1.3 Billion Customers Waiting: Discover Markets, Growth and Opportunities in India's Food Processing Sector
India. 1.3 Billion Customers Waiting: Discover Markets, Growth and Opportunities in India's Food Processing Sector
1.3 billion
customers waiting
Discover markets, growth and opportunities
in India’s food processing sector.
Fresh Growth
Fresh Markets
Fresh Profits
Fresh Opportunities
As the world looks askance for new growth markets, The country is amongst the largest producers
World Food India serves it on a platter. The Summit is of food in the world. However, less than 2-5% of the
designed to offer an unusual peek into India’s food and country’s natural produce is processed due to lack
culture as well as opportunities to invest and prosper of processing facilities, infrastructure and technology.
from one of the world’s largest consumer markets. India needs a fresh breath of everything from post harvest
management technology, cold chain infrastructure and
India is the world’s oldest continuing civilisation and refrigerated transport to processed produce and brands.
has served the world’s tastes from Mesopotamia and the
Pharaohs of Egypt to ancient China and beyond. Much World Food India strives to attract the world’s best food
of India’s historic exports have been processed food, processing companies and give them a golden opportunity
spices, derivatives and additives. to harvest growth and reap profits from the world’s fastest
growing economy. Register TODAY.
Today, India is the fastest growing economy in the world
and is home to over 1.3 billion people. The country’s
rising disposable income has fuelled the growth of the
world’s largest consumer market. India needs much more
resources to cater to the rising aspirations of its people.
24,000 sqm exhibition area
Food Courts and Cuisine
Technology Demos
Roundtables and Conferences
• Post harvest technology providers • An opportunity to interact with policy makers
and top business leaders in the food space
• Cold chain infrastructure players
• Form business vlinkages - live B2B interactions
• Food technologists
• Access to new technologies
• Food processing & packaging companies
• Quick Business Booth delivering on the spot
• Logistics players in the food chain business
clearances and commencement certificates
• Young entrepreneurs in food business
• An exhibition featuring the best in class technologies
• International food prcessing companies and processes
• E
nterprises looking for business partners • Incentivised access to turn-key Food Parks
and distributors in India