Ja Ernesto Rizal y Santos
Ja Ernesto Rizal y Santos
Ja Ernesto Rizal y Santos
The person examining me is Atty. Alleza E. Bagnol with office address at _____________ Taguig City. The
examination is being held at the same address. I am answering her questions fully conscious that I do
so under oath and may face criminal liability for false testimony and perjury.
1. Q. Please state your name and other personal circumstances for the record.
2. Q. How are you related with TERESA SANTOS-ISMALI, the petitioner in this case?
A. I am the father madam
5. Q. How did you meet respondent ABDULLAH ISMALI aka CARLOS ISMALI?
A. When we were introduced by our daughter madam.
9. Q. When did her husband approach you to seek your approval for their marriage?
A. About a year before their marriage.
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10. Q. When did they inform you about his marriage?
11. Q. When did you know that your daughter was pregnant?
13. Q: When did your daughter approach you after their marriage?
14. Q: Why did your daughter flew back to Manila and decided to live again with her
A: Because she discovered Abdullah’s previous marriage.
15. Q: What are you asking this court with respect to this case?
A: That their marriage be declared void.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of 2020 at Manila City.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, a notary public in and for the city of Manila
this ____th day of ____________ 2020. Affiant personally came and presented to me her ___________________
ID issued by the ________________ on _______ at Manila City, as valid and competent proof of her identity,
known to me as the same person who personally signed the foregoing judicial affidavit before me and
avowed under penalty of law to the veracity of the contents of said instrument.
Notary Public
Doc. No. ____ Commission Serial No. ____________________________
Page No. ____ Notary Public for Manila City.
Book No. ____ Until December 31, 20__
Series of 2015. Office: ______________(address)____________________
Roll No. __________
IBP Lifetime Roll No. _________; __/__/__ ; Manila City
PTR No. _________ ; __/__/__ ; Manila City
MCLE Compliance Cert. No. __________; __/__/__
I, ATTY. Pat P. Monte, of legal age, Filipino, with office address at ______________________
Taguig City after being duly sworn depose and say:
1. I was the one who conducted the examination of witness TERESA SANTOS-ISMALI at
my afore-stated office.
2. I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions I asked and the
corresponding answer that the witness gave;
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3. Neither I nor any other person then present or assisting her coached the witness
regarding her answers;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of ____ 2020 at ___________.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, a notary public in and for the city of Manila
this ____th day of ____________ 2020. Affiant personally came and presented to me her ___________________
ID issued by the ________________ on 2019 at Cebu City, as valid and competent proof of her identity and
swore to me under oath of the veracity of her allegations.
Notary Public
Doc. No. ____ Commission Serial No. ____________________________
Page No. ____ Notary Public for Manila City.
Book No. ____ Until December 31, 20__
Series of 2015. Office: ______________(address)____________________
Roll No. __________
IBP Lifetime Roll No. _________; __/__/__ ; Manila City
PTR No. _________ ; __/__/__ ; Cebu City
MCLE Compliance Cert. No. __________; __/__/__
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