Datasheet: Leica Viva TS11
Datasheet: Leica Viva TS11
Datasheet: Leica Viva TS11
Simply productive surveying software
With clear graphics, non-technical terminology and simplified nn Survey, coding and lineworks
workflows SmartWorx Viva is incredibly easy to use. nn Including full application package
Legend: Included
Standard deviation ISO-17123-3 Option
Overcast, no haze, visibility about 40 km; no heat shimmer – Not available
Standard deviation ISO-17123-4
Fast Mode
Under optimal conditions on Kodak Grey Card (90% reflective). Maximum range varies with atmospheric conditions,
target reflectivity and surface structure.
Range > 500m, 4 mm + 2 ppm
Single Measurement every 30 second by 25° C. Battery time may be shorter if battery is not new.
Reflectorless measurement time may vary according to measuring objects, observation situations and
environmental conditions.
Measurement precision, accuracy and reliability are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites,
geometry, obstructions, observation time, ephemeris accuracy, ionospheric conditions, multipath etc. Figures
quoted assume normal to favorable conditions. Times can also not be quoted exactly. Times required are
dependent upon various factors including number of satellites, geometry, ionospheric conditions, multipath etc.
The following accuracies, given as root mean square, are based on real-time measurements.
When used within reference station networks the position accuracy is in accordance with the accuracy
specifications provided by the reference station network.
Whether you want to stake-out an object on a construction site or you
need accurate measurements of a tunnel or a bridge; whether you
want to determine the area of a parcel of land or need the position of
Scan the code
a power pole or to capture objects for as-built maps – you need
to play reliable and precise data.
the video!
Illustrations, descriptions and technical data are not binding. All rights reserved.
Printed in Switzerland – Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2012.
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Leica Geosystems AG
Heerbrugg, Switzerland