Design of FPGA-Controlled Power Electronics and Drives Using MATLAB Simulink
Design of FPGA-Controlled Power Electronics and Drives Using MATLAB Simulink
Design of FPGA-Controlled Power Electronics and Drives Using MATLAB Simulink
by 33% as compared to manual coding. In addition, MATLAB � HDL Creation iii HDL Verification D Hardware Iteration
constraints for space applications, and it can be adapted to any 3) Elaborate Design for FPGA/ASIC
4) Generate HOL from Simulink Model
change in design by dynamic reconfiguration [4]. Some of the 5) Verify HDL (Cosimulation/Hardware-in-the-Loop)
ufix24 En24
�:� boolean
Fig. 5. Final SVPWM model in Matlab Simulink using HDL Coder ufix24 En24
to automatically generate HDL Code for FPGA prototype. Is
horizontal (d) and vertical (q) axes. The relation between these U3 Product5
+ Vq
Fig. 7. Inside abc2dq transformation block.
V4(01l) �_����--'::'.L-� .•d
(-2/3,0) Vl(lOO)
(2/3,0) �
ufiX24 EnS . UfiX24 En12.,
Add Sqrt
V5(001) V6(101)
sfix24 En14
' 4o.E
. 0 4 ---1-___
"" "" -----ne atan2JIXPI
Fig. 6. Switching map of SVPWM for thee phase VSI
573 Cordie
SO, ( cos
L I;�f rl �
co: : :
e h} J
� v,.J,lI ::: i)tJ � v �.T2 [ t)]
cost "3)
2 2
. )1
" v�. 3 3 · v�. 3 --+__,., 551--......
vo Vl;V2; V7 i V7 V2! V< vo
:r -+h i I i I
. n-J . n-J
VO !V3!V4 V7 i V7 :V4:V3 vo
vo !V3 V2; V7 V7 ;V2 V3! VO
v"31�lv�f I. n-J fJJ�IV�f I
Tn+! = --- sln(a--;r)= --- -cosaSlll-JT+smaCOS-ff
v" 3 v'k 3 3 ) TO/2 n:12:To/2:TO/2 12:Tl:TO/2 TO/2;T2 n:To/2 TO/2:n T2:TO/2
Sector v: 2400 � a � 3000
TO/linin TO/2ITo/2 [ n [n TO/2
Sector VI : 3000 � a � 3600
51 51 51 i
0) Time [ms]
vy !l,; sw3
FIL sw4
Fig. 13. SVPWM control signals generated for one cycle (50Hz) by SVPWMJIL SCq:€2
a) Floating-Point Design; b) Fixed-Point Design and c) corresponding
conversion % Error. 575 Fig. 16. FPGA in-the-loop co-simulation
D. VHDL to bitstream and FPGA programming
The generated HDL code is bit-true, cycle-accurate and
synthesizable HDL code which is free from bugs. HDL Coder Ch 1 Freq
offers integration with Xilinx ISE design suite that makes it
easy to implement algorithm in MATLAB and Simulink to Ch2 Freq
target Xilinx FPGAs. Xilinx ISE compiles and generates the
bitstream file which is then loaded into the FPGA using JTAG
via the USB connection by iMPACT or Digilent Adept
software. Table 1 shows the Xilinx ISE13.4 compilation report
of resources utilization for SVPWM implementation in
Spartan-6 XC6SLX45.
13sep 2012
The FPGA based approach to the automatic generation of PreVu __ 0 ___[",-:...
) ����c='
VHDL code for digital controlled power electronics and drives � .. .. .. ........ . .. ................ .... · UfJfJ�;;��it;h g�t�;igJ1�i
using MATLAB Simulink is verified by implementing
SVPWM modulated VSI in a Xilinx Spartan-6 platform.
The six driving pulses from FPGA are connected to signal
amplification and isolation circuit via 8 pin PMOD connector.
R-i .. ,-
The power ground and logic ground are completely isolated
from one another using HCPL2531 optoisolator. It protects
FPGA from circulating ground current and high voltage spikes >d
(15kV/flS). Fig. 17(a) shows the FPGA generated SVPWM
control pulses for the high side switches.
Six SPW47N60C3 Cool MOS power MOSFET with best Lower switch gate signal
R1JS(on) are used for better efficiency design. The TTL level M 4.00)JS A ell 1 I-10.OmV
Ch4 5.00 V
SVPWM signal from FPGA is amplified to meet the gate u-+"..... 194.84QJls
28 sep 2012
16Jan 2013
Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs I 16 6% 0....",. , 9.7600ms 14:10:23
Number of DSP48Als 21 58 36%
Fig. 18. Three phase voltage out from the VSI without loading
Number used as Memory 3 6408 1% a) before filter. b) after filter (Measured with high voltage differential probe
576 GE8115 with attenuation of 1000:1. Chl-7VRy• Ch2-7VyB• Ch3-7VBR)
1l]!i2l�!Hl!rn!m1ID) Scoing. Lne Filter- Tire
Integ: Reset
[I][(l!l[I][I][(JiI[I1l[[!i AVG • Freq Filter- �r. �:m �� REFERENCES
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