Introduction To Information Theory: Facsimile Transmission
Introduction To Information Theory: Facsimile Transmission
Introduction To Information Theory: Facsimile Transmission
Information theory Lecture-1
Let us consider a musical stereo analog signal. For CD quality, left channel and right channel
are sampled at 44.1 KHz. The samples are quantized to 16 bits. One second of stereo music in
CD format generates: 1.411Mbits
By using the MP3 encoding algorithm, this value drops to 128 Kbits without perceptible loss of
sound quality. Eventually, one minute of stereo music requires: 1Mbytes
SHANNON paradigm
Transmitting a message from a transmitter to a receiver can be sketched as follows:
This model, known as the “ Shannon paradigm” , is general and applies to a great variety of
- An information source is a device which randomly delivers symbols from an alphabet.
As an example, a PC (Personal Computer) connected to internet is an information source
which produces binary digits from the binary alphabet {0, 1}.
- A channel is a system which links a transmitter to a receiver. It includes signaling
equipment and pair of copper wires or coaxial cable or optical fiber, among other
possibilities. Given a received output symbol, you cannot be sure which input symbol
Information theory Lecture-1
has been sent, due to the presence of random ambient noise and the imperfections of
the signaling process.
- A source encoder allows one to represent the data source more compactly by
eliminating redundancy: it aims to reduce the data rate.
- A channel encoder adds redundancy to protect the transmitted signal against
transmission errors.
- Source and channel decoders are converse to source and channel encoders.
There is duality between “source coding” and “channel coding” , as the former tends to reduce
the data rate while the latter raises it.