Where Were You Yesterday
Where Were You Yesterday
Where Were You Yesterday
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Where were you yesterday?
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Adverbs of time; past simple statements (was/were)
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1. To sing a song
2. To identify places in a town
3. To talk about the different times of days
4. To ask and answer about where someone was in the past
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students play a word game to elicit what yesterday’s day was (and
date if pupils are familiar with this). Teacher use this to teach the
word yesterday. Students’ understanding checked with some
Yes/No questions about yesterday (where they were, what
happened, what the day/date was).
LESSON DELIVERY Warm Up ( SB page 75)
1. The flashcards of at home, shopping center, and theater stick on
the board. Teacher points to each one and say it out loud. Student
repeats each one. Teacher is going to mime being at one of these
places and that they’ll have to guess where teacher is and say it out
2. Teacher mime being at a theater. Teacher does this with all of
the places. Teacher sticks the flashcards of morning, in the evening,
in the afternoon and night on the board, point to them and say the
times of day. Students encouraged repeating.
Vocabulary ( SB page 75)
1. Students open their books to page 75. Students direct attention
to the vocabulary section. The Cd plays a few times ad students
point to each word and repeat. Teacher says the words in random
and students repeat and point.
Activity 1(SB page 75)
1. Students direct attention to the pictures around the song and
asked where they think the girl is in each picture. Students are
going to listen to a song. Students read the title out loud and
students encouraged guessing what it’s going to be about.
2. Students will have to write the correct time of day under the
pictures of the places the girl goes to. Teacher point out that the
times written in red.
3. The song plays once and students listen to the song. The song
plays a second time, pausing after the verse that mention the place
and the time of day so that students have enough time to write the
correct time of day.
POST LESSON Post Lesson Task 1 : Spot the differences
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,