Perception of Moevemmt PDF
Perception of Moevemmt PDF
Perception of Moevemmt PDF
Movement perception, process through which humans and other animals orient themselves to
their own or others’ physical movements. Most animals, including humans, move in search of
food that it often moves; they move to avoid predators and to mate. Animals must perceive their
own movements to balance themselves and to move effectively; without such perceptual
functions the chances for survival would be sharply reduced. Based on motion alone, we can
efficiently detect the presence of another creature in our visual environment, we can recognize a
familiar person, and we can attribute properties such as sex, age, emotional attributes, or
motion perception is briefly summarized, and then a number of controversies that have emerged
from biological motion research over the last decades are discussed.
The eye is by far the most effective organ for sensing movement. Some animals are especially
sensitive to visual stimuli that move in specific ways. For instance, electrical patterns from the
eye of a frog show that some elements in the organ respond only when the stimulus is about the
size of a fly moving in the insect’s range of speed. Generally the eyes of lower animals seem to
respond selectively to what is of importance to survival. In these animals the eye’s retina does
much of the visual processing. This is an economical arrangement since the animal tends to
respond only to essential stimuli, the brain having little to do but relay signals to the motor
more elaborate ways, the brain being more heavily involved. Thus, some cells in the visual area
of the cat’s brain respond only to moving stimuli, sets of movement-detector cells functioning
specifically for each direction across the field of view. Features of human visual experience also
suggest that movement detectors exist in the human brain. Each retina in most higher animals has
a central (foveal) zone for detailed colour and pattern vision and a surrounding peripheral zone
that effectively is sensitive only to the grosser features of the outer visual field. The peripheral
retina is especially sensitive to movement (often a signal of danger), which induces a reflex
turning of the eyes to project the image on the fovea and permit the moving object to be
Visual stability
Mechanisms have evolved that yield stable, clear visual input despite swaying and other blurring
factors. In a reflex mechanism called opt kinetic nystagmus, the eyes pursue a moving scene to
keep the image stationary on the retina. When they can move no farther, they snap back and
pursue the scene again in a to-and-fro alternation of slow pursuit and quick return. These eye
movements are readily observed in people who are looking at a moving pattern of stripes or
turning their heads, this response being inhibited only when something stationary is visually
When one looks from one point to another, movements of the retinal image are the same as those
produced by a moving scene on a stationary eye. It might be thought that the sensory structures
found in the eye muscles would provide the cues for judging whether it is the eye or the scene
that has moved. Yet we see the scene as stationary only when we move our eyes voluntarily and
not when they are moved passively by the finger. This suggests that motor-nerve signals inform
us whether our eyes are moving, rather than the sensory structures in the eye muscles. When the
eye is moved by pushing it with the finger there is no normal motor discharge to inform the
brain, and changes in retinal image are perceived as movement of the scene. Indeed, people with
paralyzed eye muscles experience the scene as moving when they try to move their eyes. When
the motor discharge thus generated is not accompanied by the expected image motion, the person
A visual field containing familiar objects provides a stable framework against which relative
motion may be judged. People often report that an isolated point of light in a dark room is
moving when it is not; the experience is known as auto kinetic movement. It was observed in
1799 by Alexander von Humboldt while he was watching a star through a telescope, and he
attributed it to movement of the star itself. Not until about 60 years later was the effect shown to
be subjective, apparently arising from instability in the sense of eye position without a visual
frame of reference. Similarly, if a small object is presented in a frame with nothing else in view,
movement usually is attributed to the object even when only the frame moves. This induced
movement effect reflects our tendency to use the larger surround as a stable frame of reference.
Recall the illusion that your train is moving when it is really the moving train alongside that,
People cannot perceive very slow movement; below a minimum speed (about that of the minute
hand on a watch) movements become imperceptible and can only be inferred (as in remembering
the previous position of the hour hand). At high speeds, one perceives a blurred streak rather than
Movement aftereffect
When a parade is interrupted after some minutes, the pavement may seem to move in the
opposite direction to the marchers who have passed. Phenomena similar to this movement
aftereffect occur in other senses. For instance, after disembarking, a sailor feels the land to be
rolling like a ship as the result of kinesthetic and vestibular aftereffects. The visual movement
aftereffect probably arises when movement detectors in the brain that respond to the original
direction of motion become fatigued, leaving predominant those detectors that respond to
contrary movement.
Apparent movement
Motion-picture film is a strip of discrete, still pictures but produces the visual impression of
continuous movement. Stationary light bulbs coming on one after the other over the theatre
entrance also produce an impression of steady movement. In part, such effects of apparent
movement (called the visual phi phenomenon) depend on persistence of vision: visual response
outlasts a stimulus by a fraction of a second. When the interval between successive flashes of a
stationary light is less than this visual-persistence time, the flicker will appear to fuse into a
continuous light. The flicker frequency at which this occurs is called the perceiver’s flicker-
fusion frequency (or critical flicker frequency) and represents the temporal resolving power of
his visual system at the time. Another process on which apparent movement depends is a
tendency (called visual closure or phi) to fill in the spaces between adjacent visual objects. This
means that the movement detectors of the visual system are triggered as effectively by a closely
spaced pair of lights alternately going on and off as by a single light moving back and forth. It
would seem that two aspects of visual function (flicker fusion and phi) make the motion-picture
industry possible.
Stroboscopic effect
When a rotating electric fan is illuminated by a flashing light source (called a stroboscope) so
that a flash arrives whenever a fan blade passes a fixed position, the blades will seem to stand
still. This is a useful way of observing fast-moving objects such as machinery or insect wings. If
the flashes occur less frequently, the object will seem to move slowly in its actual direction;
when the flashes arrive more frequently, the object will seem to move backward, as stagecoach
An object moving directly away from an observer provides fewer visual cues of movement than
it would be moving across the field of view. However, changes in retinal-image size are
produced that give a clue to its movement. Thus a stationary, but shrinking, luminous object in
the dark is seen as if it were receding. Other clues to movement in depth are changes in the
convergence angle of the two eyes, in the focusing mechanism, and in the haziness and