Maxilofacial Ao
Maxilofacial Ao
Maxilofacial Ao
Chapter Authors:
Leon A. Assael · Douglas W. Klotch · Paul N. Manson
Joachim Prein · Berton A. Rahn · Wilfried Schilli
IV Kapitel 1
Clinical research continues to confirm that no truth is total care of the severely traumatized patient in the first
more transitory than that in the sphere of scientific hours following the accident.
knowledge.Developments in the field of traumatology at The further development of the AO/ASIF concept led
the end of this century provide a striking example of to today’s comprehensive craniofacial surgery in the
this. As early as 1890 Lambotte carried out osteosynthe- fields of traumatology, orthognatics, tumor, and recon-
ses with plates and screws. These remained a mere epi- structive surgery.
sode, however, until Danis renewed the idea of internal AO/ASIF courses contributed fundamentally to the
fixation 50 years later. Danis combined internal fixation development of these fields. In the course of its world-
with the new technique of interfragmentary compres- wide response, the AO/ASIF philosophy has been able to
sion, which led to primary bone healing that allowed full attract distinguished authors to join the faculty of
function at the same time. Reacting to disconcerting sta- AO/ASIF courses. By sharing their clinical, experimen-
tistics about the results of conservative fracture treat- tal, and theoretical experience, they take part in shaping
ment, Mueller then applied interfragmentary compres- a special internal fixation technique in the craniofacial
sion to 80 patients in Switzerland and confirmed its use- skeleton. The philosophical aspect of AO/ASIF courses
fulness. in theory and practice assures high standards of quality.
Mueller, recognizing the need for further develop- After all, the enormous progress in metal implantology
ments in clinical application, and scientific analysis, should not hide the fact that lack of knowledge and
assembled a group of friends consisting of general and experience, on the one hand, and false compromises, on
orthopedic surgeons in 1958 with the aim of creating the the other, can cause much greater damage than with
necessary armamentarium for internal fixation and to conservative methods.
form a study group for clinical trials. This group came to Thus this interdisciplinary manual provides stan-
be known as the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthese- dards for the application of the AO/ASIF principles. The
fragen (AO), and later in English-speaking countries as scientific and technological background is based on the
the “Association for the Study of Internal Fixation” laws of nature. Resulting from the interaction between
(ASIF). Building on the conviction that the objectivity of pure research and clinical practice, it comprises in the
nature is not merely an illusion, the initiators of widest sense the fields of organization, biomechanics,
AO/ASIF – Müller,Allgöwer,Willenegger, Schneider, and anatomy, and osteology as well as metallurgy and the
Bandi – transformed the pragmatically oriented concept application of tools.
into a scientific method of applied physics, mathemat- The accumulated knowledge is integrated in topo-
ics, and biology. In combination with systematic teach- graphically defined surgery of the skull (splanchnocra-
ing of specialists in AO/ASIF courses, subjectivity was nium), including the walls of the upper respiratory and
thus excluded as much as possible from the choice of digestive tracts.
means. The goals and principles of AO/ASIF are built on The bottom line of this surgery is internal fixation.
this basis and are summarized in the AO/ASIF philoso- The differences in its application are dictated by the
phy. variety of craniofacial bones with respect to their func-
Convinced of its benefit by this approach, the maxil- tion and structure. On the one hand, we are dealing with
lofacial unit of the Department of Surgery at the Univer- a motional apparatus in the area of the mandible; on the
sity of Basel adopted the AO/ASIF philosophy in 1966. other, the maxilla represents a supportive frame of
The consistent application of the two principles of ana- lamellas,among others for nose and eyes,and the cranial
tomical reduction of fracture fragments and stable vault a supportive frame of diploë for the brain. Corre-
internal fixation guaranteed the immediate, active, and spondingly, two qualities of stability are being distin-
pain-free opening and closing of the lower jaw. The guished in practice: functionally stable and locally stable
results were also considerably improved by the early fixation.
VIII Foreword
This Manual of Internal Fixation in the Craniofacial This first AO/ASIF Manual on Internal Fixation Tech-
Skeleton is the result of fascinating developments in niques in the Craniofacial Skeleton is the product of col-
internal fixation techniques for the facial skeleton over laborative work on the part of many cranio-maxillofa-
the past 30–40 years. These techniques are based on the cial specialists worldwide. Since the first maxillofacial
AO/ASIF philosophy for fracture care in the general course in Davos in 1974 and the first AO/ASIF course in
skeleton – ensuring early pain-free movement, precise the United States in 1984, 20 courses have been con-
anatomical reduction, and adequate fixation according ducted in Davos and 109 worldwide, with several thou-
to the various functional forces. The principles and tech- sand persons participating. In addition to these courses,
niques described here have grown out of continuous numerous international workshops have been orga-
international cooperation involving a great number of nized to deal with specialized topics. The principles pre-
specialists working in the craniofacial area. It also con- sented in this Manual have developed out of both the
tinues the ideas originally developed by pioneers in the good and the disappointing experiences during this
field who carried out important clinical and experimen- experimental, educational, and practical work. An
tal research. In this context we should mention particu- important feature of all the courses on internal fixation
larly Champy, Michelet, Luhr, Spiessl, and Tessier. in cranio-maxillofacial surgery is that they were orga-
In its early days in the 1950s and 1960s this approach nized by and for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, plastic
to internal fixation of facial bones found application surgeons, and ENT surgeons. In this Manual we try to
principally in the treatment of trauma patients. The demonstrate the results of this close international coop-
favorable experiences gathered in the meantime, how- eration, including the substantial clinical experience
ever, have led to many of the advantages of internal fix- and research carried out principally in the AO/ASIF
ation being extended to the reconstruction of tumor Research Institute in Davos.
defects and the stabilization of major osteotomies in The fact that this Manual deals only with techniques
orthognathics and craniofacial surgery. for open internal fixation does not reflect an opinion on
Today we also appreciate the important role that our part that every fracture should be operated on. How-
facial trauma plays in the early definitive treatment of ever, it is our opinion that internal fixation – employing
polytraumatized patients, particularly in reducing adult the appropriate technique for the correct indication –
respiratory distress syndrome and multiple organ fail- entails substantial safety and diminishes morbidity for
ure. Close cooperation among all those working in the patients. One could even maintain that adequate and
various related disciplines and specialties for the cranio- safe internal fixation provides the best protection
maxillofacial area is essential to ensure optimal results against infection and is of even greater importance than
for patients. This is especially so regarding the partici- antibiotics. Internal fixation, especially in traumatology,
pation of the neurosurgeon in cases of traumatology can also have a very considerable socioeconomic impact
and craniofacial surgery. The concept of early definitive when one considers the various factors that affect treat-
treatment sometimes means many hours of surgery, and ment costs – including the duration of surgery, cost of
therefore another crucial participant in the treatment materials, training of the surgeon, as well as the patients’
team is the anesthesist, and important progress has also absence from work.
been made in this area over recent years. This Manual is divided into seven chapters, with a
Four major advances underlie the great progress in single author responsible for each; only the first chapter
craniofacial surgery in recent decades: (a) the technique on research and instruments has two authors. Interna-
of approach, (b) the technique of internal fixation with tional contributors, who are mentioned before each
plates and screws, (c) the development of optimal mate- respective chapter, have put in their knowledge and have
rials such as titanium, and (d) modern imaging tech- made significant contributions.
niques like CT and MRI. The material presented here reflects our present
knowledge of the subject, and its correct application can
X Preface
List of Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1 Scientific Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Technique of Screw Insertion . . . . . 23
Chapter Authors: J.Prein and B.A.Rahn
Instruments for Screw Insertion . . . . 24
Contributors: J.Prein, B.A.Rahn, C.Plappert, 1.6.2 Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
and S.M.Perren
Craniofacial Plates . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mandible and Reconstruction
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.1.1 The AO/ASIF Foundation . . . . . . . 1 1.6.3 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1.1.2 Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.6.4 Power Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1.1.3 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.7 Set Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1.1.4 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.7.1 European Set Configuration . . . . . . 44
1.1.5 Documentation and Clinical 1.7.2 North American Set Configuration . . 44
Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.8 External Fixation Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.1.6 Fracture Classification . . . . . . . . . 3 References and Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.2 Bone as a Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 Chemical Composition . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Anatomic Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1.2.3 Mechanical Properties . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter Author: J.Prein
1.2.4 Mechanical Glossary . . . . . . . . . . 6 Contributor: N.J.Lüscher
1.3 Fractures in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial
Skeleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.1 Origin of Skull Bones . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Mandibular Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.3.2 Load-Bearing Structures in the Chapter Author: W.Schilli
Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Skeleton . . . . 7 Contributors: P.Stoll, W.Bähr, and J.Prein
1.3.3 The Fracture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.4 Biological Reaction and Healing 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
of Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 Treatment Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.4 Indications for Operative Treatment 3.3 Cost Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
of Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.4 Adequate Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.5 Operative Reduction and Internal Fixation . . 12 3.5 Mistakes in Application and Technique . . . . 58
1.5.1 Reestablishing Stability . . . . . . . . . 12 3.6 Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.5.2 Implant Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.7 Indications for Osteosynthesis . . . . . . . . . 59 Stainless Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.8 Indications for Perioperative Titanium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Antibiotic Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Biodegradable Polymeric Materials . . 14 3.9 General Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.5.3 Implant Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.10 Localization and Types of Fracture . . . . . . 59
1.5.4 Principles of Stabilization . . . . . . . 15 3.11 Fractures of the Symphysis and the Splinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Parasymphyseal Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.11.1 Transverse Fracture Line
1.6 Design and Function of Implants Without Dislocation . . . . . . . . . . 60
and Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.11.2 Transverse Fracture Line
1.6.1 Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 With Dislocation . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Function of Screws . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.11.3 Fracture Line With Basal Triangle . . . 65 Types of Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.11.4 Comminuted Fractures . . . . . . . . . 66
XII Contents
Fig. 1.1
The AO/ASIF Center. This institution serves as an international ment, education, and documentation relevant to trauma care.
service center, coordinating the various worldwide activities of It is located in an attractive Alpine environment in Davos, Swit-
the foundation and providing support in research, develop- zerland
2 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
In its early days the AO/ASIF Documentation Center A comprehensive classification has been developed by
sought to collect information on all cases treated within the AO/ASIF group that includes the site of the fracture,
the group. This offered an enormous help during the its degree of severity, and the approach to treatment.
pioneering phase in assessing the efficiency and the This classification (Fig. 1.2) is based on the differentia-
risks of approaches which at the time often seemed very tion of bone segment fractures into three types, their
aggressive methods of treatment. Today the emphasis is further division into three groups and their subgroups,
more on prospective studies. A decentralized documen- and the arrangement of these in an ascending order of
tation system has been developed. This system uses a severity according to the morphological complexities of
uniform design that permits local documentation but the fracture, the difficulties in their treatment, and their
the possibility of pooling data between different centers. prognosis. In graphic representations the colors green,
The documentation department provides guidelines orange, and red and darkened arrows indicate the
and assistance in coordinating such multicenter studies, increasing severity. A1 indicates the simplest fracture
from the planning phase to the final evaluation. with the best prognosis, and C3 the most difficult frac-
Fig. 1.2
The principle of the comprehensive AO/ASIF classification. In Darkening arrows, increasing severity in terms of both
ascending severity the fractures are subdivided into three potential difficulties in treatment and the expected prognosis
major types: A, B, and C.Within each type a further tripartition of outcome. Green, lowest severity; yellow, intermediate sever-
into groups (A1, A2, A3, etc.) and subgroups (A1.1, A1.2, etc.) is ity; red, highest severity. (From Müller et al. 1991)
performed, again ranked in order of increasing severity.
4 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
sification were gradually replaced or supplemented by ual transitions may occur between cortical and cancel-
an approach concentrating on the number of fragments, lous structures. By eroding new cavities inside the com-
the site, displacement and occlusion, soft tissue involve- pact structure osteoclasts carve cancellous bone out of
ment, and accompanying fractures in the upper jaw (see the cortical bone, or osteoblasts fill the spaces in the can-
Spiessl 1986). cellous network to transform it into compact bone. Dur-
Classifications in the cranio-maxillo-facial region ing growth-related remodeling processes no net bone
hitherto were limited to specific functional areas, such loss should occur; under pathological conditions, such
as the mandible or the midface, and attempts were made as osteoporosis, the balance between osteoblastic and
to differentiate and to regionally expand the classifica- osteoclastic activities is disturbed, resulting in a weak-
tions taking into account the increasing complexity and ening of skeletal structures.
severity of fracture patterns caused by the increasing On a microscopic level the arrangement of the
influences of high-velocity injury. These efforts led to a organic fibers is used to discriminate between different
subdivision into comminuted fractures of the upper forms of organization. Woven bone contains bundles of
midface, lower midface, with or without concomitant collagen fibers arranged as in connective tissue and con-
mandibular fractures, central midface, and craniofacial nected to the neighboring connective tissue, for
and panfacial fractures. It is now accepted that only instance, the periosteum. This type of tissue can be
imaging in three dimensions can identify and encom- interpreted as connective tissue stiffened by the incor-
pass the complex fracture patterns observed in the cra- poration of mineral to become bone. In the embryonic
nio-maxillo-facial area, and it is this three-dimensional skeleton woven bone is almost ubiquitous. In adults
approach that will provide the basis for any future com- ossified collagen bundles are still found at the insertion
prehensive classification system. sites of tendons and ligaments. The mechanism of
Developing a comprehensive approach for a cranio- woven bone formation is encountered in situations
maxillo-facial fracture classification comparable to that requiring rapid bone repair processes since this mecha-
described for long bones requires that the specific needs nism allows ossification of relatively large areas in a
of this specific region are addressed. When the entire short period of time. Usually the quality of such rapidly
cranio-maxillo-facial area is to be classified at the same formed woven bone structures is inferior to a slowly
hierarchical level as a single long bone, a further subdi- developing compact bone, and after its rapid formation
vision of the anatomical site is absolutely necessary. it frequently undergoes further remodeling to result in a
Describing the anatomic location with sufficient preci- structure adapted to the local requirements.
sion requires subdivisons at least to segment and sub- In the adult the major portion of both cortical and
segment levels. If the principle of tripartition as cancellous bone consists of lamellar bone. Lamellar
described in the original AO/ASIF classification is to be bone appears to be on a more specific level of differenti-
maintained, an adaptation for the cranio-maxillo-facial ation. The arrangement of its collagen fiber bundles
region could consist of a subdivision into mandible, seems to follow certain functional criteria. Comparable
facial region, and cranial regions. The mandible could to technical composite structures, such as steel-rein-
then further be subdivided into collum, ramus, and cor- forced concrete or fiber-glass, the orientation of these
pus; the facial area into lateral, central caudal, and cen- collagen bundles presents a relationship to the mechan-
tral cranial region; and the cranial area into frontal area, ical function of the corresponding bone site. The forma-
cranial vault, and skull base. The original idea of further tion of these highly differentiated lamellar bone struc-
classification according to complexity and severity tures, deposited layer after layer, proceeds much more
could then follow the suggested pattern depicted in slowly than the formation of woven bone. Osteoblasts
Fig. 1.2, using the types A, B, C, the groups A1,A2,A3, B1, usually are able to form approximately 1–2 mm lamellar
B2, etc., and then further subgroups. bone per day. These layers are deposited superficially on
the surfaces of compact bone or on cancellous bone tra-
beculae. Remodeling processes, a concerted action
1.2 Bone as a Material between resorption and formation, take place on both
the outer surface and in the interior of compact bone.
1.2.1 Structure During internal remodeling osteoclasts drill tunnels
into the compact bone; osteoblasts follow and deposit
In the gross aspect, cancellous bone is distinguished new bone concentrically on the walls of the tunnel until
from compact and from cortical bone. These terms the lumen is narrowed to the dimension of the central
describe the arrangement of the bony substance but capillary. Such newly formed structures are called sec-
provide no information on its origin or composition. In ondary osteons or Haversian systems. The result of this
cancellous bone a contiguous system of trabeculae is remodeling is a gradual internal renovation of an exist-
visible, whose dimensions, volume density, and arrange- ing structure while it permanently continues to fulfill its
ment vary with site, loading conditions, and age. Grad- function. This internal remodeling mechanism allows
6 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
adaptation of the bony structure to a changing environ- primarily the collagen structures, which determine the
ment. tensile behavior. This composite structure is compar-
The blood supply to the bone in the cranio-maxillo- able to structures designed for technical applications,
facial region is abundant, with many collaterals found at such as steel-reinforced concrete or fiber-glass. Compact
most sites. Inside the bony structures the nutritional bone is a highly anisotropic material, i.e., its mechanical
pathways follow the Haversian systems, and these canals properties differ along different axes. The orientation of
are cross-connected by the Volkmann canals. Each its internal components is believed to be related to the
system usually contains a single vessel of the capillary functional requirements and the loading history of the
type. There is evidence that inside these intracortical corresponding region. The inhomogeneous appearance
low-pressure systems the flow direction alternates that bone sometimes presents on a microscopic level
depending on the current conditions. Peripheral to these may be due to its modeling and remodeling history.
capillaries the perfusion pathways follow the canalicular Anisotropy does not seem to play a major role in inter-
system related to the osteocytes. These canaliculi allow nal fixation.
perfusion over a distance of a few tenths of a millimeter Even during normal daily activities bone must resist
beyond the capillaries. large forces. The ultimate strength of bone is approxi-
The blood supply of compact bone, especially in a mately 1 MPa, about one-tenth that of steel. The dimen-
thick cortex, requires correspondingly long low-pres- sions of bony structures are oversized in relation to the
sure connections inside the bone and makes the com- requirements of normal use, and the strength of a bone
pact structure more susceptible to disturbing influ- therefore retains reserves for the requirements of heavy
ences. Once the intracortical circulation is interrupted, a physical activity. Compression applied to bone can be
long remodeling process is required to reattach the maintained due to the springlike compressibility of the
intracortical vessels to circulation. In cancellous struc- material. Young’s modulus of axial stiffness of cortical
tures the vascular supply reaches the bone surfaces bone is about 20 GPa. By way of illustration, a human
directly, and there are only few and short intraosseous tibia loaded axially with 1000 N would undergo a short-
vessels. All the biological reactions – resorption, remod- ening by 10 mm. The reserves of this spring effect are
eling, healing – may thus take place more rapidly and thus limited, and minimal bone resorption, for example,
more intensely. In the mandible the structure conforms at an implant-bone interface or between fragment ends,
more to the type found in long bones; in the craniofacial would immediately lead to a loss of preload. The com-
region the bones often consist of thin sheets, which parably small loss (10%–20%) observed without
although compact in their design still have the nutri- resorption is explained by the time-dependent deforma-
tional characteristics of cancellous bone, a high surface tion under load (“creep,” or, vice versa, “stress relaxa-
to volume ratio, and thus probably are less prone to dis- tion”). A special characteristic of bone is its brittleness.
turbance of circulation. As a result the susceptibility to When deformed, for example, in elongation, it tolerates
infection is low, and the healing times are short. a deformation of only 2% before it breaks, resulting in
characteristics which are closer to the behavior of glass
than of rubber.
1.2.2 Chemical Composition Bone is found in a compact form in the skeleton, and
in a more or less loose arrangement, as cancellous bone.
Bone matrix is a composite of organic and inorganic The strength of cancellous bone varies but is typically
constituents. The inorganic portion comprises approxi- less than 10% of cortical bone. The mechanical proper-
mately 65% and consists principally of hydroxyapatite ties of cancellous bone depend on the amount of “bone”
[Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2], in addition to magnesium, potas- material that it contains, the design, orientation, and
sium, chlorine, iron, and carbonate in significant connections of trabeculae in relation to the direction of
amounts. Of the organic constituents 90% are collagen, load, and the microstructure inside the trabeculae.
predominantly of type I, and the remaining 10% are
noncollagen proteins, including approximately 23%
osteonectin, 15% osteocalcin, 9% sialoproteins, 9% 1.2.4 Mechanical Glossary
phosphoproteins, 5% a2-HS glycoproteins, 3% albu-
min, and further proteins in smaller amounts. A force (expressed in newtons, N) acting upon a mate-
rial results in a state of internal stress. A force acting
with a lever arm is called a moment; this is expressed in
1.2.3 Mechanical Properties newton meters (Nm). The unit of stress (s), force/area,
is N/m2. Force deforms a material. The deformation
The material “bone”is a composite consisting of mineral ratio, strain (e = dL/L), is unitless and is reported as per-
components, which are primarily responsible for its centage change of the original dimension. The relation-
compressive characteristics, and organic components, ship between the acting force and the resulting deforma-
1.3 · Fractures in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Skeleton 7
tion is called stiffness: the less the stiffness the larger the rather than to local or regional boundary conditions,
deformation. The term rigidity is often used synony- such as dimensions of the bony structures, blood supply,
mously with stiffness in the medical literature. All three and loading history.
elements – force, stress, strain – may be split into static
(constant) and dynamic (changing over time) compo-
nents. 1.3.2 Load-Bearing Structures
A load may consist of up to three components of force in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Skeleton
and three components of moment. Load acts upon a
material or device. It may or may not change with time. The anatomy of the cranio-maxillo-facial skeleton is
A load which does not change with time is called static, designed to provide protection for soft structures of
while a periodically or intermittently changing load is vital importance and to permit mastication. Important
dynamic in nature. The compression exerted by an protective functions include encasement of the central
implant applied under tension is static, the forces gener- nervous system, eyes, and respiratory pathways. The
ated by the function (e.g., mastication) are dynamic or shell of the cranial vault consists of a composite struc-
functional forces. ture, including an outer and inner compact layer con-
No component under consideration neither the static nected by a cancellous intermediate. The hemispherical
force generated by the implant, the dynamic force result- design, together with the layered structure, makes it spe-
ing from function, nor the amount of surface area upon cially suited to protect against direct impact. In the mid-
which the forces act – is distributed evenly over a frac- face the cellular structure, reenforced by the orbito-
ture area. Therefore at different sites different mechani- zygomatic frame, is able to act as a shock-absorbing
cal conditions may exist at different times. structure.
During mastication the mandible moves relative to
the rest of the skull. Forces act at the attachment sites of
the masticatory musculature and in the occlusal plane.
1.3 Fractures in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Skeleton These forces are transmitted from the teeth to the alveo-
lar bone, and from there to the bony structures of man-
1.3.1 Origin of Skull Bones dible and maxilla. The maxilla is connected by four main
trajectories to the orbito-zygomatic frame, which is then
Two different mechanisms of bone formation are connected to the neurocranium.
observed during embryogenesis: membranous and These structures are of paramount importance in the
endochondral bone formation. In membranous bone repair of facial fractures, and they are addressed specif-
formation the ossification process takes place by direct ically in the respective chapters. The mandible has a
mineral deposition into the organic matrix of mesen- shape which is closer to the shape of a tubular bone. The
chymal or connective tissue. In the skull this is the major major muscle forces meet the mandible in the area of the
mechanism observed. The frontal, parietal, and nasal angle and in the ascending ramus. Reactive forces in the
bone, the maxilla, zygoma, and the mandible are all of occlusal plane are generated during mastication. This
membranous origin. tends to bend the anterior portion of the mandible cau-
In endochondral bone formation primarily a carti- dally. Thus an important tensile component is created in
laginous template is formed. This cartilage is gradually the alveolar portion of the mandible. In the case of an
transformed; it becomes mineralized and is then interrupted mechanical integrity of the mandible the
replaced by bone.While this mechanism is the main pro- repair must concentrate primarily on these tension
cess of formation for long bones, in the skull the carti- zones, and the correct placement of the implants is
laginous origin is restricted to the nasal septum and to determined by the location and type of fracture and its
internal bony components of the nose, occipital bone, relationship to the tension zones. However, it cannot be
and cranial base. Appositional growth in all bones, assumed that placement of an implant on the presum-
whether of membranous or endochondral origin, pro- able tension side immobilizes a fracture under all pos-
ceeds via membranous bone formation. Due to the sible physiological loading conditions. The correspond-
ongoing modeling and remodeling processes scarcely ing chapter on the treatment of mandibular fractures
any original bony material is left in the skull after expands on these aspects and indicates the preferred
growth is completed, and no remainders of calcified car- sites of implant placement for the specific types of frac-
tilage are detected. It is often discussed whether the ori- tures.
gin of the bone plays a significant role in later repair pro- Loading of the occlusal plane may reach quite high
cesses. This question has not yet been addressed in a values. Maximum bite forces in an average population
comprehensive manner, but there is no evidence that are found in an order of magnitude of 200–300 N in the
possible differences in repair processes observed in long incisor area, 300–500 N in the premolar region, and
bones are actually due to the embryological origin 500–700 N in the molar area. Electromyographic inves-
8 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
tigations have shown that the masticatory musculature including vascular and nerve damage, soft tissue contu-
is activated in a more or less symmetric fashion, even sion, and other injuries.
when the load in the occlusal plane acts asymmetrically. Concomitant injuries may include nerve damage
The values found during normal mastication are usually (mandibular, infraorbital, optical, facial nerves), and
much smaller, amounting to only a fraction of the max- vessels. Due to a rich network of collaterals, however, the
imum biting force. latter does not pose severe problems to the blood supply
In the case of a fracture in the angle of the mandible, of the region. Even lethal complications may result from
70 mm distant to the incisors, and a biting force in the dramatic blood loss through an injured maxillary
incisor area of 300 N, a moment (force times lever arm) artery. Penetration of the skin or the mucosa, in contrast
of approximately 20 Nm would result. The higher loads to the situation in long bones, is unproblematic in the
in the premolar or molar region, combined with the cor- cranio-maxillo-facial area.
respondingly shorter lever arms, result in similar values The vascular situation in the mandible is to some
for the moment. Additional torsional components must extent comparable to the situation in a long bone. The
be considered the greater the load deviates from the cortex reaches a certain thickness, and if the intracorti-
midline. cal circulation is interrupted, a corresponding delay
Assuming the mandibular body to have a height of must be expected until the blood supply has been rees-
30 mm, and muscle forces to act symmetrically, a unilat- tablished. In contrast to long bones, however, closed
eral fracture must still bear 10 Nm of this moment. This muscle compartments do not pose a problem in the
means that under maximum loading conditions, and skull. In the midfacial and cranial region the bony walls
provided that the fragment ends are in contact, an are thin; they frequently remain attached to the sur-
implant placed at the cranial border of the mandible and rounding soft tissues. Experience in cranio-facial sur-
its anchoring devices must still be able to resist a load of gery reveals that even if the soft tissues are stripped, the
more than 300 N. connection to circulation recovers rapidly. Thus the sus-
ceptibility to infection is minimal, and the tendency for
healing is good.
1.3.3 The Fracture In summary, the fracture event leaves us with an
interrupted force transmission in the involved skeletal
The skeleton provides a rigid frame for physical activity parts, with an interrupted blood supply inside the bone,
and for the protection of soft organs. The basic require- and with a more or less disturbed circulatory situation
ment for optimal function is adequate anatomic shape in the environment of the injured bone, whereby the
and stiffness (i.e.,resistance to deformation under load). nutritional problem is by far not as severe as in a long
Fractures are the result of mechanical overload. Within bone.
a fraction of a millisecond the structural integrity and
thus the stiffness of the bone can be interrupted. The
shape of the fracture depends mainly upon the type of 1.3.4 Biological Reaction and Healing of Bone
load exerted and upon the energy released. Torque
results in spiral fractures, avulsion in transverse frac- Healing is defined as restoration of original integrity.
tures, bending in short oblique fractures, and compres- Clinically this goal is reached when the bony structures
sion in impaction and in higher comminution. The lat- can resume their full function, even if on a microscopic
ter mechanisms are encountered principally in cancel- level the structure of the bone has not yet reached the
lous areas and in shell-like structures as they are found appearance of an unaltered bone. For successful healing
in the cranio-facial area, where the honeycomb design minimal requirements of both a mechanical and a bio-
acts as a shock absorber. logical nature must be met. Biologically the healing pro-
The degree of fragmentation depends upon the cess depends on the presence and appropriate function-
energy stored prior to the process of fracturing; thus ing of cells that are able to participate in the various
wedge fractures and multifragmentary fractures are phases of the healing process. These cells must reach the
associated with high energy release. In this context the site of repair, and their activities must be supported by
rate of loading plays a role. adequate nutritional supply. A sufficient blood supply is
A special phenomenon is the implosion which occurs therefore a primary prerequisite. Biological events in
immediately after disruption. Such an implosion is fol- fracture healing at any time are strongly affected by the
lowed by marked soft tissue damage due to cavitation, mechanical boundary conditions. Biological reactions
comparable to the damaging mechanism in a gunshot in turn may affect the mechanical environment.
wound. Thus in addition to the disruption of the intra- The situation at the onset of fracture healing is char-
cortical blood vessels, the vascular damage is extended acterized by the intracortical blood supply to the frag-
into the neighboring soft tissue regions. This damage is ment ends being interrupted by the fracture trauma, by
then superimposed to the direct action of the trauma, an injured soft tissue bed, and possibly by damage to
1.3 · Fractures in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Skeleton 9
major afferent or efferent vessels. Depending on the characteristic for minimal strain, or the healing via a
local situation and the fracture pattern, intracortical cascade of tissue differentiation which is observed
perfusion of the fragment ends is interrupted over a dis- under interfragmentary motion. This can be attributed
tance of several millimeters. Surgery then may produce to the fact that the degree of immobilization changes
additional trauma. with time, and that even in the same fracture different
As a reaction to disturbed blood supply, a process of strain conditions may be present (Fig. 1.4). At one site
internal and surface remodeling of the affected bone the conditions for direct remodeling across the fracture
begins; the first traces of resorptive activity may become plane could be met primarily, produced by full immobil-
visible 2–3 weeks after injury. During this remodeling ization of the fracture by the implant, or secondarily
process nonperfused bone is replaced by new vital bone. when callus has bridged at other sites which would then
In parallel, beginning as early as the end of the first provide the conditions for remodeling across the frac-
week, new bone formation is observed predominantly in ture only at a later stage. The simultaneous occurrence
the subperiosteal region. The further course of the entire of both patterns is also possible when the mechanical
healing process is then determined by an interrelation- conditions within the same fracture vary. Then at one
ship between mechanics and biology. site immobilization is sufficient for direct union while at
Simplistically, only the healing patterns under the other sites interfragmentary motion determines a heal-
two mechanical extremes are described, namely abso- ing pattern with resorption of the fragment ends and a
lute immobilization of the fracture and full range of union via a differentiation cascade.
interfragmentary motion, ignoring that the situation After complete immobilization of the fracture plane
may be different at different sites and may change with the radiological aspect of a healing fracture differs from
time. the conventional appearance in which the progress of
Under interfragmentary motion the tissues are con- healing can be judged by the amount of callus formed.
tinuously torn and squeezed. The tolerance of various The fracture is barely visible after a perfect alignment.
types of tissues to deformation differs, being high (up to After internal remodeling has begun, there is a gradual
100%) for connective tissue, much lower for cartilage reduction of radiological density in the fracture area
(10%–15%), and lower still for bone (2%). Tissue can be which is due to the internal remodeling activities. With
assumed not to form under circumstances that would time the fracture site appears increasingly diffuse in the
not allow its existence. If minimal deformation exists radiogram and gradually disappears. It is difficult to
from the start, the conditions are met for the formation determine from the radiological appearance when func-
of bone. These are the conditions which allow the osteo- tion can be allowed again. Experience shows that the
clasts, as a cutter head, to drill their canal across the remodeling of a mandible to full load bearing and plate
immobilized contact zone, and the newly formed oste- removal requires 4–6 months, a shorter period than in
ons to link the two fragments together. This process is long bones, with a recommended period to implant
called direct or primary bone union. Smaller gap areas, removal of 1.5 years in the tibia and 2 years in the femur.
when immobilized by neighboring contact zones, still In the midfacial and cranial regions the healing process
permit direct lamellar ossification inside the gap. In is even faster. Here bony fixation of fragments may be
larger but still immobilized gaps woven bone formation observed even after 1 month. This is due to the excellent
in a first step subdivides the space; the smaller compart- circulatory conditions in this region of the body and to
ments produced by this subdivision are filled by lamel- the thin dimensions and the cancellous character of
lar bone in a second step. bone, allowing a more rapid recovery of interrupted
In the case of high interfragmentary motion, the blood supply. The healing of grafted bone follows the
strain in the fracture gap exceeds the level tolerated by same rules, with accessibility to circulation of the bony
bone, and ossification is not possible. Here one observes structures of the graft and the mechanical relationship
a tissue differentiation cascade from granulation tissue at the graft-host interface playing an important role.
to connective tissue, fibrocartilage, mineralized cartil- The current preference is to reduce the iatrogenic dis-
age, woven, and finally compact bone. Along this diffe- turbance of blood supply to bone by designing implants
rentiation cascade there is a gradual increase in strength that interfere less with blood supply and by introducing
and in stiffness of these tissues, while at the same time more biology-friendly fixation techniques. These so-
the tolerance for strain is reduced. This brings about a called “bio-logical” plating techniques offer advantages
gradual reduction of motion and thus a reduction of especially in comminuted fractures, where additional
interfragmentary strain. This differentiation cascade exposure would result in the production of dead bone,
permits a consecutive tissue always to be formed under and in condylar fractures. For this type of treatment it is
the protection of its precursor. hoped that a certain compromise on the mechanical side
There are clearly various degrees of immobilization is compensated by the clear gain on the biological side
of a fracture. Even in the same fracture plane a certain by preserving vascular connection to the bony frag-
part may present the pattern of direct healing which is ments.
10 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
1.3 · Fractures in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Skeleton 11
Fig. 1.4
Stiffness of Fracture
delayed union
possible; direct contact between the fragment ends is restricted
to only small portions. The remainder consists of a gap of var-
ying width. Complete absence of interfragmentary motion is
possible only in contact areas and in gap zones in their close
vicinity. If this zone is completely immobilized, whether from
the beginning or as a sequel to bony bridging at other sites,
direct intracortical remodeling across the fracture plane may
take place at contact sites (a). In a first step small immobilized
gaps are filled directly with lamellar bone (b). Then secondary
remodeling (c) in the axis of the bone gradually leads to recon-
struction of the original integrity. This phenomenon of frac- 2 4 6 8 10 weeks
ture healing without intermediate steps of tissue differentia- Healing Time
tion is called direct, or primary, bone healing. Pure direct heal-
ing, an extreme healing pattern on the one side of the scale, Fig. 1.5
seems to be relatively rare.
The further away from the contact areas, the higher is the Fracture healing: recovery of mechanical function. Initially a
chance of interfragmentary motion of various degrees, and the healing fracture presents low strength and low stiffness. Dur-
gap is usually wider. The healing pattern in these zones is char- ing approximately the fourth to sixth weeks a dramatic change
acterized by resorption of the fragment ends, callus formation, in mechanical properties occurs towards the properties of nor-
and interfragmentary ossification via a cascade of tissue diffe- mal bone. In an undisturbed situation mineralization across
rentiation. This leads to a gradual immobilization during the the fracture plane takes place at this time. If the loading of the
healing process. This pattern, found on the other extreme of mineralizing fracture does not exceed certain limits, healing
the scale, is frequent. Intermediate stages, for instance, the sub- proceeds normally. Undue loading of such a uniting fracture at
division of a wide gap by the formation of woven bone (d), may a critical moment may disturb the mineralization process and
be observed between the two extremes. lead to a delay in bony union, or, if compensatory healing
At a specific phase during the healing process it may happen mechanisms fail, to a nonunion.
that some sites of the same fracture are under relative motion
while others become immobilized. Thus in a single fracture it
is possible to observe a broad spectrum of different healing
patterns. As a routine, however, only a narrow band from the Potential complications in fracture healing include
full range of healing patterns reflects the situation of that spe-
infection,refracture,delayed healing,nonunion,implant
cific fracture.
failure, and implant loosening. Some of these complica-
tions are related to the use of implants, and some are
more general phenomena in fracture healing.
Over the past decade distraction osteogenesis has Due to the rapid healing in the cranio-maxillo-facial
been very popular for lengthening procedures in long region the bone regains sufficient strength very early. In
bones and in bone segment transfer, and it is now gain- contrast to the situation in long bones, in the cranio-
ing increasing importance in the cranio-maxillo-facial maxillo-facial area a refracture does not occur without
field. During distraction woven bone forms in the dis- adequate trauma.
traction gap. The speed of distraction must be high The flora in infection may include both aerobic and
enough to prevent bony bridging, and slow enough to anaerobic germs, and Aspergillus and Actinomyces.
permit the differentiation to bone. A total amount of Infection generally begins when the soft tissues are
1 mm per day, in one to four steps, has been found to be severely damaged, and perfusion to the bone and its sur-
adequate. Under continuous distraction the daily dis- rounding tissues is interrupted. An open wound alone,
traction distance can be approximately doubled, which in the skin or in the oral cavity, with implant exposure,
means that the overall treatment time can be corre- does not necessarily mean that a deep infection will
spondingly reduced. ensue.
Efforts at pharmacological enhancement of healing Nerve injury may be due to the original trauma, for
by systemic or regionally applied substances, osteody- instance, in mandibular fractures. Since it cannot be
namic agents, cytokines, hyperbaric oxygen, or physical excluded that surgical procedures further compromise
stimulation, for example, by electric, magnetic, or ultra- nerves, it is very important that the neurological situa-
sound effects have shown varying degrees of success in tion be described prior to surgery in order to avoid non-
experimental settings. These methods have not yet justified claims.
matured to a stage at which they can be considered for Healing is considered to be delayed when the union
general clinical application. takes clearly longer than the expected duration, for the
12 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
midface more than 4–6 weeks (Fig. 1.5). With the man- ∑ Fractures of the atrophic mandible in geriatric
dible, if little occurs within 12 weeks, one can expect patients
there to be a problem and must take some action. Dis- ∑ Infected fractures of the mandible.
covering a delayed union in conventional radiograms is
difficult, and not reproducible. Standardized, soft radio- Another absolute indication for internal fixation which
grams repeated at intervals can sometimes be investi- affects even the type of fixation is the patient’s inability
gated for changes. Once a nonunion or pseudarthrosis or unwillingness to cooperate. This is sometimes the
has developed, it does not require resection since the tis- case with elderly, mentally retarded patients, alcoholics,
sue in a nonunion represents only an early stage of tis- and drug addicts. The first and most important reason
sue differentiation, and the only problem is too excessive for adequate internal fixation must be the immediate
a strain to permit mineralization of the moving fracture restoration of form and function, the relief of pain, and
gap. The use of a stiffer and stronger implant, for exam- the avoidance of late sequelae. Socioeconomic factors
ple, a reconstruction plate of any type, would allow the such as short hospitalization time and early return to
further progress of the differentiation process. work are of secondary concern but do play a role
Screw loosening, with subsequent loss of stability, depending on the economic situation, which may vary in
may be a source of complications. Monocortical screws different parts of the world.
lacking angular stability in the plate are especially prone Especially in polytrauma patients there is an absolute
to such complications. Other possible causes include and principal indication for early definitive care. In
insufficient numbers of screws, their inappropriate these patients surgery should be performed for all frac-
placement, and undue functional loading. Inadvertent tures simultaneously. Swelling is not a reason for delayed
stripping of screws during insertion, perhaps hidden treatment of facial fractures.
behind a higher moment with self-tapping screws, may Sufficient (adequate) stability is the safest protection
be problematic in a thick cortex; direct mechanical bone against infection and is more important than antibio-
damage can be induced by the insertion of non-self-tap- tics. Furthermore, stability prevents the collapse of the
ping screws into a pilot hole that is too narrow. reconstruction in traumatology and tumor surgery. In
orthognathic surgery internal surgery together with
precise planning helps to predict the result, but it cannot
1.4 Indications for Operative Treatment of Fractures prohibit relapse if the planning is not well coordinated
with pre- and postoperative orthognathic treatment.
Modern bone surgery aims at rapid recovery of form
and function. This must be the goal of every surgeon
treating craniofacial fractures and tumors with consec-
utive bone defects or performing osteotomies for the 1.5 Operative Reduction and Internal Fixation
correction of craniofacial deformities. The degree of
stability required in each situation depends on the frac- 1.5.1 Reestablishing Stability
ture pattern. Optimal, not maximal, stability is required.
Under these conditions undisturbed healing takes place, Fracture treatment in general strives for complete and
and the fixation is optimal or adequate.Absolute and rel- early recovery of skeletal function. Therefore solid, com-
ative indications can be defined for internal fixation in plication-free union in appropriate anatomical shape is
patients with facial fractures. The decision for conserva- the basic goal. The appropriate anatomical shape varies
tive or surgical treatment depends on the type and con- depending on site and character of the fracture. In an
dition of fracture and on the patient’s condition and sit- intra-articular fracture precise reconstruction of the
uation. It is an absolute precondition for surgeons using articular surfaces is a goal in its own right. Any incon-
internal fixation for fractures to understand conserva- gruity of the articulating surfaces gives rise to areas of
tive treatment first. high stress and thus promotes posttraumatic arthrosis.
Closed and simple fractures can well be treated with Fractures through the dentate regions require a precise
conservative methods, the simplest method being inter- realignment, as occlusion may otherwise be endan-
maxillary fixation for several weeks. gered, and fractures involving the orbit demand perfect
Functionally stable internal fixation is indicated for: reconstruction to avoid problems with vision. In addi-
tion, the esthetic appearance of the face, which is deter-
∑ Multiple or comminuted fractures of mandible and mined largely by its underlying skeletal parts, deserves
maxilla special attention. Early reconstruction of the normal
∑ Panfacial fractures anatomy generally offers the best prospects for optimal
∑ Defect fractures recovery of function and esthetics and is preferred to
∑ Wide open fractures “tolerable malalignment” which requires corrective sur-
∑ Dislocated midface fractures gery at a later stage.
1.5 · Operative Reduction and Internal Fixation 13
The general goals of operative treatment include the Stainless Steel
early anatomical reduction of fracture fragments, main-
taining their position after reduction, and guaranteeing Stainless steel consists mainly of iron (62.5%), chro-
union in the desired position. Completely immobilizing mium (17.6%), nickel (14.5%), and molybdenum
the fracture requires that the means of fixation act (2.8%) and further components in minor amounts. The
directly at the fracture site. These fixation devices must implant quality of 316L stainless steel meets the metal-
neutralize the loads occurring under everyday func- lurgical requirements established by the American Soci-
tional requirements in a specific situation. To obtain ety of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Interna-
appropriate stability one must therefore consider the tional Organization for Standardization (ISO). Two
personality of the patient, type and site of the fracture, grades of carbon contents and four grades of cold work
soft tissue conditions, and many other boundary condi- are defined from annealed to extra hard. For AO/ASIF
tions which can affect the outcome. In selecting an maxillo-facial implants steel was the metal of choice
appropriate implant it is necessary to estimate the until 1986. Corrosion resistance and compatibility are
expected magnitude and duration of load for each spe- fair. Implant metals are protected from corroding by a
cific case.A special danger is underestimation of loading passive layer consisting of nonsoluble corrosion prod-
conditions, for instance, in collum fractures and frac- ucts. Corrosion is observed principally when one metal
tures in an atrophic mandible. While miniplates in the component frets against another metal component
horizontal ramus of the mandible can perform perfectly (fretting corrosion, Steinemann 1977).
when they are loaded in tension, their stabilizing func- Surgeons in many countries prefer not to remove
tion may be insufficient when they are placed at a site implant material. One of the reasons may be that the
subjected to varying types of load. In addition, the removal of up to 10 plates and 50–60 screws used in fix-
requirements for a fixation device change over time. ing facial fractures often means an additional major sur-
During a normal healing process bone takes over grad- gical intervention. For this reason the Maxillofacial
ually, and the implant is unloaded. If the healing process Technical Commission has decided to ask for implants
is delayed, the implant must take care of additional load, made of commercially pure titanium. Although tita-
and it may then undergo fatigue failure. nium is more expensive than steel, it may be more cost
After a fracture the transmission of compressive effective in the long run because of its favourable char-
forces can still take place across a fracture plane. The acteristics (no known allergies, no second intervention).
bone remains able to take over the compressive tasks,
and the implant must substitute for the lost tensile prop-
erties. This load sharing between the bone and the Titanium
implant allows implant dimensions to be used that are
much smaller than those necessary for the full loading Commercially pure titanium consists of titanium and
spectrum. In the case of a bony defect and in commin- oxygen. It is extremely insoluble and consequently is
uted zones a plate is loaded in bending. Sooner or later inert and biocompatible. Today it is available in grades
even a strong plate will fail in fatigue, since plates are not I–IV, combining high strength and ductility. The basic
designed to cover a prosthesis function permanently. differences in grades lie in their oxygen content. All cra-
Under such conditions the bone regeneration must be nio-maxillo-facial implants are available in titanium.
monitored carefully, and active intervention is required Only the 2.7 line (screws and implants) is still available
if the healing process does not proceed in the expected in steel.
way. Severe trauma of the facial skeleton may require a
great number of screws and plates, and titanium
implants are therefore preferable because they can be
1.5.2 Implant Materials left in place.According to Steinemann (1988) the body is
saturated with titanium, and no additional soluble tita-
An implant material for fracture fixation must be strong nium can thus become active. In contrast to steel and its
and ductile, adaptable to fit the bone surface, and bio- components, pure titanium is physiologically inert, and
compatible. Today one uses principally metals such as its unmatched tissue tolerance has been scientifically
stainless steel, chromium-molybdenum alloys, or com- and clinically proven. Titanium has a high corrosion
mercially pure titanium. Except for a short period in the resistance due to the spontaneously forming thin oxyde
early 1970s when soft titanium was used, the metal of layers on the surface which guarantees that the material
choice of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery was stainless behaves passively.
steel until approximately 1986. For the maxillo-facial The golden color of AO/ASIF titanium implants is
field, however, titanium is now almost exclusively the due to the anodizing process. A variety of colors can be
material of choice. produced, depending on the thickness of the oxyde film.
No accompanying corrosion is observed even in cases of
14 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
unstable internal fixation with tissue stained dark by criteria are less important at sites of easy access in out-
pure titanium abrasion particles (O. Pohler, personal patients in whom the procedure can be performed
communication, 1988). Pure titanium and its wear prod- under local anesthesia.
ucts behave passively and provoke neither toxic nor There are a whole series of criteria which favor
allergic reactions. AO choose not to add alloys to pure implant removal, related to both the patient’s concerns
titanium in order to preserve its excellent biocompat- and medical considerations. Patients may request that
ibility. Implants of titanium alloys are available only for the implant be removed for cosmetic reasons when it is
special high-strength indications outside the maxillo- shining through thin skin. A general feeling of distur-
facial area. bance may be caused by subacute complications includ-
ing chronic infection, compatibility problems, and aller-
gic reactions. If the implant is at a prominent location, Biodegradable Polymeric Materials such as the eyebrow region, it may lead to mechanical
problems, for instance, in impact sports, and in cold cli-
Since it is generally desirable for no foreign body mate- mates an implant immediately underneath the skin can
rial to remain, efforts are being made to develop biode- increase sensitivity to coldness. Problems with dentures
gradable materials. However, biodegradable polymeric in the upper and lower jaws may also encourage implant
materials are not yet available for use with conventional removal.
techniques of internal fixation which dissolve after a Complications such as screw loosening, implant fail-
certain period in the body, and which combine adequate ure, and infection very often require surgery. If screws
strength, ductility, maintenance of compression and loosen before the fracture unites, restabilization is
degradability, and lack of tissue reaction. A search has needed. An argument for removing loose screws is the
been going on for biodegradables and ceramic material chance of their migration to undesired sites. Infection in
especially for surgery of the facial bones. A decade ago the presence of an implant is not necessarily a reason for
we expected to be using mainly biodegradable material removing the implant. If the fixation is considered to be
by now. For many reasons, however, including stiffness stable, an implant can be left until the fracture is com-
of the material, bending characteristics, and especially pletely united since controlling an infection is easier
the unfavorable characteristics of late resorption this under conditions of stability; the implant can be
has not come true. While adequate biodegradable removed later when the bone has united. Wound con-
implants are not yet available for fracture fixation in tamination is not a contraindication for the placement
highly loaded areas or defect reconstruction, it seems of an implant since stability helps in fighting infection.
that for the fixation and reconstruction of midfacial If an infected internal fixation is unstable, implant
walls (especially orbital walls) resorbable implants will removal and restabilization are mandatory.
be available in the near future. Resorbable implants are The materials used in implants for fracture fixation
especially desirable for bone surgery in children because have proven their biocompatibility. Stainless steel, how-
of the danger of implants being displaced through the ever, contains components that may be problematic if
growth and bone apposition of the growing facial skele- released from the alloy. This can happen when implants
ton. On the other hand, one must be sure that the pro- fret against each other, which leads to destruction of the
cess of resorption does not disturb the growth process. oxide layer on the surface of the implants. In this context
allergic reactions deserve special attention. It has been
shown that up to 20% of certain populations are sensi-
1.5.3 Implant Removal tive to nickel, a major constituent of stainless steel. The
occurrence of severe allergic reactions is an indication
In treating fractures the function of the implant extends for replacing the steel implants with their titanium
only so long as is required for the affected bone to equivalents.
acquire enough strength to resist the corresponding In children implant removal is advocated not primar-
functional loads. Thereafter, in the case of nonresorb- ily for growth disturbance but rather for their possible
able materials, the options exist of removing the translation by drift phenomena. As long as major
implants or leaving them without function. No general growth must take place, there is a chance that these
recommendations can be given for implant removal, and growth mechanisms can lead to an intracranial dis-
the pro’s and con’s must be balanced in each individual placement of the implants. Plate removal remains an
case. issue in pediatrics in view of the long life expectancy of
An argument against removal is that this would mean very young patients, and the lack of knowledge about
an additional surgical intervention, with additional the very long term outcome.
costs, a risk of damaging important structures (e.g., The major function of an implant during the healing
nerves) during the procedure, an additional, but minor, process is the mechanical protection of the fracture site.
risk of infection, and the hazards of anesthesia. These A frequently mentioned indication for implant removal
1.5 · Operative Reduction and Internal Fixation 15
is their adverse stress protection effect. Experience with bone or implant to bone. The effect of compression is
heavily loaded long bones of the lower extremity shows twofold: it produces preload in the fracture plane, and it
that this aspect is of only minor concern unless extreme acts by increasing interfragmentary friction. Thus the
amounts of hardware are used. It cannot be denied that fracture remains immobilized as long as the axial pre-
a fractured bone treated by implants placed directly on load is higher than the tensile loads produced by func-
the bone surface undergoes a remodeling in the vicinity tion, and as long as the interfragmentary friction pre-
of the implants, and that a first step in this remodeling vents displacement by shear forces. In bone the com-
process consists of temporary porosis. This process pression may be maintained over a period of several
takes place during the first few postoperative months, weeks to several months, usually long enough to allow
and it is located in the zone where blood supply to the for a bony connection between the fragment ends.
bone was disturbed. A remodeling of bone underneath Compression is no absolute precondition for undis-
the plates and around the screws soon leads to an adap- turbed healing, but in specific applications it means
tation of the bone structure to the new loading condi- more safety and includes a biological and mechanical
tions. This porosis is completely absent when intracorti- advantage. Biologically compression means undis-
cal circulation is preserved by using circulation-friendly turbed healing because it guarantees absolute stability
implants and implantation techniques. even under the condition of function. Mechanically it
allows load sharing between bone and implant. Under
these conditions the implants for the osteosynthesis can
1.5.4 Principles of Stabilization be smaller than in load-bearing osteosynthesis where
larger and thicker plates are necessary. Compression Splinting provides a maximum strength with a minimum of fixa-
tion material.In the facial skeleton compression for frac-
Splinting consists of connecting a more or less stiff ture fixation is applicable only in noncomminuted, sim-
device to the fractured bone. This device reduces the ple fractures of the mandible; occasionally it may be use-
mobility of the fracture in proportion to the stiffness of ful at other locations.
the splint-bone composite but does not aim at com- When resorption at the fragment end has taken place
pletely abolishing fracture mobility. (late surgery, infection) compression cannot be used.
External splinting seeks to reduce the fracture frag- In the maxillary area, because of the thin bones, com-
ments without surgical intervention. Such external pression can rarely be applied. On the other hand,
splints may be fixed to the teeth or applied to mucosal or because of the different type of functional load (static)
skin covered surfaces. Under these conditions there is there is almost no need for compression in the midface
always a soft intermediate structure, either periodon- area.
tium or soft tissues, and forces are not directly transmit- In some areas, such as the zygomatico-frontal suture,
ted from the splint to the bone. As a consequence a cer- the root of the zygomatic arch, and sagittal fractures of
tain mobility at the fracture site remains. Under most the palate, compression with lag screws may guarantee
circumstances this mobility does not interfere with the the repositioned position of the fracture with small and
healing process, but it cannot be guaranteed that the few implants only. Compression osteosynthesis can be
initial alignment of the fragments will be maintained to performed either with compression plates or with lag
its full extent until the bone has united. screws.
In internal splinting the stabilizing devices are fixed
directly to the fracture fragments, with the bone- Compression with a Plate. The special geometry of the
implant complex still allowing for some interfragmen- plate hole (Fig. 1.6a–c) together with eccentric place-
tary motion. Internal splints usually lead to more reduc- ment of the screw (Fig. 1.6d) allows interfragmentary
tion in interfragmentary motion than external splints. compression in an axial direction when the screw is
Wire sutures or flexible plates are among the devices driven fully into the screw hole (Fig. 1.6e,f). The screw
that are considered to act as internal splints. External hole is a section of an inclined and horizontal cylinder
fixators, having internal and external components, that permits the downward and horizontal movement of
belong to the same category of fixation devices in terms a sphere, the screwhead (Fig. 1.6c). As soon as the screw
of their functional effect. head arrives at the outer rim of the plate hole, it meets
the intersection of the inclined and horizontal cylinder.
The screw head then makes the spherical contact in the Compression plate hole and glides horizontally towards the opposite
(inner aspect) of the plate hole. Since the screws also
The use of compression is an elegant method to exclude engage the bone, they move the bone inwards towards
interfragmentary motion. Compression fixation con- the fracture line. Only one screw on each side of the frac-
sists in pressing together two surfaces, either bone to ture line should be placed eccentrically (Fig. 1.7a–c).
16 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
a b c
d e f
If the fracture was preloaded before the first two Fig. 1.8 a–c
screws were placed, tightening of the screws causes axial If a plate is correctly overbent (a), the inner screws should be
compression. The other holes of a plate should then be placed first (b). If the outer screws are placed first, the fracture
in the cortex near to the plate may be opened because then the
loaded with screws in a centric (neutral) position. It plate may be too long in relation to the bone spanned between
should always be kept in mind that a plate acts eccentri- the outer screw holes. Depending on the strength needed, the
cally, and complete closure of a fracture results only additional screws are placed mono- or bicortically.
immediately underneath the plate while on the opposite
side a gap may result. Overcoming this tendency may
require a plate or splint to be used as a tension band, of the mandible (Fig. 1.9a), in chin fractures (see also
or slight overbending of the plate, as indicated in Fig. 3.4a,b), and in more complicated applications such
Fig. 1.8a–c, or combining the plate with an additional lag as the mandibular angle (see Fig. 3.20a).
screw across the fracture plane. Since all screws of the maxillo-facial set are fully
threaded, a so-called “gliding hole” must be drilled into
Compression with a Lag Screw. Any screw from the max- the first (near) cortex and a threaded hole into the sec-
illo-facial set can be used as a lag screw. In most ond (far) cortex. The first hole is overdrilled so that the
instances 2.4 or 2.0 screws are used as lag screws. The lag hole in the cortex has at least the size of the outer diam-
screw technique is used either for fracture fixation or for eter of the screw thread. A special drill guide is placed
the fixation of bone grafts. Ideally a lag screw should into the first hole to locate the second hole centrally in
cross the fracture plane at a perpendicular angle. Use of the far cortex. Thereafter the hole in the far cortex is
the lag screw technique in the mandible is ideal after a drilled to the diameter of the pilot hole. lts size is deter-
sagittal split osteotomy, in oblique fractures of the body mined by the size of the core of the screw. lf used with-
18 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
a b
Fig. 1.9 a, b
a Oblique fractures can be fixed very efficiently with lag b If no gliding hole is placed, and both holes are threaded, the
screws. A gliding hole (same size as the diameter of the fracture can be neither closed nor be compressed.
thread) must be drilled into the outer cortex. A thread hole
is made in the far cortex. As the screw is tightened (lower
screw) the fracture is closed and compressed.
Fig. 1.10 a, b
Compression with a lag screw and plate. b If no lag screw is used above an oblique fracture line, the
a If a lag screw in combination with a DC plate is used for fix- plate must be fixed first to the fragment which forms an
ation, the lag screw should be placed first. Thereafter the obtuse angle with the fracture; then as the screw in the oppo-
remaining screws must be placed in a neutral position. site fragment is activated (right) the spike of the opposite
fragment is driven against the plate.
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 19
Screw Drive
Head diameter
Cruciform recess
Thread pitch
Thread diameter
Screw tip
Fig. 1.11 flutes at the tip to facilitate penetrating the pilot hole and
Cranio-maxillo-facial screws are fully threaded. Except for 1.0 cutting their thread simultaneously (Fig. 1.11). While
and 1.2 emergency screws, they have an asymmetrical buttress fluted screws are thread cutting, nonfluted screws are
thread profile. Screw tips are either blunt or fluted. Nonfluted
screws are thread forming and have a higher torque whereas thread forming. In thick and solid bone it is advisable to
fluted screws are thread cutting and therefore self-tapping. place a thread with a tap before inserting the screw
Inset: In thin bone one must ensure that at least two threads because otherwise the torque during insertion may
engage within the bone. Screws should have a small pitch in become too high, and the screw may break. On the other
these instances. hand, 2.7 screws and the 4.0 screw for the THORP system
are blunt screws that require a pretapped hole. All the
other screws from 1.0 to 3.0 can be used in a self-tapping
device, which uses an additional locking screw, has a manner, and most have flutes.
special recess.In the future a star drive may gain increas- Another major difference between screws is the man-
ing importance. ner in which they couple with the screwdriver. Two types
Screws are also differentiated by the manner in which of screwdrivers are available, those with a screw-holding
they are inserted in the bone (pretapped or self-tap- device (holding sleeve) and those which are self-retain-
ping), their function, and their size, according to the ing. These screws couple securely with the screwdriver,
thickness of bone for which they are intended. which completely obviates any screw-holding device on
While pretapped or non-self-tapping screws have the screwdriver (see Fig. 1.18a–f).
blunt tips, most self-tapping screws have two or three
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 21
Craniofacial Screws
Mandible Screws
Mandible Screws 2.0–4.0 (Fig. 1.13). Screw sizes for the Fig. 1.13
mandible vary between 2.0 and 4.0 mm. The pitch of the List of mandible screws.
2.0 screw for the mandible is 1.0 mm, in contrast to the
2.0 screw for midface application with a pitch of 0.6 mm.
The 2.0 and 2.4 screws have a cruciform drive, while the
2.7 screw has a hexagonal drive, and the THORP screw
has a special configuration for the application of the
locking screw.
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 23
a b
c d
length of the screw is measured, they can be inserted by Instruments for Screw Insertion
simply screwing them in. The pilot hole is somewhat
larger than the core of the screw. Because the screw must The instruments for screw insertion include drill bits
cut its own thread when it is inserted, it may encounter (Figs. 1.15, 1.16), drill sleeves (Fig. 1.17a,b), depth
considerable resistance, particularly in thick cortical gauges (Fig. 1.17d), taps (whenever necessary;
bone. In these instances, even if a self-cutting screw is Fig. 1.17e,f), and screwdrivers (Fig. 1.17g–i, 1.18).
used, it is better to use a tap before the torque resistance
becomes greater than the strength of the screw, which Drill Bits (Fig. 1.15).Various drill bits are available for the
then causes a fracture of the screw. In addition, resis- different types of screws in different lengths, with and
tance to screw insertion may interfere with the accuracy without stop, and with various couplings (correspond-
of insertion, particularly when the surgeon is trying to ing to different power tools). Drill bits correspond to the
insert the screw obliquely into bone to lag fragments core diameter of each screw for which they should be
together. It may be problematic to go in and out with used to place the pilot hole. They have either two or three
self-tapping screws several times. At reinsertion it may
happen that a second thread is cut accidentally on top of
the first thread in the bone. This new path which
destroys the earlier cut thread is disadvantageous and Drill bit a Coupling
may considerably lower the holding capacity of the
screw or lead to stripping of the screw.
The flutes in the tip areas of the screw reduce the Coupling
holding capacity of the screw in this area. This is espe-
cially disadvantageous when the screw is used in a lag Quick coupling
manner. Lag screws should either be blunt or their tip
2 mm longer than the depth gauge indicates
Studies show that in extremely thin cortical bone,
such as midfacial bones, self-tapping screws hold better Mini quick coupling
than non-self-tapping screws of corresponding size.
Non-self-tapping screws are clearly superior in cancel-
lous bone and in flat bones such as those of the man-
dible, skeleton, and pelvis. Stryker (J-Latch) coupling
Non-self-tapping screws with a blunt tip require pre-
g length
1.0 0.76 – –
1.3 1.0 – –
1.5 1.1 1.5 Optional
2.0 1.5 2.0 Optional
2.4 1.8 2.4 Optional
2.7 2.0 2.7 Standard
4.0 3.0 – Standard
Fig. 1.16 flutes. They should be used with drill guides of corre-
List of screws with corresponding drill bits for either threaded sponding size.
holes or gliding holes. Taps are either not necessary, optional, Care must be taken not to damage drill bits by con-
or indicated as for 2.7 or 4.0 screws.
tact with metal or to use unnecessary bending forces
during drilling. Irrigation is mandatory during drilling
to prevent heat damage to the bone.
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 27
f g
The thread diameter marked on the tap corresponds Fig. 1.18 a–g
to the screw size. Taps for 1.5 and 2.0 screws are used a Screwdriver with cruciform tip with holding sleeve and
with handle with mini-quick coupling whereas for 2.4, mini-quick coupling.
b Screwdriver with cruciform tip for 2.4 screws with holding
2.7, and 4.0 screws they match with those with quick sleeve and quick coupling.
couplings. c Screw attachment to tip of screwdriver with holding sleeve.
d Screwdriver with self-holding tip cruciform and mini-quick
Screwdrivers (Fig. 1.18). Screwdrivers with holding coupling.
sleeves and with self-retaining tips are available. For e Screwdriver with self-retaining tip and quick coupling.
f,g Screw attached to tip of screwdriver via self-holding tip.
transbuccal application they are used without a holding
sleeve (see Fig. 1.34c). Screwdrivers for 1.0–2.0 screws
are provided with mini-quick couplings; for 2.4 and 2.7
screws they have quick couplings.
28 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
Craniofacial Plates
Adaption plate 1.0/1.3/1.5/2.0
l left
l f L-Plate
l right
h Y-Plate 1.0/1.3/1.5/2.0 T-Plate 1.0/1.3 H-Plate 1.0/1.3/2.0
X-Plate Double Y-Plate Box or Frame Plate 1.3 Orbital Rim Plate 1.0/1.3/1.5
1.0/1.3/1.5/2.0 1.0/1.3
Fig. 1.19 a, b
1.6.2 Plates a Magnified view of round plate holes for cranio-facial plates.
b Cranio-facial plates are designed for the various screw sizes
in between 1.0 and 2.0. These are used mainly for the mid- Craniofacial Plates (Figs. 1.19, 1.20) face and cranial areas. Their thickness varies in between
0.5 and 0.9 mm.
The shape of plates for midfacial and cranial applica-
tions corresponds generally to adaption plates. They
have the form of X, Y, double-Y, H, T, L (left- and right-
curved for orbital rim), and straight plates. Their thick-
ness varies in between 0.5 mm (for the 1.0 system) and
0.9 mm (for the 2.0 system).
For special indications orbital floor plates, burr hole
covers or screen as a cover for cranial or other bone
defects are available.
Another special plate for the 2.0 system is the DC
plate which can be used at the lateral orbital rim area
and occasionally for pediatric mandibular fractures, as
a tension band plate for mandibular fractures, and for
fixing subcondylar fractures.
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 29
Craniofacial Plates
Orbital floor plate universal Orbital wall plate right Orbital wall plate left
1.0/1.5 1.0/1.3/1.5 1.0/1.3/1.5
Fig. 1.20
Special plate configurations (orbital floor plates, burr hole cov-
ers, screen, zygomatic DC plate).
Inset: Application of burr hole covers for fixation of cranial
bone after osteotomies or fractures.
30 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background Mandible and Reconstruction Plates If the plate holes of the reconstruction plates are sup-
(Figs. 1.21–1.28) plied with a thread, special 2.4 screws (UniLOCK screw)
with a second thread below their head can be locked in
Plates for mandibular fractures or defect reconstruction these holes.
vary in thickness from 1.0 mm (2.0 system) to 3.0 mm The same is possible with the specially designed but
(THORP system). The mini-mandible plates (2.0 technically more demanding THORP system (Fig. 1.27).
system) have round holes while the straight or crescent Both plates, THORP and UniLOCK, are fixed to the bone
plates for the 2.4 system have a bidirectional dynamic in a manner similar to an external fixator but much
compression unit (DCU) screw hole. The 2.4 fracture closer to the bone surface. Since these plates need not be
plates have a limited contact design (undercuts) to pressed against the bone surface, they are more circula-
reduce interference with the vascular supply of the bone tion friendly, while the angular stability of the screw in
when pressed against the surface of the bone (LC-DC the plate still guarantees sufficient stability.
Other special plates have notches at the edges. These
notches allow bending in all three dimensions; espe-
cially bending edgewise and twisting is possible. The
thinner and smaller variety is for special fracture situa-
tions (universal fracture plate; Fig. 1.24) while the
stronger reconstruction plate is used to stabilize defect
situations or comminuted zones (Fig. 1.25). Care must
be taken not to overload these implants as this entails
the danger of fatigue fractures. While universal fracture
plates can be used only in load-sharing situations where
the bone protects the plate, reconstruction plates can act
temporarily as load-bearing implants.
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 31
a b
Fig. 1.23 a, b
This special orthognathic plate (SplitFix Plate or Adjustable a Preliminary fixation before advancement of mandible.
Sagittal Split Plate) facilitates temporary and permanent fixa- b Situation after advancement. Definite fixation can now be
tion of the bone segments after a sagittal split osteotomy. It performed, with two additional screws in the distal frag-
allows intraoperative correction of the joint-bearing fragment ment.
without removal of the plate. The plate is used especially for
mandibular advancement procedures.
Fig. 1.24 a, b
Universal fracture plates for 2.4 screws. Their design is similar 2.0 2.3
to reconstruction plates, but they are weaker. They should be mm mm
used only in load-sharing situations. They must be protected
by bone. They can also be used for the fixation of microvascu-
lar grafts. Plate thickness: 2.0 mm.
a Straight universal fracture plates.
b Prebent angulated universal fracture plate for the left side.
c Plate/screw profile of 2.4 screw with Universal Fracture
32 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
d e
c d
3.0 3.2
mm mm
3.0 3.2
mm mm
36 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
c d
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 37
Fig. 1.30 a, b
1.6.3 Instruments (Figs. 1.30–1.34) a Plate cutting forceps for all plates from 1.0 to 2.0.
b Plate cutter for 2.4 plates and THORP reconstruction plates
(Shortcut™ 2.4/THORP). The device must be used in pairs.
Special instruments for correct and precise adaptation
of the plates onto the surface of the bone are necessary.
These include bending and cutting devices, which differ
in size for the various systems.
Difficult contouring of plates should be carried out
with the aid of separate malleable templates which can
be bent manually to the shape of the bone and are avail-
able for all mandibular plates and the 2.0 and 1.5 cra-
niofacial system.
38 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
Transbuccal Instruments
Fig. 1.33 a, b
Transbuccal instruments. For technique see Fig. 1.34a–c.
a Set of instruments for transbuccal placement of 2.0 or
smaller systems. As cheek retractor a ring or a blade is avail-
able. Sleeves are fixed to the handle via a thread.
b Set of instruments for transbuccal placement of 2.4 system.
As cheek retractor a ring or a blade is available.
1.6 · Design and Function of Implants and Instruments 41
42 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
Power Tools
e g
Power Tools
c b a
g f
c d
46 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
Fig. 1.38 a, b
a Compact 2.4™. A mandible system containing a reconstruc-
tion module and a trauma module. The system can be stored
in a small Vario Case™.
b Modules and instrument tray shown open.
The reconstruction module (above left) contains rigid recon-
struction plates 2.4, and the dimension-specific instruments
(drill bits, screwdrivers)
The trauma module (bottom right) contains Universal Frac-
ture plates 2.4, LC-DC plates 2.4, drill bits, and screwdriver.
The instrument tray contains the most necessary instru-
ments such as cutting and bending device, screwdriver han-
dles, drill sleeve, depth gauge, reduction forceps, and plate-
holding forceps.
1.7 · Set Configurations 47
a b
c d
Fig. 1.39
a The Craniofacial Modular Fixation System available on the c The Mandibular Modular Fixation System available on the
North American market contains one instrument and four North American market contains two instruments trays and
implant modules with the dimensions 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, and 2.0. two implant modules for all rigid internal fixation applica-
The set can be used for all fractures and orthognathic oper- tions in the mandible: trauma, reconstruction, and orthog-
ations in the midface and cranium. nathics.
b The instrument tray for the craniofacial modular fixation d The instrument trays for the mandibular modular fixation
system concentrates on the most necessary universal instru- system contains all universal instruments such as bending
ments for the application of the screws and plates in the dif- and cutting instruments, transbuccal instruments needed
ferent sizes. for the trauma and the reconstruction module
48 Chapter 1 · Scientific and Technical Background
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Chapter 2 51
Anatomic Approaches 2
Chapter Author: Joachim Prein
Contributor: Nicolas J.Lüscher
Good exposure to the fracture site is the key to anatomic Explanation of Abbreviations
reposition and stable osteosynthesis. Nerve or vascular
damage by surgical approaches to the bone must be BPI Blepharoplasty incision
strictly avoided. A careful neurological evaluation of CI Coronary incision
sensory (supraorbital, infraorbital, or mental nerve) and EBI Eyebrow incision
motor nerves (facial or occulomotorius nerve) is there- FA Facial artery
fore mandatory before operating on the patient. The FB Frontal branch of the facial nerve
most often damaged nerve is the marginal branch of the FLI Face lift incision
facial nerve during osteosynthesis of the horizontal FN Facial nerve
branch of the mandible. The open fracture treatment FSO Foramen supraorbitale
with osteosynthesis must include the careful planning of GI Glabellar incision
the skin incisions for optimal cosmetic and functional ION Inferior orbital nerve
results. LBI Lower blepharoplasty incision
For good planning of the skin incision it is important LCL Lateral canthal ligament
to have a wide exposure of the complete face during the LD Lacrimal duct
operation. The nasal intubation tube is fixed over the LEI Low eyelid incision
nose and the frontal midline in mandibular fractures. In LG Lacrimal gland
simple midface fractures the intraoral tube goes down- MA Malar arch
wards to the chest wall. In panfacial fractures different MB Marginal branch of facial nerve
routes for intubation may be necessary, such as nasal, MCL Medial canthal ligament
oral submental, and, exceptionally, tracheotomy, MCS Monocortically placed screws
depending on the local and individual situation. We MN Mental nerve
perfer to cover the gastric and the intubation tube with NLS Nasal lacrimal sack
a translucent, sterile sheet (e.g., Op-Site). OF Orbital fat
After the operation the wounds are usually drained SCI Subciliar incision
with Redon suction drains in a closed system using a SI Stab incision
small skin incision in the skinlines for better scarring of SL Skin lacerations
the drainage holes. The wound is always closed in layers, SM Submental skin fold
and the muscles are carefully adapted with resorbable SON Supraorbital nerve
suture material. For skin closure we use separate TCI Transconjuctival incision
stitches, 3.0 or 4.0 for the coronary approach (or sta- UBI Upper blepharoplasty incision
ples), 5.0 for the face and mandible, and 6.0 for the eye-
lids with monofil nonresorbable suture material.
Careful taping reduces the tension on the skin and
edema.All patients are taught to massage their skin inci-
sions starting 4 weeks after the operation, to apply pres-
sure, and to avoid ultraviolet light as long as the scars are
hyperemic and red.
Never forget that every patient considers the scars as
the surgeon’s signature.
52 Chapter 2 · Anatomic Approaches
Fig. 2.1
Lateral approaches to the facial skeleton. Skin lacerations (see Fig. 2.3, SL) may be used for the
Mandible: The lobule of the ear, angle of the mandible, and approach to fractures and can be extended into the direction of
mouth must always be visible during the operation to allow skin lines or combined with separate incisions.
perfect orientation for correct skinline incisions. Orbit and Zygoma: The subciliar incision (SCI) is the most
The modified face lift incision for the approach to the man- common exposure for the malar bone, inferior orbital rim, and
dibular joint turns around the lobule and can be extended orbital floor. The orbicularis muscle is separated in its fibers
downwards to the horizontal skin folds of the neck to allow 5 mm below to the skin incision.
exposure of the angle of the mandibula (FLI). The main stem Lower blepharoplasty incision (LBI) is less advisable
of the facial nerve may be damaged (FN) N during the osteosyn- because of the danger of postoperative ectropion, especially in
thesis of condylar neck fractures and should be, whenever pos- elderly patients. Too much traction on the skin margins during
sible, exposed. Careful use of the Langenbeck hook is manda- drilling must be avoided.
tory to avoid nerve damage. The skin extension of a transconjunctival incision (TCI) dis-
Exposure of the horizontal branch of the mandible follows inserts the lateral canthal aponeurosis and gives a very direct
the skin lines, which may cross the margin of the mandible or approach to the bone.
not. The marginal branch (MB) may overlap the margin of the The eyebrow incision (EBI) for the exposure of the lateral
mandible by 1 cm. Therefore after incising the skin the pla- orbital rim is nicely hidden in the hair, but we prefer the upper
tysma and fascia colli must be incised 1 cm below the skin inci- blepharoplasty incision (UBI) for a direct and very atraumatic
sion to avoid proximity to the nerve. If the facial artery (FA) is approach to the lateral and superior orbital rim.
dissected, the plane of the marginal branch is always above the
Chapter 2 · Anatomic Approaches 53
Fig. 2.2
Intraoral approaches to the facial skeleton. to raise up again posteriorly in the mandible. Therefore in the
All mucosal incisions are placed 2 mm above or below the horizontal area the screws must be placed very low to avoid
attached gingiva. To give good exposure, transmucosal nerve damage.
approaches must be very long. In the mandible care must be Intermaxillary fixation can either be via dental splints, with
N which perfo-
taken to avoid damage to the mental nerve (MN), the help of unicortically placed short screws (MCS), or with
rates the bone between and below the tooth roots 4 and 5. Prox- miniplates fixed with screws in the alveolar ridge of the max-
imal to the mental foramen the nerve canal goes down 2–3 mm illa and mandible.
54 Chapter 2 · Anatomic Approaches
Fig. 2.3
Submental approach.
Use of the submental skin fold (SM). The skin is separated from
the muscle to give way to the bone with minimal bleeding. Skin
lacerations (SL) can be included in the skin line incisions or
used as a second and separate approach.
Chapter 2 · Anatomic Approaches 55
Fig. 2.4
The canthal ligaments and the lacrimal system. The lacrimal duct (LD) and the nasal lacrimal sack (NLS) are
The medial canthal ligament (MCL) is a well-defined anatomic deep to the ligament and can most often be preserved. The lat-
entity with a very strong attachment to the bone. The bony eral canthal ligament (LCL) is not a ligament but a broad apon-
insertion point (BIP) of the medial ligament must be placed in eurotic structure. For exposure of the orbital cavity and floor
correct position during osteosynthesis. the lacrimal gland (LG) and the orbital fat (OF) are mobilized
via the subperiosteal plane.
56 Chapter 2 · Anatomic Approaches
Fig. 2.5
Anterior approaches to the facial skeleton. Lower blepharoplasty incision (LBI) may lead to postopera-
In all complex fractures of the midface the coronary incision tive ectropion. The low eyelid incision (LEI) gives a good and
(CI) is mandatory. The W incision of the skin margins respects direct view to the orbital rim, but the scar may be visible and
the hairline and can easily be sutured back at the end of the produce an eyelid edema.
operation. The plane of dissection is subgaleal and subperios- Most of the malar fractures include the intraorbital foramen,
teal, about 2 cm above the orbital rim. The supraorbital nerve therefore the infraorbital nerve (ION) N must always be shown
N must be identified and occasionally burried out of a
(SON) for decompression. Avoid nerve compression by an osteosyn-
small foramen (FSO). thesis plate.
Lateral dissection is deep on the temporal fascia to avoid The frontal branch (FB) of the facial nerve lays in the deep
damage to the frontal branch (FB) of the facial nerve, exposing subcutaneous layer and goes up to the frontal muscle about
easily the malar arch (MA). 1.5 cm posterior to the lateral canthus.
The glabelar incision (GI) either vertical or horizontal To approach the upper orbital rim we perform a lateral
exposes the root of the nose and can be used to place a nasal upper blepharoplasty incision (UBI), which leads directly to
bone graft with screw fixation. the zygomaticofrontal suture. The eyebrow incision (EBI) is an
Four incisions are possible to approach the lower margin of alternative. Lacerations can be included in the skinline
the orbit.We prefer either the subciliar incision (SCI) in the first approach to the orbit.
eyelid fold 4–5 mm below the rim that may be extended later- Stab incisions (SI) are cut in the skinlines for closed reduc-
ally up to 2 cm [cave frontal branch of the facial nerve (FB)!] or tion with the hook in malar fractures or for wound drains.
the transconjuctival incision (TCI) that may be extended
cutting the lateral canthus.
Chapter 3 57
Mandibular Fractures 3
Chapter Author: Wilfried Schilli
Contributors: Peter Stoll
Wolfgang Bähr
Joachim Prein
The aim of adequate internal fixation of facial fractures Age and Sex of Patient. Postoperative healing is gener-
including mandibular restoration of form and function ally better when the patient is young. This is also the case
with plates and screws is to provide for undisturbed with bone healing. On the other hand, elderly patients
healing under the condition of function and without any frequently exhibit diminished osseous density due to
period of intermaxillary fixation (IMF). It is therefore osteoporosis. The biting strength of young men is gen-
necessary to carry out an adequate fixation for each erally greater than that of women. The consequence is
individual fracture type. The question of how to per- that a more stable fixation device should be preferred in
form adequate fixation depends on the different fracture young men.
types, the general health and compliance of the patient,
and the timing of the operation. While one fracture can General Remarks. Medically compromised patients with
adequately be fixed with one miniplate only, another metabolic diseases such as diabetes, allergies, and hem-
fracture may have to be stabilized with a reconstruction orrhage and patients addicted to drugs must be treated
plate in order to be adequately fixed. In addition to these with particular caution. Metabolic diseases may affect
factors, the choice of fixation depends on the experience otherwise uneventful postoperative wound healing.
and judgement of the surgeon. When in doubt, it is Allergic reactions to titanium are not known.
always safer to select a stronger plate and screw or go for In addition, patients with cardiac or pulmonary dis-
a double plate fixation instead of a single plate fixation. eases may exhibit problems with general anesthesia.
Failures are almost always due to a misjudgement of the These patients should be treated under particular anes-
surgeon and not to the hardware. It is of utmost impor- thesiological care either in general or local anesthesia.
tance to recognize and understand failures in order to Psychiatric and neurological diseases (e.g., epilepsia)
provide for a safe and quick repair. do not allow IMF and require open reduction of the frac-
An absolute prerequisite is the ability of the surgeon ture.
to identify and secure the correct occlusion prior to
stable fixation of facial fractures with plates and screws.
During surgery intermaxillary fixation is a must. 3.3 Cost Effectiveness
Definition. Fractures of the symphysis and parasymphy- 3.11.1 Transverse Fracture Line Without Dislocation
seal area are those located in the anterior part of the (Fig. 3.1)
mandible between the canine teeth. They include the
area of the chin and the insertion of the anterior mus- At least three types of fracture fixation are possible:
cles of the floor of the mouth. Since these fractures are
often not dislocated, they can cause diagnostic prob- ∑ A dental splint including at least three teeth on either
lems. Clinically a sublingual hematoma may be the only side of the fracture in combination with a four-hole
symptom. Furthermore, especially in connection with miniplate (2.0) or a four-hole LC-DC plate,placed just
these fractures condylar or subcondylar fractures must underneath the apices of the tooth roots (Fig. 3.2).
be excluded. ∑ Two four-hole miniplates (2.0), fixed with monocor-
Radiographically the fracture can be hidden by the tically applied screws for the superior plate and
overprojection of the vertical spine. Clinically in dentate bicortical screws for the inferior plate. The superior
patients this type of fracture is considered an open frac- plate neutralizes the tensile forces (Fig. 3.3).
ture since the fracture line runs through the alveolus.
Fig. 3.1 Fig. 3.2 a, b
Transverse fracture of the symphyseal area without disloca- a Open reduction and internal fixation with a four-hole mini-
tion. plate (2.0) in combination with a dental splint.
b Open reduction and internal fixation with a four-hole 2.4
LC-DC plate in combination with a dental splint.
3.11 · Fractures of the Symphysis and the Parasymphyseal Area 61
∑ Two or three long lag screws that cross the fracture Fig. 3.3 a, b
line in a horizontal direction. These screws must gen- a Open reduction and internal fixation by using two four-hole
erally be longer than 20 mm. For an optimal place- miniplates (2.0). The superior plate must be fixed with
monocortically placed screws (as indicated in inset).
ment of the screw head the countersink must be used b A 19-year-old woman. Postoperative radiograph showing
(Fig. 3.4). Both screws are placed in the bone below two miniplates (2.0) in a symphyseal fracture. In this situa-
the tooth roots. tion the surgeon chose to apply a short two-hole plate super-
∑ Stronger plates such as reconstruction plates (Uni- iorly and therefore a longer six-hole miniplate inferiorly.The
LOCK or THORP) may be necessary when these frac- right subcondylar fracture was stabilized with a five-hole
miniplate (2.0), whereas the condylar fracture on the left
tures occur in combination with subcondylar frac- could not be internally fixed. Therefore IMF for 10 days with
tures or with panfacial fractures. elastics was used.
62 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
Fig. 3.4 a, b
a Open reduction and internal fixation by using at least two
horizontal 2.4 lag screws. The superior screw must be placed
within the external cortex in in order not to damage the
tooth roots (see inset).
b Postoperative radiograph showing two horizontal lag
screws. The splint was installed for intraoperative fixation of
the occlusion and postoperative functional treatment of the
subcondylar fracture on the left side.
3.11 · Fractures of the Symphysis and the Parasymphyseal Area 63
Fig. 3.5
Transverse fracture of the symphyseal area with dislocation.
Fig. 3.7 a, b
a Open reduction and internal fixation by using a four-hole
miniplate (2.0) and a four-hole 2.4 Universal Fracture plate.
b Fracture of the symphyseal area stabilized with a miniplate
(2.0) and an eight-hole 2.4 Universal Fracture plate. The two
inner holes have been left empty because of some bone com-
minution in this area. The stronger plate was especially nec-
essary because of this comminution and the loss of the left
lower incisor.
3.11 · Fractures of the Symphysis and the Parasymphyseal Area 65
a b
3.11.4 Comminuted Fracture (Fig. 3.9a) 3.12 Fractures of the Horizontal Ramus
The fragments are reduced by using a dental splint and Definition. Fractures of the horizontal ramus are those
IMF. Bridging of the fracture area is with a 2.4 recon- located between the canines and the last molar. Particu-
struction plate. Distortion of the main fracture ends lar attention must be given to the mental nerve. Both AP
must be avoided by using the plate holes in a neutral projection and orthopantomogram are mandatory since
manner. This is of great importance, especially in the type of fracture directs the surgical approach. In
patients with teeth. Care must be taken not to use screws dentate patients this type of fracture is always an open
too close to a fracture line. The thicker bony pieces may fracture since the fracture line runs through the alveo-
be fixed with screws to the plate (Fig. 3.9b,c). Stripping lus.
of the lingual periosteum is not advised in order to avoid
disturbance of the blood supply of the small bone Special Conditions Influencing Adequate Internal Fixa-
pieces. tion. The intraoral approach allows sufficient supervi-
Special attention must be given to the condylar area sion in the anterior part of the horizontal ramus. In the
since most of these comminuted chin fractures are posterior part a gap of both the inferior and the lingual
observed in combination with condylar or subcondylar aspects of the fracture cannot always be supervised via
fractures. Especially when bilateral or in combination the intraoral approach. An extraoral approach may then
with panfacial fractures, these fractures should be inter- be more appropriate. This is also a question of the expe-
nally stabilized, if anatomically possible. rience of the surgeon and is therefore his decision.
3.12 · Fractures of the Horizontal Ramus 67
a b
3.12.1 Transverse Fracture Line Without Dislocation This type of fracture requires wider surgical access to
(Fig. 3.10a) supervise reduction. Reduction is secured with a 2.0
miniplate in the alveolar crest (tensile area) or a tension
Two four-hole miniplates (2.0), monocortically applied band-splint. Fixation of the fracture in the inferior bor-
screws for the tension-band plate, and bicortical screws der with a 2.4 LC-DC plate (Fig. 3.11b,c). Overbending
for the plate at the inferior mandibular border are used in this area is less important than in the anterior part of
68 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
a b
the mandible. In stronger male patients the 2.4 LC-DC Fig. 3.11 a–c
plate may be too weak to withstand the functional forces a Fracture of horizontal ramus with dislocation.
and to close the lingual gap. In such cases a stronger 2.4 b Repair of a fracture of the horizontal ramus with a four-hole
miniplate (2.0) as tension band and a four-hole 2.4 LC-DC
Universal Fracture plate is advisable (Fig. 3.12). plate.
c Repair of a lateral fracture with a four-hole miniplate (2.0)
as tension band and a four-hole LC-DC plate.
70 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
d,e Pre- and postoperative X-rays of horizontal ramus fracture a Oblique fracture of the horizontal ramus. Repair with three
in edentulous area in a strong man. Fixation with a miniplate lag screws.
(2.0) in combination with a 2.4 Universal Fracture plate. b,c Pre- and postoperative X-ray of a severely dislocated
Most of the screws are bicortically placed. oblique fracture of the horizontal ramus. After open reduc-
tion adequate fixation with three 2.4 lag screws was
d Clinical example of an oblique fracture of the horizontal
3.12.3 Oblique Fracture Line With/Without Dislocation ramus in the premolar area. Typically, the fracture is hardly
visible on the OPT.
e Ideal stabilization in this case with four 2.7 lag screws.
Fractures with an oblique fracture line have a wide sur-
face and can therefore be fixed either only with lag
screws or a lag screw in combination with plates. If sta-
bilization with screws only is performed, three screws
should be placed (Fig. 3.13). The area underneath the
screwhead should be flattened, and therefore the coun-
tersink is used. If only two lag screws can be placed, a
combination of these lag screws with a 2.4 LC-DC plate
or a Universal Fracture plate is necessary, together with
a splint for tension-banding (Fig. 3.14).
3.12 · Fractures of the Horizontal Ramus 71
72 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
Fig. 3.14
Repair of an oblique fracture with one lag screw in combina-
tion with a 2.4 LC-DC plate at the lower border and a dental
splint as tension band. Note: placement of lag screw in inset.
The lag screw must be placed first and thereafter the remain-
ing screws are placed in a neutral position.
a b
mean weakening of the tension zone. In cases in which Fig. 3.17 a–d
removal of the wisdom tooth is advisable it should be a Transverse angle fracture without dislocation with fully
performed after fixation of the fracture with plates. retained wisdom tooth.
b Fracture repair with a single six-hole miniplate (2.0).
c,d Pre- and postoperative X-ray of fracture situation in a
young woman, as shown in a,b. The fully retained wisdom
tooth was not removed.
3.13 · Fractures of the Mandibular Angle 75
Fig. 3.18 a, b
3.13.1 Transverse Fracture Line Without Dislocation a Transverse angle fracture. Repair with a six-hole miniplate
(Fig. 3.17a) (2.0) at the superior border and a four-hole miniplate (2.0)
at the inferior border.
b Postoperative X-ray. Fixation of the nondislocated angular
One-plate fixation is possible using a 2.0 miniplate (four fracture with two miniplates (2.0). A six-hole plate for the
or six holes; two or three screws on each side) with tension band at the superior border and a four-hole plate at
monocortically applied screws, when necessary (area of the inferior border. Note: the wisdom tooth was not
tooth roots) at the area of the linea obliqua, but this kind removed.
of fixation cannot neutralize all the forces that may
occur during function (Fig. 3.17b–d).
Especially in men this fracture is better managed
using two 2.0 miniplates, one in the area of the linea obli-
qua and the second at the inferior border (Fig. 3.18).
Again, the plate should be fixed with bicortically placed
screws whenever possible. In stronger men it might be
necessary to use a 2.4 LC-DC plate with bicortical screw
fixation at the inferior border in combination with the
2.0 miniplate in the tension-band area (Fig. 3.19).
Fixation of the fracture is also possible using a single
lag screw in anteroposterior oblique direction (Fig. 3.20)
if the bone is strong and not osteoporotic. This tech-
nique, however, requires considerable experience on the
part of the surgeon since there is danger of damaging
the inferior alveolar nerve during drilling and tapping.
76 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
a a
Fig. 3.20 a, b
a Repair of a nondislocated transverse preangular fracture
with one single lag screw. The lag screw crosses the fracture
line in an anterior buccal to posterior lingual direction.
b b Clinical situation as shown in a.
Fig. 3.19 a, b
a Transverse angle fracture. Repair with a four-hole miniplate 3.13.2 Transverse Fracture Line With Dislocation
(2.0) as tension band and a four-hole 2.4 LC-DC plate at the (Fig. 3.21a)
inferior border.
b Postoperative X-ray showing the fixation of a transverse
angle fracture, as indicated in a. Strong male patient! This type of fracture shows damage of the periosteal and
the pterygoid/masseter “bandage.” Interposition of
muscle fibers makes the reduction more difficult. In
these cases a one-plate fixation using a 2.0 miniplate
might not be sufficient. An additional 2.0 (see
Fig. 3.18a,b) or 2.4 LC-DC plate (see Fig. 3.19a,b) is
placed at the inferior border of the mandibular angle.
Stronger patients require a 2.4 Universal Fracture plate
(Fig. 3.21b–d).
3.13 · Fractures of the Mandibular Angle 77
Fig. 3.21 a–d c Open reduction and adequate fixation of dislocated angle
a Angle fracture with dislocation. The muscle sling of mas- fracture with a four-hole miniplate (2.0) as tension band and
seter and pterygoideus pulls the proximal fragment crani- a six-hole 2.4 Universal Fracture plate.
ally. d Postoperative X-ray. Repair of a dislocated angle fracture by
b Dislocated angular fracture on the left side. Anterior-super- means of a four-hole miniplate (2.0) as tension band and a
ior dislocation of the proximal fragment because of the trac- six-hole 2.4 Universal Fracture plate. Note: the wisdom tooth
tion of the muscle sling is well visible. has been left in place.
78 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
a b
a b
Fig. 3.24 a, b
Postoperative X-ray after stabilization of a panfacial fracture.
The comminuted fracture of the right mandibular angle was
stabilized with miniplates (2.0) together with a prebent angu-
lated Universal Fracture plate. Note: stabilization of both sub-
condylar fractures with DC miniplates. Combination of mini-
plate fixation together with reconstruction plate for the chin
b fracture.
3.13 · Fractures of the Mandibular Angle 81
82 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
f g
Condylar fracture
High subcondylar fracture
Fig. 3.26
3.14 Condylar and Subcondylar Fractures Fracture classification according to Köhler.
Care must be taken not to use a plate that is too thin, as Fig. 3.27 a, b
this may lead to plate fracture (Hammer 1997). Regular a Internal Fixation of bilateral low subcondylar fractures with
miniplates that are ordinarily used for midface fractures DC miniplates (2.0).
b Postoperative X-ray after adequate fixation of bilateral low
are too thin. It is also important that there is room for subcondylar fractures with DC miniplates (2.0) in a panfa-
two bicortical screws on each side of the fracture cial fracture situation.
(Fig. 3.27).
In fully dentured patients with fractures of the base
of the condylar process, which may also be considered as
the ascending ramus, Universal Fracture plates for sta-
bilization may be advisable (Fig. 3.28).
3.14 · Condylar and Subcondylar Fractures 85
a b
3.15 Fractures of the Atrophic Mandible (Fig. 3.29a) 3.16 Infected Fractures (Fig. 3.30a)
Definition. An atrophic mandible shows resorption of Definition. Open fractures can generally be regarded as
the alveolar process.Atrophic edentulous mandibles can contaminated. Since fractures in the dentate area have
be extremely thin. The muscular forces acting upon the communication with the oral cavity, they are also
bone are incomparable to forces acting upon dentate regarded as open fractures.
mandibles. In fractures of the atrophic and edentulous Infections with clinical relevance show swelling,pain,
mandible functional load must be transmitted by using hyperthermia, reddening and secretion of pus. In the
a stable fixation device.In contrast to dentate mandibles, case of acute infection radiographic signs can be miss-
tension – neutral – and compression zones are situated ing. Chronic cases exhibit the typical signs of osteomye-
closely together due to the reduced height of the bone. litis.
Therefore only one plate can be applied, which should
counteract the masticatory forces and take over the Special Conditions Influencing Adequate Internal Fixa-
functional load. tion. Instability produces and maintains the infectuous
In addition to its reduced dimension the quality of process. In the case of inappropriate osteosynthesis and
the edentulous and atrophic mandibular bone must also screw loosening the hardware acts as a foreign body and
be taken into consideration. Osseous density is fre- must be removed. An osteosynthesis can be inappropri-
quently diminished due to osteoporosis. The bone is ate because of the wrong plate selection (too short, too
weak and fragile; screws can fail due to stripping of the weak) or loosening of screws.
bone threads. In very weak bone it is advisable to use the Osteosynthesis of an acutely infected fracture or
screws without pretapping. pseudarthrosis must be a safe procedure. Under these
Since atrophy occurs mainly in the area of the alveo- conditions absolute immobility is mandatory. Therefore
lar process and here especially in the lateral horizontal the 2.4 reconstruction system is recommended
branch, fracture management differs from that de- (Fig. 3.30). It is important not to place any screws into
scribed earlier in this chapter. In some instances screws infected bone. This area must be spared from insertion
can be placed only in the angular and chin areas. There- of screws. The reconstruction plate acts as a bridging
fore long plates must often be used. device. Large areas of infected or necrotic bone require
curettage and immediate cancellous bone grafting.
Procedure. If available, the prosthesis should also be Antibiotic therapy alone does not eliminate the infec-
used in edentulous patients for correct establishment of tion as long as the fracture is unstable.
the intermaxillary relation. The prosthesis can be fixed
temporarily with wires or screws to the jaw.
Since the plates must carry a full functional load, it is
recommended to use 2.4 Universal Fracture plates or
Reconstruction plates. Anterior fractures without com-
minution can be approached by an intraoral access,
whereas posterior fractures of the horizontal ramus and
comminuted fractures are subject to an extraoral
approach. The plate must be long enough so that the
screws do not need to be placed to very low or thin areas
of the mandible (Fig. 3.29). The rule is: The weaker the
bone, the stronger the plate must be.
Even if these elderly patients do not wear dentures,
one should not underestimate the functional load.
Fatigue fractures of miniplates are often observed and
are therefore not considered for fracture stabilization in
these instances.
88 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
a b
c d
90 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
b c
a Bridging osteosynthesis with 24-hole reconstruction plate a Diagram showing bilateral mandibular fractures in a 7-year-
from angle to angle after a wide open defect fracture of the old child.
mandible, due to a gunshot laceration. b Diagram showing stabilization of bilateral mandibular frac-
b The bridging plate was used for stabilization of both hori- ture in a 7-year-old child with 2.4 plates and screws.
zontal ramus and chin area. Although due to the soft-tissue c OPT showing fixation of bilateral mandibular fractures with
loss the plate could not be covered primarily, there was no 2.7 system. Today the 2.4 system, as shown in b, would be
problem with infection. appropriate. There is barely room to place these plates and
c Bone and soft-tissue reconstruction was performed later. screws at that young age.
d OPT showing the same patient as in c 5 years later. The plates
were removed 1 year after osteosynthesis. The X-ray shows
no tooth damage due to plate and screw placement, but due
to the fracture.
e Postoperative X-ray in a 8-year-old child. Internal fixation of
a paramedian fracture with a DC miniplate (2.0) because of
3.17 · Defect Fractures 91
a b
92 Chapter 3 · Mandibular Fractures
Definition. Fractures in mandibles of children occur in Alpert B, Anderson T (1992) Experience with rigid fixation of
either deciduous dentition, early mixed dentition, or late mandibular fractures and immediate function. J Oral Maxil-
mixed dentition. All types of fractures can occur. lofac Surg 50:555–561
Ardary WC (1989) Prospective clinical evaluations of the use of
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Special Conditions Influencing Internal Fixation. In early dibular fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 47:1150–1153
childhood the anatomic conditions for internal fixation Assael LA (1994) Treatment of mandibular angle fractures:
are generally unfavorable due to small dimensions, bone plate and screw fixation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 52:757–761
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alveolar nerve. Therefore as a rule mandibular fractures cadaver mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 50:46–49
in deciduous dentition and early mixed dentition are Bähr W, Stoll P (1991) Pre-tapped and self-tapping screws in
with few exceptions (2.0 miniplates) treated conserva- children’s mandibles. – A scanning electronic microscopy
tively. Only in late mixed dentition is the space for appli- examination of the implant beds. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg
cation of plates and screws sufficient. Here 2.0 or 2.4 29:330–332
Beckers HL (1979) Treatment of initially infected mandibular
plates can be used (Fig. 3.33).
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Indications for internal fixation in decidous dentition Cawood JI (1985) Small plate osteosynthesis of mandibular
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comminuted fractures with or without soft-tissue lacer- Champy M, Pape HD, Gerlach KL (1986) The Strasbourg mini-
ation. Another indication for internal fixation is in men- plate osteosynthesis. In: Krüger E, Schilli W (eds) Oral and
maxillofacial traumatology, vol 2. Quintessence, Chicago, pp
tally retarded children in whom intermaxillary fixation
is not feasible. Screws are applied monocortically if Chuong R, Donoff RB, Guralnick WC (1983) A retrospective
tooth buds or the mental nerve are endangered, and analysis of 327 mandibular fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
there is enough bony substance for the placement of a 41:305–309
screw. Generally, however, titanium screws and plates Dodson TB, Perrott DH, Kaban LB et al (1990) Fixation of man-
must not necessarily be taken out; removal of osteosyn- dibular fractures: a comparative analysis of rigid internal
fixation and standard fixation techniques. J Oral Maxillofac
thesis material in children seems advisable. Research Surg 48:362–366
results have shown, however, that titanium implants Ellis E (1993) Treatment of mandibular angle fractures using
most probably do not interfere with the growth of the the AO reconstruction plate. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 51:250
membranous skeletal bones. Due to the appositional Ellis E, Ghali G (1991) Lag screw fixation of anterior mandibu-
growth, plates may finally be completely incorporated. lar angle fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 49:13–21
Ellis E, Ghali G (1991) Lag screw fixation of mandibular angle
fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 49:234–243
Ellis E, Karas N (1992) Treatment of mandibular angle frac-
tures using two mini-dynamic compression plates. J Oral
Maxillofac Surg 50:958–963
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tures using 2.4 dynamic compression plates. J Oral Maxillo-
fac Surg 51:969–973
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Oral Maxillofac Surg 51:969–978
Ellis E, Walker L (1994) Treatment of mandibular angle frac-
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Hammer B, Schier P, Prein J (1997) Osteosynthesis of condylar
neck fractures: a review of 30 patients. Br J Oral Maxillofac
Surg 35:288–291
Hardt N, Gottsauner A (1993) The treatment of mandibular
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Chapter 3 · References and Suggested Reading 93
Iizuka TL, Lindqvist C (1991) Sensory disturbances associated Prein J, Hammer B (1990) Stable fixation of mandibular frac-
with rigid fixation of mandibular fractures. J Oral Maxillo- tures in accordance with the AO principles. In: Fonseca RJ,
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AO/ASIF method. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 21:65–69 ular fractures – basics of AO technique. Otolaryngol Clin
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dibular fractures. Does operator experience reduce compli- ein Problem des operativen Zugangs. Fortschr Kiefer
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lar fractures. Laryngoscope 95:1374 ular fractures. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 29:73–76
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plates. Am J Surg 154:384–388 gery. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
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Chapter 4 95
Craniofacial Fractures 4
Chapter Author: Paul N.Manson
Contributers: C.R.Forrest
P. Sullivan
lizes dentition.Alginate impressions of the dentition are 4.1.5 Upper Midfacial Unit
obtained and aid in the preparation of models or splints
that key any remaining fractures for an accurate reduc- Initially all fragments of the orbital rims including the
tion. The patient is then placed in intermaxillary fixa- superior, lateral, inferior, and medial segments are
tion. The occlusal relationship obtained is then com- linked with interfragment wires. In the upper midfacial
pared to the ideal as determined from an analysis of unit the nasoethmoidal area is reduced first as it is
dental models. In patients who are edentulous or par- important to secure a narrow intercanthal distance by
tially edentulous it is necessary to use the original den- tightening the transnasal wire (Fig. 4.1.5). This step is
tures for intermaxillary fixation (see Fig. 4.1.8). Special the most important procedure in nasoethmoidal frac-
attention should be paid to the presence of subcondylar ture reduction, as the wire links one medial orbital rim
fractures. If present, they may lead to errors in the trans- to the other. The nasoethmoidal area, reduced with
verse or vertical dimension. interfragment and transnasal wires, is then linked
Preinjury photographs can be helpful in establishing superiorly to the frontal bar reconstruction and inferi-
the facial dimensions to be achieved. They also docu- orly to the maxillary alveolus with stable fixation, a tech-
ment preexisting facial asymmetry. nique called “junctional” rigid fixation (see Fig. 4.1.5).
4.1 · Organization of Treatment in Panfacial Fractures 99
Fig. 4.1.5
The nasoethmoidal area should be reduced first by a transna-
sal reduction of the medial orbital rims performed superior
and posterior to the lacrimal fossa. Initially, all bone fragments
in the nasoethmoidal area can be linked with wires. Junctional
stable fixation then stabilizes the assembled nasoethmoidal
unit to the frontal bone superiorly, to the inferior orbital rim
(midface plates recommended) and the pyriform aperture
complex; Le Fort I level and orbital rim fixation stabilize a Initial alignment of the zygoma is achieved by positioning
the lower projection. Plates extending along the medial its five peripheral articulations. Positioning wires are placed
at the zygomaticofrontal suture, the inferior-orbital rim, and
orbital rim anterior to the canthal ligament produce an eventually the zygomatic arch.
unnatural thickness and should be avoided. b The arch is then reduced, holding the malar eminence for-
Stable fixation of the zygoma begins by exposing all ward, compressing the arch inward, which stabilizes midfa-
articulations of the zygoma with adjacent bones (see cial width and emphasizes anterior projection of the malar
Fig. 4.4.1). These are the zygomaticofrontal suture, the eminence.
inferior orbital rim, the zygomaticomaxillary buttress,
the zygomatic arch and the lateral and inferior internal
orbit. Placing wires in the zygomaticofrontal suture and zygoma at the inferior orbital rim and in the lateral
the inferior orbital rim provides initial positioning of orbit, must be checked for alignment, especially in the
the zygoma (Fig. 4.1.6). The zygomaticomaxillary but- naso-orbital-ethmoidal segment (see Sects. 4.3, 4.5).
tress is visualized to confirm approximate position. Next The zygoma is then stabilized with a midface or 1.3
the arch is reduced beginning with the intact segment plate at the inferior orbital rim in panfacial fractures as
posteriorly, holding the anterior arch segments in a flat the use of a microplate in this region is not sufficient for
reduction which emphasizes the anterior projection of cases in which nasoethmoid support is lost (see
the zygoma. If the most posterior fracture in the zygo- Fig. 4.1.5). When multiple segments of the inferior orbi-
matic arch is oriented sagittally, a lag or tandem screw tal rim are present, the segments are initially linked with
technique should be used, or perhaps the superior interfragment wires or with smaller microplates with
aspect of the glenoid fossa plated (see Fig. 4.4.6, insets 4 one loose screw in each segment. They should then be
and 5). A 2.0 midface plate is placed over the remaining held superiorly and anteriorly as stable fixation is com-
arch segments. Before arch reduction is begun, the pleted. The zygomaticofrontal suture is then reduced
4.1 · Organization of Treatment in Panfacial Fractures 101
102 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
horizontal mandible and stabilizes it in proper position ation point, and the plates may then need to be removed
in relation to the cranial base (projection). Open reduc- before a denture can be tolerated. Proper maxillary pro-
tion assists in supervising facial width at mandibular jection is confirmed only by relating the maxillary and
angles. mandibular alveolar ridges with temporary splints and
dentures. Maxillary buttress reconstruction is therefore
a guide for maxillary height, but not projection.
4.1.7 Linking the Upper and Lower Face
The lower and the upper facial units are then united at 4.1.9 Soft Tissue
the Le Fort I level by plating the four anterior maxillary
buttresses (see Fig. 4.1.5). Midface height and facial Current facial fracture reduction schemes emphasize
length are set by using an intact or an anatomically complete degloving of all bones by detaching soft tissue
reconstructed buttress as a guide. One or more but- and incising fascial layers. It is important when closing
tresses can almost always be reconstructed anatomically incisions to close or reposition attachments to the reas-
by piecing together existing fragments. In the absence of sembled craniofacial skeleton. Generally this is the best
a reconstructed buttress, lip-tooth position provides the performed by first closing the periosteum. The areas for
best clue to facial height. Old photographs may suggest periosteal closure are the zygomaticofrontal suture,
the correct lip-tooth relationship. inferior orbital rim, medial and lateral canthus areas,
The Le Fort I level fixation of the nasomaxillary but- periosteum over the frontal process of the zygoma, mus-
tress is the third area in which nasoethmoidal projection cular layers of the gingival buccal sulcus and mandibu-
is stabilized. The other two areas are the frontal bar and lar incisions, and incision in the temporal fascia for
inferior orbital rim. zygomatic arch exposure. Marking the edges of the per-
Buttress bone gaps exceeding 5 mm are grafted for iosteal incisions with sutures allows precise identifica-
both functional and esthetic reasons. It is currently our tion at the end of the case for periosteal closure. These
recommendation to bone graft defects in the anterior areas are illustrated in Fig. 4.1.9.
sinus wall (see Fig. 4.1.5) as this prevents prolapse of soft This approach emphasizes multiple areas of align-
tissue into the sinuses. Nasal bone grafting to improve ment for each fractured bone with the possibility of
the height in the nose or to smooth the dorsal nasal con- initial wire and final stable fixation. The important
tour completes the facial reconstruction (see Figs. 4.1.5, dimension is facial width. Control of facial width
4.2.5b,d). Nasal bone grafting is performed most accu- involves dissection to established cranial base land-
rately after the nasomaxillary buttress reconstruction marks; supervision of facial width in fact reciprocally
and anterior nasal spine stabilization of the septum have emphasizes facial projection. Control of facial width is
been completed. If the medial canthal ligaments have the most important first step in injury restoration and is
been detached, they should be reattached following possible only with extended approaches.
bone grafting of the medial orbit and nose to a separate
set of transnasal wires placed before the nasoethmoidal
reduction is completed. These are passed transnasally 4.1.10 Soft-Tissue Injury
posterior and superior to the lacrimal fossa and pulled
tight just prior to closure of incisions (see Sect. 4.3; The fundamental challenge in facial fracture treatment
Figs. 4.1.5, 4.3.3 b, 4.3.4b). is restoring the preinjury facial appearance and not sim-
ply linking together edges of bone at fractures. Defor-
mity following facial fractures results from both soft-tis-
4.1.8 Edentulous Fractures sue changes and from bone malalignment. Deformity of
both bone and soft-tissue significantly increases in the
In edentulous maxillary fracture treatment there is a presence of highly comminuted fractures, especially
tendency to avoid intermaxillary fixation and merely when they involve the upper midfacial and orbital areas.
align the four anterior maxillary buttresses. This tech- The contribution of blunt soft-tissue injury and soft-tis-
nique may overlook posterior displacement of the max- sue contracture to residual facial deformity has not been
illa despite what appears to be satisfactory alignment of emphasized in the literature on facial fracture. Contused
the anterior maxillary buttresses as the maxilla is not soft tissue heals with a network of internal scaring
related in anteroposterior dimensions to a properly whose configuration is dictated by the position of the
positioned mandible. If available, the original dentures underlying bone fragments. When soft tissue heals over
of the patient provide correct intermaxillary fixation malreduced fractures, shrinkage and contracture of the
(Fig. 4.1.8). If broken, these dentures may be repaired soft-tissue envelope occur. Scarring and internal rigid-
first. Plate and screw fixation in an edentulous maxilla ity occur in the pattern of the unreduced bone segments.
may require the use of alveolar bone as a stable lower fix- The internal scaring thickens soft tissue, opposing res-
104 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
4.1 · Organization of Treatment in Panfacial Fractures 105
4.1.11 The “Double Insult” to Soft Tissue References and Suggested Reading
Delayed reconstruction of facial fractures at 7–14 days Gruss J, Bubak PJ, Egbert M (1992) Craniofacial fractures: an
post injury results in a second soft-tissue injury by dis- alogorithm to optimize results. Clin Plast Surg 19:195–206
Gruss JS, MacKinnon SE (1986) Complex maxillary fractures:
section and incisions in healing areas of contusion and role of buttress reconstruction and immediate bone grafts.
hemorrhage. Two injuries are created: the initial injury Plast Reconstr Surg 78:9–22
and the surgical manipulation. Delayed treatment Gruss JS, MacKinnon SE, Kassel EE et al (1985) The role of pri-
creates a “double insult” to the already contused and mary bone grafting in complex cranio-maxillofacial trauma.
damaged soft tissue. This is especially harmful, causing Plast Reconstr Surg 75:17–24
Gruss JS, Pollock RS, Phillips JH, Antonyshyn O (1989) Com-
subcutaneous fibrosis. The skin, following delayed facial bined injuries of the cranium and face. Br J Plast Surg
fracture repairs, is more thickened, rigid, lusterless, red- 42:385–398
dened, hyperpigmented, and fibrotic than skin from Gruss JS, Van Wyck L, Phillips JH et al (1990) The importance
early injury repairs where the initial contusions, frac- of the zygomatic arch in complex midfacial fracture repair
tures, incisions, and dissection are all part of a single and correction of post-traumatic orbito-zygomatic defor-
mities. Plast Reconstr Surg 85(6):878–890
soft-tissue injury and recovery. Kelly K, Manson PN, van der Kolk C, Markowitz B (1990)
Accurate skeletal reconstruction requires anatomic Sequencing Le Fort fracture treatment. J Craniofac Surg
assembly and stabilization of the basic configuration of 1:168–178
the bone buttresses. Missing or unstable bone fragments Manson PN (1986) Some thoughts on the classification and
should be replaced with bone grafts and the existing treatment of Le Fort fractures. Ann Plast Surg 17:356–363
Manson PN, Glassman D, Van der Kolk C, Petty P (1990) Rigid
skeletal framework expanded with bone grafts, where
stabilization of sagittal fractures of the maxilla and palate.
required. The thorough reconnection of all buttress Plast Reconstr Surg 85:711–716
fragments must proceed from intact bone to intact bone Manson PN, Markowitz B, Mirvis S et al (1990) Toward CT-
and must be complete and accurate in three dimensions based facial fracture treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg
throughout the entire area of injury. Conceptualizing 84:202–214
Markowitz BL, Manson PN (1989) Pan-facial fractures: organ-
each unit of the facial skeleton in three dimensions and
ization of treatment Clin Plast Surg 16:105–114
emphasizing supervision of width, restoration of projec- Merville L (1974) Multiple dislocations of the facial skeleton. J
tion and correction of the facial height in each unit Maxillofac Surg 2:187–203
allows assembly of the whole skeleton based on a con- Rorich R, Shewmake K (1992) Evolving concepts of craniomax-
ceptually precise framework for bone reconstruction. illofacial trauma management. Clin Plast Surg 19:1–10
Performing the bone reconstruction early in compli-
cated facial injuries allows the most natural restoration
of the preinjury appearance to be determined by the
combined relationship of bone and soft tissue.
108 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
➊ ➋
4.2.3 a
4.2.3 b
Fig. 4.2.4
Le Fort III fracture with postero-caudal dislocation and ante-
rior open bite.
112 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures Diagnosis
b c
contact of the posterior molars, producing an anterior side (Fig. 4.2.8a,b). A similar situation may develop if a
open bite, as shown on preoperative diagram (Figs. 4.2.2, Le Fort I fracture occurs in conjunction with a zygo-
4.2.5a). Mandibulomaxillary fixation is mandatory in matic fracture. Care must be taken not to internally fix
the treatment of all Le Fort fractures so that the mandib- the zygoma in an inferiorly displaced position, or else a
ular ramus can be used to set the height of the posterior relative increase in vertical height exists in the maxilla
(pterygoid) buttress prior to internal fixation. If treat- on that side.
ment must be delayed, intermaxillary fixation alone pre- In the edentulous maxilla it may be necessary to use
vents many of the deformities of the untreated fractured the patient’s dentures or a Gunning splint to set the cor-
maxilla. rect vertical height of the face (Fig. 4.2.8c). If neither is
Care must be taken to ensure that no subcondylar available, anatomic buttress alignment may be followed
fractures are present prior to fixation, and that the man- by denture adjustment to account for minor occlusal
dibular condyles are seated properly in the glenoid discrepancies.
fossa. A unilateral open bite deformity may occur in In conjunction with occlusion, anatomic alignment
cases in which the buttresses are comminuted on one of the medial and lateral buttresses provides the key to
side only. Inadvertent subluxation or dislocation of the the restoration of midface vertical height and horizontal
temporomandibular joint inferiorly on the comminuted projection. Comminution of all four anterior buttresses
side may result in fixation of the lateral buttress with an is fortunately rare. It is typical that there is at least one
increased vertical height. The opposite buttresses are buttress in large enough fragments to allow for ana-
reduced and fixed anatomically. When mandibulomax- tomic assessment of vertical height. This buttress may
illary fixation is released, and the condyle repositions, be plated first (Fig. 4.2.9) and the bone fragments rigidly
premature contact of the comminuted side occurs, fixed onto the plate using a lag screw technique. The
resulting in open bite on the opposite noncomminuted other buttress heights are then set accordingly, and pri-
118 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
mary bone grafting may be performed (see Fig. 4.2.13). Fig. 4.2.9
If all anterior buttresses are so severely comminuted Le Fort I fracture with comminution of both medical and one
that correct midface height cannot be determined at any posterior buttress on the right. No comminution at left poste-
rior buttress, which therefore is stabilized first. The height of
of the buttresses, the surgeon may use the mandible to the remaining buttresses is set according to this reconstruc-
assess the appropriate anterior projection, and subjec- tion. Lip-tooth position provides the best clue to facial height
tive judgement to set the relative midface height. Unfor- where no buttress can be reassembled from existing fragments.
tunately, liptooth relation at rest may not be a reliable Note correct temporary IMF.
indicator depending on the amount of facial edema.
Occlusion. Restoration of occlusion is paramount to the Difficulty can arise when teeth are missing or the
appropriate treatment of midface fractures. Failure to patient is edentulous. In these circumstances the
reestablish the original occlusal patterns through the surgeon’s subjective judgement may be necessary to
application of mandibulomaxillary fixation prior to determine the “best fit.”Sagittal fractures of the palate or
internal fixation and reliance on anatomic positioning segmental dentoalveolar fractures add further degrees
of the buttresses alone may result in postoperative mal- of instability, making assessment and restoration of pre-
occlusion, as indicated above. morbid occlusion difficult. Careful palpation of the pal-
With an intact maxillary arch it is important to deter- ate reveals unstable tooth-bearing segments to alert the
mine the patient’s correct occlusion using information surgeon of these difficulties.
obtained by history, pretrauma photographs, dental
records, and wear-facet patterns on the teeth. The use of Fixation. The use of miniplate fixation in treating maxil-
acrylic wafer dental splints created from dental impres- lary fractures has eliminated the need for prolonged
sions taken under anesthesia may assist in determining mandibulomaxillary fixation, allowing for improved
normal occlusion and maintaining it during surgery. oral hygiene, better nutrition, better airway, less weight
4.2 · Le Fort I–III Fractures 119
Head diameter
Thread pitch
Thread diameter
Core diameter
illa should be avoided as screw holding power is signifi- maxillary antrum, creating overlying contour defects.
cantly decreased. Passive contouring of the plate to Bone grafts may be used to prevent this deformity.
ensure a perfect fit to the underlying bone is important The general principles of internal fixation should be
as attempts at in situ plate bending place undue stress on applied to the use of bone grafts as this has been shown
the bone leading to screw stripping and microfractures to prevent resorption and allow maintenance of volume
of the bone. Continuous irrigation when creating the in the presence of infection (Fialkov et al. 1993).
drill hole is important to prevent bone necrosis and ring Although bone grafts may be harvested from several
sequestra. sites (ilium, rib, calvarium), split calvarial bone is the
Care must also be taken to avoid inadvertent place- material of choice for buttress reconstruction. It is read-
ment of screws into tooth roots. The position of the ily available in large quantities, accessible within the
canine tooth root should be used to determine the same operative field, tolerates being exposed to the open
superior extent of the tooth roots. On occasion a low maxillary antrum when rigidly fixed, has minimal
lying fracture along the lateral buttress directly adjacent donor morbidity, provides for excellent screw purchase
to the tooth roots prevents application of the plate; oth- and fixation, and may be rigidly fixed to miniplates or
erwise screwplacement between tooth roots. It is best to lag-screwed onto underlying bone due to its high corti-
span the plate from the zygomatic body to the thick cal component. In addition, it is strong enough to with-
bone near the anterior nasal spine in these circum- stand the forces of soft-tissue contraction and mastica-
stances, in addition to the use of primary bone grafts. It tion. The main disadvantage of calvarium is brittleness
has not been necessary to fix the posterior buttresses or the inability to shape and contour the bone due to its
internally, however IMF can substitute for posterior but- low modulus of elasticity as the bone tends to fragment
tress support. when attemps are made to bend it.
Plates become the path for load distribution, and if
placed abnormally, force distribution may place undue Palatal Fractures. Sagittal fractures of the maxilla and
loads on plates and thus lead to high-stress concentra- palate are present in 15% of patients with Le Fort frac-
tions. This may ultimately lead to screw fatigue and fail- tures (Manson et al. 1983) and are associated with
ure. Placement of multiple screws (at least two) on each increased instability due to rotation of dentoalveolar
side of fracture leads to a more even distribution of segments which may not respond to conventional forms
loading (load sharing between plate and bone). If bio- of fixation. Fractures involving the palate commonly
mechanics are not considered with regards to internal divide the palate longitudinally, adjacent to the midline
fixation, the incidence of infection, nonunion and tissue as this represents a line of weak thinner bone (medial
injury may increase. palatal split; see Fig. 4.2.6). The fracture usually exits
In the edentulous maxilla, bone stock may be dimin- anteriorly between the incisors or lateral incisor and
ished, and for adequate fixation plates may be placed low canine tooth and results in buccal, anterior, and lateral
on the buttress through residual alveolar bone. However, displacement of the segment. Alternatively, palatal frac-
this may interfere with denture fitting, and the plates tures may occur through the maxillary tuberosity (lat-
may have to be removed once bone healing is complete. eral palatal split), involving a dentoalveolar segment
bearing the molar teeth. This fragment may displace
Bone Grafting. Primary bone grafting (iliac, split rib, or superiorly, laterally and posteriorly. Both fracture pat-
calvarium) has been advocated to reconstruct defects in terns may coexist and are extremely difficult to treat.
the medial or lateral buttresses where bone has been lost Rarely, coronal or transverse fractures of the palate may
or comminuted (Gruss and Mackinnon 1986; Gruss and occur.
Phillips 1992; Manson et al. 1985). The use of miniplate Conventional fixation techniques involving extensive
fixation has reduced the need for immediate bone graft- plate and screw fixation along the pyriform aperture
ing but the ability of plates to bridge bone gaps is loca- and anterior nasal spine have not consistently provided
tion dependent (Gruss and Phillips 1992). Masticatory satisfactory accuracy or stability to correct the increased
forces and cyclical loading on the maxilla can result in transverse maxillary arch dimension or changes in incli-
implant fatigue and failures if miniplates are used to nation of the dentoalveolar segments that occur with
span significant bone gaps without restoration of bony palatal fractures. Manson et al. have described tech-
continuity using bone grafts. niques of transpalatal miniplate fixation through lacer-
Gaps in the maxillary buttresses greater than 5 mm ations or incisions in the palatal mucosa supplemented
should be replaced with bone grafts. Bone grafts may be by arch bar placement and fixation at the pyriform aper-
lag-screwed under a miniplate used to span the bone gap ture, in addition to the usual fixation along the medial
or may be held in place directly onto the buttress using and lateral maxillary buttresses (Fig. 4.2.10, insets; Man-
lag screws at either end (see Fig. 4.1.5, 4.2.8c, and 4.2.13). son et al. 1983, 1990). Reduction and fixation of the pal-
Loss of the anterior wall of the maxilla may predispose ate is performed initially to restore proper width of the
to invagination of the overlying soft tissues into the maxillary arch and is followed by buttress fixation. It is
122 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
recommended to maintain mandibulomaxillary fixa- 5 mm axial and, if possible, coronal CT images are the
tion for 3 weeks postoperatively followed by motion and basis for a precise diagnosis and consequently the ther-
soft diet. As bone healing tends to be slower following apeutic approach.
palatoalveolar fractures, it is recommended to watch for
occlusal discrepancies and drift up to 4 months after fix-
ation. Due to local symptoms hardware removal in the Treatment
roof of the mouth may be required.
Midfacial fractures should be treated as early as pos-
Alveolar Ridge. When alveolar ridge fractures occur in sible, at least within the first week after the accident. As
isolation, management consists of reduction of the den- soon as the general condition of the patient allows it,
toalveolar segment and fixation to stable adjacent max- definitive treatment should be undertaken. Fractures of
illary segments using 26-gauge wire loops or arch bars. the upper midface are generally quite extensive and
This is immobilized for 4 weeks, during which time the include damage to the soft tissues. As noted by Manson
patient maintains a soft diet and regular oral hygiene. (see Sect. 4.1), delayed treatment of midfacial fractures
If there are associated maxillary fractures, it becomes may mean a second injury to the already contused soft
difficult to achieve stability in this fashion. The use of an tissues. Edema should not be a reason to delay treatment
acrylic wafer splint may provide some degree of stabil- since – on the contrary – we have observed that edema
ity, but open reduction and plate fixation is usually subsides faster when correct anatomic bone conditions
required. Mini- or microplate systems may be employed. have been achieved. This is especially true for orbital
An attempt at achieving two points of stabilization pre- edema.
vents rotation and tilting of the dentoalveolar segment, Intubation must not interfere with the ability to use
and care must be taken to avoid placing screws in the mandibulomaxillary fixation during surgery. The origi-
apices of the adjacent teeth. Screws should not be longer nal occlusion is one of the most important landmarks
than 4 mm to avoid tooth root injury. Soft-tissue attach- for correct reduction and fixation of midfacial fractures.
ments must be maintained to the dentoalveolar seg- Therefore either nasal, oral (behind the teeth, or if teeth
ments. Loss of gingival tissue from these segments due are lacking), submental intubation, or an endoscopically
to trauma or exposure may devascularize the teeth. If a placed tracheostoma is necessary.
segment becomes devascularized, stability of the frac- In addition to the infraorbital approaches and the
ture is improved by replacement and fixation. However, transconjunctival and upper blepharoplasty approach
should it remain clearly nonviable, a tooth extraction or (see Figs. 2.1, and 2.5), the coronal incision is the most
removal of the segment may be necessary. important approach. In recent years we have learned
that extensive facial degloving is feasible, and via this
exposure accurate skeletal reconstruction is possible.
4.2.2 Upper Midface (Le Fort II and III) The coronal approach is mandatory especially for the
correct reconstruction of the nasoethmoidal area and
The rules described in Sect. 4.2.1 also apply for the the correct placement of the zygomatic arch area. A
reduction and fixation of fractures of the upper midface. hemicoronal incision should not be used. Eyebrow inci-
sions and other routes via the nasal dorsum should be Anatomy exceptions. A gingivobuccal incision is necessary for a
correct fixation of the link between the upper and lower
The upper midface includes both zygomatic bones, the midface (Le Fort I area).
orbits whose superior sections belong to the upper face, A very important precondition is a team approach.
and the central nasoethmoidal region (see Fig. 4.1.1c). Since most of the upper midface fractures appear in
As it has been said before the classic fracture patterns combination with skull base fractures,the neurosurgeon
II and III as described by Le Fort are rarely seen. These in most areas is the most important partner. Depending
fractures are observed mostly in combination with skull on the special situation all specialties (oral-maxillofa-
base or cranial vault fractures as well as with Le Fort I cial, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, ENT, and ophthal-
and mandibular fractures. In these instances they are mology) should be involved at the same time in the
part of panfacial fractures. treatment of panfacial fractures.
It is also important to visualize all fractures first Diagnosis before any fracture is stabilized. In severely comminuted
fracture situations a preliminary approximation may be
In addition to the clinical evaluation – which generally performed with wire before definite fixation with plates
provides only a rough impression since swelling and the and screws is undertaken.
overlying soft tissues hide the underlying bony struc- Upper midface fractures are located between the cra-
tures – X-ray evaluation via plain facial radiographs and nial vault and the occlusal unit.
4.2 · Le Fort I–III Fractures 123
b c
helps to find the correct position for the nasoethmoidal Fig. 4.2.13
complex. Therefore it is also a key area for reestablishing Fixation of central midface to the outer facial frame and to the
the correct facial projection and facial length. This is frontal bar within the nasal ridge with the 1.3 system. Inset: Fix-
ation at the nasal ridge area with one 2.0 plate as an other
part of the presently advocated concept of an “outside to option. The vertical buttresses are stabilized with the 2.0
inside” management. Even in unilateral upper midface system or a bone graft. Intermaxillary fixation is kept only dur-
fractures it may be necessary to use a coronal approach ing surgery.
since it may be important to compare the position of the
unfractured zygomatic arch with the reduced arch
(Fig. 4.2.12b,c). Reconstruction of the central part of the In extensive midface fracture situations (panfacial
upper midface – the nasoethmoidal complex – is exten- fractures) the vertical buttresses should be stabilized
sively described in Sect. 4.3. with the 2.0 system. The links to the cranial vault at the
Reestablishment of the correct intercanthal distance zygomaticofrontal sutures should also be stabilized with
by means of correctly placed transnasal wires is a very the 2.0 system in these instances. If fixation in the nasal
important step (see Figs. 4.1.5, 4.3.3b, 4.3.4b). Securing root area is performed with one plate, it should prefer-
the links between central and lateral upper midface in ably be a 2.0 plate (Fig. 4.2.13, inset), while in the situa-
the area of the inferior orbital rim, as well as fixation to tion of fixation with two plates the 1.3 system could be
the frontal bar and along the medial buttress, follows used (Fig. 4.2.13). The horizontal buttresses in the zygo-
thereafter (Fig. 4.2.13). After the complete reconstruc- matic arch area are fixed preferably with the 2.0 system
tion of the orbital frame the orbit itself is reconstructed (see Figs. 4.2.5b, and 4.2.12c) while stabilization in the
(see Sect. 4.5). Thereafter the occlusal unit with correct orbital rim area is adequate with 1.3 plates (Figs. 4.2.12,
mandibulomaxillary fixation is fixed with plates and 4.2.13).
and screws at the buttress zones (medial and lateral) to Figure 4.2.14 presents a further example of a typically
the upper midface. dislocated Le Fort III fracture with a zygomatic fracture
4.2 · Le Fort I–III Fractures 125
a b
Fig. 4.2.14 a, b
a Diagram of a Le Fort III fracture with zygomatic fracture on
the left and typical dislocation.
b Diagram showing fixation of fracture shown in a, using the
2.0 and 1.3 system.
Fig. 4.2.15
X-ray (water’s view) after fixation of a Le Fort II fracture on the
right, and a severe orbitozygomatic fracture on the left. The
patient was edentulous in the maxillary area.
126 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
4.3.1 Definition
4.3.2 Anatomy
4.3.2 a 4.3.2 b
is attached to a fragment large enough to be stabilized a In NOE fractures type II there is some degree of fragmenta-
with wires or the 1.3 plate and screw system. The com- tion of the central fragment. However, the fragment contain-
ing the insertion of the canthal ligament is large enough to
minution is external to the canthal ligament insertion. be stabilized with a plate.
b Stabilization is achieved with a combination of 1.3 plates and
Type III (Fig. 4.3.4). In Type III fractures comminution a transnasal wire. The wire is inserted through the ligament-
extends beneath the insertion of the canthal ligament. bearing fragment and should prevent outward rotation of
Canthal detachment is required to achieve the bone this fragment.
reduction. Direct canthopexy is necessary, with atten-
tion to construction of the canthal insertion point which Fig. 4.3.4 a, b
should be posterior and superior to the lacrimal fossa. a NOE fracture type III. There are multiple small fragments.
The fragment containing the insertion of the canthal liga-
ment is too small to be stabilized. There may even be avul-
sion of the canthal ligament.
b Stabilization of a NOE fracture type III. The small bone frag-
ments are aligned and stabilized with 1.3 mini- or 1.0 micro-
plates. To reconstruct the canthal ligament insertion, a direct
transnasal canthopexy is necessary. The insertion point is
created posterior and superior to the lacrimal fossa. If the
bone in this area is missing, the insertion point may be
created with a bone graft or a 2.0 plate as shown in the fig-
ure. The most common error is to insert the ligament too far
4.3 · Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid Fractures 129
4.3.3 a 4.3.3 b
4.3.4 a 4.3.4 b
130 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
a b
Type III Injuries (Figs. 4.3.4). In Type III injuries the cen-
tral fragment is too small to be used for canthopexy, or 4.3.8 NOE Fracture-Related Problems
fractures extend beneath the canthal insertion. There
may also be even avulsion of the medial canthal liga- Lacrimal Duct Injuries
ment, although this is a rare event. Reconstruction of
these fractures requires a direct transnasal canthopexy Lacrimal duct injuries resulting in obstruction are
after bone reconstruction. Initially the canthal ligament present in less than 10% of fractures involving this area.
is completely detached. If a bone fragment is left Primary exploration of the lacrimal apparatus is gener-
attached to the canthal ligament, it may interfere with ally not recommended unless an open laceration has
direct canthopexy. Small bone fragments may be aligned divided the lacrimal system.
and fixed with 1.3 or microplates.
The nasal bones are reduced and stabilized with mini-, Gruss JS (1985) Naso-ethmoid-orbital fractures: classification
microplates or wires, and the glabella and frontal sinus and role of primary bone grafting. Plast Reconstr Surg 75
are reconstructed by bone reassembly. If there is lack of Hammer B (1995) Orbital fractures. Diagnosis, operative treat-
septal support, dorsal nasal bone grafting is necessary to ment, secondary corrections. Hogrefe-Huber, Bern, pp 52–54
reestablish the height and anterior projection of the Markowitz BL, Manson PN, Sargent L,Vander Kolk CA,Yarem-
nose. Cranial bone grafts or rib are the choices. To allow chuk M, Glassman D, Crawley WA (1991) Management of the
precise placement of a rib graft and provide columella medial canthal tendon in nasoethmoid orbitae fractures: the
importance of the central fragment in classification and
support an open rhinoplasty approach is preferred treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg 87 (5):843–853
(Fig. 4.3.5a). Placement of the dorsal nasal bone graft Paskert JP, Manson PN, Iliff NT (1988) Nasoethmoidal and
and fixation to the nasal root with a miniplate are shown orbital fractures. Chir Plast Surg 15 (2):209–223
in Fig. 4.3.5b,c and see Fig. 4.2.5b,d. Nonabsorbable Stanley RB Jr (1979) Fractures of the frontal sinus. Clin Plast
sutures suspend the cartilaginous septum to the dorsal Surg 16 (1):115–123
graft. The tip of the graft is placed underneath and
between the domes of the alar cartilages. In this way a
naturally appearing, smooth nasal tip can be obtained.
4.4 · Zygomatic Complex Fractures 133
Fig. 4.4.1
4.4 Zygomatic Complex Fractures The five articulations of the zygoma with the craniofacial skele-
ton are visualized. Any of the multiple zygomatic fracture sites
may be exposed either to confirm alignment or to provide fix-
Contributors: Bernard L.Markowitz ation.
Paul N.Manson The best areas to determine reduction are the internal sur-
face of the orbit ➎, and the zygomaticomaxillary buttress ➌,
inferior orbital rim ➋, and the zygomatic arch ➍ (the multiple
4.4.1 Definition articulations of the zygoma).
Inset: The placement of bone hook underneath malar emi-
nence allowing reduction of the fracture in an anterolateral
Zygomatic fractures include any injury which disrupts direction.
the five articulations of the zygoma with the adjacent
craniofacial skeleton (Fig. 4.4.1): the zygomaticofrontal
suture, infraorbital rim, zygomaticomaxillary buttress,
zygomatic arch, and zygomaticosphenoid suturee. The
degree to which the sutures are involved depends on the
direction and magnitude of the fracturing forcee. Dis-
➋ ➍
134 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
4.4.2 Treatment
4.4.3 Exposure
4.4.4 Reduction
small 3 mm incision in the skin of the cheek (Fig. 4.4.1, Table 4.1. Fracture sites as points of alignment and strength
inset). Further access is achieved through either the of fixation as suture sites
mouth, the upper sulcus incision, or the external inci- Value of fracture sites Strength of fixation
sions by dividing the deep temporal fascia above the as points of alignment as suture sites
zygomatic arch, near the zygomaticofrontal suture, (≠ Increasing value) (≠ Increased strength)
exposing the temporalis muscle, and then placing a Zygomatic arch–orbit Z-F suture
blunt elevator (such as Dingman) behind the malar emi- (greater wing sphenoid)
nence. A force opposing that of the injury is generated, Inferior orbital rim Z-M buttress
and the fracture is reduced. Z-M buttress Zygomatic arch
Z-F suture Inferior rim
For intraoral reduction the zygomaticomaxillary
buttress is followed superiorly to its junction with the
malar eminence. At times fibers of the masseter need to after the initial reduction maneuver, and appropriate
be elevated. A blunt elevator is positioned beneath the plates chosen for fixation. Fractures that “snap” back
eminence or within the lateral aspect of the maxillary into place and are stable have different fixation require-
sinus and an appropriate reduction force produced by ments (Fig. 4.4.4) than injuries that are comminuted and
delivering force to the malar eminence. Movement of the require positioning placement, such as temporary inter-
displaced bone into anatomic alignment is sometimes osseous wires, or constant reduction force to maintain
appreciated by a “click” and confirmed by inspecting the position prior to rigid fixation (Figs. 4.4.5, 4.4.6;
each buttress articulation. Minor adjustments in posi- Pearl 1990).
tion are performed with Brown forceps prior to fixation. For most type I zygoma fractures stabilization of the
The zygomaticosphenoid suture is a commonly over- inferior orbital rim, zygomaticomaxillary buttress, and
looked determinant of anatomic alignment (see zygomaticofrontal suture are routinely advised (see
Fig. 4.4.1). Considerable experience is required to appre- Fig. 4.4.5). Stable injuries may have two plate fixations
ciate the use of this area as an isolated fracture align- (see Fig. 4.4.4). The initial fixation is provided by at least
ment site. The zygomaticomaxillary buttress is an excel- a miniplate at the zygomaticofrontal suture or the
lent determinant, the infraorbital rim is a good determi- zygomaticomaxillary buttress while the remainder of
nant, and the zygomaticofrontal suture is a poor the fracture sites may then be managed with 1.3 plates.
determinant of proper reduction. Zygomatic arch reduc- When the buttress is comminuted, or the fracture pat-
tions sets midfacial width and, reciprocally, malar emi- tern is not conducive to microplating, miniplates should
nence projection (Table 4.1). be placed at the zygomaticofrontal suture and zygoma-
ticomaxillary buttress. Microplates or 1.3 system plates
are placed at the inferior orbital rim.
4.4.5 Stabilization The 90° or 110° L or Y miniplate is best suited for the
zygomaticomaxillary buttress (see Fig. 4.4.5). The low
The “stability” of the reduction (determined by the profile mini-DC plate or the 2.0, 1.5 or 1.3 system is used
degree of comminution within the zygomatic complex at the zygomaticofrontal suture (Fig. 4.4.6, insets 1–3).
and at its articulations) determines the type and num- Screw holes must be directed away from tooth roots near
ber of fixation devices to be used. Frequently 1.3 and the maxillary alveolus. A single 1.3 plate usually suffices
miniplating systems (1.5 and 2.0) are used in combina- at the inferior rim.
tion. Low-profile 1.3-mm plates are less conspicuous in
areas where devices may be visible and palpable (infra- Type II Fractures. For type II fractures (Fig. 4.4.3), in
orbital rim), but they may not be sufficient to ensure addition to the described anterior points of fixation, the
rigidity at the zygomaticofrontal suture. The stronger zygomatic arch is exposed, reduced, and stabilized.
but larger 2.0 miniplates are best reserved for areas cov- Zygomatic arch fixation is the initial step in the stabil-
ered by adequate soft tissue (zygomaticomaxillary but- ization of type II fractures after eventual placement of
tress, zygomatic arch, and in some cases zygomatico- positioning wires at the Z-F suture and the infraorbital
frontal suture; Figs. 4.4.4–4.4.6; see also Table 4.1). rim. The anterior articulations are then stabilized as
The zygomaticofrontal suture contains the strongest described above.
bone for stabilization; the zygomaticomaxillary buttress The key to correct zygomatic arch reduction and sta-
is a good location for stabilization. The inferior orbital bilization is the appreciation of its normal anatomy. The
rim and zygomatic arch are fair areas for stabilization zygomatic arch is not a true arch but is straight in its
(Figs. 4.4.4–4.4.6). middle portion. It is best stabilized with an adaption
miniplate of the 2.0 system, fashioned by “overflatten-
Type I Fractures. Numerous plating schemes are success- ing” the central zone and then securing the reduction
fully employed for the stabilization of zygomatic frac- with 2.0 screws (see Fig. 4.4.6). At times an oblique sag-
tures. Fracture stability must be considered carefully ittal fracture at the posterior aspect of the arch may be
136 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
4.4 · Zygomatic Complex Fractures 137
4 5
Two-plate fixation of the zygoma. Miniplate (1.3) fixation at the Miniplate fixation in a comminuted fracture of the lateral
inferior orbital rim and miniplate (2.0) fixation at the zygomat- upper midface. In addition to the fixation type in Fig. 4.4.5 fix-
ico-frontal suture. The three insets show the various options in ation of the zygomatic arch is performed with a 2.0 miniadap-
between 1.3 and 2.0 adaption plates at the lateral orbital rim. tation plate. Inset 4, lag screw fixation for a sagittal fracture at
the posterior aspect of the arch. Inset 5, plate fixation for the
roof of the glenoid fossa. Insets 1–3 show the various options
Fig. 4.4.5 for fixation at the zygomatico-frontal suture.
tal wall defects larger than 1–2 cm are grafted with split
(outer table) calvarial bone grafts or alloplast (Medpor References and Suggested Reading
1.5 mm or polyvynil sheets). Titanium plates alone are
used for small or large defects (see Fig. 4.5.6). Skull outer Jackson IT (1989) Classification and treatment of orbito-zygo-
table or split rib grafts are used for larger defects. Grafts matic and orbitoethmoid fractures – the place of bone graft-
ing and plate fixation. Clin Plast Surg 16:77–91
must be placed accurately to restore orbital volume. Larsen OD, Thomsen M (1976) Zygomatic fractures. Scan J
Globe position, because of edema, is frequently an Plast Reconstr Surg 12:59–63
imprecise guide to adequate restoration of orbital vol- Lundin K, Ridell A, Sanberg N, Ohman A (1973) One thousand
ume. Once grafts are placed, globe motility (forced duc- maxillofacial and related fractures at the EENT Clinic in
tion) examinations are assessed and compared to pre- Gothenburg: a two year prospective study. Acta Otolaryngol
and postdissection ductions. The grafts are then Manson PN, Ruas E, Iliff N et al (1987) Single eyelid incision for
anchored with lag or tandem screws. If complex (three exposure of the zygomatic bone and orbital reconstruction.
or four wall fractures) are present, internal mesh or Plast Reconstr Surg 79:120–126
stable fixation should be used to provide a platform for Matsunaga RS, Simpson W, Toffel PH (1988) Simplified proto-
orbital volume correction (see Sect. 4.5). col for treatment of malar complex fractures. Facial Plast
Surg 5:269
Pearl RM (1990) Prevention of enophthalmos: a hypothesis.
Ann Plast Surg 25:132–133
4.4.7 Soft-Tissue Closure Stanley RB Jr (1989) The zygomatic arch as a guide to recon-
struction of comminuted malar fractures. Otolaryngol Head
Strict attention must be given to layered closure which Neck Surg 115:1459–1462
Tajima S (1977) Malar bone fractures: experimental fractures
includes resuspension of the soft tissue. Lateral canthal
on the dried skull and clinical sensory disturbances. J Max-
reattachment is performed if the canthus has been illofac Surg 5:150–156
detached (see Fig. 4.1.9). The lateral canthus is isolated Watumull D, Rohrich RJ (1991) Zygoma fracture fixation: a
and a 3-0 nonabsorbable suture is passed through the graduated approach to management based on recent clinical
canthus and hooked through a plate hole at the zygom- and biomechnaical studies. In: Manson PN (ed) Problems in
plastic and reconstructive surgery. Lippincott, Philadelphia
aticofrontal suture. When an extended transconjuncti-
Yanigasiwa E (1973) Pitfalls in the management of zygomatic
val incision is used, the divided canthus is carefully reap- fractures. Laryngoscope 83:527–543
proximated.The malar fat pad is resuspended to an orbi-
tal rim plate with a 4-0 Prolene prior to closing the
periosteal incisions in the lateral orbit and inferior orbi-
tal rim. The lower eyelid incision is closed with a Vicryl
muscle suture. The skin is closed with interrupted 6-0
plain gut sutures.
The coronal incision is closed in two layers, the galea
with 2-0 Vicryl and the scalp with staples. The superfi-
cial layer of the deep temporal fascia is repaired with 2-0
Vicryl as is the periosteum over the zygomaticofrontal
4.5.1 Definition
4.5.2 Diagnosis
Fig. 4.5.4 a–c ligament system by the bone graft material. Reconstruc-
a CT scan, coronal view. Fracture of medial orbital wall and tion of floor and roof defects from a lateral perspective
orbital floor with considerable enlargement of the orbit. is seen in the insets of Fig. 4.5.4b.
b Small fractures of the floor or medial portion of the orbit are
best treated by on-lay bone grafting or alloplastic material.
The bone grafts or alloplastic material may be anchored
either with a microplate or with a lag screw. Stabilization of 4.5.4 Reconstruction of Ethmoid Defects
larger superior and inferior orbit grafts requires stable fixa-
tion to the rims. Ethmoid or medial orbital wall fractures are commonly
Insets: Orbital roof reconstruction either with extracranial
or intracranial plating and bone grafts performed prior to
a portion of a multiple wall orbital injury. Symmetric
frontal bone replacement. compression of the ethmoid air cells is frequently seen.
c Reconstruction of orbital floor and medial orbital wall with Restoration of bony orbital volume requires bone graft-
autogenous bone grafts, securing the correct orbital volume. ing to reduce effective orbital volume. Several layers of
bone graft should be placed at the ethmoid area to pro-
vide a thickness equal to that of the normal ethmoid
anatomic reconstruction of the bone defect rather than region (Fig. 4.5.5). When simultaneous defects of the
globe position at surgery as the best guide to volume res- floor and the medial orbital wall are present, a strut of
toration. Duction tests should be performed following stable fixation material may be required to provide posi-
the placement of either bone or alloplastic material. tioning support for other grafts (Fig. 4.5.6). A universal
These are compared to duction examinations per- orbital floor plate (see Fig. 1.20 and Fig. 4.5.6b) should
formed before the surgical dissection and after the sur- be cut to the minimum size required. The use of a tem-
gical dissection. In this manner stiff duction examina- plate may be appropriate for contouring.
tions from muscle contusion or edema can be distin- It should be emphasized that all internal orbital
guished from impingement of the musculofibrous plates require contouring, trimming of redundant
144 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
Enlargement of medial orbital wall is seen by comparison of When extensive defects of both the floor and medial orbital
the width of the ethmoid cells in a CT scan. Several layers of wall exist simultaneously, a strut of stable fixation material
bone grafts are placed in the medial orbit area through a coro- such as an orbital wall plate (a) or an orbital floor plate (b) may
nal incision to provide thickness equal to that of the normal be required for stable positioning of the grafts. Alternately, a
ethmoid region contralaterally. graft can be linked to the orbital rim with a small plate which
allows supervision of position of the remainder of the grafts
wings, and anchoring tabs. All the wings cannot be left
intact; most of the anchoring tabs should be trimmed
except the exact minimum fixaton points desired. The
use of titanium implants or plastic sheets in large orbi-
tal defects exposed to the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses 4.5.5 Zygomatic (Lateral and Inferior Wall) Injuries
permits the possibility of a late infection. With titanium
plates the first infections were observed more than Zygomatic fractures involve injuries to the lateral and
1 year after implantation. Therefore the use of autoge- inferior portion of the orbital rim. The zygoma must be
nous bone alone is preferred where possible as late stabilized accurately by aligning it with all of its neigh-
infection is rare. Metallic implants cannot be considered boring bones. A small increase in the size in the orbital
a routine substitute for the use of autogenous material rim diameter produces a dramatic increase in orbital
unless no other solution is possible. volume; stabilizing the dimensions of the orbital rim
There are two varieties of internal orbital plates. One controls orbital volume. Therefore it is important to
is used for medial wall defects (see Fig. 1.20, 4.5.6a) and achieve an exact zygomatic reduction which stabilizes
one for inferior wall defects (see Fig. 1.20, 4.5.6 b). the orbital volume.
4.5 · Orbital Fractures 145
146 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
Generally the lower and lateral portions of the orbit approaches (see Fig. 2.5). Nasoethmoid fractures may be
are exposed with a lower lid incision. Either a skin-mus- either unilateral or bilateral. The injury is managed by
cle flap, or a transconjunctival incision with a lateral first dislocating the canthal bearing fragment laterally
canthotomy are preferred to incisions lower in the lid. and anteriorly (the attached canthal ligament should not
Both the lower and lateral orbit can be explored through be stripped in the reduction). Holes are drilled to link
this incision. this area loosely by interfragment wires to adjacent
The superior and upper medial portion of the orbit bone. The most important maneuver is to place two
must be approached with a coronal incision. Anterior wires posterior and superior to the lacrimal fossa for use
approaches alone may suffice for noncomminuted and as a transnasal reduction. This is the most important
medially displaced zygomatic fractures (a subciliary step in stabilizing a nasoethmoidal orbital fracture, as
skin-muscle flap and a gingivobuccal sulcus incison). the transnasal reduction of the medial orbital rims sta-
The lateral canthus may be detached to allow inspection bilizes the intercanthal distance (see Fig. 4.3.3b). Once
of the lateral orbit for a comparison of alignment of the all the nasal and medial orbital bones are linked to one
orbital process of the zygoma with the greater wing of another and linked transnasally, the wires are tightened,
the sphenoid. Conceptually, for grossly displaced and and the entire assembled segment of fractures is then
comminuted fractures, four articulations are visualized stabilized to adjacent bones with “junctional” rigid fixa-
for a zygomatic open reduction: the zygomaticofrontal tion. Practically, it is impossible to overcorrect bony
suture, inferior orbital rim, lateral wall of the orbit, and intercanthal distance.
maxillary buttress (through a gingival buccal sulcus
incision). The lateral canthus should be reattached at the
close of the procedure. The exploration of the lateral and 4.5.7 Superior Orbital Rim and Roof Fractures
inferior portions of the internal orbit is a component of
every zygomatic fracture reduction. Fractures in the area of the frontal bone and orbital roof
If a coronal incision is not used, the zygomatic arch are less common than zygomatic and nasoethmoidal
may require a separate temporal (Gillies’) reduction fractures. They are frequently seen in children. They
maneuver if medially displaced. No direct open reduc- may involve the frontal sinus or portions of the frontal
tion is required for medially displaced arch fractures. bone. Neurosurgical exploration requires bone removal.
When the zygomatic arch is laterally displaced, a coro- Bone segments should be marked in sequence as they
nal incision (see Fig. 2.5) is required. The coronal inci- are removed as a guide to their reassembly. Frontal bone
sion allows exposure for stable fixation of the zygomatic segments can be harvested for bone graft by section of
arch. Placing a bone hook (see Fig. 4.4.1, inset) beneath the internal table. These procedures can be performed
the malar eminence permits strong anterior traction on on a back table while neurosurgery is in progress. Once
the zygomatic body to achieve reduction. The arch, if the neurosurgeons have completed dural repair, the seg-
opened, should be reduced as flat as possible. Indeed, it ments, reassembled on a back table and stabilized either
is not an arch, as it is flat in its middle portion. Achiev- with wires or plates and screws, are placed into the
ing the proper straight reduction of the zygomatic arch defect. Remnants of frontal sinus mucosa are removed
reduces midface width and improves the anterior pro- and intra sinus bone grafts placed to reconstitute the
jection of the zygoma. anterior cranial floor. The frontal bone fragments are
replaced following orbital roof reconstruction. The roof
is stabilized by rigidly fixing a bone graft to the frontal
4.5.6 Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid Fractures bar. The orbital roof should not be reconstructed by
placing bone graft within the orbit, but by placing bone
The complex anatomy of nasoethmoidal orbital fracture graft targent to the normal position of the roof. The pre-
reduction makes this one of the most difficult of facial cise reconstruction of each internal orbital wall is
fractures to manage (see also Sect. 4.3). The simplest related directly to proper globe position.
nasoethmoid injury is fracture of the medial orbital rim.
The frontal process of the maxilla is therefore dislo-
cated. The simplest fractures show dislocation only at
the inferior orbital rim and pyriform aperture. In these
injuries the junction of the frontal process of the maxilla
with the internal angular process of the frontal bone is
undisplaced; therefore the areas requiring open reduc-
tion are visualized by subciliary and gingival buccal sul-
cus incisions.
If the medial orbital rim is dislocated at all its articu-
lations, reduction is achieved by coronal and inferior
4.5 · Orbital Fractures 147
Fig. 4.6.1 a, b
4.6 Cranial Vault a Anterior view of frontal sinus. The two sides are asymmet-
ric, and the sinus may be also divided by lateral septae. The
nasal frontal duct orifice usually empties into the nose by a
Contributors: Patrick Sullivan short, funnel-shaped channel.
Paul N.Manson b Classification of frontal sinus fractures is by involvement of
the anterior table (Inset 1), posterior table (Inset 2) and nasal
frontal duct (Inset 3). Fractures are either nondisplaced or
4.6.1 Frontal Sinus and Frontal Bone displaced for each location.
The frontal sinus is a respiratory epithelial-lined cavity Any of these fractures may have nasofrontal duct injury
situated superior to the bony orbits and anterior to the (Hoffman and Krause 1991), and if so, operative inter-
frontal lobes (Fig. 4.6.1a). It is irregular in shape, asym- vention is preferred as sinus function following duct
metric, and is divided in the midline and often laterally injury is not predictable.
by irregular sinus septae. The sinus has been postulated
to serve a protective role for the ocular globes and the
frontal lobes. The location of the sinus adjacent to the 4.6.3 Sinus Function and Operative Treatment
cranial cavity makes inadequately treated injury to the
frontal sinus have grave consequences (Newman and There is general agreement that isolated nondisplaced
Travis 1973). anterior table fractures can be managed nonoperatively
Frontal sinus fractures can be classified by the ana- without significant sequelae. Displaced anterior table
tomic involvement of the anterior table, posterior table, fractures are usually explored and the displaced frag-
and nasofrontal duct. Fractures are either displaced or ments elevated with minimal manipulation of mucosa.
nondisplaced for each location (Fig. 4.6.1b). These inju- Sinus function may be preserved in these injuries in the
ries occur as isolated entities or in any combination with absence of nasofrontal duct injury. Injury to nasofrontal
other fractures. Clinical signs and pattern of injuries to duct or orifice is determined by radiographic character-
the anterior and posterior tables and nasofrontal duct, istics of the fractures, by the presence of fluid in the
visualized in radiological studies, are used to determine sinus (which implies absence of ductual function), and
appropriate treatment, operative or nonoperative (Stan- by visual inspection of the duct at surgery. Dye, saline, or
ley and Becker 1987), and type of operation. contrast studies may be used intraoperatively to assess
duct patency. None of these criteria are absolute as far as
predictability of duct function. The correlation of these
4.6.2 Special Conditions Influencing Open Reduction tests with clinical function has yet to be established.
and Internal Fixation
There have been multiple attempts to establish a corre- 4.6.4 Types of Fixation
lation of radiological findings with intraoperative find-
ings and the degree of injury in order to develop (Stan- Fragmentation of the anterior table is reconstructed
ley 1989) protocols for the various types of frontal sinus either with 1.0 microplates or the 1.3 system (Fig. 4.6.2),
fractures. Classification systems usually divide frontal depending on the strength required, to provide the best
sinus fractures into the following categories: cosmetic result. If the anterior wall is excessively frag-
mented, the bone pieces may be discarded and replaced
∑ Anterior table, displaced or nondisplaced with a bone graft (Fig. 4.6.3).
∑ Posterior table, displaced or nondisplaced There is significant disagreement on management
∑ Anterior and posterior table, displaced or nondis- strategy in the presence of posterior table fractures. The
4.5 · Cranial Vault 149
3 b
150 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
The normal forehead and cranial vault shapes are easily Fractures which are very significantly impacted, or
reconstructed with plate and screw fixation, especially which have already begun to heal may be freed and
when compared to wires. Better contours and projec- mobilized by craniotome following access incisions with
tions are established (see Fig. 4.6.2); bone gaps may be burr holes.
established when expanding the bone vault to its proper Bone flaps are often required to provide exposure for
contour. Bone grafts may be used to replace commin- dural intracranial injury management. Plate and screw
uted bone segments. fixation proves helpful in stabilizing these bone flaps to
One can bend 1.3 plates to recreate the shape of the promote rapid healing and provide optimal esthetic
normal forehead (see Fig. 4.6.2). Microplates are less vis- results.
ible beneath the soft-tissue cover of the forehead. The
thicker miniplates are occasionally necessary for stabil-
152 Chapter 4 · Craniofacial Fractures
Fig. 4.6.4
4.6.7 Exposure Technique of sinus obliteration is demonstrated on insets.
Inset a: The sinus mucosa is removed.
Inset b: The intra sinus bone cortex is removed with a high
The coronal incision (see Fig. 2.5) gives excellent expo- speed burr. The posterior table is inspected for fracture and
sure and is optimal for access to the nasofrontal duct, dural integrity confirmed. Rigid fixation may stabilize pos-
posterior table, and intracranial region. Exploration of terior wall or bone graft segments.
the frontal sinus may also be performed via several Inset c: The nasal frontal duct is occluded with a bone graft.
other approaches. In very limited fractures the sinus can Inset d: The sinus cavity is filled with particulate bone, taken
from the calvarium with a neurosurgical perforator. The
be accessed through a laceration or a local incision. sinus is fully packed with particulate cancellous bone mate-
Local approaches permit only limited visualization rial. The anterior table is reassembled with stable fixation.
(sometimes of an ipsilateral sinus) and may not allow
bilateral assessment of nasofrontal duct injury. Dye
studies can be used to determine duct patency by the dict that the probability of duct function is low. Sinus
appearance of the contrast material in the nose. In cases obliteration (see Fig. 4.6.4) requires:
of bilateral frontal sinus fractures and in all severe inju-
ries the preferred approach employs a coronal incision 1. Removal of all sinus mucosa
with removal of at least the anterior table. 2. Removal of inner sinus bone cortex by high speed
Sinus obliteration is indicated when nasofrontal duct burr
injury or wall displacement implies sinus nonfunction, 3. Reapproximation of the displaced posterior table ele-
or when anterior and posterior table sinus fractures pre- ments and fixation, or removal
4.5 · Cranial Vault 153
Aside from benign and malignant odontogenic and Benign mandibular tumors or tumorlike lesions are
osseous lesions of the mandible, tumors involving the generally discovered in the younger population with
mandible are usually squamous cell cancers arising dentition. Therefore discussion of patient selection is
from the oral mucosa. The majority of patients present- more relevant to the cancer patient. The mandible sup-
ing with these cancers to the head and neck surgeon ports the lower dental arch, the tongue and floor of the
have an extensive lesion which is identifiable on the head mouth structures, and the muscles for position and
and neck examination. Generally confirmation of the function of the lower lip. It therefore functions to pro-
pathology is readily obtained with biopsy and routine vide mastication and maintain support of the oral cav-
pathological examination. Primary tumors of the man- ity and oral pharyngeal airway, and it is necessary for the
dible are less common. Both these and metastatic lesions insertion of the tongue and floor of the mouth muscula-
may require more extensive open biopsy to confirm the ture required for the initiation of swallowing and artic-
diagnosis. Benign tumors of the mandible are either ulation of speech. Mastication is a complex function
found incidentally by routine dental radiography or which requires the interaction of synergistic and non-
present as a palpable mass with or without dental com- synergistic muscle function. The muscle function varies
plaints. Loss of inferior alveolar nerve function is sel- through the full range of motion which is provided by
dom seen even with larger tumors, unless there is exten- the temporomandibular joint. The temporomandibular
sive mandibular involvement. joint allows deviation, translocation, and hingelike
When oral cancer is suspected, a routine head and opening. Maintenance of condylar positioning is essen-
neck examination to evaluate the oral cavity, oropha- tial for pain-free mandibular motion and function.
rynx, nasopharynx, hypopharynx and larynx, and neck The mandible is a conduit for the third-division sen-
is indicated. Careful assessment of cranial nerve func- sory branch of the fifth cranial nerve which provides
tion is mandated, specifically loss of function of the infe- sensation to the lower dental arch and the skin above the
rior alveolar nerve (V3). Loss of lingual nerve, facial chin. In proximity in the surrounding soft tissues are the
nerve, or hypoglossal nerve function is usually found motor branches for mastication (V3), the sensory
only with more advanced primary oral cancers. Lesions branches to the floor of the mouth and the anterior
which involve the mandible are by definition T4,stage IV tongue, the mimetic muscles of the lower face, and the
oral cancers, and radiographic examination should hypoglossal nerve supply to the tongue. Violation of
include the chest. One can argue the merits of including these neural structures and the soft tissues and muscles
computed tomography (CT) of the chest and mediasti- which they supply is generally more important in deter-
num for advanced disease; however, a minimum of a mining function following tumor ablation than is bone
chest X-ray is required to examine the chest for poten- loss alone. If the anterior mandible is not removed, the
tial metastatic disease or synchronous primary disease. oral function may be adequate regardless of the size of
Generally a panorex view of the mandible is adequate to the bony defect as long as motor and sensory function is
assess mandibular disease. CT examination with bone not significantly altered. The anterior mandible, how-
windows may help to clarify more subtle mandible ever, is essential to provide support for the lip, floor of
involvement but is generally not needed. Bone scans are the mouth, and tongue. Failure to provide this support
very sensitive, but not specific to determine bone produces an oral cripple with speech, swallowing, and
involvement and as a rule are not ordered. Magnetic res- cosmetic disability characterized by the “Andy Gump”
onance imaging (MRI) gives very good soft tissue ima- deformity.
ges, however disease within the bone is not well demon- The pathological process and extent of disease deter-
strated. mines the amount of bone and soft tissue to be resected.
156 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
Once this is determined, the treatment including adju- geon should communicate his preference to the anesthe-
vant therapy can be planned. Generally patient selection siologist. Tracheostomy is mandated for patients with
becomes a problem only when extensive resection for poor pulmonary status. It is generally required for dis-
malignancy is anticipated. Although osseous free flaps sections that extend to the posterior oral cavity or
ultimately promise the best functional result, their oropharynx and is more commonly needed when exten-
increased operating time adds to the potential morbi- sive bilateral neck dissection is required. It is never
dity and mortality in high-risk patients. The surgeon wrong to perform a tracheostomy, and if there is any
may choose to provide only soft-tissue closure for lateral doubt about the patient’s airway or pulmonary status, it
defects if the patient’s general health is poor. Anterior is safer for the patient to opt for tracheostomy.
defects pose a different problem. Higher incidence of
plate extrusion and wound complications are certainly
anticipated if immediate vascularized bone repair and 5.3 Description of Procedures
appropriate soft-tissue cover is not performed. The sur-
geon may have to accept this problem in high-risk 5.3.1 Mandibular Osteotomy
patients to avoid potential severe morbidity or mortal-
ity. Performing an osteotomy within the mandible may be
Patients who have significant pulmonary disease,car- required to obtain surgical access either for the tumor or
diac disease, or nutritional deficiency should be medi- for the reconstruction. Access to the lateral skull base
cally maximized before attempting extensive resection. and the lateral nasopharyngeal region may require dis-
Generally patients who can walk a flight of stairs with- placement or condyle removal to facilitate exposure.
out discomfort can tolerate surgery. Rapid attention to Lateral mandibulotomies can improve access to the par-
nutritional support is mandated, and since many apharyngeal space. Midline or paramedian mandibulot-
patients require extensive postoperative radiotherapy a omies enhance exposure to the oropharynx, anterior
PEG tube may be considered in extreme cases. Extreme medial skull base, and the parapharyngeal space. The
substance abuse and psychosocial dysfunction must fre- selection of the surgical approach is frequently related
quently be addressed. Such patients are often compli- to the tumor type, location, and the physician’s prefer-
cated by poor nutrition, poor dental care, poor general- ence. Certain guidelines are essential to minimize com-
ized health, and alcohol and tobacco abuse and require plications with these approaches since the osteotomy
team support to optimize care. Aggressive dental care is site cannot be equated with a fracture.
mandated for all patients requiring radiotherapy. Fol- Anterior midline or paramedian (anterior to mental
lowing this careful assessment of the tumor the patient’s foramen) mandibulotomy is usually performed in con-
general condition and preoperative function and the junction with a lip-splitting incision. Although this can
discussion of the surgery and rehabilitation, the surgeon be achieved without splitting the lip, a more extensive
may proceed with the treatment plan. This usually denuding of the mandible is required to displace the
includes a family consultation to allow optimal care for superior visor flap adequately to allow the osteotomy to
the patient. improve the exposure. Some microvascular surgeons
Most surgeons choose a course of antibiotic therapy prefer the anterior mandibulotomy approach to facili-
for patients undergoing mandible resection. For less tate soft-tissue free-flap placement in patients not
extensive benign cases a prophylactic course given on requiring mandibular resection. Osteotomies are gener-
call to surgery and for the first postoperative day is suf- ally made between the central incisors or between
ficient. When more extensive resection with elaborate canine and first premolar. This preserves sensory func-
reconstruction is performed, most surgeons use a ther- tion of the inferior alveolar nerve. The anterior surface
apeutic course of the same antibiotics. This regimen of the mandible is dissected to allow placement of a
provides an on-call dose with at least a 5-day postoper- seven- or eight-hole bridging plate (a reconstruction
ative antibiotic coverage. plate, either a THORP or UniLOCK, may be used). It is
A general anesthetic is required. Generally patients helpful to remove the inferior projection of the mental
can be intubated via either an orotracheal or nasotra- process with a cutting burr (see inset Fig. 5.1a). This
cheal route. The preference should be discussed between greatly simplifies plate bending and does not interfere
the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. The nasotracheal with the stability of the fixation since the bone in this
route provides the most exposure without interference region is dense and thick.
in the operative site. This is more time consuming to A template is contoured to the anterior inferior sur-
deliver and may be difficult if there are extensive septal face of the mandible to allow precise plate bending with-
deformities. Epistaxis can be an annoying complication out overmanipulating the plate. The plate is positioned
of nasotracheal intubation. It is preferable not to have inferior to the mental nerve and should be contoured to
the patient paralyzed when operating to allow observa- precisely fit the mandible. Although plates such as the
tion of the motor nerve function (i.e.,VII, XII). The sur- THORP and the UniLOCK plate do not require compres-
5.3 · Description of Procedures 157
a Placement and fixation of a seven-hole reconstruction plate
prior to performing the ostotomy.
Inset: Removal of inferior bony projection at the mental pro-
cess with a burr to simplify plate application in this area.
b Mandible after midline osteotomy. On both sides of the oste-
otomy three provisionally placed screw holes are visible.
c Fixation of the osteotomized mandible with a seven-hole
reconstruction plate, fixed with three screws on each side.
The innermost screws are placed well away from the osteo-
Emergency screws may be positioned in these holes if radiographs prior to removal generally allows adequate
the plate system offers this option.Although the THORP plate length selection. A template is prebent to the con-
and UniLOCK plates are more forgiving of small bend- tour of the mandible, planning an adequate number of
ing errors, even they can distort the mandibular repair if screw holes in each stump. It is preferable to plan the
bent unprecisely. If this is noticed, the plate should be first screw to be placed at least 1 cm away from the tumor
removed and correctly bent to normalize the occlusal margin. This allows some leeway to account for possible
relationship and condylar position. miscalculation of the tumor size when selecting the
Lateral osteotomies may be performed without lip- plate length. If the benign tumor extends anteriorly, the
splitting incisions. Plate application follows the same anterior cortex may be burred away to allow the plate to
principles as for medial mandibulotomies. It is impor- be adapted to the mandible. It is better to plan for addi-
tant not to apply compression to these osteotomies since tional plate length when selecting the plate since it is far
occlusal disturbances result. In the case of radiated easier to shorten a plate than to reapply a new plate
patients compression is also not advised since bone because the one selected was too short.
integrity is essential for plate stability, and bone density Once the plate is adapted, the plate is held in place
is diminished secondary to the diminished vascular sup- with the plate-bone holding forceps. Holes are drilled,
ply of the mandible from the surgical approach and and the screw lengths are measured and recorded on a
radiotherapy. Lateral osteotomies are more susceptible diagram. After the placement of the plate it can gener-
to failure when bridging plates are not used since the ally be left in place during the removal of the lesion. If
vascular supply (facial artery) to the periosteum and the plate placement interferes with adequate removal, it is
nutrient vessel supply are normally interrupted. There is removed. The orientation of the plate may be marked
also less muscle vascularity to revascularize the body of with a suture and then the lesion adequately curretted or
the mandible than in the region of the chin. The THORP resected. If the mandible is fractured during removal,
and UniLOCK plate systems do not produce compres- the patient does not have to be placed in intermaxillary
sion and simplify this application process. fixation since the prebent plate has reestablished the
correct mandibular position, which is maintained once
the plate is secured into position. (This procedure is
5.3.2 Stabilization of Curetted Mandibular Defects comparable to that described in the following section;
see Fig. 5.3a–c). Cancellous bone may be used to fill the
A variety of benign disease processes such as dentiger- bone defect either prior to or after plate application
ous cysts (Fig. 5.2a), giant cell granulomas, and fibro- (Fig. 5.2c,d). If there is an incidental fracture, the bone
osseous lesions may be adequately treated by curettage graft is best applied after the plate is positioned, and the
and cleaning with a burr or by partial resection without mandibular contour and length is reestablished.
segmental resection of the mandible. Extensive cortical If the surgical approach was extraoral, prophylactic
thinning by the disease process or its removal may pro- antibiotic therapy is adequate since subsequent infec-
duce instability of the mandible. Large defects may be tion by intraoral contamination is unlikely. If an intra-
grafted primarily with autogenous cortical and cancel- oral approach was used, a therapeutic course of antibio-
lous bone which is frequently taken from the iliac crest. tics is preferred since intraoral contamination is
However, this does not provide immediate stability for present. Successful bone grafting via an intraoral
the weakened mandible. If a fracture of the mandible approach depends on a reliable closure of the oral
appears during the procedure, or there is suspected mucosa.
instability of the mandible, a bridging plate may be used Patients are placed on a blenderized diet for 2 weeks.
to protect or stabilize the area of the lesion. If the frac- Fastidious oral care is mandated for intraoral
ture occurs at the time of the procedure, the patient may approaches to prevent wound breakdown and subse-
be placed into intermaxillary fixation and the bridging quent infection. If patients are noncompliant, it may be
plate applied without compression in the same manner necessary to use a nasogastric feeding tube to ensure
in which one would fix a fracture with bone loss or com- proper wound healing.
minution. If a reconstruction plate is used to repair this
defect, a minimum of three or preferably four screws are
fixed at each segment (Fig. 5.2 b–d). If one selects the
THORP or the UniLOCK plate to repair this defect, only
three screws are required at each mandibular end to
achieve adequate stability.
When the procedure is planned in an atrophic man-
dible or extensive curettage is anticipated, it is preferable
to prebend the plate to the mandible contour prior to the
removal of the lesion or the tumor. Evaluation of the
5.3 · Description of Procedures 159
a b
c d
sible.When the resection is within the row of teeth, entry mucosa opens up postoperatively. If bone grafting is
into the oral cavity is unavoidable. Following the resec- successful, a titanium plate need not be removed if it
tion the plate is replaced in the correct location to ana- does not disturb the patient. After full incorporation of
tomically repair the defect (Fig. 5.3c). Precise plate the bone graft and therefore closure of the bony defects
bending and handling of the plate guarantees correct because of the continuous bone remodeling, the plate is
positioning of the mandibular stumps. Significant dis- neutralized and does not cause any stress protection.
tortion would require placing dentate patients in IMF
and recontouring the plate to precisely position the
mandible. The plate is replaced and IMF is removed. The 5.3.4 Plate Application for Tumors with Extension
occlusion and mandibular position are rechecked. The Through the Anterior Buccal Cortex
mandible is put through a range of motion to ensure that
there is no deviation or dislocation of the condyle, and Benign tumors occasionally extend anteriorly through
that the occlusion continues to remain correct. When the buccal cortex. This prevents accurate prebending of
correct, the IMF may be released and the arch bars the plate to the mandibular contour without violating
removed. the tumor. There are several possible ways to solve this
The placement of a free nonvascularized bone graft problem. The patient may be placed in IMF prior to
immediately after resecting the tumor is acceptable only resection. If the resection is within the row of teeth,
under the conditions that closure of the oral mucosa is replacing the patient’s IMF following resection aligns
easy, and that no dehiscence is to be expected the mandible for correct plate bending and application.
(Fig. 5.3d,e). Most free bone grafts are lost if the oral If the resection extends proximal to the teeth, precise
162 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
c d
a b
the base plate. Once final adjustments are made, the Fig. 5.5 a–d
bow’s universal joints are rigidly tightened to ensure a Intermaxillary fixation of the mandible to the maxilla with
maintenance of the bow position (see Fig. 5.4a). The miniplates.
b After resection of the tumor the mandibular segments are
clamps are then loosened from the attachment pins. The kept in intermaxillary relation.
bridging bow is removed. The resection of the mandib- c,d (see page 164)
ular tumor is unhindered by the positioning device
(Fig. 5.4b). Following the resection the bow is then reat-
tached to the base plate. The bridging bow reestablishes
the original position of the residual mandibular seg- condylar fixation device is not available,any external fix-
ments with return of normal condylar orientation. A ator of the appropriate size may be used to achieve the
bridging plate (UniLOCK or THORP) can then be bent same function.
precisely to the contour of the mandible to provide pro-
jection at the anterior border of the mandible and stabil-
ization of the mandibular segments (see Fig. 5.4c). The
surgeon may use an alloplastic model to help in the pre-
liminary contouring of the plate. Experienced surgeons
can generally achieve this freehand. The Mandible Fix
Bridge is removed once the reconstruction plate is fit
precisely to recontour the defect (see Fig. 5.4d). If the
164 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
c d
Fig. 5.5 c, d the normal portion of the mandible, and the curved por-
c Bridging of the defect with a reconstruction plate (UniLOCK tion of the omega is either superiorly or inferiorly
or THORP). located to avoid the bulging tumor mass (see
d Filling of the bony defect with an autogenous bone graft and
removal of the miniplates. Fig. 5.6a,c). The plate is adapted precisely so that the
legs of the plate correspond to the mandible contour and
thus ensure stable positioning of the mandibular ends Fixation With Miniplates following resection. Two screws are sufficient to fix each
leg into the uninvolved mandible. The plate is then
Further means for establishing an original positioning appropriately tagged and removed. The tumor is
of the mandibular bone stumps are an intermaxillary resected, clearing all the margins. The positioning plate
fixation with miniplates from mandible to maxilla (see is reapplied in the previously drilled screw holes. This
Fig. 5.5). reestablishes the normal anatomic relationships of the
mandible. Since this positioning plate is usually placed
at the superior margin of the mandible, a template can Fixation With a Reconstruction Plate be bent in the middle portion of the mandible, assuring
that at least three and preferably four screw holes are
If one uses a plate to solve this problem, a previously available for each mandibular stump for plate fixation.
used sterilized reconstruction plate may be bent into an After bending a template the reconstruction plate
omega shape such that the legs of the omega attach to (THORP or UniLOCK) is accordingly bent and adapted
5.3 · Description of Procedures 165
c d
to fit the mandible contour (see Fig. 5.6). Screw holes are 5.3.5 Application of Bone Grafts
drilled using copious irrigation. Hole length is meas- Following Bridging Plate Stabilization
ured, and if the system requires, holes are tapped prior
to placing appropriate length screws. Once the mandib- Once the bone defect has been stabilized precisely with
ular bridging plate has been securely screwed, the posi- a bridging plate (UniLOCK, THORP), primary or secon-
tioning plate is removed from the inferior surface of the dary grafting can be considered. If the mucosa is intact
mandible. Range of motion of the mandible, condylar or can be reliably closed, immediate nonvascularized
position, and occlusal relationships should be checked, bone grafts may be used, with excellent results. Very
and readjustment must be made prior to closure. large defects may be reconstructed with microvascular
166 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
Fig. 5.7
Fixation of a nonvascularized graft in the lateral mandible by
compressing the graft between the mandibular stumps. Inset,
the technique.
Fig. 5.8
In this case after bridging the defect with a reconstruction
plate, the nonvascularized bone graft is fixed to the mandibu-
lar segments via a lag screw technique.
grafts (see Fig. 5.10). Smaller defects may be repaired determined by the bridging plate selected for mandibu-
with cancellous bone obtained from the iliac crest. This lar stabilization.
highly cellular graft is extremely reliable even for previ- Fixation of bone grafts together with reconstruction
ously infected cases. However, a substantial loss of min- plates can be carried out by one of several means. If the
eral bulk of the graft is expected. Corticocancellous screws can be locked within the hole of the plate (as in
grafts are preferred for larger defects. Cancellous bone UniLOCK or THORP), it is safe to fix the grafts with
grafts require some means of stabilization, possibly with these screws. If the screws cannot be locked, however,
resorbable meshes. The means of fixation of the graft is grafts should not be fixed with these screws since the
5.3 · Description of Procedures 167
Fig. 5.9 a–c screws may loosen during the process of revitalization
a Fixation of a nonvascularized bone graft with screws is feas- of the bone graft and promote infection.
able when locking of the screws into the plate hole is possible One possibility for stabilizing a nonvascularized
(inset 1, THORP; inset 2, UniLOCK).
b After resecting the angular area of the left mandible, the graft is to use the advantage of bidirectional screw holes
defect was bridged with a THORP plate and filled with a of the reconstruction plate, allowing for compression. If
nonvascularized bone graft fixed with two locking screws. the inner screws are loosened, a slightly oversized graft
c Same situation as in b 4 months later, showing a complete (approximately 2 mm larger than the defect) may be
incorporation without much resorption of the graft. wedged between the mandible edges (Fig. 5.7).When the
168 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
screws are tightened (inset in Fig. 5.7), the graft is com- Vascularized bone grafts heal similarly to fractures, and
pressed between the mandible edges stabilizing the stabilization can mimic techniques for fracture repair.
graft. Free vascularized composite bone grafts have
Another technique uses a mortise joint to fix the graft become the treatment of choice for repair of large seg-
to the mandible with lag screws. An oversized graft is mental mandibular and soft-tissue defects. The vascu-
harvested.A step incision is cut into the ends of the graft larized bone and soft-tissue flaps tolerate radiotherapy
so that the measurement from the inner bone edge is the with minimal complications of osteoradionecrosis,
exact dimension of the mandibular defect. The outer wound breakdown, plate extrusion, and screw or plate
flange of the bone graft overlaps the mandibular ends. It loss. Dental implants may be placed primarily to accel-
is preferable to cut back the outer cortex of the mandible erate the dental restoration process.
at both mandibular ends to precisely fit the flange of the The choice of fixation of the vascularized bone flap
bone graft. Lag screws may then be placed to fix the bone includes regular fracture plates (2.4), lag screws, mini-
graft securely in place (inset in Fig. 5.8). The bridging plates, Universal Fracture plates (microvascular plate)
plate provides temporary stability for functional load- and reconstruction plates (UniLOCK, THORP). The goal
ing (Fig. 5.8). Eventually, after completion of the healing of the fixation is to provide adequate stability to allow
process, the bone graft takes over the functional forces. bone healing without distortion of the occlusion or tem-
Plate designs that lock the screw to the plate such as poromandibular joint function. Longer grafts require
the UniLOCK and THORP allow screws to be placed segmental osteotomies for correct contouring of the
through the plate hole to fix the graft (Fig. 5.9). This can graft. Intuitively, this simulates segmental fractures. One
greatly facilitate the speed of repair. It does not negate could predict better control of maxillomandibular and
the benefits of lag screw fixation of the graft. With each condylar positioning using load bearing bridging plates.
of these techniques it is recommended to pack cancel- Regardless, the different schools of surgeons advocate a
lous bone liberally around the graft-mandibular joints variety of fixation methods, with similarly good results.
to ensure more predictable bone healing at the osteo- Bridging plates have another advantage in not requiring
tomy sites. patients to be placed in IMF to secure occlusal relation-
Primary, nonvascularized bone grafting is recom- ships. With tumors lacking anterior cortical extension
mended only when there are no mucosal defects and in the plate can be prebent to the mandibular contour prior
the occasional instances in which the mucosa can be to resection of the mandible. This provides precise
closed securely. Most studies predict significant bone recontouring of the mandibular defect, and osteotomies
loss if nonvascularized bone grafts are attempted for within the graft can be planned according to the plate
cases where there are mucosal defects. In fact, a dehis- shape (see Sect. 5.3.3; Fig. 5.3).
cence above the graft almost always causes the loss of a As mentioned in the sequence on three-dimensional
nonvascularized free graft. It is usually best to wait computer modeling, it may be helpful to prebend a plate
approximately 2 months or until adequate healing has on the basis of a three-dimensional model. This may be
occurred to provide secondary bone repair. The plates too expensive for consideration as a regular procedure.
allow immediate function without bone being present.
They are subject to breaking if the bone is not replaced.
This generally occurs, depending on the loading situa- 5.3.7 Repair of the Anterior Defect Using a Microvascu-
tion, after months or years. lar Free Bone Flap and Fixation With Universal Fracture
Dental implants may be placed secondarily in corti- Plates (Microvascular Plates), UniLOCK, or Mini Plates
cal cancellous bone grafts. A high rate of success can be
expected with this application. Primary implantation of Selection of bone donor site depends upon the size and
dental implants within nonvascularized bone is not rec- location of the bone defect, the amount of soft tissue
ommended. resected, and the preference of the surgeon. Both fibula
and iliac crest free flaps contain excellent bone. The iliac
crest is usually required when more soft-tissue repair is
5.3.6 Reconstruction of Tumor Defects needed. The scapula free flap may also be used. This has
With Vascularized Bone Grafts the advantage of excellent independent soft-tissue flaps.
and Their Fixation With Plates The bone, however, has a periosteal blood supply and
has substantially less volume. The decreased bone gen-
Vascularized tissue transfer provides optimal bone and erally requires a bridging plate (UniLOCK or THORP) to
soft tissue for major defect reconstruction. Nonvascu- guarantee mandibular form and function, while iliac
larized bone heals by creeping substitution and remod- crest and fibula flaps can be fixed with miniplates as
eling. The revitalization of the bone depends upon the well. The radial forearm flap with bone is rarely used in
vascularity of the surrounding tissue.Vascularized flaps our groups. Since the amount of bone is small, this
introduce viable bone and soft tissue to initiate repair. would require a reconstruction plate for fixation.
5.3 · Description of Procedures 169
The anterior surface of the mandible is widely technique is generally employed when using the iliac
exposed, and the osteotomy sites are marked with a crest or scapula free flap with skin for intraoral lining.
bone saw. A template is prebent to the contour of the
mandible. The template also can guide the selection of
plate length. The plate is measured so that the first screw 5.3.8 Repair of Tumor Defects With Anterior
is placed about 1 cm from the osteotomy, and at least Soft-Tissue Extension With Microvascular Free Bone Flap
four screws should be planned for each side. Extensive and Bridging Plate
anterior projection of the inferior border of the mental
process may be removed with a cutting burr if the tumor The method of supervising mandibular and condylar
does not extend into this region (see inset of Fig. 5.1). position for tumors extending anteriorly is decribed
This facilitates plate bending and decreases overprojec- above (see Figs. 5.4–5.6). Dentate patients may be placed
tion of the repair. The plate is contoured precisely to the in IMF to supervise maxillomandibular relationships.
anterior surface of the mandible. The plate is positioned, The method of using an oversized positioning device is
and at least two screws are placed in each side to ensure also described above.
that the remaining screw holes are placed correctly An alternative method uses the condylar positioning
without plate displacement (see Fig. 5.3a,d). Sharp device which provides an excellent unobstructed resec-
drills, correct drill guides, and copious irrigation is tion of the tumor. Base plates applied proximal to the
required to prevent screw failure. Either pretapped or planned mandibular osteotomies secure the positioning
nonpretapped holes are required depending on the kind bow. The bow is removed and the tumor is resected. The
of screws for fixing the reconstruction plate. Screw mandible is repositioned by reattaching the positioning
length is measured before tapping to avoid potential bow to the mandibular base plates. A bridging plate can
damage to the tapped bone threads. All screw holes are be contoured to the mandible to maintain the man-
drilled, measured, and tapped (if required), and a dia- dibular position. The bridging plate is applied, and the
gram of the plate and screw orientation is recorded. Spe- Mandible Fix Bridge base plates are removed (see
cial care must be taken when replacing self-tapping Fig. 5.4b,d). The free flap can be harvested and shaped
screws (2.4 UniLOCK) to avoid stripping previously cut and fixed to the plate as previously described
threads. It is preferable not to place all screws prior to (Fig. 5.11b,c).
resection to avoid this potential problem. This is less
likely to occur with pretapped holes (2.7 and THORP
screws). The plate is removed and the surgical resection 5.3.9 Reconstruction of the Condyle: General Remarks
The plate may be taken to the donor site to shape and Reconstructing the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
fix the bone to the plate in situ before transacting the articulation is one of the most demanding challenges in
vascular pedicle to decrease ischemic time. This applies facial surgery. Restoration must address the complex
to the fibula free flap and is a matter of surgeon’s prefer- function of the joint while restoring occlusion, facial
ence. Screws are placed monocortically in the graft to symmetry, and projection and maintaining normal
decrease potential injury to the vessels behind the oppo- mastication. Many of the problems of joint reconstruc-
site cortex (see inset to Fig. 5.10a). The plate bone unit tion have been addressed in the literature in relation to
may then be fitted to the mandibular defect and the plate repair of the ankylosed joint. Efforts to provide repair
secured to the mandible. Vascular anastomosis is then with alloplastic condylar prostheses have been asso-
completed, followed by wound closure (Schusterman). ciated with the complications of malpositioning, infec-
An alternative is to fix the vascularized free flap with tion, glenoid fossa erosion, heterotropic bone forma-
Universal Fracture plates (Fig. 5.10b,c) or miniplates. In tion, and even erosion into the skull (middle cranial
these instances it is essential to have adequate bone in fossa; see also sections 5.3.11 and 5.3.12).
order to guarantee form and function of the mandible These problems are even more apparent with
and then sustain the soft tissues. The osteotomy defects patients requiring tumor ablation and repair, especially
should be filled with cancellous bone (inset to when combined with high-dose radiation therapy.
Fig. 5.10a). Lindqvist et al. (1992a) reported 3 of 11 condylar pros-
In another variation the bridging plate is placed first thesis used for tumor repair required removal secon-
to restore the mandibular defect. The graft must be fixed dary to infection. One patient aged 11 years had a plate
with a reconstruction plate only if it is taken from the fracture necessitating plate removal. Four of the
scapula (see Fig. 5.11b).After harvesting the grafts, oste- patients’ condyles were displaced out of the fossa.
otomies are performed in the bone graft to precisely fit Reconstruction of the TMJ with an alloplastic condyle
the mandibular defect and plate contour. The bone is after radical removal of the joint with planned postop-
secured to the plate. Intraoral soft-tissue closure is com- erative radiotherapy is probably contraindicated
pleted, followed by the microvascular anastomosis. This because of the high probability of failure and the poten-
5.3 · Description of Procedures 171
a b
a b
1 2 3
Fig. 5.15
Fixation of a microvascular anastomized bone graft to a recon-
struction plate with condyle. Since this is a vital bone graft, fix-
ation can well be performed with screws.
Fig. 5.16 a–c oid fossa (see Fig. 5.16c). Failure to position the graft
a Fixation of a microvascular free fibular graft replacing cor- adequately and to supervise it may lead to malposition-
pus and ramus, including the condylar head, on the left side. ing the graft into the temporal fossa, which impairs cor-
Fixation of graft and osteotomy (angle) with Universal Frac-
ture plates. Bone gaps are filled with cancellous bone. rect functioning of the mandible.
b Fixation of a microvascular free fibular graft with a recon-
struction plate. Note the joint area is replaced by bone only,
no condylar head of the plate. 5.3.13 Management of Mandibular Resection
c Pre- and postoperative X-ray showing the defect of the left Including the Condyle Using Microvascular Bone Flaps
corpus and ramus of the mandible and the reconstruction of
this area with a microvascular anastomosed fibular graft
and Various Plates for Fixation
fixed with Universal Fracture plates. Situation corresponds
with a. Fortunately, malignancies rarely involve the TMJ. This
may be due to the limited lymphatics in this region, or to
the lack of interconnections of the ascending ramus to
the condyle with either a common canal or a blood sup-
vide more stability (Fig. 5.15). However, this resolves ply. When malignancies involve this region, they usually
only the problem of potential plate fracture. Most sur- also invade the joint capsule and the meniscus and
geons would recommend replacing this plate with bone require resection of these structures followed by high-
graft if the patient remains free of disease. Microvascu- dose radiotherapy. These extensive tumors frequently
lar free flaps are certainly considered a better choice for involve the lateral skull base and require skull base
young patients who can expect long-term survival. Fix- approaches with resection of the floor of the middle cra-
ation of these grafts is performed with either Universal nial fossa which limits the ability for primary mandibu-
Fracture plates (Fig. 5.16a) or bridging plates lar reconstruction. Microvascular osseous free flaps may
(Fig. 5.16b,c). be used for mandibular repair, including the condyle, if
Care must be taken to size the new condyle free end no significant defect has been created in the skull base.
of the graft adequately and to position it within the glen- The fossa may be covered with a temporalis flap. The
178 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
free end of the bone flap is carefully shaped to fit the Fig. 5.17
glenoid fossa (see Fig. 5.16). Reconstruction of the left mandible. The unaffected condyle
Careful osteotomies need to be planned with precise was left in place and used for fixation of the reconstruction
plate with two screws, one in the head and one in the subcon-
adaption of the graft to provide width, projection, and dylar area. In this situation a free nonvascularized bone graft
height of the mandible. There is a slight tendency of was used. Therefore stabilization must be performed with a
these grafts to migrate into the temporal fossa. There- reconstruction plate.
fore fixation of the graft to the residual mandible is gen-
erally best achieved with a bridging plate such as the
UniLOCK or THORP to prevent mandibular deviation attach to the base plates. The position is fixed using the
(see Fig. 5.16b). These plates are more difficult to adapt locking universal clamps. The fixation bow is removed
but provide the stability to maintain condylar and man- from the base plates allowing free access to the oral cav-
dibular positioning during functional load. The joint ity during tumor resection. Reapplication of the fixation
capsule should be secured around the condyle if pos- bow allows precise repositioning of the mandible for the
sible to help prevent dislocation from the glenoid fossa. adaptation of the plate and the bone graft. Base plates
If occlusal relationships are questionable, a period of are removed at the end of the procedure. The advantage
IMF is mandated. If occlusal relationships cannot be of installing arch bars over other techniques is that it
achieved after graft placement, careful readaptation of allows the surgeon to maintain or reapply IMF more eas-
the plate and graft are required prior to closure to pre- ily in the postoperative period if desired. It is helpful to
vent mandibular dysfunction. maintain patients in IMF with elastics for 2 weeks post-
Positioning of the graft in relationship to the remain- operatively to train the occlusion. Dentures or appropri-
ing mandible is difficult. It is beneficial to place the den- ate splints may be used in edentulous patients to help
tate patient into arch bars. The patient is placed in IMF restore normal position and function.
prior to final adaptation and fixation of the graft and Several techniques have evolved for repairing the lat-
plate. eral mandibular defect including the condyle. These
Another option is to position the mandible in rela- include using an osseous free flap in combination with a
tionship to the maxilla. A variety of techniques may be reconstruction plate with a condylar head (see Fig. 5.15).
used to achieve this positioning. The patient may have a Osseous free flaps may also have the proximal end of the
fracture plate placed between the noninvolved mandible bone contoured into a neo condyle (see Fig. 5.16a–c).
and the maxilla (see Fig. 5.5a). This is placed when the Hidalgo suggests removing the residual unaffected
patient is in the normal closed occlusal position. The condyle and using it as a free graft attached to the
plate can be removed to facilitate the resection. Once the osseous free flap. Adequate length of the condyle neck
resection is completed, the plate can be replaced, rees- generally remains to be attached with two or three
tablishing normal mandibular position for the adapta- screws to the bridging plate, which is necessary if no
tion of the graft and plate. This may also be achieved by vascularized grafts are transplanted (Fig. 5.17, 5.19a) or
the use of the Synthes Mandible Fix Bridge (see other stabilization plates in combination with microvas-
Fig. 5.4a). The base plates are attached to the maxilla and cular grafts (Fig. 5.18). This is preferable to producing a
the mandible. The mandible is placed in normal closed free condylar graft, which ultimately undergoes signifi-
occlusal position, and the fixation bow is adjusted to cant resorption and remodeling over time.Of course,the
5.3 · Description of Procedures 179
reconstruction prosthesis is chosen and bent to reestab- transcondylar screw hole length is chosen to avoid screw
lish the mandible contour. It is helpful to prebend a tem- protrusion.
plate prior to resection of the mandible. This helps in Patients are recommended to remain in IMF for
recontouring the plate more closely to the mandible. 2 weeks to ensure correct positioning and to allow pre-
Stay sutures placed in the lateral, medial, anterior, and liminary bone and soft-tissue healing. Functional reha-
posterior joint capsules aid in assuring correct condylar bilitation is advised to achieve maximal results.
placement within the joint space. Care must be taken not
to force the prosthesis into the posterior superior joint
position since this produces a canted open bite occlu- 5.4 Complications
sion at the side of the repair. Once contoured, the plate
should be fixed to the mandible with at least four bicor- Complications occurring from reconstruction of tumor
tical 2.7 pretapped screws. Small adjustments of the defects are related to technical errors, screw failure, soft-
plate may be made in situ. It is desirable to remove IMF tissue failure, joint failure, bone failure, and material
temporarily to ensure normal occlusion, joint function, failure.
and range of motion. This also facilitates the placement Many problems are obviously intrinsic to the healing
of the free flap. The plate is generally removed and the process and are unavoidable. The use of microvascular
free bone flap osteotomized and contoured to fit the bone flaps has greatly reduced the rate of soft-tissue and
plate. The final sizing of the graft may require adjust- plate failures compared to that when repairs relied only
ment once the prosthesis is secured in its previous estab- upon the plate providing mandibular integrity. Other
lished position (see Fig. 5.15). considerations involve patient selection, cost contain-
ment, and objective assessment of reconstruction bene-
fits for patients with these aggressive tumors.
5.3.16 Condylar Reconstruction: Condylar Transplant
and Vascularized Bone Flap Reconstruction
5.5 Technical Errors
If a planned resection includes disarticulation of the
condyle and a small condyle and neck remnant is found Technical errors involve inappropriate selection and
to be free of tumor, the condyle may be transplanted to application of stabilization. Likewise, appropriate con-
a vascularized free flap (Hidalgo). Another option is to touring, application, screw placement and vessel repair
leave the condylar head in place and attach it to the are imperative when free flaps are applied, but discus-
shaped bone flap (Figs 5.17, 5.18). Proponents of this sion of these issues are not within the scope of this text-
procedure are concerned with poor results achieved by book.
using vascularized free flaps to create the neocondyle. There remains some variance in the choice of fixation
Few patients with oral cancers are amenable to this pro- of free flaps for mandibular repair. Some authors select
cedure since lesions extending to the proximal mandible “miniplates” to position and stabilize osteotomy sites.
and TMJ usually have extensive involvement to the tis- Ease of application and less potential interference with
sues of the skull base.The majority of tumors allow pres- the graft and its vascular pedicle are the advantages of
ervation of substantial condylar neck and posterior this method of fixation. Although larger bridging plates
ramus to fasten securely a reconstruction plate are more difficult to bend, they allow more precise con-
(Fig. 5.19a). Although transplanted condyles have touring and supervision. They may also be helpful in
shown resorption apparent short-term function is providing increased stability for thinner bone flaps such
reported to be better than other bone reconstructions as the scapula. Regardless of the surgeon’s choice the sta-
even when patients receive radiotherapy. bilization must overcome the forces of mastication and
Exposure is described above. The free or microvascu- allow bone healing with maintenance of normal man-
lar flap may be secured to the residual mandible with dibular and joint relationships. Failure to position the
either a reconstruction plate,Universal Fracture plate,or mandible anatomically results in a rigidly fixed mistake.
miniplates (Fig. 5.19). Patients should be taken out of IMF (if used) to test the
In the case of a condyle transplanted or left in place functional range of motion and maxillomandibular
fixation to the microvascular bone flap is carried out position before accepting the repair. Then, if the repair
with miniplates or Universal Fracture plates. Two or and surgeon’s preference mandate, the patient may be
three screws, if possible, should be placed in the trans- placed in IMF for a short time.A period of IMF is gener-
planted condyle. The screws must not protrude into the ally not required when bridging plates are used to stabi-
articular surface. If screws are to be placed in the con- lize the defect. The only exception is the repair of large
dyle, they should not be placed bicortically (see Fig. 5.17 bone defects, including the condyle.
inset, 5.18). A screw 2 mm shorter than the measured
182 Chapter 5 · Reconstructive Tumor Surgery in the Mandible
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localized bone failure. Immediate bone repair produces
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reconstruction with vascularized bone grafts. Arch Otola-
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apy. Back scatter and shielding are not significant at dis- lar defects with a titanium reconstruction plate. Otolaryngol
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opposed ports are used. Therefore bone complications synthesis in immediate and delayed mandibular reconstruc-
are more likely due to the extensive devascularization tion. Laryngoscope 95:1363–1366
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Chapter 6 185
Fig. 6.5
Alternative condylar positioning devices.Attachment of a plate
from mandibular ramus to zygoma or maxilla prior to sagittal
split can position the proximal segment prior to screw fixation.
6.3 · Surgical Procedures 189
a b
Fig. 6.6 Inset b: The use of a shim of bone to prevent lateral condylar
Correct fixation of sagittal split osteotomy and anterior displacement can be performed with a single lag screw in the
advancement of mandible. Anterior gaps are kept and stabi- most proximal position followed by positional screws placed
lized with positioning screws. Posterior natural contact area is through the sandwiched shim bone graft. A piece of the dis-
stabilized with a lag screw. tal aspect of the proximal segment can be removed to serve
Inset a: Lateral condylar displacement due to lag screw fixation as this graft.
in natural gap area. Under these circumstances the distal Insets c,d,e: The various possible placements of either lag or
aspect of the proximal segment is displaced medially. positoning screws.
190 Chapter 6 · Stable Internal Fixation of Osteotomies of the Facial Skeleton
proximal segment of the mandible and the maxillary screws and positioning screws in retropositioning of the
base. In this case a plate is bent and fixed to the lateral mandible.
border of the ramus and maxilla (cephelad to any max- Condylar position and stable internal fixation can
illary osteotomy) before the osteotomy is completed. also be achieved through the use of a monocortically
The plate is removed. Following the completion of the fixed plate with 2.0-mm screws on the external oblique
osteotomy the plate is replaced while the final ramus fix- ridge. This permits fixation without condylar displace-
ation is completed (Fig. 6.5). ment. Mechanical load resistance with this technique is
Understanding the planned movements in three inferior to that with screw fixation of the ramus. For this
dimensions assists the surgeon in deciding what modifi- reason two plates are used by some surgeons for each
cations in the osteotomy to perform, whether to use osteotomy (Fig. 6.8).
bone graft shims, and which method of internal fixation
to employ. In mandibular advancement surgery tight
clamping (or a lag screw at area of natural gap) of the Other Ramus Osteotomies
ramus causes the condyle to position laterally (Fig. 6.6,
inset a). In this instance positional screws or a single lag The vertical ramus osteotomy is not commonly used
screw can be used at the point of natural contact fol- with stable internal fixation because of the many prob-
lowed by two positional screws (Fig. 6.6, inset b). Addi- lems in maintaining the preoperative condylar position
tionally, bone contact without condylar displacement and the risk to the mandibular nerve when transbuccal
can be assisted by placing a “shim” between the seg- screws are applied. There have been reports of miniplate
ments (Fig. 6.6, inset b) with lag screw fixation. Further fixation of the proximal segment, but the ability to apply
examples of the geometry of screw fixation are shown in immediate full function has not been established. As a
Fig. 6.6, insets c–e). Figure 6.7 shows the placement of lag result most vertical ramus osteotomies are still per-
6.3 · Surgical Procedures 191
Fig. 6.9
Inverted L osteotomy. Fixation with a stabilization plate with
four screws per segment is recommended since this osteotomy
is the mechanical equivalent of a mandibular continuity defect.
a b
6.4 · Evaluation of Outcomes 195
a b
Fig.6.15 a–d
a Facial asymmetry due to loss of condylar area on the right
side during childhood. The mandibular ramus on the right
side is too short and in consequence the occlusal plane is
deviated. The facial height on the right side is shorter than
on the left. This facial asymmetry is comparable to hemifa-
cial microsomia.
b Surgical correction of facial asymmetry described in a. The
correction consists of a Le Fort I osteotomy, a sagittal split
osteotomy on the left, a chin osteotomy and correction with
a bone graft in the right mandibular area.
c Postoperative orthopantomogram of the situation shown in
d X-ray showing posterior-anterior view of the same opera- d
tion as described in b.
196 Chapter 6 · Stable Internal Fixation of Osteotomies of the Facial Skeleton
6.5 Complications
Fig. 6.17
Comminution of the sagittal osteotomy. Reconstituting major
segments in the event of comminution usually produces stable
c internal fixation of the comminuted osteotomy.
198 Chapter 6 · Stable Internal Fixation of Osteotomies of the Facial Skeleton
Craniofacial Deformities 7
Chapter Author: Paul N.Manson
Contributors: Paul N.Manson
Craig A.Vander Kolk
Benjamin Carson
a b
c d
a b
Fig. 7.2 a, b
Incisions used for cranial reconstruction include the coronal The use of a posterior “T” incision extending from the coro-
incision and extensions. This involves an incision from ear to nal to allow for improved exposure for posterior reconstruc-
ear which is generally carried out behind the ear if lower exten- tion.
sion is required (dotted lines). It can be “zigzagged” for a less When hypertelorism with a bifid nose is present requiring
apparent incision (technique of Munro or “stealth” technique; resection of anterior skin and correction of the bifid nose, an
see also Chap. 2). anterior T can be extended to the nasal tip which allows direct
exposure and excision of excess tissue.
Fig. 7.3
The sphinx position.
Fig. 7.4
There are three sets of paired
p cranial sutures, the right
g and left
coronal, the right and left lambdoid, the right and left squamo-
closure are not presently known. Several general theo- The term “plagiocephaly” is derived from the Greek
ries have been formulated to predict the etiology. Vir- and means literally “twisted skull.” It is used to describe
chow stated that the deformity is related to the fusion of the syndrome in which a coronal or lambdoidal suture
the suture itself. Moss’ theory was related to the postu- fuses prematurely and results in lack of growth. The
late that the abnormality begins in the cranial base in the term “anterior plagiocephaly” refers to involvement of
synchondroses and secondarily affects the cranial vault. the coronal suture and “posterior plagiocephaly” to that
Other investigators have suggested that the abnormality of the lambdoidal suture. Coronal suture synostoses
begins in the mesenchymal blastema and is related to cause ipsilateral or bilateral frontal flattening. In unilat-
the dura where tensile forces of the growing brain are eral deformities one finds a decrease in the transverse
not adequately transmitted in signal fashion to the diameter of the ipsilateral orbit, anterior placement of
suture, providing an inadequate stimulus to grow. the ear, deviation of the chin point to the opposite side,
Recent reports suggest that abnormalities of growth deviation of the nose to the ipsilateral side, contralateral
factors occur within the suture. It is known that some of frontal “bossing,” and contralateral occipital flattening
the syndromal synostoses, such as Crouzon’s syndrome, (Fig. 7.6).
have a mutation in the FGFR-2 gene. Fibroblast growth True lambdoidal synostosis is rare; many posterior
factor is one of the growth factors. In the Boston crani- postural or positional deformities can be mistaken for
osynostosis syndrome there is a mutation of a Homeo- synostosis; three-dimensional computed tomography is
box gene, MSX-2, which is thought to control the growth necessary to document fusion of the suture to confirm
and expression of other genes that control differentia- partial or complete synostosis (Fig. 7.7). Positional
tion and growth. As craniosynostosis develops, the deformities are generally managed by the use of a hel-
growth of the skull is limited in a direction perpendicu- met or positioning techniques for infant sleeping which
lar to the suture. A flattening in the region around the molds or relieves sleeping pressure on the skull. When
suture results in cranial deformity. There is usually com- both coronal and lambdoidal sutures are involved, ante-
pensatory overgrowth on the contralateral side. When rior or posterior brachycephaly occurs. The deformity
multiple sutures are fused, the tendency to develop consists of anterior-posterior flattening, increased verti-
increased intracranial pressure increases as the ability to cal height of the skull and shortening of the cranial base
compensate with compensatory overgrowth decreases. (Fig. 7.8).
7.3 · Craniosynostosis 203
Fig. 7,5 a, b
a There are two midline individual sutures, the sagittal suture
and the metopic suture. The nasofrontal suture is present at
the junction of the nose and frontal bone.
b Cranial base sutures are sometimes used for base osteoto-
Fig. 7.6
The deformity of plagiocephaly is related to unilateral coronal
synostosis. Ipsilateral frontal flattening, contralateral frontal b
bossing, ipsilateral occipital flattening, deviation of the chin
point to the opposite side, deviation of the nose to the ipsilat-
eral side and movement of the ear position anteriorly are char-
acteristic of the deformity.
204 Chapter 7 · Craniofacial Deformities
Fig. 7.7
Postural synostoses generally consist of ipsilateral flattening
with contralateral bulging posteriorly. Posterior positioning of
the ear is seen. These are managed by sleeping positioning
techniques, and helmet therapy for head molding.
Fig. 7.8
olvement of both coronal sutures produces anterior brachy-
Fig. 7.9
Sagittal synostosis produces scaphocephaly.
7.5 · Surgical Technique: Anterior Cranial Expansion and Reconstruction 205
Fig. 7.10
Trigonocephaly is produced by premature closure of the 7.4 Planning and Reconstruction
metopic suture. It is often accompanied by hypotelorism.
The planning for reconstruction is based on a physical
examination and an initial diagnosis which is supported
Isolated sagittal suture synostosis is one of the most by data obtained from axial and three-dimensional
common synostoses. Skull growth is restricted laterally, computed tomography (see Fig. 7.1). This scan can be
causing an increased anterior-posterior length of the placed in a data base for archival data collection and
skull. Sagittal synostosis in infants under 4 months of retrieval. Both bone and brain windows should be col-
age is managed initially by resection of the involved lected to provide maximal information. Brain windows
suture. Thereafter sutural resection and osteotomies are evaluate the amount of compression of the brain and the
required to expand the cranial vault. Sagittal synostosis restriction of the fluid spaces or ventricles secondary to
demonstrates impaired growth in an elongated skull the growth restriction. Redistribution of the subarach-
with increased anterior-posterior length. This produces noid fluid with brain compression directly below the
dolichocephaly or scaphocephaly (Fig. 7.9). When the area of synostosis often occurs with digital impressions
metopic suture undergoes premature fusion, there is in the bone.Cerebral circulation may be decreased in the
diminished growth in the right and left sides of the fore- scan. Compensatory changes are sometimes seen on the
head, with a prominent ridge anteriorly. The triangular contralateral side in unilateral deformities.
skull shape produced is known as trigonocephaly
(Fig. 7.10). Hypertelorism is also frequently noted in
these patients. Bilateral coronal synostosis produces 7.5 Surgical Technique: Anterior Cranial Expansion
brachycephaly, a tower skull with reduced anterior-pos- and Reconstruction
terior growth.
The deformities resulting from synostosis are always Anterior cranial expansion begins with a coronal inci-
more complex than those seen in the local area around sion. The frontal and temporal areas are exposed sub-
the involved suture. Compensatory changes are seen at a periosteally, leaving the temporalis muscles attached to
distance in the skull. Delashaw has postulated that other the subcutaneous tissue. This provides a generous expo-
sutures of the cranium try to compensate for the synos- sure to the entire frontal and both temporal regions (see
tosis. The variable effects produced require considera- Fig. 7.2).
tion not only of the area of major growth restriction but An anterior bone flap (Fig. 7.11) is developed which
contralateral areas as well. Therefore in treating a pla- permits dissection along the anterior cranial base to
giocephaly there are techniques for both unilateral and expose the orbital rooves and crista gali. The olfactory
bilateral forehead osteotomies. Most surgeons generally nerves are not disturbed.
prefer a bilateral osteotomy because the compensatory The orbits are dissected medially, superiorly, and lat-
changes on the noninvolved side are addressed better by erally down to the body of the zygoma. Osteotomies are
the bilateral osteotomy, permitting increased symmetry performed (Fig. 7.12) across the roof of the orbits; the
to be achieved. sphenoid and frontal process of the zygoma are sec-
Three types of reconstruction are commonly per- tioned at the malar eminence on the involved side and at
formed in craniofacial reconstruction: anterior cranial the zygomaticofrontal suture on the uninvolved side
expansion, posterior cranial expansion, and total cranial (Fig.7.12a).If the deformity is bilateral (Fig.7.12b),such
expansion. There are two varieties of hypertelorism pro- as in metopic synostosis, the osteotomies are performed
cedures, the “box” orbital osteotomy and the “V” exci- at the junction at the malar eminence and the frontal
sion bipartition or facial split osteotomies of Vander process of the zygoma. This allows a complete “lateral
Muellen, Monasterio, and Tessier, which are used in canthal advancement” with anterior rotation. Osteoto-
206 Chapter 7 · Craniofacial Deformities
The anterior frontal bone flap can be removed following its dis- After dissecting the orbits medially, superiorly and laterally
section by peripheral or central burrholes. Its removal permits down to the body of the zygoma, osteotomies may be per-
dissection along the anterior cranial base, roof of the orbits and formed on the involved side at the malar eminence and at the
exposure of central structures such as the cribriform plate and zygomaticofrontal suture on the uninvolved side. Advance-
crista gali. The olfactory nerves are not disturbed. ment of the frontal process of the zygoma produces a complete
lateral canthal advancement by anterior rotation of the lateral
orbit. Frontal bar advancement may be unilateral (a) or bilat-
eral (b).
mies are made across the nasofrontal suture. This expo- tioned by plates placed in the temporal hollow region
sure allows the entire area of the deformity to be (Fig. 7.16).
accessed, osteotomized, and repositioned. Finally, the frontal bone is contoured by bending bar-
When a temporal region is recessed, the temporal rel stave or partial or complete peripheral osteotomies.
bone can be removed and replaced in an improved posi- The frontal bone is then plated into position (Fig. 7.17;
tion (Fig. 7.13). The temporal regions were formerly junctional stable fixation). The bone dust saved from the
used for a “tongue in groove” articulation of bone for osteotomies and burrholes is then placed on the areas of
stabilization (Fig. 7.14). Now, however, temporal bones the osteotomies.An anterior osteotomy is generally per-
can be widely exposed, removed, recontoured, and repo- formed at the nasofrontal region, which avoids dissec-
sitioned without compromising stability because of tion of the insertion of the medial canthal ligament. In
stable fixation techniques, correcting the temporal con- younger infants the segments of bone can be bent with
tour. If the orbit is constricted in a mediolateral direc- finger manipulation or a Tessier bone-bending forceps.
tion, it can be osteotomized and an interpositional bone After the age of 1 year, the bone is too brittle for bend-
graft placed (Fig. 7.15). Otherwise, the frontal bar is bent ing; inner table scoring is then used to allow for bend-
to conform to a normal, bilateral symmetric configura- ing, as are greenstick fractures. Sometimes greenstick
tion and plated into position at the lateral temporal and fractures or partial osteotomies need to be supported by
nasofrontal junctions. It is generally plated and posi- plate and screw fixation to maintain position. The orbi-
7.5 · Surgical Technique: Anterior Cranial Expansion and Reconstruction 207
208 Chapter 7 · Craniofacial Deformities
Fig. 7.13
Retrusion of the ipsilateral temporal regiion can be managed by
replacement of the temporal bone in aan improved position.
i id fixation
fi i stabilizes
bili theh repositioned
ii d segment.
Fig. 7.14
Prior to rigid fixation, the temporal regiions were advanced by
the use of a “tongue in groove” assemblyy of bone for stabiliza-
7.5 · Surgical Technique: Anterior Cranial Expansion and Reconstruction 209
Fig. 7.15
If the orbit is constricted in a medial to llateral direction, it can
be osteotomized and an interpositionall bone graft placed to
correct iits width.
id h
Fig. 7.16
The frontal bar is bent (infant bone is maalleable) to produce an
ideal contour, and placed in an advanced position. Plates secure
its position and are generally placed in th
he temporal hollow so
that they are less visible and palpable. F
Fixation at the zygoma
and nasofrontal regions
g is completed.
210 Chapter 7 · Craniofacial Deformities
Fig. 7.17 otomy begins 5–8 cm above the junction of the left
The frontal bone flap may be reversed 180° in plagiocephaly lambdoidal sutures and along the sagittal suture. It then
correction. It can be further contoured by peripheral, “barrel extends in a curvalinear fashion to involve the asterion
stave” or sectional osteotomies which can be stabilized with
small internal fixation devices. The frontal bone flap is stabi- region. The inferior osteotomy is performed below the
lized by marginal rigid fixation. Bone dust saved from the oste- transverse sinus. A central transverse osteotomy below
otomies and burrholes is placed into areas of osteotomy gap. the junction of the lambdoidal sutures divides a poste-
rior craniotomy into two segments (Fig. 7.18). The seg-
ments are elevated, and a lower “occipital bar” can be
harvested which allows the same facility of reconstruc-
tal segments are advanced into a slightly overcorrected tion as anterior by moving and positioning the “frontal
position and held in place with microreconstruction bar.”
plates or 1.3 plates. In children 3-mm screws should be For right or left isolated lambdoid suture synostosis,
used since these have not been shown to cause dural the bone segments may be rotated 190°. This allows the
penetration if intracranial migration occurs. Bone grafts expanded bone from the contralateral (compensatory)
can also be used in contour modes and lag screwed into area to be placed on the ipsilateral or flattened side. The
position. Some fixation is usually necessary at the naso- flattened ipsilateral bone can be placed loosely on top of
frontal junction. the bulging dura and the contour deformity corrected.
Extending the rotation a little bit beyond 180° assists in
providing adequate expansion and fixation.
7.6 Posterior Cranial Expansion If an occipital bar is not required, the advanced seg-
ment is held in place with “stepped” reconstruction
Isolated posterior cranial expansion is carried out plates bent to allow the appropriate advancement.“Bar-
through a biparietal incision (see Fig. 7.2). Subperiosteal rel stave” peripheral osteotomies are sometimes per-
dissection is used to expose the occiput and lambdoid formed in the bone flap to increase the contour. The bar-
areas down to the occipital region, in the junction of the rel staving allows contouring to be performed. This
posterior neck muscles. A two-piece parietal-occipital same technique can be used in the frontal bone.
craniotomy is usually performed in a transverse fashion,
completely encompassing the skull deformity. The oste-
7.7 · Complete or Subtotal Calvarial Expansion 211
Fig. 7.18
The posterior cranial expansion involves removal of the poste-
rior skull and vertex with creation of a one of two segments and
posterior expansion and vertical height reduction. A lower
occipital bar can be harvested, which allows advancement and
The occipital bar has been advanced strongly posteriorly.
Fig. 7.19
Staged anterior and posterior cranial expansions allow for
expansion of the entire calvarium in two
o stages.
Fig. 7.20
Creation of a midline bar extending o over the sagittal sinus
region posteriorly allows brain support and osteotomy stabil-
ity in total calvarial reconstruction.
7.7 · Complete or Subtotal Calvarial Expansion 213
Fig. 7.21
In brachycephaly the vertical height should be shortened,
which is permitted by anteroposterior and lateral expansion.
the bone to be rotated laterally and inferiorly and main- stability of expansion. Occasionally there is so much
tain the proper height. The possibility of too much ver- expansion that scalp closure is not possible even with
tical expansion is managed by superior osteotomies; a “criss-cross” galeotomies. This situation must be cor-
decision needs to be made as to how much superior vol- rected by decreasing the amount of interpositional bone
ume increase is required. graft in the expansion and replating the segments in a
Finally, the occipital and lambdoid segments are less expanded position.
advanced anteriorly into position and rotated laterally
to decrease the anterior-posterior skull length which
improves the transverse diameter. If decrease in the 7.8 Hypertelorism
anterior-posterior length of the skull is desired, the
frontal and occipital bones are moved posteriorly and The correction of hypertelorism classically involves
anteriorly, respectively, so that the skull length is “box” osteotomies performed around the orbital region
decreased. The brain is compressed in the anterior-pos- (Fig. 7.22). Complex osteotomies, or facial bipartitions
teror dimension and moves laterally to occupy the (Fig. 7.23), are designed to reduce the transverse diame-
expanded lateral bone framework. In patients who dem- ter of the upper face and improve the width of the max-
onstrate brachycephaly, the expansion should occur illary arch and the entire maxilla, creating a “V” excision
anteriorly and posteriorly, and the vertical height should where the orbits are rotated into position. The path of
be reduced (Fig. 7.21). these osteotomies must be guided to avoid teeth. The
Bone defects cannot be expected to heal by spontane- presence of the slanted orbit (inferior displacement of
ous osteogenesis in patients who are over 2 years of age. the lateral orbit) requires correction by orbital rotation.
Therefore bone is split from the inner tables of the skull The osteotomy cuts are visualized in Fig. 7.22 and 7.23.
so that a full bone reconstruction can be completed. The use of 1.3 plates and screws is ideal for these osteot-
Bone defects should be filled with grafts in anyone over omized segments.
3 years of age. The grafts are positioned to provide
Fig. 7.22
The correction of hypertelorism involvees orbital osteotomies
of the “box”configuration. Resection of a central nasal segment
andd medial
di l movement off the
h orbits
bi permits correction of the
7.11 · Craniofacial (Hemifacial) Microsomia 215
Fig. 7.24
The monoblock osteotomy involves advvancement of the mid-
face and frontal bone simultaneously to ccorrect exorbitism and
midface retrusion. The dead space in com mmunication with the
nose behind
b hi d the
th advanced
d d frontal
f t l bone
b is
i subject to infection.
Fig. 7.25
A single orbit can be moved up and do own by exposure pro-
vided by a small frontal bone flap. In orrbital dystopia correc-
tions some over-correction is suggested. Marginal fixation sta-
bilizes the osteotomy.
7.13 · Encephaloceles 217
Fig. 7.26 the zygomatic arches, fusion of the temporalis and the
In hemifacial microsomia a short mandible and maxilla are masseter, macrostomia, palatal clefts, choanal atresia,
found on the ipsilateral side. The syndrome is classified by the and absence of the malar prominence characterize the
amount of mandibular hypoplasia and development of the
condyle. deformity.
Skeletal correction involves soft-tissue transfer from
the upper to the lower eyelids, osteotomies or bone
grafting of the mandible, maxillary osteotomy
therefore the occlusal plane is canted superiorly.Various (Fig. 7.27), genioplasty and reconstruction of the zygo-
degrees of zygomatic hypoplasia are seen with absence mas with calvarial bone grafts. Lateral canthopexies
of the zygomatic arch and condylar fossa in severe cases. improve the lateral position of the eyelids, and generally
The orbit may be inferiorly dystopic, and cranial asym- a soft-tissue flap must be added to the lateral portion of
metry may be present. The surgical procedures involved the lower lid.
in correction use mandibular osteotomies, and recently
also bone lengthening, costal chondral bone grafting,
and bimaxillary osteotomies with genioplasty 7.13 Encephaloceles
(Fig. 7.26).
Encephaloceles are bone defects in the cranial vault or
base which allow prolapse of meninges and brain tissue
7.12 The Treacher Collins Malformation into the nose, orbit, or temporal region. These are
approached by frontal bone flap and repositioning of the
The malformation in Treacher Collins syndrome is prolapsed meninges and brain tissue. A bone graft
thought to be a combination of the Tessier #6, #7, and #8 (Fig. 7.28) can be placed over the defect. Excess skin is
clefts. Absence of the zygoma, coloboma of the lateral resected.
lower eyelid, antimongoloid slant of the palpebral fis-
sure, deformity of the orbit, and absence of the eye-
lashes, hypoplasia of the mandibular ramus, anterior
open bite, severe retrusion of the chin and an absence of
218 Chapter 7 · Craniofacial Deformities
Fig. 7.27
The Treacher Collins malformation is mmanaged by orbital and
zygomatic bone graft reconstructions thhe lateral and inferior
portions of the orbit and the zygomatic arch.
The mandible is advanced with bilateral interpositional
bone graft, and osteotomies. The maxilla must be rotated as
b a
7.14 · Bone Lenghthening by Continuous Distraction 219
Fig. 7.29 a, b
a For distraction unilaterally in the left m
mandibular angle area
the osteotomy is completed and the pilot holes in a perpen-
dicular direction to the osteotomy linee are prepared.
b After serial activation of the device (1 mm per day) the
b desired bone lengthening is achieved.
An illustration of a real Single Vector Percutaneous Distraction
Device is shown in Fig. 1.29a–d.
7.14 · Bone Lenghthening by Continuous Distraction 221
Fig. 7.30 a, b
a Bilateral osteotomies in the zygomaatic arches, pterygoid
junctions, nasofrontal junction and orbits are completed.
b The holes for the Schanz screws of the left distraction device
are visible.
b After serial activation of the devices the movement of max-
illary Le Fort III segments is performeed.
222 Chapter 7 · Craniofacial Deformities
Midface distraction is potentially a new area for investi- Argenta L, David LR, Wilson JA, Bell WO (1996) An increase in
gation and clinical application. This would be appropri- infant cranial deformity with supine sleeping position. J Cra-
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7.30a). Preoperative evaluations and consultation are remodeling for craniosynostosis in infancy. J Craniofac Surg
performed similar to the mandible. The device for dis- 5:81–94
traction by nature has fewer degrees of freedom since Bruneteau RJ, Mulliken JB (1992) Frontal plagiocephaly: synos-
the devices are typically not worn on the middle portion totic, compensational or deformational. Plast Reconstr Surg
of the face. Typically they utilize the zygomatic arch as Chadduck WM, Chadduck JD, Boop FA (1992) The subarach-
the point of force application. Clinical experience of the noid spaces in craniosynostosis. Neurosurg 30:867–871
future will indicate the most appropriate distraction Cohen MM (1991) Etiopathogenesis of craniosynostosis. Neu-
devices for this purpose. At present posterior-anterior rosurg Clin North Am 2:507
advancement is possible with a slight rotation side to Cohen SR et al (1993) Surgical techniques of cranial vault
expansion for increases in intracranial pressure in older
side. Other options for midface distractions can occur
children. J Craniofac Surg 4:167–173
with orthodontic manipulation using rubber bands and David LR, Wilson JA, Watson NE, Argenta LC (1996) Cerebral
a fixed orthodontic appliance after osteotomy in the area perfusion defects secondary to simple craniosynostosis. J
planned for advancement. A maxillary tuberosity-pter- Craniofac Surg 7:177–185
ygoid dysjunction is usually required. Follow-up and Eppley BL, Sadove AM (1994) Effects of resorbable fixation on
craniofacial skeletal growth: modifications in plate size. J
techniques of distraction are similar to those described
Craniofac Surg 5:110–114
for the mandible (Fig. 7.30b). Gault DT et al (1990) Intracranial volume in children with
craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg 1:1
Jabs EW et al (1993) A mutation in the homeodomain of the
human MSX2 gene in a family affected with autosomal dom-
inant craniosynostosis. Cell 75:443
LeBourq N et al (1992) Value of 3D imaging for a study of cra-
niofacial malformations in children. J Neuroradiol 18:225
Lo LJ, Marsh JL et al (1996) Plagiocephaly: differential diagno-
sis based on endocranial morphology. Plast Reconstr Surg
Chapter 7 · References and Suggested Reading 223
McCarthy JG, Glasberg SB et al (1995) Twenty-year experience Posnick JC, Lin Ky, Chen P,Armstrong D (1994) Metopic synos-
with early surgery for craniosynostosis. I. Isolated craniofa- tosis. Quantitative assessment of presenting deformity and
cial synostosis – results and unsolved problems. Plast surgical results based on CT scans. Plast Reconstr Surg
Reconstr Surg 96:272–283 93:16–23
McCarthy, Glasberg SB et al (1995) Twenty-year experience Prevot M, Renier D, Marchac D (1993) Lack of ossification after
with early surgery for craniosynostosis. II. The craniofacial cranioplasty for craniosynostosis: a review of relevant fac-
synostosis syndromes and pansynostosis – results and tors in 592 consecutive patients. J Craniofac Surg 4:247–254
unsolved problems. Plast Reconstr Surg 96:284–298 Ripley CE, Pomatto J et al (1994) Treatment of positional pla-
Munro IR (1993) Rigid fixation, skull reconstruction, and fiscal giocephaly with dynamic orthotic cranioplasty. J Craniofac
responsibility (editorial) Surg 5:150–159
Ohman J, Richtsmeier J (1994) Perspectives on craniofacial Sadove AM, Eppley BL (1991) Microfixation techniques in
growth. Clin Plast Surg 21:489–499 pediatric craniomaxillofacial surgery. Ann Plast Surg
Persing JA, Posnick J et al (1996) Cranial plate and screw fixa- 27:36–43
tion in infancy. An assessment of risk. J Craniofac Surg Turk AE, McCarthy JG, Thorne CH,Wisoff JH (1996) The “back
7:267–270 to sleep campaign” and deformational plagiocephaly: is
Posnick JC (1996) Monobloc and facial bipartition osteoto- there cause for concern? J Craniofac Surg 7:12–18
mies: a step-by step description of the surgical technique. J Waitzman AA, Posnick JC,Armstrong DC, Pron GE (1992) Cra-
Craniofac Surg 3:229–250 niofacial skeletal measurements based on computed tomog-
Posnick JC et al (1992) Indirect intracranial volume measure- raphy. II. Normal values and growth trends. Cleft Palate Cra-
ment using CT scans: clinic applications for craniosynosto- niofac J 29:118–128
sis. Plast Reconstr Surg 89:34–45 Williams JK, Cohen SR et al (1995) Outcome assessment in
Posnick JC, Armstrong D, Bit U (1995) Metopic and sagittal craniosynostosis: a longitudinal, statistical study of reoper-
synostosis: intracranial volume measurements prior to and ation rates. Presented at the VI International Symposium of
after cranio-orbital reshaping in childhood. Plast Reconstr Craniofacial Surgeons, St. Tropez, France
Surg 96:299–315 Wolfe SA, Morison G, Page KL, Berkowitz S (1993) The mono-
Posnick JC, Goldstein JA, Saitzman AA (1993a) Surgical correc- bloc frontofacial advancement: do the pluses outweigh the
tion of the Treacher Collins malar deficiency: quantitative minuses? Plast Reconstr Surg 91:977–987
CT scan analysis of long term results. Plast Reconstr Surg Yaremchuk MJ (1993) Commentary on craniofacial growth fol-
92:12–22 lowing rigid fixation. J Craniofac Surg 4:245–246
Posnick JC, Kin KY, Jhawar BJ, Armstrong D (1993b) Crouzon Yaremchuk MJ, Thomas GS et al (1994) The effects of rigid fix-
syndrome: quantitative assessment of presenting deformity aiton on craniofacial growth of rhesus monkeys. Plast
and surgical results based on CT scans. Plast Reconstr Surg Reconstr Surg 93:11–15
Posnick JC, Lin KY, Chen P,Armstrong D (1992) Sagittal synos-
tosis: quantitative assessment of presenting deformity and
surgical results based on CT scans. Plast Reconstr Surg
Kapitel 1 225
Subject Index
A – microfractures 121 E
Adequate internal fixation 12, 57, 60, – remodeling 6 Ecchymosis 112
66, 73 – strength 6 Encephalocele 217
Adjustable sagittal split plate 31, 190 – woven 5, 11 Equine facies 112
Allergic reactions 14, 57 Brachycephaly 202, 205
Ameloblastoma 176 Buttresses F
„Andy Gump“ deformity 155 – anterior 117 Facial degloving 122
Antibiotic treatment 58, 59, 156, 158 – facial 95, 96, 100, 103, 108 Facial units 95
AO/ASIF Academic Council 1 – nasomaxillary 108 Facial width 103, 123
AO/ASIF Board of Trustees 1 – pterygomaxillary 108 Fatigue
AO/ASIF Center 2 – fracture of hardware 13, 58, 59, 84,
AO/ASIF Documentation Center 3 C 121, 182
AO/ASIF Fellowships 2 Callus 9 Fibula free flap 170
AO/ASIF Foundation 1 – formation 11 Fracture classification 3, 83, 108
AO International (AOI) 2 Canthal-bearing fragment 146 Fracture
Apert’s syndrome 205 Canthopexy, transnasal 130 – alveolar ridge 122
Approaches Comminution 58, 72, 79 – angular 79
– anatomic 51 Compression 6 – atrophic mandible 87
– anterior 56 – fixation 15 – blow out 139
– extraoral 73 – interfragmental 19 – comminuted 72
– intraoral 53, 60, 67, 73 Condylar head – condylar and subcondylar 83, 117
– lateral 52 – dislocation 102 – contaminated 87
– submental 54 – prosthesis 176, 179 – cranial vault 148ff
Articulator, semianatomic 185 Condylar positioning device 188 – defect 87
Atrophic mandible 87 Condylar reconstruction 170, 181 – edentulous 103
Coronoidectomy 172, 174 – horizontal ramus 66
B Corrosion 13 – in children 92
Biocompatibility 14 – resistance 13 – infected 87
Biodegradable material 14 Cranialization of frontal sinus fracture – Le Fort I 108, 114
Bite 153 – Le Fort II 108
– anterior open 112, 117 Craniosynostosis 201 – Le Fort III 108
– forces 7 Crouzon’s syndrome 202 – mandibular angle 72
– registration 185 CSF leak 150 – naso-orbital-ethmoid, type 1–3
Bone 5 127ff
– brittleness 6 D – oblique 8
– cancellous 5 Dalpont modification 187 – orbital 139ff
– costochondral 171 DC-hole 16 – orbital roof 146
– formation DC-plate 16ff – palatal 121
– – endochondral 7 Dental implants 168 – panfacial 95, 124
– – membranous 7 Dental splint 60 – patterns 127
– grafts 121 Dentigerous cyst 158 – sagittal, in maxilla 98
– – calvarial 121, 153 Depth gauges 25 – spiral 8
– – fibular 171 Dish face 112 – symphysis 60
– – iliac 121 Distraction – transverse 60, 67, 75, 83
– – non-vascularized 168 – intraoral device 36 – zygomatic complex 133
– – rib 121 – midface 222 Frontal bar 98
– – vascularized 168 – osteogenesis 11, 219 Frontal sinus 148
– healing 6, 8, 9, 15 Dolichocephaly 205 Functionally stable internal fixation 12
– – direct 9 Drill bits 24
– – secondary 9 Drill sleeves 25 G
– hook 133, 146 Dynamic compression plate (DCP) 19 Genioplasty 191
– lengthening 217, 219 Giant cell granuloma 158
– matrix 6 Gillie’s reduction 146
226 Subject Index