Cardiovascular System Sheet
Cardiovascular System Sheet
Cardiovascular System Sheet
Cardiac Anatomy
Heart wall structure – the four distinct layers of the heart are: 1) the pericardium, 2) the epicardium,
Pericardium – the outermost fibrous pericardium provides a physical barrier to protection. It is a thick
envelope that is tough and inelastic. Ligaments anchor the pericardium to the diaphragm and the
great vessels such that the heart is maintained in a fixed position within the thoracic cavity. Inside the
fibrous layer is a double-walled membrane called the serous pericardium. These two layers are the
Epicardium – the epicardium is tightly adhered to the heart and the base of the great vessels. The
coronary arteries lie on top of the visceral epicardium. In adults, a layer of adipose tissue is typically
present beneath the visceral pericardium and may surround the heart. This is known as epicardial fat.
Myocardium – The next layer of the heart is the myocardium, a thick, muscular layer. This layer
includes all of the atrial and ventricular muscle fibers necessary for contraction. The fibers of the
myocardium do not have the same thickness throughout the ventricular walls. The LV is much thicker
than the RV or the atria. This is to ensure that the force of contraction is most efficient in ejecting
blood toward the outflow tracts of the heart. The myocardium is the muscle that is damaged by a
Endocardium – The innermost layer of the heart is the endocarcium, which is a thin layer of
endothelium and connective tissue lining the inside of the heart. This layer is continuous with the
endothelium of the great vessels to provide a continuous closed system. Disruption in the
endothelium as a result of surgery, trauma, or congenital abnormality can predispose the endocardium
to infection. This infective endocarditis is a devastating disease which, if left untreated, can lead to
ventricles. The atria are thin-walled and normally low-pressure chambers. They function to receive blood from
the vena cavae and pulmonary veins and to pump blood into their respective ventricles. Atrial contraction,
also known as atrial kick, contributes approximately 20% of blood flow to ventricular filling; the other 80%
occurs passively during diastole. The ventricles are the primary pumping chambers of the heart. The healthy
left ventricle is about 10 to 13 mm thick. The healthy right ventricle is approximately 3 mm thick. The right
ventricle pumps blood into the low-pressured pulmonary circulation, which has a normal mean pressure of
approximately 15 mm Hg. The left ventricle must generate tremendous force to eject blood into the aorta
(normal mean pressure of approximately 100 mm Hg). Because of left ventricular wall thickness and the large
force it must generate, the left ventricle is considered the major pump of the heart. When the left ventricular
muscle is damaged from cardiomyopathy or infarction, the effective pumping pressure is diminished, leading
to increased left atrial pressure, pulmonary vasculature congestion, and ultimately, systemic venous
Valves - Cardiac valves are composed of flexible, fibrous tissue. The valve structure allows blood to
flow in only one direction. The opening and closing of the valves depends on the relative pressure gradients on
either side of the valve. The two atrioventricular (AV) valves are named for their location between the atria
and the ventricules. These are the tricuspid valve (three leaflets) on the right and the mitral valve (two
leaflets) on the left. The AV valves are open during ventricular diastole (filling) and prevent backflow of blood
into the atria during ventricular systole (contraction). The semilunar valves are pulmonic and aortic valves and
each have three cuplike leaflets. These valves separate the ventricles from their respective outflow arteries.
During ventricular systole (contraction), semilunar valves open, allowing blood to flow out of the ventricles.
As systole ends and the pressure in the outflow arteries exceeds that of the ventricles, the semilunar valves
Papillary muscles – The chordae tendineae and papillary muscles, which attach to the tricuspid and
mitral valves, give the valves stability and prevent valve leaflet eversion during systole. Papillary muscles arise
from the ventricular myocardium and derive their blood supply from the coronary arteries. Each papillary
muscle gives rise to approximately 4 to 10 main chordae tendineae, which divide into increasingly finer cords
as they approach and attach to the valve leaflets. Papillary muscle rupture may be auscultated as a
Chordae tendineae – The chordae tendineae are fibrous, avascular structures covered by a thin layer
of endocardium. Dysfunction of the chordae tendineae or of a papillary muscle may cause incomplete closure
Blood flow RA -> Tricuspid Valve -> RV -> Pulmonic Valve -> Pulmonary Artery -> Lungs -> Pulmonary
vein -> LA -> Bicuspid Valve -> LV -> AV -> Aorta -> Body
Electrical Conduction System - To analyze electrical activity within the heart, it is helpful to understand the
three main areas of impulse propagation and conduction: 1) the sinoatrial (SA) node, 2) the AV node, and 3)
the conduction fibers within the ventricle, specifically the bundle of His, the bundle branches, and the Purkinje
SA Node – The SA node is the natural pacemaker of the heart because it has the highest degree of
automaticity, producing the fastest intrinsic heart rate at a rate of 60-100 beats/min.
AV Node – the AV node depolarizes at a rate of 40-60 beats/minute and is the backup pacemaker of the heart.
1. Delays the conduction impulse from the atria (0.8 to 1.2 seconds) to provide time for the ventricles to
2. Controls the number of impulses transmitted from the atria to the ventricles, preventing rapid irregular
4. Can conduct retrograde (backwards) impulses through the node, so if the SA and AV pacemaker cells
fail to fire, an electrical impulse can ben initiated in the ventricles and conducted backward via the AV
Bundle of His, Bundle Branches, and Purkinjie fibers - Electrical impulses are conducted in the
ventricles through the bundle of His, the bundle branches, and the Purkinje fibers. The bundle of His divides
into the right and left bundle branches. The right bundle branch continues down the right side of the
interventricular septum toward the right apex. The left bundle branch is thicker than the right. Functionally,
when one of the left branches is blocked, it is referred to as a hemiblock. All of the bundle branches are
subject to conduction defects (bundle branch blocks) that give rise to characteristic changes in the 12-lead
electrocardiogram (ECG). The right bundle branch and the two divisions of the left bundle branch eventually
divide into the Purkinje fibers, which have the fastest conduction velocity of all heart tissue. Purkinje fibers
Action potential – In a myocardial cell, when a sudden increase in permeability of the membrane to Na +
occurs, it is followed by a rapid sequence of events that lasts a fraction of a second. This sequence of events is
termed depolarization.
K+out voltage
3 Repolarization K+ out of cell Ca2+ and Na+ channels close; K+ channel remains open
4 Resting membrane Na+ out, K+ in Na+–K+ pump
Properties of the heart –
Excitability- the ability of the cardiac muscle cells to reach threshold (and therefore contract) in
response to a stimulus. The smaller the stimulus requirement, the greater the excitability.
Automaticity-the ability of the cardiac cells to generate electrical impulses without external stimulus.
Determines it’s own rhythmicity-impulses are formed at regular intervals. Permeability of cardiac cells
to potassium and sodium ions; when concentration of ions is reached, an impulse is generated.
Conductivity-the ability to transmit those impulses from one cell to another.
Contractility-the ability of myocardial cells to shorten or contract when electrically stimulated;
referring to the inotropic state of the muscle.
EKG - The P wave represents atrial depolarization, followed immediately by atrial systole. The QRS
corresponds to phase 2 of the action potential, during which time the heart muscle is completely depolarized
and contraction normally occurs. The T wave represents ventricular repolarization. The PR interval, measured
from the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS, corresponds to atrial depolarization and
impulse delay in the atrioventricular (AV) node. The QT interval, measured from the beginning of the QRS
complex to the end of the T wave, represents the time from initial depolarization of the ventricles to the end
of ventricular repolarization.
P wave: Atrial depolarization
PRI: 0.12-0.2
QRS: 0.8-0.12, depolarization of
T wave: ventricle repolarization
QT/QTc: </= 0.44sec (prolonged-risk
for dysrhythmias)
U wave: hypokalemia, inverted in heart
disease, may be purkinji fibers
Vasculature – Major cardiac vessels include the aorta, the vena cava, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary veins.
The heart itself receives its own supply of blood from the coronary arteries. The Right Coronary Artery (RCA)
serves the right atrium and right ventricle. The LCA divides into the LAD and Circumflex artery, and these
serve the left atrium and most of the left ventricle. Blockage of coronary artery blood flow, especially LAD
usually results in death. The coronary veins, which carry deoxygenated blood, are adjacent to the paths of the
coronary arteries and ultimately join together to become the coronary sinus, the largest cardiac vein and
Blood Pressure – Systolic blood pressure (SBP) represents the ventricular volume ejection and the response of
the arterial system to that ejection. The diastolic blood pressure (DBP) value indicates the ventricular resting
state of the arterial system. The pulse pressure is the difference between the SBP and the DBP. The mean
arterial pressure (MAP) is the mean value of the area under the blood pressure curve.
Systolic – Less than 120 Diastolic – Less than 80 MAP – 70 – 100 mmHg
Venous Oxygen Saturation (SVO2) – Normal SvO2 is 75% in the healthy adult with a range of 60% - 80% and is
Central Venous Oxygen Saturation (ScVO2) – The normal values for the SCVO2 catheter are slightly higher
because the reading is taken before the blood enters the right heart chambers. The heavily desaturated
myocardial blood decreases the oxygen saturation slightly. For this reason, SVO2 values are always slightly
Myocardial Oxygen Consumption (MVO2) – Is the balance between oxygen supply and demand of the heart.
Factors that enhance myocardial tension on the cardiac muscle cells, such as tachydysrhythmias, increase
Preload – the volume of blood in the left ventricle at the end of diastole. Factors affecting preload include
venous return to the heart, total blood volume, and atrial kick. One way to measure preload is through the
pulmonary artery wedge pressure. (Starling’s Law: force of contraction r/t myocardial fiber length prior to
Afterload – Is the ventricular wall tension or stress during systolic ejection. It is also called systemic vascular
resistance (SVR). An increase in afterload usually means an increase in the work of the heart. Afterload is
Stroke volume (SV) – Amount of blood ejected by the ventricle with each heartbeat. Calculate SV by dividing
Cardiac output (CO) – the volume of blood ejected from the heart in 1 minute. The determinants of CO are SV
Cardiac index (CI) – 2.2 – 4 L/min/square meter. CI is determined by CO divided by BSA. This is considered to
Ejection Fraction (EF) – The percentage of preload volume ejected from the left ventricle per meat is the
ejection fraction. Not all of the preload volume of the heart is ejected with every heartbeat. This is often
measured during a cardiac catheterization or echocardiogram. Most cardiologists accept 50% as adequate