tered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Adobe® and Acrobat® are regis-
tered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
The computer programs SAP2000®, ETABS®, SAFE®, and CSiBridge® and all
associated documentation are proprietary and copyrighted products. Worldwide
rights of ownership rest with Computers & Structures, Inc. Unlicensed use of these
programs or reproduction of documentation in any form, without prior written au-
thorization from Computers & Structures, Inc., is explicitly prohibited. No part of
this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or
stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior explicit written permis-
sion of the publisher.
Thanks are due to all of the numerous structural engineers, who over the
years have given valuable feedback that has contributed toward the en-
hancement of this product to its current state.
Special recognition is due Dr. Edward L. Wilson, Professor Emeritus,
University of California at Berkeley, who was responsible for the con-
ception and development of the original SAP series of programs and
whose continued originality has produced many unique concepts that
have been implemented in this version.
Table of Contents
Chapter I Introduction 1
Analysis Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Structural Analysis and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Topics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Typographical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bold for Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bold for Variable Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Italics for Mathematical Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Italics for Emphasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Capitalized Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bibliographic References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Gravity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Uniform Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Surface Pressure Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Temperature Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Strain Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Internal Force and Stress Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Table of Contents
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Initial Large-Displacement Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter I
SAP2000, ETABS, SAFE, and CSiBridge are software packages from Computers
and Structures, Inc. for structural analysis and design. Each package is a fully inte-
grated system for modeling, analyzing, designing, and optimizing structures of a
particular type:
At the heart of each of these software packages is a common analysis engine, re-
ferred to throughout this manual as SAPfire. This engine is the latest and most pow-
erful version of the well-known SAP series of structural analysis programs. The
purpose of this manual is to describe the features of the SAPfire analysis engine.
Throughout this manual reference may be made to the program SAP2000, although
it often applies equally to ETABS, SAFE, and CSiBridge. Not all features de-
scribed will actually be available in every level of each program.
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Analysis Features
The SAPfire analysis engine offers the following features:
These features, and many more, make CSI product the state-of-the-art for structural
analysis. Note that not all of these features may be available in every level of
SAP2000, ETABS, SAFE, and CSiBridge.
2 Analysis Features
Chapter I Introduction
This is usually an iterative process that may involve several cycles of the above se-
quence of steps. All of these steps can be performed seamlessly using the SAP2000,
ETABS, SAFE, and CSiBridge graphical user interfaces.
It is imperative that you read this manual and understand the assumptions and pro-
cedures used by these software packages before attempting to use the analysis fea-
Throughout this manual reference may be made to the program SAP2000, although
it often applies equally to ETABS, SAFE, and CSiBridge. Not all features de-
scribed will actually be available in every level of each program.
Each Chapter of this manual is divided into topics and subtopics. All Chapters be-
gin with a list of topics covered. These are divided into two groups:
• Advanced topics — for users with specialized needs, and for all users as they
become more familiar with the program.
Following the list of topics is an Overview which provides a summary of the Chap-
ter. Reading the Overview for every Chapter will acquaint you with the full scope
of the program.
Typographical Conventions
Throughout this manual the following typographic conventions are used.
The Frame element coordinate angle, ang, is used to define element orienta-
tions that are different from the default orientation.
Thus you will need to supply a numeric value for the variable ang if it is different
from its default value of zero.
0 £ da < db £ L
4 Typographical Conventions
Chapter I Introduction
Here da and db are variables that you specify, and L is a length calculated by the
Capitalized Names
Capitalized names (e.g., Example) are used for certain parts of the model and its
analysis which have special meaning to SAP2000. Some examples:
Frame element
Diaphragm Constraint
Frame Section
Load Pattern
Common entities, such as “joint” or “element” are not capitalized.
Bibliographic References
References are indicated throughout this manual by giving the name of the
author(s) and the date of publication, using parentheses. For example:
Bibliographic References 5
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
6 Bibliographic References
C h a p t e r II
The following object types are available, listed in order of geometrical dimension:
Objects 7
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
As a general rule, the geometry of the object should correspond to that of the physi-
cal member. This simplifies the visualization of the model and helps with the de-
sign process.
For users who are new to finite-element modeling, the object-based concept should
seem perfectly natural.
You have control over how the meshing is performed, such as the degree of refine-
ment, and how to handle the connections between intersecting objects. You also
have the option to manually mesh the model, resulting in a one-to-one correspon-
dence between objects and elements.
In this manual, the term “element” will be used more often than “object”, since
what is described herein is the finite-element analysis portion of the program that
operates on the element-based analysis model. However, it should be clear that the
properties described here for elements are actually assigned in the interface to the
objects, and the conversion to analysis elements is automatic.
One specific case to be aware of is that both one-joint (grounded) link/support ob-
jects and two-joint (connecting) link/support objects are always converted into
two-joint link/support elements. For the two-joint objects, the conversion to ele-
ments is direct. For the one-joint objects, a new joint is created at the same location
and is fully restrained. The generated two-joint link/support element is of zero
length, with its original joint connected to the structure and the new joint connected
to ground by restraints.
A group is a named collection of objects that you define. For each group, you must
provide a unique name, then select the objects that are to be part of the group. You
can include objects of any type or types in a group. Each object may be part of one
of more groups. All objects are always part of the built-in group called “ALL”.
Groups are used for many purposes in the graphical user interface, including selec-
tion, design optimization, defining section cuts, controlling output, and more. In
this manual, we are primarily interested in the use of groups for defining staged
construction. See Topic “Staged Construction” (page 79) in Chapter “Nonlinear
Static Analysis” for more information.
Groups 9
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
10 Groups
C h a p t e r III
Coordinate Systems
Each structure may use many different coordinate systems to describe the location
of points and the directions of loads, displacement, internal forces, and stresses.
Understanding these different coordinate systems is crucial to being able to prop-
erly define the model and interpret the results.
Advanced Topics
• Alternate Coordinate Systems
• Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Coordinate systems are used to locate different parts of the structural model and to
define the directions of loads, displacements, internal forces, and stresses.
All coordinate systems in the model are defined with respect to a single global coor-
dinate system. Each part of the model (joint, element, or constraint) has its own lo-
cal coordinate system. In addition, you may create alternate coordinate systems that
are used to define locations and directions.
SAP2000 always assumes that Z is the vertical axis, with +Z being upward. The up-
ward direction is used to help define local coordinate systems, although local coor-
dinate systems themselves do not have an upward direction.
Locations in the global coordinate system can be specified using the variables x, y,
and z. A vector in the global coordinate system can be specified by giving the loca-
tions of two points, a pair of angles, or by specifying a coordinate direction. Coor-
dinate directions are indicated using the values ±X, ±Y, and ±Z. For example, +X
defines a vector parallel to and directed along the positive X axis. The sign is re-
All other coordinate systems in the model are ultimately defined with respect to the
global coordinate system, either directly or indirectly. Likewise, all joint coordi-
nates are ultimately converted to global X, Y, and Z coordinates, regardless of how
they were specified.
12 Overview
Chapter III Coordinate Systems
The X-Y plane is horizontal. The primary horizontal direction is +X. Angles in the
horizontal plane are measured from the positive half of the X axis, with positive an-
gles appearing counterclockwise when you are looking down at the X-Y plane.
If you prefer to work with a different upward direction, you can define an alternate
coordinate system for that purpose.
The origin is defined by simply specifying three coordinates in the global coordi-
nate system.
The axes are defined as vectors using the concepts of vector algebra. A fundamental
knowledge of the vector cross product operation is very helpful in clearly under-
standing how coordinate system axes are defined.
Any two vectors, Vi and Vj, that are not parallel to each other define a plane that is
parallel to them both. The location of this plane is not important here, only its orien-
tation. The cross product of Vi and Vj defines a third vector, Vk, that is perpendicular
to them both, and hence normal to the plane. The cross product is written as:
Vk = Vi ´ Vj
The length of Vk is not important here. The side of the Vi-Vj plane to which Vk points
is determined by the right-hand rule: The vector Vk points toward you if the acute
angle (less than 180°) from Vi to Vj appears counterclockwise.
Thus the sign of the cross product depends upon the order of the operands:
Vj ´ Vi = – Vi ´ Vj
Vt = Vr ´ Vs
This coordinate system can be defined by specifying two non-parallel vectors:
Vr = Va
Vt = Vr ´ Vp
Vs = Vt ´ Vr
Note that Vp can be any convenient vector parallel to the R-S plane; it does not have
to be parallel to the S axis. This is illustrated in Figure 1 (page 15).
There is no preferred upward direction for a local coordinate system. However, the
upward +Z direction is used to define the default joint and element local coordinate
systems with respect to the global or any alternate coordinate system.
Va is parallel to R axis
Vp is parallel to R-S plane
Vr = Va
Vt = Vr x Vp
Vs = Vt x Vr Vs
Plane R-S
Cube is shown for
visualization purposes
Figure 1
Determining an R-S-T Coordinate System from Reference Vectors Va and Vp
The joint local 1-2-3 coordinate system is normally the same as the global X-Y-Z
coordinate system. However, you may define any arbitrary orientation for a joint
local coordinate system by specifying two reference vectors and/or three angles of
For the Frame, Area (Shell, Plane, and Asolid), and Link/Support elements, one of
the element local axes is determined by the geometry of the individual element.
You may define the orientation of the remaining two axes by specifying a single
reference vector and/or a single angle of rotation. The exception to this is one-joint
or zero-length Link/Support elements, which require that you first specify the lo-
cal-1 (axial) axis.
The Solid element local 1-2-3 coordinate system is normally the same as the global
X-Y-Z coordinate system. However, you may define any arbitrary orientation for a
solid local coordinate system by specifying two reference vectors and/or three an-
gles of rotation.
The local coordinate system for a Body, Diaphragm, Plate, Beam, or Rod Con-
straint is normally determined automatically from the geometry or mass distribu-
tion of the constraint. Optionally, you may specify one local axis for any Dia-
phragm, Plate, Beam, or Rod Constraint (but not for the Body Constraint); the re-
maining two axes are determined automatically.
The local coordinate system for an Equal Constraint may be arbitrarily specified;
by default it is the global coordinate system. The Local Constraint does not have its
own local coordinate system.
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 24) in Chapter “Joints and De-
grees of Freedom.”
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 108) in Chapter “The Frame Ele-
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 185) in Chapter “The Shell Ele-
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 217) in Chapter “The Plane Ele-
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 227) in Chapter “The Asolid Ele-
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 240) in Chapter “The Solid Ele-
• See Topic “Local Coordinate System” (page 253) in Chapter “The Link/Sup-
port Element—Basic.”
• See Chapter “Constraints and Welds (page 49).”
The global coordinate system and all alternate systems are called fixed coordinate
systems, since they apply to the whole structural model, not just to individual parts
as do the local coordinate systems. Each fixed coordinate system may be used in
rectangular, cylindrical or spherical form.
Associated with each fixed coordinate system is a grid system used to locate objects
in the graphical user interface. Grids have no meaning in the analysis model.
Each alternate coordinate system is defined by specifying the location of the origin
and the orientation of the axes with respect to the global coordinate system. You
The coordinates CR, CZ, and SR are lineal and are specified in length units. The co-
ordinates CA, SB, and SA are angular and are specified in degrees.
Locations are specified in cylindrical coordinates using the variables cr, ca, and cz.
These are related to the rectangular coordinates as:
2 2
cr = x + y
ca = tan -1
cz = z
Locations are specified in spherical coordinates using the variables sb, sa, and sr.
These are related to the rectangular coordinates as:
2 2
x +y
sb = tan -1
sa = tan -1
2 2 2
sr = x + y + z
Cylindrical coordinate directions are indicated using the values ±CR, ±CA, and
±CZ. Spherical coordinate directions are indicated using the values ±SB, ±SA, and
±SR. The sign is required. See Figure 2 (page 19).
The cylindrical and spherical coordinate directions are not constant but vary with
angular position. The coordinate directions do not change with the lineal coordi-
nates. For example, +SR defines a vector directed from the origin to point P.
Note that the coordinates Z and CZ are identical, as are the corresponding coordi-
nate directions. Similarly, the coordinates CA and SA and their corresponding co-
ordinate directions are identical.
Coordinates cz
Cubes are shown for
visualization purposes
Coordinates sr
Figure 2
Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates and Coordinate Directions
The joints play a fundamental role in the analysis of any structure. Joints are the
points of connection between the elements, and they are the primary locations in
the structure at which the displacements are known or are to be determined. The
displacement components (translations and rotations) at the joints are called the de-
grees of freedom.
This Chapter describes joint properties, degrees of freedom, loads, and output. Ad-
ditional information about joints and degrees of freedom is given in Chapter “Con-
straints and Welds” (page 49).
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
• Masses
• Force Load
• Degree of Freedom Output
• Assembled Joint Mass Output
• Displacement Output
• Force Output
Advanced Topics
• Advanced Local Coordinate System
• Nonlinear Supports
• Distributed Supports
• Ground Displacement Load
• Generalized Displacements
• Element Joint Force Output
Joints, also known as nodal points or nodes, are a fundamental part of every struc-
tural model. Joints perform a variety of functions:
• All elements are connected to the structure (and hence to each other) at the
• The structure is supported at the joints using Restraints and/or Springs
• Rigid-body behavior and symmetry conditions can be specified using Con-
straints that apply to the joints
• Concentrated loads may be applied at the joints
• Lumped (concentrated) masses and rotational inertia may be placed at the
• All loads and masses applied to the elements are actually transferred to the
• Joints are the primary locations in the structure at which the displacements are
known (the supports) or are to be determined
All of these functions are discussed in this Chapter except for the Constraints,
which are described in Chapter “Constraints and Welds” (page 49).
22 Overview
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
Automatic meshing of objects will create additional joints corresponding to any el-
ements that are created.
Joints may themselves be considered as elements. Each joint may have its own lo-
cal coordinate system for defining the degrees of freedom, restraints, joint proper-
ties, and loads; and for interpreting joint output. In most cases, however, the global
X-Y-Z coordinate system is used as the local coordinate system for all joints in the
model. Joints act independently of each other unless connected by other elements.
There are six displacement degrees of freedom at every joint — three translations
and three rotations. These displacement components are aligned along the local co-
ordinate system of each joint.
For more information, see Chapter “Constraints and Welds” (page 49).
Modeling Considerations
The location of the joints and elements is critical in determining the accuracy of the
structural model. Some of the factors that you need to consider when defining the
elements, and hence the joints, for the structure are:
Modeling Considerations 23
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
The default local coordinate system is adequate for most situations. However, for
certain modeling purposes it may be useful to use different local coordinate sys-
tems at some or all of the joints. This is described in the next topic.
• See Topic “Upward and Horizontal Directions” (page 13) in Chapter “Coordi-
nate Systems.”
• See Topic “Advanced Local Coordinate System” (page 24) in this Chapter.
• Constraints are used to impose symmetry about a plane that is not parallel to a
global coordinate plane
• The principal axes for the joint mass (translational or rotational) are not aligned
with the global axes
• Joint displacement and force output is desired in another coordinate system
Joint local coordinate systems need only be defined for the affected joints. The
global system is used for all joints for which no local coordinate system is explicitly
A variety of methods are available to define a joint local coordinate system. These
may be used separately or together. Local coordinate axes may be defined to be par-
allel to arbitrary coordinate directions in an arbitrary coordinate system or to vec-
tors between pairs of joints. In addition, the joint local coordinate system may be
specified by a set of three joint coordinate angles. These methods are described in
the subtopics that follow.
Reference Vectors
To define a joint local coordinate system you must specify two reference vectors
that are parallel to one of the joint local coordinate planes. The axis reference vec-
tor, Va , must be parallel to one of the local axes (I = 1, 2, or 3) in this plane and
have a positive projection upon that axis. The plane reference vector, V p , must
have a positive projection upon the other local axis (j = 1, 2, or 3, but I ¹ j) in this
plane, but need not be parallel to that axis. Having a positive projection means that
the positive direction of the reference vector must make an angle of less than 90°
with the positive direction of the local axis.
Together, the two reference vectors define a local axis, I, and a local plane, i-j.
From this, the program can determine the third local axis, k, using vector algebra.
For example, you could choose the axis reference vector parallel to local axis 1 and
the plane reference vector parallel to the local 1-2 plane (I = 1, j = 2). Alternatively,
you could choose the axis reference vector parallel to local axis 3 and the plane ref-
erence vector parallel to the local 3-2 plane (I = 3, j = 2). You may choose the plane
that is most convenient to define using the parameter local, which may take on the
values 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, or 32. The two digits correspond to I and j, respectively.
The default is value is 31.
• A pair of joints, axveca and axvecb (the default for each is zero, indicating
joint j itself). If both are zero, this option is not used.
1. A vector is found from joint axveca to joint axvecb. If this vector is of finite
length, it is used as the reference vector Va
• A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the default for each is zero, indicating joint
j itself). If both are zero, this option is not used.
1. A vector is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vector is of finite
length and is not parallel to local axis I, it is used as the reference vector V p
4. Otherwise, the method fails and the analysis terminates. This will never happen
if pldirp is not parallel to pldirs
A vector is considered to be parallel to local axis I if the sine of the angle between
them is less than 10 .
V1 = V2 ´ V3
The local axis Vi is given by the vector Va after it has been normalized to unit
• If I and j permute in a positive sense, i.e., local = 12, 23, or 31, then:
Vk = Vi ´ V p and
V j = Vk ´ Vi
• If I and j permute in a negative sense, i.e., local = 21, 32, or 13, then:
Vk = V p ´ Vi and
V j = Vi ´ Vk
An example showing the determination of the joint local coordinate system using
reference vectors is given in Figure 3 (page 28).
Va is parallel to axveca-axvecb
Vp is parallel to plveca-plvecb
V3 = V a
V2 = V3 x Vp All vectors normalized to unit length. V1
V1 = V 2 x V3
plvecb j
plveca Plane 3-1
axveca V3
Figure 3
Example of the Determination of the Joint Local Coordinate System
Using Reference Vectors for local=31
The joint coordinate angles specify rotations of the local coordinate system about
its own current axes. The resulting orientation of the joint local coordinate system
is obtained according to the following procedure:
2. The local system is next rotated about its resulting +2 axis by angle b
3. The local system is lastly rotated about its resulting +1 axis by angle c
The order in which the rotations are performed is important. The use of coordinate
angles to orient the joint local coordinate system with respect to the global system is
shown in Figure 4 (page 29).
Z, 3
Figure 4
Use of Joint Coordinate Angles to Orient the Joint Local Coordinate System
Degrees of Freedom
The deflection of the structural model is governed by the displacements of the
joints. Every joint of the structural model may have up to six displacement compo-
• The joint may translate along its three local axes. These translations are de-
noted U1, U2, and U3.
• The joint may rotate about its three local axes. These rotations are denoted R1,
R2, and R3.
These six displacement components are known as the degrees of freedom of the
joint. In the usual case where the joint local coordinate system is parallel to the
global system, the degrees of freedom may also be identified as UX, UY, UZ, RX,
RY and RZ, according to which global axes are parallel to which local axes. The
joint local degrees of freedom are illustrated in Figure 5 (page 31).
In addition to the regular joints that you explicitly define as part of your structural
model, the program automatically creates master joints that govern the behavior of
any Constraints and Welds that you may have defined. Each master joint has the
same six degrees of freedom as do the regular joints. See Chapter “Constraints and
Welds” (page 49) for more information.
Each degree of freedom in the structural model must be one of the following types:
These different types of degrees of freedom are described in the following subtop-
30 Degrees of Freedom
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
U1 U2
Figure 5
The Six Displacement Degrees of Freedom in the Joint Local Coordinate System
For certain planar structures, however, you may wish to restrict the available de-
grees of freedom. For example, in the X-Y plane: a planar truss needs only UX and
UY; a planar frame needs only UX, UY, and RZ; and a planar grid or flat plate
needs only UZ, RX, and RY.
The degrees of freedom that are not specified as being available are called unavail-
able degrees of freedom. Any stiffness, loads, mass, Restraints, or Constraints that
are applied to the unavailable degrees of freedom are ignored by the analysis.
The available degrees of freedom are always referred to the global coordinate sys-
tem, and they are the same for every joint in the model. If any joint local coordinate
systems are used, they must not couple available degrees of freedom with the un-
available degrees of freedom at any joint. For example, if the available degrees of
freedom are UX, UY, and RZ, then all joint local coordinate systems must have one
local axis parallel to the global Z axis.
Degrees of Freedom 31
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Unavailable degrees of freedom are essentially restrained. However, they are ex-
cluded from the analysis and no reactions are computed, even if they are non-zero.
See Topic “Restraint Supports” (page 34) in this Chapter for more information.
See Chapter “Constraints and Welds” (page 49) for more information.
32 Degrees of Freedom
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
Note that using fixed degrees of freedom in a link/support property is the same as
specifying a constraint. For this reason, such link/support objects should not be
connected together or connected to constrained joints. In such cases, it is better to
use large (but not too large) stiffnesses rather that fixed degrees of freedom in the
link/support property definition.
A joint that is connected to any element or to a translational spring will have all of
its translational degrees of freedom activated. A joint that is connected to a Frame,
Shell, or Link/Support element, or to any rotational spring will have all of its rota-
tional degrees of freedom activated. An exception is a Frame element with only
truss-type stiffness, which will not activate rotational degrees of freedom.
Every active degree of freedom has an associated equation to be solved. If there are
N active degrees of freedom in the structure, there are N equations in the system,
and the structural stiffness matrix is said to be of order N. The amount of computa-
tional effort required to perform the analysis increases with N.
The load acting along each active degree of freedom is known (it may be zero). The
corresponding displacement will be determined by the analysis.
If there are active degrees of freedom in the system at which the stiffness is known
to be zero, such as the out-of-plane translation in a planar-frame, these must either
be restrained or made unavailable. Otherwise, the structure is unstable and the solu-
tion of the static equations will fail.
Degrees of Freedom 33
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 108) in Chapter “The Frame Element.”
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 170) in Chapter “The Cable Element.”
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 181) in Chapter “The Shell Element.”
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 217) in Chapter “The Plane Element.”
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 227) in Chapter “The Asolid Element.”
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 240) in Chapter “The Solid Element.”
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 253) in Chapter “The Link/Support El-
• See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 312) in Chapter “The Tendon Object.”
Joints that have no elements connected to them typically have all six degrees of
freedom null. Joints that have only solid-type elements (Plane, Asolid, and Solid)
connected to them typically have the three rotational degrees of freedom null.
Restraint Supports
If the displacement of a joint along any of its available degrees of freedom has a
known value, either zero (e.g., at support points) or non-zero (e.g., due to support
settlement), a Restraint must be applied to that degree of freedom. The known
value of the displacement may differ from one Load Pattern to the next, but the de-
gree of freedom is restrained for all Load Patterns. In other words, it is not possible
to have the displacement known in one Load Pattern and unknown (unrestrained) in
another Load Pattern.
Restraints should also be applied to any available degrees of freedom in the system
at which the stiffness is known to be zero, such as the out-of-plane translation and
in-plane rotations of a planar-frame. Otherwise, the structure is unstable and the so-
lution of the static equations will complain.
Restraints are always applied to the joint local degrees of freedom U1, U2, U3, R1,
R2, and R3. Examples of Restraints are shown in Figure 6 (page 35).
34 Restraint Supports
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
5 Joint Restraints
1 U1, U2, U3
6 2 U3
3 U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3
4 None
3 Fixed
4 Z
1 Hinge
2 Rollers Y
X Global
Joint Restraints
4 5 6
All U2, R1, R3
1 U3
2 U1, U3, R2
3 U1, U3
Figure 6
Examples of Restraints
Restraint Supports 35
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
In general, you should not apply restraints to constrained degrees of freedom. How-
ever, if you do, the analysis will attempt to automatically rewrite the constraint
equations to accommodate the restraint. Reactions computed at such degrees of
freedom will not include the contributions to the reaction from joints connected by
constraints. Ground displacement loads applied at the constraint will not be applied
to the joints connected by constraint. For better results, use springs or grounded
(one-joint) Link/Supports to support joints that are also constrained.
Spring Supports
Any of the six degrees of freedom at any of the joints in the structure can have trans-
lational or rotational spring support conditions. These springs elastically connect
the joint to the ground. Spring supports along restrained degrees of freedom do not
contribute to the stiffness of the structure.
Springs may be specified that couple the degrees of freedom at a joint. The spring
forces that act on a joint are related to the displacements of that joint by a 6x6 sym-
metric matrix of spring stiffness coefficients. These forces tend to oppose the dis-
In a joint local coordinate system, the spring forces and moments F1, F2, F3, M1, M2
and M3 at a joint are given by:
36 Spring Supports
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
where u1, u2, u3, r1, r2 and r3 are the joint displacements and rotations, and the terms
u1, u1u2, u2, ... are the specified spring stiffness coefficients.
In any fixed coordinate system, the spring forces and moments Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and
Mz at a joint are given by:
where ux, uy, uz, rx, ry and rz are the joint displacements and rotations, and the terms
ux, uxuy, uy, ... are the specified spring stiffness coefficients.
For springs that do not couple the degrees of freedom in a particular coordinate sys-
tem, only the six diagonal terms need to be specified since the off-diagonal terms
are all zero. When coupling is present, all 21 coefficients in the upper triangle of the
matrix must be given; the other 15 terms are then known by symmetry.
If the springs at a joint are specified in more than one coordinate system, standard
coordinate transformation techniques are used to convert the 6x6 spring stiffness
matrices to the joint local coordinate system, and the resulting stiffness matrices are
then added together on a term-by-term basis. The final spring stiffness matrix at
each joint in the structure should have a determinant that is zero or positive. Other-
wise the springs may cause the structure to be unstable.
The displacement of the grounded end of the spring may be specified to be zero or
non-zero (e.g., due to support settlement). This spring displacement may vary
from one Load Pattern to the next.
Nonlinear Supports
In certain versions of the program, you may define nonlinear supports at the joints
using the Link/Support element. Nonlinear support conditions that can be modeled
Nonlinear Supports 37
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
• You can add (draw) a one-joint object, in which case it is considered a Support
object, and it connects the joint directly to the ground.
• The object can also be drawn with two joints, in which case it is considered a
Link object. You can use a Link object as a support if you connect one end to
the structure, and fully restrain the other end.
Both methods have the same effect. During analysis, one-joint Support objects are
converted to two-joint Link elements of zero length, and connected to a generated
joint that is fully restrained.
Restraints and springs may also exist at the joint. Of course, any degree of freedom
that is restrained will prevent deformation in the Link/Support element in that di-
See Chapters “The Link/Support Element – Basic” (page 251) and “The Link/Sup-
port Element – Advanced” (page 275) for more information.
Distributed Supports
You may assign distributed spring supports along the length of a Frame element, or
over the any face of an area object (Shell, Plane, Asolid) or Solid element. These
springs may be linear, multi-linear elastic, or multi-linear plastic. These springs are
converted to equivalent two-joint Link/Support elements acting at the joints of the
element, after accounting for the tributary length or area of the element. The gener-
ated Link/Support elements are of zero length, with one end connected to the parent
object, and the other end connected to a generated joint that is fully restrained.
Because these springs act at the joints, it may be necessary to mesh the elements to
capture localized effects of such distributed supports. The best way to do this is
usually to use the automatic internal meshing options available in the graphical user
interface. This allows you to change the meshing easily, while still being able to
work with large, simpler model objects.
38 Distributed Supports
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
For more information, see Topics “Restraint Supports” (page 34), “Spring Sup-
port” (page 36), “Nonlinear Supports” (page 37) in this Chapter, and also Chapter
“Objects and Elements” (page 7.)
Joint Reactions
The force or moment along the degree of freedom that is required to enforce any
support condition is called the reaction, and it is determined by the analysis. The
reaction includes the forces (or moments) from all supports at the joint, including
restraints, springs, and one-joint Link/Support objects. The tributary effect of any
distributed supports is included in the reaction.
If a one-joint Link/Support object is used, the reaction will be reported at the origi-
nal joint connected to the structure, not at the restrained end of the generated
two-joint Link/Support element. The reaction at the generated joint will be reported
as zero since it has been transferred to the original joint.
For more information, see Topics “Restraint Supports” (page 34), “Spring Sup-
port” (page 36), “Nonlinear Supports” (page 37), and “Distributed Supports” (page
38) in this Chapter.
Base Reactions
Base Reactions are the resultant force and moment of all the joint reactions acting
on the structure, computed at the global origin or at some other location that you
choose. This produces three force components and three moment components. The
base forces are not affected by the chosen location, but the base moments are. For
seismic analysis the horizontal forces are called the base shears, and the moments
about the horizontal axes are called the overturning moments.
Base reactions are available for all Load Cases and Combos except for Mov-
ing-Load Load Cases. The centroids (center of action) are also available for each
force component of the base reactions. Note that these are the centroids of the reac-
tions, which may not always be the same as the centroids of the applied load caus-
ing the reaction.
For more information, see Topic “Joint Reactions” (page 39) in this Chapter.
Joint Reactions 39
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
Normally, the mass is obtained from the elements using the mass density of the ma-
terial and the volume of the element. This automatically produces lumped (uncou-
pled) masses at the joints. The element mass values are equal for each of the three
translational degrees of freedom. No mass moments of inertia are produced for the
rotational degrees of freedom. This approach is adequate for most analyses.
For computational efficiency and solution accuracy, SAP2000 always uses lumped
masses. This means that there is no mass coupling between degrees of freedom at a
joint or between different joints. These uncoupled masses are always referred to the
local coordinate system of each joint. Mass values along restrained degrees of free-
dom are ignored.
Inertial forces acting on the joints are related to the accelerations at the joints by a
6x6 matrix of mass values. These forces tend to oppose the accelerations. In a joint
local coordinate system, the inertia forces and moments F1, F2, F3, M1, M2 and M3 at
a joint are given by:
ì F1 ü é u1 0 0 0 0 0 ù ì u&&1 ü
ïF ï ê u2 0 0 0 0 ú ï u&&2 ï
ï 2 ï ê úï ï
ï F3 ï ê u3 0 0 0 ú ï u&&3 ï
í ý=-ê í ý
M 1 r1 0 0 ú ï &&r
ï ï ê ú 1ï
ïM 2 ï ê sym. r2 0 ú ï &&
r2 ï
ïM ï ê ú ï r3 ïþ
r3 û î &&
î 3þ ë
Uncoupled joint masses may instead be specified in the global coordinate system,
in which case they are transformed to the joint local coordinate system. Coupling
terms will be generated during this transformation in the following situation:
• The joint local coordinate system directions are not parallel to global coordi-
nate directions, and
• The three translational masses or the three rotational mass moments of inertia
are not equal at a joint.
40 Masses
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
Rectangular diaphragm: 2 2
Uniformly distributed mass per unit area MMIcm = M ( b +d )
d Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g) 12
Circular diaphragm: 2
d Uniformly distributed mass per unit area MMIcm = Md
Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)
Y General diaphragm:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit area
Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g) M ( IX+IY)
Area of diaphragm = A MMIcm =
Moment of inertia of area about X-X = IX
Moment of inertia of area about Y-Y = IY
Line mass:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit length MMIcm = Md
Total mass of line = M (or w/g) 12
Figure 7
Formulae for Mass Moments of Inertia
Masses 41
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
These coupling terms will be discarded by the program, resulting in some loss of
accuracy. For this reason, it is recommended that you choose joint local coordinate
systems that are aligned with the principal directions of translational or rotational
mass at a joint, and then specify mass values in these joint local coordinates.
Mass values must be given in consistent mass units (W/g) and mass moments of in-
ertia must be in WL /g units. Here W is weight, L is length, and g is the acceleration
due to gravity. The net mass values at each joint in the structure should be zero or
See Figure 7 (page 41) for mass moment of inertia formulations for various planar
Force Load
The Force Load is used to apply concentrated forces and moments at the joints.
Values may be specified in a fixed coordinate system (global or alternate coordi-
nates) or the joint local coordinate system. All forces and moments at a joint are
transformed to the joint local coordinate system and added together. The specified
values are shown in Figure 8 (page 43).
Forces and moments applied along restrained degrees of freedom add to the corre-
sponding reaction, but do not otherwise affect the structure.
42 Force Load
Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom
r3 Joint
ux uy
u3 Global Coordinates
Joint Local Coordinates Global
Figure 8
Specified Values for Force Load and Ground Displacement Load
The specified values are shown in Figure 8 (page 43). All displacements at a joint
are transformed to the joint local coordinate system and added together.
Restraint Displacements
If a particular joint degree of freedom is restrained, the displacement of the joint is
equal to the ground displacement along that local degree of freedom. This applies
regardless of whether or not springs are present.
U3 = -0.866
UZ = -1.000
Figure 9
Example of Restraint Displacement Not Aligned with Local Degrees of Freedom
Components of ground displacement that are not along restrained degrees of free-
dom do not load the structure (except possibly through springs and one-joint links).
An example of this is illustrated in Figure 9 (page 44).
The ground displacement, and hence the joint displacement, may vary from one
Load Pattern to the next. If no ground displacement load is specified for a restrained
degree of freedom, the joint displacement is zero for that Load Pattern.
Spring Displacements
The ground displacements at a joint are multiplied by the spring stiffness coeffi-
cients to obtain effective forces and moments that are applied to the joint. Spring
displacements applied in a direction with no spring stiffness result in zero applied
load. The ground displacement, and hence the applied forces and moments, may
vary from one Load Pattern to the next.
In a joint local coordinate system, the applied forces and moments F1, F2, F3, M1, M2
and M3 at a joint due to ground displacements are given by:
ì F1 ü é u1 0 0 0 0 0 ù ì u g1 ü (Eqn. 2)
ïF ï ê u2 0 0 0 0 ú ïug 2 ï
ï 2 ï ê úï ï
ï F3 ï ê u3 0 0 0 ú ï u g 3 ï
í ý=-ê í ý
ï M1 ï r1 0 0 ú ï rg 1 ï
ê ú
ïM 2 ï ê sym. r2 0 ú ï rg 2 ï
ïM ï ê r3 úû ïî rg 3 ïþ
î 3þ ë
The net spring forces and moments acting on the joint are the sum of the forces and
moments given in Equations (1) and (2); note that these are of opposite sign. At a
restrained degree of freedom, the joint displacement is equal to the ground dis-
placement, and hence the net spring force is zero.
Link/Support Displacements
One-joint Link/Support objects are converted to zero-length, two-joint Link/Sup-
port elements. A restrained joint is generated and the ground displacement is ap-
plied as a restraint displacement at this generated joint.
The effect of the ground displacement on the structure depends upon the properties
of the Link/Support element connecting the restrained joint to the structure, similar
to how springs supports work, except the Link/Support stiffness may be nonlinear.
Generalized Displacements
A generalized displacement is a named displacement measure that you define. It is
simply a linear combination of displacement degrees of freedom from one or more
For example, you could define a generalized displacement that is the difference of
the UX displacements at two joints on different stories of a building and name it
Generalized Displacements 45
CSI Analysis Reference Manual
“DRIFTX”. You could define another generalized displacement that is the sum of
three rotations about the Z axis, each scaled by 1/3, and name it “AVGRZ.”
Generalized displacements are primarily used for output purposes, except that you
can also use a generalized displacement to monitor a nonlinear static analysis.
• A unique name
• The type of displacement measure
• A list of the joint degrees of freedom and their corresponding scale factors that
will be summed to created the generalized displacement
Be sure to choose your scale factors for each contributing component to account for
the type of generalized displacement being defined.
The degrees of freedom are listed for all of the regular joints, as well as for the mas-
ter joints created automatically by the program. For Constraints, the master joints
are identified by the labels of their corresponding Constraints. For Welds, the mas-
ter joint for each set of joints that are welded together is identified by the label of
one of the welded joints. Joints are printed in alpha-numeric order of the labels.
The type of each of the six degrees of freedom at a joint is identified by the follow-
ing symbols:
The types of degrees of freedom are a property of the structure and are independent
of the Load Cases, except when staged construction is performed.
See Topic “Degrees of Freedom” (page 30) in this Chapter for more information.
If multiple Mass Sources have been specified, the assembled joint mass output is
provided for each Mass Source that was actually used in the analysis.
Displacement Output
You can request joint displacements as part of the analysis results on a case by case
basis. For dynamic Load Cases, you can also request velocities and accelerations.
The output is always referred to the local axes of the joint.
Force Output
You can request joint support forces as part of the analysis results on a case by case
basis. These support forces are called reactions, and are the sum of all forces from
restraints, springs, or one-joint Link/Support objects at that joint. The reactions at
joints that are not supported will be zero.
Note that reactions for one-joint Link/Support objects are not reported at the origi-
nal joint, but rather at a generated joint at the same location with an identifying
The forces and moments are always referred to the local axes of the joint. The val-
ues reported are always the forces and moments that act on the joints. Thus a posi-
tive value of joint force or moment would tend to cause a positive value of joint
translation or rotation along the corresponding degree of freedom if it were not sup-
Element joint forces must not be confused with internal forces and moments which,
like stresses, act within the volume of the element.
For a given element, the vector of element joint forces, f, is computed as:
f =K u -r
where K is the element stiffness matrix, u is the vector of element joint displace-
ments, and r is the vector of element applied loads as apportioned to the joints. The
element joint forces are always referred to the local axes of the individual joints.
They are identified in the output as F1, F2, F3, M1, M2, and M3.
48 Force Output