BS 5268-7.5-1990

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This British Standard provides guidance on calculating permissible spans for domestic rafters used in timber roof structures.

This British Standard provides recommendations for calculating permissible spans of domestic rafters used in timber roof structures based on factors like strength, deflection limits and durability.

Several organizations are listed as having represented on the technical committee responsible for developing this standard, including the Building Woodworking Federation, Building Employers' Confederation, various UK government departments, and other industry and professional bodies.

British Standard

Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to

Sheffield University
14 March 2003

This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most

current version of this document by searching British
Standards Online at

Structural use of
timber —
Part 7: Recommendations for the
calculation basis for span tables —

Section 7.5 Domestic rafters

Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

UDC [624.011.1 + 674.038.5 + 69.1.11]:674.

BS 5268-7.5:1990

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Civil

Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee (CSB/-) to
Technical Committee CSB/32, upon which the following bodies were

Building Woodworking Federation

Building Employers’ Confederation
Chartered Institute of Building
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment, Princes
Risborough Laboratory)
Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland
Department of the Environment (Housing and Construction Industries)
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Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)

Health and Safety Executive
Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain Inc.
Institute of Wood Science
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
International Truss Plate Association
National House-building Council
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Timber Research and Development Association
Timber Trade Federation

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Road
Engineering Standards
Policy Committee, was
published under the
authority of the Board
of BSI and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
31 July 1990
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
© BSI 01-2000

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CSB/32
Draft for comment 86/15294 DC

ISBN 0 580 17959 1

BS 5268-7.5:1990


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Symbols 4
4 Design considerations 5
5 Permissible spans 6
6 Bearing length 15
7 Information to be given in span tables 16
Appendix A Sample calculations for a rafter 17
Appendix B Specimen span tables for rafters 19
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Figure 1 — Roof construction 2

Figure 2 — Types of rafter 3
Figure 3 — Bearing length, permissible effective and
permissible clear span 16
Table 1 — Permissible clear spans for two-span continuous
rafters, roof slope 30°, uniform snow load 0.75 kN/m2: SC3,
regularized sizes 19
Table 2 — Permissible clear spans for single-span rafters, roof
slope 30°, uniform snow load 0.75 kN/m2: redwood/whitewood,
SS grade, basic sizes 20
Table 3 — Permissible clear spans for two-span continuous
rafters, roof slope 30°, uniform snow load 0.75 kN/m2:
spruce-pine-fir, joist and plank no. 2 grade, CLS sizes 21
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 01-2000 i
BS 5268-7.5:1990


This Section of BS 5268 has been prepared under the direction of the Civil
Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee.
The general principles for the design of structural timber components are given
in BS 5268-2 and using these principles it is possible for span tables to be
prepared for a wide range of components.
Experience has shown that different interpretations of these principles has led to
inconsistencies in span tables prepared by different compilers. It is the purpose
of BS 5268-7 to eliminate these differences by recommending the design
equations and the loading to be used in the preparation of span tables. Part 7 is
intended to ensure that different organizations produce span tables on a
consistent basis in the future, and is not necessarily intended for use by designers
for individual designs carried out in their day-to-day work, where simplified
procedures may produce adequate designs. This section deals with rafters.
Other Sections of BS 5268-7, published or in preparation are as follows.
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— Section 7.1: Domestic floor joists;

— Section 7.2: Joists for flat roofs;
— Section 7.3: Ceiling joists;
— Section 7.4: Ceiling binders;
— Section 7.6: Purlins supporting rafters;
— Section 7.7: Purlins supporting sheeting or decking.
BS 5268-2 gives grade stresses for very many combinations of species and grade
and it is considered impractical to publish in a British Standard span tables for
all possible combinations of species, grades and sizes. BS 5268-7 is therefore
restricted to the basis of the calculations.
The solution of the design equations for many combinations of geometry and
material is most conveniently undertaken by computer. A program written by the
Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA) was used to
prepare Appendix A and Appendix B. For users wishing to prepare their own
span tables or computer programs Appendix A gives a sample calculation.
Appendix B gives span tables for three typical combinations of species and grade.
Although the presentation of span tables is not covered in BS 5268-7, it is
recommended that tables for predetermined rafter centres and loading follow this
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

ii © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

1 Scope
This Section of BS 5268 recommends a calculation basis for the permissible clear span for rafters for roofs
with a slope from 15° to 45°. The recommendations apply to rafters at a maximum spacing of 610 mm
centre-to-centre, this being the maximum spacing for which the “load-sharing” assumption may be adopted
as described in BS 5268-2. The method of calculation makes no allowance for any contribution of other
parts of the roof to the load resistance of the rafters although it is assumed that the tiling battens are
capable of providing lateral load distribution and lateral support. It does not cover the design of rafters
taking account of a structural contribution by sheet material supporting the roofing where such action can
be provided by adequate design of its attachments as in a stressed skin panel roof. The uniform and
concentrated loads of BS 6399-1, are considered. Provision is made for a uniformly distributed snow load
derived from BS 6399-3.
A typical example of roof construction is given in Figure 1 and of types of rafters in Figure 2.
This Section of BS 5268 is applicable to the species and grades of timber given in BS 5268-2.
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NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.

2 Definitions
For the purposes of this Section of BS 5268, the definitions given in BS 6100-4.1 to BS 6100-4.4,
BS 6100-2.1 and BS 5268-2 apply, together with the following.
grade stress
stress that can safely be permanently sustained by material of a specific section size and of a particular
strength class or species and grade
load-sharing system
assembly of pieces or members that are constrained to act together to support a common load
permissible stress
stress that can safely be sustained by a structural material under a particular condition
NOTE For the purposes of this Section of BS 5268 it is the product of the grade stress and the appropriate modification factors for
section size, service and loading.
strength class
classification of timber based on particular values of grade stress
bearing length
length at each end of the rafter in contact with the support
notional bearing length
bearing length required for the calculation of permissible clear spans
effective span
span measured on the slope from centre to centre of the minimum bearing lengths at each end
permissible effective span
lowest value of effective span found from the calculations for bending strength, shear strength and
permissible clear span
permissible unsupported span of a rafter, measured between the faces of the support at its two ends
NOTE Permissible clear span is equal to permissible effective span less the notional bearing length.

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Spans of purlins and ceiling binders are not shown.
Figure 1 — Roof construction

BS 5268-7.5:1990
BS 5268-7.5:1990
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Figure 2 — Types of rafter (see 5.2)

point load
concentrated load referred to in BS 6399-1, that is regarded as acting at a point for calculation purposes
member extending the full distance from eaves to ridge
NOTE The rafter may be continuous or jointed over the purlin, i.e. non-continuous.

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BS 5268-7.5:1990

beam parallel to the eaves giving intermediate support to rafters

3 Symbols
For the purposes of this Section of BS 5268, the following symbols apply.
NOTE The symbols used are in accordance with ISO 3898, published by the International Organization for Standardization,
supplemented by the recommendations of CIB-W18-1 “Symbols for use in structural timber design” published by the International
Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, which takes particular account of timber properties.
The symbols used are:
a Distance (notional bearing length)
b Breadth of rafter
E Modulus of elasticity
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F Total load per metre length on slope, resolved perpendicular to the rafter
Fd Dead load per square metre applied by mass of roofing materials (excluding rafter self
weight), measured on slope
Fi Imposed uniformly distributed load per square metre, measured on plan
Fj Self weight of rafter per metre length
Fp Point load
G Shear modulus
h Depth of rafter
I Second moment of area
j Radius of gyration
K Modification factor (always with a subscript)
L Effective span
Ladm Permissible effective span
Lcl Permissible clear span
Le Effective length in buckling calculations
M Bending moment
s Spacing of rafters, centre-to-centre
w Deflection
Z Section modulus
µ Roof slope (pitch)
½ Eccentricity factor (see Appendix C of BS 5268-2:1989)
Ô Density
Æ Slenderness ratio
Ö Stress
Ù Shear stress
The following subscripts are used:
a) Type of force, stress, etc.
c Compression
m Bending
b) Significance
a Applied
adm Permissible

4 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

cl Clear
g Grade
max Maximum
c) Geometry
Par or æ Parallel (to the grain)
tra or ¹ Perpendicular (to the grain)
It is recommended that where more than one subscript is used, the categories should be separated by
Subscripts may be omitted when the context in which the symbols are used is unambiguous except in the
case of modification factor K.

4 Design considerations
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4.1 General
The design calculations recommended by this Section of BS 5268 are based on engineers’ bending theory
and are consistent with the recommendations of BS 5268-2. The design method ensures that the
permissible bending, shear and compression stresses, as given in BS 5268-2, are not exceeded and that the
deflection due to bending and shear does not exceed the recommended limit of 0.003 times the effective
span (see 14.7 of BS 5268-2:1988).
NOTE A sample calculation is given in Appendix A and Table 1 to Table 3 in Appendix B contain specimen span tables.
4.2 Qualifying assumptions
The calculations given in this Section of BS 5268 relate to pitched roofs having a single purlin on each side
of the ridge. The rafter may be continuous or non-continuous over the purlin, which is centrally placed so
that the upper and lower portions of the rafter have equal spans. The purlin is perpendicular to the rafter
(see Figure 1 and Figure 2).
The calculations given in this standard apply to systems of at least four rafters at a maximum spacing
of 610 mm centre-to-centre, and having tiling battens adequate to provide lateral load distribution.
Because load sharing takes place the load sharing modification factor K8 should be used and the mean
modulus of elasticity is applicable in deflection calculations. The formulae derived are based on rafters
having two equal spans and lateral restraint sufficient to prevent lateral buckling in accordance with 14.8
of BS 5268-2:1988. It is also assumed that ceiling joists will be used to transmit the horizontal component
of thrust occurring at eaves level to complementary rafters.
The bearing length required at each end of the rafter, calculated in accordance with 5.6, may not be
sufficient for practical construction purposes.
4.3 Loading
The design calculations provide for roof loads which consist of the following.
a) Imposed load
1) For a roof slope of 30° or less: a uniformly distributed snow load, e.g. 0.75 kN/m2, measured on plan
or a 0.9 kN concentrated vertical load, whichever governs the design.
The concentrated load is assumed to act in the position which produces maximum stress or
deflection. However the effect of deflection under the concentrated load need be considered only
when it would affect the finishes.
2) For a roof slope greater than 30° and not exceeding 75°: an imposed load obtained by linear
interpolation between the values at 30° roof slope, e.g. 0.75 kN/m2, and zero for a 75° roof slope. No
concentrated load is applied.
The imposed distributed load should be considered as a medium term load. The imposed point load
should be considered as a short term load, as given in Table 8 of BS 5268-3:1985.
b) Dead load. Dead load per square metre on slope Fd (in kN/m2) to provide for the mass of roofing
materials, insulation, etc. Weights of materials are given in BS 648.
c) Self weight. Self weight per metre length Fj (in kN/m), to provide for the mass of the rafters. The
timber densities (in kg/m3) given in Tables 9 and 92 of BS 5268-2:1988, should be used.

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BS 5268-7.5:1990

4.4 Design loads

Three loading conditions should be considered.
a) A uniform imposed load condition, the loading consisting of uniformly distributed imposed load, dead
load and member self weight. This loading should be considered as medium term.
b) A point imposed load condition, the loading consisting of a concentrated imposed load plus uniformly
distributed dead load and member self weight; this condition may be omitted for roof slopes greater
than 30°. This loading should be considered as short term.
c) A long term load condition, the loading consisting of uniformly distributed dead load and member self
weight with no imposed load. This loading should be considered as long term.
For the uniform imposed load condition, the total load per metre length of rafter, F (in kN/m) resolved
perpendicular to the rafter is given by the equation
F = (Fi cos2 µ + Fd cos µ)  ------------- + Fj cos µ (1)
 1000
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For the point imposed load condition, the load (in kN) resolved perpendicular to the rafter is given by:
Fp cos µ = 0.9 cos µ
acting together with uniform dead load and self weight (in kN/m)
Fd cos µ  ------------- + Fj cos µ (2)
 1000

For the long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone, F (in kN/m) resolved perpendicular
to the roof slope is given by the equation
F = Fd cos µ  ------------- + Fj cos µ (3)
 1000

µ is the roof slope (pitch);
Fi is the imposed load (in kN/m2) measured on plan;
s is the rafter spacing (in mm);
Fd is the dead load (in kN/m2) measured on slope;
Fj is the self weight of the rafter (in kN/m).
The value of Fj (in kN/m) may be found from the equation
Fj = 9.80665 ×10–9 Ôbh (4)

Ô is the timber density (in kg/m3);
b is the rafter breadth (in mm);
h is the rafter depth (in mm).

5 Permissible spans
5.1 General
The permissible effective span of a timber rafter subjected to the applied loads given in 4.3 should be the
shortest effective span resulting from calculations for bending strength, shear strength and deflection, as
given in 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
The permissible clear span should be calculated as the permissible effective span less the notional bearing
length, calculated in accordance with 5.6.

6 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

5.2 Basis of formulae

5.2.1 General. The formulae given are derived for a construction incorporating a single purlin at the centre
of the rafter on each side of the ridge. The purlin reaction is perpendicular to the rafter length
(see Figure 1 and Figure 2). A ceiling joist transmits the horizontal thrust occurring at eaves level to the
complementary rafter, and the eaves joint and ceiling tie splice must be of adequate strength to transmit
this force.
5.2.2 Non-continuous rafters. The calculations for a non-continuous rafter assume that the rafter is jointed
over the purlin in a manner allowing compressive force to be transmitted through the joint, but not bending
moment. The most severe combination of compressive and bending stresses is taken as occurring at the
centre of the lower portion of the rafter and the effective length used (Le) is the full length of this portion.
In deflection and shear stress calculations, the same portion is treated as a simply-supported beam. For
roof slopes not exceeding 30° a point load is applied at the centre of the lower rafter.
5.2.3 Continuous rafters. The calculations for a continuous rafter assume that the rafter is continuous over
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the purlin so that bending moment as well as compressive force may be transmitted. When there is no point
load the combined stress calculation is made at the point of maximum bending moment, and also at the
purlin. For pitches not exceeding 30°, the point load is applied at the centre of the lower span and the
combined stress calculation is made for this point and for the point supported by the purlin. The effective
length in each of the two calculations (Le) is taken as the relevant distance between points of contraflexure.
Deflection and shear stress calculations are made in the same way as for a horizontal two-span continuous
beam with simple supports at its ends. However for simplicity the maximum separate deflections due to
the uniformly-distributed and point load (when applied) are added together although they do not occur at
exactly the same point in the rafter length.
5.2.4 Rafters without support from purlins. The spans derived from the formulae for non-continuous rafters
may be used conservatively for rafters without support from purlins. The derived spans may also be used
for jack rafters.
5.3 Limitation of combined bending and compression parallel to the grain stresses
5.3.1 Permissible bending and compression parallel to the grain stresses. Provided that lateral support is
given to the member in accordance with clause 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988, then the permissible bending
stress Öm,adm (in N/mm2) is given by the equation
Öm,adm = Öm,g K3K7K8 (5)

Öm,g is the grade bending stress (in N/mm2) (see BS 5268-2);
K3 is the load duration modification factor, 1.0 for long term, 1.25 for medium term or 1.5 for short
term (see Table 17 of BS 5268-2:1988);
K7 is the section depth modification factor (see 14.6 of BS 5268-2:1988);
K8 is the load-sharing modification factor 1.1 [see clause 13 item a) of BS 5268-2:1988].

From BS 5268-2, the permissible compression parallel to the grain stress Öc,adm (in N/mm2) is given by the
Öc,adm = Öc,g K8 K12 (6)

Öc,g is the grade compression parallel to the grain stress (in N/mm2) (see BS 5268-2)
K12 is the modification factor calculated from the equation

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BS 5268-7.5:1990


Öc = Öc,g K3 (8)
E is the minimum modulus of elasticity (in N/mm2);
Æ is the slenderness radio Le/i;
Le is the effective length;
½ is the eccentricity factor taken as 0.005Æ in calculating spans for the specimen span tables
in Appendix B.

The combination of applied bending and compression parallel to the grain stresses is limited by the
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Öm,a is the applied bending stress (in N/mm2);
Öc,a is the applied compression stress (in N/mm2);
Öe is the Euler stress, Ï2E/(Le/i)2 (in N/mm2).
When values for Öm,a and Öc,a are inserted in equation (9), the maximum permissible span may be obtained
by incrementing the span L until the left-hand side of equation (9) becomes equal to unity.
5.3.2 Applied bending and compression parallel to the grain stresses
Non-continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition
The applied bending stress is given by the equation


where L is the effective span of the lower portion of the rafter.

The applied compression parallel to the grain stress is given by the equation


Point imposed load condition



Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone



8 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Expanding equations (10) to (15) by inserting the appropriate expression for F leads to the following
Uniform imposed load condition



Point imposed load condition

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Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone



Continuous rafters
At purlin
Uniform imposed load condition



Point imposed load condition



Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone



In lower portion of rafter

Uniform imposed load condition



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BS 5268-7.5:1990

Point imposed load condition



Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone



Expanding equations (22) to (33) by inserting the appropriate expression for F leads to the
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following equations.
At purlin
Uniform imposed load condition



Point imposed load condition



Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone



The effective length Le for buckling calculations should be taken as L/2 for the uniform imposed
load and long term load conditions, or



for the point imposed load condition.

In lower portion of rafter

Uniform imposed load condition



10 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Point imposed load condition



Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone


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The effective length Le for buckling calculations should be taken as 3/4L for the uniform imposed
load and long term load conditions, or



. for the point imposed load condition

5.4 Limitation of shear stress
From BS 5268-2, the permissible shear stress Ùadm (in N/mm2) is given by the equation
Ùadm = ÙgK3K8 (48)

Ùg is the grade shear stress (in N/mm2) (see BS 5268-2);
K3 is the load duration modification factor, 1.0 for long term, 1.25 for medium term or 1.5 for short term
(see Table 7 of BS 5268-2:1988);
K8 is the load sharing modification factor, 1.1 [see clause 13 item a) of BS 5268-2:1988].

Expanding the equation


leads to the following equations.

Non-continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone


© BSI 01-2000 11
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self load weight alone

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NOTE These equations lead to the following polynomials in L.

Non-continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone


Continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition

Point load adjacent to central support


Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone


5.5 Limitation of deflection

From 14.7 of BS 5268-2:1988, the recommended deflection limitation wmax (in mm) is given by the equation
wmax = 0.003L (62)
Non-continuous rafters
The design equation limiting deflection1) is:
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


where E is the mean modulus of elasticity.

1) In addition to the deflection due to bending the shear deflection may be significant and has been taken into account.

12 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Taking G as ------ (see clause 11 of BS 5268-2:1988):
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


With a deflection limitation of 0.003L:

Uniform imposed load condition
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Point imposed load condition


Continuous rafters
The design equation limiting deflection is:
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


where E is the mean modulus of elasticity.

Taking G as ------ (see clause 11 of BS 5268-2:1988)
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


With a deflection limitation of 0.003L:

Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


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BS 5268-7.5:1990

NOTE These equations lead to the following polynomials in L.

Non-continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition


Continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition

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Point imposed load condition


5.6 Permissible clear spans

The calculation of clear span requires the deduction of a notional bearing length from an effective span.
The calculation of the notional bearing length to be deducted from the permissible effective span to produce
the clear span is made after finding Ladm, the smallest of the effective spans for a given cross section, as
limited by:
a) bending stress under uniform imposed load;
b) bending stress under point imposed load;
c) bending stress under long term load alone;
d) shear stress under uniform imposed load;
e) shear stress under point imposed load;
f) shear stress under long term load alone;
g) deflection under uniform imposed load;
h) deflection under point imposed load.
In the following formulae, the notional bearing length is calculated as though the rafter were supported in
the manner shown in Figure 3, taking account only of the load components perpendicular to the rafter. In
practical constructions, the clear span of the lower rafter portion may be taken as the distance from the
birdsmouth to the nearer face of the purlin.
The upper portion of the rafter, extending from purlin to ridge, will be a conservative design because the
calculations of effective span are made for the lower portion of the rafter where the thrust is greater.
However, for simplicity the clear span of the upper portion of the rafter may be taken as the distance from
the upper face of the purlin to the first cut made in the lower surface of the rafter adjacent to the ridge. In
cases where the top end of the rafter meets a ridge board, this first cut will be the bottom end of the vertical
cut at the top of the rafter.
From BS 5268-2, the permissible compression perpendicular to grain stress Öc,¹,adm (in N/mm2) is given by
the equation
Öc,¹,adm = Öc,¹,gK3K8 (79)
Öc,¹,g is the grade compression perpendicular to grain stress (in N/mm2) (see BS 5268-2)a;
K3 is the load duration modification factor, 1.0 for long term, 1.25 for medium term or 1.5 for short
term (see Table 17 of BS 5268-2:1988);
K8 is the load sharing modification factor, 1.1 [see clause 13 item a) of BS 5268-2:1988].
BS 5268-2, provides two values for the grade compression perpendicular to grain stress. When the specification specifically
prohibits wane at bearing areas, the higher value may be used, otherwise the lower value applies (see footnotes
to Tables 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of BS 5268-2:1988). The span table should indicate whether wane is permitted.

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BS 5268-7.5:1990

The notional bearing length a (in mm) required at each end should be found from the following equations.
Non-continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition with bending stress or deflection governing


Point imposed load condition with shear stress governing

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Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone


Continuous rafters
Uniform imposed load condition


Point imposed load condition with bending stress or deflection governing


Point imposed load condition with shear stress governing


Long term load condition, i.e. dead load and self weight alone


In equations (80) to (87)

a is the notional bearing length (in mm);
b is the breadth of the rafters (in mm);
Ladm is the permissible effective span (in mm).
The equation corresponding to the loading condition governing the permissible effective span should be
solved for a, and half the value of a should be deducted from each end of the span (total deduction a,
see Figure 3) to give the permissible clear span. Lcl (in mm) is given by the equation
Lcl = Ladm – a (88)

6 Bearing length
Although correct for the calculation of clear span the procedure given in 5.6 for the calculation of notional
bearing length may not ensure that the permissible compression perpendicular to the grain stress is not
exceeded for all loading cases.
The design of some members may be governed by a loading case which does not represent the greatest total
load of all loading cases. For example, the governing design case may include a concentrated load, but
another less critical loading case may consist of a greater load uniformly distributed along the span.

© BSI 01-2000 15
BS 5268-7.5:1990
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Figure 3 — Bearing length, permissible effective and permissible clear span

7 Information to be given in span tables

There are many possible formats for span tables. A typical format suitable for rafters at predetermined
centres and for quoted loading is given in Appendix B.
This Section of BS 5268 does not recommend formats for different components but whatever format is used
the following information should be given in the heading or in the main body or in the footnotes of the span
tables, or in an introduction to the tables:
a) the loading;
b) details of the arrangement of the members;
c) the member sizes and their maximum permissible deviations and/or the standards that define these
d) the species, stress grade or strength class and/or the standards that define these properties;
e) a statement specifying any requirement additional to those given in the stress grading rules,
e.g. whether wane is prohibited at bearings;
f) a statement that the spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of
BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.5;
g) a statement specifying any structural requirements that may be necessary to comply with the
qualifying assumptions made in 4.2, e.g. lateral support requirements, accommodation of lateral thrust
of supports;
h) the permissible clear spans.

16 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Appendix A Sample calculations for a rafter

The object is to find the permissible clear span (on slope), given the following data as applicable to a
particular design case.
Timber Strength class SC3 (see Tables 3 to 7
of BS 5268-2:1988)
Rafter type Continuous, slope 30°
Dimensions Rafter breadth, b = 47 mm
Rafter depth, h = 97 mm
Rafter spacing, s = 600 mm
Loading Dead load per square metre on slope, Fd = 0.75 kN/m2 [see 4.3 b)]
Imposed snow load on plan = 0.75 kN/m2 [see 4.3 a)]
or = 0.9 kN
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

The following data are given in BS 5268-2:1988.

Grade stresses and density BS 5268-2:1988
Grade bending stress, Bm,g = 5.3 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade compression parallel to the grain stress, Bc,æ,g = 6.8 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade shear stress, Ùg = 0.67 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade mean modulus of elasticity = 8 800 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade minimum modulus of elasticity = 5 800 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade compression perpendicular to the grain stress (with
wane permitted), Bc,¹,g = 1.7 N/mm2 Table 9
Density, @ = 540 kg/m3 Table 9
Modification factors
Uniform load, load duration, K3 = 1.00 long term, Table 17
Uniform load, load duration, K3 = 1.25 medium
term, Table 17
Point load, load duration, K3 = 1.5 short term, Table 17
Depth, K7 = (300/h)0.11 14.6
Load sharing, K8 = 1.1 clause 13

Permissible stresses and recommended deflection limitation BS 5268-7.5

Permissible bending stress, Öm,adm (in N/mm2) = Öm,gK3K7K8 5.3
= 8.251 N/mm2 for uniform load
(medium term)
or = 9.901 N/mm2 for point load
or = 6.601 N/mm2 for uniform load
(long term)
Permissible compression parallel to the
grain stress, Öc,adm (in N/mm2) = Öc,gK3K8K12 5.3
= 9.35 K12 N/mm2 for uniform load
(medium term)
or = 11.22 K12 N/mm2 for point load
or = 7.48 K12 N/mm2 for uniform load
(long term)

© BSI 01-2000 17
BS 5268-7.5:1990

The value of Öc adopted for calculating K12

[equation (7)] is: Öc = Öc,gK3 5.3
= 8.5 N/mm2 for uniform load
(medium term)
or = 10.2 N/mm2 for point load
or = 6.8 N/mm2 for uniform load
(long term)
Permissible shear stress, Eadm (in N/mm2) = EgK3K8 5.4
= 0.921 N/mm2 for uniform load
(medium term)
or = 1.1055 N/mm2 for point load
or = 0.737 N/mm2 for uniform load
(long term)
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Recommended deflection limitation,

wmax (in mm) = 0.003L 5.5
Permissible compression perpendicular to the
grain stress, Öc,¹,adm (in N/mm2) = Öc,¹,gK3K8 5.6
= 2.3375 N/mm for uniform load

(medium term)
or = 2.805 N/mm2 for point load
or = 1.87 N/mm2 for uniform load
(long term)
Application of the design equations from 5.3 to 5.5 leads to the following solutions for effective span, L:
Limitation of combined bending and compression stress
At purlin
Uniform imposed load L = 2 437 mm [equation (9)]
Point imposed load L = 2 960 mm [equation (9)]
Long term load L = 2 957 mm [equation (9)]
In lower portion of rafter
Uniform imposed load L = 2 985 mm [equation (9)]
Point imposed load L = 2 770 mm [equation (9)]
Long term load L = 3 634 mm [equation (9)]
Limitation of shear stress
Uniform imposed load L = 5 988 mm [equation (59)]
Point imposed load L = 10 055 mm [equation (60)]
Long term load L = 8 728 mm [equation (61)]
Limitation of deflection
Uniform imposed load L = 2 817 mm [equation (77)]
Point imposed load L = 2 309 mm [equation (78)]
The permissible effective span Ladm is therefore
Ladm = 2 309 mm
However if the effect of deflection under the concentrated load is disregarded (see 4.3), the lowest
remaining value is
Ladm = 2 437 mm
Using this value, the appropriate equation is selected from 5.6 to calculate the notional bearing length, a,
as 8 mm.
The permissible clear span Lcl for the joists is then
Lcl = Ladm – a
Lcl = 2 429 mm
The point load deflection is disregarded in computing the Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.

18 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Appendix B Specimen span tables for rafters

There are many possible formats for span tables and Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 are typical examples.
Whatever format is used, the information listed in clause 7 should be given.
Table 1 — Permissible clear spans for two-span continuous rafters, roof slope 30°, uniform snow
load 0.75 kN/m2: SC3a, regularized sizesb
Size of Dead load per square metre (in kN/m2) supported by rafter, excluding the self weight of the rafter
Not more than 0.50 (51 kg/m2) More than 0.50 but not more More than 0.75 but not more
than 0.75 (76.5 kg/m2) than 1.00 (102 kg/m2)
Centre-to-centre spacing of rafters (in mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Permissible clear span on slope
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

mm m m m m m m m m m
38 × 72 1.728 1.703 1.636 1.636 1.606 1.527 1.560 1.527 1.439
97 2.781 2.728 2.410 2.588 2.521 2.185 2.435 2.324 2.011
122 3.638 3.436 2.985 3.307 3.122 2.707 3.051 2.879 2.493
147 4.319 4.082 3.550 3.930 3.711 3.222 3.628 3.424 2.968
170 4.934 4.666 4.062 4.493 4.245 3.688 4.150 3.918 3.399
195 5.591 5.290 4.610 5.096 4.816 4.188 4.710 4.448 3.862
220 6.237 5.904 5.151 5.689 5.380 4.682 5.261 4.971 4.319
44 × 72 1.958 1.928 1.847 1.847 1.811 1.716 1.756 1.716 1.612
97 3.120 2.983 2.592 2.871 2.710 2.351 2.649 2.499 2.165
122 3.902 3.688 3.208 3.551 3.354 2.912 3.278 3.095 2.683
147 4.629 4.378 3.813 4.217 3.985 3.464 3.896 3.679 3.193
170 5.285 5.001 4.361 4.818 4.555 3.963 4.455 4.209 3.656
195 5.984 5.667 4.947 5.461 5.166 4.499 5.053 4.776 4.152
220 6.671 6.321 5.524 6.094 5.767 5.028 5.642 5.334 4.642
47 × 72 2.069 2.036 1.948 1.948 1.909 1.806 1.849 1.806 1.692
97 3.259 3.080 2.677 2.964 2.799 2.429 2.736 2.582 2.238
122 4.026 3.807 3.313 3.665 3.463 3.009 3.385 3.196 2.773
147 4.774 4.517 3.937 4.351 4.113 3.578 4.022 3.799 3.299
170 5.449 5.159 4.501 4.971 4.701 4.093 4.598 4.345 3.777
195 6.168 5.843 5.105 5.632 5.330 4.645 5.213 4.929 4.288
220 6.874 6.515 5.699 6.283 5.948 5.190 5.820 5.505 4.793
50 × 72 2.178 2.142 2.046 2.046 2.004 1.894 1.940 1.894 1.745
97 3.357 3.173 2.760 3.054 2.885 2.505 2.820 2.662 2.308
122 4.145 3.921 3.414 3.776 3.568 3.102 3.489 3.295 2.860
147 4.914 4.651 4.056 4.481 4.237 3.687 4.143 3.915 3.402
170 5.607 5.310 4.636 5.117 4.841 4.218 4.735 4.476 3.893
195 6.344 6.012 5.257 5.797 5.487 4.786 5.368 5.077 4.420
220 7.068 6.702 5.868 6.464 6.122 5.346 5.991 5.668 4.940
63 × 147 5.465 5.178 4.529 4.993 4.726 4.124 4.624 4.374 3.809
170 6.226 5.904 5.171 5.696 5.395 4.713 5.279 4.996 4.356
195 7.035 6.677 5.857 6.444 6.108 5.343 5.978 5.661 4.942
220 7.826 7.433 6.531 7.177 6.807 5.963 6.665 6.314 5.519
75 × 195 7.589 7.212 6.344 6.966 6.610 5.797 6.473 6.136 5.368
220 8.432 8.019 7.068 7.750 7.360 6.464 7.209 6.838 5.991
NOTE 1 The tables are computed on the basis that the specification does not exclude wane at bearings.
NOTE 2 The spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.5. Lateral
support should be provided in accordance with 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988.
NOTE 3 The material should be stress graded in accordance with BS 4978.
NOTE 4 The sizes and their maximum permissible deviations should be in accordance with BS 4471.
For species/grade combinations in this strength class, see Tables 3 to 7 of BS 5268-2:1988.
Regularized sizes are given in BS 4471.

© BSI 01-2000 19
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Table 2 — Permissible clear spans for single-span rafters, roof slope 30°, uniform snow
load 0.75 kN/m2: redwood/whitewood, SS grade, basic sizesa
Size of Dead load per square metre (in kN/m2) supported by rafter, excluding the self weight of the rafter
Not more than 0.50 (51 kg/m2) More than 0.50 but not more More than 0.75 but not more
than 0.75 (76.5 kg/m2) than 1.00 (102 kg/m2)
Centre-to-centre spacing of rafters (in mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Permissible clear span on slope
mm m m m m m m m m m
38 × 75 1.922 1.883 1.722 1.781 1.737 1.611 1.671 1.624 1.507
100 2.617 2.518 2.290 2.454 2.360 2.144 2.324 2.235 2.028
125 3.260 3.138 2.855 3.058 2.942 2.675 2.898 2.787 2.531
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

150 3.898 3.754 3.418 3.659 3.522 3.203 3.468 3.337 3.032
175 4.532 4.366 3.979 4.257 4.098 3.730 4.036 3.884 3.532
200 5.162 4.974 4.536 4.851 4.671 4.254 4.602 4.429 4.029
225 5.787 5.579 5.091 5.441 5.242 4.777 5.164 4.972 4.525
44 × 75 2.067 1.989 1.808 1.938 1.864 1.693 1.835 1.764 1.602
100 2.745 2.642 2.404 2.575 2.477 2.252 2.439 2.346 2.131
125 3.417 3.290 2.997 3.207 3.087 2.808 3.040 2.925 2.659
150 4.084 3.934 3.586 3.836 3.693 3.362 3.638 3.501 3.184
175 4.746 4.573 4.172 4.461 4.296 3.914 4.232 4.074 3.708
200 5.402 5.208 4.755 5.081 4.895 4.463 4.823 4.645 4.229
225 6.054 5.839 5.336 5.698 5.491 5.010 5.411 5.212 4.749
47 × 75 2.112 2.032 1.848 1.980 1.905 1.731 1.876 1.804 1.638
100 2.804 2.699 2.457 2.631 2.531 2.302 2.493 2.398 2.179
125 3.489 3.361 3.062 3.277 3.154 2.870 3.107 2.989 2.718
150 4.170 4.017 3.664 3.918 3.773 3.436 3.717 3.577 3.255
175 4.844 4.669 4.262 4.555 4.388 3.999 4.323 4.162 3.790
200 5.513 5.316 4.857 5.187 4.999 4.559 4.926 4.744 4.322
225 6.177 5.959 5.448 5.816 5.606 5.117 5.525 5.323 4.852
50 × 75 2.155 2.074 1.886 2.021 1.944 1.767 1.914 1.841 1.672
100 2.860 2.754 2.507 2.684 2.583 2.350 2.544 2.448 2.225
125 3.559 3.428 3.124 3.342 3.218 2.930 3.170 3.050 2.775
150 4.251 4.097 3.738 3.996 3.848 3.506 3.791 3.650 3.322
175 4.937 4.761 4.347 4.644 4.475 4.080 4.409 4.246 3.867
200 5.618 5.419 4.953 5.288 5.097 4.651 5.023 4.839 4.410
225 6.293 6.073 5.555 5.928 5.715 5.220 5.633 5.428 4.951
63 × 150 4.565 4.403 4.024 4.297 4.141 3.779 4.081 3.931 3.584
175 5.297 5.112 4.677 4.990 4.812 4.395 4.742 4.570 4.169
200 6.021 5.814 5.325 5.677 5.477 5.007 5.399 5.205 4.752
225 6.738 6.509 5.968 6.358 6.136 5.615 6.050 5.835 5.332
75 × 200 6.335 6.122 5.618 5.981 5.775 5.288 5.694 5.493 5.023
225 7.084 6.849 6.293 6.694 6.466 5.928 6.377 6.155 5.633
NOTE 1 The tables are computed on the basis that the specification does not exclude wane at bearings.
NOTE 2 The spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.5. Lateral
support should be provided in accordance with 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988.
NOTE 3 The material should be stress graded in accordance with BS 4978.
NOTE 4 The sizes and their maximum permissible deviations should be in accordance with BS 4471.
Basic sizes are given in BS 4471.

20 © BSI 01-2000
BS 5268-7.5:1990

Table 3 — Permissible clear spans for two-span continuous rafters, roof slope 30°, uniform snow
load 0.75 kN/m2: spruce-pine-fir, joist and plank no. 2 grade, CLS sizesa
Size of Dead load per square metre (in kN/m2) supported by rafter, excluding the self weight of the rafter
Not more than 0.50 (51 kg/m2) More than 0.50 but not more More than 0.75 but not more
than 0.75 (76.5 kg/m2) than 1.00 (102 kg/m2)
Centre-to-centre spacing of rafters (in mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Permissible clear span on slope
mm m m m m m m m m m
38 × 140 4.260 4.024 3.495 3.872 3.655 3.169 3.572 3.370 2.918
184 5.479 5.180 4.505 4.986 4.710 4.089 4.604 4.346 3.767
235 6.850 6.482 5.648 6.243 5.901 5.131 5.771 5.450 4.731
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

285 8.157 7.724 6.743 7.444 7.042 6.132 6.887 6.509 5.658
NOTE 1 The tables are computed on the basis that the specification does not exclude wane at bearings.
NOTE 2 The spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.5. Lateral
support should be provided in accordance with 14.8 of BS 5268-2.
NOTE 3 The material should be stress graded in accordance with NLGA rules. (The similar ALS sizes are graded in the USA
to NGRDL rules).
NOTE 4 The sizes and their maximum permissible deviations should be in accordance with BS 4471.
a CLS sizes are given in Appendix A of BS 4471.

© BSI 01-2000 21
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 5268-7.5:1990

Publications referred to

BS 565, Glossary of terms relating to timber and woodwork.

BS 648, Schedule of weights of building materials.
BS 4471, Specification for dimensions for softwood.
BS 4471-1, Sizes of sawn and planed timber.
BS 4978, Timber grades for structural use.
BS 5268, Structural use of timber.
BS 5268-2, Code of practice for permissible stress design, materials and workmanship.
BS 5268-3, Trussed rafter roofs.
BS 5268-7.1, Domestic floor points2).
BS 5268-7.2, Joists for flat roofs2).
BS 5268-7.3, Ceiling joists2).
BS 5268-7.4, Ceiling binders2).
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 14 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 5268-7.6, Purlins supporting rafters2).

BS 5268-7.7, Purlins supporting sheeting or decking2).
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
BS 6100-2.1, Structural design and elements.
BS 6100-4.1, Characteristics and properties of timber and wood based panel products.
BS 6100-4.2, Sizes and quantities.
BS 6100-4.3, Wood based panel products.
BS 6100-4.4, Carpentry and joinery.
BS 6399, Design loading for buildings.
BS 6399-1, Code of practice for dead and imposed loads.
BS 6399-3, Code of practice for imposed roof loads.
ISO 3898, Basis for design of structures — Notations — General Symbols.
CIB-W18-1, Symbols for use in structural timber design. International Council for Building Research
Studies and Documentation, Post Box 20704, 3001 JA Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
NLGA 1979, The national grading rules for dimension lumber. National Lumber Grades
Authority, 1450-1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6E 2G8.
NGRDL 1975, The national grading rules for softwood dimension lumber (USA).

Referred to in the foreword only.

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BS 5268-7.5:
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