David Crystal - Main Ideas

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The Myth of the Native Speaker

What does Standard English mean? Standard English historically is a written

English (printed English). It took 400 years for English to standardize. However,
just at the point at which English was settling down into a standard form in Britain
it began to diversify. American English existed as a different standard, as an
emerging standard, differently from British English. We can talk about two or
three percent of the language being different between British English and
American English – it's not a big deal, but it's enough to express the different
identities of these different countries.

Why do we need Standard English? Standard English is to promote intelligibility

of nationally and internationally. It helps us to understand each other. The other
big force is the need for identity. It produces local accents and dialects both
nationally and internationally. So there is the tension now between these two
forces intelligibility, saying “let's all speak the same” and identity, saying “let's be

Native VS non-native speaker. There was never a native speaker in the sense of
somebody who hasn't been influenced by some sort of local variation here. And
there are all sorts of mixed accents people, especially these days, when people
moving around the country and accommodating to the accent of the place in which
they find themselves. You can stand at the corner of Oxford and try listening for
RP – you can wait for ages.
It a disastrous thing that native speaker all over the world is paid more money for
teaching in a language school.

Teaching. Students should be aware of the fact that English is now multiple in its
“If we have somebody who is pretty fluent in English but has got a pretty strong
accent – Spanish accent, French accent, etc, –as long as that person is intelligible
to me I have no problem with that”.  
“I love to hear English spoken with the French accent,not just because it's
delightful, but because it helps me identify who the speaker is”.
“Learners are not native speakers, they are foreigners”. If I am learning French or
Spanish over the years, then so long as I am intelligible I do not to be a French
person or a Spanish person. I want to be me, and I want my accent to reflect that
and to let other people know it”. Accent – is a marker of your identity.
“There is no such thing as homogeneity in in language there is always variation”.
The difference between intelligibility and identity is not just an intellectual
difference: intelligibility is in the head, identity is in the heart (who you are, which
community you belong to, which community you're proud to belong to).

The main purpose of learning English language. The main purpose is the fact
that we are living in a multilingual and multicultural world. If you're curious about
the nature of the planet and what it means to be human, you will have a need for
learning language.

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