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Company Canon Canon Canon GE HealthcGE HealthcGE HealthcGE HealthcGE HealthcNeusoft Me

Aquilion One Aquilion Prime Revolution Revolution NeuViz 16

Model Aquilion Prime CardioGraphe Revolution CT Revolution HD
Genesis SP Frontier EVO Essence

FDA cleared,
year / CE mark, 2016 2017 2015 2016/2016 2014/2014 Yes, 2017 2012/2012 2014/2014 2017/2017

High definition
One beat
Dedicated spectral
cardiac CTA General General
Cardiac CTA, Cardiac CTA, cardiac CT. imaging,
and CFA, assist radiology, radiology,
assist with assist with Cardiac and general
with TAVR emergency CT, emergency CT,
Intended use TAVR TAVR vascular radiology,
planning. cardiac CT with cardiac CT with
(cardiac CCTA, planning, planning, imaging emergency CT,
Myocardial CT 0.29 ms 0.29 ms Not available
TAVR, general general general including cardiac CT with
perfusion, effective effective
radiology, etc.) cardiology, cardiology, preparation for 0.29 ms
general temporal temporal
general general TAVR and effective
cardiology, resolution, resolution,
radiology radiology other complex temporal
general neuro perfusion neuro perfusion
procedures resolution,
neuro perfusion
with extended

Single rotation
cardiac CTA
and CFA
acquired in one
Arrhythmia Helical Helical
detection in real prospective prospective
Single heart
time. MBIR cardiac CTA cardiac CTA
beat artifact free
reconstruction and CFA and CFA
CCTA at any
for cardiac arrhythmia arrhythmia Single heart
Cardiac CT heart rate.
images (320) in detection in real detection in real beat artifact free
angiograghy Flexibility for
3 minutes. time. vHP3 time. vHP3 CCTA incl.
(CCTA, TAVR, TAVR planning
vHP3 variable variable helical variable helical hard cases. R to 5 beat cardiac 5 beat cardiac 5 beat cardiac Not available
etc.) to combine
helical pitch pitch scaning. pitch scaning. R heart and
performance whole heart
scaning. SurekV auto SurekV auto aorta in one
details coverage axial
SurekV Auto kVp selection. kVp selection. injection
with helical
kVp selection. 0.5 mm detector 0.5 mm detector
planning in one
0.5 mm detector with isotropic with isotropic
scan acquisition
width isotropic voxel cardiac voxel cardiac
voxel cardiac scanning scanning
SEMAR metal
reduction for
cardiac images

Average scan
acquisition time
One beat, 0.275 5/7/2020 5/7/2020 0.12 0.14 0.175 0.175 0.175 Not available
for a CCTA,

Radiation dose Radiation dose Radiation dose

Radiation dose depends on depends on depends on
range needed to clinical task, clinical task, clinical task,
acquire CCTA patient's body patient's body patient's body 1.2 mSv < 1 mSv 1.3 mSv 1.3 mSv 1.3 mSV Not available
in an average habitus and habitus and habitus and
sized patient heart rate heart rate heart rate
during the scan during the scan during the scan
Intelligent Intelligent
motion motion
correction with correction with Intelligent
SnapShot SnapShot motion
One beat Freeze, Freeze, correction with
cardiac CCTA One beat heart prospective and prospective and SnapShot
Whole heart
with no table coverage at any retrospective retrospective Freeze,
coverage, high
movement heart rate, high gated gated prospective and
Features to temporal
required, temporal acquisitions acquisitions retrospective
reduce cardiac resolution, auto Not available
arrhythmia resolution, auto with with gated
exam rescans handling of
detection, handling of mulitsegment mulitsegment acquisitions
arrhythmia and
AMC, adaptive arrhythmia and reconstruction reconstruction with
motion PVC for higher heart for higher heart mulitsegment
correction rates. High rates. High reconstruction
spatial spatial for higher heart
resolution for resolution for rates
reduced artifact reduced artifact
blooming blooming

Optics -
optimization of
the imaging
chain and filters
out low energy
photons, one
Real-time Real-time
beat scanning,
arrhythmia arrhythmia
no table
detection 0.5 detection 0.5 Full coverage at High definition High definition
What movement One beat high 5 beat cardiac
mm detectors mm detectors high speed, 5 beat cardiac 5 beat cardiac
differentiates required. definition, imaging.
with isotropic with isotropic stereo CT imaging. imaging.
your system FIRST MBIR motion-free Unique motion
voxels, voxels, technology, Unique motion Unique motion Not available
from other for volumetric coronary correction
SURECardio SURECardio FOV focused correction correction
vendors for cardiac CCTA. images at any technology with
Prospective, Prospective, on organ of technology with technology with
cardiac imaging Real-time heart rate SnapShot freeze
vHP3, AIDR3D vHP3, AIDR3D interest SnapShot freeze SnapShot freeze
Enhanced, Enhanced,
detection. 0.5
SureExposure SureExposure
mm detectors,
cardiac metal
artiact reduction
AMC, adaptive

room: 3,000 x
19 m2 (short 14.8 m2 (short 15 m2 4,600 mm.
installation N/S 34.2 (27.1 min.) 31.2 (21.7 min.) 31.2 (21.7 min.) 25 (18.5 min.)
couch) couch) minimum Scanning room:
room size
6,000 x 4,600


PureVision PureVision PureVision Gemstone Gemstone

Detectors, type N/A Gemstone HiLight Clarity Solid state
solid state solid state solid state Clarity Clarity
Number of 0.5 mm x 320 0.5 mm x 80 0.5 mm x 80
192 256 64 64 64 32
detector rows detector row detector row detector row

Number of 512 with 128 with 128 with 128 with

Up to 640 slices Up to 160 slices Up to 160 slices
slices per 280 overlap overlap overlap overlap 64
(Option) (option) (option)
rotation reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction reconstruction

detector width
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625
(at iso
equivalent), mm

Detector z-axis
Up to 16 cm 4 cm 4 cm 140 160 or 80 40 40 40 20
coverage per
rotation, mm

Does system
require stitching
images to
No No, helical No, helical No No Yes Yes Yes Not available
enable full

0.625, 0.8, 1,
0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 0.625, 1.25, 0.625, 1.25, 0.625, 1.25, 0.625, 1.25, 1.25, 1.5, 2,
slice width
and 8 and 8 and 8 5, 10 2.5, 3.75, 5 2.5, 3.75, 5 2.5, 3.75, 5 2.5, 3.75, 5 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6,
options, mm
7, 8, 9, 10

Spectral / dual-
energy CT Volumetric and Volumetric and Volumetric and
N/A Non-cardiac Yes Yes Non-cardiac No
imaging helical helical helical

0.275, 0.3,
0.32, 0.35, 0.35, 0.375, 0.35, 0.375,
Rotation times, 0.28, 0.35, 0.5, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5,
0.375, 0.4, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.24, 0.27, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1,
sec., 360 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8,
0.45, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.75, 1, 0.6, 0.75, 1, 0.33, 0.5, 1 1.5, 2
degrees 0.9, 1 0.9, 1, 2 0.9, 1, 2 0.9, 1, 2
0.75, 1, 1.5, 2 1.5, 2 and 3 1.5, 2 and 3
and 3

Partial rotation
0.18, 0.23 0.23 0.23 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
times, sec.

Gantry tilt,
30 30 30 N/A N/A 30 30 30
192.5 x 227 x 192 x 89 x
dimensions, H x 187 x 215 x 87 187 x 215 x 87 180 x 179 x 80 200 x 236 x 144 190 x 225 x 106 192 x 227 x 103 196 x 205 x 104
960 224.4
W x D, cm

Gantry weight,
2,360 1,800 1,800 1,645 2,876 1,842 1,792 1820 1,800

Gantry aperture,
78 78 78 60 80 70 70 70 72
Bore length
239 / 289 cm 239 / 289 cm 239 / 289 cm N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S 409.6 / 890 mm
(short / long)

Control and Control and Control and Control and Control and
Rear gantry
Yes Yes Yes display both display both display both display both display both Yes
sides sides sides sides sides

Rotate-rotate, Rotate-rotate, Rotate-rotate, Wide beam, Wide beam, Cone beam, Cone beam, Cone beam, High geometric
slip ring slip ring slip ring short long short short short efficiency
Area finder
laser collimator
Laser, external Laser, external
Scan localizer and laser, Real time Real time Real time Real time Real time Yes
and internal and internal
external and

Does system
interface with
automated Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


75 BPM
Max heart rate
automated, or
to acquire cCTA
always single N/A N/A All heart rates All heart rates N/S N/S N/S Not available
from a single
beat with target
heart beat

Axial scanning Axial scanning

Automated with Automated with only due to only due to
Pitch N/A 0.2 or greater 0.2 or greater 0.2 or greater 0.3 - 2
SureCardio SureCardio whole heart whole heart
acquisition acquisition


18, 24, 32, 40, 16/25, 45 for

Scan FOVs, cm 24, 32, 50 32,50 25, 50 25, 50 25, 50 25, 50 50
50 positioning

512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 1,024 x 1,024

Reconstruction Up to 80 Up to 70 Up to 60
8 sec N/S N/S N/S N/S 20 images/sec
time per study images/sec images/sec images/sec

Per slice 0.02 sec/image 0.02 sec/image 0.02 sec/image 0.029 sec Up to 65 ips Up to 55 ips Up to 55 ips Up to 55 ips 0.05 sec

8 sec per 140

For localization
0.02 sec/image 0.02 sec/image 0.02 sec/image mm AP and Real time Real time Real time Real time 1.5-18 sec

CardIQ Xpress CardIQ Xpress CardIQ Xpress CardIQ Xpress CardIQ Xpress
Reveal and Reveal and Reveal and Reveal and Reveal and
cardiac cardiac cardiac cardiac cardiac
perfusion for perfusion for perfusion for perfusion for perfusion for
coronary and coronary and coronary and coronary and coronary and
perfusion perfusion perfusion perfusion perfusion
3-D software On console / On console / On console / assessments. assessments. assessments. assessments. assessments.
package details Vitrea Vitrea Vitrea SmartScore for SmartScore for SmartScore for SmartScore for SmartScore for
calcium calcium calcium calcium calcium
scoring. TAVI scoring. TAVI scoring. TAVI scoring. TAVI scoring. TAVI
planning planning planning planning planning
software. software. software. software. software.
CircleCV for CircleCV for CircleCV for CircleCV for CircleCV for
mitral valve mitral valve mitral valve mitral valve mitral valve

Motion Adaptive
SnapShot SnapShot SnapShot SnapShot SnapShot
correction motion N/A N/A Not available
Freeze Freeze Freeze Freeze Freeze
algorithm correction
Cardiac metal
SEMAR N/A N/A N/S MMAR No No No Not available

Calcium scoring
Vitrea Vitrea Vitrea Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Not available

assessment SurePlaque SurePlaque SurePlaque Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Not available
CT Perfusion Vitrea CT Vitrea CT Vitrea CT
assessement myocardial myocardial myocardial Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Not available
software perfusion perfusion perfusion

Vitrea Vitrea Vitrea
structural heart
TAVR/TAVI TAVR/TAVI TAVR/TAVI Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Not available
planning planning planning

assessment Third party Third party Third party HeartFlow HeartFlow HeartFlow HeartFlow HeartFlow Not available
3-D printing file
creation Vitrea Vitrea Vitrea Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes (AW) Yes

Lung nodule
analysis, lung
analysis, nerve
system DSA,
Other software
N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S virtual
dental analysis,
tumor analysis,


SureExposure SureExposure SureExposure
modulation N/A N/A 3D 3D 3D O-dose
3D 3D 3D

Automated kV
SurekV SurekV SurekV N/A kV Assist kV Assist kV Assist N/A Auto KV

Pediatric- Low dose CT 4Kids, color

SureCardio SureCardio SureCardio Color coding Color coding Color coding Pediatric
specific dose pediatric coding for kids,
Prospective Prospective Prospective for kids for kids for kids protocol
control protocols ASiR-V

Prospective Yes, One Beat

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not available
ECG gating Volumetric
Retrospective Yes, One Beat
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Not available

Yes, One Beat Yes, wide Yes, wide
cardiac (axial Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not available
Volumetric volume volume

Iterative AIDR 3D
reconstruction enhanced, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not available
enhanced enhanced
for cardiac FIRST MBIR

FIRST MBIR N/S N/S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Not available
for cardiac

Dose recording,
reporting DICOM SR DICOM SR DICOM SR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Auto couch
Other features height Auto couch Auto couch Reduced dose
Organ-safe; 240
to help lower compensation, height height collimator N/S N/S N/S N/S
deg exposure
dose area finder laser compensation compensation (focused FOV)


X-ray tube
Tungsten Tungsten Tungsten N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S rhenium,

Heat storage,
7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 MHU 6.8 MHU 8 MHU 8 MHU 7 MHU 5.3 MHU
Dissipation rate, 4 kW N/A, very short More than 2.1
1,386 kHU/min 1,386 kHU/min 1,386 kHU/min 1.78 MHU 1.07 MHU 815 kHU/min
HU/min continuous exposure times MHU

Oil to air heat

Tube cooling 1,386 kHU/min 1,386 kHU/min 1,386 kHU/min Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil to air

0.9 x 0.8 0.9 x 0.8 0.9 x 0.8 0.7 x 1.6 mm

Tube focal spot, 1 x 0.7 per IEC 1 x 0.7 per IEC 1 x 0.7 per IEC 0.9 x 0.7 IEC 0.5 x 1 (small);
(small), 1.6 x (small), 1.6 x (small), 1.6 x (S) / 1.1 x 1.6
mm 60336 60336 60336 60336 1 x 1 (large)
1.5 (large) 1.4 (large) 1.4 (large) mm (L)

kW output 100 72 72 60/72 103 100 100 72 50

70, 80, 100, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120,
kVp range 80 - 135 80 - 135 80 - 135 80 - 140
120, 140 140 140 140 140

mA range 10 - 900 10 - 600 10 - 600 50 - 600 10 - 740 10 - 835 10 - 835 Up to 600 30 - 420

Range of
N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S 0 - 177
94 with tilted 87 with tilted 87 with tilted 45 to 82.5 / 50
Vertical, cm 50 - 100.1 43 - 99.1 43 - 99.1 43 - 99.1 43 -97
gantry gantry gantry to 87.5

8.4 8.4 8.4 +/- 5 cm N/A N/A N/A N/A Not available
movement, cm

Longitudinal, 239 (extended 239 (extended 239 (extended 170 (200 170 (200 170 (200
150 200 177
cm couch) couch) couch) option) option) option)

Scannable 200 (extended 200 (extended 200 (extended 170 (200 170 (200 170 (200
100 200 175
range, cm couch) couch) couch) option) option) option)

Max load
227 kg (306 227 kg (306 227 kg (306 227 kg (306
capacity with 694 lbs 694 lbs 694 lbs 227 kg 205 kg
option) option) option) option)

Min. Installation 19 m2 (short 14.8 m2 (short 14.8m2* (short

34.2 (27.1 min.) 31.2 (21.7 min.) 31.2 (21.7 min.) 25 (18.5 min.) 1.44 m2
Space couch) couch) couch)


Min. interscan 1 dynamic, 3 1 dynamic, 3 1 dynamic, 3

1 1 1 1 1 1.2
time, sec helical helical helical
Dynamic scan
1 sec or less 1 sec or less 1 sec or less 8.33 images/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 frames/sec

0.35 mm 0.35 mm 0.35 mm As below 21.5 21.4 21.4 19.7 17lp/cm
spatial res.

0% MTF, lp/cm 22.5 (ref only) 21.5 (ref only) 21.5 (ref only) 17.8 21.5 21.4 21.4 19.7 17

50% MTF,
12 11.5 8 7.2 13 13 13 12.1 7.5 lp/cm
detectability, 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.28 N/S N/S N/S N/S 0.29

3 mm @ 1%, 5 mm at 0.3% 5 mm at 0.3%
detectability 2 mm @ 0.3%, 2 mm @ 0.3%, 4 mm @ 0.3%, 5 mm at 0.3% 5 mm at 0.3% 4 mm @
9.5 mGy with at 8.8 mGy @ 5 at 4.54 mGy w
mm object size 15.7 mGy 15.7 mGy 22.6 mGy at 7 mGy at 7 mGy 0.3%,19.8 mGy
FIRST MBIR mm slice ASiR-V
at%, CTDIvol

Less than 0.5% Less than 0.5% Less than 0.5% 0.35% @ 10 0.45% at 9.5
(noise), slice 0.45 at 7.4 mGy 0.45 at 9.5 mGy 0.43 at 4.7 mGy
SD SD SD mm, 22.6 mGy mGy

Number of
system N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S _100
1 year parts and 1 year parts and 1 year parts and 1 year parts and 1 year parts and
Warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year As appropriate
labor labor labor labor labor
x 320 detector capable of
capable of
row delivering 160
delivering 160
multifunctional unique images
unique images
dynamic reconstructed
volume CT per axial scan
per axial scan
scanner; enabling
performs volume
routine reconstruction
multislice in double
in double
imaging and density,
covers entire resulting in a
resulting in a
organs more true-to-
more true-to-
dynamically original
lowering reconstruction
radiation and in MPR and 3D
in MPR and 3D
contrast dose; rendered
the AQ One images;
320 offers 8 cm temporal
of coverage, resolution as
resolution as
and the One low as 40/35
low as 40/35
640 and Vision m/sec; cerebral
m/sec; cerebral
640 offers 16 blood-flow
cm coverage of analysis system;
analysis system;
0.5 mm; the quantitative
detector bone-mineral
acquires whole analysis; CT
analysis; CT
volumes of the fluoro; full Cardiovascular Free software
Other features fluoro; full N/S N/S N/S N/S
entire brain, DICOM feature dedicated CT update
DICOM feature
heart, and other set; pediatric
set; pediatric
organs in a scanning;
single rotation; SureStart
SEMAR metal contrast
artifact tracking;
reduction is SUREScan
SureScan real-
included on all real-time
time imaging;
Aquilion One imaging;
scanners; other volume-
rendered 3D;
options: rendered 3-D;
ECG gating;
quantitative ECG gating;
cardiac scoring;
bone-mineral cardiac scoring;
cardiac function
analysis; CT cardiac function
fluoro; full analysis;
DICOM feature SureCardio
set; cardiac imaging;
scoring; cardiac multiview
function MPR;
analysis; AutoFilm;
SureCardio AutoSend;
imaging; AutoArchive;
ImageMaker kit SureExposure
(marketing 3D,
resource); SureSubtraction
SureSubtraction Carotid;
neuro CTA SurekV;
provides an in-
Neusoft MeNeusoft MeNeusoft MePhilips Philips Philips Philips Philips Siemens HeSiemens He
NeuViz 64 In NeuViz 128 NeuViz Prime IQon Elite iCT Elite iCT SP Ingenuity Elite Ingenuity Core Somatom Force Somatom Drive

2014/2014 2015/2015 2017/2017 Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes Yes/yes 2014 2016

General General
Virtually-noise- Virtually-noise- Virtually-noise- Virtually-noise- radiology, radiology,
Spectral on-
free low-dose free low-dose free low-dose free low-dose advanced advanced
vascular, vascular, general general cardiovascular, cardiovascular,
cardiac, cardiac, radiology, radiology, pediatric, neuro, pediatric, neuro,
Yes Yes Yes pediatric, pediatric, cardiac, cardiac, advanced advanced
trauma, neuro, trauma, neuro, vascular, vascular, perfusion, lung perfusion, lung
trauma, neuro,
general general pediatric, pediatric, cancer cancer
radiology, dual- radiology, dual- trauma, neuro, trauma, neuro, screening, dual screening, dual
energy energy dual-energy dual-energy source dual- source dual-
energy energy

spectral CTA
with spectral Advanced
viewer, AVA, Adaptive axial cardiac
and CCA, collimation, Eclipse capabilities,
advanced Eclipse collimation, rate Rate responsive Rate responsive CCTA, TAVR,
spectral collimation, rate responsive toolkit toolkit structural heart,
structural heart,
analysis tools, responsive toolkit cardiac
Eclipse toolkit perfusion,
collimation, rate calcium scoring

10 8 6 7/8/2020 3/4/2020 7/8/2020 7/8/2020 7/8/2020 About 0.28 About 0.45

Prospective: 0.6 Prospective: 0.4 Prospective: 0.4

Default Default
- 1.2 mSv, - 1 mSv, - 1 mSv, Submillisievert Submillisievert Submillisievert Submillisievert Submillisievert
protocol = 0.4 protocol = 0.4
retrospective: 3 retrospective: 2 retrospective: 2 to 4 mSv to 4 mSv to 4 mSv to 4 mSv to 4 mSv
mSv mSv
- 6 mSv - 5 mSv - 5 mSv
with FAST
with FAST
Cardio Wizard
Phase, cardio
ECG-edit, ECG-edit, Rate responsive Rate responsive Rate responsive Rate responsive Rate responsive and cardio best
ECG-edit best phase,
CMC CMC technology technology technology technology technology phase, ECG
ECG flash
flash check,
check, auto
auto ECG
ECG pulsing,
pulsing, auto
auto pitch

With a rotation
With a rotation speed of 0.28 s,
speed of 0.25 s, and a temporal
and a temporal resolution of 75
resolution of 66 ms the
ms the Somatom Drive
Somatom Force provides
provides excellent image
unprecedented quality in
image quality in cardiac imaging
cardiac imaging even for highest
even for highest heart rates.
heart rates. Single heart
Single heart beat imaging
beat imaging with a
with a acquisition
acquisition speeds of up to
speeds of up to 458 mm/sec
737 mm/sec (pitch 3.2), the
(pitch 3.2), the Somatom Drive
Somatom Force boosts contrast
boosts contrast media
media efficiency,
efficiency, negates breath
Detector-based negates breath hold with
spectral CCTA, hold with subseond
Quad-sampling, Quad-sampling, Quad-sampling, IMR with IMR with IMR with IMR with
IMR with subseond imaging,
CMC, 1,024 CMC, 1,024 CMC, 1,024 cardiac gating, cardiac gating, cardiac gating, cardiac gating,
cardiac gating, imaging, especially in
matrix, matrix, matrix, nanopanel Elite nanopanel nanopanel Elite nanopanel
nanopanel especially in pre-procedural
ClearView ClearView ClearView technology technology technology technology
prism pre-procedural TAVR and
technology TAVR and structural heart
structural heart imaging
imaging accessment.
accessment. With access to
With access to 1,300 mA at 70
2,600mA at 70, kV, 1,500 mA
80 and 90 kV, at 80 kV and
both dose and 1,600 mA at 90
contrast kV, both dose
reduction are and contrast
possible. Fully reduction are
integrated possible. Fully
Stellar Infinity integrated
Detector, Stellar Infinity
reduces both Detector,
noise, and reduces both
calcium noise, and
blooming calcium
artifacts, for blooming
enhanced vessel artifacts, for
delineation and enhanced vessel
more accurate delineation and
assessment of more accurate
stenosis assessment of
Operating Operating Operating
room: 3,000 x room: 3,000 x room: 3,000 x
4,600 mm. 4,600 mm. 4,600 mm.
Scanning room: Scanning room: Scanning room:
6,000 x 4,600 6,000 x 4,600 6,000 x 4,600
mm mm mm

detector - NanoPanel Elite NanoPanel Elite 2 x Multislice 2 x Multislice
Solid state Solid state Solid state NanoPanel Elite NanoPanel Elite
NanoPanel with ClearRay with ClearRay StellarInfinity StellarInfinity
32 64 64 64 x 2 128 64 64 64 192 (2 x 96) 128 (2 x 64)

64 128 128 256 256 128 128 128 192 256 (2 x 128)

0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.4 0.4

20 40 40 40 80 40 40 40 737 (gated) 458 (gated)

Yes, step and Yes, step and Yes, step and Yes, step and Yes, step and
shoot. No, shoot. No, shoot. No, shoot. No, shoot. No,
Yes Yes Yes Not required Not required
retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective
gating gating gating gating gating

0.4 (iHD), 0.4 (iHD), 0.4 (optional), 0.4 (optional),

0.625, 0.8, 1,
0.625, 0.8, 1, 0.625, 0.8, 1, 0.5 , 0.6 - 20 0.5 , 0.6 - 20
1.25, 1.5, 2,
1.25, 1.5, 2, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 0.625 - 10 0.625 - 10 0.625 - 10 0.625 - 10 0.625 - 10 (20 using (20 using
2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, dynamic dynamic
7, 8, 9, 10
7, 8, 9, 10 7, 8, 9, 10 multiscan) multiscan)

Simalteneous Simalteneous
EGC gated/non- EGC gated/non-
gated dual gated dual
energy, dose energy, dose
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes neutral neutral
acquisition. acquisition.
Temporal Temporal
resolution of 66 resolution of 75
ms ms

0.259, 0.32, 0.25 (optional),

0.27, 0.3, 0.33, 0.27, 0.3, 0.33, 0.27, 0.3, 0.33, 0.28 (optional),
0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 0.374, 0.5, 0.6, 0.374, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 0.285, 0.325
0.375, 0.4, 0.5, 0.375, 0.4, 0.5, 0.375, 0.4, 0.5, 0.33, 0.5, 1
1.5, 2 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 1, 1.5 1, 1.5 (optional), 0.5,
0.75, 1, 1.5 0.75, 1, 1.5 0.75, 1, 1.5 rotation time
2 1 rotation time

0.18 (optional),
0.18, 0.2 0.18, 0.2 0.18, 0.2 0.28, 0.3, 0.33 0.28, 0.3, 0.33 N/S
0.21, 0.36, 0.72

Tiltable Tiltable
headholder headholder

19 x 93.8 x 191 x 93.8 x 191 x 93.8 x 198 x 238 x

198 x 274 x 97 198 x 274 x 97 198 x 274 x 97 201 x 238 x 94 201 x 238 x 94 199 x 118 x 240
219.8 219.8 219.8 93.5

1,800 1,800 1,800 3,022 3,022 3,022 2,354 2,354 2,800 2,300

72 72 72 70 70 70 70 70 78 78

361.5 / 93.8 361.5 / 93.8 361.5 / 93.8

mm mm mm

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

High geometric High geometric High geometric Rotate-rotate - Rotate-rotate - Rotate-rotate -

Rotate-rotate Rotate-rotate Slip ring Slip ring
efficiency efficiency efficiency AirGlide AirGlide AirGlide
Yes Yes Yes Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Not available Not available Not available N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Varies Varies

0.13 - 2 0.13 - 1.5 0.13-1.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.2 3.2

50 (optional 50 (optional
HD FOV 65, HD OV 65,
50 - general and 50 - general and 50 - general and 50 - general and 50 - general and
50 50 50 optional optional
cardiac cardiac cardiac cardiac cardiac
extended FOV extended FOV
78) 78)

512 x 512; 768 512 x 512; 768 512 x 512; 768 512 x 512; 768 512 x 512; 768
1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 x 768; 1,024 x x 768; 1,024 x x 768; 1,024 x x 768; 1,024 x x 768; 1,024 x 512 x 512 512 x 512
1,024 1,024 1,024 1,024 1,024

20 images/sec 40 images/sec 40 images/sec _40 images/sec _33 images/sec _33 images/sec _25 images/sec _25 images/sec Up to 60 Up to 60

As low as 0.03 As low as 0.03 As low as 0.03 As low as 0.04 As low as 0.04
0.05 0.02 sec 0.025 sec 0.025 sec N/A N/A
sec/image sec/image sec/image sec/image sec/image

Virtually real Virtually real Virtually real Virtually real- Virtually real-
1.5-18 0.02 sec 0.5-16.5 sec 0.5-16.5 sec Real time Real time
time time time time time

3D volume 3D volume 3D volume 3D volume 3D volume

redndering, redndering, redndering, redndering, redndering,
miniIP, miniIP, miniIP, miniIP, miniIP,
SurfaceMIP. SurfaceMIP. SurfaceMIP. SurfaceMIP. SurfaceMIP.
Slab review Slab review Slab review Slab review Slab review syngo.via syngo.via
VR, SSD VR, SSD VR, SSD including including including including including applications applications
regional regional regional regional regional avialable avialable
investigation investigation investigation investigation investigation
and curved and curved and curved and curved and curved
MPR. Virtual MPR. Virtual MPR. Virtual MPR. Virtual MPR. Virtual
vessel vessel vessel vessel vessel
endoscopy endoscopy endoscopy endoscopy endoscopy

CMC CMC CMC N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S Not required Not required
Dose neutral Dose neutral
dual energy dual energy
Not available Not available Not available Spectral N/S N/S N/S N/S
monochromatic monochromatic
imaging imaging

Cardiac calcium Cardiac calcium Cardiac calcium

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
scoring scoring scoring

Coronary artery Coronary artery Coronary artery

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
plaque analysis plaque analysis plaque analysis

Brain/body Brain/body Brain/body

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
perfusion perfusion perfusion

Not available Not available Not available Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes, with Yes, with

Not available Not available Not available N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S
HeartView HeartView

Yes, with Yes, with

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes syngo.via syngo.via
Frontier Frontier

Lung nodule Lung nodule Lung nodule

analysis, lung analysis, lung analysis, lung
density,vessel density,vessel density,vessel
analysis, nerve analysis, nerve analysis, nerve Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced
system DSA, system DSA, system DSA, vessel analysis, vessel analysis, vessel analysis, vessel analysis, vessel analysis, Dynamic Dynamic
virtual virtual virtual AVA stent AVA stent AVA stent AVA stent AVA stent myocardial myocardial
colonoscopy, colonoscopy, colonoscopy, planning, EP planning, EP planning, EP planning, EP planning, EP perfusion perfusion
dental analysis, dental analysis, dental analysis, planning planning planning planning planning
tumor analysis, tumor analysis, tumor analysis,
volume volume volume
rendering rendering rendering

3D dose 3D dose 3D dose 3D dose 3D dose

modulation, modulation, modulation, modulation, modulation,
O-dose O-dose O-dose
ECG dose ECG dose ECG dose ECG dose ECG dose
modulation modulation modulation modulation modulation

Auto KV Auto KV Auto KV Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Care kV Care kV

Care Child (70 Care Child (70

kV) pediatric kV) pediatric
Pediatric Pediatric Pediatric protocols, protocols,
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
protocol protocol protocol adaptive dose adaptive dose
shield, shield,

syngo syngo
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes HeartView HeartView
Force (optional) Drive (optional)
syngo syngo
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes HeartView HeartView
Force (optional) Drive (optional)

syngo syngo
ECG-DOM ECG-DOM ECG-DOM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes HeartView HeartView
Force (optional) Drive (optional)

Yes. iDose4 Yes. iDose4 Yes. iDose4 Yes. iDose4 Yes. iDose4
ClearView ClearView ClearView ADMIRE ADMIRE
and IMR and IMR and IMR and IMR and IMR

Yes. IMR Yes. IMR Yes. IMR Yes. IMR Yes. IMR
ClearView ClearView ClearView ADMIRE ADMIRE
Platinum Platinum Platinum Platinum Platinum

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes, cardiac Yes, cardiac Yes, cardiac Yes, cardiac Yes, cardiac
Organ-safe; 240 Organ-safe; 240 Organ-safe; 240 shaped filter. S shaped filter. S shaped filter. S shaped filter. S shaped filter.
deg exposure deg exposure deg exposure and S beam and S beam and S beam and S beam S&S beam
collimation collimation collimation collimation collimation

Rhenium iMRC with iMRC with iMRC with MRC Ice with MRC Ice with
TZM, W, Re, TZM, W, Re, 2 x Straton MX
alloyed segmented segmented segmented segmented segmented 2 x Vectron
graphite graphite Sigma
tungsten tungsten anode tungsten anode tungsten anode tungsten anode tungsten anode

30 MHU 50 MHU
(equivalent (equivalent
30 effective 30 effective 30 effective 30 effective 30 effective value compared value compared
(effective anode
5 MHU 8 MHU (iMRC (iMRC (iMRC (MRC Ice (MRC Ice to the to the
heat content 30
technology) technology) technology) technology) technology) performance of performance of
a conventional a conventional
tube) tube)
designed, 0 MHU (0.6
integrated, rapid MHU capacity
anode cooling; combined with
max cooling 7.3 MHU/min
rate of 2.7 (5,400 kJ/min)
MHU/min. cooling rate is
Vectron tube comparable to
exceeds the the performance
815 kHU/min 931 kHU/min 1,696 kHU/min 1,608 kHU/min 1,608 kHU/min 1,608 kHU/min 1,608 kHU/min 1,608 kHU/min performance of of a
a conventional conventional
30 MHU tube, tube with
where stored approximately
heat is 50 MHU
dissipated only (37,000 kJ)
by thermal anode heat
radiation from storage
the anode capacity)

Water/water Water/water
(optional split (optional split
Oil to air Oil to air Oil to air Direct cooling Direct cooling Direct cooling Direct cooling Direct cooling
cooling cooling
water/air) water/air)

0.4 x 0.7 (extra

0.6 x 1.2 0.6 x 1.2 Small: 0.6 x Small: 0.6 x Small: 0.6 x
small); 0.6 x 0.7 Small: 0.5 x 1; Small: 0.5 x 1;
(small); 1.1 x (small); 1.1 x 0.7; Large: 1.1 0.7; Large: 1.1 0.7; Large: 1.1
(small); 1.1 x Large: 1 x 1 Large: 1 x 1
1.2 (large) 1.2 (large) x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2
1.2 (large)

50 80 100 120 120 120 105 effective 105 effective 240 (2 x 120) 240 (2 x 120)

70 - 150, in 70 - 140, in
80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 60, 70, 80, 100, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 80, 100, 120,
increments of increments of
140 140 120, 140 140 140 140 140 140
10 10

Single source Single source

20 - 1,300, dual 20 - 800, dual
30 - 420 10 - 667 10 - 833 10 - 1,000 10 - 1,000 10 - 1,000 20 - 665 20 - 665
source 40 - source 40 -
2,600 1,600

0 - 177 0 - 177 0 - 177 N/S N/S N/S N/S N/A N/S N/S

64.5 (lowest 64.5 (lowest 64.5 (lowest 57.9 (lowest 57.9 (lowest
43 - 97 43 - 97 43 - 97 49 - 92 49 - 92
position) position) position) position) position)

Not available Not available Not available N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/A N/A

177 177 177 210 210, 175 210, 175 210, 175 210, 175 200 200

175 175 175 210 210, 175 210, 175 210, 175 210, 175 200 200

204 kg (+/- 0.25 204 kg (+/- 0.25 204 kg (+/- 0.25 204 kg (+/- 0.25
204 kg (+/- 0.25 mm accuracy), mm accuracy), mm accuracy), mm accuracy), 500 lbs (676 lbs 500 lbs (676 lbs
205 kg 205 kg 205 kg
mm accuracy) 295 kg (+/- 0.25 295 kg (+/- 0.25 295 kg (+/- 0.25 295 kg (+/- 0.25 optional) optional)
mm accuracy) mm accuracy) mm accuracy) mm accuracy)

1.44 m2 1.44 m2 1.44 m2 18.8 m2 17.7 m2

1.2 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 N/A N/A
As low as 0.3 As low as 0.3 As low as 0.3 As low as 0.5 As low as 0.5
sec/image sec/image sec/image sec/image sec/image
0.28, 0.25 0.33, 0.28
20 frames/sec 25 frames/sec 37 frames/sec intermittent; intermittent; intermittent; intermittent; intermittent;
optional optional
continuous CT continuous CT continuous CT continuous CT continuous CT
option option option option option

32 lp/cm with 24 lp/cm with

17lp/cm 24lp/cm(iHD) 30lp/cm(iHD) N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S optional UHR optional UHR
technology technology

17 24 (iHD) 30 (iHD) 16 24 24 24 lp/cm 24

7.5 lp/cm 7.5 lp/cm 15 lp/cm N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S

0.29 0.21 0.17 0.31 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 N/A N/A

20 cm Catphan:
5 mm, 3 HU, 6
2 mm at 0.3% 2 mm @ 0.3% 2 mm @ 0.3% 2 mm @ 0.3% 2 mm @ 0.3% 20 cm Catphan:
4 mm @ 4 mm @ 4 mm @ mGy; 3 mm, 3
at 10.4 mGy @ 10.4 mGy @ 10.4 mGy @ 10.4 mGy @ 10.4 mGy 5 mm, 3 HU, 8
0.3%,19.8 mGy 0.3%,19.8 mGy 0.3%,19.8 mGy HU, 10 mGy; 2
CTDIvol CTDIvol CTDIvol CTDIvol CTDIvol mGy
mm, 3 HU,
12.3 mGy

0.27%, 10 mm, 0.27%, 10 mm, 0.27%, 10 mm, 0.27%, 10 mm, 0.27%, 10 mm,
60.1 mGy 60.1 mGy 60.1 mGy 60.1 mGy 39.7 mGy

_500 _300 _10 N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S >140 global >40 global

As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
NanoPanel Elite NanoPanel
Elite Spectral
detector with detector with
ClearRay 2D ClearRay 2D
for parallel
antiscatter antiscatter
collimator, IMR collimator, IMR
model-based model-based
iterative iterative
Suite, NanoPanel Elite NanoPanel
reconstruction, reconstruction,
NanoPanel detector with detector with
spherical spherical
Prism detector ClearRay ClearRay
detector detector
with ClearRay reconstruction, reconstruction,
geometry, geometry,
reconstruction, IMR model- IMR model-
AirGlide AirGlide
IMR model- based iterative based iterative
gantry, Eclipse gantry, Eclipse
based iterative reconstruction, reconstruction,
DoseRight DoseRight
reconstruction, iDose4 iDose4
Collimator, Collimator,
AirGlide Premium Premium
iDose4 iDose4
gantry, Eclipse Package with Package with
Premium Premium
DoseRight metal artifact metal artifact
Package with Package with
Collimator, reduction for reduction for
Free software Free software Free software metal artifact metal artifact
iDose4 orthopedic orthopedic
update update update reduction for reduction for
Premium implants (O- implants (O-
orthopedic orthopedic
Package with MAR), MRC MAR), MRC
implants (O- implants (O-
metal artifact Ice X-ray tube, Ice X-ray tube,
reduction for age- and age- and
SmartShape and SmartShape and
orthopedic weight-based weight-based
IntelliBeam IntelliBeam
implants (O- protocols, protocols,
filters, iMRC filters, iMRC
MAR), iPatient iPatient
X-ray tube, age- X-ray tube, age-
SmartShape and platform, dose platform, dose
and weight- and weight-
IntelliBeam notification, notification,
based protocols, based protocols,
filters, iMRC dose alerts, dose alerts,
Dynamic Dynamic
X-ray tube, age- structured dose structured dose
cardiac cardiac
and weight- reporting reporting
perfusion, perfusion,
based protocols,
iPatient iPatient
platform, dose platform, dose
platform, dose
notification, notification,
dose alerts, dose alerts,
dose alerts,
structured dose structured dose
structured dose
reporting reporting
Siemens HeSiemens HeSiemens HeSiemens Healthineers
Somatom Edge Somatom Somatom Somatom
Plus Definition Edge go.Top go.All

2018 2012 2018 2018

General General
radiology, radiology,
radiology, General
advanced advanced
advanced radiology,
cardiovascular, cardiovascular,
cardiovascular, cardiovascular,
neuro, neuro,
neuro, basic neuro, basic
advanced advanced
perfusion, lung perfusion, lung
perfusion, lung perfusion, lung
cancer cancer
cancer cancer
screening, screening,
screening, screening,
emergency, single source,
trauma, single trauma, single
single source, dual spiral dual-
source, twin source, twin
twin beam dual- energy
beam dual- beam dual-
energy energy

High-volume High-volume High-volume High-volume

cardiac cardiac cardiac cardiac
capabilities, capabilities, capabilities, capabilities,
CCTA, calcium CCTA, calcium CCTA, calcium CCTA, calcium
scoring scoring scoring scoring

About 6,
dependent on
About 6 About 6 About 6
heart rate /

Default Default Default

protocol = 2.7 protocol = 2.7 protocol = 3.6 About 6 mSv
mSv mSv mSv
Exam Exam
optimization optimization
with FAST with FAST
Exam Exam Cardio Wizard Cardio Wizard
optimization optimization and cardio best and cardio best
with FAST with FAST phase and phase and
Cardio Wizard Cardio Wizard guided tablet guided tablet
and cardio best and cardio best workflow to workflow to
phase phase improve cardiac improve cardiac
image quality image quality
for users of all for users of all
skill levels skill levels

builds on the
techmology of
the Definition
Edge by
introducing the
new Straton
MX Sigma tube
and Stellar With a rotation Somatom go. Somatom go.
Infinity speed of 0.28 s, offers offers
Detector, and a temporal standardized standardized
further resolution of workflows, fast workflows, fast
improving 142 ms the scanning, and scanning, and
image quality. Somatom automated automated
With a rotation Definition Edge postprocessing. postprocessing.
speed of 0.28 s, provides Seamlessly Seamlessly
and a temporal excellent image integrated GO integrated Go
resolution down quality in technologies technologies
to 71 ms with cardiac imaging take care of take care of
HeartView CT, even for higher multiple multiple
the Somatom heart rates of examination examination
Edge Plus more than 80 steps, so you steps, so you
provides bpm. With an can focus on can focus on
excellent image acquisition your patient. your patient.
quality in speed of up to The optional The optional
cardiac imaging 23 cm/s (pitch advanced cardio advanced cardio
even for higher 1.7), the package allows package allows
heart rates of Somatom for for
more than 80 Definition Edge comprehensive comprehensive
bpm. With an boosts contrast cardiac cardiac
acquisition media assessment and assessment and
speed of up to efficiency and clinical clinical
23 cm/s (pitch substantially consistency in consistency in
1.7), the shortens scan cardiac CT. cardiac CT.
Somatom Edge times, Optimized, Optimized,
Plus boosts especially in fully tablet- fully tablet-
contrast media pre-procedural operated scan operated scan
efficiency and TAVI/TAVR preparation, fast preparation, fast
substantially planning. Fully scanning, and scanning, and
shortens scan integrated standardized standardized
times, Stellar Detector results in every results in every
especially in helps to reduce cardiac case cardiac case
pre-procedural blooming enabled by the enabled by the
TAVI/TAVR artifacts for integrated GO integrated Go
planning. The enhanced vessel technologies technologies
latest version of delineation and allow you to allow you to
the fully more accurate devote more devote more
integrated assessment of time to your time to your
StellarInfinity stenosis patient patient
Detector helps
to reduce
artifacts for
enhanced vessel
delineation and
more accurate

18 m2 18 m2 N/S N/S

Multislice Multislice Multislice

integrated integrated integrated
Stellar detector Stellar detector Stellar detector
64 w/128 64 w/128
64 32
channels channels

128 64 128 64

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

6.5 (gated) 6.5 (gated) N/A N/A

Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.4 (optional,

1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, with z-UHR), 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5,
2.4, 3, 4, 4.8, 5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
6, 7, 7.2, 8, 10, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 8, 10
14.4, 15, 20 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

Dual spiral dual

Dual spiral dual Dual spiral dual Dual spiral dual energy
energy energy energy standard,
standard. Dose standard. Dose standard. Dose upgradable to
optimized dual optimized dual optimized dual Somatom
energy energy energy go.Top
acquisition with acquisition with acquisition with configuraiton
twin beam dual twin beam dual twin beam dual for access to
energy optional energy optional energy optional twin beam dual

0.33 included 0.33 included

0.28 , 0.33, 0.5, 0.28 , 0.33, 0.5, with high with high
1 1 performance performance
package package

0.20, 0.24, 0.21, 0.24, 0.221, 0.33, 0.221, 0.33,

0.36, 0.72 0.36, 0.72 0.67 0.67

+/- 30 +/- 30

198 x 238 x 99 198 x 238 x 93 186 x 220 x 84 186 x 220 x 84

2,999 Includes 2,999 Includes

built in built in
computers and computers and
2250 2,250 UPS for UPS for
computers so a computers so a
control room is control room is
optional optional

78 78 70 70


Fully mobile Fully mobile

Yes, rear touch
Yes, optional wireless remote wireless remote
panels optional
control control

Slip ring Slip ring Slip ring Slip ring

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes, unique Yes, unique

ability to use ability to use
gantry mounted gantry mounted
Yes Yes
injector arm for injector arm for
dual head dual head
injector injector

Varies Varies Varies Varies

1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5

50 (optional 50 (optional
50 with 50 with
HD OV 65, HD OV 65,
standard standard
optional optional
extended HD extended HD
extended FOV extended FOV
FOV to 70 FOV to 70
78) 78)

512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Inline Inline
Up to 80 fps Up to 60 fps processing, processing,
automatic automatic


Real time Real time Real time Real time

Yes, Included Yes, Included

in high in high
performance performance
package: Zero- package: Zero-
click workflow click workflow
to generate to generate
CPR for all CPR for all
major coronary major coronary
arteries, helps arteries, helps
simplify simplify
Yes Yes
workflow and workflow and
increase increase
consistency, consistency,
advanced advanced
reconstruction reconstruction
tools included tools included
in the CT View in the CT View
and Go and Go
acquisition acquisition
workplace workplace

Not required Not required Not required Not required

iMAR and dual
iMAR iMAR imaging with iMAR
optional twin
beam dual

Yes, included Yes, included

with high with high
Yes Yes
performance performance
package package

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes N/A

Yes, with Yes, with

HeartView HeartView

Yes, with Yes, with Yes, with Yes, with

syngo.via syngo.via syngo.via syngo.via
Frontier Frontier Frontier Frontier

Included in Included in
high high
performance performance
package: Zero- package: Zero-
click workflow click workflow
to generate to generate
CPR for all CPR for all
major coronary major coronary
arteries, helps arteries, helps
simplify simplify
workflow and workflow and
increase increase
consistency, consistency,
advanced advanced
reocnstruction reocnstruction
tools included tools included
in the CT View in the CT View
and Go and Go
acquisition acquisition
workplace workplace

Care kV Care kV Care kV Care kV

Care Child (70 Care Child (70 Care Child (70

Care Child (70
kV) pediatric kV) pediatric kV) pediatric
kV) pediatric
protocols, protocols, protocols,
adaptive dose adaptive dose adaptive dose
shield, Safire shield, Safire shield, SAFIRE

Adpative cardio Adpative cardio

syngo syngo sequence sequence
HeartView CT HeartView CT included in included in
(optional) (optional) advanced advanced
cardiac package cardiac package
Adaptive Adaptive
retrospective retrospective
syngo syngo ECG spiral ECG spiral
HeartView CT HeartView CT Included in Included in
(optional) (optional) high high
performance performance
package package

Included in Included in
syngo syngo
high high
HeartView CT HeartView CT
performance performance
(optional) (optional)
package package



data modeled) data modeled)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

240 deg

Straton MX
Straton MX P Athlon Athlon

0 MHU (0.6 0 MHU (0.6

MHU capacity MHU capacity
combined with combined with
7.3 MHU/min 7.3 MHU/min
(5,400 kJ/min) (5,400 kJ/min)
cooling rate is cooling rate is
comparable to comparable to
the performance the performance
of a of a 6 MHU 6 MHU
conventional conventional
tube with tube with
approximately approximately
50 MHU 50 MHU
(37,000 kJ) (37,000 kJ)
anode heat anode heat
storage storage
capacity) capacity)
780 780
7.3 MHU/min 7.3 MHU/min
kHU/minute kHU/minute

Optional split Optional split

cooling cooling Air cooled Air cooled
water/air water/air

0.95 x 0.95 / 0.95 x 0.95 /

1.15 x 1.45 mm 1.15 x 1.45 mm

100 100 75 75

70 - 140, in 70 - 140, in
increments of increments of
70, 80, 90, 100,
70, 80, 100, 10, tin filtered 10, tin filtered
110, 120, 130,
120, 140 setting from setting from
100 - 140 in 10 100 - 140 in 10
kV increments kV increments

20 - 800 20 - 800 13-825 13-825


49 - 92 49 - 92 47.5 - 90 47.5 - 90


200 200 Up to 200 Up to 200

200 200 Up to 200 Up to 200

500 lbs (676 500 lbs (676 500 lbs (676 500 lbs (676
optional) optional) optional) optional)

18 m2 18 m2 12 m2 12 m2

0.28, 0.25 0.28, 0.25

optional optional
0.28 0.28 0.33 0.33

30 lp/cm with 30 lp/cm with

optional UHR optional UHR
15.1 lp/cm 15.1 lp/cm
and z-UHR and z-UHR
technologies technologies

x/y plane: 15.1 x/y plane: 15.1

lp/cm @2% lp/cm @2%


20 cm Catphan: 20 cm Catphan: 20 cm Catphan: 20 cm Catphan:

5 mm, 3 HU, 8 5 mm, 3 HU, 5 mm, 3 HU, 5 mm, 3 HU,
mGy 12 mGy 10 mGy 10 mGy


>10 global >360 global N/A N/A

1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year

and remote and remote
control to control to
deliver one of deliver one of
the easiest and the easiest and
most most
reproducible/co reproducible/co
nsistent nsistent
workflows for workflows for
full coronary full coronary
Dose optimized Dose optimized
procedures -- procedures --
dual energy dual energy
leading to new leading to new
acquisition with acquisition with
levels of levels of
TwinBeam TwinBeam
patient-focused patient-focused
Dual Energy; Dual Energy;
care; 128-slice care; 64-slice
Adaptive 3D Adaptive 3D
CT benefits CT benefits
Intervention Intervention
from from
suite for faster suite for faster
outstanding outstanding
more accurate more accurate
image quality image quality
intervention intervention
with the with the
procedures; procedures;
integrated integrated
iMAR metal iMAR metal
Stellar detector Stellar detector
artifact artifact
reduction; reduction;
Iterative Iterative
Admire Admire
Reconstruction, Reconstruction,
iterative iterative
and the and the
reconstruction; reconstruction;
standard Tin standard Tin
Fast 3D Align Fast 3D Align
Filter Filter
for true axial, for true axial,
Technology Technology
sagital, and sagital, and
enables enables
coronal coronal
dramatic dose dramatic dose
reconstructions; reconstructions;
reductions for reductions for
Available in a Available in a
lung cancer lung cancer
sliding gantry sliding gantry
screening. screening.
configuration.Si configuration.
Recon andGO Recon and GO
emens Fast Siemens Fast
technology technology
Care platform Care platform
automates automates
enables enables
routine and routine and
consistent consistent
time-consuming time-consuming
workflow and workflow and
recon tasks - recon tasks -
faster faster
improving improving
preapration preapration
exam exam
with automated with automated
consistency. consistency.
protocol and protocol and
Addresses all Addresses all
scan setting scan setting
routine imaging routine imaging
optimizations optimizations
needs and helps needs and helps
expand clinical expand clinical
capabilities capabilities
with optional with optional
calcium calcium
scoring. scoring.
Scanner sets Scanner sets
new new
benchmarks in benchmarks in
CT reliability CT reliability

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