Radiation Safety Procedure

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Aries Global Co.

P.O. Box – 1856, PC: 133

Al Khuwair, Muscat


Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Srinu A Jinesh M Abraham Ganesh Babu

Date: 13/02/2018 Date: 13/02/2018 Date: 13/02/2018

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In the Radiation Safety Protection Program described in this document, ARIES establishes commitments
and describes programs for establishing and maintains safe radiological conditions and ensuring

compliance with the requirements of MECA (MD249/97) regulations and licenses. And this program
has been developed and implemented to ensure adequate protection of employees and members of the
public from the hazards arising from ARIES authorized use of radioactive materials. This RSP is intended
to meet the various programmatic requirements found in MECA, MD NO 249 & 286 for a documented
radiation protection program, Radiation Safety plan, and Radiation Emergency Procedure.

The RSP describes the policies and programs adopted by ARIES to foster a safety culture to assure safe and
appropriate uses of radiation sources, including both radiation emitting devices and radioactive materials.
ARIES encourages a questioning attitude to radiation protection and safety. To assure competency and to
discourage complacency, ARIES has established in its program.

Policies and programs that identify the protection and safety of the public and workers as being of the
Highest priority.

Technical organizations to identify and correct problems affecting protection and safety promptly in a
manner commensurate with their importance, Clear guidelines for the responsibilities, qualifications and
training for each individual.

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As the Director of ARIES, I have been determined that ARIES can best comply with MECA
requirements applicable to ARIES by delegating authority for development, implementation and
maintenance of a Radiation Safety Program for ARIES employee and members of the public, to a Radiation
Safety Committee (RSC), Radiation Protection supervisor (SR.RPS) of ARIES.
I have ultimate responsibility for oversight of Aries Radiation Safety program and ultimate

responsibility for ARIES activities associated with the MECA.

I have authorized in the appointment of a Sr. RPS. The RPS is authorized to work directly,
effectively and take immediate action on behalf of ARIES management, especially in the event of emergency,
in carrying out the Radiation Protection program. I will make the fiscal, administrative and personnel
resources of ARIES available to implement the Radiation Protection Program in a lawful and effective
I have authorized the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) to be appointed by the Director to
act as ARIES agent in matters involving policy, procedures, control and mediation arising from the use of
radioactive materials.
I directly appoint a chairman of the RSC. I charge the chairman with full responsibility for
processing all RSC decisions regarding policies, procedures and corrective actions related to radiation safety.
I authorize the RPS to act as my agent and to take all necessary and appropriate actions to
ensure compliance with the OMAN radiation safety regulations and to promote safety and reduce radiation
hazards to all Aries employees and to members of the public. This authority includes, without limitation, the
authority to monitor and suspend use of radioactive materials at ARIES facilities or outside.

Objective: The objective of this program is forming a committee to ensure the

Requirements of state and national regulations of environment and safety issues of the industrial
Radiographic activities to be followed by the local authorities.

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Chairman: Ganesh Babu


Committee Members:

1) Jinesh M Abraham – (ASNT Level II) Manager / RSA – Source Import/Re Export
2) Srinu Aythabathula – (ASNT/PCN- Level II) Sr. RPS – Dealing all legal issues, update
3) Mhd. Thameem – (NDT-Level II) RPS – Dealing all legal issues, update
4) Pramod R – (NDT-Level III) NDT Supervisor– Surprise Site Visit
5) Senior Technician
6) Technician
7) Asst Technician
8) Drivers

This committee meets once in a month to ensure health concern Associate with

exposure to radioactive Material or radiation, Precautions or Procedure to minimize exposure to

radiation, Purpose and functions of protective devise employed, The permit condition and the

applicable portion of the radiation safety manual works responsibility to promptly report any

condition that may lead to cause violation of the regulations or cause an unnecessary exposure,

action taken in the case of emergency and updating the information to MECA (Please refer

attachment- P13 CL01).

Conducted By Ganesh Babu M


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Mr. Ganesh Babu

Office +97165614166
Mobile +971502125941

Mr. Jinesh m Abraham

Office +96824393000

Mobile +96899170246

Mr. Srinu A (Sr.RPO)

Office +96824393000

Mobile +96890370937

Mr. Thameem M (RPO)

Office +96824393000

Mobile +96893673297


(Emergency Contact) Tel. : 24404518

Police (Muscat)
(Direct Line) Tel. 24736611

Police –(Sohar)
(Emergency Contact) Tel. : 26840099

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1. SCOPE 09



















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28. AUDIT 34




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1.1 The intent of this procedure is to outline the safe use of radioactive materials by

1.2 The staff and management of Aries are fully committed to the safe use of radioactive
Materials and equipment.

1.3 This procedure is useful for site radiography using Gamma Ray isotope and X-ray
Units. Both the cases the cordoning distance calculation should take into
consideration of permissible dose for the relevant category of personnel.

1.4 Due to the low energy and exposure rate of the Selenium isotope the cordoning
distance for Selenium isotope radiography would be considerably low compare to
Ir-192 radiography.


2.1 The purpose of this procedure is establish safe working practices for personnel
using radioactive materials in order to ensure the safety of all Aries personnel,
contractors, clients and members of the general public.
2.2 It also provides procedures and guidelines for the shipment, storage and use of
radioactive materials by qualified Aries personnel.


· MECA Basic Safety guide (Regulations for the

Control and Management of Radioactive Materials issued by: MD (249/97)
· IAEA Radiation Protection & Safety in Industrial Radiography-Safety Series # 13
· IAEA Safety Standards Regulations for the Safe Transport -IAEA TS-R-1
· 3911-LZ-PC-AA000122 – Radiography and NDT Safety Procedure.
· MD-286-Regulation of occupational health for Establishments governed by the labor

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4.1 Aries: Company having headquarters and Head Office in Sharjah, UAE, And Tel:
+971 6 5503300
4.1 Oman office in Muscat, Al khuwair, and Tel: +96824393000
4.2 Competent Person (Sr.RPO /RPO) is the person that shall have enough
experience in
the field of radiography and be appointed by the company. He shall be
responsible for the supervision of personnel at their work place and ensure all
safety precautions are met during transportation, work and storage of Gamma and
X-ray equipment
4.3 Classified person – Aries shall appoint a qualified employee who is able to
demonstrate his ability in performing the safe use of radiographic exposure
devices, either Gamma ray or X-ray equipment, erect barriers, use radiation
monitors, implement the emergency procedures and control the movement of
radio isotopes.
4.4 Un-classified person - The general public or other site personnel who are not
Involved with the use of ionizing radiation
4.5 Radiography: The examination of materials by non-destructive methods utilizing
radioactive isotopes or X-ray generating equipment.
4.6 Radiographic exposure device (Projector): Any sealed source (Ir-192, Se-75) that
May be moved or changed from shielded to un-shielded position for the purpose
of making a radiographic exposure.
4.7 Sealed source – Any radioactive material (Ir-192, Se-75) encased in a capsule
Designed to prevent leakage or escape of any radioactive
4.8 Storage container – A device in which sealed sources are transported or stored.
4.9 Barriers – Radiation warning boards, Red and white marker tape, visual orange
Flash lights which are used for cordoning radiographic
4.10 Radiation safety representative – An individual appointed by the management
who is responsible for monitoring and implementing radiation safety according to
this procedure.
4.11 Controlled Area – Any area with levels of radiation in which human body could
receive 7.5 μSv / hr. (0.75 mRh) in any one hour.
4.12 N D T: Non Destructive Testing
4.13 Supervised Area: An area where the immediate dose rate s exceed 2.5 μSv(0.25
merem) .h but does not exceed 7.5 μSv(0.75 mrem)h. The area might be subjected to
exposure conditions that need to be kept under review.

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Radioactivity……………………... SI unit of radioactivity: Bequerel

Bequerel(Bq) ................................... 1disintegration per second

1 Curie............................................ 37 billion disintegrations per/Second
37 Giga Bequerel (GBq)................ 01 Curie
Absorbed Dose.............................. S1 unit of Absorbed Dose: Gray (Gy)
Old Unit of Absorbed Dose......... RAD
1 Gray.............................................. 100 RAD
Dose Equivalent............................. S1 unit of Dose Equivalent: Sievert (Sv)
Old unit of Dose Equivalent......... REM
1 Sievert........................................... 100 REM


6.1 Pre-employment medical examination – All Aries personnel working in radiography

shall be examined by a competent doctor through Muscat Municipality Clinic

6.2 Periodic medical examination – Periodic medical examination of classified person’s

Shall be arranged every year.

6.3 Special medical examination – A medical examination that shall be arranged in case
of any over exposure.

6.4 A record shall be maintained by Aries at head office.

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Radiation Protection Officer

7.0.1 Aries shall designate one person as Radiation Protection Officer. He has to have
Training and certification in radiation safety. This designated competent person
is authorized to represent Aries in matters concerning radiation safety.

7.0.2 At the option of Aries Radiation Protection Officer, an authorized

field representative may be designated for routine activities.

7.0.3 All personnel involved in radiation work shall be qualified and approved by
Aries as classified and authorized personnel.

7.0.4 NDT Level II and Level III Personnel’s CV Shall be submitted separately for
Interview and approval by the client.



A. Assure that all devices are listed on the License.

B. Assure that devices are used only by trained individuals.
C. Assure that all users wear Personnel monitoring equipment, such as
Film badges, dosimeters as required.
D. Review all personnel monitoring reports, and:
i. Alert the radiation worker of a high or unusual exposure.
ii. Notify the Agency of a high or unusual personnel
exposure. iii. Investigate all unusual exposures.
iv. Take corrective action to prevent other high or unusual exposures.
E. Ensure that devices are properly secured against unauthorized removal when
not in use.
F. The RPO will encourage all users to review current procedures and develop
new procedures as appropriate to implement the ALARA concept.
G. the RPO will evaluate Aries overall effort for maintaining doses ALARA on
an annual basis. This review will include the efforts of the, Authorized
Users, workers and management.
H. Serve as a point of contact between authorized users and management.
I. Provide assistance during emergency situations (Source damage in the field, fire,
theft, etc.).
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J. Notify proper authorities (MECA)
an accident involving Radio isotopes.

K. Assure that sealed sources are leak tested at the required intervals and that
a review of the Radiation Protection Program is conducted (at least
annually) to ensure compliance with license conditions.
L. An Deputy RPS is an individual designated by the RPS and approved by the
Radiation Safety Committee who in the absence of the RPS shall assume the
authority and responsibilities (Refer sec 7.4) of the RPS. The Deputy RPS shall
be well experienced and proficient with the principle of radiation and
radiation safety.
M. Aries might undertake work at several locations that are so far apart it would
be impractical for a single RPO to be fully familiar with work at each location
so additional RPO would be appointed.
N. RPO shall provide update to MECA through Radiation protection department
Inventory list of any source import and re-export carried out in the company.
Apart from that RPO shall submitted to MECA list of inventories every six
months by email to
[email protected]


· Overall responsible person in RT division Management.
· Authorized Person to give approval for new License
· Issuance of Level II certificate
· Conducting Random Site visits (as a minimum of ONE visit to be
conducted in every 3 months)
· Recruitment & selection of RPS
· Authorized to approve new purchase of Projectors, Sources and X-ray
· Fully authorized to take action on any radiation emergencies
· Authorized to take disciplinary action on any safety violation
· Conducting Audits
· Attending Committee meeting
· Approving Radiation Safety Procedures

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· Responsible person in RT division Daily Management.
· Conducting Random Site visits
· Assisting in Recruitment & selection of RPS
· Fully authorized to take action on any radiation emergencies
· Authorized to take disciplinary action on any safety violation
· Conducting Audits
· Safety culture Implementation (HSE Awards)
· Arranging and conducting Committee meeting
· Preparing and reviewing Radiation Safety Procedures
· Aries through its managers is responsible for the establishment and
implementation of technical and organizational measures needed to
ensure protection and safety, and compliance with all MECA
MD (249/97) Requirements.
· A senior manager should be nominated to have overall responsibility for
overseeing radiation safety, and that industrial radiography is carried out
in accordance with MECA Regulation and authorizations.
· Managers should also ensure that procedures are in place to protect both
workers the public, and to ensure that doses are kept as low as reasonably
achievable (the ALARA principle). All policies and procedures should be
documented and be made available to all staff and the regulatory body
(MECA) as appropriate.
· Managers are required to foster a safety culture within Aries to encourage
a questioning and learning attitude to protection and safety and to
discourage complacency. A good safety culture is promoted by
management arrangements and worker attitudes, which interact to foster a
safe approach to the performance of the work. Safety culture is not
confined to radiation protection; it should also pervade conventional
safety. ARIES organizations with good safety culture do not assign blame
when incidents happen, they learn from their mistakes, they foster a
questioning attitude and they seek continuous improvement in the safety
of work processes


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Aries Believe the primary responsibility for radiation safety lies with the
radiographers (including assistants and trainees) have a responsibility to work
safely and take all reasonable actions to restrict their own exposure and those
of other workers and members of the public.

Radiographers should:
· Follow the local rules and any other relevant procedures;
· Properly use radiation monitors;
· Wear their individual dosimeters, at the correct location at all times during
radiography and source handling;
· Co-operate with the RPS and qualified expert on all radiation safety issues;
· Participate in any training concerning radiation safety;
· Abstain from any willful action that could put themselves or others in
danger situations.

The radiographer should promptly inform the RPS about any incident or
circumstances that could result in higher than normal radiation doses to
themselves or other persons. This could include failures or observed deficiencies
in safety and warning systems, errors in following procedures, or inappropriate
behavior. A written report should be made to the RPS as soon as practicable after
the incident or observation.

Good safety performance is a factor that should be incorporated into the daily
routine of performing radiography by all personnel so that the job can be
performed properly. Safety performance should be a factor by which the safety
performance of the whole Aries organization is judged.


8.1 One Film Badge shall be issued to each person. Each Radiation workers have
been issued with badge number for his Badges which can be checked quarterly
for their real time dose report. It is used to determine the personnel dose of each
radiographer. Radiographic examination shall not be performed without Film
Badge devices. All film badges shall be returned to

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ARIES office after completion of Daily work.

8.2 Radiation workers shall be informed of the film badge report on a quarterly
basis as well as if any dose which goes over investigation level by RPS.
8.3 Film badges shall be managed by RPS which has a administer privileges to
verify and take quarterly or yearly report of the doses.

8.4 Film badge must be stored in a radiation free location after the use.

8.5 Pocket dosimeters shall be re-charged at the beginning of each day’s work
and checked periodically during the work shift. At the end of each work
day, the radiographer has the responsibility to record the dosimeter reading on a
personal radiation exposure record form (Refer Attachment P12 CL01).

8.6 Personal alarm monitors: Radiographers need to use personal alarm monitors
during the whole period when exposed to ionizing radiation. The alarm provides
a recognizable signal at a suitable dose rate that may be prescribed by the
manufacturer. The signal is to be audible, visible or vibratory, and recognizable
in the working environment. These alarms are used in addition to portable
survey meters.

8.7 Aries shall ensure that the exposure records for each worker shall be
preserved during the worker’s working life time and afterwards at least until
the workers attains the age of 75years, and for not less than 30 years after the
termination on the work involving occupational Exposure.

8.8 While transporting or using X-ray equipment or radioactive materials

radiographers shall wear Film badge devices and pocket dosimeter at all times.
The pocket dosimeter shall be capable of measuring doses at least 0 to 200 mR

8.9 Investigation Level: Film badges report shall be reviewed by Radiation

Protection officer. In a quarterly dose report, any does in excess of 5 mSv shall be
considered an excessive dose which requires investigation. This investigation
level is been arrived from the yearly permissible dose of 10 mSv (1000 mR)
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(As per MECA Reg guide Article (1 to 5) which works out to be a
permissible dose of 5mSv (500 mR)/month. An investigation shall be initiated by
competent person in- order to ascertain the excessive dose. The investigation
should conclude the reason for this and appropriate corrective actions to be
taken to minimize the repetition of such cases. Any individual whose dose
level more than 5 mSv (500 mR) in 3 months will be monitored and the
following action will be taken by the RPS (Refer attachment P03 CL06)

8.10 Lost or Damaged Dosimeter: When dosimeters have been lost, damaged or
destroyed during the normal wear period, The RPS is to investigate the
circumstances of the loss, damage or destruction of the dosimeter and forward
an estimate of the dose to Film Badge Agency , usually using form P03 CL06,
covering the period that the dosimeter was worn is to be supported by readings
from other dosimeters worn during the period or by documented evidence that
would permit the film badge to insert an estimated dose in the record. For
example, if there has been no significant change to either the type or frequency of
radiation work undertaken by the above personnel during the specified wear
period and previous wear periods, an estimated dose may be obtained by
averaging the individual's three previous dose results. The dose accrued by other
individuals working in the same area and undertaking similar work. The RPS
will ensure that any measurements used to estimate dose are recorded and kept
for a period of at least two years and take reasonable steps to inform the
technician of the dose estimate to be entered on to the dose record. If the lost
dosimeter is subsequently found, it must be forwarded to the film badge agency,
usually accompanied by an investigation report giving all relevant details. Any
previously entered estimated doses will remain in place.

8.10a Where the RPS has investigated the loss or damage to a dosimeter and no
estimated dose can be provided; the Film Badge Agency will enter a notional
dose into the individual's radiation record. A notional dose is obtained from the
proportion of the annual dose limit for the dosimeter issue period. Notional
doses will only be entered into individual dose records in exceptional
circumstances when it has not been possible to provide proper estimates of dose.

8.11 Investigation and Notification of Over-Exposures: Where the Aries knows or

suspects that an over-exposure has occurred, i.e. that an individual has received

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a dose in excess of any relevant dose limit; Aries will immediately make a
preliminary investigation and contact the MECA (Radiation protection
department). Unless this investigation
shows beyond reasonable doubt that no over-exposure has occurred, the Aries
will notify the following as soon as practicable.
a) The Ministry of Regional Municipalities environment And Water Resources..
b) The individual(s) concerned.
c) The a p p o i n t e d d o c t o r or employment medical adviser/occupational health

Aries will then carry out a thorough investigation to discover the circumstances
which led to the over-exposure assess the dose accrued and determine
what actions, if any, need to be taken to prevent a reoccurrence. A
thorough investigation will typically include:
- The work routine of the individual(s) involved and their immediate
work colleagues during the period concerned
- Details of any radiation monitors or personal alarms in use in the area(s)
where the over-exposure may have occurred
- Assessed or estimated doses for the individual(s) concerned compared to those
of colleagues undertaking similar work
- Results of any special radiation surveys in the area(s) concerned, e.g. as part of
a reconstruction exercise.
- Consideration into the possible breakdown of control
- Adherence to local rules or deficiencies in local
- The training, instruction and/or information received and general competence
of the individual(s) concerned for the work being undertaken
- Other possible explanations for a suspected over-exposure, e.g. the
dosimeter being worn during any other means of radiological examination.

The results of any thorough investigation will be notified as soon as possible

to those bodies and individuals indicated above. Preliminary investigation
reports which showed beyond reasonable doubt that no over-exposure occurred
will be kept for at least two years. Thorough investigation reports will be kept
until the individual(s) involved has reached the age of seventy-five, or in any
case for at least fifty years.
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9.1 A n y individual whose pocket dosimeter indicates an exposure of 1 mSv (100

mR) shall immediately stop production work and make a complete radiation
survey of the area, making sure that no additional radiation exposure is received.
After the survey is completed, the following steps shall be followed.
Step - 1
If the source is in the shielded position or the X-ray machine is off and your
pocket dosimeter continues to indicate you are receiving a dose
rate, immediately notify your Supervisor and the Client’s Safety
Step - 2
If the radiation source cannot be shielded, immediately cordon off the area to
prevent a radiation hazard, and then notify the ARIES Radiation Protection
Supervisor of your dosimeter reading and source condition.
Step - 3
All the exposed Film Badges shall be evaluated as soon as possible. All
personnel associated with the radiation activity shall not be allowed to return
to handle radioactive isotopes until the results of the Badges evaluation have
been received.
Step - 4
If the dose report of the Film Badges is not in excess of the permissible limits,
individuals involved in the radiation incident may return to active work
Step - 5
If the dose report of the Film Badge is in excess of the permissible limits,
individuals involved in the radiation incident shall be given non-radiation
work assignments until they can return to active radiation work.

9.2 If the Film Badge during the normal course of processing reports an overdose,
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the technicians shall thoroughly study the particular period of work and submit
a report of possible cause of the overdose. The RPS shall review the document
prior to submittal to the relevant authorities (MECA)

9.3 The competent person shall analyze the cause and implement legislation/company
policy to ensure the particular error does not occur in the future

9.4 Aries shall report to the Authority (MECA) within 24 hours of any event where
Dose limits established the regulation (MECA Reg- -Guide 249/7) are exceeded.

9.5 Accident or missing source incident report: In all cases of incidents involving
Ionizing radiation (Ir-192 or Se-75) or X-ray machine, Aries RPS shall make a full
Investigation of the circumstances, taking written statements from the employees
involved, including details of where they were in relation to the source and how
long. Obtain similar information from any other persons who may have been
exposed. If it appears likely that an excessive exposure may have occurred,
Notify Aries Management appropriate government authorities within 4hrs as per
Radiation protection department (MECA).


In an emergency response, the generic response designates responsible ‘persons’
Under three specific titles:

a) Response Initiator-(First responder on-scene)-(Radiographer).

This is the person who initiates the response and performs immediate actions to
Mitigate the accident.

b) Emergency Manager- (RPS, GM or Director).

The Emergency Manager (EM) is in charge of the overall emergency response

and manages the priorities and the protection of the public and emergency
The EM ensures that all appropriate resources have been activated. He is
responsible to inform concerned authority Like MECA, and Royal Oman Police as
per MECA regulations

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c) Radiological Assessor – (RPS or RSA).

The Radiological Assessor is responsible for radiation surveys, dose assessment,

contamination control, and radiation protection support to emergency workers
and the formulation of protective action recommendations. The Radiological
Assessor also initiates and, in many cases, carries out source recovery.
The emergency equipment has to be kept in the vehicle for any emergency at site.
The following minimum resources shall be made available or kept by the Aries at all
times (Refer sec 25-Emergengy Equipment’s.)


10.1 A calibrated and operable radiation survey meter having a minimum range of
20µSv (2 mR) up to 10mSv (1R) shall be available at all times for radiation surveys.

10.2 Radiation survey meters shall be calibrated every year. Aries Radiation Protection
Officer shall maintain all records and shall be responsible for calibration of survey
Meters. Each survey meter shall carry a tag showing calibration and expiration
dates. Survey meters shall be calibrated following any repairs.

10.2 Calibrated Survey meters shall be checked for operation prior to use. Check
ON/OFF switches each scale and batteries. The unit shall be allowed to warm up
for 2 to 3 minutes prior to the check.


11.1 Exposure to ionizing radiation shall be kept ASLOW AS REASONABLY

ACHIEVABLE (ALARA). Exposure limits given below are the maximum
Permissible and shall not be exceeded, except under certain emergency
11.1.1 Radiation workers (competent & classified person) MECA Reg-guide Article (5)
Permissible dose:
¨ 1 0 m S v (1000 mR) or (1R) / Year.

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¨ t h e s e limits shall apply to persons whose job routinely involves handling
and use of radioactive isotopes/x-ray machines and who has been trained
in the safe use of radiation. All such personnel are provided with
radiation monitoring devices.

11.1.2 Non-radiation worker (general public)

Permissible dose:

¨ 1 mSv (100 mR) or (0.1R) / year.

Even though the above dose rates are permissible, as far as possible all
unnecessary exposures shall reduce by means of effective working


At onshore locations, radioactive sources shall be stored in a storage pit which

shall be.

12.1 Isotope Pit: A vertical tube 450mm to 600mm diameter and about 1.5m to
1.8m long and plate thickness minimum 10mm with a welded base sunk into
the ground with sufficient protrusion to enable a securely hinged lockable steel
lid to be fitted. The pit may be constructed with a concrete base and a pipe of
above dimensions buried into the ground. The base and sides of the pit shall be
suitably prepared by concreting or by any other suitable means. The pit shall
have a lid with locking facility.

With a ‚coat hanger‛ be lowered by means of a rope tied to the bracket to facilitate
subsequent removal. The whole assembly should be waterproof.

Maintained clean and free from debris at all times to prevent fire.

12.2 Pit Room: Enclosed at a distance of at least 1.5m by a fence, barbed wire may be
used, with a lockable gate and the keys for the pit room and storage pit held by
person authorized by ARIES Management. Radiation warning signs shall be
displayed prominently on all sides of this pit room. Fitted with sufficient safety
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or warnings in indelible print in both English and Arabic at the lockable
entry to the cage. Names and telephone numbers of the ARIES’s emergency
response personal shall also be displayed for use during an emergency.

12.2.1 With an effective dose rate outside the storage place in areas accessible
to members of the public not exceeding 1 µSv/hr (0.1 mR/hr.) at a distance of 1.0m.

12.2.2 The lighting shall be adequate at all times and the access pathway shall be free
of all any obstruction etc.

12.2.3 A survey meter shall be made available to provide early detection of high dose
rates. All personnel entering the source storage areas shall always worn a
Personnel dosimeter, personnel radiation alarm and carry survey meter.

12.2.4 During storage all radiation containers shall be locked to prevent misuse of the
hazardous radioactive material.

12.2.5 Access to Storage Keys: Aries RPO and administration shall keep a master
key of the Storage pit and Pit room as well as for the warehouse. Two Person rule
has been implemented. Each time radiographers have to collect the key from
RPS/Manager for the Storage pit and pit room from the coordinator to access the
storage site and register in log for the source movement. In the unlikely event of
RPS not available an additional key to the pit room shall be provided to the
RPS authorized Radiographers which can be act as a RPS on the consent of
RPS for IN and OUT of the sources. Next day RPS shall check and confirm that
source has been returned as per the registered log record.

12.2.6 Unauthorized Access (X-ray & Gamma Ray): Aries is ultimately responsible
for the radiation safety of x-ray equipment, and for Ensuring that it is used in accordance with
all legislation and regulations, including conformance with safety standards Aries shall
ensure the x-ray generator and gamma projector has quality assurance or calibration
certificate from the manufacturer. X-ray generator shall be used only by the X-ray technician
who has sufficient experience in handling x-ray Equipment’s. Other technician will be given
training in handling x-ray equipment’s prior to the operation.
X-ray generators and gamma ray projectors shall always be kept inside the pit room
When not in use; fuses for the x-ray machine control panel shall be removed and
handed over to RPS if the x-ray work requirement is not consistent. Each time storage
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key has to be collected from RPS before going site (Refer 12.2.5).

12.2.6a A radiation generator or Radioactive Source shall not be transferred unless the
Receiver possesses the necessary authorization.

12.2.6b All source movements to and from the pit shall be logged in the source
Movement registers and signed by the concerned radiation site in charge for
ARIES (Refer the attach QAF 136)


12.3.1 General: All sealed sources used for industrial radiography by ARIES
Radiographic personnel shall be housed in an approved, remote operated type
device called camera. Any available natural shielding and or a collimation device
shall be used whenever practical.

12.3.2 When performing radiographic operations a physical survey shall be made after
Each exposure to determine the radiation source has been properly returned to its
Shielded position. The survey shall be accomplished as the radiographer
approaches the projector, readings shall be taken at the rear and at the top of the
projector to assure proper retraction. After the physical survey is completed the
survey meter should be placed next to the projector until the next exposure is to be


13.1 All source movements to and from the pit shall be logged in the source
movement register (Refer the attach P12 CL02)

13.2 RPS should check this register on regular basics and would file them all at end

24 | P a g e
Of the each month.

13.3 All source movements from ARIES would be notified via Notification Form to
MECA on regular basic 24 hours prior to the movement by RT coordinator / RPS
through mailing to [email protected]


14.1 All radiographic exposure devices shall be provided with a lock designed
to prevent unauthorized or accidental removal or exposure of a sealed source and
shall be kept locked at all times except when used under the direct supervision of
a radiographer.

14.2 All radiographic exposure devices shall be stored in an approved


14.3 A periodic survey shall be conducted on the outside surface of the storage area
where radioactive exposure devices are stored. The maximum leakage shall
not exceed 0.2mSv/Hr (20 mR/Hr) at 5 cm from the storage surface

14.4 Radioactive containers/exposure devices shall not be kept in any vehicle


14.5 Where the work site is more than an hour travel from the nearest available
approved storage area and the work will be regular and on-going, a storage
facility shall be provided if agreed with the client.


1.1 Ministerial Decree Requirements for Transport of Radioactive Materials

MD 249/97 requires:

15.1 Source movement notification to be mailed to MECA 24hrs before

any transportation of radioactive sources from the storage pit.

25 | P a g e
15.2 Purpose built and civil defense approved radioactive transport vehicle shall
be used for transporting the radioactive isotope.

15.3 At least 2 portable fire extinguishers (9kg size) of the dry chemical and CO2
Powder type to be installed in the vehicle.

15.4 The vehicle must be labeled with the international radiation symbol
Securely attached to each side of vehicle.

15.5 A fireproof notice to warn fire services, police, and others in the event of an
Accident shall be displayed and give the following information in English and
· Type of radioactive source being carried.
· Telephone numbers of the ARIES for emergency contact.
· Telephone numbers of authorities to be contacted in the event of an

15.6 The placard shall be removed when no radioactive consignment is being carried.

15.7 During this operation Radiographer or a designated individual shall be

Responsible to fill in, as required, the ‚Daily Isotope Log Sheet‛.

15.8 Vehicle transporting radioactive material shall not exceed 80 Km/hr at any
Time and shall be driven in a safe and responsible manner.


Aries shall only transport radioactive material in a vehicle that complies with ROYAL
OMAN POLICE requirements for commercial vehicles and any additional
requirements of agencies such as CI VI L DEFEN CE and the Department of
Transport for the transport of hazardous materials.
a. All such vehicles should carry at least one spare tire and a tool kit
for emergency repairs to the vehicle.
b. T h e level of radiation in the driving compartment and at any external surface

26 | P a g e
of the vehicle shall be as low as reasonably achievable and in the case of the
driver and any passengers who are not Classified Workers, shall not exceed
2.5 µSv/Hr (0.25 mR/Hr).
c. The driver must not leave any vehicle containing radioactive
material unattended or out of sight, without reasonable cause. In all cases, the
vehicle must be locked and/or the package otherwise secured against removal.
d. A n y vehicle containing radioactive material must not be parked for more
than 1 hour unless there is a clear space of at least 1 meter all around the
vehicle when it is parked.
e. The driver of ARIES must be fully briefed and must have attended the
course on safe handling and transportation of radioactive materials from
approved Training center.

f. The Driver & Vehicle must also comply with the OMAN requirements
for commercial vehicle, requirements of CIVIL DEFENCE and department of
transport s for transportation of hazardous material Regulations as per
MECA MD (249/97)


The packages and containers used to protect radioactive substances in transit are
Specially designed to withstand the effects of fire and collision damage. If,
however, it is discovered that the package is damaged and possibly leaking, the
following actions shall be taken:

a. Do NOT attempt to remove the load

b. Keep members of the public away from vehicle (except where saving of life is
c. Set up barriers around the affected area.
d. Contact ARIES’s emergency response personnel.
e. Keep the Consignment Note to hand.
f. Liaise with emergency services when they arrive on site.
g. Inform the relevant authorities and Department.
h. Take names of persons suspected of being contaminated.

27 | P a g e
All suspected over-exposures must be medically examined as directed by
the ARIES appointed Medical Center.



18.1 Each radiographic area must be roped (cordoned off) and/or posted with a
minimum of Four Signs placed around the perimeter. The area to be cordoned
off depends on the type of radioactive isotope, activity of the source,
workload around the area, directional or collimated. Exposure and category of
the people around the area.

18.2 A radiation survey shall be conducted as soon as the source is exposed. The
Radiographer shall keep the area under constant surveillance to protect against
unauthorized or accidental entry.

18.3 The radiographer must complete a radiation survey at each radiographic work

18.4 If any un-authorized person enters the radiation area the source will be retracted
And no exposures made until the area is cleared


19.1 General: Radiography performed on-site is influenced by a number of sites
Specific c o n d i t i o n s . Planning for s a f e operation includes
c o n s i d e r a t i o n of the location, proximity of members of the general
public, weather conditions, time of day, and work at height, in confined spaces
or under difficult conditions. Owing to these conditions, site radiography
needs to be performed with more than one radiographer.

19.2.1 Boundary of controlled area: Site radiography needs to be done in an area

where specific protection measures and safety provisions are in place, i.e. in an area
designated as a controlled area. The boundary of the controlled area is to be set at a
dose rate contour which is appropriate under the prevailing circumstances and
28 | P a g e
specific exposure times. This dos e rate contour has to be set at a value ensuring that
outside the controlled area the annual dose limits for the public are not exceeded,
account being taken of nature and frequency of site radiography at a specific site use
as well as occupancy factors where allowed. The boundary dose rates when
collimators are used are typically in the range of 7.5 µSv/hr (0.75mR/hr) to 2.5µSv/hr

19.3 Warning notices: Notices are displayed at the controlled area boundary at
suitable positions. The notices bear the international radiation trefoil symbol,
warnings and appropriate instructions in English and Arabic.

19.4 Warning signals: In all cases adequate warning is to be given. Visible or audible
signals or both are used where a radiographic source is exposed or an X ray
machine is energized and surveillance is compromised. The use of visible and
audible signals will help to reduce the likelihood of accidental exposures to radiation.

19.5 Patrolling and monitoring the boundary: Before the start of radiographic work,
the area is to be cleared of all people except for authorized personal. The boundary
should be clearly visible and well lit and continuously patrolled to ensure that
unauthorized people do not enter the controlled area. If the boundary is large, or if it
cannot be seen from one position or not secured by physical means, more than one
person will need to patrol the area. The dose rates at representative points at the
boundary are to be checked during radiography, particularly when the position
of the radiography within the area or the direction of the radiation beam is changed.

19.6 Shielding: Shielding reduces both the size of the controlled area and the
radiation doses received by radiographers. Shielding in the form of collimators is
designed so that the radiation beam is primarily in the direction necessary for
radiography. Collimators are supplemented with other forms of additional local
shielding such as lead shot, sheets and bricks. Whenever it is possible to take
advantage of existing shielding, such as walls, vehicles or shielded enclosures or
similar structures to reduce radiation dose levels, radiography personal need to
29 | P a g e
arrange the disposition of the equipment and parts within the shielding afforded.
Site radiography conditions are still applicable.


20.1 Each radiographer is responsible for checking his own radiographic

equipment for any radiation leakage, damage to cranking unit or guide tube prior
to each day’s assignment. Any fault has to be notified to RPS immediately for
maintenance process.

20.2 Assure the survey meter is operating properly prior to un-loading the
projector from its storage container.

20.3 When the exposure device is in its work location, unlock the device and
removing the cap exposing the pig tail

20.4 Connect the drive cable to the pig tail

20.5 Remove the safety plug from the front and connect the guide tube.

20.6 When the work is completed turn the locking device to the locked position
disconnect the guide tube, driving unit and replace the safety plug.

30 | P a g e

21.1 ARIES Radiation Protection Officer shall be responsible for supervising or

conducting radioactive source changes.
21.2 Changing of source shall be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s approved procedures and equipment. (ATL/SCP/01)


22.1 The following situations shall cause work to cease immediately.

22.2 When a source is unable to be retrieved due to failure of equipment or loss.

22.3 When equipment is damaged or is suspected of being faulty e.g. camera,

driving unit, guide tube etc.

22.4 In the case of source being unable to be retrieved to its housing or lost the
following action shall be taken

22.5 Ensure area is secure and radiation levels at the unshielded source distance
are of an acceptable level of 2.5 µSv/hr (0.25mR/hr) or less. A classified technician
ensures no person enters the area until company RPS has arrived on site and a
comprehensive recovery method has been thought (demonstrated) in carrying
out the recovery procedure.
22.6 Ensure all recovery equipment is available such as tongs, lead bags of 2 kg
each at least 3 per isotope, and demonstrate/practice a retrieval away from the
radiation area to assess time and exposure expected. The persons involved in
this retrieval action shall wear film badge, one each pocket dosimeter of 2mSv
31 | P a g e
(200mR) and 10mSv (1R) Exposure range to cover up over shooting.

a. The Radiation Protection officer must formally report all radiation

incidents to the ARIES Managing director or Operation manager.


In case of emergency while X-radiation is being performed either with

directional or panoramic equipment, the following action shall be taken.

24.1 Disconnect the power source and cable from and to the panel.

24.2 Ensure before approaching X-ray head that there are no X-rays being emitted.

24.3 All personal that may have been exposed to the X-ray are to be interviewed
by the RPO or classified person to ascertain whether a medical examination is


If a radioactive source container with or without a radioactive source is

missing or suspected of being stolen:

24.1 Make an immediate search.

24.2 To locate a radioactive source, use radiation detection (Survey meters)


24.3 If the source is lost in its container then a search shall start from its last
known location. The classified person (Radiographer) shall inform the
competent person (RPS) who in turn shall contact the concerned authorities.

24.4 If the source has been separated from its container, it shall be classed as un-
shielded and the classified person shall track the radiation source at its last
known location with a radiation monitor.

32 | P a g e
24.5 The area or site location shall be cordoned off at the nearest access point that
is main gate site until it has been identified exactly where the source is

24.6 If the lost source is not found in an hour, inform the incident to the
appropriate government authority (MECA-RPD) in SULTHANATE OF OMAN.

24.7 If a vehicle containing a source is missing, immediately inform to the Police

and the appropriate government authorities(MECA) in SULTHANATE OF
24.8 Details Emergency Action to be taken for different Radiation scenarios is
Provided in Annexure II.


25.1 The following safety equipment shall be available at any radiographic site
where radioactive isotopes are being utilized.
a. Radiation Survey Meter 20mSv (2000 mR) range.
b. Pocket dosimeters 2 mSv (200 mR range)
c. C V Tongs (1 meter & 2 meter)
d. Pliers, screwdriver
e. Radiation barrier (Quick erect type)
f. Bags of lead shots for which at least 2 bags equipped with each source
g. Lead sheets
h. Ropes
i. First aid kit
25.2 Details for Using Emergency equipment like survey meter is given in Aries-


26.1 All exposure devices (cameras, guide tubes, driving units) shall be inspected
monthly or after heavy usage. A report shall be prepared after each inspection by
RPS. (Refer attached form P07 CL05).

33 | P a g e
26.2 Radiographers shall inspect the exposure device for any leakage at the
beginning of each workday. Any fault in equipment’s (Example. Cranking unit,
guide tube) shall be notified to RPS and must not be used until maintenance
or new equipment’s are provided. Maintenance shall be carried out under
supervision of competent person and all details shall be recorded in
monthly isotope equipment inspection form P07 CL05 for quality assurance and
future assessment.

26.3 The isotope storage PIT shall be inspected weekly. (Refer attached Form
P12 CL03)

26.4 Daily inspections shall include but are not limited to the following equipment
a. Survey for excessive radiation levels.

b. Inspect guide tube, driving mechanism for loose hardware and damage.
c. Inspect camera for any damage.
d. Inspect lock for ease of operation. If not operating freely, do not use. Inform
RPO for further Instruction
e. Check connectors for proper operation.
f. Check all labels for legibility.
g. Make sure source tube end cap is secured.
h. Check lock, shipping plug, the inside of the source tube and all connection
parts should be free of any foreign material that they may impair the operation of
the device.



27.1 Inspection and Usage of PMI Equipment is Detailed in The attached Procedure


28.1 Aries shall provide adequate training to all workers regarding information on
the health risks due to their occupational exposure, whether normal or potential
34 | P a g e
exposure and training on protection and safety.

28.2 Aries Shall provide appropriate information, instruction and training to the
technicians regarding the emergency plan.

28.3 This training would be performed regularly at a minimum interval of 6


28.4 New technicians would be directly trained and tested prior to involving in
Radiation related activities.

28.5 Aries Shall maintain a complete record for the training the individuals (P09


29.1 ARIES RPS in-charge and concerned NDT manager shall jointly conduct the
following checks.

29.2 Source storage area inspection weekly. Check points are as follows: (Refer
attached Form P12 CL03).
· Clear access
· Good lighting
· Fencing & lock in good condition
· Source containers and pits are locked
· Surface radiation level for containers

29.3 Surprise radiation survey shall be conducted at intervals of no greater than

every 30 days by RPS and 90days by Dir/GM/Mgr. Check points are as follows:
(Refer attached Form P04 CL06).
· Proper set up radiation barriers
· Method of source transportation
· Adequate placement and use of warning signs/warning lights in the barrier
· Methods of mitigating radiation dose received by all concerned.
35 | P a g e
Aries shall always return the unused sources and projectors to QSA global as per
the agreement with QS. Whenever the source is decayed or projectors no longer
needed Aries shall return it back it to the supplier.
(Refer attached Source Disposal Agreement)

QSA Global Inc Tel: (781)272-2000

40 North Avenu Toll free: (800)815-1383

Burlington MA 01803 Fax: (781)275-2216

“Annexure- I”

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45 | P a g e
46 | P a g e
Annexure- II

Industrial Radiography Emergency Plans.

Following are some of the emergency scenarios used for radiation accident using Gamma ray

1. A source becomes stuck in the guide tube or the collimator, or near the entrance to
the exposure device.
2. The shielding of the exposure device is damaged.
3. A source becomes disconnected from its drive cable and remains in the guide tube.
4. A source is projected out of the end of the guide tube.
5. A source is lost.
6. There is a fire.
7. Appropriate transportation incidents.

Preparation and planning are common for most of the Emergency Plans. Those common
items are listed below

Preparation: In case such a situation is reported as an accident as an initial step one has to
prepare & make a necessary planning. Following items are minimum to be arranged and
kept at a place where we are going to carry out the retrieving operation.

· First and foremost thing is a tool box meeting shall be carried out with concerned
personnel. During this process all information related to the accident shall be
discussed and updated to all personnel going to participate in the retrieving activity.
All steps to be followed and i actions to be taken are to be discussed. In this process
delegations of activities to be discussed and agreed.
· Arrange an emergency container (lead pot) suitable for the type of isotope & source
· Arrange emergency handling tools
o Lead shot bags (2 or 3)
o Calibrated Survey meter
o Fully charged Pocket Dosimeters: One 0-200 mR range for each person
involved in this process. All this should have valid calibration.
o TLD badge
o CV tong (remote handling tong) 2 meters & 1 meter
47 | P a g e
o Identify the source type & source strength. Find out exposure rate at one
meter. The exposure rate of Ir-192 and Co-60 are 500 mR/Hr and 1300 mR/Hr
at 1 meter respectively.
o Identify the technicians going to participate in the operation
o A stop watch shall be used for monitoring the time taken for the entire

Planning: The planning activities for the Emergency include delegation of activities. Study
the isotope camera detail, source detail and the location of the source. Carry out calculations
to establish the exposure rate at one meter from the radiation source. Carry out a mock drill
before going for an actual retrieval. One person has to be delegated to record the entire
operation step by step and note the time taken during each step

Important steps to be remembered: The technicians going to be involved in the process

should adhere and follow the following steps.

· Technician should not be panic.

· Technician has to be calm, quiet and focused on doing the job correct in the first
· Think twice before carrying out each step.
· One person should give instruction, avoid parallel instructions. If RSO is at site he
should command the entire operation.
· In-order to reduce the exposure follows time distance and shielding principle. Do the
operation at minimum possible time, use always remote tong for handling unshielded
· Carry out cutting and other time consuming operations after the source is shielded
with temporary shielding.
· Keep the survey meter ON during the entire operation. Monitor the survey meter
reading frequently.

Emergency-1:- A source becomes stuck in the guide tube or the collimator, or near the
entrance to the exposure device

BACKGROUND: It is recognized that the source has struck inside a guide tube during
radiographic operation. This procedure has details some of the steps to be taken during the
retrieving operation. It details the planning, execution and securing the source to bring it to

48 | P a g e
a source container. The radiation technicians/RSO shall follow these steps while retrieving
the source.


· As the source is struck inside the guide tube, it is advisable to drive the source to the
end of the guide tube, if it is possible to drive. In this situation the source location is
become known and will make the retrieval operation bit easier. The driving units
driving handle should be locked so that the source does not move from its position. A
technician to monitor this during the entire operation
· If it is not possible to drive the source from the current position leave it at this point.
The driving units driving handle shall be locked.
· If the guide tube is at certain height where it is positioned for some RT job, remove it
from the position and place it on the ground in a flat surface.
· Use a 2 meter tong take a lead shot bag, position it over the end of the guide tube if
the source is driven to its end. Other case where the source position is not known, the
lead bag should be kept on the guide tube near the camera, check the survey meter
reading. Move the lead bag over the guide tube till the survey meter reading is
reduced. When the lead shot bag is placed over the source the radiation level comes
down. Adjust the bag such a way maximum reduction in exposure is obtained. Place
more lead bags over the guide tube till the survey meter reading is reduced
significantly. Leave the lead bags at this position
· Once the source position is identified and the exposure rate is brought down, the next
course of action starts.
· Move the lead pot near to the camera, keep the source housing open for source insert
· Take the cutting pliers
· Cut the guide tube between the lead shot bag and camera. Make sure the cutting is
being carried out on the guide tube and the drive cable not on the source pencil.
· Remove or move the camera and drive cable away from the source position so that
the area is clear for further source retrieval operation. Survey the camera and drive
cables with a survey meter, ensure there is no radiation in this.
· Insert the fire blanket under the cut end of the guide tube
· Use a 2 meter tong pull the cut end of drive cable, the source pencil with some section
of the drive cable comes out. Hold the source near the coupling end, insert the pencil
into the emergency container. Detach the drive cable section from the pencil. Lock the
pencil and cover the emergency container
49 | P a g e
· Survey the emergency container, remaining section of the guide tube, and the area.
Make sure the source is correctly inserted into the emergency container. Once it is
done we are sure the source is secured.
· The camera and other sections of the driving unit and guide tubes to be sent for full
service and maintenance. The drive cable to be replaced with new one and should
have sufficient length.
· RSO should check the camera, guide tube and driving unit and issue a clearance note
for further use
· The operators should check & record their dosimeter reading
· A de-briefing shall be carried out with all those participated in the operation and
other management personnel to explain how effectively it was carried out. This
includes what went well and what went wrong. A lesson learnt shall be prepared and
should be discussed in a group safety meeting with all RT personnel.

Emergency-2:- Source detached from the drive cable.

BACKGROUND: It is recognized that the source detached from the drive cable during
radiographic operation. This write up has details some of the steps taken for the retrieving
operation. It details the planning, execution and securing the source to bring it to a source
container. The radiation technicians/RSO shall follow these steps while retrieving the


As the source is detached from the drive cable, it is advisable to drive the source to the end of
the guide tube. The driving units driving handle should be locked so that the source does not
move from its position. A technician to monitor this during the entire operation

If the guide tube is at certain height where it is positioned for some RT job, remove it from
the position and place it on the ground in a flat surface.

Use a 2 meter tong take a lead shot bag, position it over the end of the guide tube. When the
lead shot bag is placed over the source the radiation level comes down. Adjust the bag such a

50 | P a g e
way maximum reduction in exposure is obtained. Place more lead bags over the guide tube
till the survey meter reading is reduced significantly. Leave the lead bags at this position.

Move the emergency lead pot near to the camera & keep it open for source pencil insert

Insert the fire blanket under the guide tube.

Disconnect the end guide tube from the other guide tubes or from the camera end.

Unwind the drive cable, remove the camera and driving unit assembly from this area

Use a 2 meter tong remove one by one lead shot bags from the position. Hold the guide tubes
dead end by the tong, lift it and hold it in an angle. Make sure the open end is over the fire
blanket. Keep it at an angle to allow the pencil to slip down on the blanket. Once the source is
out, pick the pencil with the tong and insert it into the lead pot.

Survey the emergency container, remaining section of the guide tube, and the area. Make
sure the source is correctly inserted into the emergency container. Once it is done we are
sure the source is secured.

The camera and other sections of the driving unit and guide tubes to be sent for full service
and maintenance. A proper inspection of the coupling is necessary to identify the problem.
Using a go no-go gauge the coupling end and the spring loaded sockets to be checked.

RSO should check the camera, guide tube and driving unit and issue a clearance note for
further use

The operators should check & record their dosimeter reading

A de-briefing shall be carried out with all those participated in the operation and other
management personnel to explain how effectively it was carried out. This includes what
went well and what went wrong. A lesson learnt shall be prepared and should be discussed
in a group safety meeting with all RT personnel.

Emergency-3:- A source becomes disconnected from its drive cable and remains
in the guide tube.
BACKGROUND: It is recognized that the source guide tube can get damage due to object
fallen; this could be possible while the source is still outside the camera. This procedure
details the steps taken during the retrieving operation. It details the planning, execution and
51 | P a g e
securing the source to bring it to a source container. The radiation technicians/RPO Shall
follow these steps while retrieving the source.


As the source is outside the camera and the guide tube is damaged, the source is not
damaged. The driving units driving handle should be locked so that the source does not
move from its position. A technician to monitor this during the entire operation

If the guide tube is at certain height where it is positioned for some RT job, remove it from
the position and place it on the ground in a flat surface.

Use a 2 meter tong take a lead shot bag, position it over the end of the guide tube. When the
lead shot bag is placed over the source the radiation level comes down. Adjust the bag such a
way maximum reduction in exposure is obtained. Place more lead bags over the guide tube
till the survey meter reading is reduced significantly. Leave the lead bags at this position.

· Once the source position is identified and the exposure rate is brought down, the next
course of action starts.
· Move the lead pot near to the camera
· Identify the damaged section of the guide tube.
· Take the cutting pliers
· Cut the guide tube between the lead shot bag and the damaged section. Make sure the
cutting is being carried out on the guide tube and the drive cable not on the source
· Remove or move the camera and drive cable away from the source position so that
the area is clear for further source retrieval operation. Survey the camera and drive
cables with a survey meter, ensure there is no radiation in this.
· Insert the fire blanket under the cut end of the guide tube
· Use a 2 meter tong pull the cut end of drive cable, the source pencil with some section
of the drive cable comes out. Hold the source near the coupling end, insert the pencil
into the emergency container. Detach the drive cable section from the pencil. Lock the
pencil and cover the emergency container
· Survey the emergency container, remaining section of the guide tube, and the area.
Make sure the source is correctly inserted into the emergency container. Once it is
done we are sure the source is secured.

52 | P a g e
· The camera and other sections of the driving unit and guide tubes to be sent for full
service and maintenance. The drive cable to be replaced with new one and should
have sufficient length.
· RSO should check the camera, guide tube and driving unit and issue a clearance note
for further use
· The operators should check & record their dosimeter reading
· A de-briefing shall be carried out with all those participated in the operation and
other management personnel to explain how effectively it was carried out. This
includes what went well and what went wrong. A lesson learnt shall be prepared and
should be discussed in a group safety meeting with all RT personnel.
Emergency-4:- A source is projected out of the end of the guide tube
BACKGROUND: It is recognized that the source has projected out of the guide tube during
radiographic operation. This procedure has details some of the steps to be taken during the
search and retrieving operation. It details the planning, execution and securing the source to
bring it to a source container. The radiation technicians/RSO shall follow these steps while
retrieving the source.


· As the source is out of the guide tube and the location is unknow the first steps is to
find the source. It is advisable to immediately check with the survey meter make a
safe distance circle of the location were the technician has carried out the job, taking a
reference point ‘A’ on the edge of a circle note down the reading on the survey meter
and start walking in parallel direction were the survey meter reading is more that
area shall be marked and shall be marked as point ‘B’.
· Now the same procedure shall be followed from other reference point in the circle
namely ‘C’ and start walking in parallel direction were the survey meter reading is
more that area shall be marked and shall be Marked as point ‘D’.
· A straight line shall be made through Point ‘B’ and Point ‘D’ and were this point
intersect the source can be found in that location.
· A technician to monitor this during the entire operation
· Use a 2 meter tong take a lead shot bag, position it over the end of the guide tube if
the source is driven to its end. Other case where the source position is not known, the
lead bag should be kept on the guide tube near the camera, check the survey meter
53 | P a g e
reading. Move the lead bag over the guide tube till the survey meter reading is
reduced. When the lead shot bag is placed over the source the radiation level comes
down. Adjust the bag such a way maximum reduction in exposure is obtained. Place
more lead bags over the guide tube till the survey meter reading is reduced
significantly. Leave the lead bags at this position
· Once the source position is identified and the exposure rate is brought down, the next
course of action starts.
· Move the lead pot near to the camera, keep the source housing open for source insert
· Take the cutting pliers
· Cut the guide tube between the lead shot bag and camera. Make sure the cutting is
being carried out on the guide tube and the drive cable not on the source pencil.
· Remove or move the camera and drive cable away from the source position so that
the area is clear for further source retrieval operation. Survey the camera and drive
cables with a survey meter, ensure there is no radiation in this.
· Insert the fire blanket under the cut end of the guide tube
· Use a 2 meter tong pull the cut end of drive cable, the source pencil with some section
of the drive cable comes out. Hold the source near the coupling end, insert the pencil
into the emergency container. Detach the drive cable section from the pencil. Lock the
pencil and cover the emergency container
· Survey the emergency container, remaining section of the guide tube, and the area.
Make sure the source is correctly inserted into the emergency container. Once it is
done we are sure the source is secured.
· The camera and other sections of the driving unit and guide tubes to be sent for full
service and maintenance. The drive cable to be replaced with new one and should
have sufficient length.
· RSO should check the camera, guide tube and driving unit and issue a clearance note
for further use
· The operators should check & record their dosimeter reading
· A de-briefing shall be carried out with all those participated in the operation and
other management personnel to explain how effectively it was carried out. This
includes what went well and what went wrong. A lesson learnt shall be prepared and
should be discussed in a group safety meeting with all RT personnel.

Emergency-5:- A source is Stolen or Missing

54 | P a g e
BACKGROUND: It is recognized that the source has been stolen or missing during daily
inspection. This procedure has details some of the steps to be taken during the search and
retrieving operation. It details the planning, execution and informing the Authority in
finding the source. The radiation technicians/RSO shall follow these steps when the incident
is first noticed.


If it is suspected that a radioactive source has been lost or stolen the following must be
· Notify by telephone, with a follow-up email by the Radiation Protection Officer (RPO)
to MECA and Local Police. Within one Hour
· With the assistance of the MECA and Police, the RPO should coordinate an immediate
search for the missing Source interviewing the source users and also using
monitoring equipment (if appropriate) as an aid to finding the source by detecting its
radioactive emissions.
· When undertaking a preliminary search to attempt to recover missing radioactive
materials, the RPO / Technician should consider
1. where and when the source was last seen or used,
2. the possibility of the source having been ‘borrowed’,
3. whether the source had been locked in a fridge or room, and who has access to
the secure location,
4. the likelihood of the source having been dropped or left unattended during
transit between areas,
5. the likelihood of the source having been stored in an incorrect location.
· RPO should arrange for All source Movement records to be made available for
inspection as soon as is reasonably practicable.
· The RPO should report the findings of the preliminary search to the MECA by word of
mouth within two hours and by email as soon as is reasonably practicable.
· The conditions of the permits issued by the MECA require ARIES to notify the Agency
without delay if;
1. a malfunction or mechanical damage, or failure of a technique has caused a
source to become
2. Damaged, or if environmental contamination is suspected.

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· The permit conditions also require the ARIES to immediately notify the MECA and the
Police (through Emergency Number) of; the loss or theft (or attempted theft) of a
radioactive source.

Emergency-6:- Fire
BACKGROUND: It is recognized that there is a fire. This procedure has details some of the
steps to be taken during the fire extinguishing /Control process. It details the planning,
execution and getting fire under control. The radiation technicians/RSO shall follow these
steps when the incident is first noticed.



· The likelihood of a fire in a laboratory cannot be discounted, and it is therefore

important that the correct actions are followed in order to ensure the effects of fire
are not worsened and / or minimize the effects of damages by fire.
· Aries RPO shall Notify the MECA and the Police (through Emergency Numbers)
immediately When fire damage is suspected.
· Only Civil Defense Trained Fire fighters shall be allowed to try extinguish the fire.
· No attempt should be made to rescue radioactive sources from a lab that is on fire, or
wherein a fire is suspected. Follow procedures outlined in your fire safety training.
· If the Fire Service has flooded the Lab with water the RPO will ensure that all areas
subject to this flood damage are kept out of bounds until contamination surveys have
been carried out.
· The RPO will undertake the necessary contamination surveys and follow-up
decontamination actions with the help of MECA, Police and Civil defense before any
other persons are permitted access to exclusion zones. Aries will liaise with MECA
and Police Services to erect supplementary containment barriers, and will use
specialist equipment to undertake an intervention.
Emergency-7:- Appropriate transportation incidents.
BACKGROUND: in the event of Transportation Incident. This procedure has details some of
the steps to be taken during different category of incident with Transportation of radioactive
sources. This procedure has details some of the steps to be taken during the planning,
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execution in the likely event of such incident. The radiation Drivers/Technician shall follow
these steps when the incident is first noticed.

Emergency Preparedness

In case of an emergency, follow the emergency instructions that you were given in the
Shipper’s information for Carriers. If you cannot follow the emergency instructions for any
Reason, or if you have any reason to believe the emergency may cause you or the public
To be exposed to contamination or excessive radiation, notify the Authority immediately
By calling 050-641-6533.

1. Procedural Safety measures:

· Daily source movement is being communicated to MECA via source movement

· Contingency or Emergency Contact details during working hours and after hours are
provided in Radiation Emergency Contact Numbers (Refer Page 6)

1.1 Vehicle Break down: All radioactive Source vehicles are maintained at vehicle dealers
service center. However, in case of vehicle break down, a replacement vehicle will be
dispatched to take care of the Source movement. Till the replacement vehicle comes
the driver will not leave the place.

1.2 Vehicle Accident: In case of an accident, this will be immediately reported to the RPO
and Project Manager. The driver shall give the full detail of the accident and the extent
of the damage to the vehicle and the condition of the Source.

1.3 Minor accident: The transport vehicle met with accident has not much damage to
vehicle and the Source stored in the designated area. The vehicle can continue its
journey without any immediate repair. Such incident has no concern & no additional
steps needed. The vehicle will be replaced after it returns the Source back to the pit
room or other site storage facility.

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1.4 Medium type accident: If the source compartment has no damage and requires no
replacement or special assistant, a replacement vehicle will be sent to transfer the
radioactive source to it. The damaged vehicle will be sent to carriage after shifting the
source to the replacement vehicle. In such case, an escort vehicle to accompany the
new vehicle is required
1.5 Major accident: If there is any damage to the source compartment of the vehicle, the
driver shall park the car at a remote location and cordon off the area with radiation
signal. He has to make sure that no un-authorized personnel entering the area. He also
should stay at safe distance from the radioactive Source. He should not leave the
vehicle unattended. He should use the survey meter for measuring the leakage
radiation. In case necessary the lead sheets and shoots to be used to contain the
radiation. The RPO or Project Manager will sent out a team of personnel with
emergency equipment’s to safe retrieval & shifting of the radioactive Source.

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