First Quarter Examination Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person

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Government Recognition#: PE-014, S.2010/E-003, S.2013/SE-009, S.2013/ SH-184, S. 2017
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________

LRN: _________________________________ Score: _______________

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

a. Cosmology c. Philosophy
b. Sociology d. Psychology
____2. The study of how to do Philosophy.
a. Philosophical Doubt c. Philosophical Thought
b. Philosophical Methodology d. Philosophical Question
____3. It is also defined as the science that by natural light of reason studies the first cause or
highest principle.
a. Philosophy c. Logic
b. Fallacy d. Critical Thinking
____4. Whose answers are in principle open to informed, rational, and honest disagreement,
ultimate but not absolute.
a. Philosophy c. Philosophical Question
b. Phenomenology d. Philosophical Doubt
____5. What is really an extension of a fundamentals and necessary drive in every human being to
know what is real?
a. Epistemology c. Aesthetics
b. Metaphysics d. Logic
____6. This focuses on careful inspection and description of phenomena or appearances.
a. Phenomenology c. Fallacies
b. Existentialism d. Validity
____7. It serves as paths to freedom from half-truth and deceptions.
a. Premises and Conclusions c. Validity and Argument
b. Analyzation and Logic d. Logic and Critical Thinking
____8. It is a personal view, attitude, or appraisal or personal felings.
a. Conclusion c. Opinion
b. Premise d. Truth
____9. Which belief holds that humanity is a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth?
a. Christianism c. Buddhism
b. Jainism d. Hinduism
____10. The state in which one is absolutely free from all forms of bondage and attachment.
a. Reincarnation c. Karma
b. Upanishads d. Nirvana
___11. This means that we shall ask whether or not the existence of God provides the best
explanation of the existence of the world, as we know it.
a. Atheistic Hypothesis c. Teistic Hypothesis
b. Theistic Hypothesis d. Ateistic Hypothesis
___12. As he turn away from Hindu, he began searching for answers to the riddle of sufferings.
a. Buddha c. Augustine
b. Gandhi d. Hippo

___13. A change from the mythical explanation of the origins of the cosmos to a more rational
a. Shift paradigm c. Paradigm shift
b. Anthropocentric d. Ecocentric
___14. Is a living being that contains a real and existing to direct its own development.
a. Human Being c. Living Human
b. Human Person d. Living Being
___15. The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other
living things.
a. Ecosystem c. Environmental
b. Ecology d. Environment


Direction: Write true if the statement is true and if the statement is false, underline the word(s)
that makes it false and write the correct answer on the space provided.

_________16. What values shall I live in the world? According to which those who are destitute of
philosophy may be compared to a convict in a cave.
_________17. What conditions a Human person? For Socrates, to be happy a person has to live a
virtuous life.
_________18. How do we tell good from evil or right from wrong? Aesthetics is generally a study of
the nature of moral judgments.
_________19. A fallacy is a defect in an argument other than its having false premise. To detect
fallacies it is required to examine the statement content.
_________20. The methodology or method that philosophers use to address philosophical questions
is critical thinking.
_________21. Hinduism believes in reincarnation and karma. The transmigration of soul
reincarnation or “metempsychosis.”
_________22. For St. Augustine, physically we are free, yet morally bound to obey the law.
_________23. When the Buddha was asked whether one who attains nirvana exists or ceases to
exists after death, he simply refused to answer instead maintained complete silence.
_________24. Destroying environment is reflection wherein few people overpower others while
exploiting the environment for profit or self-interest.
_________25. Immanuel Kant expresses that beauty is ultimately a symbol of morality.

III. ORGANIZING (10 points)

Direction: Organize the given images to a more Aesthetic ways. And answer the given question.

Content – 3 pts
Organization of ideas and details – 2 pts

Guided Question:

How can you organize images in a more aesthetic ways? And how will this work of yours
help the environment?

a. Garbages

b. Vandalism

IV. VENN DIAGRAM (5 points)
Direction: Choose two religions below. Using the Venn diagram compare and contrast the
chosen religions.



Direction: Evaluate the statement. Write P for the Premise and underline the Conclusion twice.
Answer the given question below.

“Many people believes that a dark tan is attractive and a sign of good health, but mounting evidence
indicates that too much sun can lead to health problems. One of the most noticeable effects is
premature aging of the skin ”. – Joseph Morgan and Michael Morgan

How did you evaluate the statement? Are your assessment based on unfounded
generalizations or facts? Explain your answer.

VI. CREATING (5 points)

Direction: Create your own philosophy in life.

Prepared By:
Subject Teacher

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