Extensions: Critical Thinking
Extensions: Critical Thinking
Extensions: Critical Thinking
4 | Applications of Sets 85
Critical thinking ■ In Exercises 80 and 81, use a Venn diagram similar to the
Difference of Sets Another operation that can be defined one at the left below to shade in the region represented by the
on sets A and B is the difference of the sets, denoted by given expression.
A ! B. Here is a formal definition of the difference of sets A 80. $A # B% $ $C" # D%
and B. 81. $A $ B%" # $C # D%
A ! B ! !x " x ! A and x " B#
Thus A ! B is the set of elements that belong to A but not Explorations
to B. For instance, let A ! !1, 2, 3, 7, 8# and B ! !2, 7, 11#. 82. In an article in New Scientist magazine, Anthony W. F.
Then A ! B ! !1, 3, 8#. Edwards illustrated how to construct Venn diagrams that
■ In Exercises 73 to 78, determine each difference, given involve many sets.1 Search the Internet to find Edwards’s
that U ! !1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9#, A ! !2, 4, 6, 8#, and method of constructing a Venn diagram for five sets and
B ! !2, 3, 8, 9#. a Venn diagram for six sets. Use drawings to illustrate
Edwards’s method of constructing a Venn diagram for
73. B ! A 74. A ! B five sets and a Venn diagram for six sets. (Source:
75. A ! B" 76. B" ! A http://www.combinatorics.org/Surveys/
77. A" ! B" 78. A" ! B ds5/VennWhatEJC.html)
79. John Venn Write a few paragraphs about the life
of John Venn and his work in the area of
The following Venn diagram illustrates that four sets can
partition the universal set into 16 different regions.
A movie company is making plans for future movies it wishes to produce. The company
Brand X Pictures/PictureQuest
has done a random survey of 1000 people. The results of the survey are shown below.
695 people like action adventures.
340 people like comedies.
180 people like both action adventures and comedies.
Anthony W. F. Edwards, “Venn diagrams for many sets,” New Scientist, 7 January 1989, pp. 51–56.
Action Action
adventures Comedies adventures Comedies
F I G U R E 2.5 F I G U R E 2.6
a. Regions i and ii have a total of 695 people. So far we have accounted for 180 of
these people in region i. Thus the number of people in region ii, which is the set of
people who like action adventures but do not like comedies, is 695 ! 180 ! 515.
b. Regions i and iii have a total of 340 people. Thus the number of people in region iii,
which is the set of people who like comedies but do not like action adventures, is
340 ! 180 ! 160.
c. The number of people who do not like action adventure movies or comedies is rep-
resented by region iv. The number of people in region iv must be the total number of
people, which is 1000, less the number of people accounted for in regions i, ii, and
iii, which is 855. Thus the number of people who do not like either type of movie is
1000 ! 855 ! 145.
In the next example we consider a more complicated survey that involves three types
of music.
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S E C T I O N 2. 4 | Applications of Sets 87
A music teacher has surveyed 495 students. The results of the survey are listed below.
320 students like rap music.
395 students like rock music.
Andre Blais/Shutterstock.com
U The Venn diagram at the left shows three overlapping circles. Region i represents the set
of students who like all three types of music. Each of the regions v, vi, and vii represent
Rock Rap the students who like only one type of music.
v ii vi
i a. The survey shows that 245 students like rock and heavy metal music, so the
iv iii
numbers we place in regions i and iv must have a sum of 245. Since region i has
vii 160 students, we see that region iv must have 245 ! 160 ! 85 students. In a
viii similar manner, we can determine that region ii has 120 students and region iii
Heavy metal
has 30 students. Thus 85 # 120 # 30 ! 235 students like exactly two of the three
types of music.
U b. The sum of the students represented by regions i, ii, iv, and v must be 395. The
number of students in region v must be the difference between this total and
Rock Rap the sum of the numbers of students in region i, ii, and iv. Thus the number of
30 120 10
v ii vi
160 students who like only rock music is 395 ! $160 # 120 # 85% ! 30. See the Venn
85 i 30
iv iii diagram at the left.
c. Using the same reasoning as in part b, we find that region vi has 10 students and
viii region vii has 20 students. To find the number of students who like only one type
Heavy metal
of music, find the sum of the numbers of students in regions v, vi, and vii, which is
30 # 10 # 20 ! 60. See the Venn diagram at the left.
▼ check your progress 2An activities director for a cruise ship has sur-
veyed 240 passengers. Of the 240 passengers,
135 like swimming. 80 like swimming and dancing.
150 like dancing. 40 like swimming and games.
65 like games. 25 like dancing and games.
15 like all three activities.
How many passengers
a. like exactly two of the three types of activities?
b. like only swimming?
c. like none of these activities?
doctorate in mathematics, magna cum laude. She was the first woman officially to
earn a doctorate degree from a German university. Shortly after her graduation she
married the mathematician William Young. Together they published several mathe-
matical papers and books, one of which was the first textbook on set theory.
Grace Chisholm Young
A school finds that 430 of its students are registered in chemistry, 560 are registered in
mathematics, and 225 are registered in both chemistry and mathematics. How many
students are registered in chemistry or mathematics?
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S E C T I O N 2. 4 | Applications of Sets 89
Let C ! !students registered in chemistry# and let
M ! !students registered in mathematics#.
n$C $ M% ! n$C% # n$M% ! n$C # M%
! 430 # 560 ! 225
! 765
Using the inclusion-exclusion principle, we see that 765 students are registered in chem-
istry or mathematics.
▼ check your progress 3 A high school has 80 athletes who play basket-
ball, 60 athletes who play soccer, and 24 athletes who play both basketball and soccer.
How many athletes play either basketball or soccer?
Solution See page S7. ◀
The inclusion-exclusion principle can be used provided we know the number of ele-
ments in any three of the four sets in the formula.
Given n$A% ! 15, n$B% ! 32, and n$A $ B% ! 41, find n$A # B%.
Substitute the given information in the inclusion-exclusion formula and solve for the
n$A $ B% ! n$A% # n$B% ! n$A # B%
41 ! 15 # 32 ! n$A # B%
41 ! 47 ! n$A # B%
n$A # B% ! 47 ! 41
n$A # B% ! 6
The inclusion-exclusion formula can be adjusted and applied to problems that involve
percents. In the following formula we denote “the percent in set A” by the notation p$A%.
In the next example, the data are provided in a table. The number in column G and
row M represents the number of elements in G # M. The sum of all the numbers in col-
umn G and column B represents the number of elements in G $ B.
A survey of men M, women W, and children C concerning the use of the Internet search
engines Google G, Yahoo! Y, and Bing B yielded the following results.
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