The American Racial Spectrum
The American Racial Spectrum
The American Racial Spectrum
by Leto Xavier
For God,
who makes all things
1. Racial-Purists
2. Non-Racist Purebloods
3. Culturally-Mixed Purebloods
4. Mixed-Bloods
“Racism is a symptom of a schizophrenic society.”
- Malcolm X
1“Racism remains a force of enormous consequence in American life, yet no one can be accused of
perpetrating it without a kicking up a grand fight. No one ever says, "Yeah, I was a little bit racist. I'm
sorry." That's in part because racists, in our cultural conversations, have become inhuman. They're
fairy-tale villains, and thus can't be real. There's no nuance to these public fights, as a veteran crisis
manager told my colleague, Hansi Lo Wang. Someone is either a racist and therefore an inhuman
monster, or they're an actual, complex human being, and therefore, by definition, incapable of being a
racist. Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic, who often writes about race, is one of several writers and
thinkers who has drawn attention to this paradox:
The idea that America has lots of racism but few actual racists is not a new one. Philip Dray
titled his seminal history of lynching At the Hands of Persons Unknown because most
"investigations" of lynchings in the South turned up no actual lynchers. Both David Duke and
George Wallace insisted that they weren't racists. That's because in the popular vocabulary, the
racist is not so much an actual person but a monster, an outcast thug who leads the lynch mob
and keeps *Mein Kampf *in his back pocket.”
The Ugly, Fascinating History Of The Word 'Racism' by Gene Demby, NPR, January 6, 2014
Today’s racial terms were inventions of 16th century
Europeans, like Johan F Blumenbach, who invented words like
“Caucasoid”, “Negroid” and “Mongoloid” to describe the varying
groups of people around the world. These were the basis for the
white, black, red, yellow, brown classifications we have today. Entire
sciences were made to forward racist agendas across the globe.
Further scientific investigation has rendered these ideas to be
complete trash. We know there is no scientifically verifiable idea
called “race”; humanity is far more complex than that. It’s wide
variety of tribes, cultures and ethnicities that can’t be bound to a
small set of skin colors.
Because “race” as an idea is scientifically unverifiable, we can
say the belief in race, and the practice of racism are forms of
superstition. The grievances we have experienced as a people are a
result of these superstitions being applied at a mass scale.
I have the firm belief that racism can’t hold up against critical
analysis. When knowledge is present, the light casts away ignorance
and darkness.
Its difficult to dismantle superstitions about “race” because its
so ingrained in our language. It’s almost impossible to address
without talking about it as if its real. By exploring the topic of
racism from every possible angle, I hope to expose its contradictions
and render it powerless.
One of the problems with conversations about race is that
people have multiple ideas about race and racism. They have
different thoughts about what direction racism is coming from,
where it's at, where it's going, where it's supposed to go- if it can go
anywhere at all.
This is part of the reason why progress with the race dialogue
has been so stagnant the past few decades.2 At the beginning of
2020, surveys concluded that Americans are mixed about race
relations, but things are “improving”.3
2 “While nearly seven in ten whites (69%) say that blacks are treated “the same as whites” in their
own community, this view is held by only 41% of blacks. The gap between black and white opinion
on this question is a long-term fixture of American racial opinion that has shown only a modest
narrowing in the past thirty-five years.
Similar differences exist between whites’ and blacks’ assessments of equal educational and
housing opportunities for blacks in their local communities. Eight in ten whites but only half of
blacks view the educational opportunities for black and white children as equal. On this question, the
opinions expressed by white and black Americans—and the 36-percentage point gap between them—
are almost identical to those expressed nearly forty years ago. The gap between blacks’ and whites’
perceptions of on equal housing opportunities for blacks has grown over the past decade. In 1989, a
20-percentage point gap was recorded. Today the gap stands at 35 points, with 83% of whites but only
48% of blacks perceiving equal housing opportunities for blacks in their community.
Blacks are much more likely than whites to perceive unfair treatment of blacks in several
settings in their local communities. In particular, 35% of white adults believe that blacks are treated
less fairly by the police in their community, compared to 66%of blacks.”
Black-White Relations in the United States 2001 Update by The Gallup Organization, 10 July 2001
3 “Gallup records double-digit increases in public satisfaction with the nation's economy, security
from terrorism, military strength and the state of race relations… January 2017: 22% - January 2020:
36% [Change since 2017: +14”]
Americans' Take on the U.S. Is Improved, but Still Mixed, by Lydia Saad, The Gallup Organization,
January 27, 2020
To make things simple regarding racism, I’m going to pull my
definitions from
Some camps say the only type of racism that can exist is the
second definition. To them, institutional racism is the only definition
that matters. This is not true. Historically, institutional racism has
never been the only definition of racism. It may be the height of
racial terrorism, but the belief in racial superiority needs to exist
before it can become institutionalized in government policy.
Government institutions can magnify racism, but racial
disharmony can happen without a government arm. A person, or a
movement, can use racist ideologies to forward their agenda without
the law to aid them, prior to co-opting government entities and
making racism state-mandated.
For example, the KKK is a non-state actor. After the Civil War
and the passing of the 15th amendment, blacks were voting and
getting into congress at an unprecedented rate. The racists of the
south invented the KKK to spread terror, block voting and
eventually co-opt the government into making the infamous Jim
Crow laws.
People on a civilian level can also express racism towards one
another: a Hispanic can be racist against a Black, who can be racist
against an Arab, who can be racist against a Jew, who can be racist
against an Asian, who can be racist against an Anglo, who can be
racist against a Native, and so on. It can happen with simple epithets,
dirty looks, exclusion from the marketplace, verbal harassment, or
physical persecution.
For simplicity's sake, we'll reduce race to “Black” and “White”,
because the tension between these two sub-categories has defined
much of the arch of America’s recent history more than other
combinations. Many of the mechanisms I’m going to describe can
easily be used with other ethnicities.
It’s common for people to refer to Black on White racism as
“reverse racism” because racial persecution has been predominantly
White on Black through America’s history. I’m not going to be using
that term at all in this book because, by definition, ethnic prejudice
can be used by anyone and is not ‘reserved’ for people of the
Caucasian persuasion. Its a naive and Eurocentric bias that says
White people invented prejudice.
Also, it’s not uncommon for people who say racism is “one
way” to perpetuate racist behavior against other races, but get away
with it because it lacks emotional significance in the public eye.
They may even commit racist acts on their own ethnicity, and sweep
it under the rug.
The racists have made the narrative black and white
(figuratively speaking) to better control people's opinions. If issues
of race are kept simple it’s easier to guide the country's direction.
Many people who disagree with racists are stuck in their racist
framework because they lack knowledge. They’re trapped in one
paradigm, and teach each other racist things about themselves and
others with the belief that they’re benevolent- when in reality,
they’re perpetuating racism.
This often involves marginalizing different opinions among
ethnicities if they don’t fit into the right paradigm. It stunts diversity
of thought and stifles progress.
To eradicate the racism implemented in our society we must
seek to understand all schools of thought. We must do this in an
apolitical manner. More informed political decisions can be made
down the road if we look at the world from this perspective.
I’m aware that the apolitical nature of this essay is going to
make a lot of people upset. I don’t care. I am not trying to “validate”
any one point of view. I am only here to write them down.
These schools of thought are the Blood Puritans, the Social
Constructionists, and the Individualists.
It’s important to note that these schools of thought influence
the American Racial Spectrum, but they are not the American Racial
4 Just as a reminder, what I’m about to talk about are ideas of race as they relate to Americans, and
nowhere else. I’m sure that some of the things talked about here apply in other countries. However,
my experience abroad is limited. If I were to analyze prejudice among peoples around all the world,
this essay wouldn’t have a point. And quite frankly, I don’t care about the plight of the world as
much as I care for my own people.
Within this school are two more schools: the first and most
infamous are the race radicals, who think fighting and subjugating
other races is the only way to exist next to them. The second is the
segregationists who desire to maintain their race's purity by having
closed, homogeneous communities (save for perhaps purposes of
trade). In America, there have been more White race radicals than
Black race radicals. Most Black identity movements in America are
segregationists who want to start their own nation within the country
they live or exodus back to Africa.
While race radicals and segregationists can intermingle, they
are different enough to have their own categories.5
5 It's worthy of note that many who identify as racists also apply bigotry to people of their own skin
color who are not of the same gang or tribal identity. A similar prejudice to racism, xenophobia, can also
be used from a citizen of one nation to another. People can be prejudice of those of the same skin color,
and pick apart differences in facial structure, eye, hair color, clothes or habits, etc.
The School Of Social Constructionists
People who think race is a social construct might think there are
genetic differences between races, but they’re minor enough to be
negligible. For the most part, they believe “race” was made up, and
is a false trend in society.
There are two sides to here as well, divided between liberals
and conservatives. Some of the social constructionists believe that
because racism was invented people can be freed from it's effects
through self-determination.6
6 “I am certain that there is nothing good, great or desirable which man can possess in this world,
that does not come by some kind of labor of physical or mental, moral or spiritual. A man, at times,
gets something for nothing, but it will, in his hands, amount to nothing. What is true in the world of
matter, is equally true in the world of the mind. Without culture there can be no growth;
without exertion, no acquisition; without friction, no polish; without labor, no knowledge;
without action, no progress and without conflict, no victory. A man that lies down a fool at
night, hoping that he will waken wise in the morning, will rise up in the morning as he laid down in
the evening. … From these remarks it will be evident that, allowing only ordinary ability and
opportunity, we may explain success mainly by one word and that word is WORK! WORK!!
WORK!!! WORK!!!!...The lesson taught at this point by human experience is simply this, that
the man who will get up will be helped up; and the man who will not get up will be allowed
to stay down...There can be no independence without a large share of self-dependence. This virtue
cannot be bestowed, it must be developed from within.”
The others think just the opposite: they say society's pressures
are so great that its effects are impossible to escape. The only way to
change these is to affect cultural norms through political means.
The most passionate people in either group often accuse the
other of racism for not favoring their brand of ‘anti-racism’. They
want to say that their attitudes are actually causing racism or at least
enabling it.
For this specific book, I am not here to say who is right and
who is wrong, only to note that they exist.
“The ancient people did not classify races according to skin color,
like the modern nations of Europe and America. The ancients, including the
Greeks and Romans, identified people according to their national or tribal
names. They used such names as Visigoths, Vandals, Saxons, Ethiopians,
Carthaginians, Jews, Arabs, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Moors.
They did not use the term Negro (which is a modern term) to refer to the
black races of the word Caucasian to refer to the white races. Dividing the
world along a color line was an idea that originated with the white
supremists in Europe after the Renaissance.”
- Rudolph R. Windsor, From Babylon to Timbuktu
refer to the official records of nearly every southern State during the past ten months to show how
that bloody purpose hase been in part executed.This bill wil tend in some degree to prevent its full
achievement. I do not wish to be understood as speaking for the colored man alone when I demand
instant protection for the loyal men of the south. No sir – my demand is not so restricted… The white
Republican of the South is also hunted down and murdered or scourged for his opinion’s sake, and
during the past two years more than six hundred loyal men of both races have perished in my State
alone. Yet, it is true that these masked murderers strike chiefly at the black race… simply because he
excercises his privileges as an American freeman..”
Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 1st Session (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Globe Office, 1871) pp.
390-392, Rep. Robert B. Elliot addressing the Ku Klux Klan Bill, April 1st, 1871
Purists ignore this. Race is who they are. To them, their skin
color is the defining feature of their life. If it were possible, they’d
believe they have all things in common with those of the same flesh.
Today these values are often embodied in their most potent
form in race gangs. While not exclusive to these organizations,
Whites are represented by the infamous KKK, the Aryan
Brotherhood, or the Alt-Right; for Blacks, the Nation Of Islam, the
Five-Percent Nation, or the Hebrew Israelites.
It's not unheard of for race gangs to be led by individuals of
higher than average intelligence, but they’re notorious for being
filled with people who aren’t very intelligent. I’ve known and read
of people who’ve defected from race gangs who’ve relayed that,
while not ubiquitous across all gangs, it's not uncommon for them to
be riddled with the autistic, sex-offending pedophiles, and druggies.
How Racists Communicate
“It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness,
this sense of always looking at one's self through
the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape
of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.”
- WED. Du Bois
Purists live in an enclave. They make exaggerated cartoonish
propaganda,12 and have detailed folklore about the history of their
ethnicity and their racial adversaries.13 Doctrinally, all other races are
below them. However, this superiority complex doesn’t exclude
them from admiring the industry or qualities of other tribes. They
might even “bond” with gangs from other races over strange
12 "” (retrieved 02/04/2020, 02:20 PM)
13 “I even had a bit of interaction with the 5 Percenter Nation of Gods and Earths. I’ll never forget
my introduction: “Black man god, white man devil!” As polite as the Gods were about it, this blue-
eyed devil knew he was at the wrong table....According to the 5 Percenters it all started like this:
6,600 years ago, a ‘bigheaded scientist’ named Yakub wickedly created the white race through
selective breeding on the Greek island of Patmos, which is now a lovely place to vacation. Unleashing
this plague upon humanity, Yakub initiated the decline and eventual enslavement of the Original
Man. Five Percenter literature is still banned in the correctional system for the same reason that
Aryan Nation newsletters are. Racial strife is endemic in that claustrophobic world...”
Word Is Bond: An Ex-Con Explains the 5 Percenters, by Daniel Genis, The Daily Beast, Apr. 12, 2014
14 “Overt anti-Semitism, it turned out, was something the two groups could bond over. While
Rockwell pushed his hatred of Jews to frothy extremes, Muhammad backed a range of racist theories,
including the hoax that the Jews had financed the slave trade… Remarkably, the NOI had a history of
such partnerships. Six months earlier, Muhammad had sent Malcolm X to a top-secret meeting with
the Atlanta Ku Klux Klan. In a throwback to Marcus Garvey's 1922 Klan summit, the two groups
brokered a bizarre truce: local mosque safety in return for NOI support on racial separation...
Division of the races was another mutual bugbear. Malcolm X's speech that night was titled
"Separation or Death." Inside the arena, Rockwell told reporters, "I am fully in concert with their
program, and I have the highest respect for Elijah Muhammad."
When Malcolm X Met the Nazis: A look at the strange alliance between the Nation of Islam and the
American Nazi Party, by Sam McPheeters, Vice, Apr 16, 2015
In race gangs theres constant pressure to always be prejudiced.
This causes them to ignore or explain away ‘exceptions to the rule’
who don’t fit their stereotypes.
15 “Initially, they feel that if you're not white, you are inferior. [They believe] that black people have
smaller brains, we're incapable of higher achievement. I'll give you an example of one. This guy was
an exalted cyclops sitting in my car in my passenger seat. He made the statement, which I'd heard
before, "Well we all know that all black people have within them a gene that makes them violent." I
turned to him and I'm driving and I said, "Wait a minute. I'm as black as anybody you've ever seen. I
have never done a carjacking or a driveby, how do you explain that?" He didn't even pause to think
about it. He said, "Your gene is latent. It hasn't come out yet." So how do you argue with somebody
who is that far out in left field? I was dumbfounded. I'm just driving along. He's sitting over here all
smug and secure, like "See you have no response?" And I thought about it for a minute. Then I used
his point of reference. I said, "Well, we all know that all white people have a gene within them that
makes them a serial killer." He says, "What do you mean?" And I said,"Well, name me three black
serial killers." He thought about it — he could not do it. I said, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles
Manson, John Wayne Gacy. All whites. I said, "Son, you are a serial killer." He says "Daryl, I've never
killed anybody." I said, "Your gene is latent. It hasn't come out yet." He goes, "Well, that's stupid!" I
said, "Well, duh. Yes, but you know what, you're right. What I said was stupid, but no more stupid
than what you said you me." Then he got very, very quiet and changed the subject. Five months later,
based on that conversation he left the Klan. His robe was the first robe I ever got.”
How One Man Convinced 200 Ku Klux Klan Members To Give Up Their Robes,
by Dwane Brown, NPR, August 20, 2107
Racism In Media
“Hearing people say the race relations are worse
than they’ve ever been, it doesn’t feel like that to me.
Racism isn’t getting worse, it’s getting filmed.
-Will Smith
18 “Many OGs and gang members have expressed their disbelief and sadness over the
representation of the Crips, acknowledging the group’s faults and its eventual shift to gangsterism
from activism...After the eventual destruction of the Black Panther organization, the CRIPS
(Community Resources for Independent People) arose in South Central Los Angeles, California in
1969 with a message of resistance and justice during a time of hopelessness and desolation among
the black community. The credit for the group’s formation is Raymond Washington’s, a “fearless and
mighty 5-foot-8 fireplug who loved to fight and loathed guns” (Krikorian 2005). However, once the
Crips began to engage in gun violence and developed a rivalry with the Bloods, he distanced himself
and was eventually murdered.”
HISTORY: FROM ACTIVISM TO GANGSTERISM, Grinnell College, retrieved 11:08 PM 11/6/2020
19 Revealed: the true identity of the leader of an American neo-Nazi terror group
by Jason Wilson, The Guardian, Jan 24, 2020
intellectuals have direct connections to radical organizations. 20 The
intellectual promotes some aspect of their radical ideologies, but will
keep these connections hidden from the public as much as possible
for deniability.
20 “The resistance must have both overt and covert groups. The covert group is of course the “armed
wing” of the resistance movement. Its membership must be secret from the government. The overt
group is not armed, does not engage in combat, and is known to the government. It is crucial that the
two groups appear to be distinct. There must be no trace of linkage between them. The overt group
must be in the position of saying to the government, “If you don't negotiate with reasonable people
like us, you'll have to fight those extremists who have taken up arms.”… In addition to presenting a
posture of “reasonableness,” the overt group must seek alliances. It must attempt to gain support from
other groups in society who have grievances against the government. It must attempt to gain
sympathy from other groups by presenting its case to them as “reasonable.” It must deal with
“friendly” politicians and government officials. These may be people who sympathize with the goals
of the Resistance but cannot or will not join it, or they may simply be opportunists who see in the
Resistance a way to achieve their own goals. The Resistance should use the latter where it is to its
advantage, but must never trust them.”
Resistance to Tyranny: A Primer, by Joseph P. Martino
21 Americans’ Racial Disconnect on Fairness and Discrimination
by Joanna Piacenza, PRRI, Oct 06, 2014
22 Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
by Erica Y. King, ABC News, November 17, 2017
White males will say they got turned down on a job or a
promotion because the business in question needed to make a
“quota-hire” (a woman, an ethnic minority- or both). The black male
will say he was denied a job because he was black.
Depending on their politics, some people could care less if they
hear that a white man or a black man was denied a job.
With as big as America is, its geography, the size of its
population, and the variety of ideologies within that population, it’s
not statistically impossible for both of these experiences to occur to
different people within the same country.
The intellectual merit behind these ideas is a whole other
discussion; what matters is that many of these topics are integral to
the criminal ideology of the race gangs.2324
Do you have to be racist to believe any of these ideas? This is
subject to a very heated debate. Many from either race, who claim to
be not racist, would say “no, there’s nothing racist about this idea.
It’s a fact.”
The problem is that each of these ideas has a lot of different
followers, which vary from center/moderate to radical/violent.
25 “Although most Hebrew Israelites are neither explicitly racist nor anti-Semitic and do not
advocate violence, there is a rising extremist sector within the Hebrew Israelite movement whose
adherents believe that Jews are devilish impostors and who openly condemn whites as evil
personified, deserving only death or slavery.”
Racist Black Hebrew Israelites Becoming More Militant, SPLC, August 29, 2008
26 Militarized racist whites also have similar feelings about the Jews and blacks.
If you wanted to convert a non-racist away from a doctrine
containing hidden traits of racism, it would be wise not to outright
accuse them of being racist simply for being misinformed.
31 A Black Man Wore Different Kinds Of Clothing To See If People Treated Him Differently
by Pedro Fequiere, Buzzfeed, March 8, 2016
32 “All of my black friends have been told at some point or another during their lifetime that they
“talk white.” I’ve been told it so many times, I’ve lost count. In some perverse way, though, I believe
it’s said as a way to come to an understanding: the person who says it doesn’t know many different
types of black people. Black people are generally seen as uneducated thugs. I do not appear to be an
uneducated thug. Therefore, I must talk white. It may not be pretty, but there’s a level of trying to
expose a preconceived notion there that shouldn’t be ignored. So since statements like that come
from a... lets call it an innocent place (as opposed to coming from a hateful place), it has become clear
to me that it is important to not disengage… My response to being told I “talk white” has now become
a non-confrontational, genuine question: “How do you think black people are supposed to talk?
Because for me, every black person I’ve ever known talks like I do.” This is either met with
defensiveness or apologies or a genuine desire to understand the bias - but it is always met with some
form of engagement. I try to treat it as an open door to a further dialogue. Some people walk through
that door, some people don’t. But through it all, I get to remain steadfastly myself.”
‘You Talk White:’ Being Black and Articulate, by Keith Powell, HuffPost, Oct 15, 2015
jewelry. Many of these flashy black trends are accepted among
wealthy sectors of society because they reflect wealth.
Racism-lite sounds something like: “everybodies a little bit
racist.” When peoople say that, they’re talking about themselves,
and projecting their racism on everyone else.
‘Racism-lite’ is less overt. Because racism can’t be quantified,
determining whether or not people are making judgments on the skin
rather than something secondary like an accents or your clothes can
be difficult.
Blacks will bring up Racism-lite as a proof that the White man's
racism is alive and well. A common example is when they see
instances where White folk treat Blacks from other countries better
than American Blacks because they have a foreign accent and don’t
sound “street.”
Some might argue that this is not racism at all and that the crux
of the matter is speech, not skin color. However, it's prejudicial
enough to hurt a lot and be interpreted as racist by those under its
Generally, naturalized citizens have a wider range of cultural
experiences than American born ones (especially if they’ve never
left the country). Because of this, the foreign demographic is going
to have a wider variety of viewpoints.
If the natural-born citizens aren’t open to a foreigners
perspective, they’re likely to clash with this member of their race
and classify them as an entirely different tribe based on their ethnic
background. When this happens, they can be exposed to all the
prejudices and crimes that have been previously reserved for the
“racism” category.
These differences are often more exaggerated among black
foreigners than white ones. Many blacks who are first or second-
generation Americans or come straight from other territories
experience life differently than American blacks who have hundreds
of years of tradition in the country.
Blacks within America will report that black immigrants from
other countries look down on them for their street culture and not
owning property. Black immigrants will get heavily harassed for
their accents and speaking a different language in front of English
speaking Blacks.
Mixed-Blood Racists
And Self-Hating Purebloods
Occasionally, mixed folk who appear more like one race than
the other might try to claim to be a pureblood and exhibit racist
behaviors. They’re trying to hide one side of their ancestry with
exaggerated displays of pride.
The antithesis of a racist mixed-blood is a pureblood who hates
himself and desires to be the opposite race.
When someone says, “I am not race X” or “I don’t want to be
race X”, they’ll dissociate from their ethnicity by adopting traits of
their desired cast. The most aggressive cases of this include using
technological means to manipulate hair and skin pigmentation.
When a person from race X perceives their own kin acting
poorly, they’ll feel disgusted being associated with “those people”
The few that belong in the “those people” category will see their
internalized hatred and accuse them of trying to be something
they’re not.
Not every person who dresses, thinks, or talks differently
than their racial stereotype, hates their own race. Not all people
within the race they belong to act like the stereotype.33
33 “Any theory based on experience is necessarily statistical; that is to say, it formulates an ideal
average which abolishes all exceptions at either end of the scale and replaces them by an abstract
I’d venture to say that most don’t. It may be more likely they’re
a product of a mixed-cultural upbringing.
One way to tell if someone hates their race is they’ll tell you.
Although some people are being sarcastic when they say this.
Some people will see a member from another race hating their
own kinfolk and find it praiseworthy. They’ll encourage this
behavior as a means of entertainment.
A Black person might hate themselves, and their own
community for being tied to a tradition of slavery and feeling valued
less by whites (or the 'upper class'). They’re not fond of the
behaviors associated with inner-city blacks. They’ll use the same
epithets whites use when referring to inner-city blacks, but exclude
themselves from that category. The character Uncle Ruckus from
The Boondocks is an exaggerated stereotype of a self-loathing black
mean. This mean is quite valid though it need not necessarily occur in reality. Despite this it figures
in the theory as an unassailable fundamental fact. … If, for instance, I determine the weight of each
stone in a bed of pebbles and get an average weight of 145 grams, this tells me very little about the
real nature of the pebbles. Anyone who thought, on the basis of these findings, that he could pick up
a pebbles of 145 grams at the first try would be in for a serious disappointment. Indeed, it might well
happen that however long he searched he would not find a single pebble weighing exactly 145 grams.
The statistical method shows the facts in the light of the ideal average but does not give us a picture
of their empirical reality. While reflecting an indisputable aspect of reality, it can falsify the actual
truth in a most misleading way.“
The Undiscovered Self, by Carl Jung
In whites, self-hate usually takes the form of “White guilt,”
self-flagellation for crimes of their ancestors, having white privilege,
and not being “as cool” as Blacks.
Whether or not these self-haters had an ancestral line connected
to owning slaves, or being slaves, is irrelevant. The social
association has more power in the mind than reality.
Chapter 2
Non-Racists Purebloods
A Short History
Of When Racism Began In America
In the 1800’s there was an infamous slave revolt led by Nat
Turner, an enslaved black preacher. He led a murderous rampage
against his would-be masters, killing over 100 men, women, and
children in a matter of days.
However, during that rampage, it was recorded that he spared
some of the poorer white folk, and when asked why he did this, he
stated because those particular whites "thought no better of
themselves than they did of negroes."35
35 “And so it went throughout that malignant night, as the rebels took farm after farm by surprise.
They used no firearms, in order not to arouse the countryside, instead stabbing and decapitating their
victims. Although they confiscated horses, weapons, and brandy, they took only what was necessary
to continue the struggle, and they committed no rapes. They even spared a few homesteads, one
because Turner believed the poor white inhabitants “thought no better of themselves than they did of
negroes.” By dawn on Monday there were fifteen insurgents —nine on horses—and they were aimed
with a motley assortment of guns, clubs, swords, and axes. Turner himself now tarried a light dress
sword, but for some mysterious reason (a fatal irresolution? the dread again?) he had killed nobody
Children Of Darkness, by Steven B. Oates, American Heritage, Oct 1973
At the time, many upper-class whites thought very little of
lower-class whites36, otherwise known as 'rednecks,' or 'crackers.' In
the olden days, many of the things people have said about blacks
(being predisposed to poverty, or bringing down property value, etc.)
were – and still are - said of poor whites by rich whites.37
36 "Everywhere they are just alike, posses pretty much the same characteristics, the same
vernacular, the same boorishness, and the same habits... everywhere, Poor white Trash...”
“The southern poor were not just lazy vagrants; now they were odd specimens in a collectors
cabinet of curiosities, a diseased breed, and the degenerate spawn of a "notorious race"… What made
the ridiculed breed so distinctive? Its ingrained physical defects. In descriptions of the mid-
nineteenth century, ragged, emancipated sandhillers and clay-eaters were clinical subjects, the
children pre-maturely aged and deformed with distended bellies. Observers looked beyond dirty faces
and feet and highlighted ghostly, yellowish white tinge to the poor white's skin- a color they called
"tallow." Barely acknowledged as members of the human race, these oddities with cotton-white hair
and waxy pigmentation were classed with albinos. Highly inbred, they ruined themselves through
dual addictions to alcohol and dirt… White trash southerners were classified as a "race" that passed
on horrific traits, eliminating any possibility of improvement or social mobility. If these Night of the
Living Dead qualities were not enough, critics charged that poor whites had fallen below
African slaves on the scale of humanity. They marked an evolutionary decline, and they
foretold a dire future for the Old South. If free whites produced feeble children, how could
a robust democracy thrive? If whiteness was not an automatic badge of superiority, a
guarantee of the homogeneous population of independent, educable freemen, as Jefferson
imagined, then the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were unobtainable...
As George Weston wrote in his famous pamphlet The Poor Whites of the South (1856), they were
"sinking deeper and more hopelessly into barbarism with every succeeding generation"... In his 1860
Social Relations in Our Southern States, Alabamian Daniel Hundley denied slavery's responsibility for
the phenomenon of poverty, insisting that poor whites suffered from a corrupt pedigree and cursed
lineage... Bad blood and vulgar breeding told the real story of white trash.”
White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America , by Nancy Isenberg, April 4, 2017
pg 135-137 (emphasis mine)
37 “"These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can't or wont hold a job, they
flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards
would shame an alley cat. For some reason or other, they absolutely refuse to accommodate
themselves to any kind of decent, civilized life."
This was said in 1956 in Indianapolis, not about blacks or other minorities, but about poor
whites from the South. Nor was Indianapolis unique in this respect. A 1951 survey in Detroit found
that white Southerners living there were considered "undesirable" by 21 percent of those surveyed,
compared to 13 percent who ranked blacks the same way. In the late 1940s, a Chicago employer said
frankly, "I told the guard at the plant gate to tell the hillbillies that there were no openings." When
poor whites from the south moved into Northern cities to work in war plants during the Second
World war, "occasionally a white southerner would find that a flat or furnished room had 'just been
rented' when the landlord heard his southern accent.”
Black Rednecks and White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell, April 24, 2006, pg 1
Before slavery was the law of the land, the American colonists
practiced indentured servitude. Here servants worked for a select
time under a master and were later freed after paying off their "debt"
with labor. Indentured servitude was something inflicted on both
blacks and whites. Most free-walking blacks during slavery times
descend from these freed indentured servants.
At this stage in our countries development, rich land-owning
whites held many ideas about blacks and black slaves that poor
whites did not share.3839
38 “There are many ways that human beings divide themselves up. Class is one, [and] gender, race,
ethnicity. There's a number of ways that people divide themselves up. And in early Virginia, race was
a category that people recognized. Black people recognized difference, and sometimes, I would even
argue, celebrated difference. But in this highly competitive, depressingly abusive world, poorer
whites and poorer blacks -- people who were marginalized in this system of dependent labor --
oftentimes reached out to each other in ways that suggest that, at least in the first 50 or 60 years of
Virginia, ...people of African background and English background were able to work together in ways
that, again, in later period of American history, were impossible.”
- Timothy H. Breen, William Smith Mason Professor of American History, Northwestern University
39 “You can't discount the notion that black and white servants and slaves were going to unite over
their common oppression. We have evidence of them running away together. We have evidence of
them rising against their masters together. They lived together. They slept together. So yes, there was
a possibility of a lower class surge against the elites. So that's a very important consideration for the
Virginians, in terms of wanting to create one kind of labor force.”
- Margaret Washington, Associate Professor of History, Cornell University
strength of that tendency. In 1661 a law was passed in Virginia that "in case
any English servant shall run away in company of any Negroes" he would
have to give special service for extra years to the master of the runaway
Negro. In 1691, Virginia provided for the banishment of any "white man or
woman being free who shall intermarry with a negro, mulatoo, or Indian
man or woman bond or free.""
The rich whites were scared of more rebellions like this might
occur, where blacks, whites, and other poor folk, would unite against
the established order. They took legislative action to prevent that
"In Virginia in the 1600s, Anthony Johnson [a black man] secured his
freedom from indentured servitude, acquired land, and became a respected
member of his community. Elizabeth Key successfully appealed to the
colony's legal system to set her free after she had been wrongfully enslaved.
By the 1700s, the laws and customs of Virginia had begun to distinguish
black people from white people, making it impossible for most Virginians
of African descent to do what Johnson and Key had done...
After Bacon's Rebellion, Virginia's lawmakers began to make
legal distinctions between "white" and "black" inhabitants. By
permanently enslaving Virginians of African descent and giving poor white
indentured servants and farmers some new rights and status, they hoped to
separate the two groups and make it less likely that they would unite again
in rebellion…
Now what is interesting about this is that we normally say that
slavery and freedom are opposite things—that they are diametrically
opposed. But what we see here in Virginia in the late 17th century,
around Bacon's Rebellion, is that freedom and slavery are created at
the same moment.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first appearance in
print of the adjective white in reference to "a white man, a person of a
race distinguished by a light complexion" was in 1671. Colonial charters
and other official documents written in the 1600s and early 1700s rarely
refer to European colonists as white.
41 Notable, however, is that while a majority of whites in the poll say discrimination against them
exists, a much smaller percentage say that they have actually experienced it. Also important to
note is that 84 percent of whites believe discrimination exists against racial and ethnic
minorities in America today...The responses from whites can be broken down into three
categories. Those who:1. Believe there is anti-white discrimination and say they have personally
experienced it, 2. Say there is indeed anti-white discrimination but say they have never felt it
themselves, and 3. Say there is no discrimination of whites in America…
Representing Category 2 is 50-year-old heavy equipment operator Tim Musick, who lives in
Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. He says anti-white discrimination is real, but he doesn't
think he has ever really felt it personally. "I think that you pretty much, because you're white, you're
automatically thrown into that group as being a bigot and a racist and that somehow you perceive
yourself as being more superior to everybody else, which is ridiculous," Musick said, speaking during
his lunch break at a construction site. "I'm just a man that happens to have been born white," Musick
He also makes it clear, however, that he is not comparing what happens to whites to the African-
American experience. "I don't know what it feels like to be a black man walking around in the streets,
but I do know what it feels like to be pegged, because of how you look, and what people perceive just
on sight," said Musick, who has the stocky build of a retired NFL lineman and a shaved head under
his hard hat…
Projections Of Racism
Even when no evil is intended, a simple misunderstanding can
trigger racist alarms in the head. People of any race can project
racism onto situations that aren’t there. This is a defense mechanism
developed from personal experience, their upbringing, or just a
misread situation.
It's not uncommon for casual mannerisms in one culture to be
misconstrued as rude to people from other cultures.
For example: in America, stronger handshakes are seen as a
good thing. Its a sign of friendship and commitment, and weak
handshakes are seen as weird. A man with a weak handshake is
downright untrustworthy.
The opposite is true of people in certain middle eastern cultures.
Strong handshakes are seen as signs of aggression and could mark
you as an enemy- making weak handshakes the common lot on their
side of the globe.
This same logic applies to subcultures within the US. If your
fast enough you can pick up on this and make an apology. Though
Lower- and moderate-income white Americans were more likely to say that whites are
discriminated against — and to say they have felt it, either when applying for a job, raise or
promotion or in the college-admissions process.”
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination
Don Genyea, NPR, October 24, 2017
this has to be handled carefully in some cases because making the
wrong gesture during your apology might come off back-handed.
Blacks from any of these categories (purist, non-racist, etc.)
may interpret a non-racist whites ignorance and naivete for a lack of
compassion. This will lead them to conclude their comments as
proof that they’re racist, even if its only a little bit.
Perceived racism breeds discomfort, and it's understandable
why someone wouldn't want to initiate healing relations after they
feel like they’ve been slighted.
If someone gets vocal over a perceived slight, chances are it
might be too late. Emotions and pride get involved, reason shuts
down, everyone gets very defensive- the whole thing can be quite
Social Awkwardness
Because mixing with other cultures isn't their thing, shy people
might have difficulty assimilating into certain social groups
composed of other races without feeling nervous or uneasy.
Some people will attribute this awkwardness to racism. It might
actually be that way in some cases, but shy people experience this
awkwardness within their own ethnicity as well. It may not be wise
to jump to conclusions because someone comes off clumsy.
People in the third group are 'purebloods' in the sense that their
bloodline is made of 'all white' or 'all black.' But like the non-racists,
they don't believe in the superiority of their genetics over others.
A culurally-mixed pureblood (or "CM" for short) might have
many friends of the opposite race. At the least, he probably has a lot
more friends from the opposite race than other purebloods.
The hallmark of the CM is his wide taste of music, clothing and
entertainment. He might be a white kid who "acts black" or a black
kid who "talks white." A white kid who likes 90's Hip-Hop or a
black kid who has an array of heavy metal t-shirts.
It's not uncommon for CM’s to experience prejudice from their
own blood because they look, dress, or talk differently than others.
Some people look culturally mixed, but aren’t. They were born
into that culture, and it's all they've ever known.
CM’s might have more than one accent and a different set of
mannerisms for different families and cliques. Some people might
find this behavior suspicious, and proof that they're not "being
themselves" 100% of the time.
But adopting different mannerisms is also typical with people
who speak more than one language. They behave a little different
with each language they speak. It may not be possible to learn or
participate in other cultures without adopting some of their
mannerisms and switching them off when they have no use.
43 Black Rednecks and White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell, April 24, 2006, Pg 6 – 7, 27 – 28
Cultural Diversity
Anywhere there is diversity, people will trade clothes, language,
and music. This is most prominent in port cities and towns where
trade is an essential feature in the economy.
Aside from the most isolated tribes, there are no cultures that
exist in a vacuum and are free of the influence of cultures from
around the world.
People invested in art forms (whether its martial arts, dancing,
painting, or music) respect people less on lines of color and ancestry
and are more interested in performance and skill- even if that respect
is hidden. This is why art has always been the best gradient for
mixing cultures.
Did Blacks "steal" the Whites' classical instruments when they
invented jazz? Did Whites "steal" rock and roll? Should basketball
only belong to Whites because a White man invented it? Is "Enter
the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" a form of cultural appropriation
because of heavy Asiatic influences?
The answer to this question rests on whether or not you think
mixing cultures is wrong or not. Race purists would tell you mixing
cultures is very wrong.
For example, when people talk about rock n' roll, they refer to
B.B. King and Chuck Berry as its originators. Pop culture designates
the thieves of Rock to be people like Eric Clapton and Elvis.
People who feel this way have a selective memory. They forget
that many of rock's designated forefathers played music regularly
with every race and didn't exclude people from this art form.
B.B. King toured with Elvis, and they often worked together in
Sun studio in Memphis Tennessee. Chuck Berry and B.B. King
spoke very highly of Elvis,4445 which is probably why Elvis had such
a large black following back in the day.
Chuck Berry would also play live with the likes of Eric
Clapton, Bruce Springsteen and Mick Jagger on several occasions
throughout the decades, along with having a variety of white people
play in his band. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find footage where
Chuck isn’t playing music with a racially-mixed group of people.
As another example, in contemporary culture, Jimi Hendrix is
often remembered as an originator of rock ‘n roll in terms of the
44 "Let me tell you the definitive truth about Elvis Presley and racism. With Elvis, there was not a
single drop of racism in that man. And when I say that, believe me I should know... People today will
say things about Elvis they just don't know about, They want to say this is black music, this is
white music, this is country music. But when Elvis came along all that was suddenly
washed down the drain... I liked Elvis. I saw him as a fellow Mississippian. I was impressed by his
sincerity. When he came to the Goodwill Review, he did himself proud."
-B.B. King (emphasis mine)
45 "Describe Elvis Presley? He was the greatest who ever was, is or ever will be...Blacks didn't have
the air-waves Elvis had. He delivered what he obtained beautifully."
-Chuck Berry
style being "black music." These same people often neglect to recall
that he was the only black man in the whole band- the other two
members being white.
Clearly, the people who make racially motivated comments
about these artists aren’t even fans of the musicians they’re referring
too. Otherwise, they would know these things.
Some CM’s start out with having a fascination with a new
culture before they join it. Others are outcast by their peers and feel
forced to look for another culture to join.
In many cases, people that extort members of their tribe would
prefer their victims stick around so they can control them. Though
they won't outrightly say this because that would imply weakness.
Some of the most famous artists and cultural icons in America
are people who've had what you would call a "mixed cultural
upbringing". They'll often tell you tales of harassment they've faced
from both sides of the aisle and how it shaped their character to be
who they are.
Sometimes outsiders have to work harder for recognition. This
is truer in cultures that are more exclusive than others. Often
boundaries can be overcome with a lot of hard work and dedication.
If outsiders can convince the cultural natives that they are serious
about upholding their values, this increases the chance that the
culture (or at least a clique within the culture) will adopt them.
Sometimes, outsiders who make a name for themselves in a
new culture do so with a natives help.46
The most common form of cultural mixing occurs through
performance arts and competitions. If an outsider from another race
jumps in and consistently dominates in these categories, it's more
likely that they’ll be adopted in the long run.
If it's a sport with a point system like basketball or martial arts,
the results will be more plain. If it's a softer art like dancing, music,
even locals who aren't used to seeing will let someone know when
they’ve been dominated by an outsider. Depending on how
embarrassing it is for him, that native might take strategic measures
to extort this outsider for stealing his spotlight and making him look
46 “Lena Horne was the exception that proved the rule... When Sinatra escorted her to the ultra-
swanky Stork Club, he was told she could not be admitted. Sinatra threatened to leave and create a
public stink in the media if she was not welcomed. She was. Sinatra refused to play at any club that
did not admit audience members of any race. Sammy Davis was a headliner on the black vaudeville
circuit. He became a major crossover star when Frank Sinatra boosted his career. In the mid-1950s, a
number of hotels tried to block Sammy Davis from entering, staying, or eating in their public
restaurants. Once again, Sinatra was relentless and tireless in his demand that all entertainers be
treated equally. His private insistence on fair treatment mirrored his onstage acceptance of a black
entertainer and a Jewish comic as part of his retinue.”
Frank Sinatra and Civil Rights: The Chairman Speaks Up, by Barry Bradford, June 14, 2014
A CM experiencing prejudice has two options: be more like the
culture they want to adopt or drop everything and 'return' back to the
culture their race supposedly belongs.
If they take the first option, he will become more emotionally
invested in the experience his culture provides. His friends in this
culture will treat them like their own family. He may become
disdainful of his own ethnicity in some way.
If they take the second option and return to their "rightful
culture," they'll forever remain suspect. Their past affiliations will
designate them as "weak-links" in the tribe. They may even get used
as a scapegoat in the future if someone more ‘pure’ wants to deflect
from their shortcomings.
Prejudice, Exclusion,
And Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
CM's will get called racial slurs by purebloods of his own kind
just because they look and act differently. Members of puritan
cliques might strip CM’s of their "whiteness" or "blackness".
At a minimum, a white kid will be called a variety of racial
epithets: “wigger”, or “nigger lover”. There are occasions where
puritan whites will excommunicate CM whites and label them
There are blacks who police their own, so they behave in ways
white supremacists find stereotypical of black folk. As contradictory
and stupid as that sounds, it is what it is.
Blacks who have the "wrong" opinions will be told by puritan
blacks that they are "coonin for whitey” or get called an "Uncle
Tom," "House Negro," "Cracker," "White-Washed," or "Oreo."
They’ll get their “black card” revoked, and “kicked out” of the black
This can happen even if the person in question is of the darkest
shade. Darker even than their would-be accusers. Many of the
accused don’t understand why they have to act disrespectful or
pretend to be illiterate to be considered “black” by their peers. To
them, they are perpetuating their own negative stereotype.
Whites also make jokes about blacks who are "white" on the
inside and shame them for having the wrong political opinions. This
happens to Blacks who say things like "I don't believe in racism"47;
47 “The rapper was the subject of a backlash last month after he told the Fox Sports 1 show
Undisputed that there is “no such thing as racism” because his concert audiences are attended by a lot
of white fans. He also said millennials know racism isn’t cool. When asked to expand on his
thoughts, Lil Wayne told the Associated Press that one of the reasons he feels this way is that a white
police officer saved his life when he was 12, after he accidentally shot himself in the chest. “Yeah, he
was a cop, and my life was saved by a white man. I don’t know what racism is,” The Grammy-
winning rapper said he was lying on the floor when police broke down the door, stepping over his
body looking for guns and drugs. But one man stopped and chastised the others for leaving him. “He
was white as snow. Them that hopped over me were blacker than me,” Wayne said. Wayne says the
or that if they concede that racism exists, it can be overcome by
blacks with the proper mentality, dedication, and hard word. Some
go as far as to say that racism is an industry unto itself that certain
people want to keep alive.48
Kids who excel at school might also get harassed, especially if
they don't act tough or conform to criminal behaviors. It is common
for both poor white and poor black communities to value strength
and toughness over intelligence. However, whereas poor whites
might associate intelligence with softness or wealth, many poor
black subcultures often (wrongly) associate intelligence with "being
white." Many blacks will associate "blackness" with ignorance and
crime before they learn anything else about themselves.49
man he called “Uncle Bob” personally took him to the hospital and stayed with him. “[He] stood
there and waited until the doctor said ‘He’s gonna make it’.” Wayne acknowledged that, despite what
he said previously, there is such thing as racism. However, he added that when he looks out from the
stage, he sees all colours. “It’s the world out there. It’s not a certain part or a certain kind or a certain
culture or whatever of people. It’s people. Those people out there in that crowd,” he said. He added:
“I’m blessed to have that opportunity, so with that said, I can only be honest with such a thing, I have
never witnessed racism.”
Lil Wayne explains why he said there's no such thing as racism
by Associated Press, The Guardian, Oct 13, 2016
48 “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the
wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to
make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs
— partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want
the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” - Booker T. Washington
49 “White privilege does not exist and I’m here to discuss why not, from a common sense perspective. As
a so-called black man in America, I’m supposed to believe that white people have some sort of
advantage over me. I’m supposed to believe that they enjoy a privilege I don’t. Well, I haven’t seen it.
What I have seen is a difference in culture. I see that the values within a culture that bring anybody
some sort of privilege is baked into so-called white culture and not black. Black culture is sure to
create nothing but failure. One thing most black parents teach their children is, you have to be twice
as good as the white man. You have to be better than them. Foul ball! Congratulations parents. You
yourself have just created an instance of white supremacy in your child’s mind. White people have
Being strong and tough is important, but denying yourself the
ability to become more intelligent is wrong. People who have the
desire to make something of themselves shouldn't limit their
potential because of something they were told when they were
young. It inhibits their ability grow. It also opens them up to be
exploited by other people.
There are both blacks and whites who believe that the only way
to live is a hard life, where street cred is and fast cash are the only
things that matter. But in American culture, blacks are more
renowned for this in media/entertainment than whites. These
depictions have a deep history in America. It is largely the white
liberal elites in the media who promote these stereotypes in modern
the privilege of being the measure of success because you as black people allowed it and created a
space for it.”
White privilege does not exist, by Hotep Jesus, Hotep Nation, July 12, 2017
Racial Tension In Jokes And Epithets
Just as a reminder before we proceed: I am not here to say what
is right or wrong. I am only making observations.
There are those who use racial epithets everywhere, regardless
of whose around. Some use them but refuse to use them in specific
company. Some have no interest in saying them at all and don't
tolerate they're use by anyone, regardless of skin color.
Of all the racial epithets, black racial epithets are considered the
most offensive across American culture by both blacks and whites.
White racial epithets hardly garner the same response. There are
varying levels of offense accredited to epithets of other races.
Groups of mixed friends will be more prone to making racially
charged jokes with one other. For many, the use of such jokes is a
measure of trust between them. For males, in particular, they might
grow suspicious of friends who don't use jokes around them. If you
express nervousness in telling “off-color jokes” in front of members
of other races, they might try and find ways to goad you into it.
For a mixed clique, the lowest kind of racial tension poorly
timed race jokes. The highest form of racial tension comes from an
excessive amount of unwanted verbal harassment.
If they’re the sole member of their ethnicity in the clique,
they’ll experience isolation when their friends goes overboard with
racial jokes. But they might choose to stick around because they
don't think there circle means anything by it- they aren't actually
racist, they're just being dumb and immature.
If the recipient asks them to stop, and his friends don't, and he
squares up to fight them out of anger, the harassers often throw their
hands up and say "Whoa buddy! Chill out! You know were not really
racist. Get a grip!"
If they don't take the appropriate measures to back off when
asked, perhaps they should not be considered friends at all out of
self-respect. If there are grounds that these ‘friends’ are actually
undercover racists, consider taking precautionary measures to for
your safety and the welfare of their family.
Many blacks refer to whites with racial epithets that they
wouldn’t tolerate coming from whites. While not always the case,
some blacks will tolerate the use of epithets if they are coming from
someone of a “colored” or “non-white” ethnic background.
Non-racist whites are the least likely to use racial epithets at all,
next to CM whites. They might use epithets for their own kind but
will often refuse to use any others. Partially because they believe
they’re ignorant terms, partially because they don't want to come off
wrong and get beat up for being perceived as racist.
As of late, Whites have been banned from using certain words
in public. This is because whites of power have restricted whites who
lack power from using them. If whites of power did not care, there
would be no restrictions, regardless of any other races' disposition.
Whites who use words that they're culturally prohibited from
using do so to sound cool, or they’re intentionally trying to be
offensive, or they’re hardcore racists, or they're thugs (or all of the
Puritans of either race are more likely to use a broader spectrum
of racial epithets without remorse. This also applies to blacks in
general across the racial spectrum.
There are subcultures of blacks who find any racial epithet a
form of ignorance and prejudice, and don't tolerate their use
Typically the use of racial epithets is correlated to how often
people cuss in general.
Some people will use racial epithets on members of another
race they judge to be physically or socially weaker than them. The
recipient of this epithet will tolerate it if they feel physically or
socially weaker than the offending party. If don’t feel this way, this
could easily start a confrontation.
There are mixed-race cliques that freely exchange every kind of
racial epithet between one another, but currently, these cliques are
The use of epithets in mixed-race cliques is often tied to drug
use50 and anti-social behavior (stealing, vandalism, assault, etc.).
Many minorities associate the use of racial epithets with criminality
and street behavior; those who exhibit these behaviors are “allowed”
to speak this way in front of them. In other words, some blacks
tolerate the use of epithets coming from whites because they've
determined that these whites would still use those slurs even if they
got punched in the mouth and beat up.
Mixed raced cliques that aren't involved in anti-social behaviors
but tolerate the free exchange of epithets do so for several reasons. 51
Blacks who tolerate whites or other races saying "the N word" will
53 “The sometimes ambiguous appearance of some mixed race and light skinned people has led
many of them to overcompensate for what they believe is a shortcoming; the fact that they can’t be
identified as black or white. As a result, many of them ‘pick a side’ and become the fiercest
ambassadors of the ‘side’ they choose. One common action of some of those who align themselves
with the ‘black side’ is to staunchly oppose interracial relationships. Case in point: US rapper
Common. Well-known for his conscious rap music, the Chicago-born MC who frequently concerns
himself with issues concerning black people in his music, sparked controversy with his track Real
People. In the song, he expresses his disapproval of interracial relationships, rhyming: “Black men
walking with white girls on their arms/ I be mad at ‘em/ as if I know their mums.”Whenever I hear
sentiments like that, specifically from mixed race or light skinned black people, I find it interesting
that they should have such an aversion to mixed relationships. But I believe it is because when a
mixed race or light skinned person opts to represent the black ‘side’, they believe that it’s not good
enough just to identify themselves as black; they have to be the blackest light person around.”
Light Skinned Rage, by Hazelann Williams, The Voice, Sep 03, 2012
54 “Malcolm’s journey of reinvention was in many ways centered on his lifelong quest to discern
the meaning and substance of faith. As a prisoner, he embraced an antiwhite, quasi-Islamic sect that
nevertheless validated his fragmented sense of humanity and ethnic identity. But as he traveled
across the world, Malcolm learned that orthodox Islam was in many ways at odds with the racial
stigmatization and intolerance at the center of the Nation of Islam’s creed.”
Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, by Manning Marble
Treatment Of Mixed People
In America, a person is considered "black" to a white purist for
having a single drop of African blood in them. This distinction
between blacks and whites was made ages ago in order to keep
anyone who had a sliver of African DNA from voting.
This created a wider range of people labeled “black”. Conflicts
sometimes arise between "dark-skin" blacks and mixed "light-skin"
blacks.55 A greater number of dark-skin folk report experiencing
racial discrimination then light-skin folk. This is not to say light-skin
folk never face discrimination, but that blacks who look “more
white” may be treated nicer by whites than blacks who don’t look
white at all.
People of mixed race are often viewed as non-entities in the
racial spectrum. They are the 3rd blood living in a culture that runs
on a binary racial system of "black" or "white". Because of their
status, they can often be treated like a thing of not by people of
either culture.
Sometimes, they may get treated 'nice' by either race for a time,
but can also be subject to both sides' brutalities without warning. A
55While light-skinned folk are most often associated with being mixed, there are also dark skin folk
who are mixed but have little to show for it in skin color- usually, only people with trained eyes can
notice minor facial features that give them away. Otherwise, they're mixed-status will go completely
person of mixed-race is not a "real white" person or a "real black"
person. They may be stripped of their "whiteness" or "blackness" on
a whim. This can happen to them regardless of their level of
charisma, beauty, or social status.
Many mixed folk may feel they have no place in the world. One
minute they will be exalted by either race for having the opposing
bloodline; the next, they will be interrogated and condemned for it.
They’ll be told, "you know, you really aren't white/black at all!" All
three of these reactions can happen back to back on the same day
and often come from the same people.
There are certainly dark-skin people reading this who are
saying to themselves, "Boo-Hoo. Who cares?"
Family members with the mixed blood might claim one side of
their blood over the other. They’ll extort family members who claim
the wrong side of their lineage.
Mixed-bloods can have a unique animosity where they’ll be
suspicious and untrustworthy of just about everyone. They might be
driven in a silent rage towards both sides of their blood. If and when
they "chose a side," they can still hold extreme disdain for the side
they chose. This will go unverbalized and kept hidden from plain
Someone who is part white and part black might have a lot of
conflicting experiences that build up in their lives that they cannot
adequately describe to others- and if they tried, no one would care or
take them seriously.
Purebloods may take measures to verbally discipline mixed-
bloods for having the 'wrong' point of view. They will say sly,
racially charged comments and attribute your opinions to your skin
color or impure ancestry.
If the mixed-blood continues to claim his mixed heritage,
they’ll never be able to escape the irony that someone on both sides
will always view them as an enemy or a spy.
Black Status
As A Cultural And Political Statement
Some blacks will not acknowledge that light skins or mulatto's
are actually "black" because of their mixed heritage.
When someone claims they're "black," or they’re labeled
“black” by society, this can mean a variety of things.
Both blacks and whites will sometimes look at certain white
people, and say "he's black" for cultural reasons. This can be coated
with sarcasm, or be said in all seriousness.
For example, if you have a white boy who is particularly good
at rapping, or dancing, or shows a high degree of toughness and
athleticism, many black Americans will claim he is “black”. A lot of
black Americans aren’t rappers, dancers, or are even athletic, but
many famous blacks are. They associate cultural value with these
subjects, and will impart “blackness” to members of other races that
skilled in these areas.
In some cases, "whiteness" or "blackness" has nothing to do
with your actual skin color and may be based purely on your
political leanings and how dedicated you are to "the cause."
Some white people claim they're black, purely for cultural or
political reasons.56 There are a lot of people who find this behavior
bewildering. Blacks are more likely to come to a white persons
defense in this if they're already friends with them, and they’ve
given some level of sacrifice to their friendship- but that's not always
the case.57
However, for this reason, many blacks are skeptical of people
when they say, "I'm black." A lot of them are ready to boot black
people off of their black status simply for the wrong politics, so
they’re edgy when they see other races claiming black status for
56 Professor Investigated for Posing as Black Has Resigned, University Says, by Michael Levenson,
New York Times, Sep 9, 2020
57 Let Rachel Dolezal Be as Black as She Wants to Be, by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Time, June 15, 2015
illegitimate reasons. As it's been said before, "Everybody wants to be
a nigga, but nobody wants to be a nigger." Or in layman's terms,
everyone wants to be black when it's cool, but they’re nowhere to be
found when it's dangerous to be black.
Culturally in America, your blackness, or lack thereof, can be
held as a "truth" to some and a "falsehood" to others. You may be
"black" according to the one-drop rule and white racists; Some
blacks will accept that identification and others won't.
I once met a dark-skinned woman who had a very aggressive
case of vitiligo. I became close friends with her. Over time she
relayed to me she had trouble interacting with both white AND black
folk - specifically "pro-black" and "anti-prejudice" types - because
of her skin condition. The latter struck me as odd. I asked her, "how
can they treat you differently based on your skin condition? Isn't that
hypocritical?" She didn't even blink, "Oh, they're all fake," she
says. I was floored.
This conundrum has been created by the racism of the system.
There is no way to make everyone happy. If you are mixed or
"different," you may want people to respect your identity –
specifically the people you identify with. Things don’t always work
out that way.
Interracial Relationships
58 In the 1856, abolitionist Charles Sumner took to congress to protest southern states with an anti-
slavery bill, calling slavery an abomination. He was nearly beat to death by his opponents on the
congressional floor. Part of the case for abolitionists often made was the accusation that southern
democrats only wanted to retain slavery so that they could continue forcibly sleeping with their
black slaves. Their opponents shot back by claiming it was the abolitionists who wanted to free slaves
so they could promote interracial marriage, and would have more black women to bed.
It was not uncommon for men on either side of the states to accuse their cultural nemesis of
engaging in these behaviors. A great many mulatto’s are a product of miscegenation stemming from
this era.
Many people will get mad when they see someone of the
opposite race dating someone they like. While they won't say it out
loud, they think to themselves, "I should have first dibs on this
person because they belong to my race. Why is my crush
reciprocating affection for a member of the opposite race? Am I not
good enough for them? What do they have that I don't? I can think of
ten ways in which I am better than them!"
You might feel this way when you catch your crush flirting
anyone, regardless of race. Still, it’s not uncommon for people to
have those thoughts when it is interracial. This can even happen to
people who identify as non-racist.
If you have any inklings of racial prejudice in you, a situation
like this is guaranteed to bring it out- even if no one else can
perceive it.