This document is a bill from BSES Yamuna Power Ltd for electricity supplied to Parkash Gupta of Delhi for the month of October 2020. The bill shows a previous balance of Rs. 343.51 credited to the customer's account. The current charges for 191 units consumed between August 25 to September 22 amounts to Rs. 574.50. Additional charges include a late payment surcharge of Rs. 0 and other charges of Rs. 0. With a rebate/subsidy of Rs. 756.50 applied, the net amount payable is Rs. 0. The customer is advised that the connection will be liable for disconnection if all dues are not paid by the due date as per the Electric
This document is a bill from BSES Yamuna Power Ltd for electricity supplied to Parkash Gupta of Delhi for the month of October 2020. The bill shows a previous balance of Rs. 343.51 credited to the customer's account. The current charges for 191 units consumed between August 25 to September 22 amounts to Rs. 574.50. Additional charges include a late payment surcharge of Rs. 0 and other charges of Rs. 0. With a rebate/subsidy of Rs. 756.50 applied, the net amount payable is Rs. 0. The customer is advised that the connection will be liable for disconnection if all dues are not paid by the due date as per the Electric
This document is a bill from BSES Yamuna Power Ltd for electricity supplied to Parkash Gupta of Delhi for the month of October 2020. The bill shows a previous balance of Rs. 343.51 credited to the customer's account. The current charges for 191 units consumed between August 25 to September 22 amounts to Rs. 574.50. Additional charges include a late payment surcharge of Rs. 0 and other charges of Rs. 0. With a rebate/subsidy of Rs. 756.50 applied, the net amount payable is Rs. 0. The customer is advised that the connection will be liable for disconnection if all dues are not paid by the due date as per the Electric
This document is a bill from BSES Yamuna Power Ltd for electricity supplied to Parkash Gupta of Delhi for the month of October 2020. The bill shows a previous balance of Rs. 343.51 credited to the customer's account. The current charges for 191 units consumed between August 25 to September 22 amounts to Rs. 574.50. Additional charges include a late payment surcharge of Rs. 0 and other charges of Rs. 0. With a rebate/subsidy of Rs. 756.50 applied, the net amount payable is Rs. 0. The customer is advised that the connection will be liable for disconnection if all dues are not paid by the due date as per the Electric
Date of Print Out: 23.10.2020 BSES Yamuna Power Ltd.
Bill of Supply for Electricity Due Date:
GSTIN : 07AABCC8569N1Z0 -- Name : PARKASH GUPTA Billing Address : C-94 EAST AZAD NAGAR DELHI 110051 Sanctioned Load : 1.00 (kW) CA No. : 100768240 Energisation Date : 11.12.2000 Contract Demand : Meter Type : 1PSK MDI : 2.18 (kW) Supply Type : LT Power Factor : 1.000 Bill No. : 100815121861 Pole No. : KRNPN787S1 Bill Basis : Actual O.D. No. : Y/20/11190021725 Meter Reading Status : DL CCTV Tagged : No Mobile / Tel. No. :9899935660 Cycle No. : 12 Street Light Tagged : No WI-FI Tagged : No Email ID : District / Division :Krishna Nagar Tariff Category : Domestic [ Residential ] Walking Sequence :EAN060855A0AC Bill Month :OCT-20 Bill Date :24-09-2020 Customer Care Centre No. 39999808 Meter No Units Billed Consumption (Current) Billed Consumption (Previous) Multiplication Current Consumption Factor Date of Meter Reading Date of Meter Reading Days Units Reading Reading 35385353 kWh 22-09-2020 2,180.00 24-08-2020 1,989.00 1.00 29 191.00 35385353 kW 22-09-2020 2.18 1.00 2.18
Billing Details Current Period Charges ( 25-08-2020 to 22-09-2020 )
Fixed Charges Slab-wise Energy Charges Slab-wise FPA/PPA TOD Srch@8% Elec.tricity Total Amount (A) on (E= Tax @ 5% (A+B+C+D+E+ Cons. Measrd Billed Units Unit Amount(B) PPAC% Amount(C) TOD% on Surg/Rebt . A+B+D+R) (H) F+G+H) During Rate on B B Amount (D) 19.19 45 3.00 135.00 9.05 12.22 47.50 33.62 756.50 0.96 Mth(s) 1 4.50 4.50 9.05 .41 145 3.00 435.00 9.05 39.37 PPAC on Fix Pension Surcharge Chg(G) @5% (F) 1.74 27.95 CCTV CCTV Units Bill Amount (I) 0.00 0.00 Street Light Units Street Light Points TOTAL -> 191 574.50 52.00 (W) WI-FI Units 10W 20W 40W
Past Dues / Refunds / Subsidy
Arrears / Refunds Late Payment Other Charges, Total Charges Rebate(R) / Subsidy* Net Amount Surcharge (LPSC) if any * Payable Payable Amount Period to which it relates (343.51) 0.00 0.00 412.99 0.00/(756.50) (343.51) Rs. 0.00 Reasons Amount not immediately Bill Amount Payable payable, if any. Service line cum development charges paid Rs. 0.00 Security Deposit with DISCOM Rs. 600.00 Rs. 0.00 Interest accrued for FY 2019-20 already adjusted in bill No.102043951146 Rs. (76.65) ( generated for the period 27-03-2020 to24-04-2020). Due Date of Payment Interest for FY 2020-21 will be adjusted in your first bill to be generated in FY 2021-22 -- If payment is made after the due date, LPSC for the delay, shall be charged in Last payment Rs. 240.00 received on 17-07-2019 Payment Accounted Upto. 21-09-2020 the next bill. The connection shall be liable for disconnection on non payment of all dues(including arrears of previous bill(s)) by due date, after notice as per Section 56(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003. #GoNCTD vide Order No. F.11(111)/2012/Power/Vol-III/1417-1427 dated 20.04.2020 has extended subsidy to domestic consumers w.e.f. 01.04.2020 of entire bill amount upto 200 Units/month. Slab 201-400 Units/month will get subsidy upto Rs.800/month.No subsidy for consumption above 400 Units/month.##Power Purchase Adjustment Charge (PPAC) @ 9.05% has been levied on energy & fixed charge w.e.f 19.08.2020. CCTV Bill amount include Energy,RA,PPAC,PTC and Electricity Tax on CCTV consumption.##In case anyvariation in SLD charges noted, consumer may visit divisional office for requisite correction. Pension Surcharge @ 5.00% has been levied on energy & fixed charge w.e.f. 01.09.2020. ##The amount of Security Deposit against your connection is mentioned herewith under the heading "Security Deposit with DISCOM". Please check this amount and report any discrepancy by furnishing documentary proof in that regard available with you, at the customer care centre of respective division office. #
(This bill is computer generated, hence does not require signature.)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAYNOW Payment Slip * Make your cheque/DD payable to BYPL CA No. 100768240 * Cheque should be account payee and payable at Delhi * Cheque should not be post dated. * Do not Staple.Only clip the cheque to payment slip.. * Write your telephone number on reverse of the cheque. Bill amount payable: Rs.0.00 Bill month:OCT-20 Cheque/DD No. Date: 1200Y100768240000000000000202009240000000000 Regd.Office: BSES Yamuna Power Limited (A joint venture of Reliance Infrastructure Ltd & Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Shakti Kiran Building, Karkardooma, DELHI-110032 CIN NO.:U40109DL2001PLC111525, Telephone No: 011-39999808, Fax No: 011-30813598, Email: [email protected], Website: