The Embryo Project Encyclopedia - Teratogens - 2019-01-09

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By: Tantibanchachai, Chanapa Keywords: teratogenicity [2]

Teratogens are substances that may produce physical or functional defects in the human embryo orfetus [3] after the pregnant
woman is exposed to the substance. Alcohol and cocaine are examples of such substances. Exposure to the teratogen affects
the fetus [3] or embryo in a variety of ways, such as the duration of exposure, the amount of teratogenic substance, and the
stage of development the embryo or fetus [3] is in during the exposure. Teratogens may affect the embryo orfetus [3] in a number
of ways, causing physical malformations, problems in the behavioral or emotional development of the child, and decreased
intellectual quotient (IQ) in the child. Additionally, teratogens may also affect pregnancies and cause complications such as
preterm labors, spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages. Teratogens are classified into four types: physical agents, metabolic
conditions, infection, and finally, drugs and chemicals.

The word teratogen originates from the Greek word for monster, teratos. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, a physician from Paris,
France, defined it in 1832 in Histoire générale et particuliére des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux
(General and Particular History of Structural Monstrosities in Man and Animals). People had sought explanations for abnormal
human and animal development, however, for centuries, and they had developed different theories about the causes for the
abnormalities. In Babylon, many said that infants with congenital malformations, or structural abnormalities present at birth, were
constellations in human forms as well as fortune-tellers. Many early Hebrews said that abnormal development resulted from the
deformed person's association with the devil. Aristotle [4], who lived in Athens, Greece in the fourth century, B.C., deemedbirth
defects [5] as disturbances in reproduction rather than supernatural occurrences. Aristotle [4] and Hippocrates [6], a physician who
practiced in Greece in the fifth century B.C., claimed that a pregnant woman's experiences or emotions, which became called
maternal impressions, can affect the formation of the fetus [3]. The theory of maternal impressions persisted until the early 1900s,
despite evidence to the contrary by John Hunter [7], a surgeon in Scotland in the late eighteenth century.

At the beginning of the 19th century,Johann Friedrich Meckel [8], the Younger, an anatomist from Halle, Germany, asserted that
deviations from the normal developmental process caused malformations. Meckel wrote his doctoral thesis on an anatomical
study of heart disease in 1802 and founded a journal dedicated to teratology [9], Journal für anatomische Varietäten, feinere und
pathologische Anatomie (Journal of Anatomical Varieties, Finer and Pathological Anatomy). Meckel examined anatomical
defects and their causes. Because he asserted that to understand abnormal development, one must first understand normal
development, he documented his observations of normal embryological development of mammals in a sequence of forms.
Meckel also categorized abnormal development into four basic types: reduced or absent body parts (insufficient generative
energy), enlarged or multiple body parts (excessive energy), aberration of form and of position, and hermaphroditism, which
included deformities such as ambiguous genitalia.

Following Meckel, scientists in the nineteenth century began experimental studies to detect teratogens.Etienne Geoffroy [10]
Saint-Hilaire in Paris, France, experimented on chick [11] eggs by subjecting them to pricking, inversion, jarring, and abnormally
high or low temperatures to study the resulting malformations; he believed that certain manipulations could invoke specific
deformations. Although deformities materialized, Saint-Hilaire didn't identify their exact causes. His son Isidore then reported the
results of the experiments between the years of 1832 and 1837 in his three-volume Traité de Tératologie (Treatise on
Teratology). Other scientists following Saint-Hilaire also experimented with teratogens, notably Camille Dareste in France, who
successfully produced abnormalities in chick [11] embryos during twenty-two years of experiments until his death in 1899.

Scientists in the twentieth century classified teratogens into four categories, physical, chemical, or infectious agents and
maternal conditions. Physical agents include ionizing radiation [12] or other agents that contribute to hyperthermia, or elevated
body temperature. Ionizing radiation [12] is radiation [12] composed of particles, X-rays, or gamma rays that carry adequate energy
to free an electron from an atom or molecule, resulting in electrically charged ions in matter. In the 1920s reports surfaced of
abnormalities in the children of women who were X-rayed while pregnant. The common anomalies were small head
circumference, or microcephaly [13], and small eyes, or microphthalmia. Douglas P. Murphy, from theUniversity of Pennsylvania
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, surveyed gynecologists and radiologists across the US between 1928 and 1929, and found
that of the seventy-four children reported to have been exposed to radiation [12] in utero, twenty-five were malformed.

Agents that cause hyperthermia are also physical teratogens. These could be saunas, hot tubs, or infections that raise a
pregnant woman's body temperature to 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Scientists have shown that hyperthermia-causing
agents acted as teratogens in both animals and humans [15]. Experiments on animals, such as guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice,
rabbits, sheep [16], pigs, and monkeys from the early 1970s to the early 1990s demonstrated that hyperthermia causescentral
nervous system [17] malformations, microcephaly [13], abdominal wall defects, defects of the eye and palate, and limbreduction [18]
defects. David L. Cockroft and Denis Alan Trevor New in the UK reported in the 1970s that heating explanted rat [19] embryos

caused microcephaly [13], enlarged hearts, and skeletal deformities. In the 1980s, scientists used other agents to cause
hyperthermia in pregnant females, such as ultrasound [20] and electromagnetic radiation [12], to test the agent's capacity to cause
birth defects [5] in offspring. In humans [15], hyperthermia is associated with neural tube [21] defects, spontaneous abortions, and
various cardiovascular abnormalities. Physicians and scientists gathered evidence in the early 1990s which supported their
theories that there was an association between the high fevers of pregnant women and congenital abnormalities, such as
cardiac defects, abdominal wall defects, or a disruption of the enervation of the large intestine called Hirschsprung disease, in
their offspring.

Metabolic conditions affecting pregnant females such as malnutrition, diabetes, and thyroid disorders are a second category of
teratogens. Metabolic conditions are abnormalities in the chemical process of producing energy from food, and thereby affect
the development and function of the body. If a pregnant woman is malnourished, then her fetus [3] likely lacks the nutrients
essential for its development. In the case of diabetes, low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, may cause fetal malformations.
Hypoglycemia interferes with some proteins in the developing fetal heart by increasing the expression of proteins which are
regulated by glucose. Excessive blood sugar, also seen with diabetes, may cause neural tube [21] defects, or birth defects [5] of
the brain and spinal cord, and may also induce the release of free radicals, or damaged cells that are missing an essential
molecule, which disrupt fetal development. In the 2000s, The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada reviewed
reports from 1990 to 2005 on the risk of congenital anomalies in pregnancies caused by pre-existing or gestational diabetes.
They found that the risk of major malformations increases from four to ten percent in infants of diabetic mothers. This statistic
was two to three times higher than that in general populations.

Thyroid disorders include disorders in which the thyroid gland malfunctions, thereby producing abnormal amounts of the thyroid
hormones [22], thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which regulate metabolism. Thyroid disorders can cause a number of teratogenic
effects to a developing fetus [3], as well as adverse effects on pregnancy [23] such as miscarriage [24], premature separation of the
placenta [25] from the uterine wall (placental abruption), preterm labor, and lower IQ scores in the children. In the 1940s,
pediatrician Josef Warkany and colleagues in Cincinnati, Ohio raised female rats on a diet high in substances which interfere
with thyroid function or goitrogens. As a result of this diet, the pregnant females developed enlarged thyroid glands and their
offspring had skeletal malformations such as abnormally short jaw bones and tails, shortened or absent lower leg bones, and
fusion of the ribs.

Infections such as those caused by rubella virus, herpes simplex virus, and syphilis, are a third kind of teratogen. In 1941,
ophthalmologist Norman McAlister Gregg at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children in Sydney, Australia witnessed cataracts
in seventy-eight children whose mothers were infected with the rubella virus during either the first or second months of
pregnancy [23]. The connection Gregg made between the virus and congenital malformations contributed to one of the first
discoveries of a teratogen that wasn't a manufactured chemical. In addition to rubella, herpes simplex virus, and cytomegalovirus
—one of the herpes viruses that passes through direct contact with body fluids, congenital abnormalities can be caused by
infections of Toxoplasma gondii [26], a parasite often obtained by eating contaminated meat, drinking contaminated water, or
coming into contact with infected cat feces, and Treponema pallidum [27], the bacterium that causes syphilis.

The fourth kind of teratogen includes drugs and chemicals the pregnant female ingests such as alcohol, cocaine, thalidomide,
Agent Orange, and vitamin A and its derivatives, called retionids. In 1933, Fred Hale at the Texas Agricultural Experiment [28]
Station in College Station, Texas, fed pregnant female pigs a diet severely deficient in vitamin A and found that the offspring had
various congenital malformations such as anophthalmia, which is the absence of one or both eyes, and cleft palate. Over the
next four years, Hale experimented with pigs and vitamin A deficiency and found other defects such as cleft lip and malformed
hind legs. Hale's experiments established that an absence or deficiency of a nutrient could produce severe congenital
malformations in mammalian embryos. In 1953, pediatrician Sidney Q. Cohlan in New York City, New York, reported that large
doses of vitamin A caused congenital malformations of the central nervous system [17] and other systems in rats. That
announcement led to decades of experimentation with vitamin A and its derivatives, retinoids.

In the 1960s, thalidomide provided one of the first instances when governments enacted regulations regarding the risk of
teratogens to the developing fetus [3]. Thalidomide had been patented in 1954 and was approved for use in Europe as a sedative
and anti-nausea medicine for pregnant women. After several years on the market, physicians noted that women who had taken
thalidomide while pregnant gave birth to a increased number of infants with severe malformations such as shortened, absent, or
extra limbs (dysmelia), incomplete development or a below average number of cells (bone hypoplasticity), and a variety of ear,
heart, and internal organ defects. In 1961, physician Widukind Lenz in Hamburg, Germany reported his observations on
thalidomide's teratogenicity and the drug was soon taken off the market. Physician and pharmacologist Frances Kelsey of the
US Food and Drug Administration [29] (FDA), headquartered in Washington D.C., never approved the sale of thalidomide in the
US. Kelsey requested more clinical test results after she received reports of the adverse effects of thalidomide in Europe.
Approximately 10,000 babies worldwide were born with defects due to thalidomide. After the thalidomide incident, in August
1962, the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association implored the US pharmaceutical industry to establish a
Commission on Drug Safety to develop ways of improving animal teratogenicity tests. In 1966, the FDA issued Guidelines for
Reproductive Studies for Safety Evaluation of Drugs for Human Use, which created a standard for evaluating teratogenicity and
was issued in many countries.

In 1977, James G. Wilson at the University of Florida Medical School in Gainesville, Florida, refined the principles ofteratology [9]
he had first introduced in 1959 at a conference on congenital malformations. Wilson's six principles of teratology [9] state

1. Sensitivity to teratogen-induced malformation depends on the genotype (species) of the conceptus.

2. Sensitivity to teratogen-induced malformation varies during different developmental stages [30] at the time of
exposure, where there are critical periods of sensitivity to agents and organ systems.
3. Teratogens act via a specific mechanism on developing cells and tissues to initiate a cascade of altered
developmental events.
4. Teratogenic effects are dependent on the nature of the teratogen, including chemical properties of the
chemical, route of exposure, maternal/fetal bioactivation, placental transport, etc.
5. Teratogens produce a consistent deviation from normal development. Deviation can include: (1) death, (2)
malformation, (3) growth retardation [31], or (4) functional defect.
6. Teratogen-induced malformations occur in a dose-dependent manner, ranging from no observable defects to
total lethality.

Alcohol, which also falls under the fourth category of teratogen, can causeFetal Alcohol Syndrome [32] (FAS) in children born to
women who drank too much alcohol while pregnant. FAS can cause defects such as minor facial abnormalities and damage to
the brain, which consequently leads to learning, behavioral, and cognitive abnormalities. In the US, pediatricians David W. Smith
and Kenneth L. Jones examined a group of children at the University of Washington's Harborview Medical Center in Seattle,
Washington in 1973. Of the eight children observed, four had similar deficiencies in growth and cognitive development. This
observation led Smith and Jones to investigate alcohol as a teratogen and over the next few years, the duo collected case
studies of children born to alcoholic mothers to enumerate morphological anomalies and growth deficiencies associated with

Today, the FDA monitors teratogen exposures to pregnant women in the US with a number of regulations and risk management
programs. For example, the retinoic acid isotretinoin which is commonly used for acne treatment cannot be given to any patient
unless they are enrolled in iPLEDGE, a risk management program designed to prevent fetal exposure to isotretinoin.

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2. Angles, J.M., D.A. Walsh, K. Li, S.B. Barnett, and Marshall J. Edwards. "Effects of Pulsed Ultrasound and Temperature on
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3. Barrow, Mark V. "A Brief History of Teratology to the Early 20th Century."Teratology 4 (1971): 119–29.
4. Brown-Woodman, Patricia D. C., John A. Hadley, Janet Waterhose, and William S. Webster. "Teratogenic Effects of
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12. Cohlan, Sidney Q. "Excessive Intake of Vitamin A as a Cause of Congenital Anomalies in the Rat."Science 117 (1953):
13. Dareste, Camille. Recherches sur la production artificielle des monstruosités, ou, Essais de tératogénie expérimentale
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14. Edwards, Marshall J. "Hyperthermia as a Teratogen: A Review of Experimental Studies and Their Clinical Significance."
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15. Finnell, Richard H. "Teratology: General Consideration and Principles." Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 103
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16. Friedman, Jan M. "The Principles of Teratology: Are They Still True?" Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and
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17. Garfield, Eugene. "Teratology Literature and the Thalidomide Controversy." InEssays of an Information Scientist.
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18. Germain, Mary-Ann, William S. Webster, and Marshall J. Edwards. "Hyperthermia as a Teratogen: Parameters
Determining Hyperthermia-Induced Head Defects in the Rat." Teratology 31 (1985): 265–72.
19. Goldstein, Leopold and Douglas P. Murphy. "Microcephalic Idiocy Following Radium Therapy for Uterine Cancer During
Pregnancy." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 18 (1929): 89–95.
20. Graham Jr., John M., and Marshall J. Edwards. "Teratogenic Effects of Maternal Hyperthermia."Annals of the Research
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21. Graham Jr., John M., Matthew J. Edwards, and Marshall J. Edwards. "Teratogen Update: Gestational Effects of Maternal
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22. Gregg, Norman McAlister. "Congenital Cataract Following German Measles in the Mother."Transactions of the
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23. Hale, Fred. "Pigs Born Without Eyeballs." Journal of Heredity [41] 24 (1933): 105–6. [42] (Accessed January 8, 2014).
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25. Hill, Robert. "Model Systems and Their Predictive Value in Assessing Teratogens."Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 3
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26. Kalter, Harold. "Teratology in the 20th Century: Environmental Causes of Congenital Malformations in Humans and How
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27. Lary, Joseph M., David L. Conover, Edward D. Foley, and Peggy L. Hanser. "Teratogenic Effects of 27.12 MHz
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28. Lary, Joseph M., David L. Conover, Peggy H. Johnson, and Jenné A. Burg. "Teratogenicity of 27.12-MHz Radiation in
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29. Lenz, Widukind and Klais Knapp. "Thalidomide embryopathy." Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal 5
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30. Lipson, Anthony, John M. Optiz, and James F. Reynolds. "Hirschsprung Disease in the Offspring of Mothers Exposed to
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31. Little, Bertis B., Fred E. Ghali, Laura M. Snell, Kraig A. Knoll, W. Johnston, and Larry C. Gilstrap "Is Hyperthermia
Teratogenic in the Human?" American Journal of Perinatology 8 (1991): 185–9.
32. Meyers, Vera Kolb. "Chemicals Which Cause Birth Defects—Teratogens: A Special Concern of Research Chemists."
Science of the Total Environment 32 (1983): 1–12.
33. Murphy, Douglas P. "Ovarian Irradiation; Its Effects on the Health of Subsequent Children: Review of the Literature,
Experimental and Clinical, with a Report of Three-Hundred and Twenty Human Pregnancies." Surgery, Gynecology, and
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34. Murphy, Douglas P. "Outcome of 625 Pregnancies in Women Subjected to Pelvic Radium or Roentgen Irradiation."
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36. Saint-Hilaire, Isidore Geoffroy. 1832–1837. Histoire générale et particuliére des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme
et les animaux, ouvrage comprenant des rescherches sur les caractéres, la classification, l'influence physiologique et
pathologique, les rapports généraux, les lois et les causes des monstruosités, des variétés et vices de conformation, ou
traité de tératogologie (General and particular history of the abnormalities of the organization [43] of humans [15] and
animals, or work comprising researches on characters, classification, physiological and pathological influence, general
relations, the laws and causes of monstrosities, varieties and vices in formation, or treatise on teratology [9]). 3 Vols. and
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37. Smoak, Ida W. "Hypoglycemia and Embryonic Heart Development." Frontiers in Bioscience 7 (2002): 307–18.
38. Squier, Susan. Poultry Science, Chicken Culture. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2011.
39. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration [29] Bulletin. Guidelines for Reproductive
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40. Vissenberg, Rosa, Emmy van den Boogaard, Madelon van Wely, Joris A. van der Post, Eric Fliers, Peter H. Bisschop, and
Mariëtte Goddijn. "Treatment of Thyroid Disorders Before Conception and in Early Pregnancy: A Systematic Review."
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41. Warkany, Josef and Rose C. Nelson. "Changes in the Anterior Pituitary Gland of Rats with Experimental Goiter."
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine39 (1938) 66–71.
42. Warkany, Josef and Rose C. Nelson. "Appearance of Skeletal Abnormalities in the Offspring of Rats Reared on a Deficient
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43. Warkany, Josef and Rose C. Nelson. "Skeletal Abnormalities in the Offspring of Rats Reared on Deficient Diets."The
Anatomical Record 79 (1941): 83–100.
44. Warkany, Josef, Rose C. Nelson, and Elizabeth Scraffenberger. "Congenital Malformations Induced in Rats by Maternal
Nutritional Deficiency: II. Use of Varied Diets and of Different Strains of Rat." American Journal of Diseases of Children 64
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45. Warkany, Josef and Rose C. Nelson. "Congenital Malformations Induced in rats by Maternal Nutritional Deficiency."
Journal of Nutrition 23 (1942): 321–33. [45](Accessed January 8, 2014).
46. Wilson, James G. Environment and Birth Defects. New York, New York: Academic Press, 1973.
47. Wilson, James G. "Current Status of Teratology: General Principles and Mechanisms Derived from Animal Studies." In
Handbook of Teratology, eds. James G. Wilson and Frank Clarke Fraser, Vol. 1. New York: Plenum Press, 1977, 47–74.
48. Wilson, James G. "The Evolution of Teratological Testing." Teratology 20 (1979): 205–11.
49. Zuck, Michael V. "Teratogen." In The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, Vol. 2, 2nd ed., ed. Brigham Narins. Detroit:
Gale, 2006, 1246–8.

Teratogens are substances that may produce physical or functional defects in the human embryo or fetus after the pregnant
woman is exposed to the substance. Alcohol and cocaine are examples of such substances. Exposure to the teratogen affects
the fetus or embryo in a variety of ways, such as the duration of exposure, the amount of teratogenic substance, and the stage
of development the embryo or fetus is in during the exposure. Teratogens may affect the embryo or fetus in a number of ways,
causing physical malformations, problems in the behavioral or emotional development of the child, and decreased intellectual
quotient IQ in the child. Additionally, teratogens may also affect pregnancies and cause complications such as preterm labors,
spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages. Teratogens are classified into four types: physical agents, metabolic conditions,
infection, and finally, drugs and chemicals.

Abnormalities, Human [46] Fetus [47] Pregnancy [48] Teratogenicity testing [49] Embryos [50] Teratogenic agents [51] Human embryo [52]
Fetus [47] Miscarriage [53] Thalidomide [54] Teratogens [55]

Disorders [56]

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