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Thin Flow (Couette! Consider steady, incompressible, laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in an infinitely long round pipe of diameter D or radius R = Di2 (Fig. 9-71). We ignore the effects of gravity. A constant pressure gradient aP/ax is applied in the x-direction, Pr 2 a ap Applied pressure gradient: = where x, and x, are two arbitrary locations along the x-axis, and P, and P, are the pressures at those two locations. Note that we adopt a modified cylindrical coordinate system here with x instead of z for the axial compo- nent, namely, (r, 8, x) and (U,, Up, U). Derive an expression for the velocity field’ inside the pipe and estimate the viscous shear force per unit surface area acting on the pipe wall. a yo "i ' | hi Fluid: p, ‘ i Fixed plate... x j Assumpbers: 1 Plates eve infinite in ac arch & 2. Steady Flow 3. Raraile\ Flew (Xg}e) 4 lncomptessiole ind Newtoman fiud (loratrar) 6 Rrecsute—corctaht with respect te Se e Nelecity fiekl=> 2d [wo cnet & ony velocity component 1s 2610] Je-gk or[gx=gy=0 ard ge- -9] © Set up the problem and the geowetry ® Pesumptions ard courcary coreitions (ro shp) at bottom plate Ly-o) Weve wo * at top plate (y=h) UENV , VeO , Weo ) 3) Simplify differential Equations ¥ continuity Equation BE aE Hao | oe (# 7O =? UF ly) HX Mementuny Equert1on plas Biv ed) - Be pes wie 22% centeuty Aceurpiars 2 certty 3 5 Fiyct pales 16 Pk excelerolirg ae 7 => P- PL) > Bre: 9 {" component of center ae 5 az 7 ® Solve the Equations op) Integrate Lvaice us uty) ond P= UsCyic, ord Po -pyetcs © Apply tourdary cordon von os then Caz Po => P~ Po - PO® >for incompressible Flow fiekls Prescure does ret contribute te Ane Coren 1: Us Cyl) ACn=0 29 C20 og yo aN Contin 2: = Cidh)sorve> Qe © Venfy ve results 2 ' ra m(3p8x (at, aye) Oe we 2 Ys { w(3k+35) 2135) (Bean) | Ay (Sha am ay (See pl aL) anle) Shear force per unit areq acting on the wall F V. wat i Ht) crobes, dyromnie of the flow Field O wy ° without Free Surfaces hydrostatic X an) oO 0 °o.°0 Flow in Pipes (Poiseuille) Consider steady, incompressible, laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in an infinitely long round pipe of diameter D or radius R = D/2 (Fig. 9-71). We ignore the effects of gravity. A constant pressure gradient aP1@x is applied in the x-direction, P,~ P, Applied pressure gradient: “ = Spa 7 constant a where x, and x, are two arbitrary locations along the x-axis, and P, and P, are the pressures at those two locations. Note that we adopt a modified cylindrical coordinate system here with x instead of z for the axial compo- nent, namely, (r, @, x) and (u,, Up, u). Derive an expression for the velocity field inside the pipe and estimate the viscous shear force per unit surface area acting on the pipe wall. ® Loy out ve problen are the ceometry @® Ust assermplors ore boundary cord ions © Ascumptiors 1. The pipe 1S infinity log in the t-drection Steady Flow Ravallel Fiow Cu =©) ard Nentonian Put 16 applied in the a-ewecton 2 3 1d, larwrar Flow 4. (ncompessible S. conetant Pressure Qrochent G. Velocity Field 1S antyinvetnie wth ro onitl tere & paral enwtives with resped te @ are zero 7 Igrore effects oF gavity % Bourcayy conditions 1 TER, Veo Cro-sip condition) 2 tro, Meo @ Wore out and simphfy differential ecpetLions # Continuky Eqyuettien 2 ou fp ded, abies Bo 4 BE -o reuemption 3 omrriten 6 => veld) Momentary Equation pe sw Be 4 Mah UB) Bo ai (F RR) «BY ceompon 28 6 axtmoly P+ PIX) ® Sore the cifferential equations gu ae 6 integrate) AL (ge). LSE Ler tren mes op ‘ Layee £5 oa (46, integrate) > dP ld ae FO a cuhhr ace © Apply bourdary concltens Bounckny condition 2 awe >c12d RP 2 oP Bourdary condition | US ag a AP yoacas0 => 2 - a0 Ge 1 oa ge © Ue an eR) Nenify results Sethirg t=0 =? Uvex = - Re ge Ne Re urd de = it sat [Mon gre = _ a Rt dP ee de Neg «Le CB) #) RAP a rR EE ae © 0 we The [we Ge ‘)) 0 6 =) Tea ee Xen peo 8 BoP \iScous shear sties cll Ue pipe val? Nees WOT ® ce Niscas Sheat fore per amit area acting on the wall = F_ Ra; A) 2 cle Falling Down Walls Consider steady, incompressible, parallel, laminar flow of a film of oil falling slowly down an infinite vertical wall (Fig. 9-68). The oil film thickness is h, and gravity acts in the negative z-direction (downward in Fig. 9-68). There is no applied (forced) pressure driving the flow—the oil falls by gravity alone. Calculate the velocity and pressure fields in the oil film and sketch the nor- malized velocity profile. You may neglect changes in the hydrostatic pressure of the surrounding air. © Set up the proplee ard geometry @ List ecournptes ard hourdary comitions X Resunaptions [The wall ts infinste i the yz plone 2. Steady Flow “a 3. Parallel Flow Lure) 4. lernwar Flow , 'necenprenibie € Alewtonen Fud 5. P= Pam ceenstentor Free surface G. Veloaty fields 20-7 vec , parva dervatives 4 . with respect © Y7O % Bourdary CoretitionS. . 1 x20 ,W= v= We 0 (r0-Sl9) 1 9--gk 2, Bap at x-h UCHLIONS, ® White cut ard sepnly the cifferervell €¢) % Continuity Eaucton ae Be ccsurypten y sueypten ntum ction . ; . . “Grup ee) ah ex en(Be 3h 9B)- acu 2 a exsungamse corte o => We wh) cement cps np, 8 @® Sone the dfferental equaors £3 4 2 ow S 2 (integente twice) > We gay # EAC © Aoply boundary endters te Weo4o ACL =O => C20 OP, J 2. gw). Byaciror cy [we Fm BOT (x. 2h) -» we (-) everywhere P= Pay everywrere Since aeh = Annular Flow Consider steady, incompressible, laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in an infinitely long round pipe annulus of inner radius R; and outer radius Ry shown below. Ignore the effects of gravity. A constant negative pressure gradient 2 is applied in the x-direction, 4 Xa are two arbitrary locations along the axis, and Py and P, are the pressures at those two locations. The pressure gradient may be caused by a pump and/or gravity. Note that we adopt ‘8 modified cylindrical coordinate system here with x instead of z for the axial component, namely, (F,1,x) and (ty, tg, tt). Derive an expression for the velocity field in the annular space in the pipe. Our Sumnptiens I Neglect. gravity effects 2. Fully developed fier 2p assumption =e} <0 =>ul )=0 3, ws constant 4. No - slip conditions UR) <0 Re) 5. Steady Flow $2 =o i - NT aaron) Sa * Continuity Equatiery IN = OUT du Fim =p Aur *Plevrar)ua roan = P (200ar) Uns Mim = Mut 2ptrar Ula = 2pmrar Ulawe Ub + Uleae c. gt I flere] : Pla(darar)4 Mae. (drexr) - Pleat or = Please Hrar =r ax ue - H(rsar) wSE 2m (rau) Ge pee) Grr) Placan(Z7r8") a Ve sag Pt Over Jax) Fe Use AC —raP du du FB (DI 2S, dr \! dr ) —aP te( du pax > T oe cor 1d nu AP. ae er Sk ( st : - frac Bourclary conchtion ©! ULei)-0 Wo: Thrice vey au. trac Pap =- aT Boundary cercition @: U (Re) =o ee Uro2s ford ac fp Rerce \u A Jae Ira Jz 17 (Re?-R?) AP Taping ds ue “2 E a alert, nln Ca ae ~ tara c frac. Gain ge Ox betituting ~AB, into 1 Soluing for cr and G, end Sul 9 “asx Re fnde - Relads 1. => Wear ) < Re. ne

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