The Two Grandmothers
The Two Grandmothers
The Two Grandmothers
English B
Miss Hermanstein
1. Give the characters in the story and explain their relationship to the
Mummy- Narrator’s mother
Daddy- Narrator’s father
Grandma Del- Narrator’s paternal grandma
Grandma Elaine/Towser- Narrator’s maternal grandma
Mister Sonson- Neighbour of narrator’s paternal grandma
Miss Princess- Narrator’s paternal grandma’s postwoman
Mister Blake- Narrator’s paternal grandma’s church’s stand in parson
Mister Mack- Narrator’s paternal grandma’s handyman
Eulalie- Narrator’s paternal grandma’s handyman’s daughter
Ermandine- Narrator’s paternal grandma’s handyman’s daughter
Great-grandpa Del- Narrator’s paternal great grandfather
Great-grandma- Narrator’s paternal great grandmother
Joycie- Neighbour of narrator’s paternal grandma who she attends church
Melody-Ann- Neighbour of narrator’s maternal grandmother
Aunt Thelma- Narrator’s maternal aunt
Joyce- Narrator’s babysitter when staying with maternal grandmother
Mister Kincaid- Narrator’s maternal grandmother’s boyfriend
Uncle Frank- Narrator’s maternal uncle
Grandpapa- Narrator’s maternal grandfather
Jason- Narrator’s maternal cousin
Maureen- Narrator’s maternal cousin
Pearlie- Narrator’s bestfriend
Gina- Narrator’s friend
Jean-Ann- Narrator’s friend
Uncle Rob- Narrator’s maternal uncle
Auntie Rita- Narrator’s maternal aunt
Mister Blake (2 nd)- Narrator’s maternal grandmother’s new boyfriend
7. Identify (copy) one sentence with mistake(s) and rewrite same with
the appropriate corrections.
I love Towser so much though, she hugs me a lot and says things that make
me laugh and she gives me wonderful presents.
I love Towser so much though, she hugs me a lot, says things that make me
laugh and she gives me wonderful presents.