Subject: English Topic: The Laburnum Top Worksheet No: 5
d) Which phrase captures the surprise experienced with the arrival of the bird?
‘A suddenness, a startlement’ conveys the surprise and shock.
1. To what is the bird’s movement compared? What is the basis for the
The goldfinch’s movement is compared to a lizard. The basis for the comparison is
that it is sleek, abrupt and alert like a lizard. The same kinds of movements are
observed when the goldfinch arrives on the laburnum tree.
4. What does the phrase ‘her barred face identity mask’ mean?
This is an example of the poetic device - transferred epithet. The laburnum
tree has flowers that fall like bars and when the bird sits behind the flowers the
shadow on her face looks like she is wearing a mask that has bars on it. So,
barred - is actually an adjective for the flowers and has been transferred from
there and applied to the bird.
5. The whole tree trembles and thrills’. Explain the poetic device used by the poet.
The poetic device used is ‘alliteration’. ‘Tree trembles and thrills’ signify that the
arrival of the goldfinch on the laburnum top is responsible for the movement and
the activities on the tree. The tree has suddenly sprung to life and there is shaking
and thrilling movement on it. Personification is also used as a poetic device in
‘Tree trembles’.
6. What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem?
The beginning of the poem describes a silent laburnum tree which has no noise,
movement or life. The ending is also similar where the goldfinch flies away into
the vast sky. But the middle part of the poem shows us a totally transformed tree
with noise of the young ones compared to a machine.
1. Why did the goldfinch enter the thickness of the laburnum tree? Quote the line
or words that support your answer. (30-40 words)
2. Explain the first three lines of the poem 'The Laburnum Top'. (30-40 words)
3. ‘She launches away, towards the infinite’. Explain the given line. (30-40 words)