Contractor Management Procedure
Contractor Management Procedure
Contractor Management Procedure
Why it is Required
TasNetworks has obligations and expectations in safety law, environmental law, Energy
Networks Australia standards, Industry and
Australian Standards to ensure Health Safety
and Environment (HSE) Risk is being The two key clauses that relate to contractor
managed between us, our Contractors and management in the Work Health and Safety Act 2012
their subcontractors. TasNetworks has need us to manage the duties we share with our
duties to consult, co-operate and co- Contractors (section 16) and to consult, co-operate
and co-ordinate with businesses we share duties with
ordinate to share the management of our
(section 46). TasNetworks also has duties as the
health, safety and environmental Risks with owner of our assets, plant and equipment and as
the businesses we engage. designers, constructors or when we engage others to
make plant or structures (sections 20-26). These
Effective contract management results in: duties cannot be transferred to our Contractors
tasks being planned better because duties (sections 14).
are clear and understood; fewer incidents
While environmental laws don’t provide general
and delays; better safety performance. This duties for working with Contractors, we need to work
creates better relationships with our with other businesses to manage our impact on the
Contractors and subcontractors whilst environment to protect the environment, and our
continually improving TasNetworks reputation.
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Procedure Authorisation and Revision History
Issue date 30/07/2018
Authorised by Zero Harm TLT
Review Cycle 2 years
Revision History
Date Revision Details
30/07/2018 Original Issue – replaces/supersedes Transend Contractor Risk Management
Standard (TNM-DS-809-0113); AE-OHS-SYS-PRO-005 Standard Managing
Contractor Workplace Health and Safety; TasNetworks Contractor Risk
Management Standard.
19/12/2018 Amendment of the procedure to cater to the Contract Operations Team and the
Sourcing and Procurement Teams function and sharing of responsibility.
Reference documents
The following documents were reviewed as part of developing this procedure:
Key Legislation
Work Health and Safety Act 2012
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994
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versions via the Corp. Social Responsibility
What this Procedure Describes...........................................................................................1
Glossary - Abbreviations.....................................................................................................4
Glossary - Responsibilities...................................................................................................5
Plan Works........................................................................................................................13
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Glossary - Abbreviations
Authorised Service Provider (ASP) – TasNetworks Authorised Service Provider (ASP) scheme
is designed to assure any Contractors performing high Risk work on behalf of TasNetworks
has strong and reliable systems in place and the technical competencies to perform that high
Risk work. The scheme contains criteria that an independent auditor must use to assess and
verify their systems and competencies before we engage the Contractor.
The scheme applies to any Contractors and their subcontractors:
performing electrical work on behalf of TasNetworks (excluding general electrical
maintenance activities at offices and depots), and
Performing work within the vicinity of TasNetworks electrical infrastructure. For
instance, excavation, asset maintenance or vegetation clearance.
Contractor – in context to the Work Health and Safety Act 2012, is a worker. Contractors
work at various locations and for varied lengths of time. For instance, a Contractor could
work at a TasNetworks office or site every day for months or may never have visited
Tasmania and be engaged for an hour of work.
Control – means taking action to eliminate health and safety Risks so far as is reasonably
practicable, and if that is not possible, minimising the Risks so far as is reasonably
Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) – TasNetworks or other Energy Networks Association (ENA)
Hazard – means a situation or thing that has the potential to harm a person. Hazards at work
may include: noisy machinery, a moving forklift, chemicals, electricity, working at heights, a
repetitive job, bullying and violence at the workplace.
Health Safety Environment (HSE) Management Plan – is a written plan that sets out the
arrangements for managing site safety and environment matters for construction work. All
construction projects costing $250,000 (excl GST) or more must have a written management
plan prepared by the principal Contractor before work commences. It should be easily
understood and available to workers (including Contractors and subcontractors).
Risk – is the possibility that harm (death, injury or illness) might occur when exposed to a
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) – a SWMS is a written document that sets out step
by step detail on the Hazards, Risks, and Controls for high Risk construction work activities.
The document helps supervisors and workers to Control the Risks for a particular task. A
SWMS is required for 18 high Risk construction work activities provided in the WHS
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Glossary - Responsibilities
Category Managers / Contract Owners
The Category Manager / Contract Owner is the team member engaging a Contractor by a
tender process who actively incorporates and reviews Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
requirements at each stage of the contract management process.
Is responsible for undertaking the following during the tender process:
Ensure the level of HSE Risk associated with the work is identified and the contract is
Review HSE documents provided by the Contractor;
Ensure HSE requirements have been met. This includes checking mandatory licenses,
permits or accreditations are held or are capable of being obtained in time;
Provide HSE management plans (where they are required for high risk or unusual work)
to the HSE Representative for review;
Share documents provided by the Contractor with the people involved in the works;
Is responsible for the following for the duration of the contract:
Monitor the Contractors HSE performance
Facilitate reporting and recording of incidents notified by the Contractor as a
TasNetworks event and ensure the Contractor’s incident investigations are effective and
completed on time;
Collate the audit, inspection and incident data for performance management. Use the
information to identify areas for improvement in HSE, consult with the Contractor and
agree on HSE improvements and share the data with the HSE Representative;
Facilitate the liaise with the Contractor regarding the outcomes of audits, inspections
and incident investigations;
Seek support and advice from the HSE Representative and people involved with the
contracted work at any stage of this process.
Are any TasNetworks employees interacting with our Contractors or observing their
They are encouraged to provide feedback to the Contractor, Category Manager /
Contract Owner and the TasNetworks Job Manager with observations of how our
Contractors align with our values, behaviours and management of HSE.
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Be an active participant, when required, in the tender evaluation process for contracts
classified with a high level HSE risk.
Provide advice and support to the Category Manager / Contract Owner on the evaluation
of the HSE tender submission documentation.
Job Manager (Is the Team Member Supervising the Work/Services, incl Works Delivery
Team Leaders/Project & Site Managers)
Is responsible for the following prior to works commencing:
Consult, co-operate and co-ordinate activities with other Contractors involved with
planned work to agree and document on how the responsibility for HSE will be shared
between them;
Ensure HSE requirements have been meet. This includes checking mandatory licenses,
permits or accreditations are held or are capable of being obtained in time;
Provide HSE management plans (where they are required for construction work) to the
HSE Representative for review;
If an Employee requires the Contractor to be engaged for new types of work, discuss the
requirement with the Category Manager / Contract Owner to ensure the Contractor is
accredited to carry out the work;
If an Employee requires the Contractor to be engaged for new scopes of work reassess
the Contractor’s arrangements, including any new procedures/SWMS or training
required for the new work.
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Your Responsibility in The Process
Answer questions
and provide
Contractor information to Support
support those
Support Support
Sourcing & Support Provide and Management of Management of
Management of receive the Tender the Tender
the Tender correspondence Process Process
Team Process to Contractor
Work with
Contractor/s to
Job Manager Support
manage HSE Risk
Support for each
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The Contracts Management Process
Getting Started: Establish Tender and Contract
‘Getting started’ is the most important step of the contracts management process. It sets our
expectations of the Contractors upfront and establishes a benchmark for
performance/monitoring discussions.
The ‘getting started’ process steps Category Managers / Contract Owners through the
process of including HSE when establishing tenders and contracts.
The ‘Getting Started’ Process:
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Refer to the: Contractor Management Procedure – Risk Identification
This document is to be completed by the Category Manager / Contract Owner and supplied
to each Contractor through the Sourcing & Procurement Team as part of the Contractors’
tender documentation.
The Category Manager / Contract Owner is to facilitate completion of the following:
Cover page – fill in the date, company name and tender / project name at the top of
the document
Section 1: (HSE) Risk Checklist – review all HSE Risk Activities listed and move / add
activities as required depending on the risk posed to the project. Is inherent that the
Technical Competence Group, Works Standards Officer is consulted to ensure all
appropriate work procedures for the works are identified.
Section 1: (HSE) Risk Checklist – check the box for the relevant activities that will be
undertaken by the Contractor, note NA or strike through those activities not being
undertaken by the Contractor.
Section 2: (HSE Contract Classification & Evaluation) – Level of Risk - identify the level
of risk by working through each ‘Topic’ and circling one ‘risk level’ as applicable for
each of the topics.
Section 2: (HSE Contract Classification & Evaluation) – Contract Classification - from
the information provided in the completed ‘Level of Risk’ table select the applicable
‘Classification Level’ Write the ‘Classification Level’ in the area provided at the
bottom of the page.
Section 3: Specific Zero Harm Requirements for Contractors – Fill in the green
highlighted areas of the Contract Classification Level document. Specifically state the
minimum requirements the contactor is required to meet for the work under the
Section 4: General Zero Harm Requirements that Apply to all TasNetworks Contracts
– generally changes would not be required to this section of the document.
At the end of the document space is provided for the Contractor to sign and returned the
document to TasNetworks, along with any required supporting documentation. This
document forms part of the Contractors tender submission.
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Ensure the evaluation scoring is correct and is not included when the document is
sent to the Contractor
Where a Management Plan is required, clearly identify if a site specific or generic
plan is required.
The Sourcing & Procurement Team is responsible for issuing the ‘HSE Questions for
Contractors’ document to the Contractor as part of the tender process.
The Contractor is responsible to complete the ‘HSE Questions for Contractors’ and return as
part of their tender submission, along with any supporting documentation identified in the
Zero Harm requirements for Contractors.
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Check HSE Submissions for HSE Risk Management
This step is facilitated by the Category Manager / Contract Owner with input from the HSE
Representative and tender evaluation team.
It involves reviewing and evaluating the documents and statements the Contractor has
provided to TasNetworks during the tender process.
The ‘Evaluate’ Process involves:
Checking how HSE will be Managed; and
TasNetworks Progress check and Endorsement.
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The Job Manager is responsible for planning construction work with our Contractors and
their subcontractors to manage HSE collectively. The Job Manager may attend Contractor
performance discussions (facilitated by the Category Manager / Contract Owner) to manage
the Risks associated with the construction works. This may involve:
Monitoring performance and verifying performance by considering inspection and audit
Having discussions to review and improve performance.
The ‘Manage’ process steps involve:
Check HSE is being Managed
Plan works
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Plan Works
TasNetworks needs to consult, co-operate and co-ordinate activities with Contractors and
subcontractors. It involves finding out who is doing what, and working together in a co-
operative and co-ordinated way so that Risks are being managed.
Aside from being a requirement under WHS laws, it means work is better planned and
incidents, delays and cancellations are less likely to happen.
The TasNetworks Job Manager should use a HSE Works Planning Checklist to consult, co-
operate and co-ordinate with Contractors before works commence.
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