G.R. Nos. 171947-48, December 18, 2008 Concerned Citizens vs. MMDA

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TOPIC FACTS: on January 29, 1999, respondents Concerned Residents of

Continuing Mandamus Manila Bay led a complaint before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in
Imus, Cavite against several government agencies, among them the
CASE NO. petitioners, for the cleanup, rehabilitation, and protection of the Manila
G.R. Nos. 171947-48, December 18, 2008 Bay.
Concerned Citizens vs. MMDA - alleged that the water quality of the Manila Bay had fallen way
below the allowable standards set by law, specifically PD 1152 or
the Philippine Environment Code
PONENTE VELASCO, JR., J p: - This environmental aberration stemmed from:
o reckless, wholesale, accumulated and ongoing acts of
omission or commission [of the defendants] resulting in
METROPOLITAN MANILA the clear and present danger to public health and in the
DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, depletion and contamination of the marine life of Manila
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND Bay, [for which reason] ALL defendants must be held
NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT jointly and/or solidarily liable and be collectively ordered
OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND to clean up Manila Bay and to restore its water quality to
SPORTS, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, class B waters t for swimming, skin-diving, and other
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, forms of contact recreation
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND - They also alleged that the continued neglect of petitioners in
HIGHWAYS, DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET abating the pollution of the Manila Bay constitutes a violation of:
AND MANAGEMENT, PHILIPPINE Respondents' constitutional right to life, health, and a balanced
COAST GUARD, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL ecology, The Water Code, The Environment Code, etc.
POLICE MARITIME GROUP, and - Thus, respondents prayed that petitioners be ordered to clean the
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND Manila Bay and submit to the RTC a concerted concrete plan of
LOCAL GOVERNMENT action for the purpose.

CONCERNED RESIDENTS OF MANILA RTC ordered petitioners to clean up and rehabilitate Manila Bay.
BAY, represented and joined by DIVINA V.
ILAS, SABINIANO ALBARRACIN, - “xxx To attain this, defendant-agencies, with defendant DENR as
MANUEL SANTOS, JR., DINAH DELA the lead agency, are directed, within six (6) months from receipt
PEÑA, PAUL DENNIS QUINTERO, MA. hereof, to act and perform their respective duties by devising a
RESPONDENT VICTORIA LLENOS, DONNA CALOZA, consolidated, coordinated and concerted scheme of action for the
FATIMA QUITAIN, VENICE SEGARRA, rehabilitation and restoration of the bay.”
FRITZIE TANGKIA, SARAH JOELLE - “Defendant MWSS is directed to install, operate and maintain
LINTAG, HANNIBAL AUGUSTUS BOBIS, adequate [sewerage] treatment facilities in strategic places under
FELIMON SANTIAGUEL, and JAIME its jurisdiction and increase their capacities.
AGUSTIN R. OPOSA Defendant LWUA, to see to it that the water districts under its
wings, provide, construct and operate sewage facilities for the
proper disposal of waste.
Defendant DENR, which is the lead agency in cleaning up Manila
Bay, to install, operate and maintain waste facilities to rid the bay
of toxic and hazardous substances. stressing that the trial court's decision did not require petitioners to do
Defendant PPA, to prevent and also to treat the discharge not tasks outside of their usual basic functions under existing laws.
only of ship- generated wastes but also of other solid and liquid
wastes from docking vessels that contribute to the pollution of the Petitioners maintain that it the duty of the MMDA to take measures and
bay. maintain adequate solid waste and liquid disposal systems necessarily
Defendant MMDA, to establish, operate and maintain an involves policy evaluation and the exercise of judgment on the part of the
adequate and appropriate sanitary landfill and/or adequate solid agency concerned.
waste and liquid disposal as well as other alternative garbage
disposal system such as re-use or recycling of wastes. TACEDI - They argue that MMDA has to make decisions, including
Defendant DA, through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic choosing where a landfill should be located by undertaking
Resources, to revitalize the marine life in Manila Bay and restock feasibility studies and cost estimates, all of which require the
its waters with indigenous fish and other aquatic animals. exercise of discretion.
Defendant DBM, to provide and set aside an adequate budget - They also argue that provisions of Environment Code only
solely for the purpose of cleaning up and rehabilitation of Manila pertain to the cleaning of specific pollution incidents and do not
Bay. cover cleaning in general.
Defendant DPWH, to remove and demolish structures and other
nuisances that obstruct the free flow of waters to the bay. These Respondents counter that the statutory command is clear and that
nuisances discharge solid and liquid wastes which eventually end petitioners’ duty to comply with and act according to the clear mandate of
up in Manila Bay. As the construction and engineering arm of the the law does not require the exercise of discretion.
government, DPWH is ordered to actively participate in removing
debris, such as carcass of sunken vessels, and other non- - That petitioners, the MMDA is without discretion, are without
biodegradable garbage in the bay. discretion, for example, to choose which bodies of water they are
Defendant DOH, to closely supervise and monitor the operations to clean up, or which discharge or spill they are to contain.
of septic and sludge companies and require them to have proper - that petitioners are bereft of discretion on whether or not to
facilities for the treatment and disposal of fecal sludge and alleviate the problem of solid or liquid waste disposal.
sewage coming from septic tanks. - In other words, it is the MMDA’s ministerial duty to attend to
Defendant DECS, to inculcate in the minds and hearts of the such services.
people through education the importance of preserving and
protecting the environment.
Defendant Philippine Coast Guard and the PNP Maritime Group, 1. Can petitioners be compelled by mandamus to clean up and
to protect at all costs the Manila Bay from all forms of illegal rehabilitate the Manila Bay?
YES, the cleaning or rehabilitation of Manila Bay can be compelled
Petitioners, before the CA, were one in arguing in the main that the by mandamus.
pertinent provisions of the Environment Code (PD 1152) relate only to
the cleaning of specific pollution incidents and do not cover cleaning in Generally, a writ of mandamus lies to require the execution of a
general. ministerial duty. A ministerial duty is one that “requires neither the
exercise of official discretion nor judgment.” It refers to an act which is
- they also asserted that the cleaning of the Manila Bay is not a not left to the discretion of the person executing it. It is a “simple,
ministerial act which can be compelled by mandamus. definite duty arising under conditions admitted or proved to exist and
imposed by law.” Mandamus is available to compel action, when refused,
CA: denied petitioners’ appeal and affirmed the decision of the RTC, on matters involving discretion, but not to direct the exercise of judgment
or discretion one way or another. judgment and choose to perform or not to perform." Any
suggestion that the MMDA has the option whether or not to
petitioners' obligation to perform their duties as defined by law, on one perform its solid waste disposal-related duties ought to be
hand, and how they are to carry out such duties, on the other, are two dismissed for want of legal basis.
different concepts
A perusal of other petitioners' respective charters or like enabling statutes
While the implementation of the MMDA's mandated tasks may entail a and pertinent laws would yield this conclusion: these government
decision-making process, the enforcement of the law or the very act of agencies are enjoined, as a matter of statutory obligation, to perform
doing what the law exacts to be done is ministerial in nature and may be certain functions relating directly or indirectly to the cleanup,
compelled by mandamus. rehabilitation, protection, and preservation of the Manila Bay. They
are precluded from choosing not to perform these duties. (check notes
the MMDA's duty to put up an adequate and appropriate sanitary landfill what are the duties of the agency)
and solid waste and liquid disposal as well as other alternative garbage
disposal systems is ministerial, its duty being a statutory imposition. This The laws and issuances are clear, categorical and complete as to what are
duty is stated in Sec. 3 (c) of Republic Act No. (RA) 7924 creating the the obligations and mandate of each agency under the law
MMDA. This section defines and delineates the scope of the MMDA's
waste disposal services to include: A
2. Do Sections 17 and 20 of PD 1152 under the headings, Upgrading
- Solid waste disposal and management which include formulation of Water Quality and Clean-up Operations, envisage a cleanup in
and implementation of policies, standards, programs and projects general or are they limited only to the cleanup of specific pollution
for proper and sanitary waste disposal. It shall likewise include incidents? – cleanup in general
the establishment and operation of sanitary landfill and
related facilities and the implementation of other alternative Secs. 17 and 20 of the Environment code include cleaning in general
programs intended to reduce, reuse and recycle solid waste.
Sec. 17 does not in any way state that the government agencies concerned
MMDA is duty-bound to comply with Sec. 41 of the Ecological Solid ought to confine themselves to the containment, removal, and cleaning
Waste Management Act (RA 9003) which prescribes the minimum operations when a specific pollution incident occurs. On the contrary,
criteria for the establishment of sanitary landfills and Sec. 42 which Sec. 17 requires them to act even in the absence of a specific pollution
provides the minimum operating requirements that each site operator shall incident, as long as water quality "has deteriorated to a degree where its
maintain in the operation of a sanitary landfill. Complementing Sec. 41 state will adversely affect its best usage".
are Secs. 36 and 37 of RA 9003, enjoining the MMDA and local
government units from using and operating open dumps for solid waste - This commands concerned government agencies, when
and disallowing, 5 years after such effectivity, the use of controlled appropriate, "to take such measures as may be necessary to meet
dumps. the prescribed water quality standards".
- In fine, the underlying duty to upgrade the quality of water is not
The MMDA's duty in the area of solid waste disposal is set forth not only conditional on the occurrence of any pollution incident.
in the Environment Code (PD 1152) and RA 9003, but in its charter as
well. This duty of putting up a proper waste disposal system cannot be Sec 20 indicates that it is properly applicable to a specific situation in
characterized as discretionary, for discretionary presupposes the power or which the pollution is caused by polluters who fail to clean up the mess
right given by law to public functionaries to act officially according to they left behind. In such instance, the concerned government agencies
their judgment or conscience. shall undertake the cleanup work for the polluters' account.

- A discretionary duty is one that "allows a person to exercise - Petitioners' assertion, that they have to perform cleanup
operations in the Manila Bay only when there is a water pollution The cleanup and/or restoration of the Manila Bay is only an aspect and
incident and the erring polluters do not undertake the the initial stage of the long-term solution. The preservation of the water
containment, removal, and cleanup operations, is quite off mark quality of the bay after the rehabilitation process is as important as the
- Why? Because the complementary Sec. 17 of the Environment cleaning phase.
Code comes into play and the specific duties of the agencies to
clean up come in even if there are no pollution incidents staring at - Wastes and contaminants found in the rivers, inland bays, and
them. other bodies of water need to be stopped from reaching the
- Thus, they cannot plausibly invoke and hide behind Sec. 20 on Manila Bay. Otherwise, any cleanup effort would just be a futile
the pretext that their cleanup mandate depends on the happening and cosmetic exercise cause the Manila Bay water quality would
of a specific pollution incident. again deteriorate
- The Court then agrees with CA when it explained that “PD 1152 - It thus behooves the Court to put the heads of the petitioner-
aims to introduce a comprehensive program of environmental department-agencies and the bureaus and offices under them on
protection and management. This is better served by making continuing notice about, and to enjoin them to perform, their
Secs. 17 & 20 of general application rather than limiting them to mandates and duties towards cleaning up the Manila Bay and
specific pollution incidents.” preserving the quality of its water to the ideal level.
- By issuing the continuing mandamus, the Court may, under
Assuming arguendo the implementation of Sec 20 is correct, petitioners extraordinary circumstances, issue directives with the end in view
seem to have overlooked the fact that the pollution of the Manila Bay is of ensuring that its decision would not be set to naught by
of such magnitude and scope that it is well-nigh impossible to draw the administrative inaction or indifference (issuance of a Writ of
line between a specific and a general pollution incident and such Continuing Mandamus is directed primarily at a government
impossibility extends to pinpointing with reasonable certainty who the agency with respect to the performance of a legal duty, as in the
polluters are. duty of MMDA to clean up Manila Bay and continuously report
to the Court the steps it is taking in that direction)
- Sec. 20 of Environment Code mentions "water pollution o In India, the doctrine of continuing mandamus was used
incidents" which may be caused by polluters in the waters of the to enforce directives of the court
Manila Bay itself or by polluters in adjoining lands and in water
bodies or waterways that empty into the bay. Sec. 16 of Clean In the light of the ongoing environmental degradation, the Court wishes to
Water Act specifically adverts to "any person who causes emphasize the extreme necessity for all concerned executive departments
pollution in or pollutes water bodies", which may refer to an and agencies to immediately act and discharge their respective official
individual or an establishment that pollutes the land mass near the duties and obligations. Indeed, time is of the essence. The State, through
Manila Bay or the waterways, such that the contaminants its petitioners, has to take the lead in the preservation and protection of
eventually end up in the bay. Manila Bay.
- In this situation, the water pollution incidents are so numerous
and involve nameless and faceless polluters that they can validly The petitioners must transcend their limitations and buckle down to work
be categorized as beyond the specific pollution incident level. before the problem at hand becomes unimaginable. Thus, we must
- Further, in reality, government agencies concerned are so reiterate that different government agencies and instrumentalities cannot
undermanned that it would be almost impossible to apprehend the shirk from their mandates; they must perform their basic functions in
numerous polluters of the Manila Bay. Thus, practically nobody cleaning up and rehabilitating the Manila Bay. We are disturbed by
has been required to contain, remove, or clean up a given water petitioners’ hiding behind two untenable claims: (1) that there ought to be
pollution incident. In this kind of setting, it behooves the a specific pollution incident before they are required to act; and (2) that
Government to step in and undertake cleanup operations. the cleanup of the bay is a discretionary duty.
NOTES: Group that have jurisdiction over said vessels.
9. MMDA is duty-bound to put up and maintain adequate sanitary
1. The DENR- under different statues is the primary agency landfill and solid waste and liquid disposal system as well as
responsible for the enforcement and implementation other alternative garbage disposal systems.
2. MWSS- vested w/ jurisdiction, supervision, and control over all
waterworks and sewerage systems within metro manila and and Among the prohibited acts are frequently violated are dumping of
towns in Rizal and Cavite waste matters in public places, such as roads, canals or esteros,
3. LWUA- has power of supervision and control over local water open burning of solid waste, squatting in open dumps and
districts. It can prescribe standards a and regulations for the landfills, open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-
operation and it shall monitor and evaluate the local water biodegradable materials in flood-prone areas, establishment or
standards operation of open dumps as enjoined in RA 9003, and operation
4. Dept. of Agriculture- designated agency tasked to promote and of waste management facilities without an environmental
enforce all laws and issuances respecting the conversation and compliance certificate.
proper utilization of agricultural and fishery resources; in
coordination with the LGUs, they must establish a monitoring The MMDA, as lead agency, in coordination with the DPWH,
and control system to ensure that resources in Philippine waters LGUs, and concerned agencies, can dismantle and remove all
are judiciously utilized and managed on a sustainable basis. structures, constructions, and other encroachments built in breach
5. MMDA- authorized and responsible to perform metro-wide of RA 7279 and other pertinent laws along the rivers, waterways,
services relating to flood control and sewerage management and esteros in Metro Manila. With respect to rivers, waterways,
which include the formulation and implementation of policies, and esteros in Bulacan, Bataan, Pampanga, Cavite, and Laguna
standards, programs and projects for an integrated flood control, that discharge wastewater directly or eventually into the Manila
drainage and sewerage system in metro manila. DPWH for the Bay, the DILG shall direct the concerned LGUs to implement the
rest of the country. demolition and removal of such structures, constructions, and
6. PCG- shall have the primary responsibility of enforcing laws, other encroachments built in violation of RA 7279 and other
rules, and regulations governing marine pollution within the applicable laws in coordination with the DPWH and concerned
territorial waters of the Philippines and apprehend violators who agencies.
discharge harmful substance at sea by any method and manner or 10. DOH- is tasked to promulgate rules and regulations for the
deposit material of any kind in any place on the bank of any establishment of waste disposal areas that affect the source of a
navigable water. water supply or a reservoir for domestic or municipal use.
7. PNP Maritime Group- tasked to "perform all police functions Together with other agencies, shall formulate guidelines and
over the Philippine territorial waters and rivers." The PCG and standards for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage
PNP Maritime Group shall coordinate with regard to the and the establishment and operation of a centralized sewage
enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations governing marine treatment system. It shall ensure the regulation and monitoring of
pollution within the territorial waters of the Philippines. proper disposal of wastes by private entities through the strict
8. PPA- mandated "to establish, develop, regulate, manage and enforcement of the requirement to obtain an environmental
operate a rationalized national port system in support of trade and sanitation clearance of sludge collection treatment and disposal
national development. It is also tasked to adopt such measures as before these companies are issued their environmental sanitation
are necessary to prevent the discharge and dumping of solid and permit. IDS
liquid wastes and other ship-generated wastes into the Manila 11. DepEd- mandated to integrate subjects on environmental
Bay waters from vessels docked at ports and apprehend the education in its school curricula
violators. When the vessels are not docked at ports but within 12. DBM- endeavor to provide an adequate budget to attain the noble
Philippine territorial waters, it is the PCG and PNP Maritime objectives of PH clean water Act in line with the country's
development objectives.

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