018 - MMDA v. Concerned Residents of Manila Bay

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The Promotion of Health and Ecology: Art. 2, Sec. 15-16; Art. 13, Sec.


MMDA v. Concerned Residents of Manila Bay

G.R. No. 171947-48

Date of Promulgation: December 18, 2008

Ponente: Velasco, Jr. J.

Petition: certiorari

Petitioner/s: Solicitor General

Respondent/s: Antonio A. Oposa and Fortun, Narvasa and Salazar


 January 29, 1999 respondents, Concerned Residents of Manila Bay filed a

complaint before the RTF in Imus, Cavite against several government
agencies (petitioners) for the cleanup, rehabilitation, and protection of the
Manila Bay.
 Complaint alleged that the water quality of the Manila Bay had fallen way below
allowable standards set by law, (PD 1152 or the Philippine Environment Code).

 Their individual cases of action, respondents alleged that the continued neglect of
petitioners in abating the pollution of the Manila Bay constitutes a violation of:
- Respondents' constitutional right to life, health, and a balanced ecology
- Environment Code (PD 1152)
- Pollution Control Law (PD 984)
- Water Code (PD 1067)
- Sanitation Code (PD 856)
- Illegal Disposal of Wastes Decree (PD 825)
- Marine Pollution Law (PD 979)
- EO 192
- Toxic and Hazardous Wastes Law (RA 6969)
- Civil Code provisions on nuisance and human relations
- Trust Doctrine and Principle of Guardianship
- International Law
 Petitioners filed a petition for the order for respondents to clean the Manila Bay and
submit to the RTC a concrete plan of action for the purpose
 September 13, 2002, the RTC rendered a Decision in favor of the respondents -
ordering the defendant (government agencies) to jointly and solidarily, to clean up

Prepared by Erson Villangca (1E)

and rehabilitate Manila Bay and restore its waters to make it fit for swimming, skin-
diving, and other forms of contact recreation. DENR is to act as lead agency.

Government agencies ordered to clean up Manila Bay:










-PNP Maritime Group

-Philippine Coast Guard

 MWSS, LWUA, and PPA filed individual appeals to CA which was eventually
consolidated as CA-GR CV 76528
 DENR, DPWH, MMDA, PCG, PNP Maritime Group, and five others filed a petition for
review under Rule 45 directly to SC
 The Court sent the petition to CA for consolidation with the appeals of MWSS,

Petitioners argue:

-that the provisions of the Environment Code relate only to the cleaning of specific pollution
incidents and do not cover general cleaning

-Cleaning of Manila Bay is not a ministerial act which can be compelled by mandamus

 CA Sustains ruling of RTC


1. Whether Sect 17 and 20 (pertinent provisions of the Environment Code) under

headings Upgrading of Water Quality and Cleanup Operations, envisage a
cleanup in general? – YES

Prepared by Erson Villangca (1E)

2. Can petitioners be compelled by mandamus to clean up and rehabilitate the
Manila Bay? (whether cleanup is a ministerial act) – YES

-Sect 17 does not state that the government agencies concern is solely when a specific
pollution incident occurs

-Sec 20 of PD 1152, covers for all intents and purposes a general cleanup situation.

MMDA duties to clean solid waste and other environmental responsibilities are expressed
not only in the Environment Code and RA 9003, but in it charter as well. Also the DENR is
tasked under RA 9275 to manage and report water quality.

-Tasks of clean up is not up for discretionary process which government must contemplate
on. It is a simple judgment of perform or not to perform. Thus it is a MINISTERIAL ACT and
compelled by MANDAMUS.


Petition is DENIED. Defendant-government agencies are ordered to cleanup, rehabilitate,

and preserve the Manila Bay and make it fitting for contact recreation


concur: Puno (CJ), Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Carpio-Morales,

Azcuna, Tinga, Chico-Nazario, Nachura, and Reyes


-writ of mandamus lies to require the execution of a ministerial duty

-a ministerial duty is one that "requires neither the exercise of official discretion nor
judgment". It is simple performance or non performance.

Environment Code aka PD 1152 Sect 17.

Where the quality of water has deteriorated to a degree where its state will adversely affect
its best usage, the government agencies concerned shall take such measures as may be
necessary to upgrade the quality of such water to meet the prescribed water quality

Prepared by Erson Villangca (1E)

Sect 20

It shall be the responsibility of the polluter to contain, remove and clean up water pollution
incidents at his own expense. In case of his failure to do so, the government agencies
concerned shall undertake containment, removal and clean-up operations and expenses
incurred in said operations shall be charged against the persons and/or entities responsible
for such pollution

Prepared by Erson Villangca (1E)

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