BSR 2020 (With Vat)

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General Instructions 1-5

Model of Preliminary 6-9

Labour, Material and Machinary prices 10- 28

A Demolisher 29 - 30

B Excavator 31 - 31

C Concreter 32 - 34

D Formwork 34 - 35

E Reinforcement 35

F Brick Layer 35 - 37

G Masonry Work 37

H Pavior 37 - 38

J Tiler 38 - 41

K Roofer 41 - 45

L Carpenter and Joiner 45 - 49

M Brass Founder 49 - 50

N Iron Monger 51 - 52

P Aluminium Worker 52 - 61

Q Glazier 61

R Plasterer 61 - 63

S Plumber 63 - 64

T Sanitary Fittings 65 - 68

U Roof Plumber 68 - 69

V Tinker 69

W Drain Layer 69 - 70

X Painter and Decorator 71 - 73

Y Electrical Installations 73 - 79

Z Miscellaneous Work 79 - 80
Attachment: Badulla and Monaragala Discricts Transport


- Specifications and Quality of Work

Following specifications published by CIDA were used for the preparation of these rates.

SCA/4/I Specifications for Building Works (Vol-I)

SCA/4/II Specifications for Building Works (Vol-II)
SCA/3/2 Specifications for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Storm Water Drainage
SCA/8 Specifications for Electrical and Mechanical Works Associate with Building Works
Specifications mentioned above should be followed for execution of construction works and the quality of
work should be maintained as mentioned in relevant specifications.Latest edition issued by CIDA shall be used
for the construction work.

- Quality of Materials
Materials having SLS certificate should always be used for construction works (eg. for cement, PVC pipes,
electrical wires, asbestos sheets, etc). In cases where SLS has not been specified for a particular type of material
(eg. for aluminium extrusions) the quality of the material should be approved by the engineer. Prices of Sanitary
Electrical fittings shall aproximately be matched with basic prices which is attached herewith.
Prices of Sanitary and Electrical fittings etc. shall aproximately be matched with basic prices which is attached

- Analysis of Basic Rates

The basic rate is analyzed under the following headings
(a) Materials
The Quantities of Material required for the items are computed from known data and experience.
Unless otherwise stated wastage is allowed in the norms

(b) Transport
Transportation cost of materials are included to the cost of materials except for Bricks, Cement, Sand,
Metal, Rubble and Soil. When preparing estimates transport cost should be added only for the above
mentioned materials according to the following table and the rates given in this table . (By Lorry)

(c) The basic rates are included vat

For Badulla District

Table: 01
Rate / (Rs.)
Material Unloadi
Unit Quantity 0~1km 1~10km >10km Loading
Bricks Nr 1,000 500.00 55.00 49.10 700.00
Cement Block Nr 350 500.00 55.00 49.10 700.00
Cement kg 50 8.00 3.68 2.64 15.00 15.00
Sand m3 1 212.00 26.91 24.80
Metal m3 1 265.00 28.82 26.73
Rubble m3 1 265.00 28.82 26.73
Soil m3 1 212.00 26.55 24.63

Instructions Page 1


For Moneragala District

Table: 02

Rate / (Rs.)
Material Unloadi
Unit Quantity 0~1km 1~10km >10km Loading
Bricks Nr 1,000 720.00 110.00 95.00 430.00
Cement Block Nr 350 960.00 120.00 110.00 525.00
Cement kg 50 15.00 7.50 6.00 10.00 10.00
Sand m3 1 424.00 42.00 38.00
Metal m3 1 424.00 42.00 38.00
Rubble m3 1 424.00 42.00 38.00
Soil m3 1 424.00 42.00 38.00

(d) Labour
The quantity of labour required for the items are computed from known data and experience.

(e) Plant
This component provides for the minimum plant required for the items of work. The cost of tools and
implements is provided in the overhead allowances

(f) Basic Cost

The basic cost of an item is the sum of the costs of above items (a), (b), (c) and (d)

- Overhead and Profit Factor

Overhead costs are the costs that cannot be considered as direct productive work on the job. All the rates
given in this BSR contain an overhead and profit factor of 20% of the basic rate which includes an overhead
factor of 10% and a profit margin of 10%. When preparing estimates if there would be any overhead other
than the overheads listed below, provisions should be made in the estimate under Preliminaries.

Overhead factor shall include the items which can not be included under preliminary.

Instructions Page 2


- Rate Adjustment for Working in Upper Floors

In the analysis of the various item of work in this BSR rates refer to work on the ground floor. Therefore
adjustment shall be made in the rates for dealing in respect of work on upper floors. When preparing
estimates the percentages of the ground floor rates mentioned in the following table should be added to
obtain the rates applicable to upper floors

Table: 03
Description First Floor Second Floor Third Floor
Concrete Work 3% 5% 7%
Formwork 3% 5% 7%
Reinforcement 3% 5% 7.5%
Brickwork 5% 7% 10%
Calicut Tile Roof 3% 6% 9%
Asbestos Roof 3% 5% 7%
Zink Aluminium Roof 3% 5% 7%
Roof Plumbing 3% 5% 7%
Ceiling 3% 5% 7%
Plastering 5% 10% 15%
Wall Tiling 2% 4% 6%
Floor Tiling 2% 4% 6%
Painting 3% 6% 9%

- General Data to be Used for Calculations

(a) Weight of Reinforcement Bars
Table: 04

Weight/ (kg/m)

6 0.222
8 0.395
10 0.617
12 0.888
16 1.578
20 2.466
25 3.853
32 6.313

Instructions Page 3

(b) Imperial to Metric Conversion table
Table: 05
From Imperial To Metric
rate Rate
on factor
Cube m3 0.353

Square m2 0.1075

Sq.ft m2 10.7584

L.ft m 3.28

Cwt Kg. 0.02

(c) Multification Factors for Calculation of Painting Areas of Doors and Windows
Table: 06


Fully glazed doors/ windows/ fanlights 1.25

Glazed and paneled doors/ windows/ fanlights 1.5
Fully paneled doors/ windows/ fanlights 2.25
Ledged, braced and battened doors/ windows/ fanlights 2.25
Wooden louvered frames 3
Expanded metal or weld mesh with fillets or beadings only 0.75
Expanded metal or weld mesh with frame 1
Collapsible gate 1.5
Corrugated asbestos or G. I. sheets 1.25

(d) Standard Norms for Calculation of Transport Costs are Some Important Items
Table: 07

Description Unit Cement Sand Metal Rubble Bricks

(50kg) (m3) (m3) (m3) (Nr)
1:3:6 concrete m3 4.00 0.56 1.00 - -
1:2½:5 concrete m3 4.80 0.56 1.00 - -

1:2:4 concrete m3 5.65 0.60 1.00 - -

1:1½:3 concrete m3 8.13 0.56 1.00 - -

Random Rubble Masonry m3 2.56 0.45 - 1.25 -

225 mm brickwork m3 1.31 0.23 - - 512.00
112 mm brickwork m2 0.14 0.03 - - 60.00
150 mm cement block m2 0.13 0.02 40.00
Wall Plaster/ Soffit m2 0.09 0.02 - - -
Floor Rendering m2 0.15 0.02 - - -

Tile Bedding m2 0.13 0.02 - - -

DPC m2 0.24 0.03 - - -

Instructions Page 4


Super Luxury Class :

Teak, Ebony, Nedun, Calamander

Luxury Class :
Satin, Halmilla, Milla, Mahogany (Narrow leaved), Mahogany (Broad leaved), Jak

Special Class Upper :

Gammalu, Hulanhik, Margosa, Suriyamara, Rannai, Wewarana, Kolon, Velang, Palu

Special Class :
Tamarind (Hard Wood), Kumbuk, Eucalyptus microcorys

Class I :
Tawwanna, Uva Mandora, Munamal, Ubberiya, Eucalypus Pilularis, Eucalyptus
Citriodora, Accasia Melanoxylon, Panakka, Hora, Kirihambiliya, Urukanu or Uruhonda,
Mandora, Pihimbiya, Etathimbiriya or Ginikulu, Helamba, Del, Liyan, Neralu, Madan, Kon,
Kirikon, Wanami, Mi, Na (Mesua ferrea), Ketakela, Pathkela & Keeriya, Trestania
comserta, Paramara, Hedawaka, Treated Grandis, Damba, Dambu, Domba.

Class II :
All Dun species other than Thiniyadun, All Keena species other than Walukeena, Alubo,
Dawata, Dawul – Kurundu, Godapara, Halmandora, Panamora, Wa, Welipenna, Toona,
Mihiriya, Karaw, Panu-Dan, Rathatiya, Thimbiri, Derana, Na Imbul, Gonapana,
Thiththeta, Kosganna, Kiripedda, Talang, Euclyptus Grandis, Cypress, Ethdemata,
Ginisapu, Ehela, Boron Treated Sawn Rubberwood, Alastoniya (Havari Nuga), Boron
Treated Sawn Pinus, Eucalyptus Robusta (Red Gum), Eucalyptus Globulus (Blue Gum),
Comporta, Redness, Coconut, Eucalyptus Thoraliyana, Eucalyptus Kamaldensis, Kaya,
Eucalyptus Tereticornis, Accacia docaran, Accacia mangium, Lunumidella.

Class III :
Aridda, Malabada, Diyathaliya, Pinus,Thelambu, Bath-hik, Atamba, Bulu, Kahata, Rubber,
Rata-Amba(Mango), Ratadel, Davu, Godakaduru,Gokatu, Sabbukku (Graviliya),
Godakirilla, Mora,Kataboda, Goraka, Tammarin (Sapwood), Bakme, Kakuna, Casurina
(Kasa Kasa), Beli, Dunumandala, Batadomba.

Class III Others :

All species not otherwise classified.

Instructions Page 5


1 The Engineer/ Consultant may modify or amended any item , or delete inappropriate
item/s or add new item/s , depending on the nature of the proposed work.

2 Mode of payment are as below.

Mode of Payment Category

Reimburesement of actual cost on submission of the relevant document acceptable to

the Engineer plus 5% of the actual cost of obtaining the insurance policies and Securities.

60% on completion of temporary buildings or structures. 30% in equa installments over

the contract period and balance 10% on dismantling and removal on completion.

Piad on satisfactory completion of the item D

In equal installments over the contract period. E

Mode of payment to be mutuaaly agreed between contractor and the employer at the
commencement of contract in relation to the program of work.

On the completion of work G

3 The above recommended percentage may be adjusted by the Employer/Consultant to suit the
particular project.

4 The tenderer is advised to visit the site of the proposed work, as it is his responsibility to ascertain
the conditions,govering access to the site, external working space, storage area, status of the
adjoining properties etc.

Mode of Amount
Item Description Unit
payment Rs. Cts.


Insurance & Securities

1 Provisional Sum for providing a Performance Security A P.S

2 Provisional Sum for providing an Advance Payment Security A P.S

Provisional Sum for insurance of Works, Machinery & Equipment,

3 Plant, Materials, third party persons & property at site as per the A P.S

Provisional Sum for insurance against accidents and injury to

4 A P.S
Contractor's personel as per the Contract.

Preliminary Bill Model Page 6



Mode of Amount
Item Description Unit
payment Rs. Cts.


Engineer's Facilities

Allow lump sum for constructing, maintaining, dismentalling and

removal on completion of the Works, a temporary building for
Engineer's office including toilets with all necessary facilities in
5 C Item
conformity with the plans provided for Engineer's requirements,
including necessary furniture and fittings, furnishing, sanitary
facilities and other facilities. (List facilities required)

Contractor's Facilities

Allow lump sum for constructing, maintaining, dismantling and

removal on completion of the Works, a temporary site office of
adequate size including staff rest room and toilets and other
6 C Item
facilities for the Contractor's site management staff in accordance
with the plans prepared by the Contractor and concurred by the

Allow lump sump for employing a licensed land surveyor to define

7 D Item
the building site work etc., check levels.

Provide service & maintaining for contractors site office (getting

8 D Item
Telephone, Electricity & water supply connection and fax & email).

Allow lump sum for giving notices, obtaining permits & payment of
9 fee in compliance with the requirements of government, local E Item
authority or other public authority.

Construction Management and Supervision

Allow lump sum for employing suitably qualified and experienced
technical personnel for Construction Management and supervision
10 Servcices at the site. CV's with originals of certificates should be E Item
provided by the Contractor for prior approval. Payments will be
made on their daily attendance basis.

Setting Out

Setting out of Works in accordance with drawings and other written

11 F Item
information given by the Engineer

Preliminary Bill Model Page 7



Mode of Amount
Item Description Unit
payment Rs. Cts.


Quality, Standards and Progress

Allow lump sum for provision of progress reports including

photographic records and other schedules included in the ICTAD
12 publication - Guidelines for Effective Constrution Management. E Item
(ICTAD/CM/01), relevant to contract administration as directed by
the Engineer.

Allow lump sum for all cost in connection with preparing samples
for testing, making arrangements for testing of Materials, Goods etc,
13 E Item
as stipulated in the specification, obtaining test reports and
submitting the same to the Engineer.

Allow lump sum for provision of 2 sets of (Hard copies and soft
14 D Item
copies) as built drawings of all services, for Engineer's approval.

Health, Safety & Environment

Allow lump sum for providing and maintaining a first aid box and
15 E Item
regular supply of medicine, linen etc.

Allow lump sum for providing all necessary safety measures to

16 workmen at site conforming to the latest industrial safety E Item
regulations and as directed by the Engineer.

Allow lump sum for maintaining the site in a clean and orderly
17 E Item
manner at all times and during the entire contract period.

Allow lump sum for demobilization, removal of all rubbish, debris

18 and clearing up site on completion, leaving all in good order and G Item
handing over.

Security and Protection

Allow lump sum for employing an adequate number of security

personnel and security systems on full time basis throughout the
19 E Item
period of construction, and provide for necessary security lighting
and warning system

Preliminary Bill Model Page 8



Mode of Amount
Item Description Unit
payment Rs. Cts.


Quality, Standards and Progress

Allow lump sum for providing and maintaining necessary fencing,

20 hoarding and gates for safeguarding the Works, Materials and C Item
Plants, as directed by the Engineer.


Allow lump sum to supply & fix name board, size 3.0mx2.0m as
21 directed and approved by the Engineer. Rate to include for erection C Item
& fixing to the earth firmly on to the concrete base.

22 Allow Lump sum for Soil tests ( "Machintosh probe test" - 5nos) G Item

23 Allow Provisional Sum for supplying & fixing of plaque as directed. P.S

Preliminary Bill Model Page 9

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
101 Skilled Labour day 2,150.00 2,150.00
102 Semiskilled Labour day 1,600.00 1,600.00
103 Unskilled Labour day 1,450.00 1,450.00
104 Mason day 2,150.00 2,150.00
105 Carpenter day 2,150.00 2,150.00
106 Plumber day 2,150.00 2,150.00
107 Painter day 2,150.00 2,150.00
108 Welder day 2,150.00 2,150.00
109 Bar Bender day 2,150.00 2,150.00
110 Alluminium Worker day 2,150.00 2,150.00
111 Work Supervisor day 1,550.00 1,550.00
112 Electrician day 2,150.00 2,150.00
201 Concrete Mixer (400lts) 5,000.00 5,000.00
202 Porker vibrator with Operator 3,000.00 3,000.00
203 Vibrating roller (one ton) 4,000.00 4,000.00
204 Tractor (1 Cube) with Tailer 6,000.00 6,000.00
205 Excavator mobile DC 120 Hour 5,000.00 5,000.00
206 Ten wheeler (km 100) 16,000.00 16,000.00
207 lorry/ Tipper/1cube 8,000.00 8,000.00
208 lorry/ Tipper/2cube 10,000.00 10,000.00
209 Chain saw (with operator) 6,000.00 6,000.00
210 JCB loader Hour 2,700.00 2,700.00
211 Air Compressor 250CFM Hour 3,000.00 3,000.00
Welding plant with Diesel Generator
212 day 6,000.00 6,000.00
(including operator)
213 Welding plant(Electrical) 800.00 800.00
214 Tractor water bowser - 2500 l 6,250.00 6,250.00
215 Lorry water bowser- 6000 l 11,750.00 11,750.00

BSR (Vol-1) Page 10

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
C - Raw Materials
302 Gravel m³ 750.00 750.00
303 Earth m³ 400.00 400.00
307 Quarry dust m³ 1,400.00 1,400.00
308 ABC m³ 2,100.00 2,100.00
401 Sand m³ 3,500.00 3,500.00
403 Metal 50mm m³ 2,400.00 2,400.00
404 Metal 38mm m³ 2,300.00 2,300.00
405 Metal 25mm m³ 2,650.00 2,650.00
406 Metal 20mm m³ 2,800.00 2,800.00
407 Metal 12.5mm m³ 2,800.00 2,800.00
801 150x225mm rubble m³ 1,250.00 1,250.00
D - Cement
402 Cement (OPC) bag 1,010.00 1,010.00
402C Tile Mortar (25 kg) bag 825.00 825.00
E - Formwork Plywood/ Timber
501 Shuttering planks - 25mm thick m² 628.30 6.28 634.58
1232 Plywood sheets - 12mm thick m² 1,056.00 10.56 1,066.56
510 Plywood sheets - 15mm thick m² 1,209.80 12.10 1,221.90
502 Plywood sheets - 18mm thick m² 1,434.00 14.34 1,448.34
505 100mmx50mm class II timber m 297.41 2.97 300.38
506 50mmx50mm class II timber m 155.00 1.55 156.55
F - Reinforcement/ Round Tubes/ Box
1403 6mm MS rods kg 160.00 1.60 161.60
601 Steel MS - 6mm kg 150.00 1.50 151.50
602 Steel MS - >6mm kg 150.00 1.50 151.50
603 Steel TS kg 152.00 1.52 153.52
604 Binding wire (BGW kg 163.30 1.63 164.93
1414 25 x 25 x1.2mm Box bar m 160.00 1.60 161.60
1415 25 x 25 x 1.4mm Box bar m 187.27 1.87 189.14
1416 37 x 25 x1.6mm Box bar m 210.00 2.10 212.10
1417 50 x 25 x 1.2mm Box bar m 237.27 2.37 239.64
1418 50 x 25 x 1.4mm Box bar m 285.45 2.85 288.30
1419 50 x 25 x 1.6mm Box bar m 324.54 3.25 327.79
1420 50 x 25 x 2mm Box bar m 387.27 3.87 391.14
1421 37 x 37 x 2mm Box bar m 405.45 4.05 409.50
1422 50 x 50 x 2 mm Box bar m 537.27 5.37 542.64
1423 75 x 37 x 2mm Box bar m 652.72 6.53 659.25
2803 1 1/2" GI pipes 2.3mm m 487.10 4.87 491.97
2804 1" GI pipes (2mm) m 279.70 2.80 282.50
2813 2" GI pipes (2.3mm) m 602.40 6.02 608.42
2814 2" GI pipes (1.6mm) m 403.61 4.04 407.65
2816 1 1/2" GI pipes (1.6mm) m 330.46 3.30 333.76
2817 1 1/4" GI pipes (2.3mm) m 452.00 4.52 456.52
2818 1 1/4" GI pipes (1.8mm) m 311.00 3.11 314.11
2819 1 1/4" GI pipes (1.6mm) m 287.43 2.87 290.30
2821 1 " GI pipes (1.6mm) m 223.75 2.24 225.99
4050 Welded Wire Mesh 3"x3"-G18 (1.8m x 30m) m² 131.00 1.31 132.31
1401 50x50 G.I. welded mesh (2.9 mm) m² 450.00 4.50 454.50
1404 12x5mm flat iron m 143.00 1.43 144.43
1405 25x25x5(+/-1mm )mm angle iron m 240.00 2.40 242.40

BSR (Vol-1) Page 11

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
342 25x25x5 mm angle iron m 342.00 3.42 345.42
1410 37x37x5.8 mm angle iron m 476.00 4.76 480.76
1412 25x5mm flat iron m 300.00 3.00 303.00
1412A 38 x 5mm flat iron m 400.00 4.00 404.00
1413 6mm mild steel hook nr 75.00 0.75 75.75
G - Brick / Cement Block Work
701 Bricks 220x105x65mm nr 12.00 12.00
702 Wire cut bricks nr 37.50 37.50
703 Batik bricks nr 33.00 33.00
704 Bricks 220x105x100mm nr 15.50 15.50
705 Bricks 220x150x100mm nr 20.50 20.50
25 N/mm² interlocking blocks
707 nr 38.00 0.38 38.38
40N/mm² interlocking blocks
708 nr 44.00 0.44 44.44
Solid cement block ( 390mm x 150mm x
709 nr 83.50 83.50
Solid cement block ( 390mm x 100mm x
710 nr 56.25 56.25
Hollow cement block( 390mm x 150mm x
711 nr 80.00 80.00
Hollow cement block( 390mm x 200mm x
712 nr 90.00 90.00
H - Tiller
1001 100x100 glazed wall tiles nr Deleted
1002 150x150 glazed wall tiles nr Deleted
1003 200x300 glazed wall tiles nr Deleted
1003B 200x400 glazed wall tiles nr Deleted
1004 300x400 glazed wall tiles nr 265.00 2.65 267.65
1004B 300x600 glazed wall tiles nr 440.00 4.40 444.40
1006 300x300 non skid floor tiles nr 166.00 1.66 167.66
1007 450x450 non skid floor tiles nr 460.00 4.60 464.60
1009 300x300 non skid floor tiles - Homogeneous nr 221.00 2.21 223.21
300x300 non skid floor tiles - Homogeneous
1010 nr 221.00 2.21 223.21
(Semi Glazed/Matt)
1013 400x400 non skid floor tiles - Homogeneous nr 395.00 3.95 398.95
400x400 non skid floor tiles - Homogeneous
1014 nr 395.00 3.95 398.95
(Semi Glazed/Matt)
1021 600x300 floor tiles - Homogeneous nr 642.50 6.43 648.93
1028 600x600 - Homogeneous nr 1,220.00 12.20 1,232.20
1023 600x600 Polished - Homogeneous nr 1,437.00 14.37 1,451.37
1011 300x300 floor tiles - Glazed nr 133.00 1.33 134.33
1015 400x400 floor tiles -semi glazed type I nr 338.00 3.38 341.38
1012 300x300 floor tiles - Matt nr 166.00 1.66 167.66
1016 400x400 floor tiles - semi glazed type II nr 342.00 3.42 345.42
1017 450x450 floor tiles - Matt nr 470.00 4.70 474.70
1018 600x600 floor tiles - semi glazed type I nr 993.00 9.93 1,002.93
1020 600x400 floor tiles - Matt nr 688.50 6.89 695.39
1031 900x450 Matt nr 1,371.50 13.72 1,385.22
1034 500x500 Matt nr 767.00 7.67 774.67
1019 600x600 floor tiles -semi glazed type II nr 1,014.00 10.14 1,024.14

BSR (Vol-1) Page 12

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1032 900x450 polished nr 1,810.00 18.10 1,828.10
1035 500x500 Polished nr 921.00 9.21 930.21
1022 600x300 floor tiles - Glazed (polished) nr 696.00 6.96 702.96
1024 800x800 Polish Porcelain tile - Chinese nr 2,468.00 24.68 2,492.68
1030 600x300 semi Glazed nr 550.50 5.51 556.01
1033 500x500 glazed nr 760.00 7.60 767.60
4070 600x600mm Gloss Tile (Colour tile) nr 973.50 9.74 983.24
4071 600x600mm Matt Tile (Colour tile) nr 1,200.00 12.00 1,212.00
1027 100mm high Timber Skirting m 239.00 2.39 241.39
1025 PVC tile beading m 70.00 0.70 70.70
1026 Stainless steel tile beading m 140.00 1.40 141.40
J- Glazier
1901 5mm thick figured glass panes m² 1,800.00 18.00 1,818.00
1902 3mm thick figured glass panes m² 1,000.00 10.00 1,010.00
1903 5mm thick clear glass panes m² 1,291.00 12.91 1,303.91
1904 3mm thick clear glass panes m² 861.00 8.61 869.61
1905 5mm thick tinted glass panes m² 2,000.00 20.00 2,020.00
1906 3mm thick tinted glass panes m² 1,076.00 10.76 1,086.76
1907 12mmx12mm teak beading m 15.00 0.15 15.15
1226 3mm glass plain m² 691.00 6.91 697.91
K - Hardware Items
605 Welding rods kg 280.00 280.00
606 Thread Bar 2m nr Deleted Deleted
607 Butterfly Screw nr Deleted Deleted
301 Baskets nr 138.89 138.89
503 Round timber 3m nr 280.09 2.80 282.89
504 Bamboo 3m nr 222.22 2.22 224.44
507 Wire Nail kg 198.00 1.98 199.98
508 Mould oil l 108.10 1.08 109.18
509 10mm dia. 450mm bolts nr 106.00 1.06 107.06
802 DPC Tar l 65.00 0.65 65.65
903 Gauge 1000 polythene m² 31.40 0.31 31.71
1111 Roofing screws 112mm& washer nr 15.00 0.15 15.15
1112 Wood preservative l 350.00 3.50 353.50
1113 J bolt and nut nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
1114 12mm bolt and nut nr 38.00 0.38 38.38
1124 Roofing sheet Fasteners nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
1132 3"x 3" (Gauge 17) Mesh m² 128.00 1.28 129.28
1133 10 mm gusset plate m² 11,980.00 119.80 12,099.80
1134 Truss plate, base plate (10 mm) m² 11,980.00 119.80 12,099.80
1115 50x50x5.8mm angle irons m 620.68 6.21 626.89
1116 62.5x62.5x5.8mm angle irons m 905.17 9.05 914.22
1117 75x75x5.8mm angle irons m 1,077.58 10.78 1,088.36
1127 5mm gusset plate m² 5,989.58 59.90 6,049.48
1130 Lime kg 25.00 0.25 25.25
1147 10 x75mm Bolt and nut kg 567.00 5.67 572.67
1148 Catloy paste kg 790.00 7.90 797.90
2001 Lime kg 30.00 0.30 30.30
3030 Swan neck tap (Normal plastic) nr 450.00 4.50 454.50
3031 Swan neck tap (S-lon plastic) nr 1,075.00 10.75 1,085.75
3032 Swan neck tap(Nickle Normal) nr 1,240.00 12.40 1,252.40
3033 Swan neck tap (Nickle Medium Heavy) nr 1,725.00 17.25 1,742.25
3034 Swan neck tap (Nickle Heavy) nr 2,468.00 24.68 2,492.68

BSR (Vol-1) Page 13

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
225mm long barrel bolt with safety type
1424 nr 1,350.00 13.50 1,363.50
Hasp and Staple
1425 50mm pad lock nr 800.00 8.00 808.00
2801 PVC coated gauge 10 chain link mesh m² 868.00 8.68 876.68
2805 Barbed wire m 23.00 0.23 23.23
2806 Hooks and washers nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
2822 12mm thick MDF board m² 850.00 8.50 858.50
2823 12 mm thick regiform board m² 260.50 2.61 263.11
2824 Velvet cloth m² 380.00 3.80 383.80
2825 Chicken mesh m² 253.00 2.53 255.53
4030 White board Gloss sq.m 416.66 4.17 420.83
4031 White board matt sq.m 416.66 4.17 420.83
2715 Fan hook nr 246.00 2.46 248.46
2738 Electrical Bell nr 490.00 4.90 494.90
GI earth Pipe 2mm thick (50mm dia -
2739 nr 1,920.00 19.20 1,939.20
1800mm length)
2740 50x50x5.8 mm angle Iron m 620.68 6.21 626.89
2717 Weather proofed lamp fitting (outdoor) nr 1,750.00 17.50 1,767.50
2718 Wall bracket lamp fitting (Indoor) nr 2,000.00 20.00 2,020.00
1216 25mm brass screws nr 15.50 0.16 15.66
1230 25mm Brass screw nr 9.00 0.09 9.09
1215 38mm brass screws nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
1210 Screws 38mm nr 3.00 0.03 3.03
1205 50mm iron screws nr 7.50 0.08 7.58
1206 G.I. clout nails 20mm nr 500.00 5.00 505.00
1233 G.I. clout nails 38mm kg 499.00 4.99 503.99
1217 Rawl plugs and screws nr 10.00 0.10 10.10
1218 100x50mm brass hinges pair 848.00 8.48 856.48
1220 300mm skeleton bolts nr 297.00 2.97 299.97
1222 150mm barrel bolts nr 391.00 3.91 394.91
1224 Holdfasts nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
1225 PVC door with frame (80.4 x 206 cm) nr Deleted Deleted
2402 18 Gauge GI Sheet nr 2,355.00 23.55 2,378.55
1406 100mm safety type Hasp and Staple nr 196.00 1.96 197.96
1407 150mm safety type Hasp and Staple nr 205.00 2.05 207.05
L - Balsting materials
304 Blasting powder kg 650.00 6.50 656.50
305 Safety fuse m 42.50 0.43 42.93
306 Detonators (normal) 9m nr 128.80 1.29 130.09
M - Pavior
901 Antitermite treatment - 10 Year warranty m² 290.00 290.00
902 Water proofing - only for bathrooms m² 1,250.00 1,250.00
904 Crystaline waterproofing material kg Deleted Deleted
N - Timber- Roofer
1101 Special class timber (microcorys) m³ 152,774.66 1,527.75 154,302.41
1102 50mmx25mm special class timber m 83.16 0.83 83.99
1103 50mmx50mm special class timber m 265.00 2.65 267.65
1104 100mmx50mm special class timber m 760.78 7.61 768.39
1105 100mmx75mm special class timber m 1,162.99 11.63 1,174.62
1106 125mmx50mm special class timber m 964.79 9.65 974.44
1107 125mmx75mm special class timber m 1,465.83 14.66 1,480.49
1108 150mmx50mm special class timber m 1,168.95 11.69 1,180.64
1109 150mmx75mm special class timber m 1,821.90 18.22 1,840.12

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1135 Class I timber m³ 79,464.00 794.64 80,258.64
1136 50mmx25mm class I timber 4.m &below m 56.83 0.57 57.40
1137 50mmx50mm class I timber m 181.22 1.81 183.03
1138 100mmx50mm class I timber m 452.88 4.53 457.41
1139 100mmx75mm class I timber m 577.15 5.77 582.92
1140 125mmx50mm class I timber m 482.91 4.83 487.74
1141 125mmx75mm class I timber m 732.15 7.32 739.47
1142 150mmx50mm class I timber m 581.20 5.81 587.01
1143 150mmx75mm class I timber m 908.18 9.08 917.26
1144 Imported treated timber m³ 125,516.00 1,255.16 126,771.16
1156 50mmx50mm Imported timber m 195.00 1.95 196.95
1157 100mmx50mm Imported timber m 480.00 4.80 484.80
1158 100mmx75mm Imported timber m 990.00 9.90 999.90
1159 125mmx50mm Imported timber m 870.00 8.70 878.70
1160 125mmx75mm Imported timber m 1,350.00 13.50 1,363.50
1161 150mmx50mm Imported timber m 990.00 9.90 999.90
1162 150mmx75mm Imported timber m 1,620.00 16.20 1,636.20
1163 150mmx100mm Imported timber m 2,550.00 25.50 2,575.50
P - Timber - Carpenter and Joiner
1201 31mm planks special class m² 3,585.73 35.86 3,621.59
1202 25mm planks special class m² 2,869.95 28.70 2,898.65
1203 20mm planks special class m² 2,346.00 23.46 2,369.46
1234 31mm planks class 1 m² 2,526.22 25.26 2,551.48
1204 20mm thick lunumidella timber m² 1,184.00 11.84 1,195.84
1211 Wooden plugs nr 5.00 0.05 5.05
1214 100x75 door/ window frame special class m³ 120,797.00 1,207.97 122,004.97
1223 Plywood door sash (2.11 m²) nr 4,737.00 47.37 4,784.37
1229 Class 11 Ginisapu planks 25mm thick m² 2,740.00 27.40 2,767.40
1231 Lunumidella timber m² 1,189.00 11.89 1,200.89
1219 12x12mm fillets m 6.00 0.06 6.06
1221 38x38mm sash bars m 47.00 0.47 47.47
1208 Beadings m 51.60 0.52 52.12
1209 Moldings m 75.00 0.75 75.75
Q - Roofing Material - Asbestos
1110 Asbestos Roofing sheet m² 720.00 7.20 727.20
1118 6'-0" asbestos sheets nr 1,462.50 14.63 1,477.13
1119 8'-0" asbestos sheets nr 2,035.00 20.35 2,055.35
1120 10'-0" asbestos sheets nr 2,175.00 21.75 2,196.75
1121 12'-0" asbestos sheets nr 2,650.00 26.50 2,676.50
1129 Asbestos ridges "V" shape nr 493.00 4.93 497.93
1129A Asbestos ridges pair 1,150.00 11.50 1,161.50
3038 Fiber sheet m Deleted Deleted
1207 Ceiling sheets m² 447.92 4.48 452.40
R - Roofing Material - Tiles
1125 Roof tiles nr 100.00 1.00 101.00
1126 Ridge tiles nr 84.00 0.84 84.84
S - Roofing Material - Zn/Al
1122 100x50x12 "C" channels 2mm thick m 829.00 8.29 837.29
1122A 75x38x12 "C" channels 2mm thick m 744.00 7.44 751.44
1122B 150x65x12 "C" channels 2mm thick m 905.17 9.05 914.22
2401 0.47 mm Zn/Al sheet m² 1,253.00 12.53 1,265.53
1123 0.47mm tk. Zn/Al metal roofing sheets m² 1,355.00 13.55 1,368.55

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
Double side 3 - 4 mm thickness Aluminium
1131A m² 133.00 1.33 134.33
foil as heat insulation
Zink Alluminium ridge capping of girth
1128 m 650.00 6.50 656.50
470mm (Colour)
1145 0.30mm thick sandwich panel sheet m² Deleted Deleted
1146 Gable cap 0.47 (Colour) m Deleted Deleted
Zink Aluminium rainwater eave gutters 0.47
2312 m 675.00 6.75 681.75
thick (Colour)
2313 Stop end and plate 0.47 thick (Colour) nr 185.60 1.86 187.46
2314 Steel brackets (Galvanized) nr 70.00 0.70 70.70
100x100mm Zn-Al down pipes 0.47 thick
2315 m 635.00 6.35 641.35
150x150mm Zn-Al down pipes 0.47 thick
2316 m 944.00 9.44 953.44
2317 Nozzles 100 X 100 0.47 thick (Colour) nr 306.00 3.06 309.06
2317A Nozzles 150 X 150 0.47 thick (Colour) nr 730.00 7.30 737.30
2318 Down pipe Offsets 0.47mm(TCT) Colour nr 415.00 4.15 419.15
2319 Down pipe Shoes 0.47mm(TCT) Colour nr 297.00 2.97 299.97
2320 Clips nr 29.90 0.30 30.20
300x300mm gutter boxes in Zink Alum color
2321 nr 750.00 7.50 757.50
coated metal sheets
2322 25x25mm N/A Alluminium m 202.00 2.02 204.02
4040 Zink aluminium(Gutters) Girth 470mm m 766.00 7.66 773.66
4041 Zink aluminium(Gutters) Girth 610mm m 766.00 7.66 773.66
4042 Zink aluminium(Gutters)Girth 940mm m 1,525.00 15.25 1,540.25
4043 Zink aluminium(Gutters) Girth 1220mm m 1,525.00 15.25 1,540.25
T - Celing Material - PVC
1242 P V C ceiling sheet (Maximum Width 200mm) m² 1,500.00 15.00 1,515.00
1243 Moldings m 117.00 1.17 118.17
1244 25mm x 35 mm GI Chanel m 67.00 0.67 67.67
1245 Flat head screws 3/4 x 6 nr 1.00 0.01 1.01
1246 Concrete Nails 25mm nr 1.00 0.01 1.01
1247 Reverts 5/32 x 1/2 nr 3.00 0.03 3.03
1248 Self tapping Screw (1/2") nr 1.00 0.01 1.01
1249 Top Conner bar m 117.00 1.17 118.17
1250 L Conner bar m 117.00 1.17 118.17
1251 H Conner bar m 117.00 1.17 118.17
U - Sanitary Fittings
Kitchen sink with single bowl and single
2201 nr 4,501.00 45.01 4,546.01
drain board
Kitchen sink with single bowl and double
2202 nr 12,835.00 128.35 12,963.35
drain board
Kitchen sink with single bowl special and
2202A nr 16,784.00 167.84 16,951.84
double drain board
Kitchen sink with double bowl and double
2203 nr 16,290.00 162.90 16,452.90
drain board
2204 Heavy quality chromium plated swan tap nr 2,251.00 22.51 2,273.51
2205 Tee Iron brackets nr 345.00 3.45 348.45
2206 Ceramic wash basin nr 5,000.00 50.00 5,050.00
2207 Ceramic wash basin - Pedestal nr 12,500.00 125.00 12,625.00
Ceramic wash basin - Pedestal (Ideal,
2208 nr 21,365.00 213.65 21,578.65
American, British)

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
Ceramic wash basin special - Pedestal (Ideal,
2208A nr 32,420.00 324.20 32,744.20
American, British)
2209 Heavy quality chromium plated pillar tap nr 1,975.00 19.75 1,994.75
Ceramic squatting pan with trap and ceramic
2210 nr 2,500.00 25.00 2,525.00
foot rests
Square type ceramic squatting pan with foot
2211 nr 3,050.00 30.50 3,080.50
rests and trap
2212 9 liters capacity high level ceramic cistern nr 3,752.00 37.52 3,789.52
9 liters capacity high level ceramic cistern
2212A nr 8,001.00 80.01 8,081.01
2213 9 liters capacity high level PVC cistern nr 3,750.00 37.50 3,787.50
2214 9 liters capacity low level ceramic cistern nr 4,501.00 45.01 4,546.01
9 liters capacity low level ceramic cistern
2214A nr 8,001.00 80.01 8,081.01
2215 9 liters capacity low level PVC cistern nr 3,750.00 37.50 3,787.50
2215A 9 liters capacity low level PVC cistern special nr 3,456.00 34.56 3,490.56
2216 Low level ceramic water closet nr 3,456.00 34.56 3,490.56
2216A Low level ceramic water closet special nr 13,329.00 133.29 13,462.29
Closed couple ceramic water closet without
2217 A nr 14,248.00 142.48 14,390.48
wash basin
Closed couple ceramic water closet (British)
2217 B nr 23,110.00 231.10 23,341.10
Closed couple ceramic water closet (British)
2217C nr 38,415.00 384.15 38,799.15
2218 Bowl type urinal nr 7,500.00 75.00 7,575.00
Bowl type urinal with flush valve(British)
2218A nr 26,200.00 262.00 26,462.00
2219 40mm Bottle Trap nr 650.00 6.50 656.50
2220 Chromium plated Bidet shower nr 1,728.00 17.28 1,745.28
2220 B PVC Bidet shower nr 850.00 8.50 858.50
2221 PVC seat cover nr 920.00 9.20 929.20
2222 Bathroom mirror nr 1,481.00 14.81 1,495.81
2223 Chromium Plated Soap Tray nr 741.00 7.41 748.41
2224 Ceramic Soap Tray nr 642.00 6.42 648.42
2224A Ceramic Soap Tray special nr 1,728.00 17.28 1,745.28
2225 Chromium Plated Tooth brush holder nr 750.00 7.50 757.50
2226 Ceramic Tooth brush holder nr 1,025.00 10.25 1,035.25
2227 Chromium Plated 100 mm dia. Shower Rose nr 1,700.00 17.00 1,717.00
Chromium Plated 100 mm dia. Shower Rose
2227 B nr 8,875.00 88.75 8,963.75
with bar (English)
2228 PVC 100 mm dia. Shower Rose nr 148.00 1.48 149.48
Chromium Plated toilet paper holder
2229 nr 848.00 8.48 856.48
Chromium Plated toilet paper holder
2229 B nr 2,800.00 28.00 2,828.00
2230 Ceramic toilet paper holder (Normal) nr 1,235.00 12.35 1,247.35
2230 B Ceramic toilet paper holder (English) nr 3,702.00 37.02 3,739.02
2231 Chromium Plated towel rail nr 2,593.00 25.93 2,618.93
2232 Ceramic towel rail nr 2,244.00 22.44 2,266.44
Chromium Plated conceal valve for shower
2233 nr 1,649.00 16.49 1,665.49

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
Chromium Plated conceal valve for shower
2233 B nr 3,000.00 30.00 3,030.00
2501 Copper wire dome nr 874.00 8.74 882.74
2502 Drainage gully and grate PVC nr 685.00 6.85 691.85
2502 B Drainage gully and grate Chromium plated nr 995.00 9.95 1,004.95
2503 40mm 4-way PVC floor trap nr 710.00 7.10 717.10
V - Plumbing Materials (PVC) - Potable/
Sewer/ Rainwater
2101 12mm (1/2") ball valve - Brass nr 850.00 8.50 858.50
2102 12mm (1/2") ball valve - PVC nr 158.00 1.58 159.58
2103 20mm (3/4") ball valve - Brass nr 1,350.00 13.50 1,363.50
2104 20mm (3/4") ball valve - PVC nr 148.00 1.48 149.48
2105 25mm (1") ball valve - Brass nr 1,325.00 13.25 1,338.25
2106 25mm (1") ball valve - PVC nr 237.00 2.37 239.37
2107 38mm (1 1/4") ball valve - Brass nr 3,100.00 31.00 3,131.00
2108 38mm (1 1/2") ball valve - PVC nr 490.00 4.90 494.90
2109 12mm (1/2") bib tap - Brass nr 593.00 5.93 598.93
2110 12mm (1/2") bib tap - Chromium Plated nr 950.00 9.50 959.50
2111 12mm (1/2") bib tap - PVC nr 250.00 2.50 252.50
2112 12mm (1/2") gate valve - Brass nr 800.00 8.00 808.00
2113 12mm (1/2") gate valve - PVC nr 212.00 2.12 214.12
2114 20mm (3/4") gate valve - Brass nr 1,300.00 13.00 1,313.00
2115 20mm (3/4") gate valve - PVC nr 305.00 3.05 308.05
2116 25mm (1") gate valve - Brass nr 1,540.00 15.40 1,555.40
2117 25mm (1") gate valve - PVC nr 350.00 3.50 353.50
2118 38mm (1 1/4") gate valve - Brass nr 1,850.00 18.50 1,868.50
2119 38mm (1 1/2") gate valve - PVC nr 632.00 6.32 638.32
2120 20mm (1/2") Type 1000 PVC pipes PNT14 m 51.00 0.51 51.51
2121 20mm (1/2") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 150.00 1.50 151.50
2122 20mm (1/2") Type 400 PVC pipes m 130.00 1.30 131.30
2123 25mm (3/4") Type 1000 PVC pipes PNT11 m 150.00 1.50 151.50
2124 25mm (3/4") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m Deleted Deleted
2125 25mm (3/4") Type 400 PVC pipes m Deleted Deleted
2126 32mm (1") Type 1000 PVC pipes PNT11 m 186.00 1.86 187.86
2127 32mm (1") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 166.00 1.66 167.66
2128 32mm (1") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 75.00 0.75 75.75
2129 40mm (1 1/4") Type 1000 PVC pipes PNT11 m 251.00 2.51 253.51
2130 40mm (1 1/4") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 227.00 2.27 229.27
2131 40mm (1 1/4") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 177.00 1.77 178.77
2132 50mm (1 1/2") Type 1000 PVC pipes PNT11 m 381.00 3.81 384.81
2133 50mm (1 1/2") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 343.00 3.43 346.43
2134 50mm (1 1/2") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 273.00 2.73 275.73
2135 63mm (2") Type 1000 PVC pipes PNT11 m 685.00 6.85 691.85
2136 63mm (2") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 617.00 6.17 623.17
2137 63mm (2") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 479.00 4.79 483.79
2138 75mm (2 1/2") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 1,066.00 10.66 1,076.66
2139 75mm (2 1/2") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 847.00 8.47 855.47
2140 90mm (3") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 1,212.00 12.12 1,224.12
2141 90mm (3") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 888.00 8.88 896.88

BSR (Vol-1) Page 18

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
2142 110mm (4") Type 600 PVC pipes PNT9 m 1,791.00 17.91 1,808.91
2143 110mm (4") Type 400 PVC pipes PNT7 m 1,387.00 13.87 1,400.87
2144 12mm (1/2") angle valve - Chromium Plated nr 1,240.00 12.40 1,252.40
2144 B 12mm (1/2") angle valve - PVC nr 346.00 3.46 349.46
2145 12mm (1/2") PVC flexible horse (450mm) nr 260.00 2.60 262.60
2301 PVC eave gutters 12'-0" m 266.00 2.66 268.66
2302 Gutter End cap nr 123.00 1.23 124.23
2303 Gutter Joint m 124.00 1.24 125.24
2304 Gutter joiner nr 124.00 1.24 125.24
2305 Gutter brackets nr 58.00 0.58 58.58
2306 Running head nr 284.00 2.84 286.84
2307 87.5 mm dia. PVC down pipes 3 1/2 m 119.00 1.19 120.19
2308 87.5 mm dia. PVC socket nr 113.00 1.13 114.13
2309 87.5 mm dia. PVC elbows 3 1/2 nr 173.00 1.73 174.73
2310 Clips PVC nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
2311 200mmx200x87.5mm PVC gutter box nr 813.00 8.13 821.13
W - Painter
2602 Glue kg 450.00 4.50 454.50
2603 Yellow ochre kg 84.00 0.84 84.84
2604 Water proofing Cement Paint kg 89.00 0.89 89.89
2605 Wall primer l 396.00 3.96 399.96
2606 Emulsion paint l 950.00 9.50 959.50
2607 Weather shield paint l 1,101.00 11.01 1,112.01
2608 Enamel paint l 995.00 9.95 1,004.95
2609 Anticorrosive paint l 975.00 9.75 984.75
2610 Floor paint l 900.00 9.00 909.00
2611 Floor polish kg 875.00 8.75 883.75
2612 Wood primer l 800.00 8.00 808.00
2613 Polyurethane varnish l 900.00 9.00 909.00
2614 Thinner l 440.00 4.40 444.40
2615 Turpentine l 400.00 4.00 404.00
2616 Potty (from 28 kg bucket) kg 114.00 1.14 115.14
2617 Oil Primer l 1,150.00 11.50 1,161.50
2618 Auto paint l 1,455.00 14.55 1,469.55
2619 Roofing paint l 1,150.00 11.50 1,161.50
2620 Black Board paint (Green/Black) l 1,040.00 10.40 1,050.40
2622 Roof shield water base (all colours) paint l 1,375.00 13.75 1,388.75
2621 Primer base for alluminium & G,I Surface l 1,735.00 17.35 1,752.35
1212 Primer (For Celing) l 1,050.00 10.50 1,060.50
1213 Emulsion paint (For Celing) l 900.00 9.00 909.00
X - Gabion Boxes (PVC Coated/Zinc
Coated) / Geotextiles
Gabion Boxes - PVC Coated
3001 Gabion box 1x0.5x0.5m nr 1,890.00 18.90 1,908.90
3002 Gabion box 1x1x0.5m nr 2,900.00 29.00 2,929.00
3003 Gabion box 1x1x1m nr 4,320.00 43.20 4,363.20
3004 Gabion box 1.5x1x0.5m nr 3,500.00 35.00 3,535.00
3005 Gabion box 1.5x1x1m nr 5,724.00 57.24 5,781.24
3006 Gabion box 2x0.5x0.5m nr Deleted Deleted
3007 Gabion box 2x1x0.5m nr 4,500.00 45.00 4,545.00
3008 Gabion box 2x1x1m nr 7,668.00 76.68 7,744.68
3009 Gabion box 2x2x1m nr 12,960.00 129.60 13,089.60

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
3010 Gabion box 2.5x1x1m nr 9,200.00 92.00 9,292.00
3011 Gabion box 2x1.5x0.5m nr Deleted Deleted
3012 Gabion box 2x1.5x1m nr 9,800.00 98.00 9,898.00
3013 Gabion box 2.5x1x0.5m nr Deleted Deleted
3014 Gabion box 3x1x0.5m nr 7,500.00 75.00 7,575.00
3015 Gabion box 3x1x1m nr 10,500.00 105.00 10,605.00
3016 Gabion box 3x1.5x1m nr 13,200.00 132.00 13,332.00
3017 Gabion box 4x1x0.5m nr Deleted Deleted
3018 Gabion box 4x1x1m nr 13,912.00 139.12 14,051.12
3019 Gabion box 4x1.5x1m nr Deleted Deleted
3020 Gabion box 4x2x1m nr Deleted Deleted
3021 Gabion box 2.5x1x0.3m nr Deleted Deleted
3022 Gabion box 2.5x2x0.3m nr Deleted Deleted
3023 Gabion box 3x2x0.3m nr Deleted Deleted
3024 Gabion box 6x2x0.23m nr 24,678.00 246.78 24,924.78
Gabion Boxes - Zinc Coated
3025 Gabion box 1x0.5x0.5m nr 1,512.00 15.12 1,527.12
3026 Gabion box 1x1x1m nr 3,780.00 37.80 3,817.80
3027 Gabion box 1.5x1x1m nr 5,022.00 50.22 5,072.22
3028 Gabion box 2x1x1m nr 6,048.00 60.48 6,108.48
3029 Gabion box 2x1x0.5m nr 4,752.00 47.52 4,799.52
3030 Gabion box 3x1x1m nr 9,828.00 98.28 9,926.28
3031 Gabion box 3x1x0.5m nr 6,912.00 69.12 6,981.12
4060 Geotextile GT-142 (Geotextile membrane) sq m 131.00 1.31 132.31
4061 Geotextile GT-160 (Geotextile membrane) sq m 167.00 1.67 168.67
4062 Geotextile GT-110 (Geotextile membrane) sq m 344.00 3.44 347.44
Y - Miscellaneous Work
2807 Concrete fence posts 6'-0" nr 1,102.00 11.02 1,113.02
2808 Concrete fence posts 6'-6" nr 1,325.00 13.25 1,338.25
2809 Concrete fence posts 7'-0" (7.6) nr 1,466.00 14.66 1,480.66
2810 Concrete fence posts 8'-0" nr 2,639.00 26.39 2,665.39
2811 Concrete fence posts 10'-6" nr 3,401.00 34.01 3,435.01
Concrete fence supporting posts for corner
2812 nr 2,346.00 23.46 2,369.46
Z - Brass Items
3050 Butt hinges (Brass) 3"x2" 1 pair 370.00 3.70 373.70
3051 Butt hinges (Brass) 4"x2" 1 pair 415.00 4.15 419.15
3052 Butt hinges (Brass) 4"x2 1/2" 1 pair 465.00 4.65 469.65
3053 Butt hinges (Brass) 4"x3" 1pair 700.00 7.00 707.00
3054 Butt hinges (Brass) 5"x3" 1 pair 1,125.00 11.25 1,136.25
3055 Butt hinges (Brass) 5"x4" 1 pair 1,600.00 16.00 1,616.00
3056 Butt hinges (Brass) 6"x3" 1 pair 1,500.00 15.00 1,515.00
3057 Butt hinges (Brass) 6"x4" 1pair 1,750.00 17.50 1,767.50
3058 Butt hinges (Brass) 6"x5" 1 pair 2,675.00 26.75 2,701.75
3059 Butt hinges (Brass) 6"x6" 1 pair 3,790.00 37.90 3,827.90
3060 Butt hinges (Brass) 5"x5" 1 pair 2,525.00 25.25 2,550.25
3061 Butt hinges (Brass) 4"x4" 1 pair 1,550.00 15.50 1,565.50
1228 Casement fasteners (brass) nr 245.00 2.45 247.45
1235 Window ring (Brass) nr 160.00 1.60 161.60
1237 25mm Copper screws nr 3.00 0.03 3.03
1236 38mm Copper screws nr 5.00 0.05 5.05
1227 Casement stays 250mm ( heavy duty brass) nr 385.00 3.85 388.85

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1238 Casement stays 250mm ( heavy duty) Copper nr 345.00 3.45 348.45
Casement stays 250mm ( heavy duty
1319 nr 290.00 2.90 292.90
oxidized brass)
1239 Casement fasteners (Copper) nr 177.50 1.78 179.28
1318 Casement fasteners (oxidized brass) nr 390.00 3.90 393.90
1241 25mm oxidized brass screws nr 16.00 0.16 16.16
1240 38mm oxidized brass screws nr 20.00 0.20 20.20
1306 50mm barrel bolt (Brass) nr 200.00 2.00 202.00
1309 100mm barrel bolt (Brass) nr 316.00 3.16 319.16
1310 150mm barrel bolt (Brass) nr 512.50 5.13 517.63
1313 50mm barrel bolt (Copper) nr 198.00 1.98 199.98
1316 100mm barrel bolt (Copper) nr 300.00 3.00 303.00
1317 150mm barrel bolt (Copper) nr 450.00 4.50 454.50
1313A 50mm barrel bolt stainless steel nr 400.00 4.00 404.00
1307 100x100mm butt hinges (oxidized brass) nr 500.00 5.00 505.00
1308 150x100mm butt hinges (oxidized brass) nr 666.00 6.66 672.66
1408 100x100mm butt hinges (oxidized iron) nr 358.00 3.58 361.58
1409 150x100mm butt hinges (oxidized iron) nr 465.00 4.65 469.65
1311 100x100mm butt hinges (brass) nr 568.00 5.68 573.68
1312 150x100mm butt hinges (brass) nr 700.00 7.00 707.00
1314 100x100mm butt hinges (Copper) nr 469.00 4.69 473.69
1315 150x100mm butt hinges (Copper) nr 568.00 5.68 573.68
AA - Door Locks
1301 Night latch lock (Local) nr 925.00 9.25 934.25
1301a Night latch lock (Original) nr 1,185.00 11.85 1,196.85
Mortise Union (English) or equivalent single
1302 nr 4,475.00 44.75 4,519.75
Mortise Union (English) or equivalent double
1303 nr 5,875.00 58.75 5,933.75
1304 Robin ITALY made brass lock nr 7,300.00 73.00 7,373.00
1305 Fuda lock nr 2,000.00 20.00 2,020.00
AB - Stainless steel Round Tube (SS304)
3078 Stainless steel 1/2"-1.2 mm thick 1 Bar 1,600.00 16.00 1,616.00
3079 Stainless steel 3/4"-1.2 mm thick 1 Bar 2,400.00 24.00 2,424.00
3080 Stainless steel 1"-1.2 mm thick 1 Bar 3,150.00 31.50 3,181.50
3081 Stainless steel 1 1/4"-1.2 mm thick 1 Bar 3,850.00 38.50 3,888.50
3082 Stainless steel 1 1/2"-1.2 mm thick 1 Bar 5,200.00 52.00 5,252.00
3083 Stainless steel pipe (1.2 mm thick) 1 1/2" 1m 1,296.00 12.96 1,308.96
3084 Stainless steel pipe (1.2 mm thick) 2" 1m 1,566.00 15.66 1,581.66
3085 Stainless steel cups 2 1/2" nr 350.00 3.50 353.50
3086 Stainless steel cups 2" nr 110.00 1.10 111.10
3087 Stainless steel cups 1 1/2" nr 100.00 1.00 101.00
3088 Stainless steel cups 1/2" nr 60.00 0.60 60.60
3089 Stainless steel ball 3 1/2" nr 562.00 5.62 567.62
3090 Stainless steel ball 3" nr 550.00 5.50 555.50
3091 Stainless steel ball 2 1/2" nr 500.00 5.00 505.00
3092 Stainless steel ball 2" nr 360.00 3.60 363.60
3093 Stainless steel ball 1 1/2" nr 260.00 2.60 262.60

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
AC - Tempered Glass
4000 Tempered Glass 4'x4' sheet (5mm) sq.m 2,672.78 26.73 2,699.51
4001 Tempered Glass 4'x4' sheet (6mm) sq.m 3,776.76 37.77 3,814.53
4002 Tempered Glass 4'x4' sheet (8mm) sq.m 5,752.30 57.52 5,809.82
4003 Tempered Glass 4'x4' sheet (10mm) sq.m 8,076.45 80.76 8,157.21
4004 Tempered Glass 4'x4' sheet (12mm) sq.m 9,238.53 92.39 9,330.92
Wiring Accessories
AD - Cables
2701 1/1.13 mm Cu\PVC\PVC ( 1 m 26.00 0.26 26.26
2702 7/0.67 mm Cu\PVC ( 2.5 Cable m 66.00 0.66 66.66

2702B 7/0.85 mm Cu\PVC ( 4 Cable m 111.50 1.12 112.62

2702C 7/1.04 mm Cu\PVC ( 6 Cable m 161.50 1.62 163.12

2702D 7/1.70mm Cu\PVC ( 16 Cable m 413.00 4.13 417.13

2703 7/0.53mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) m Deleted Deleted
2704 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) m 141.50 1.42 142.92
2705A 7/1.04mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) m 325.00 3.25 328.25
2705C 7/1.04mm Cu\PVC\PVC(S) m 171.00 1.71 172.71
2705B 7/1.70mm Cu\PVC\PVC(S) m 430.00 4.30 434.30
2705D 7/1.70mm Cu\PVC\PVC(4C) m 2,640.00 26.40 2,666.40
AE - Fitting Fixures
2706 Holder nr 110.00 1.10 111.10
2707 Sun box nr 47.00 0.47 47.47
2713 Ceiling rose nr 120.00 1.20 121.20
2714 Round block nr Deleted Deleted
AF - Switches/ Socket Outlets
2708 Switch nr 165.00 1.65 166.65
2710 5A socket outlet nr Deleted Deleted
2711 13A socket outlet nr 445.00 4.45 449.45
2712 20A Double pole Switch nr 910.00 9.10 919.10
2757 Special Decoretive1 Gang One Way Switch nr 330.00 3.30 333.30
2758 Special Decorative 2 Gang One Way Switch nr 425.00 4.25 429.25

2759 Special Decorative 3 Gang One Way Switch nr 515.00 5.15 520.15

2760 Special Decorative 1 Gang Two Way Switch nr 465.00 4.65 469.65

2761 Special Decorative Universal Socket Outlet nr Deleted Deleted

2762 Special Decorative 13A Socket Outlet nr 820.00 8.20 828.20
2763 Special Decorative 15A Socket Outlet nr Deleted Deleted
2728 40 Amp single phase main switch nr 1,051.00 10.51 1,061.51
2729 63Amp single phase main switch nr 1,051.00 10.51 1,061.51
2730 6A/10A/16A Amp Circuit breaker nr 495.00 4.95 499.95
2732 40 Amp three phase main switch nr 2,110.00 21.10 2,131.10
2733 63 Amp three phase main switch nr 2,110.00 21.10 2,131.10
2734 40 Amp single phase RCCB (Trip switch) nr 3,430.00 34.30 3,464.30
2735 63Amp single phase RCCB (Trip switch) nr 3,495.00 34.95 3,529.95

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
40 Amp/30 mA three phase RCCB (Trip
2736 nr 4,695.00 46.95 4,741.95
63 Amp/30 mA three phase RCCB (Trip
2737 nr 5,070.00 50.70 5,120.70
2741A 20A/25A/32A Amp Circuit breaker nr 495.00 4.95 499.95
2741B 20A , 2- pole MCB nr 900.00 9.00 909.00
AH - Distribution Board
Distribution board with cover (Type 500)-
2731 A nr 725.00 7.25 732.25
Distribution board with cover (Type 700)-
2731 B nr 995.00 9.95 1,004.95
Distribution board with cover (Type 900)-12
2731 C nr 1,600.00 16.00 1,616.00
2731E PVC,2- pole MCB cover nr 725.00 7.25 732.25
2731F 16 way 1 row steel enclosure box nr 6,060.00 60.60 6,120.60
2731G 28 way 2 row steel enclosure box nr 8,220.00 82.20 8,302.20
2731 D 4 Raw Steel Enclosure (350x700x125)mm nr 12,000.00 120.00 12,120.00
AJ - ABulbs
2716 Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) (20W) nr Deleted Deleted
2716B Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) (14W) nr Deleted Deleted
2719 6W LED Panel Light (Sunk/Surface) nr 700.00 7.00 707.00
2720 9W LED Panel Light (Sunk/Surface) nr 1,000.00 10.00 1,010.00
2721 12W LED Panel Light (Sunk/Surface) nr 1,100.00 11.00 1,111.00
2722 15W LED Panel Light (Sunk/Surface) nr 1,300.00 13.00 1,313.00
2723 18W LED Panel Light (Sunk/Surface) nr 1,400.00 14.00 1,414.00
2724 24W LED Panel Light (Sunk/Surface) nr 2,500.00 25.00 2,525.00
2748 7W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) nr Deleted Deleted
2749 10W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) nr Deleted Deleted
2750 14W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) nr Deleted Deleted
2751 18W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) nr Deleted Deleted
2752 3W LED Bulb (B22/E27) nr 250.00 2.50 252.50
2753 5W LED Bulb (B22/E27) nr 350.00 3.50 353.50
2754 7W LED Bulb (B22/E27) nr 450.00 4.50 454.50
2755 9W LED Bulb (B22/E27) nr 550.00 5.50 555.50
2756 12W LED Bulb (B22/E27) nr 700.00 7.00 707.00
AK - Fans
2725 1400mm sweep ceiling fan nr 9,288.00 92.88 9,380.88
2726 300x300mm exhaust fan nr 9,504.00 95.04 9,599.04
2727 Wall mounted fan (Around 60W) nr 12,960.00 129.60 13,089.60
AL - Conduits PVC Trunking
2742 3/4" PVC conduit pipe (20mm) m 33.75 0.34 34.09
2709 1" PVC conduit pipe (25mm) m 45.00 0.45 45.45
2743 1 1/2" PVC conduit pipe (40mm) m 160.00 1.60 161.60
2744 1" PVC casing with capping m 75.00 0.75 75.75
2745 1 1/2" PVC casing with capping m 135.00 1.35 136.35
2746 2"x 1" PVC casing with capping m 193.00 1.93 194.93
2746A 2"x 2" PVC casing with capping m 333.30 3.33 336.63
2747 4"x 2" PVC casing with capping m 588.00 5.88 593.88
AM - Aluminium Extrusions (Natural)
1501 70S-1101-1 (NA) m 912.26 9.12 921.38
1502 70S-1001-1 (NA) m 933.50 9.33 942.83
1503 70S-1201-1 (NA) m 759.40 7.59 766.99
1504 70S-1601 (NA) m 739.17 7.39 746.56

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1505 70S-1701 (NA) m 655.37 6.55 661.92
1506 70S-1501(NA) m 838.14 8.38 846.52
1507 70S-1401 (NA) m 641.06 6.41 647.48
1508 70SFL-103 (NA) m 1,494.52 14.95 1,509.46
1509 70SFL-102 (NA) m 567.23 5.67 572.91
1510 GL-107 (NA) m 277.58 2.78 280.36
1511 DG-02 (NA) m 464.02 4.64 468.66
1512 DG-102 (NA) m 414.91 4.15 419.06
1513 CA-1011(NA) m 1,012.57 10.13 1,022.69
1514 CA-1012 (NA) m 1,558.96 15.59 1,574.55
1515 100D-1914 (NA) m 238.54 2.39 240.92
1516 CA-1007 (NA) m 516.98 5.17 522.15
1517 CA-1008 (NA) m 908.34 9.08 917.42
1518 CA-2005 (NA) m 935.90 9.36 945.26
1519 A-111 m 890.98 8.91 899.89
1520 DG-103 (NA) m 317.28 3.17 320.45
1521 DG-101(NA) m 382.73 3.83 386.56
1522 CA-2004 (NA) m 721.90 7.22 729.12
1523 GL-107 (NA) m 277.70 2.78 280.48
1524 CA-1003 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1525 CA-1004 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1526 CA-2006 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1527 DG-04(NA) m 386.92 3.87 390.79
1528 DG-102(NA) m 414.91 4.15 419.06
1529 CA-1001 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1530 CA-1002 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1531 100D-3105 (NA) m 1,656.48 16.56 1,673.05
1532 100D-101 (NA) m 1,666.74 16.67 1,683.41
1533 100D-103 (NA) m 1,744.76 17.45 1,762.21
1534 100D-201 (NA) m 1,607.94 16.08 1,624.02
1535 100D-301 (NA) m 1,916.55 19.17 1,935.71
1536 100D-401 (NA) m 2,122.43 21.22 2,143.66
1537 100D-501 (NA) m 226.98 2.27 229.25
1538 70D-1910 (NA) m 239.69 2.40 242.09
1539 100D-3503A (NA) m 1,208.59 12.09 1,220.67
1540 100D-3004 (NA) m 1,391.21 13.91 1,405.13
1541 100D-3207 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1542 100D-3503 (NA) m 1,308.14 13.08 1,321.22
1543 100D-1914 (NA) m 238.54 2.39 240.92
1544 100D-3203 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1545 70S-1002-1(NA) m 654.07 6.54 660.61
1546 70S-1102-1 (NA) m 467.83 4.68 472.51
1547 70S-1202-1(NA) m 479.82 4.80 484.62
1548 70S-1701A (NA) m 859.67 8.60 868.26
1549 70S-1402-1 (NA) m 606.53 6.07 612.60
1550 70S-1801 (NA) m 579.37 5.79 585.16
1551 70S-1101-2 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1552 70S-1001-1 (NA) m 933.50 9.33 942.83
1553 70S-1704 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1554 70S-1402-1 (NA) m 606.53 6.07 612.60
1555 70S-1201-1 (NA) m 759.40 7.59 766.99
1556 70S-1604 (NA) m Deleted Deleted
1557 70S-1801 (NA) m 579.37 5.79 585.16

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1558 PT-5157 (NA) m 642.92 6.43 649.35
1559 PT-5158 (NA) m 459.10 4.59 463.69
1560 PT-5153 (NA) m 168.89 1.69 170.58
1561 PT-5154 (NA) m 343.01 3.43 346.44
1562 70SM-1011 (NA) m 840.59 8.41 849.00
1563 PT-5159 (NA) m 902.64 9.03 911.67
1564 SPR 105 (NA) m 889.09 8.89 897.99
1565 SPR 106 (NA) m 760.70 7.61 768.30
1566 SPR 110 (NA) m 385.35 3.85 389.20
1567 SPR 4521 (NA) m 624.29 6.24 630.53
1568 3303AA Rubber Beading m 43.00 0.43 43.43
1569 DG 01 (NA) m 443.70 4.44 448.14
1570 DG 101 (NA) m 382.73 3.83 386.56
1571 80S-2701 (NA) m 1,088.96 10.89 1,099.85
1572 80S-2801 (NA) m 1,369.40 13.69 1,383.09
1573 CA-1114 (NA) m 1,186.34 11.86 1,198.20
Aluminium Extrusions (Bronze Anodized)
1601 70S-1101-1 (BA) m 928.44 9.28 937.72
1602 70S-1001-1 (BA) m 978.86 9.79 988.65
1603 70S-1201-1 (BA) m 773.55 7.74 781.29
1604 70S-1601(BA) m 751.59 7.52 759.11
1605 70S-1701(BA) m 685.28 6.85 692.13
1606 70S-1501 (BA) m 866.31 8.66 874.97
1607 70S-1401 (BA) m 652.33 6.52 658.86
1608 70SFL-103 (BA) m 1,524.43 15.24 1,539.67
1609 70SFL-102 (BA) m 602.20 6.02 608.22
1610 GL-107 (BA) m 288.51 2.89 291.40
1611 DG-02 (BA) m 248.02 2.48 250.50
1612 DG-102 (BA) m 421.99 4.22 426.21
1613 CA-1011(BA) m 1,051.67 10.52 1,062.19
1614 CA-1012 (BA) m 1,618.69 16.19 1,634.88
1615 100D-1914 (BA) m 243.45 2.43 245.89
1616 CA-1007 (BA) m 527.14 5.27 532.42
1617 CA-1008 (BA) m 925.58 9.26 934.84
1618 CA-2005 (BA) m 954.37 9.54 963.92
1619 A-111 m 906.55 9.07 915.62
1620 DG-103 (BA) m 323.64 3.24 326.88
1621 DG-101(BA) m 389.82 3.90 393.71
1622 CA-2004 (BA) m 749.76 7.50 757.26
1623 GL-107 (BA) m 288.51 2.89 291.40
1624 CA-1003 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1625 CA-1004 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1626 CA-2006 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1627 DG-04(BA) m 394.72 3.95 398.67
1628 DG-102(BA) m 421.99 4.22 426.21
1629 CA-1001 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1630 CA-1002 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1631 100D-3105 (BA) m 1,689.86 16.90 1,706.76
1632 100D-101 (BA) m 1,697.37 16.97 1,714.34
1633 100D-103 (BA) m 1,783.63 17.84 1,801.46
1634 100D-201 (BA) m 1,640.01 16.40 1,656.41
1635 100D-301 (BA) m 1,966.39 19.66 1,986.06

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1636 100D-401 (BA) m 2,161.88 21.62 2,183.50
1637 100D-501 (BA) m 231.46 2.31 233.77
1638 70D-1910 (BA) m 244.32 2.44 246.76
1639 100D-3503A (BA) m 1,230.55 12.31 1,242.86
1640 100D-3004 (BA) m 1,418.81 14.19 1,433.00
1641 100D-3207 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1642 100D-3503 (BA) m 1,358.27 13.58 1,371.85
1643 100D-1914 (BA) m 243.45 2.43 245.89
1644 100D-3203 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1645 70S-1002-1(BA) m 696.40 6.96 703.37
1646 70S-1102-1 (BA) m 479.10 4.79 483.89
1647 70S-1202-1(BA) m 488.49 4.88 493.38
1648 70S-1701A (BA) m 876.71 8.77 885.48
1649 70S-1402-1 (BA) m 624.31 6.24 630.55
1650 70S-1801 (BA) m 590.93 5.91 596.84
1651 70S-1101-2 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1652 70S-1001-1 (BA) m 978.86 9.79 988.65
1653 70S-1704 (BA) m Deleted Deleted
1654 70S-1402-1 (BA) m 624.31 6.24 630.55
1655 70S-1201-1 (BA) m 773.55 7.74 781.29
1656 70S-1601 (BA) m 751.59 7.52 759.11
1657 70S-1801 (BA) m 590.93 5.91 596.84
1658 PT-5157 (BA) m 655.39 6.55 661.94
1659 PT-5158 (BA) m 475.57 4.76 480.33
1660 PT-5153 (BA) m 175.25 1.75 177.01
1661 PT-5154 (BA) m 350.25 3.50 353.75
1662 70SM-1011 (BA) m 855.91 8.56 864.47
1663 PT-5159 (BA) m 915.73 9.16 924.89
1664 SPR 105 (BA) m 906.34 9.06 915.40
1665 SPR 106 (BA) m 774.86 7.75 782.61
1666 SPR 110 (BA) m 392.43 3.92 396.36
1667 SPR 4521 (BA) m 635.68 6.36 642.04
1668 3303AA Rubber Beading m 43.00 0.43 43.43
1669 DG 01 (BA) m 463.41 4.63 468.04
1670 DG 101 (BA) m 389.82 3.90 393.71
1671 80S-2701 (BA) m 1,110.77 11.11 1,121.88
1672 80S-2801 (BA) m 1,396.70 13.97 1,410.67
1673 CA-1114 (BA) m 1,210.03 12.10 1,222.13
Aluminium Extrusions (Powder Coated)
1701 70S-1101-1 (PC) m 1,072.49 10.72 1,083.21
1702 70S-1001-1 (PC) m 1,097.05 10.97 1,108.02
1703 70S-1201-1 (PC) m 892.46 8.92 901.39
1704 70S-1601 (PC) m 851.38 8.51 859.89
1705 70S-1701 (PC) m 754.92 7.55 762.47
1706 70S-1501 (PC) m 965.69 9.66 975.35
1707 70S-1401(PC) m 753.91 7.54 761.44
1708 70SFL-103 (PC) m 1,756.32 17.56 1,773.88
1709 70SFL-102 (PC) m 675.74 6.76 682.50
1710 GL-107 (PC) m 317.76 3.18 320.94
1711 DG-02 (PC) m 546.24 5.46 551.70
1712 DG-102 (PC) m 487.73 4.88 492.61
1713 CA-1011(PC) m 1,180.84 11.81 1,192.65

BSR (Vol-1) Page 26

2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1714 CA-1012 (PC) m 1,807.60 18.08 1,825.67
1715 100D-1914 (PC) m 280.44 2.80 283.24
1716 CA-1007 (PC) m 608.74 6.09 614.83
1717 CA-1008 (PC) m 1,057.68 10.58 1,068.25
1718 CA-2005 (PC) m 1,099.86 11.00 1,110.86
1719 A-111 m 1,024.26 10.24 1,034.50
1720 DG-103 (PC) m 373.05 3.73 376.78
1721 DG-101(PC) m 449.40 4.49 453.89
1722 CA-2004 (PC) m 826.43 8.26 834.70
1723 GL-107 (PC) m 317.76 3.18 320.94
1724 CA-1003 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1725 CA-1004 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1726 CA-2006 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1727 DG-04 (PC) m 454.68 4.55 459.23
1728 DG-102(PC) m 487.73 4.88 492.61
1729 CA-1001 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1730 CA-1002 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1731 100D-3105 (PC) m 1,946.75 19.47 1,966.21
1732 100D-101 (PC) m 1,959.60 19.60 1,979.20
1733 100D-103 (PC) m 2,050.48 20.50 2,070.99
1734 100D-201 (PC) m 1,889.67 18.90 1,908.57
1735 100D-301 (PC) m 2,253.19 22.53 2,275.72
1736 100D-401 (PC) m 2,495.05 24.95 2,520.00
1737 100D-501 (PC) m 266.71 2.67 269.38
1738 70D-1910 (PC) m 281.31 2.81 284.12
1739 100D-3503A (PC) m 1,420.69 14.21 1,434.89
1740 100D-3004 (PC) m 1,635.82 16.36 1,652.18
1741 100D-3207 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1742 100D-3503 (PC) m 1,497.12 14.97 1,512.09
1743 100D-1914 (PC) m 280.44 2.80 283.24
1744 100D-3203 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1745 70S-1002-1(PC) m 781.36 7.81 789.17
1746 70S-1102-1 (PC) m 550.04 5.50 555.54
1747 70S-1202-1(PC) m 563.33 5.63 568.97
1748 70S-1701A (PC) m 1,010.22 10.10 1,020.32
1749 70S-1402-1 (PC) m 713.31 7.13 720.44
1750 70S-1801 (PC) m 680.65 6.81 687.46
1751 70S-1101-2 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1752 70S-1001-1 (PC) m 1,097.05 10.97 1,108.02
1753 70S-1704 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1754 70S-1402-1 (PC) m 713.31 7.13 720.44
1755 70S-1201-1 (PC) m 892.46 8.92 901.39
1756 70S-1604 (PC) m Deleted Deleted
1757 70S-1801 (PC) m 680.65 6.81 687.46
1758 PT-5157 (PC) m 732.68 7.33 740.00
1759 PT-5158 (PC) m 545.31 5.45 550.76
1760 PT-5153 (PC) m 219.23 2.19 221.43
1761 PT-5154 (PC) m 402.13 4.02 406.15
1762 70SM-1011 (PC) m 987.53 9.88 997.41
1763 PT-5159 (PC) m 1,035.51 10.36 1,045.86
1764 SPR 105 (PC) m 1,046.44 10.46 1,056.90
1765 SPR 106 (PC) m 895.25 8.95 904.21
1766 SPR 110 (PC) m 452.63 4.53 457.16

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2020 Market
Transport Rate 2020
Cost Rs. (With VAT)
1767 SPR 4521 (PC) m 733.60 7.34 740.94
1768 3303AA Rubber Beading m 43.00 0.43 43.43
1769 DG 01 (PC) m 522.37 5.22 527.60
1770 DG 101 (PC) m 449.40 4.49 453.89
1771 80S-2701 (PC) m 1,279.82 12.80 1,292.62
1772 80S-2801 (PC.) m 1,609.38 16.09 1,625.47
1773 CA-1114 (PC) m 1,394.10 13.94 1,408.04
1801 Sliding lock (Heavy duty) nr 800.00 8.00 808.00
1802 Roller-70mm nr 60.00 0.60 60.60
1803 S.T. Screw - 1" No.8 nr 2.50 0.03 2.53
1804 Gasket m 55.00 0.55 55.55
1805 Wool felt m 30.00 0.30 30.30
1806 Pop rivet 5/32"x1/2" nr 2.00 0.02 2.02
1807 Plastic guide nr 2.00 0.02 2.02
1808 Cap 3/8" dia. nr 2.00 0.02 2.02
1809 S.T. Screw - 2" No.8 nr 4.00 0.04 4.04
1810 Casement lock nr 230.00 2.30 232.30
1811 Bar hinges (12") Pair 430.00 4.30 434.30
1812 Weather strip m 30.00 0.30 30.30
1813 Pop rivet 3/16"x1/2" nr 4.00 0.04 4.04
1814 Self tapping Screw - No.8 x 1/2' nr 1.00 0.01 1.01
1815 Door lock nr 750.00 7.50 757.50
1816 Butt hinge (2.5"x4") nr 150.00 1.50 151.50
1817 Door handle with cap nut Pair 900.00 9.00 909.00
1818 Revert (C Sk) 5/32"x1/2" nr 2.50 0.03 2.53
1819 Threaded bar with nut m 180.00 1.80 181.80
1820 Door closer nr 2,300.00 23.00 2,323.00
1821 Pop rivet 1/8"x1/2" nr 1.50 0.02 1.52
1822 G. I. Channel m 175.00 1.75 176.75
1823 White board, (2.5~3.0 mm) m² 329.86 3.30 333.16
1824 Chip board (12 mm) m² 691.00 6.91 697.91
1825 Melamine board (6mm thick) m² 938.00 9.38 947.38
1826 Composite Paneled Board (3mmthick) m² 1,250.00 12.50 1,262.50
1827 Floor Hinges nr 8,900.00 89.00 8,989.00
1828 Cladding sheet (4mm thick) single side m² 1,944.00 19.44 1,963.44
1829 Cladding sheet(4mm thick) Double side m² 1,944.00 19.44 1,963.44
1830 Cladding sheet(3mm thick) Double side m² 1,250.00 12.50 1,262.50
1831 Cladding sheet(4mm thick) -for Out Door m² 4,861.11 48.61 4,909.72
1832 power boit lock nr 225.00 2.25 227.25
1833 Self tapping screw - 50mm nr 4.00 0.04 4.04
1834 50x50 Aluminium "I' Angle m 138.00 1.38 139.38
1835 flush bolt nr 476.00 4.76 480.76

BSR (Vol-1) Page 28


Demolishing Brickwork in cement sand mortar, including stacking bricks and

A-01 m³ 1,691.00
clearing debris as directed.
Demolishing Brickwork in lime sand mortar, including stacking bricks and
A-02 m³ 1,353.00
clearing debris as directed.
Removing existing Timber Ceiling, stacking salvage materials and clearing
A-03 m² 136.00
debris as directed.
Demolishing 75mm thick Cement Concrete Floor and clearing away the debris
A-04 m² 843.00
as directed.
Demolishing reinforced concrete & removing reinforcement and clearing
A-05 m³ 13,208.00
debris as directed.
Removing the existing squatting pan pipe lines and stacking salvage materials
A-06 nr 1,938.00
and clearing debris as directed.
Removing the existing Commode and Bided Shower pipe lines and stacking
A-07 nr 1,938.00
salvage materials and clearing debris as directed.
Removing the existing Wash Basin pipe lines and stacking salvage materials and
A-08 nr 1,068.00
clearing debris as directed.

Removing Corrugated sheets, iron, asbestos or aluminum alloy sheets from

A-09 m² 155.00
roofs or walls and stacking salvage materials and clearing debris as directed.

Removing asbestos corrugated sheets and timber frame, stacking salvage

A-10 m² 163.00
materials and clearing debris as directed.
Removing door or window, size up to 3.7 sq.m. from existing walls and
A-11 nr 1,740.00

A-12 Removing door or window, size over 3.7 sq.m. from existing walls and stacking. nr 2,610.00

Removing only the door or window sashes size up to 3.7 sq.m. from existing
A-13 nr 272.00
frame and stacking.
Removing only the door or window sashes size over 3.7 sq.m. from existing
A-14 nr 406.00
frame and stacking.
Removing the G.I, old or decayed 85mm to150mm dia Down Pipes from
A-15 m 59.00
existing building and stacking.
Removing the PVC old 85mm to150mm dia Down Pipes from existing building
A-16 m 43.00
and stacking.
A-17 Demolishing the Existing Drains and clearing debris. m 174.00
A-18 Removing Expanded metal works from existing frames and stacking. m² 400.00
Removing existing Barbed Wire Fence by uprooting, rolling up the barbed wire,
A-19 stacking salvage materials and clearing debris (length of the fence to be m 271.00
Demolishing Brick Paved Floor, stacking the salvage bricks and clearing away
A-20 m² 412.00
the debris.
A-21 Removing the Glass Panes in doors, windows, fanlights, etc. and stacking. m² 871.00
A-22 Removing the Eave Gutters from roof and stacking. m 39.00
Removing Wooden Partitions and stacking at site including making good to
A-23 m² 781.00
walls and floors.
A-24 Removing Lime sand plastering by chipping and clearing away debris. m² 94.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 29

Removing the Plastering or Rendering with cement sand mortar by chipping
A-25 m² 211.00
and clearing away the debris in brick walls and brick paved floors.
Removing the Plastering or Rendering with cement sand mortar by chipping
A-26 and clearing away the debris in Cement concrete walls and Cement concrete m² 316.00
paved floors.
Removing tiles and timber of roof, stacking serviceable materials and clearing
A-27 m² 326.00
Demolishing Rubble Masonry Work with cement sand mortar, stacking rubble
A-28 m³ 2,114.00
and clearing debris.
A-29 Demolishing Wall or Floor Tiles and clearing away the debris. m² 375.00
A-30 Removing Calicut or Half Round Tiles from roofs and stacking at site. m² 155.00
Removing Asbestos Ceiling including timber frame work, stacking serviceable
A-31 m² 465.00
materials and clearing away the debris.
Removing Valance and Barge boarding, stacking serviceable materials and
A-32 m 39.00
clearing away the debris.
Removing Soffit Plastering with cement sand mortar and clearing away the
A-33 m² 290.00


Excavation for Drains to gradient and shape as directed, in any soil except rock
B-01 requiring blasting and depositing the excavated soil within the site, as directed. m³ 866.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Foundation in any material except rock requiring blasting,
B-02 levelling and well ramed under foundation.materials within the site as m³ 1,020.00
directed -Depth 0~1.5m (Bank volume).
Excavation for Foundation in any material except rock requiring blasting,
B-03 levelling and well ramed under foundation. materials within the site as m³ 1,635.00
directed -Depth 1.5~3.0m (Bank volume).
B-04 Rock excavation by blasting and piling as directed (Piled loose volume). m³ 3,965.00
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-05 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed -Depth 0~1.5m m³ 1,020.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-06 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed Depth 1.5~3.0m m³ 1,635.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-07 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed -Depth 3.0~4.5m m³ 2,250.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-08 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed - Depth 4.5~6.0m m³ 2,864.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-09 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed -Depth 6.0~7.5m m³ 3,479.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-10 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed -Depth 7.5~9.0m m³ 4,094.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-11 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed -Depth 9.0~10.5m m³ 4,709.00
(Bank volume).

BSR (Vol-1) page 30

Excavation for Wells in any material except rock requiring blasting and
B-12 depositing the excavated soil within 30m distance as directed -Depth 10.5~12m m³ 5,324.00
(Bank volume).
Excavation manually for leveling site in any materials except rock requiring
B-13 blasting, including transporting excavated soil up to 0.4Km , depositing and m³ 671.00
leveling as directed. (Bank volume).
Excavate by machine for leveling site in any materials except rock requiring
B-13A blasting, including transporting excavated soil up to 0.4Km , depositing and m³ Deleted
leveling as directed. (Bank volume).
Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved
B-14 quality earth/gravel/sand in 75mm layers by manually as directed m³ 1,555.00
(earth/gravel/sand available at site) - Compacted volume. (Less than 50 m³.)
Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved
quality Earth imported from outside in 75mm layers by manually as directed
B-15 m³ 2,107.00
(Cost of transport of sand should be added separately) - Compacted volume.(Less
than 50 m³.)
Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved
B-16 quality earth in 150mm layers by machinery as directed (earth available at m³ 716.00
site) - Compacted volume. (more than 50 m³.)
Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved
quality Earth imported from outside in 150mm layers by machinery as directed
B-17 m³ 1,196.00
(Cost of transport of sand should be added separately) - Compacted
volume.(more than 50 m³.)

Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved

B-18 quality Gravel imported from outside in 75mm layers by manually as directed m³ 2,282.00
(Cost of transport of gravel should be added separately) - Compacted volume.

Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved

B-19 quality Sand imported from outside in 75mm layers by manually as directed m³ 5,447.00
(Cost of transport of sand should be added separately) - Compacted volume.

Filling under floors by spreading, watering and compacting with approved

quality Quarry dust imported from outside in 75mm layers by manually as
B-20 m³ 2,927.00
directed. Rate shall include 30% of 4mm couse particle (Cost of transport Quarry
dust of should be added separately) - Compacted volume.

BSR (Vol-1) page 31


Concrete should be mixed using concrete mixers and poker vibrators should be
used to vibrate concrete. Hand mixing of concrete should only be allowed for
concrete less than 2.83 m³ and unavoidable situations and prior approval should
be obtained from the Engineer.
The rate shall include for plant mixing , handling, hoisting, depositing,
compressing, vibrating of concrete and curing, making good after removal of Note
formwork etc.
Reinforcement and formwork shall be paid separately unless stated in the
Approved for the concrete test report should be obtain by the Engineer.
If concrete redymix is used for SSR provide approved shoud be obtain from
Director Building or Head of the Department.
Ordinary Portland cement should be used unless stated in the description. Note
C-01 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 19,532.00

C-02 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 19,422.00

C-03 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:3:6(50mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 15,983.00

C-04 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:3:6(50mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 15,873.00

C-05 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2½:5(25mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 17,290.00

C-06 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2½:5(25mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 17,179.00

C-07 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:3:6(25mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 16,283.00

C-08 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:3:6(25mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 16,173.00

C-09 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:3:6(38mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 15,863.00

C-10 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:3:6(38mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 15,753.00

C-11 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:1½:3(20mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 21,495.00

C-12 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:1½:3(20mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 21,385.00

C-13 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:1½:3(12.5mm) concrete (Hand mixing). m³ 21,495.00

C-14 Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:1½:3(12.5mm) concrete (Machine mixing). m³ 21,385.00

300 mm wide concrete drains with 450mm wide ramp in 1:3:6(25mm)

concrete with 225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls
C-15 m 4,183.00
inclusive of 20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.
300 mm wide concrete drains with 750mm wide ramp in 1:3:6(25mm)
concrete with 225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls
C-16 m 4,857.00
inclusive of 20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.

300 mm wide concrete drains with 900mm wide ramp in 1:3:6(25mm)

concrete with 225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls
C-17 m 5,211.00
inclusive of 20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.

BSR (Vol-1) page 32

300 mm wide concrete drains without ramp in 1:3:6(25mm) concrete with
225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls inclusive of
C-18 m 3,850.00
20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall include
necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.

225 mm wide concrete drains with 450mm wide ramp in 1:3:6(25mm)

concrete with 150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls
C-19 m 3,524.00
inclusive of 20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.

225 mm wide concrete drains with 750mm wide ramp in 1:3:6(25mm)

concrete with 150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls
C-20 m 4,214.00
inclusive of 20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.
225 mm wide concrete drains with 900mm wide ramp in 1:3:6(25mm)
concrete with 150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls
C-21 m 4,551.00
inclusive of 20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.
225 mm wide concrete drains without ramp in 1:3:6(25mm) concrete with
150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and side walls inclusive of
C-22 m 3,058.00
20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall include
necessary expansion joints, formwork and excavation.
112x150mm Lintels in 1:2:4(20mm) cement concrete including formwork (
C-23 m 1,096.00
Reinforcement will be paid separately).
225x150mm Lintels in 1:2:4(20mm) cement concrete including formwork (
C-24 m 1,638.00
Reinforcement will be paid separately).
225x75mm Window sill in 1:2:4(20mm) cement concrete including formwork (
C-24A m 610.00
Reinforcement will be paid separately).
112x75mm Window sill in 1:2:4(20mm) cement concrete including formwork (
C-24B m 474.00
Reinforcement will be paid separately).
112x150mm stiffness columns in 1:2:4(20mm) cement concrete including
C-25 m 889.00
formwork (Reinforcement will be paid separately).
115x225mm stiffness columns in 1:2:4(20mm) cement concrete including
C-26 m 1,343.00
formwork (Reinforcement will be paid separately).

C-27 337.5x337.5x150 mm Pad stones in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete including formwork. nr 770.00

Supplying and placing 75mm thick Slab over drains in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete
C-28 reinforced with Y10@ 150mm c/c both ways. Rate shall include reinforcement m² 4,520.00
and necessary formwork.
Supplying and fixing 100mmx75mmx50mm Spur Stone in 1:2:4(20mm)
C-29 nr 117.00
concrete for door posts including necessary formwork.
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in column footings
C-30 m³ 19,532.00
(Hand mixing).
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in column footings
C-31 m³ 19,422.00
(Machine mixing).
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in column shafts
C-32 m³ 19,538.00
(Hand mixing).
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in column shafts
C-33 m³ 19,428.00
(Machine mixing).
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in beams (Hand
C-34 m³ 19,469.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 33

Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in beams (Machine
C-35 m³ 19,359.00
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in stair cases (Hand
C-36 m³ 19,532.00
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in stair cases
C-37 m³ 19,422.00
(Machine mixing).
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in slabs (Hand
C-38 m³ 19,469.00
Mixing, placing, vibrating and curing 1:2:4(20mm) concrete in slabs (Machine
C-39 m³ 19,359.00

Rate shall include for all necessary boarding, supports, erecting, framing, cutting
angles, striking or removal cleaning wetting etc.
Formwork is measured as the next contact surface measurement between
concrete and formwork.
Local timber formwork should be used only for minor works. Note
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 25mm thick local
D-01 m² 794.00
timber planks for Column Footings.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 25mm thick local
D-02 m² 2,079.00
timber planks for Column Shafts.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 25mm thick local
D-03 m² 1,665.00
timber planks for Beams.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 25mm thick local
D-04 m² 1,350.00
timber planks for plinth on ground floor.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 18 mm thick
D-04A m² 1,613.00
plywood sheets for plinth on ground floor.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 25mm thick local
D-05 m² 1,700.00
timber planks for Stair Cases.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 25mm thick local
D-06 m² 1,906.00
timber planks for Slabs.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 18 mm thick
D-07 m² 1,771.00
plywood sheets for Column Footings.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 18 mm thick
D-08 m² 2,412.00
plywood sheets for Column Shafts.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 18mm thick
D-09 m² 1,928.00
plywood sheets for Beams.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 18 mm thick
D-10 m² 2,049.00
plywood sheets for Stair Cases.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 18 mm thick
D-11 m² 2,281.00
plywood sheets for Slabs.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 15 mm thick
D-12 m² 1,695.00
plywood sheets for Column Footings.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 15 mm thick
D-13 m² 2,319.00
plywood sheets for Column Shafts.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 15 mm thick
D-14 m² 1,855.00
plywood sheets for Beams.

BSR (Vol-1) page 34

Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 15 mm thick
D-15 m² 1,945.00
plywood sheets for Stair Cases.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 15 mm thick
D-16 m² 2,177.00
plywood sheets for Slabs.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 12 mm thick
D-17 m² 1,679.00
plywood sheets for Column Footings.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 12 mm thick
D-18 m² 2,299.00
plywood sheets for Column Shafts.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 12 mm thick
D-19 m² 1,822.00
plywood sheets for Beams.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 12 mm thick
D-20 m² 1,873.00
plywood sheets for Stair Cases.
Supplying, fabricating, fixing and removing formwork using 12 mm thick
D-21 m² 2,105.00
plywood sheets for Slabs.

All steel reinforcement should be from cold worked deformed bars and mild steel
bars and carry SLS certificate or equivalent acceptable quality assurance
certificate indicating the yield strength and others as approved by the Engineer.
Rate to include for cutting, bending, fabricating and placing in position holding
and supporting including temporary fixing support hangers, binding wires and
necessary cover blocks as approved by the Engineer. The minimum yield strength
of steel to be as follows.
Tor steel : 460 N/mm² Mild steel : 250 N/mm².
Supplying, cutting, bending, laying and binding (with 16 BWG binding wires)
E-01 Mild Steel Reinforcement to slabs, beams, lintels, columns, stair cases, etc kg 288.00
(Diameter equal to 6mm).
Supplying, cutting, bending, laying and binding (with 16 BWG binding wires)
E-02 Mild Steel Reinforcement to slabs, beams, lintels, columns, stair cases, etc ( kg 288.00
Diameter greater than 6mm).

Supplying, cutting, bending, laying and binding (with 16 BWG binding wires) Tor
E-03 kg 292.00
Steel Reinforcement to slabs, beams, lintels, columns, stair cases, etc.


Rates shall include for all rough and fair cutting plumbing angles forming rebated
reveals rough arches making out joints for outing plastering etc, cutting and
pinning forming or cutting chases making good and sundry items of like nature.
The sizes of the cement blocks to be used are mentioned in the descriptions and
only ±5% deviation can be allowed. The quality of Bricks/cement blocks should
be approved by the engineer.
Brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar in foundation up to DPC level ( Size of
F-01 m³ 15,906.00
the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H≤65mm ).

Brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar in foundation up to DPC level ( Size of
F-02 m³ 13,513.00
the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65~100mm ).

Brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar in brick piers ( Size of the brick should
F-03 m³ 18,606.00
be L=220mm, W=105mm, H≤65mm ).

Brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar in brick piers ( Size of the brick should
F-04 m³ 16,137.00
be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65~100mm ).

BSR (Vol-1) page 35

225mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar above DPC level.( Size of
F-05 m³ 16,811.00
the brick should be L=220mm,W=105mm,H≤65mm ).

225mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar above DPC level. ( Size
F-06 m³ 14,380.00
of the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65~100mm ).

225mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar using wire cut bricks (
F-07 m³ 34,058.00
Size of the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65mm ).

225mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar using batik bricks ( Size
F-08 m³ 30,898.00
of the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65mm ).

112mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar ( Size of the brick should
F-09 m² 2,044.00
be L=220mm, W=105mm, H≤65mm ).

112mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar ( Size of the brick should
F-10 m² 1,744.00
be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65~100mm ).

112mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar using wire cut bricks (
F-11 m² 4,037.00
Size of the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65mm ).

112mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar using batik bricks
F-12 m² 3,305.00
(Size of the brick should be L=220mm, W=105mm, H=65mm ).

150mm thick brick work in 1:5 cement and sand mortar ( Size of the brick should
F-13 m² 2,034.00
be L=220mm, W=150mm, H=65~100mm ).

300 mm wide brick drains with 450mm wide ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar
with 225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side
F-14 m 3,445.00
walls inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate
shall include necessary expansion joints and excavation.

300 mm wide brick drains with 750mm wide ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar
with 225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side
F-15 m 4,025.00
walls inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate
shall include necessary expansion joints and excavation.

300 mm wide brick drains with 900mm wide ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar
with 225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side
F-16 m 4,333.00
walls inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate
shall include necessary expansion joints and excavation.

300 mm wide brick drains without ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar with
225mm to 300mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side walls
F-17 m 2,890.00
inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints and excavation.
225 mm wide brick drains with 450mm wide ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar
with 150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side
F-18 m 2,860.00
walls inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate
shall include necessary expansion joints and excavation.

225 mm wide brick drains with 750mm wide ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar
with 150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side
F-19 m 3,457.00
walls inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate
shall include necessary expansion joints and excavation.

225 mm wide brick drains with 900mm wide ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar
with 150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side
F-20 m 3,747.00
walls inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate
shall include necessary expansion joints and excavation.

BSR (Vol-1) page 36

225 mm wide brick drains without ramp in 1:5 cement sand mortar with
150mm to 225mm average depth, 75mm thick base and 112mm thick side walls
F-21 m 2,306.00
inclusive of 12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix. Rate shall
include necessary expansion joints and excavation.
300mm wide, 225mm high brick steps in 1:3 cement, sand mortar and
F-22 rendering with 12mm thick 1:3 cement, sand mortar inclusive of foundations m 1,699.00
150mm below ground level.
150 mm thick solid cement block in 1:5 cement sand mortar. ( Size of the
F-23 m² 2,405.00
cement block should be L=390mm x W=150mm x H=190mm)
100 mm thick solid cement block in 1:5 cement sand mortar. ( Size of the
F-24 m² 1,648.00
cement block should be L=390mm x W=100mm x H=190mm)
150 mm thick Hollow cement block in 1:5 cement sand mortar with cavities un
F-25 filled. ( Size of the Hollow cement block should be L=390mm x W=150mm x m² 2,296.00
200 mm thick Hollow cement block in 1:5 cement sand mortar with cavities un
F-26 filled. ( Size of the Hollow cement block should be L=390mm x W=200mm x m² 2,571.00

20 mm thick DPC in 1:3 cement sand mix finished with two coats of DPC tar and
G-01 m² 1,298.00
blinded with sand.
Random Rubble Masonry work for foundations in 1:5 cement, sand mortar using
G-02 m³ 13,313.00
150mm x 225 mm approved quality rubble.
Random Rubble Masonry work for retaining walls in 1:5 cement, sand mortar
G-03 m³ 12,510.00
using 150mm x 225 mm approved quality rubble.
300mm wide, 225mm high masonry steps in 1:5 cement, sand mortar and
G-04 rendering with 12mm thick 1:3 cement, sand mortar inclusive of foundations m 1,363.00
150mm below ground level.
G-05 Supplying and laying 110mm (4") Type PNT 9 PVC pipes as weep hole. m 2,171.00
G-06 Supplying and laying 90mm (3") Type PNT 9 PVC pipes as weep hole. m 1,469.00
G-07 Supplying and laying 63mm (2") Type PNT 9 PVC pipes as weep hole. m 748.00
Packing rubble and aggregate filter layers behind masonry wall.( Rubble should
G-08 m³ 1,114.00
be paid separately)


If the project is situated in very remote area SSR shall be forwarded for the
approvel of the Director Building or Head of the Department.
Anti termite treatment for floor. The method of treating and the chemicals to
H-01 be used should be approved by the Engineer and minimum 10 year warranty m² 348.00
certificate from a recognized organization should be provided.
Application of liquid polymer cement water proofing agent for flat roofs, concrete
or masonry tanks, wet areas of toilets and bathrooms, exposed balconies,
concrete gutters, etc . The water proofing should be done by a specialized sub
H-02 m² 1,830.00
contractor registered at ICTAD and at least 5 year warranty certificate should be
provided. The water proofing material and the method of water proofing should
be approved by the engineer.

BSR (Vol-1) page 37

Application two coat of liquid polymer cement water proofing agent for flat roofs,
concrete or masonry tanks, wet areas of toilets and bathrooms, exposed
H-03 m² Deleted
balconies, concrete gutters, etc. The water proofing material and the method of
water proofing should be approved by the engineer.
H-04 Expansion joints in concrete floors, filled with 12mm regiform. m 96.00
Supplying and laying G1000 polythene as damp proof membrane with 150mm
H-05 m² 136.00
laps after preparing surface as directed.

Supplying and Laying 220mm x 110mm x80mm size (strength class 25N/mm²)
Interlocking blocks on 50mm thick compacted Quary dust layer. Cost of
H-06 m² 2,146.00
transport of material should be added seperately. (Colour, pattern and the quality
should be approved by the engineer.)

Laying 220mm x 110mm x80mm size Interlocking blocks on 50mm thick

compacted Quary dust layer. Cost of interlocking concrete blocks & transport of
H-06A m² 304.00
material should be added seperately. (Colour, pattern and the quality should be
approved by the engineer.)

Supplying and Laying 220mm x 110mm x80mm size (strength class 40N/mm²)
Interlocking blocks on 50mm thick compacted Quary dust layer. Cost of
H-06B m² 2,437.00
transport of material should be added seperately. (Colour, pattern and the quality
should be approved by the engineer.)

75 mm thick brick paved floor in 1:5 cement, sand mortar and 12mm thick
H-07 m² 2,249.00
cement rendering in 1:2 cement, sand mortar finished smooth with cement putty.

75mm thick concrete floor in 1:3:6(25mm) cement concrete inclusive of 12mm

H-08 thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement, sand mortar finished smooth with cement m² 1,958.00
H-09 75mm thick concrete floor in 1:3:6(25mm) cement concrete. m² 1,221.00


Rates shall include for temporary rules and all normal cutting, arises rounded
angles and the like nature making good around pipes, sanitary fittings and other
fixtures protection and cleaning.The quality and type of tile should be
approved by the engineer.)

Supplying and laying 200mmx300mm Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-01 m² Deleted
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.90.00-Rs.120.00

Supplying and laying 200mmx400mm Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-02 m² Deleted
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.130.00-Rs.135.00

Supplying and laying 300mmx400mm Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-03 m² 4,544.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.265.00-Rs.285.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 38


Supplying and laying 300mmx600mm Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-04 m² 4,975.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.432.00-Rs.475.00

Supplying and laying 300mmx300mm Non Skid Ceramic Floor Tiles with
exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-05 m² 4,186.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.148.00-Rs.182.00

Supplying and laying 450mmx450mm Non Skid Ceramic Floor Tiles with
exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-06 m² 4,775.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer) Price range Rs.459.00-Rs.475.00 .

Supplying and laying 300mmx300mm Non Skid Homogeneous Ceramic Floor

Tiles with exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement
J-07 sand mortar and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, m² 4,976.00
pattern and the quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range
Supplying and laying 300mmx300mm Homogeneous Semi Glazed/Mat
Ceramic Floor Tiles with exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding
J-08 in 1:3 cement sand mortar and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of m² 4,976.00
tiles.(Colour, pattern and the quality should be approved by the engineer).Price
range Rs.185.00-Rs.257.00

Supplying and laying 300mmx300mm Glazed Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-09 m² 3,713.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.129.00-Rs.138.00

Supplying and laying 300mmx300mm Matt Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-10 m² 4,186.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.149.00-Rs.182.00

Supplying and laying 400mmx400mm Non Skid Homogeneous Ceramic Floor

Tiles with exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement
J-11 sand mortar and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, m² 4,978.00
pattern and the quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range

Supplying and laying 400mmx400mm Glazed Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-12 m² 4,520.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.338.00-Rs.342.00

Supplying and laying 400mmx400mm Matt Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-13 m² 4,552.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer). Price range Rs.338.00-Rs.342.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 39


Supplying and laying 450mmx450mm Matt Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-14 m² 4,907.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.470.00-Rs.480.00

Supplying and laying 600mmx600mm Homogeneous Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-15 m² 6,356.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.962.00-Rs.1,477.00

Supplying and laying 600mmx600mm Matt Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-16 m² 5,509.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.994.00-Rs.1,134.00

Supplying and laying 600mmx600mm Polished Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-17 and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the m² 5,587.00
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.1,013.00-

Supplying and laying 600mmx400mm Matt Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-18 m² 5,657.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.637.00-Rs.740.00

Supplying and laying 600mmx300mm Glazed Ceramic Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-19 m² 6,998.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer). Price range Rs.750.00-Rs.877.00

Supplying and laying 600mmx300mm semi Glazed Floor Tiles with

exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-20 m² 5,912.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.637.00-Rs.740.00

Supplying and laying 600mmx600mm Polish Porcelain Tiles with exceptional

quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar and
J-21 pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the m² 7,166.00
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.1,220.00-

Supplying and laying 100mm high Non Skid Ceramic Floor Tile Skirting with
exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar
J-22 m 444.00
and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.148.00-Rs.183.00

Supplying and laying 100mm high Non Skid Homogeneous Ceramic Floor Tile
Skirting with exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3
J-23 cement sand mortar and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of m 535.00
tiles.(Colour, pattern and the quality should be approved by the engineer).Price
range Rs.185.00-Rs.257.00

Supplying and laying 100mm high Ceramic Floor Tile Skirting with exceptional
quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement sand mortar and
J-24 m 390.00
pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, pattern and the
quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range Rs.129.00-Rs.138.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 40

Supplying and laying 300mmx300mm Matt Ceramic Floor Tiles for Bath
Room with exceptional quality, including 12mm thick tile bedding in 1:3 cement
J-25 sand mortar and pointing with tile grout similar to the colour of tiles.(Colour, m² 4,760.00
pattern and the quality should be approved by the engineer).Price range
J-26 Supplying and laying approved quality PVC beading. m 149.00
J-27 Supplying and laying approved quality stainless steel beading. m 234.00
Supplying and fixing 100mm high Timber Skirting in 20mm thick special class
J-28 timber with treating timber with wood preservative and applying two coats of m 588.00
enamel paint or varnish as directed.

A. Organization should be provide certificate with 10 years warranty for the
treated timber.
B. Technical specification of the treating materials using and other technical
information regarding the treating methed should be attached the tender.
C. Timber should be treated by vacuum pressure impregnation technique with
following specification.
i. Preservation are forced into the timber using a pressure of 200psi which
penetrate deep in to the wood & gent fixed inside the wood cells.
ii. Preservatives do not get washed/leached off after treatment.
iii. Pleasant appearance.
iv. clean to handle.
v. Odorless.
vi. Preservatives used are harmless to humans, animals & plant life.
vii. Easy to paint, polish & glue.
D. Timber transport by the client.
E. All timber are Micro timber.
Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on class 1 or
above timber frame consist of 100mmx50mm rafters (maximum spacing 0.9m)
and 50mmx50mm bearers with maximum spacing of 1200mm centre to centre.
K-01 Each asbestos sheet should be supported by three bearers and should be fixed to m² 2,736.00
each bearer in two positions using J-bolts. Rate shall include treating timber with
approved quality wood preservative. (Quality of timber and asbestos sheets
should be approved by the engineer).
Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on imported
treated timber consist of 100mmx50mm rafters (maximum spacing 0.9m) and
50mmx50mm bearers with maximum spacing of 1200mm centre to centre. Each
K-02 asbestos sheet should be supported by three bearers and should be fixed to each m² 3,454.00
bearer in two positions using J-bolts. Rate shall include treating timber with
approved quality wood preservative. (Quality of timber and asbestos sheets
should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on class 1 or

above timber frame consist of 150mmx50mm purling with maximum spacing of
1500mm centre to centre. Each asbestos sheet should be supported by three
K-03 m² 2,676.00
purling and should be fixed to each purling in two positions using J-bolts. Rate
shall include treating timber with approved quality wood preservative. ( Quality
of timber and asbestos sheets should be approved by the engineer).

BSR (Vol-1) page 41

Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on imported
treated timber frame consist of 150mmx50mm purling with maximum spacing
of 1500mm centre to centre. Each asbestos sheet should be supported by three
K-03A m² 3,359.00
purling and should be fixed to each purling in two positions using J-bolts. Rate
shall include treating timber with approved quality wood preservative. ( Quality
of timber and asbestos sheets should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on

50x50x5.8mm sized angle iron purling at a maximum spacing of 1500mm
centre to centre including painting steel work with two coats of anticorrosive
K-04 paint. Each asbestos sheet should be supported by three purling and should be m² 2,296.00
fixed to each purling in two positions using J-bolts. ( Quality of angle irons and
asbestos sheets should be approved by the engineer)
- Note: Should be used for roofs up to 3100 mm span.

Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on

62.5x62.5x5.8mm sized angle iron purling at a maximum spacing of 1500mm
centre to centre including painting steel work with two coats of anticorrosive
K-05 paint. Each asbestos sheet should be supported by three purling and should be m² 2,642.00
fixed to each purling in two positions using J-bolts. ( Quality of angle irons and
asbestos sheets should be approved by the engineer)
- Note: Should be used for roofs from 3100mm to 4200 mm span..

Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on

75x75x5.8mm sized angle iron purling at a maximum spacing of 1500mm
centre to centre including painting steel work with two coats of anticorrosive
K-06 paint. Each asbestos sheet should be supported by three purling and should be m² 2,851.00
fixed to each purling in two positions using J-bolts. ( Quality of angle irons and
asbestos sheets should be approved by the engineer)
- Note: Should be used for roofs from 4200mm to 4500 mm span.

Supplying and roofing with Corrugated asbestos roofing sheets on existing

K-07 frame work with all specials ( Quality of asbestos sheets should be approved by m² 1,203.00
the engineer).
Supplying and fixing approved quality 6'-0" long corrugated asbestos roof
K-08 nr 2,677.00
sheets as directed (Only for repair works).
Supplying and fixing approved quality 8'-0" long corrugated asbestos roof
K-08A nr 3,371.00
sheets as directed (Only for repair works).
Supplying and fixing approved quality 10'-0" long corrugated asbestos roof
K-09 nr 3,541.00
sheets as directed (Only for repair works).
Supplying and fixing approved quality 12'-0" long corrugated asbestos roof
K-10 nr 4,116.00
sheets as directed (Only for repair works).
Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
roofing sheets on class 1 or above timber frame consist of 100mmx50mm
K-11 rafters and 50mmx50mm bearers with maximum spacing of 1200mm centre to m² 3,318.00
centre. ( Quality of timber and Brand, Profile and Colour of the sheets should be
approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
roofing sheets on class 1 or above timber frame consist of 100mmx50mm
K-12 m² 2,857.00
purling with maximum spacing of 1200mm centre to centre. ( Quality of timber
and Brand, Profile and Colour of the sheets should be approved by the engineer).

BSR (Vol-1) page 42


Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
roofing sheets on class 1 or above timber frame consist of 150mmx75mm
K-13 m² 3,145.00
purling with maximum spacing of 1500mm centre to centre. ( Quality of timber
and Brand, Profile and Colour of the sheets should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
roofing sheets on 100x50x2mm galvanized lip panel at maximum spacing of
K-14 m² 3,330.00
900mm center to center frame work with all specials (Brand, Profile and Colour
of the sheets should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with 30mm thick Glamet polyurethane sandwitch

panelled roofing sheets on 50x50x5.8mm G .I Box bar purling at a maximum
K-14A spacing of 1200mm centre to centre. inclding auto painting steel work with two m² Deleted
coats of oil primer and paint. This rate include nut and bolts & necessary fittings
(quality of G .I. box bar and roofing sheets should be appored by the engineer.)

Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
roofing sheets on 50x50x5.8mm angle iron frame work with all specials. Rate
K-15 m² 3,310.00
shall include applying two coats of anticorrosive paint to all steel work. (Brand,
Profile and Colour of the sheets should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
roofing sheets on 62.5x62.5x5.8mm angle iron frame work with all specials.
K-16 m² 3,687.00
Rate shall include applying two coats of anticorrosive paint to all steel work.
(Brand, Profile and Colour of the sheets should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with 0.47mm thick colour coated Zink Aluminum metal
K-17 roofing sheets on existing frame work with all specials (Brand, Profile and m² 2,095.00
Colour of the sheets should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and laying approved quality double side 3 -4mm thick Aluminum
K-18 Foil and 3"x3" mesh(Gauge 17) with necessary fasteners, directed ( m² 369.00
Quality of foil and mesh should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and laying approved quality double side 3-4 mm thick Aluminum
K-19 Foil without mesh and with necessary fasteners, directed ( Quality m² 191.00
of foil should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with approved quality Calicut Pattern Tiles on class 1
timber frame work consist of 100x50mm rafters and 50x25mm reapers and
K-20 m² 4,481.00
treating timber with approved quality wood preservative ( Quality of timber and
tiles should be approved by the engineer).

Supplying and roofing with Calicut pattern tiles on timber frame work using
K-21 available tiles and timber including treating timber with approved quality m² 919.00
wood preservative.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 50x50x5.8 mm double angle iron rafters

using 12mm bolt and nut including applying 2 coats of anticorrosive paint. Rate
K-22 m 2,188.00
shall include necessary cleats for fixing purling and anchor rods, concrete and
formwork required for fixing to walls as directed.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 62.5x62.5x5.8 mm double angle iron rafters

using 12mm bolt and nut including applying 2 coats of anticorrosive paint. Rate
K-23 m 2,956.00
shall include necessary cleats for fixing purling and anchor rods, concrete and
formwork required for fixing to walls as directed.

BSR (Vol-1) page 43

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 75x75x5.8 mm double angle iron rafters
using 12mm bolt and nut including applying 2 coats of anticorrosive paint. Rate
K-24 m 3,440.00
shall include necessary cleats for fixing purling and anchor rods, concrete and
formwork required for fixing to walls as directed.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Truss of 20'-0" span using
50x50x5.8 mm angle iron as per detailed drawing no. 01 including applying 2
K-25 coats of anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats nr 65,318.00
for fixing purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and
truss plates as directed by the engineer.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Truss of 25'-0" span using
50x50x5.8 mm angle iron as per detailed drawing no. 02 including applying 2
K-26 coats of anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats nr 82,783.00
for fixing purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and
truss plates as directed by the engineer.
Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Truss of 30'-0" span using
62.5x62.5x5.8 mm angle iron as per detailed drawing no. 03 including applying 2
K-27 coats of anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats nr 113,572.00
for fixing purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and
truss plates as directed by the engineer.
Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Truss of 40'-0" span using
75x75x5.8 mm angle iron as per detailed drawing 04 including no. 04 applying 2
K-28 coats of anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats nr 170,172.00
for fixing purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and
truss plates as directed by the engineer.
Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Web Truss of 300mm wide using
50x50x5.8 mm double angle iron main bars and 50x50 x5.8 mm angle iron
distribution bars as per detailed drawing. including applying 2 coats of
K-29 m 10,299.00
anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats for fixing
purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and truss plates
as directed by the engineer.
Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Web Truss of 450mm wide using
50x50x5.8 mm double angle iron main bars and 50x50x5.8 mm angle iron
distribution bars as per detailed drawing no. 05 including applying 2 coats of
K-30 m 11,579.00
anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats for fixing
purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and truss plates
as directed by the engineer.
Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Web Truss of 600mm wide using
62.5x62.5x5.8 mm double angle iron main bars and 50x50x5.8 mm angle iron
distribution bars as per detailed drawing no. 06 including applying 2 coats of
K-31 m 13,352.00
anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats for fixing
purling and rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and truss plates
as directed by the engineer.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Steel Roof Web Truss of 900mm wide using
75x75x5.8 mm double angle iron main bars and 50x50x5.8 mm angle iron
distribution bars as per detailed drawing including applying 2 coats of
K-32 m 14,274.00
anticorrosive paint to all steel work. Rate shall include necessary cleats for fixing
purling rag bolts,neccessary bolts and nuts, pressure plates and truss plates as
directed by the engineer.

Supplying and fixing 0.47mm thick Zink Aluminum ridge capping of girth
K-33 470mm to match the colour of the roof. Rate shall include all necessary fasteners, m 1,705.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 44

Supplying and fixing Ridging "v"shape with asbestos cement close fitting
K-34 m 926.00
ridges with necessary bolts, etc.

Supplying and fixing Ridging with asbestos cement close fitting ridges with
K-34A m 1,711.00
necessary bolts, etc.

Ridging with approved quality ridge tiles including bedded in 1:1:4 cement,
K-35 m 666.00
lime, sand mortar coloured to match tiles.

Ridging with available ridge tiles including bedded in 1:1:4 cement, lime, sand
K-36 m 416.00
mortar coloured to match tiles.

K-37 Supplying approved quality Calicut pattern tiles to the site. nr 121.00
K-38 Supplying and laying approved quality Calicut pattern tiles as directed. nr 136.00
K-39 Supplying approved quality ridge tiles to the site. nr 102.00
K-40 Shifting and relaying Calicut pattern tiles. m² 62.00
K-41 Laying Calicut pattern tiles in any building with available tiles at site. m² 94.00


The dimensions indicated in the description are the finished sized of timber
members and only ±5% deviation can be allowed.

Supplying, making and fixing valance boards, barge boards or fascia of

minimum of 20mm finished thickness and 225mm width in Sapu or higher
L-01 quality timber. rate to include 200mm - 225 mm long bracket fixed to roof of m 1,410.00
25mmx5mm section flat iron and painting with two coats of anti corrosive
paint.approved by the engineer and completing with necessary iron screws, etc

Supplying, making and fixing valance boards, barge boards or fascia of

minimum of 20mm finished thickness and 225mm width in Sapu or higher
quality timber 225mm width in Sapu or higher quality timber. rate to include
L-02 200mm - 225 mm long bracket fixed to roof of 25mmx5mm section flat iron and m 1,759.00
painting with two coats of anti corrosive paint,approved by the engineer and
completing with necessary iron screws, etc. including treating timber with wood
preservative and two coats of enamel paint

Supplying and fixing Flat asbestos ceiling with class 1 or above timber
framework consists of 100x50mm joists at 1200mm centers and 50x50mm
bearers at 600mm centers including 38mmx12mm beadings and 38x38mm
moldings of class11 timber. Rate shall include treating all timber work using
L-03 m² 4,251.00
approved quality wood preservatives, applying one coat of primer and 2 coats of
emulsion paint to asbestos sheets and two coats of enamel paint to beadings and
moldings. (Quality of timber, asbestos sheets, beadings and moldings should be
approved by the engineer)
Supplying and fixing Flat asbestos ceiling with Imported timber or above timber
framework consists of 100x50mm joists at 1200mm centers and 50x50mm
bearers at 600mm centers including 38mmx12mm beadings and 38x38mm
moldings of class11 timber. Rate shall include treating all timber work using
L-03A m² 4,928.00
approved quality wood preservatives, applying one coat of primer and 2 coats of
emulsion paint to asbestos sheets and two coats of enamel paint to beadings and
moldings. (Quality of timber, asbestos sheets, beadings and moldings should be
approved by the engineer)

BSR (Vol-1) page 45


Supplying and fixing Flat asbestos eave ceiling with class 1or above timber
framework consists of 50x50mm bearers at 600mm centers including
38mmx12mm beadings and 38x38mm moldings of class 1I timber. Rate shall
L-04 include treating all timber work using approved quality wood preservatives, m² 3,600.00
applying one coat of primer and 2 coats of emulsion paint to asbestos sheets and
two coats of enamel paint to beadings and moldings (Quality of timber, asbestos
sheets, beadings and moldings should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing Flat asbestos eave ceiling with Imported timber or above
timber framework consists of 50x50mm bearers at 600mm centers including
38mmx12mm beadings and 38x38mm moldings of class 1I timber. Rate shall
L-04A include treating all timber work using approved quality wood preservatives, m² 3,970.00
applying one coat of primer and 2 coats of emulsion paint to asbestos sheets and
two coats of enamel paint to beadings and moldings (Quality of timber, asbestos
sheets, beadings and moldings should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing PVC (W 250mm x H 7.5mm) Flat or Angle (Only for internal)
ceiling including frame work.(Average height of the roof 3600mm). The frame of
the ceiling is fabricated using 40mm GI channels (T 0.4mm/ H17mm/ W 45mm)
with a 600mm distance horizontally. The frame is also fixed to the roof purling
L-04B m² 3,632.00
vertically using same GI channels. Reverts are used to fix the ceiling panels and
other related accessories (reverts, screws, concrete nails, silicon gum,etc,) such as
moldings,PVC Corners(U /H/ L) (Quality of PVC ceiling sheet , Moldings, Placing
hangers and GI Channel should be approved by the enginner.)

Supplying and fixing 12 mm thick plywood ceiling with class 1 or above timber
framework consists of 100x50 mm joints at 1200mm centers and 50x50mm
L-05 bearers at 600mm centers including 38x12mm beading 38x38mm moldings of m² 4,030.00
class1I timber. Rate shall include treating all timber work using approved quality
wood preservatives, (Painting on plywood sheet will be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing Lunumidella timber ceiling with class 1 or above timber
framework consists of 100x50 mm joints at 1200mm centers and 50x50mm
bearers at 600mm centers including 38x38mm moldings of class I1 timber. Rate
L-06 shall include treating all timber work using approved quality wood m² 4,916.00
preservatives, applying one coat of approved quality wood primer and 2 coats of
polyurethane varnish to new lunumdella wood after preparing surface as

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick ledged, braced and battened door sash with
grooved and tongued joints in special class timber with 100x75mm frame in
special class timber complete with brass or equivalent approved quality
L-07 m² 16,479.00
furniture including 2nr of 300mm long skelton bolt and one coat of wood primer
and two coats of enamel painting to wood work. ( Type and brand of door lock to
be decided according to type of work and to be paid separately)
Supplying and fixing 25mm thick ledged, braced and battened door sash with
grooved and tongued joints in special class timber to existing frame complete
with brass or equivalent approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long
L-08 m² 11,230.00
skelton bolt and one coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to
wood work. ( Type and brand of door lock to be decided according to type of
work and to be paid separately)

BSR (Vol-1) page 46

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick ledged, braced and battened door sash with
grooved and tongued joints in class 1 timber to existing frame complete with
brass or equivalent approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long
L-09 m² 9,944.00
skelton bolt and one coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to
wood work. ( Type and brand of door lock to be decided according to type of
work and to be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick paneled door sash in special class timber with
100x75mm frame in special class timber complete with brass or equivalent
approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long skelton bolt and one
L-10 m² 21,490.00
coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood work. ( Type and
brand of door lock to be decided according to type of work and to be paid

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick paneled door sash in special class timber with
100x75mm frame with top louvers in special class timber complete with brass
or equivalent approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long skelton
L-11 m² 23,186.00
bolt and one coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood
work. ( Type and brand of door lock to be decided according to type of work and
to be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick paneled door sash in special class timber to
existing frame complete with brass or equivalent approved quality furniture
L-12 including 2nr of 300mm long skelton bolt and one coat of wood primer and two m² 16,730.00
coats of enamel painting to wood work. (type and brand of door lock to be
decided according to type of work and to be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing 31mm thick approved quality plywood door sash with
100x75mm frame in special class timber complete with brass or equivalent
approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long skelton bolt and one
L-13 m² 11,275.00
coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood work. ( Type and
brand of door lock to be decided according to type of work and to be paid

Supplying and fixing 31mm thick approved quality plywood door sash with
100x75mm frame with top louvers in special class timber complete with brass
or equivalent approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long skelton
L-14 m² 12,993.00
bolt and one coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood
work. ( Type and brand of door lock to be decided according to type of work and
to be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing 31mm thick approved quality plywood door sash to
existing frame in special class timber complete with brass or equivalent
approved quality furniture including 2nr of 300mm long skelton bolt and one
L-15 m² 7,397.00
coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood work. ( Type and
brand of door lock to be decided according to type of work and to be paid

Supplying and fixing approved quality P.V.C. door with frame with all necessary
L-16 m² Deleted
fittings and lock as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick timber paneled and 3mm thick glazed
window in special class timber with 100x75mm frame in special class timber
L-17 complete with brass or equivalent approved quality furniture, casement m² 22,157.00
fasteners, casement stays, window ring, etc including one coat of wood primer
and two coats of enamel painting to wood work.

BSR (Vol-1) page 47

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick timber paneled and 3mm thick glazed
window in special class timber with 100x75mm frame with top louvers in
L-18 special class timber complete with brass or equivalent approved quality m² 24,118.00
furniture, casement fasteners, casement stays, window ring, etc including one
coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood work.

Supplying and fixing 25mm thick timber paneled and 3mm thick glazed
window in special class timber to existing frame in special class timber
L-19 complete with brass or equivalent approved quality furniture, casement m² 16,431.00
fasteners, casement stays, window ring, etc including one coat of wood primer
and two coats of enamel painting to wood work.

Supplying and fixing 100x75mm door or widow frame in special class timber
L-20 including one coat of wood primer and two coats of enamel painting to wood m 2,467.00

L-21 Supplying special class timber to the site m³ 185,163.00

Supplying and fixing 50x25 mm special class timber as directed including
L-22 m 148.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 50x50 mm special class timber as directed including

L-23 m 443.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 100x50 mm special class timber as directed including

L-24 m 1,106.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 100x75 mm special class timber as directed including
L-25 m 1,643.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 125x50 mm special class timber as directed including
L-26 m 1,378.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 125x75 mm special class timber as directed including
L-27 m 2,046.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 150x50 mm special class timber as directed including
L-28 m 1,651.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 150x75 mm special class timber as directed including
L-29 m 2,521.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
L-30 Supplying class I timber to the site m³ 96,310.00
Supplying and fixing 50x25 mm class I timber as directed including treating
L-31 m 113.00
with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 50x50 mm class I timber as directed including treating

L-32 m 332.00
with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 100x50 mm class I timber as directed including treating
L-33 m 696.00
with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 100x75 mm class I timber as directed including treating

L-34 m 862.00
with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 125x50 mm class I timber as directed including treating
L-35 m 736.00
with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 125x75 mm class I timber as directed including treating

L-36 m 1,068.00
with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 150x50 mm class I timber as directed including treating
L-37 m 867.00
with approved quality wood preservative

BSR (Vol-1) page 48

Supplying and fixing 150x75 mm class I timber as directed including treating
L-38 m 1,303.00
with approved quality wood preservative
L-39 Supplying class I timber to the site m³ 152,125.00
Supplying and fixing 50x50 mm Imported timber timber as directed including
L-40 m 350.00
treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 100x50 mm Imported timber timber as directed
L-41 m 732.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 100x75 mm Imported timber timber as directed
L-42 m 1,412.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 125x50 mm Imported timber timber as directed
L-43 m 1,252.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 125x75 mm Imported timber timber as directed
L-44 m 1,892.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 150x50 mm Imported timber timber as directed

L-45 m 1,412.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative

Supplying and fixing 150x75 mm Imported timber timber as directed

L-46 m 2,252.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative
Supplying and fixing 150x100 mm Imported timber timber as directed
L-47 m 3,492.00
including treating with approved quality wood preservative


M-01 Supplying and fixing approved quality night latch (Grade II) lock as directed nr 1,766.00

Fixing front door type lock as directed ( Cost of supplying the lock is not included
M-02 nr 1,356.00
to the rate and should be paid separately as per client's requirement)

Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-03 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 1,200.00
Rs.1,000/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)

Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-04 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 1,800.00
Rs.1,500/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)
Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-05 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 2,400.00
Rs.2,000/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)
Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-06 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 3,000.00
Rs.2,500/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)
Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-07 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 3,600.00
Rs.3,000/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)
Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-08 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 4,200.00
Rs.3,500/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)
Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be
M-09 nr 4,800.00
Rs.4,000/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)

BSR (Vol-1) page 49

Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-10 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 5,400.00
Rs.4,500/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)

Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-11 should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 6,000.00
Rs.5,000/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)

Supplying approved quality door lock as per given specifications. Door lock
M-11A should be approved by the engineer and minimum market price should be nr 7,200.00
Rs6,000/= ( Fixing of door lock should be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing brass or equivalent approved quality 50mm barrel bolt
M-12 nr 452.00
Supplying and fixing brass or equivalent approved quality 100mm barrel bolt
M-13 nr 592.00
Supplying and fixing brass or equivalent approved quality 150mm barrel bolt
M-14 nr 868.00
Supplying and fixing heavy quality brass or equivalent approved quality
M-15 nr 962.00
100x100mm butt hinges as directed
Supplying and fixing heavy quality brass or equivalent approved quality
M-16 nr 1,122.00
150x100mm butt hinges as directed
Supplying and fixing oxidized brass or equivalent approved quality Casement
M-17 nr 790.00
Fasteners with mortise plate as directed
Supplying and fixing oxidized brass or equivalent approved quality 250mm
M-18 nr 588.00
Casement Stays as directed

Supplying and fixing heavy quality oxidized brass or equivalent approved

M-19 nr 880.00
quality 100x100mm butt hinges as directed

Supplying and fixing heavy quality oxidized brass or equivalent approved

M-20 nr 1,081.00
quality 150x100mm butt hinges as directed

Supplying and fixing copper or equivalent approved quality 50mm barrel bolt
M-21 nr 359.00

Supplying and fixing stainless steel or equivalent approved quality 50mm

M-21A nr 603.00
barrel bolt directed

Supplying and fixing copper or equivalent approved quality 100mm barrel bolt
M-22 nr 482.00

Supplying and fixing copper or equivalent approved quality 150mm barrel bolt
M-23 nr 671.00

Supplying and fixing copper or equivalent approved quality Casement

M-24 nr 472.00
Fasteners with mortise plate as directed

Supplying and fixing copper or equivalent approved quality 250mm Casement

M-25 nr 594.00
Stays as directed

Supplying and fixing heavy quality copper or equivalent approved quality

M-26 nr 752.00
100x100mm butt hinges as directed

Supplying and fixing heavy quality copper or equivalent approved quality

M-27 nr 871.00
150x100mm butt hinges as directed

BSR (Vol-1) page 50


Supplying and fixing 50x50mm G.I. weld mesh (gauge 10) to existing frame using
50x12mm class I timber beadings as directed and applying two coats of enamel
N-01 m² 2,751.00
paint to timber beadings and one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of
enamel paint to weld mesh

Supplying and fixing 50x50mm G.I. weld mesh (gauge 10) to 100x75mm class I
timber frame using 50x12mm class I timber beadings as directed and applying
N-02 m² 7,638.00
two coats of enamel paint to all wood work and one coat of anticorrosive paint
and two coats of enamel paint to weld mesh

Fabricating and fixing Diamond Shaped Iron Grill using 6 mm diameter M.S.
bars at 75mm c/c and 70 degree angle to form 75x150mm diamond shaped grill
N-03 with 12x5mm flat iron frame work. Rate shall include necessary concrete for m² 4,688.00
installation and applying one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of enamel

Fabricating and fixing Diamond Shaped Iron Grill using 6 mm diameter M.S.
bars at 75mm c/c and 70 degree angle to form 75x150mm diamond shaped grill
N-04 with 25x25x5(+/-1mm)mm angle iron frame work. Rate shall include m² 5,335.00
necessary concrete for installation and applying one coat of anticorrosive paint
and two coats of enamel paint

Fabricating and fixing steel door frame using 37x37x5.8mm "L" angle and
sash using 25x25x5 mm "L" angle lower part up to 1000mm, covered with 0.47
Zn.Alluminium sash on 12x5 mm flat iron at 300mm C/C in both ways. Upper
part consist with diamond shaped iron grill using 5.5mm diameter mild steel rods
N-05 m² 10,997.00
at 75mm C/C and 70 degree to horizontal . Rate should be included lock
arrangement for padlock, hinges & necessary concrete for fixing frame to the wall
for six places. Applying one coat of anticorrosive paint to all steel and two coat of
enamel paint.

Fabricating and fixing steel door frame using 37x37x5.8mm "L" angle and
sash using 25x25x5 mm "L" angle lower part up to 1000mm, covered with 18
gage GI sash on 12x5 mm flat iron at 300mm C/C in both ways. Upper part
consist with diamond shaped iron grill using 5.5mm diameter mild steel rods at
N-05A m² 11,697.00
75mm C/C and 70 degree to horizontal . Rate should be included lock
arrangement for padlock, hinges & necessary concrete for fixing frame to the wall
for six places. Applying one coat of anticorrosive paint to all steel and two coat of
enamel paint.

Fabricating and fixing steel door frame using 37x37x5.8mm "L" angle and sash
using 0.4mm thick 25x25mm box bar lower part up to 1000mm, covered with
18 gage GI sash on 12x5 mm flat iron at 300mm C/C in both ways. Upper part
consist with diamond shaped iron grill using 5.5mm diameter mild steel rods at
N-05B m² 11,042.00
75mm C/C and 70 degree to horizontal . Rate should be included lock
arrangement for padlock, hinges & necessary concrete for fixing frame to the wall
for six places. Applying one coat of anticorrosive paint to all steel and two coat of
enamel paint.

Fabricating and fixing 6mm dia. 75mm long mild steel rod (as hook) to drill hole
on 25x5mm plat iron at 200mm c/c and weld the hook on both side of plat iron.
N-06 nr 1,686.00
Rate shall include necessary concrete for fixing to the wall and applying one coat
of anticorrosive paint and two coat of enamel paint.

Supplying and fixing 16mm mild steel bars for windows as directed including
N-07 m 439.00
applying one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of enamel paint

BSR (Vol-1) page 51


Supplying and fixing 20mm mild steel bars for windows as directed including
N-08 m 596.00
applying one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of enamel paint

N-09 Supplying and fixing 100x16mm rag bolts with all specials nr 419.00
N-10 Supplying and fixing 100mm safety type Hasp and Staple as directed nr 399.00
N-11 Supplying and fixing 150mm safety type Hasp and Staple as directed nr 410.00

Supplying and fixing heavy quality oxidized iron or equivalent approved quality
N-12 nr 708.00
100x100mm butt hinges as directed

Supplying and fixing heavy quality oxidized iron or equivalent approved quality
N-13 nr 838.00
150x100mm butt hinges as directed

Class room Lock -Supplying and fixing 225mm long safety type Barrel bolt
N-14 with Hasp and Staple stainless steel, specially made directed. Rate nr 2,686.00
shall include 50mm pad lock.

Fabricating and fixing Iron grill using 12mm diameter M.S. bars at 100mm c/c
and vertical to form with 38 x 5mm fiat iron frame welded to 300mm horizontally
N-15 work as per given instruction by Engineer. Rate shall include necessary fixing m² 8,263.00
wall plug and screws for installation and applying one coat of anticorrosive paint
and two coats of enamel paint


All aluminium extrusions should have the following properties and the brand
should be approved by the Engineer
Alloy : AA 6063
Minimum Tensile Strength : 150 MPa
Minimum Elongation : 7%
Surface Treatments Note
(a) Powder coated
Coating Thickness : 60~80 micron
Colour : To be approved by the Architect/ Engineer
(b) Anodizing - Natural/ Bronze
Coating Thickness : 10~15 micron

If the Cladding and melamine board using for the Door or the Partition able
to issue with SSR.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window using approved quality natural anodized aluminum extrusions and
P-01 m² 15,125.00
5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/01 including lock, roller screws,
gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions and
P-02 m² 15,355.00
5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/01 including lock, roller screws,
gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions and 5mm
P-03 m² 16,475.00
thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/01 including lock, roller screws,
gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

BSR (Vol-1) page 52


Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window with top louvers using approved quality natural anodized aluminium
P-04 m² 18,051.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no. 15/02 including lock,
roller screws, gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window with top louvers using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium
P-05 m² 18,401.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no. 15/02 including lock,
roller screws, gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window with top louvers using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-06 m² 20,071.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no. 15/02 including lock,
roller screws, gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window with top fixed glass using approved quality natural anodized
P-07 m² 15,125.00
aluminium extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/03
including lock, roller screws, gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window with top fixed glass using approved quality bronze anodized
P-08 m² 15,777.00
aluminium extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/03
including lock, roller screws, gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.3mm thick) aluminium sliding

window with top fixed glass using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-09 m² 16,682.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/03 including lock,
roller screws, gaskets, wool felt, plastic guide, cap, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions and
P-10 m² 16,678.00
5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/04 including casement lock,
screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions and
P-11 m² 16,863.00
5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/04 including casement lock,
screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions and 5mm
P-12 m² 18,321.00
thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/04 including casement lock, screws,
gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top louvers using approved quality natural anodized aluminium
P-13 m² 18,583.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/05 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

BSR (Vol-1) page 53


Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top louvers using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium
P-14 m² 18,873.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/05 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top louvers using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-15 m² 20,686.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/05 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top fixed glass using approved quality natural anodized
P-16 m² 16,032.00
aluminium extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no. 15/06
including casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top fixed glass using approved quality bronze anodized
P-17 m² 16,231.00
aluminium extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no. 15/06
including casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 41mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top fixed glass using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-18 m² 17,654.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no. 15/06 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions and
P-19 m² 19,051.00
5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/07 including casement lock,
screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions and
P-20 m² 19,407.00
5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/07 including casement lock,
screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions and 5mm
P-21 m² 21,115.00
thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/07 including casement lock, screws,
gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminum casement

window with top louvers using approved quality natural anodized aluminum
P-22 m² 21,350.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/08 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminum casement

window with top louvers using approved quality bronze anodized aluminum
P-23 m² 21,812.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/08 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

BSR (Vol-1) page 54


Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top louvers using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-24 m² 23,836.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/08 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top fixed glass using approved quality natural anodized
P-25 m² 19,775.00
aluminium extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/09
including casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top fixed glass using approved quality bronze anodized
P-26 m² 20,165.00
aluminium extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/09
including casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium casement

window with top fixed glass using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-27 m² 21,865.00
extrusions and 5mm thick glass as per detailed drawing no.15/09 including
casement lock, screws, gaskets, hinges, weather strip, beadings,etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions
P-28 with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0 m² 20,690.00
mm), as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock, butthinges ,gaskets,
wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions
with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 6mm thick melamine
N-28 A m² 21,341.00
board as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock, butthinges
,gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions
with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 4mm thick clading
P-28 B m² 21,378.00
(double side) as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock, butthinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions
with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 4mm thick clading
P-29 m² 32,170.00
(double side) as per detailed drawing no.15/10 including door lock, floor
hinges,gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door
handle, etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door with top louvers using approved quality natural anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-30 m² Deleted
white board(2.5-3.0 mm) as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including door
lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door
handle, etc

BSR (Vol-1) page 55

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single
swing door with top louvers using approved quality natural anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-30 A m² 25,295.00
6mm thick melamine board as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including door
lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door
handle, etc
Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single
swing door with top louvers using approved quality natural anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-30 B m² 25,331.00
4mm thick clading (double side) as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including
door lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller,
door handle, etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions with
P-31 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0 mm) as m² 20,982.00
per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock, butthinges, gaskets, wool
felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions with
P-31A 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 6mm thick melamine board m² 21,633.00
as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock, butthinges , gaskets,
wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions with
5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 4mm thick clading (double
P-31B m² 21,669.00
side) as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock, butthinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions with
5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 4mm thick clading (double
P-32 m² 32,454.00
side) as per detailed drawing no.15/10 including door lock,floor hinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door with top louvers using approved quality bronze anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-33 m² 24,413.00
white board(2.5-3.0 mm) as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including door lock,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door with top louvers using approved quality bronze anodized
P-33A aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and 6mm thick m² 25,065.00
melamine board as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including door lock, gaskets,
wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc.

BSR (Vol-1) page 56

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single
swing door with top louvers using approved quality bronze anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-33B m² 25,140.00
4mm thick clading (double side) as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including
door lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller,
door handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions with
P-34 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0 mm) as m² 23,189.00
per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock,butthinges, gaskets, wool felt,
beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions with
P-34A 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 6mm thick melamine board m² 23,840.00
as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock,butthinges, gaskets, wool
felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions with
P-34B 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 4mm thick clading (double m² 23,877.00
side) as per detailed drawing no.15/12 including door lock,butthinges, gaskets,
wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions with
5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom 4mm thick clading (double
P-35 m² 34,626.00
side) as per detailed drawing no.15/10 including door lock, floor hinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handle,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door with top louvers using approved quality powder coated
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-36 m² 27,137.00
white board(2.5-3.0 mm) as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including door
lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door
handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door with top louvers using approved quality powder coated
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-36A m² 27,788.00
6mm thick melamine board as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including door
lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door
handle, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single

swing door with top louvers using approved quality powder coated
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom
P-36B m² 27,824.00
4mm thick clading (double side) as per detailed drawing no.15/16 including
door lock, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller,
door handle, etc.

BSR (Vol-1) page 57


Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium double

swing door using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions
P-37 with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board (2.5-3.0 mm), m² 17,926.00
as per detailed drawing no.15/14 including door lock, butthinges, gaskets, wool
felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium double

swing door using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions with
P-38 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board (2.5-3.0 mm), as m² 18,172.00
per detailed drawing no.15/14 including door lock, butthinges, gaskets, wool felt,
beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium double

swing door using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions with
P-39 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board (2.5-3.0 mm), as m² 20,024.00
per detailed drawing no.15/14 including door lock, butthinges, gaskets, wool
felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single Swing
door - Partition door using approved quality natural anodized aluminum
P-40 extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board m² 16,249.00
(2.5-3.0 mm), as per detailed drawing no.15/11 including door lock, gaskets,
wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.6mm thick) aluminum single Swing
door - Partition door using approved quality bronze anodized aluminum
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board
P-41 m² 16,482.00
(2.5-3.0 mm),as per detailed drawing no.15/11 including door lock, floor
hinges,gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door
handles, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium single swing
door / Partition door using approved quality powder coated aluminium
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white
P-42 m² 18,033.00
board(2.5-3.0 mm), as per detailed drawing no.15/11 including door lock,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium partition

using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick
P-43 m² 7,416.00
fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0 mm), as per detailed
drawing excluding door

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium partition

using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick
P-44 m² 7,497.00
fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0 mm), as per detailed
drawing excluding door

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium partition

using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick
P-45 m² 8,017.00
fixed glass on top, mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0 mm), as per detailed
drawing excluding door

BSR (Vol-1) page 58

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium partition
with louvers on top using approved quality natural anodized aluminium
P-43A m² 8,852.00
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0
mm), as per detailed drawing excluding door

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium partition

with louvers on top using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium
P-44 A m² 9,091.00
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0
mm), as per detailed drawing excluding door

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 70mm (1.2mm thick) aluminium partition

with louvers on top using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-45A m² 9,998.00
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass mid rail and bottom white board(2.5-3.0
mm), as per detailed drawing excluding door

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Shop front (1.2mm thick) aluminium frame
P-46 with fixed glazed using approved quality natural anodized aluminium m² 15,433.00
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass as per detailed drawing no.15/17

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Shop front (1.2mm thick) aluminium frame
P-47 with fixed glazed using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium m² 15,537.00
extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass as per detailed drawing no.15/17

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Shop front (1.2mm thick) aluminium frame
P-48 with fixed glazed using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions m² 16,525.00
with 5mm thick fixed glass as per detailed drawing no.15/17

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Shop front (1.2mm thick) aluminium frame
P-49 with louvers using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions as m² 22,975.00
per detailed drawing no.15/18

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Shop front (1.2mm thick) aluminium frame
P-50 with louvers using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions as m² 23,624.00
per detailed drawing no.15/18

Supplying, fabricating and fixing Shop front (1.2mm thick) aluminium frame
P-51 with louvers using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions as m² 26,397.00
per detailed drawing no.15/18

P-52 Supplying and fixing approved quality door closer nr 4,110.00

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium double

swing door for Disable Toilet using approved quality natural anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass and 4mm thick double side
P-53 m² 22,909.00
cladding board, as per detailed drawing including door lock, 2no.s floor hinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium double

swing door for Disable Toilet using approved quality bronze anodized
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass and 4mm thick double side
P-54 m² 23,164.00
cladding board, as per detailed drawing including door lock, 2no.s floor hinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles,

BSR (Vol-1) page 59

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium double
swing door for Disable Toilet using approved quality powder coated
aluminium extrusions with 5mm thick fixed glass and 4mm thick double side
P-55 m² 25,006.00
cladding board, as per detailed drawing including door lock,2no.s floor hinges,
gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, door handles,

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium fully

lourvers single swing door using approved quality natural anodized
P-56 aluminium extrusions with mid rail .as per detailed drawing no.15/15 including m² 27,921.00
door lock,butthinges, gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with
nut roller, door handle, etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium fully

lourvers single swing door using approved quality bronze anodized
P-57 aluminium extrusions with mid rail. as per detailed drawing no.15/15 including m² 28,376.00
door lock,butthinges gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with
nut roller, door handle, etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 100mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium fully

lourvers single swing door using approved quality powder coated aluminium
P-58 extrusions with mid rail. as per detailed drawing no.15/15 including door m² 31,869.00
lock,butthinges gaskets, wool felt, beadings, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut
roller, door handle, etc

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 80mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single swing
door for Toilet using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions
P-59 with 4mm thick double side cladding board, as per detailed drawing no. 15/19, m² 11,357.00
including 2nos Alluminium barrel bolt door handle, gaskets,,butthinges, wool
felt, beading, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 80mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single swing
door for Toilet using approved quality bronze anodized aluminium extrusions
P-60 with 4mm thick double side cladding board, as per detailed drawing no. 15/19, m² 11,475.00
including 2nos Alluminium barrel bolt door handle, gaskets,,butthinges, wool
felt, flush bolt, threaded bar with nut roller, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 80mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium single swing
door for Toilet using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions
P-61 with 4mm thick double side cladding board, as per detailed drawing no. 15/19, m² 12,405.00
including 2nos Alluminium barrel bolt door handle, gaskets,,butthinges, wool felt,
flush bolt, threaded panneled , with nut roller, etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 80mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium louvers

door using approved quality natural anodized aluminium extrusions, as per
P-62 m² 23,175.00
detailed drawing no. 15/20, gaskets, wool felt, flush bolt, beading threaded bar ,
with nut roller,door handle etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 80mm (1.6mm thick) aluminum louvers door
using approved quality brownzd anodized aluminum extrusions, as per detailed
P-63 m² 23,561.00
drawing no. 15/20, gaskets, wool felt, flush bolt, beading threaded bar , with nut
roller,door handle etc.

BSR (Vol-1) page 60


Supplying, fabricating and fixing 80mm (1.6mm thick) aluminium louvers

door using approved quality powder coated aluminium extrusions, as per
P-64 m² 26,566.00
detailed drawing no. 15/20, gaskets, wool felt, flush bolt, beading threaded bar ,
with nut roller,door handle etc.

Supplying, fabricating and fixing 4mm thick Aluminium composite cladding

panel with open joint tray panel system using 50 x50mm Aluminium "I" angle ,
P-65 m² 5,916.00
25 x 25 x 1.2mm Aluminium box bar. Rate include for self tapping screw , pop
rivet, wool felt and other necessary accessories.


Supplying and fixing 5mm thick figured glass panes using class I timber
Q-01 m² 4,242.00
Supplying and fixing 3mm thick figured glass panes using class I timber
Q-02 m² 3,156.00

Q-03 Supplying and fixing 5mm thick clear glass panes using class I timber beadings m² 3,551.00

Q-04 Supplying and fixing 3mm thick clear glass panes using class I timber beadings m² 2,967.00

Q-05 Supplying and fixing 5mm thick tinted glass panes using class I timber beadings m² 4,513.00

Q-06 Supplying and fixing 3mm thick tinted glass panes using class I timber beadings m² 3,259.00


16mm thick semi rough plaster for walls in 1:5 cement lime sand mix finished
R-01 m² 709.00
using trowel

10mm thick semi rough plaster for concrete columns in 1:3 cement sand mix
R-02 m² 1,136.00
finished using trowel

16mm thick rough plaster for walls in 1:5 cement lime sand mix finished using
R-03 m² 702.00

10mm thick rough plaster for concrete columns in 1:3 cement sand mix
R-04 m² 1,128.00
finished using sponge.

10mm thick rough plaster for Retaining walls in 1:3 cement sand mix finished
R-04A m² 820.00
using sponge.

16mm thick smooth plaster for walls in 1:1:5 cement lime sand mix finished
R-05 m² 971.00
smooth with lime putty

10mm thick smooth plaster for concrete columns in 1:3 cement sand mix
R-06 m² 1,144.00
finished smooth with lime putty

10mm thick smooth soffit plaster for concrete slabs, beams and stair cases in
R-07 m² 1,144.00
1:3 cement sand mix finished smooth with lime putty

Repairing cracks in walls by plastering in 1:3 cement sand mix after chipping
R-08 m 322.00
100mm to 150mm width and installing a chicken mesh using concrete nails

25mm thick and 100mm ~ 150mm wide mortar bands over roof tiles in 1:1:4
R-09 m 260.00
cement, lime and sand mortar

BSR (Vol-1) page 61

12x100mm projected skirting in 1:3 cement sand mortar and finished smooth
R-10 m 504.00
with cement floating including forming groove

12x100mm projected skirting in 1:3 cement sand mortar and finished smooth
R-11 m 746.00
with red cement floating including forming groove

20mm thick plinth plaster in 1:3 cement sand mix finished smooth with
R-12 m² 977.00
cement floating

20mm thick plinth plaster in 1:3 cement sand mix finished smooth with
R-13 m² 998.00
coloured cement floating

12mm thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-14 m² 737.00
cement floating

12mm thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-15 m² 758.00
coloured cement floating

12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-16 m² 694.00
cement floating

12mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-17 m² 715.00
coloured cement floating

16mm thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-18 m² 770.00
cement floating

16mm thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-19 m² 860.00
coloured cement floating

16mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-20 m² 750.00
cement floating

16mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-21 m² 841.00
coloured cement floating

20mm thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-22 m² 1,042.00
cement floating

20mm thick cement rendering in 1:2 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-23 m² 1,062.00
coloured cement floating

20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-24 m² 977.00
cement floating

20mm thick cement rendering in 1:3 cement sand mortar finished smooth with
R-25 m² 998.00
coloured cement floating

Preparing door or window reveals (One side only) in 12mm thick 1:3 cement
R-26 m 535.00
sand mortar as directed (0mm~ 100mm)

Preparing door or window reveals (One side only) in 12mm thick 1:3 cement
R-27 m 688.00
sand mortar as directed (100mm~ 225mm)

Preparing door or window reveals (One side only) in 12mm thick 1:3 cement
R-27A m 597.00
sand mortar as directed.Aluminium work for 115mm thick wall .

Preparing door or window reveals (One side only) in 12mm thick 1:3 cement
R-27B m 1,090.00
sand mortar as directed.Aluminium work for 225mm thick wall .

20mm thick Black or Green Board plaster in 1:3 cement sand mix finished
R-28 smooth with Black or Green cement floating with 38mmx12mm cement m² 998.00
plaster boarder

BSR (Vol-1) page 62

Supplying and fixing 300mm wide gauge 20 chicken mesh with wire nails
R-29 (Before plastering for internal wall) the junction of concrete and Brick/Cement m 220.00
Block work or two dissimilar materials.

25mm x 16mm reveals (Under slab edge) in 1:3 cement sand mortor and finish
R-30 m 247.00
smooth with rendering.


All PVC pipes and fittings shall be of best quality of an approved manufacture. All
pipes shall be measured in linear meters and rates shall include pipe fittings and
extras where stated, solder, rivets, screws, nails, clips, brackets, straps, holder
bats, made bends, if any etc, all laps, straight cutting and wastages, solvent
cement and incidental materials and labour on joining pipes, chasing in
brickwork, concrete surface and making good.

S-01 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") ball valve - Brass nr 1,300.00
S-02 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") ball valve - PVC nr 462.00
S-03 Supplying and fixing 20mm (3/4") ball valve - Brass nr 1,906.00
S-04 Supplying and fixing 20mm (3/4") ball valve - PVC nr 449.00
S-05 Supplying and fixing 25mm (1") ball valve - Brass nr 1,876.00
S-06 Supplying and fixing 25mm (1") ball valve - PVC nr 557.00
S-07 Supplying and fixing 38mm (1 1/2") ball valve - Brass nr 4,027.00
S-08 Supplying and fixing 38mm (1 1/2") ball valve - PVC nr 864.00
S-09 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") bib tap - Brass nr 989.00
Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") bib tap - Chromium plated.Prime Cost
S-10 nr 1,421.00
Rs.1,190.00 - 1,300.00
S-11 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") conceal valve - Chromium plated nr 2,269.00
S-12 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") bib tap - PVC nr 573.00
S-13 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") gate valve - Brass nr 1,240.00
S-14 Supplying and fixing 12mm (1/2") gate valve - PVC nr 527.00
S-15 Supplying and fixing 20mm (3/4") gate valve - Brass nr 1,846.00
S-16 Supplying and fixing 20mm (3/4") gate valve - PVC nr 640.00
S-17 Supplying and fixing 25mm (1") gate valve - Brass nr 2,136.00
S-18 Supplying and fixing 25mm (1") gate valve - PVC nr 694.00
S-19 Supplying and fixing 38mm (1 1/2") gate valve - Brass nr 2,512.00
S-20 Supplying and fixing 38mm (1 1/2") gate valve - PVC nr 1,036.00
Supplying and laying 20mm (1/2") (PNT11) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-21 m 116.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 25mm (3/4") (PNT11) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-22 m 269.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 32mm (1") (PNT11) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-23 m 343.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 32mm (1") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-24 m 313.00
included presure testing etc.

BSR (Vol-1) page 63

Supplying and laying 40mm (1 1/4") (PNT11) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-25 m 461.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 40mm (1 1/4") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-26 m 425.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 50mm (1 1/2") (PNT11) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-27 m 678.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 50mm (1 1/2") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-28 m 621.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 50mm (1 1/2") (PNT7) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-29 m 515.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 63mm (2") (PNT11) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-30 m 1,157.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 63mm (2") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-31 m 1,054.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 63mm (2") (PNT7) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-32 m 845.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 75mm (2 1/2") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-33 m 1,754.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 75mm (2 1/2") (PNT7) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-34 m 1,422.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 90mm (3") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-35 m 1,993.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 90mm (3") (PNT7) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-36 m 1,503.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 110mm (4") (PNT9) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-37 m 2,909.00
included presure testing etc.
Supplying and laying 110mm (4") (PNT7) PVC pipes with all specials rate
S-38 m 2,297.00
included presure testing etc.

Water tap post concrete in 1:2:4 (20), 750mm height from ground and 450mm
deep, 100mmx100mm at top size and 150mmx150mm size at ground level with 4
no of 5.5mm dia. M/S bars and link at150mm c/c . Rate shall include supplying
S-39 nr 4,944.00
and fixing T1000 12mm PVC pipe bib tap and concreting (1:3:6 concreting)
750mmx900mm size 75mm thick basing with suitable slope and 12mm thick 1:3
cement sand rendering.

BSR (Vol-1) page 64



All sanitary fixtures shall be of best quality of an approved manufacture. Rates of

sanitary appliances shall include for fixing to brickwork or to concrete work with
all necessary brackets, plugs, screws,etc as shown in construction drawings or as Note
directed by the engineer. Price analysis for fixing of sanitary fittings for special
occasions should be forwarded under the approval of Divisional Engineer.

Supplying and fixing 900mmx450mm approved quality stainless steel kitchen

sink with single bowl and single drain board including 12mm heavy quality
T-01 nr 10,877.00
chromium plated swan tap with water supply and waste water connection
(Quality of sink and tap should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 900mmx450mm approved quality stainless steel kitchen

sink with single bowl and double drain board including 12mm heavy quality
T-02 nr 20,978.00
chromium plated swan tap with water supply and waste water connection
(Quality of sink and tap should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 900mmx450mm approved quality stainless steel kitchen

sink with single bowl and double drain board including 12mm heavy quality
chromium plated swan tap with water supply and waste water connection
T-02A nr 25,764.00
(Quality of sink and tap should be approved by the engineer). Prime cost of
stainless steel kitchen sink with single bowl and double drain board Rs.

Supplying and fixing 1250mmx450mm approved quality stainless steel kitchen

sink with double bowl and double drain board including 12mm heavy quality
T-03 nr 25,165.00
chromium plated swan tap with water supply and waste water connection
(Quality of sink and tap should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing Lanka Ceramic Ltd. manufactured or equivalent approved

quality 550mmx400mm Ceramic wash basin with 12mm heavy quality
T-04 chromium plated pillar tap, waste plug,12mm(1/2") angle valve - chromium nr 14,457.00
plated, water supply and waste water connection as directed (Quality of wash
basin should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing Lanka Ceramic Ltd. manufactured or equivalent approved

quality 550mmx400mm pedestal type Ceramic wash basin (Ordinary)with
12mm heavy quality chromium plated pillar tap,12mm(1/2") angle valve -
T-05 chromium plated ,waste plug, water supply and waste water connection as nr 23,547.00
directed (Quality of wash basin should be approved by the engineer)Prime cost
of 550mmx400mm pedestal type Ceramic pedestal type wash basin -price
range Rs. 12,501.00-Rs.12,739.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 65


Supplying and fixing approved quality 550mmx400mm pedestal type Ceramic

pedestal type wash basin with 12mm heavy quality chromium plated pillar
tap,12mm(1/2") angle valve - chromium plated, waste plug, water supply and
waste water connection as directed. Minimum 10 year warranty on ceramic ware
T-06 nr 34,291.00
to be available with manufacturers.(Ideal Standard, American Standard, or
equivalent quality complying to British Standard approved by the
engineer)Prime cost of 550mmx400mm pedestal type Ceramic pedestal type
wash basin american &british-price range Rs. 19,780.00-Rs.22,080.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 550mmx400mm pedestal type Ceramic

wash basin with 12mm heavy quality chromium plated pillar tap,12mm(1/2")
angle valve - chromium plated, waste plug, water supply and waste water
T-06A connection as directed. Minimum 10 year warranty on ceramic ware to be nr 47,690.00
available with manufacturers. Prime cost of 550mmx400mm pedestal type
Ceramic pedestal type wash basin american &british-price range

Supplying and fixing Lanka Ceramic Ltd. manufactured or equivalent approved

T-07 quality ceramic squatting pan with trap and ceramic foot rests laid on concrete nr 7,680.00
base (Quality of squatting pan should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing Lanka Ceramic Ltd. manufactured or equivalent approved

T-08 quality square type ceramic squatting pan with foot rests and trap (Quality of nr 8,347.00
squatting pan should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9 liters capacity high level ceramic cistern
T-09 with PVC flush pipe, 12mm brass stop cock, water supply connection, etc. (Quality nr 10,497.00
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9 liters capacity high level ceramic cistern
with PVC flush pipe, 12mm angle valve , water supply connection, etc.(Quality
T-09A nr 16,180.00
should be approved by the engineer) prime cost of,9 liters capacity high level
ceramic cistern price range Rs. 7,560.00-Rs.10,260.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9 liters capacity high level PVC cistern
T-10 with PVC flush pipe, 12mm brass stop cock, water supply connection, etc. (Quality nr 10,495.00
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing Lanka Ceramic Ltd. manufactured or equivalent approved

quality low level ceramic water closet (Commode) with low level ceramic flush
T-11 nr 9,573.00
cistern with trap,12mm pvc angle valve, flexible horse, seat cover, etc (Quality
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing ceramic closed couple water closet (Commode) with
seat cover,trap,12mm chromium plated angle valve, flexible horse etc to working
T-12 A order. Minimum 10 year warranty on ceramic ware to be available with nr 23,737.00
manufacturers. (Quality approved by the engineer)Prime cost of ceramic closed
couple Rs 14,250.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 66


Supplying and fixing ceramic closed couple water closet (Commode) with
seat cover,trap,12mm chromium plated angle valve, flexible horse etc to working
order. Minimum 10 year warranty on ceramic ware to be available with
T-12 B nr 34,477.00
manufacturers. (Ideal Standard, American Standard, or equivalent quality
complying to British Standard approved by the engineer) prime cost of ceramic
closed couple water closet american &british-Rs. 23,200.00

Supplying and fixing ceramic closed couple water closet (Commode) with
seat cover, bidet shower, trap,12mm chromium plated angle valve, flexible horse
etc to working order. Minimum 10 year warranty on ceramic ware to be available
T-12 C nr 53,027.00
with manufacturers. (Ideal Standard, American Standard, or equivalent quality
complying to British Standard approved by the engineer) Prime cost of,ceramic
closed couple water closet american &british-Rs. 35,305.00 - Rs 40,940.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9 liters capacity low level ceramic cistern
T-13 with PVC flush pipe, 12mm pvc angle valve, flexible horse, water supply nr 10,840.00
connection, etc. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9 liters capacity low level ceramic cistern
with PVC flush pipe,12mm(1/2") angle valve - chromium plated , pvc flexible
T-13A nr 16,165.00
horse, water supply connection, etc. (Quality should be approved by the
engineer) Prime cost of,9 liters capacity low level ceramic cistern -Rs.8,000.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9 liters capacity low level PVC cistern
T-14 with PVC flush pipe,12mm pvc angle valve, flexible horse water supply nr 9,929.00
connection, etc. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing Lanka Ceramic Ltd. manufactured or equivalent approved

quality Bowl type urinal with trap,12mm (1/2") gate valve - brass, and inlet and
T-15 nr 12,682.00
outlet connections as directed (Quality should be approved by the
engineer)Prime cost of Bowl type urinal -Rs. 6,000.00 - 6,500.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 40mm Bottle Trap as directed (Quality
T-16 nr 1,598.00
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium plated Bidet shower with
T-17 12mm(1/2") angle valve - cromium plated as directed.Prime cost of Bidet nr 4,407.00
shower Rs.1,740.00 and approved by the engineer

Supplying and fixing approved quality PVC Bidet shower with 12mm(1/2")
T-17 B nr 3,343.00
cromium plated angle valve as directed (Approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality PVC seat cover as directed (Quality
T-18 nr 1,655.00
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 450x600mm (rectangular or oval shaped)

T-19 nr 2,335.00
bathroom mirror as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated Soap Tray as directed
T-20 nr 1,438.00
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Ceramic Soap Tray as directed (Quality
T-21 nr 1,318.00
should be approved by the engineer)

BSR (Vol-1) page 67

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated Tooth Brush Holder
T-22 nr 1,449.00
as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Supplying and fixing approved quality Ceramic Tooth Brush Holder as directed
T-23 nr 1,782.00
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated 100 mm dia. Shower
T-24 nr 2,600.00
Rose as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated 100 mm dia. Shower
T-24B Rose and bar (English) as directed (Quality should be approved by the nr 11,297.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated 100 mm dia. Shower
T-25 Rose and bar with conceal valve (Normal) as directed (Quality should be nr 4,599.00
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated 100 mm dia. Shower
T-25B Rose and bar with conceal valve (English) as directed (Quality should be nr 14,933.00
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality PVC 100 mm dia. Shower Rose as
T-26 nr 719.00
directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated Toilet Paper

T-27 nr 1,568.00
Holder(Normal) as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated Toilet Paper Holdr
T-27B nr 3,934.00
(English) as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Ceramic Toilet Paper Holder(Normal)

T-28 nr 2,037.00
as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Ceramic Toilet Paper Holder(English)

T-28B nr 5,027.00
as directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Chromium Plated 600mm Towel Rail as
T-29 nr 3,683.00
directed (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Ceramic 600mm Towel Rail as directed
T-30 nr 3,260.00
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)


Supplying and fixing approved quality 150x100 mm PVC square type eave
U-01 m 877.00
gutters with brackets at 300mm centers, running heads, end caps, etc as directed

Supplying and fixing approved quality 87.5 mm dia. PVC down pipes with PVC
U-02 m 592.00
clips at 1000mm centers and all specials as directed

Supplying and fixing approve quality 200mmx200x87.5mm PVC gutter box

U-03 nr 1,354.00
with all specials as directed

Supplying and fixing 0.47 mm thick Zink Aluminum rainwater eave gutters of
U-04 girth 450~700mm as directed. Rate shall include lap lengths, gutter brackets, m 1,442.00
endplates, expansion joints, etc

BSR (Vol-1) page 68


Supplying and fixing 100x100mm Zink Aluminum colour coated down pipes as
U-05 m 1,175.00
directed. Rate shall include all necessary nozzles, offsets, bends, clips,etc

Supplying and fixing 150x150mm Zink Aluminum colour coated down pipes as
U-06 m 1,587.00
directed. Rate shall include all necessary nozzles, offsets, bends, clips,etc

Supplying and fixing 300x300mm gutter boxes in Zink Aluminum colour coated
U-07 nr 1,245.00
metal sheets including necessary fittings

Supplying and fixing 0.47 mm thick & 225 mm wide colour coated Zink
Aluminum metal sheets on valance boards , barge boards or fascia. (Quality
U-08 and colour should be approved by the engineer) rate to include 200mm - 225 mm m 1,006.00
long bracket fixed to roof of 25mmx5mm section flat iron, painting with two coats
of anti corrosive paint etc.


Supplying and fixing 0.47mm Zn/Al sheet 450mm wide flashing fixed with
V-01 150mm turned up along and top edge tucked well into wall in cement and lime m 1,445.00
mortar as directed

Valley gutters using 0.47mm Zn/Al sheet 900mm wide GI sheets by laying on
V-02 25mm thick class I timber boards and 25x25x4mm angle iron(both side), sheet m 8,202.00
tarred, joints soldered and cement lime filleting complete as directed


Construction of Manholes ( internal size 600x600mm) depth up to 600mm

with 150mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 225mm thick brick walls and
W-01 rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 75mm thick nr 17,485.00
removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm c/c
both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

Construction of Manholes ( internal size 600x600mm) depth up to 600mm

with 150mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 150mm thick brick walls and
W-01A rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 75mm thick nr 7,778.00
removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm c/c
both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

Construction of Manholes ( internal size 450x450mm) depth up to 450mm

with 150mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 225mm thick brick walls and
W-01B rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 75mm thick nr 10,252.00
removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm c/c
both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

Construction of Manholes ( internal size 450x450mm) depth up to 450mm

with 150mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 150mm thick brick walls and
W-01C rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 75mm thick nr 8,426.00
removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm c/c
both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

BSR (Vol-1) page 69


Construction of Manholes (internal size 1050x675mm) depth 600~1200mm

with 150mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 225mm thick brick walls and
W-02 rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 75mm thick nr 39,666.00
removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm c/c
both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

Construction of Manholes of (internal size 1050x675mm) depth

1200~1800mm with 150mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 225mm thick
brick walls and rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and
W-03 nr 55,401.00
75mm thick removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with
R6@75mm c/c both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement
sand mix

Construction of Waste water catch pits (internal size 300x300mm) depth up

to 300mm with 75mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 115mm thick brick walls
W-04 and rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 50 mm nr 2,159.00
thick removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm
c/c both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

Construction of Waste water catch pits (internal size 600x600mm) depth up

to 600mm with 75mm thick base in 1:3:6(25) concrete, 115mm thick brick walls
W-04B and rendering in 1:3 cement sand mix including forming channel and 50 mm nr 4,318.00
thick removable concrete cover in 1:2:4(20) concrete reinforced with R6@75mm
c/c both ways and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 cement sand mix

Supplying and laying approved quality110mm (4") PVC PNT7 pipes on 150mm
W-05 thick 1:3:6(25m) concrete layer and covered with 1:3:6(25m) concrete with m 3,854.00
50mm minimum cover including excavation and backfilling

Supplying and laying approved quality110mm (4") PNT7 perforated PVC pipes
W-06 on 300mm thick sand layer and covered with sand with 150mm minimum cover m 2,814.00
including excavation and backfilling

Supplying and fixing 37mm (1 1/2") dia. 1.5mm thick 2100mm high G.I vent pipe
W-07 nr 3,431.00
with copper wire dome.

W-08 Supplying and fixing approved quality drainage gully and grate PVC nr 1,370.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality drainage gully and grate Chromium
W-08B nr 1,746.00

W-09 Supplying and fixing approved quality 40mm 4-way PVC floor trap nr 1,401.00

Replacing 100mm thick Cover Slab for 900 x 900mm Manhole in 1:2:4(20mm)
W-10 concrete reinforced with Y10@ 150mm c/c both ways. Rate shall include nr 4,754.00
reinforcement and necessary formwork.

Replacing 100mm thick Cover Slab for 750 x 750mm Manhole in 1:2:4(20mm)
W-11 concrete reinforced with Y10@ 150mm c/c both ways. Rate shall include nr 3,778.00
reinforcement and necessary formwork.

Replacing 100mm thick Cover Slab for 1050x 1050mm Manhole in

W-12 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with Y10@ 150mm c/c both ways. Rate shall nr 6,848.00
include reinforcement and necessary formwork.
Replacing 100mm thick Cover Slab for 1500 x 1125mm Manhole in
W-13 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with Y10@ 150mm c/c both ways. Rate shall nr 10,299.00
include reinforcement and necessary formwork.

BSR (Vol-1) page 70



Applying two coats of white or colour washing including preparing surface as

X-01 m² 207.00
X-02 Applying two coats of snowcem to walls after preparing surface as directed m² 348.00

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
quality emulsion paint to old walls with minor damages after patching up
X-03 m² 721.00
cracks , applying wall putty and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and
preparing surface as directed

Applying two coats of approved quality emulsion paint to old walls with
X-04 minor damages after patching up cracks , applying lime putty and sand m² 623.00
papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed

Applying one coat of approved quality emulsion paint to old work without wall
X-05 m² 227.00

Applying one coat of approved quality weather shield paint to old work
X-06 m² 370.00
without wall preparation

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
quality emulsion paint to old walls with major damages after patching up
X-07 m² 809.00
cracks, applying lime putty and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and
preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality emulsion paint to old walls with
X-08 major damages after patching up cracks, applying lime putty and sand papering, m² 716.00
applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
X-09 m² 595.00
quality emulsion paint to new walls.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
quality weather shield paint to old walls with minor damages after patching
X-10 m² 723.00
up cracks , applying lime putty and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and
preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality weather shield paint to old walls with
X-11 minor damages after patching up cracks , applying lime putty and sand m² 629.00
papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
quality weather shield paint to old walls with major damages after patching
X-12 m² 837.00
up cracks, applying lime putty and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and
preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality weather shield paint to old walls with
X-13 major damages after patching up cracks, applying lime putty and sand papering, m² 743.00
applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
X-14 m² 623.00
quality weather shield paint to new walls.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
quality enamel paint to old walls with minor damages after patching up cracks ,
X-15 m² 744.00
applying lime putty and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing
surface as directed.

BSR (Vol-1) page 71


Applying one two coats of approved quality enamel paint to old walls with
X-16 minor damages after patching up cracks , applying lime putty and sand m² 650.00
papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
quality enamel paint to old walls with major damages after patching up cracks,
X-17 m² 857.00
applying lime putty and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing
surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality enamel paint to old walls with major
X-18 damages after patching up cracks, applying lime putty and sand papering, m² 764.00
applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer and two coats of approved
X-19 quality enamel paint to new walls after applying lime putty and sand papering, m² 694.00
applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wood primer and two coats of approved
X-20 m² 733.00
quality enamel paint to old wood work after preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality enamel paint to old wood work after
X-21 m² 600.00
preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wood primer and two coats of approved
X-22 m² 777.00
quality enamel paint to new wood work after preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality wood primer and two coats of approved
X-23 quality polyurethane varnish to old wood work after preparing surface as m² 712.00

Applying two coats of approved quality polyurethane varnish to old wood

X-24 m² 579.00
work after preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality polyurethane varnish to new wood

X-25 m² 756.00
work after preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality anti corrosive paint to steel work after
X-26 m² 442.00
preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality anti corrosive paint and two coats of
X-27 m² 615.00
approved quality enamel paint to steel work after preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of approved quality floor paint after preparing surface as
X-28 m² 256.00

Applying two coats of approved quality floor paint after preparing surface as
X-29 m² 419.00

Applying one coat of approved quality floor polish to floor and smoothing using
X-30 m² 242.00
a polisher after preparing surface as directed.

Applying two coats of approved quality emulsion paint to old ceiling with sand
X-31 m² 670.00
papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed.

BSR (Vol-1) page 72


Applying one coat of approved quality wall primer to walls, applying lime putty
X-32 m² 122.00
and sand papering, applying plaster of Paris and preparing surface as directed

Applying two coats of approved quality Roofing paint to new Roof work after
X-33 m² 341.00
preparing surface as directed.

Applying one coat of roof primer & two coats of approved quality Roofing paint
X-33A m² 747.00
for old Roof work after preparing surface as directed.

Apply two coat of wall potty on internal rough plaster to get smooth finish (rate
X-34 m² 599.00
for the rough plaster shall be measured separately)


Note: Length of 15 m wire has been included for each item. If exceed the
length, additional length shall be included separately.

Supplying and fixing approved quality lamp point wired through a 10 Amp switch
using 2x1/1.13mm Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits
Y-01 with all specials. surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition by the Nr 3,156.00
engineer. Rate shall include switch, sun box, ceiling rose, round block, holder etc.
(Quality should be approved by the engineer) bulb will be paid seperately

Supplying and fixing approved quality Weather proofed lamp Fitting (Out Door)
with point wired through 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm Cu\PVC\PVC
( wire and 7/0.67 mm Cu/PVC ( earth wires in fully concealed
Y-02 PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing can be use with approved Nr 5,543.00
condition. Rate shall include switch, sun box, complete lamp fitting, etc (Quality
should be approved by the engineer) bulb will be paid seperately. Prime cost of
Fitting = R.s.1,620.00 - 1,836.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality Wall bracket lamp Fitting (In door) with
point wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm Cu\PVC\PVC (
wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing can
Y-03 Nr 5,379.00
be use with approved condition. Rate shall include switch, sun box, etc (Quality
should be approved by the engineer) bulb will be paid seperately. Prime cost of
Fitting = R.s.1,944.00 - 2,160.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 6W Ceiling mounted L.E.D Panel lamp
(Sunk or Surface mounted)wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm
Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials.
Y-04 surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. Rate shall include Nr 3,352.00
switch, sun box, etc L.E.D Lamp Life Span should be 25000 hrs ~30000 hrs and
with 2 Year Manufactured Warranty for Complete Product.Without any
Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9W Ceiling mounted L.E.D Panel lamp
(Sunk or Surface mounted)wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm
Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials.
Y-05 surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. Rate shall include Nr 3,806.00
switch, sun box, etc L.E.D Lamp Life Span should be 25000 hrs ~30000 hrs and
with 2 Year Manufactured Warranty for Complete Product.Without any
Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

BSR (Vol-1) page 73

Supplying and fixing approved quality 12W Ceiling mounted L.E.D Panel lamp
(Sunk or Surface mounted) wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm
Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials.
surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. Rate shall include
Y-06 Nr 3,927.00
switch, sun box, etc L.E.D Lamp Life Span should be 25000 hrs ~30000 hrs and
with 2 Year Manufactured Warranty for Complete Product.Without any
Complaints of ROHS. Short circuit protection should be include (Quality should be
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 15W Ceiling mounted L.E.D Panel lamp
(Sunk or Surface mounted) wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm
Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials.
surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. Rate shall include
Y-07 Nr 4,170.00
switch, sun box, etc L.E.D Lamp Life Span should be 25000 hrs ~30000 hrs and
with 2 Year Manufactured Warranty for Complete Product.Without any
Complaints of ROHS. Short circuit protection should be include (Quality should be
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 18W Ceiling mounted L.E.D Panel lamp
(Sunk or Surface mounted) wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm
Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials.
surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. Rate shall include
Y-08 Nr 4,291.00
switch, sun box, etc L.E.D Lamp Life Span should be 25000 hrs ~30000 hrs and
with 2 Year Manufactured Warranty for Complete Product.Without any
Complaints of ROHS. Short circuit protection should be include (Quality should be
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 24W Ceiling mounted L.E.D Panel lamp
(Sunk or Surface mounted)wired through a 10 Amp switch using 2x1/1.13mm
Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials.
surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. Rate shall include
Y-09 Nr 5,624.00
switch, sun box, etc L.E.D Lamp Life Span should be 25000 hrs ~30000 hrs and
with 2 Year Manufactured Warranty for Complete Product.Without any
Complaints of ROHS. Short circuit protection should be include (Quality should be
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 1400mm sweep ceiling fan with fan
regulator & On/Off by 01 Gang Switch wired through 2x1/1.13mm Cu\PVC\PVC
( wires and 1x7/0.67mm Cu\PVC ( earth wire in fully
concealed PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing can be use with
approved condition. Ceiling fan Should be following Specification.Power
Consumption (60W-80W)
Y-10 SLS 814 Compliance Nr 15,348.00
02 Year Manufactured Warranty
Power cut-off Safety Switch
Safety Wired for Fan Motor from Rod
Hum free Condenser Type Controller
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Prime cost of Fan = R.s.9,288.00-10,152.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 74

Supplying and fixing approved quality 300x300mm Exhaust fan with Square Pin
type - G /13 Amp socket outlet wired through 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T)- wire and 1x7/0.67mm Cu\PVC ( earth wire in fully
concealed PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing can be use with
approved condition.
Y-11 Exhaust fan Should be following Specification Nr 16,341.00
02 Year Manufactured Warranty
Front Side louver protection
Back Side Automatic Shutter
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Prime cost of Fan = R.s.9,504.00-10,368.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality Wall mounted fan with in-built regulator
and Square Pin type - G /13 Amp socket outlet wired through 7/0.67mm
Cu\PVC\PVC(T) wire and 1x7/0.67mm Cu\PVC ( earth wire
in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing can be use
with approved condition.Power Consumption (50W-60W)
Wall-fan Should be following Specification
Y-12 Nr 20,530.00
02 Year Manufactured Warranty
Oscillation control
Metal Blade
3 Speeds and on/Off pull manual switches
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Prime cost of Fan = R.s.12,960-14,256.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 5 Amp socket outlet wired through
2x1/1.13mm Cu\PVC\PVC ( wires and 1x7/0.67mm Cu\PVC (
Y-13 Nr Deleted
earth wire in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing
can be use with approved condition. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Square Pin type - G /13 Amp socket outlet
wired through 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) wire and 1x7/0.67mm
Y-14 Cu\PVC ( earth wire in fully concealed PVC conduits with all specials. Nr 4,756.00
surface plastic casing can be use with approved condition. (Quality should be
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Square Pin type - G/13 Amp socket outlet
(for the ring circuit or radial circuit) wired through 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) - wire and 1x7/0.67mm Cu\PVC ( earth wire in fully
Y-14A Nr 979.00
concealed PVC conduits with all specials. surface plastic casing can be use with
approved condition. supply cables & concealing materials will be paid separately.
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 20 Amp Power outlet Using 20A Double
pole M.C.B (10kA B.C) conceal by PVC Box & controlling by 20A doube pole switch
wired through 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) wire and 1x7/0.67mm
Y-15 Nr Deleted
Cu\PVC ( earth wire in fully concealed PVC conduits or surface plastic
casing and capping as directed. supply cables & concealing materials will be paid
separately (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 40 Amp single phase main switch (10kA
Y-16 Nr 1,979.00
B.C) to working order (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 60 Amp single phase main switch (10kA
Y-17 Nr 1,979.00
B.C) to working order (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

BSR (Vol-1) page 75

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 40 Amp/30 mA single phase RCCB (Trip
Y-18 switch) (10kA B.C) to working order (Quality should be approved by the Nr 4,862.00

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 60 Amp/30 mA single phase RCCB (Trip
Y-19 switch) (10kA B.C) to working order (Quality should be approved by the Nr 4,941.00
engineer) Product Should Be Europian or Equalent.

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 4 way distribution board (Sunk

mounted) and thermo plastic frame with door to working order. (Main switch ,
Y-20 Nr 1,584.00
trip switch and circuit breakers will be paid separately) (Quality should be
approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 6 way distribution board (Sunk

mounted) and thermo plastic frame with door to working order. (Main switch,
Y-21 Nr 1,614.00
trip switch and circuit breakers will be paid separately) (Quality & Surface Type
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 8 way distribution board (Sunk

mounted) and thermo plastic frame with door to working order. (Main switch ,
Y-22 Nr 1,911.00
trip switch and circuit breakers will be paid separately) (Quality & Surface Type
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 10 way distribution board (Sunk

mounted) and thermo plastic frame with door to working order. (Main switch ,
Y-23 Nr 1,941.00
trip switch and circuit breakers will be paid separately) (Quality & Surface Type
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 12 way distribution board (Sunk

mounted) and thermo plastic frame with door to working order. (Main switch ,
Y-24 Nr 2,674.00
trip switch and circuit breakers will be paid separately (Quality & Surface Type
should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 46 way + 4P MCB, 4 Row Wall mounted
Steel Distribution Board to working Order. Enclosure box size not less than
Y-24A 400mm x 750mm x 125mm and material should be Alu Zinc coated metal sheet Nr 15,954.00
with poweder coated Texture (RAL7032) Surface finished. ICE 60529 (IP54)
Standard (Quality & Surface Type should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing of approved quality 6A,10A or 16A type"C"MCB (10kA B.C)
Y-25 Nr 866.00
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Supplying and fixing of approved quality 20A,25A or 32A type "C"MCB (10kA
Y-26 Nr 872.00
B.C)(Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 40 Amp/ 4 Pole three phase main switch to
working order (Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Y-27 Nr 3,645.00
Product Should Be Europian or Equalent.
Prime Cost of Product -2,052.00-2,260.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality 63 Amp/ 4 Pole three phase main switch to
working order (Quality should be approved by the engineer)
Y-28 Nr 3,723.00
Product Should Be Europian or Equalent.
Prime Cost of Product -2,052.00-2,268.00
Supplying and fixing approved quality 40 Amp/30mA three phase RCCB (Trip
Y-29 switch) to working order (Quality should be approved by the engineer) Nr 6,778.00
Prime Cost of Product -3,348.00-3,780.00
Supplying and fixing approved quality 63Amp/30mA three phase RCCB (Trip
Y-30 switch) to working order (Quality should be approved by the engineer) Nr 7,310.00
Prime Cost of Product -3,456.00-3,780.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 76

Supplying and fixing approved quality Electrical Bell wired through a 10Amp Bell
switch using 2x1/1.13mm cu\pvc\pvc( wires in fully concealed pvc
Y-31 Nr 3,200.00
conduits or surface plastic casing and capping as directed. Rate shall include
switch,sun box,Bell,etc. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 1800mm long 50mm dia. (1.8 mm) GI earth pipe covered by
pits (internal size 450x450) depth up to 600mm with 75mm thick base in
1:3:6(25) con. 115mm Tk. Brick walls and rendering in 1:3 ct. sand mix including
Y-32 Nr 6,200.00
forming channel and 50mm tk. removable con. cover in 1:2:4(20) con. reinfoced
with R6@75mm c/c both way and plastered all exposed surfaces with 1:3 ct. sand
mix as per drawing (Must be set to at least 10 ohms Resistance)

Supplying and fixing 1800mm long 50mm dia. (1.8 mm) GI earth pipe as directed
Y-32A Nr 2,765.00
(only for repair works) Must be set to at least 10 ohms Resistance

Supplying and fixing 50x50x5.8 mm Angle Iron as directed and applying two
Y-33 m 2,564.00
coats of anti corrosive paint.
Supplying and fixing approved quality 7/1.04 Cu\PVC\PVC (T) - 6 Twin
Y-34A m 584.00
flat main wire as directed (concealing materials will be paid separately)

Supplying and fixingapproved quality 7/1.70 Cu\PVC\PVC (S) - 16 Single

Y-35 m 773.00
core main wire as directed (concealing materials will be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC ( earth wire
Y-36 m 191.00
as directed (concealing materials will be paid separately)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 7/0.85mm Cu\PVC (4 earth wire
Y-36A m 461.00
as directed (concealing materials will be paid separately)

Supplying approved quality 7/0.67mm Cu\PVC\PVC(T) wire (

Y-37 m 291.00
Concealing materials will be paid separately )

Supplying and fixing approved quality 1 /1.13mm Cu\PVC\PVC( wire

Y-38 m 45.00
as directed.( Concealing materials will be paid separately )

Supplying and fixing approved quality 3/4"(20mm) PVC Conduite pipe with all
Y-39 m 103.00
specials. Rate shall include clips nails etc. ( only the additional cost)
Supplying and fixing approved quality 1"(25mm) PVC Conduite pipe with all
Y-40 m 120.00
specials. Rate shall include clips nails etc. ( only the additional cost)
Supplying and fixing approved quality 1 1/2"(40mm) PVC Conduite pipe with all
Y-40A m 294.00
specials. Rate shall include clips nails etc. ( only the additional cost)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 1"(25mm x 16mm) PVC casing with
Y-41 m 158.00
capping as directed. Rate shall include clips nails etc.( only the additional cost)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 1 1/2"(40mm x 16mm) PVC casing with
Y-42 m 238.00
capping as directed. Rate shall include clips nails etc.( only the additional cost)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 2" x 1" (50mm x 25mm) PVC casing with
Y-43 m 315.00
capping as directed. Rate shall include clips nails etc.( only the additional cost)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 2" x 2" (50mm x 50mm) PVC casing with
Y-43A m 502.00
capping as directed. Rate shall include clips nails etc.( only the additional cost)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 4" x 2" (100mm x 50mm) PVC casing with
Y-44 m 842.00
capping as directed. Rate shall include clips nails etc.(only the additional cost)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 7W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) for the completed
Y-45 Nr Deleted
wiring point. Bulb should fulfill following specification & approved by engineer.

BSR (Vol-1) page 77

Supplying and fixing approved quality 10W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) for the
Y-46 completed wiring point. Bulb should fulfill following specification & approved by Nr Deleted
Supplying and fixing approved quality 14W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) for the
Y-47 completed wiring point. Bulb should fulfill following specification & approved by Nr Deleted
Supplying and fixing approved quality18W CFL Bulb (B22/E27) for the
Y-48 completed wiring point. Bulb should fulfill following specification & approved by Nr Deleted

Supplying and fixing approved quality 3W LED Bulb (B22/E27)

Bulb should be 25000 hrs ~ 30000hrs life span and efficacy 90 lm/w ~ 120 lm/w
Y-49 Heat sink, noise filliter & short circuit protection should be intergrated. complete Nr 598.00
product should be branded with minimum 2 year manufactured warranty period
& Without any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 5W LED Bulb (B22/E27)

Bulb should be 25000 hrs ~ 30000hrs life span and efficacy 90 lm/w ~ 120 lm/w
Y-50 Heat sink, noise filliter & short circuit protection should be intergrated. complete Nr 719.00
product should be branded with minimum 2 year manufactured warranty period
& Without any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 7W LED Bulb (B22/E27)

Bulb should be 25000 hrs ~ 30000hrs life span and efficacy 90 lm/w ~ 120 lm/w
Y-51 Heat sink, noise filliter & short circuit protection should be intergrated. complete Nr 840.00
product should be branded with minimum 2 year manufactured warranty period
& Without any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 9W LED Bulb (B22/E27)

Bulb should be 25000 hrs ~ 30000hrs life span and efficacy 90 lm/w ~ 120 lm/w
Y-52 Heat sink, noise filliter & short circuit protection should be intergrated. complete Nr 961.00
product should be branded with minimum 2 year manufactured warranty period
& Without any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality 12W LED Bulb (B22/E27)

Bulb should be 25000 hrs ~ 30000hrs life span and efficacy 90 lm/w ~ 120 lm/w
Y-53 Heat sink, noise filliter & short circuit protection should be intergrated. complete Nr 1,143.00
product should be branded with minimum 2 year manufactured warranty period
& Without any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Special decorative 1 Gang One Way Switch
for the wiring point fulfill with specification. Switch should be big size dolly with
removeble frame. It should be made of Hihgly impact by polycarbonate with
Y-54 various colour range. Dimension of plate 85mm x 83mm, outer frame 88mm x Nr 561.00
86mm, 24mm depth. Life of the switch 1500 cycle (30000 movement) or more.
complete product should be branded with life time warranty period & Without
any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

BSR (Vol-1) page 78

Supplying and fixing approved quality Special decorative 2 Gang One Way Switch
for the wiring point fulfill with specification. Switch should be big size dolly with
removeble frame. It should be made of Hihgly impact by polycarbonate with
Y-55 various colour range. Dimension of plate 85mm x 83mm, outer frame 88mm x Nr 676.00
86mm, 24mm depth. Life of the switch 1500 cycle (30000 movement) or more.
complete product should be branded with life time warranty period & Without
any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Special decorative 3 Gang One Way Switch
for the wiring point fulfill with specification. Switch should be big size dolly with
removeble frame. It should be made of Hihgly impact by polycarbonate with
Y-56 various colour range. Dimension of plate 85mm x 83mm, outer frame 88mm x Nr 785.00
86mm, 24mm depth. Life of the switch 1500 cycle (30000 movement) or more.
complete product should be branded with life time warranty period & Without
any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Special decorative 1 Gang Two Way Switch
for the wiring point fulfill with specification. Switch should be big size dolly with
removeble frame. It should be made of Hihgly impact by polycarbonate with
Y-57 various colour range. Dimension of plate 85mm x 83mm, outer frame 88mm x Nr 725.00
86mm, 24mm depth. Life of the switch 1500 cycle (30000 movement) or more.
complete product should be branded with life time warranty period & Without
any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Special decorative Universal Socket outlet
for the wiring point fulfill with specification. Switch should be big size dolly with
removeble frame. It should be made of Hihgly impact by polycarbonate with
Y-58 various colour range. Dimension of plate 85mm x 83mm, outer frame 88mm x Nr Deleted
86mm, 24mm depth. Life of the switch 1500 cycle (30000 movement) or more.
complete product should be branded with life time warranty period & Without
any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)

Supplying and fixing approved quality Special decorative 13A Socket outlet for
the wiring point fulfill with specification. Switch should be big size dolly with
removeble frame. It should be made of Hihgly impact by polycarbonate with
Y-59 various colour range. Dimension of plate 85mm x 83mm, outer frame 88mm x Nr 1,316.00
86mm, 24mm depth. Life of the switch 1500 cycle (30000 movement) or more.
complete product should be branded with life time warranty period & Without
any Complaints of ROHS. (Quality should be approved by engineer)


Supplying and fixing approved quality PVC coated gauge 10 chain link fence as
Z-01 directed. Rate shall include necessary tension wires. Fence posts and horizontal m² 1,522.00
bars will be paid separately

Z-02 Supplying and fixing 2" diameter G. I. Pipes (2.3mm thick: +/- 10%) as directed m 1,001.00

Z-03 Supplying and fixing 2" diameter G. I. Pipes (1.6mm thick: +/- 10%) as directed m 736.00

Supplying and fixing 1½" diameter G. I. Pipes (2.3mm thick: +/- 10%) as
Z-04 m 847.00

Supplying and fixing 1½" diameter G. I. Pipes (1.6mm thick: +/- 10%) as
Z-05 m 639.00

BSR (Vol-1) page 79

Supplying and fixing 1¼" diameter G. I. Pipes (2.3mm thick: +/- 10%) as
Z-06 m 801.00

Supplying and fixing 1¼" diameter G. I. Pipes (1.8mm thick: +/- 10%) as
Z-07 m 613.00

Supplying and fixing 1¼" diameter G. I. Pipes (1.6mm thick: +/- 10%) as
Z-08 m 581.00

Z-09 Supplying and fixing 1" diameter G. I. Pipes (2mm thick: +/- 10%) as directed m 571.00

Z-10 Supplying and fixing 1" diameter G. I. Pipes (1.6mm thick: +/- 10%) as directed m 496.00

Supplying and fixing approved quality barbed wires ( double strand, 12 S.W.G.
Z-11 with 4 points at 75mm centers) with necessary hooks and washers as directed m 77.00
(Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 1.80m high ( top 87.5x87.5mm and bottom 125x125mm)
Z-12 concrete fence posts in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with 4R6 and R6 nr 1,771.00
stirrups @ 150mm c/c. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 1.95m high ( top 87.5x87.5mm and bottom 125x125mm)
Z-13 concrete fence posts in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with 4R6 and R6 nr 2,041.00
stirrups @ 150mm c/c. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 2.10m high ( top 87.5x87.5mm and bottom

Z-14 137.5x137.5mm) concrete fence posts in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with nr 2,212.00
4R6 and R6 stirrups @ 150mm c/c. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 2.40m high ( top 87.5x87.5mm and bottom 150x150mm)
Z-15 concrete fence posts in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with 4R6 and R6 nr 3,633.00
stirrups @ 150mm c/c. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Supplying and fixing 3.15m high ( top 75x75mm and bottom 150x150mm)
concrete fence posts including 0.45m bend in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced
Z-16 nr 4,557.00
with 4R6 and R6 stirrups @ 150mm c/c. (Quality should be approved by the

Supplying and fixing 1.80m high ( top 87.5x87.5mm and bottom 125x125mm)
Z-17 concrete support posts in 1:2:4(20mm) concrete reinforced with 4R6 and R6 nr 3,278.00
stirrups @ 150mm c/c. (Quality should be approved by the engineer)

Fabricating & fixing tag board, 12mm thick regidform placed on 12mm thick MDF
board and cover with approved colour velvet cloth by engineer .The board should
Z-18 be covered with 25x25mm natural anodized aluminum angle using brass screws m² 4,274.00
.Rate should be included two coat of enamel paint on both side and arrangement
for hang

BSR (Vol-1) page 80

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