Brake System Volvo 1990 240/740/760

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1990 Volvo 740

1989-90 BRAKES
Volvo - Disc

240 Series, 740 Series, 760 Series

All models use front and rear disc brakes. Three makes of
calipers are used: ATE, Bendix (DBA) and Girling. Service brakes are
hydraulically-operated by a tandem master cylinder and vacuum power
brake unit. Each rear brake line has a pressure valve to prevent rear
wheel lock-up. Parking brake is mechanically operated, using rear
wheel disc rotor internally-mounted brake shoes.

NOTE: For information on Volvo anti-lock brake system, see

appropriate article for 740 and 760 series:



NOTE: For vehicles with ABS, see
appropriate article for 740 and 760 series:



1) On all models equipped with diagonal split hydraulic
system, bleed either rear wheel first, then opposite front. Repeat
procedure on other side (circuit).
2) On all models equipped with load sensing proportioning
valve, bleed valve before bleeding brakes. If master cylinder is
equipped with a bleed screw, bleed it first.

1) Exhaust vacuum from power unit by depressing brake pedal
several times.
2) Fill master cylinder. Install a clear vinyl bleeder hose
onto first bleeder valve to be serviced. See the BLEEDING SEQUENCE
table below. Place other end of hose in clean transparent container.
3) Partially fill container with clean brake fluid so end of
hose is submerged in fluid. Open bleeder valve 1-2 turns. Slowly
depress brake pedal through its full travel.
4) Close bleeder valve and release pedal. Pump pedal several
times and push air toward wheel cylinders. Repeat procedure until flow
of brake fluid is clear and shows no sign of air bubbles. Proceed to
next bleeder valve.

NOTE: Check fluid level in master cylinder frequently during

bleeding sequence.


1) Exhaust vacuum from power unit by depressing brake pedal
several times.
2) Clean the master cylinder cap and surrounding area, then
remove cap. With pressure tank at least 1/2 full, connect tank to the
master cylinder using proper adapter(s).
3) Attach bleeder hose to first bleeder valve to be serviced.
See the BLEEDING SEQUENCE table below. Place other end of hose in
clean transparent container. Partially fill container with clean brake
fluid, until end of hose is submerged in fluid.
4) Open release valve on pressure bleeder. Open bleeder valve
1-2 turns, noting fluid flow. When fluid flowing in to container is
clear and free of air bubbles, close bleeder valve securely.
5) Finish bleeding system in the same manner using correct
sequence. Remove pressure tank from master cylinder and check fluid
level of master cylinder reservoir.


Application Sequence

240 ....................................... LF, RF, LR, RR

740 & 760 ................................. RR, LR, RF, LF

(1) - On calipers with 3 bleeder valves, open all valves




Brake pedal height should be equal to clutch pedal height. To
adjust, loosen lock nut, remove cotter pin and turn push rod until
pedal height is equal. Replace cotter pin and tighten lock nut. Pedal
travel should be 6-7" (150-170 mm). Pedal travel can ONLY be measured
during brake bleeding operation. See BRAKE BLEEDING in this article.

740 Series & 760 Series
Remove cover at rear of center console. Remove adjusting
screw by carefully tapping on locking sleeve spring collar with a
hammer and screwdriver. Adjust cable so that parking brake is fully
applied when lever is pulled 3-5 notches. Install cover.

240 Series
1) Remove center console rear ashtray. Working through
ashtray hole, loosen parking brake cables adjusting screw until cables
are slack. Raise and support rear of vehicle. Remove rear wheels.
Align hole in disc/parking brake drum with inside starwheel adjuster.
2) Tighten starwheel until drum can barely be rotated by
hand. Back off adjuster until drum just rotates freely (no drag).
Install rear wheels. Tighten parking brake cable adjusting screw until
parking brake is fully applied when lever is pulled 2-8 notches.
Install ashtray and lower vehicle.

Adjust switch so brake lights come on when pedal is depressed
about 1/2" (13 mm).


NOTE: Use Remover (2917) to remove brake pads (if necessary).

ATE Pads
1) Raise and support vehicle. Mark position of wheel in
relation to hub for reassembly reference. Remove tire and wheel. Using
a drift and hammer, remove the brake pads retaining pins . Remove
brake pads retaining spring clips. Compressing caliper pistons, remove
brake pads.
2) Seat pistons in caliper bore with Piston Tool (2809). To
avoid brake squealing, check piston position by installing Template
(2919). Piston recess should incline 20 degrees in relation to lower
guide area on caliper. See Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Checking ATE Rear Caliper Piston Angle To Avoid Brake Squeal
Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.

3) If distance from one piston recess to the other recess at

measurement "A" exceeds .04" (1 mm), adjust piston position using
Adjuster (2918) to rotate piston. See Fig. 1.
4) Install intermediate plates (if equipped) or damper
washers (if equipped) in original positions. Install new brake pads
and ALWAYS install new brake pad tensioning spring. Install and tap
one retaining guide pin into position. Install new tensioning spring.
Install other retaining guide pin while holding tensioning spring in

NOTE: Install the damper washers with the small contact face
toward pad. DO NOT install intermediate plates in calipers
equipped with damper washers.

Bendix & Girling Pads

1) Raise and support vehicle. Mark position of wheel in
relation to hub for reassembly reference. Remove tire and wheel.
Loosen caliper upper guide pin bolt and remove caliper lower guide pin
bolt only from brake pad holder assembly. Swing caliper upward and
remove pads.
2) Compress caliper pistons. Inspect rubber guide pin covers
and replace if defective. Install brake pads to holder and swing
caliper into position. Ensure brake pad tension spring is in proper
position. Tighten guide pin bolts to specification. Refer to
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS table at end of this article.

Raise and support vehicle. Remove wheel. Disconnect brake
line connections at caliper. Cap lines to prevent entry of foreign
matter. Remove caliper mounting bolts. Lift caliper from mounting

1) Position caliper assembly on mounting bracket, and install
attaching bolts. After installing bolts, check clearance between disc
pads and rotor on both sides of rotor.
2) Maximum deviation between sides should not exceed .004" (.
10 mm) on front calipers or .010" (.25 mm) on rear calipers. To adjust
clearance, add shims to caliper. Connect hydraulic lines and bleed
hydraulic system.


1) Remove caliper. Remove hub cap. Remove cotter pin and
castellated nut. Remove outer wheel bearing. Remove hub and rotor
2) To install, reverse removal procedure. Tighten castellated
nut to 42 ft. lbs. (57 N.m). Back off nut. Tighten nut to 13 INCH lbs.
(1.5 N.m). Install cotter pin.


With caliper assembly removed, mount a dial indicator and
check rotor runout. Runout must not exceed .004" (.10 mm). Measure
rotor thickness through one revolution. Thickness variance must not
exceed .0008" (.020 mm). Unscrew rotor lock bolts and pull rotor from
hub. To install, reverse removal procedure.


Remove caliper. Remove screws retaining rotor to hub. Remove
rotor. To install, reverse removal procedure.


NOTE: For information on models with sealed wheel bearings, see
appropriate article:

Removal (240 Series)

1) Remove rear wheels and collision guards. Disconnect brake
line and bracket from axle housing. Remove caliper and support to side
with wire. Ensure parking brake is fully released. Remove brake rotor.
Remove parking brake shoes, unhooking retaining springs.
2) Disconnect parking brake cables by driving out lock pin at
lever. Remove bolts for bearing retainer through holes in axle flange.
Remove axle shaft using Puller (2709). Pry inner seal from housing.
Press bearing and snap ring off axle shaft. Remove oil seal.

1) Pack new bearing and new seal lip groove with high
temperature wheel bearing grease. Place bearing retainer and oil seal
on axle shaft. Press new bearing and new snap ring onto axle shaft.
Narrow side of taper on snap ring fits into axle housing.
2) Install new inner seal. Install axle shaft. Tighten
bearing retainer bolts. Install parking brake shoes. Reconnect cables.
Install rotors. Check parking brake adjustment. Install brake caliper,
pads, and collision guard (if equipped). Reconnect brake line and
bracket to axle housing. Install wheels.

Removal (740 Series & 760 Series)

Remove cover at rear of center console. Remove adjusting
screw by carefully tapping on spring sleeve with a hammer and
screwdriver. Unscrew adjusting screw so that cables are loose. Raise
vehicle. Remove rear wheels. Remove brake caliper and wire out of way.
Remove brake rotor. Unhook rear return spring. Remove brake shoes.

Replace brake drum (rotor) if out-of-round exceeds .008" (.2
mm). Apply thin layer of heat resistant graphite grease on brake shoe
contact surfaces. Assemble brake shoes. Install rear return spring.
Using new bolts, install brake disc and caliper. Ensure that disc
rotates without touching brake pads. Install wheels. Adjust parking
brake cable. Lower vehicle.


1) Raise car and position rear lifting arms to avoid
obstructing support arms. Remove brake caliper retaining bolts and tie
up caliper to avoid damage to brake hose. Remove brake disc and mark
position of disc in relation to guide pin. Remove brake pads.
Disconnect handbrake cable from wheel bearing housing.
2) Remove bolt securing support arm to wheel bearing housing.
Tap out arm. Remove bolt and nut securing lower link to wheel bearing
housing. Remove track rod to wheel bearing housing securing bolt. Use
small claw-type puller and M12 (50mm) bolt to withdraw track rod from
wheel bearing housing.
3) Remove nut that secures drive shaft and nut that secures
upper link to wheel bearing housing. Remove wheel bearing housing.
Retain shims located between upper link and wheel bearing housing.
4) Position counterhold 5340 between hub and wheel bearing
housing. Place wheel bearing housing in press and use drift 5088 to
press off hub. Remove circlip retaining bearing in wheel bearing
5) Use counterhold 5341 and drift 5085 to press bearing out
of wheel bearing housing. Place drift on inner race. Use puller 2722
and counterhold 5310 to withdraw inner race from hub.
1) Use drift 5242 and counterhold 5341 to press bearing on.
Install circlip. Press on hub using drift 5088 and counterhold 5085.

CAUTION: Counterhold must be placed on inner race. If not bearing will

be irreparably damaged.

2) Install wheel bearing housing on drive shaft, drive shaft

nut, shims between upper link and wheel bearing housing, nut securing
upper link to wheel bearing housing. Pull wheel bearing housing
outwards at top edge and tighten upper link nut to 85 ft.lbs. (115 N.

NOTE: Ensure wheel alignment is correct after assembly.

3) Turn wheel bearing housing outwards and insert lower link.

Insert bolts securing lower link. Pull wheel bearing housing inwards
towards final drive.
 Tighten link to 37 ft.lbs. (50 N.m) and angle
tighten through 90 .
4) Install support
 and tighten to 44 ft.lbs. (60 N.m) and
angle tighten through 90 . Install track rod and tighten 63 ft.lbs.
(85 N.m).
5) Install handbrake cable in wheel bearing housing, brake
pads and brake disc per marking. Install brake caliper and tighten to
44 ft.lbs. (60 N.m). Lower car and tighten drive shaft nut to 103 ft.
lbs. and angle tighten through 60 .


Removal (240 Series)
1) Remove center console rear ashtray. Loosen parking brake
cable adjusting nut until cables are slack. Raise and support rear of
vehicle. Remove wheels.
2) Remove caliper (without disconnecting hydraulic line) and
support out of way. Remove rotor. Remove brake shoe return springs.
Lift off shoes and adjuster. See Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: Identifying Parking Brake Components

Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.

To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace brake drum
(rotor) if out-of-round exceeds .008" (.2 mm). Apply a thin coat of
heat-resistant graphite grease to brake shoe sliding surfaces and to
adjusting starwheel. Adjust starwheel until wheel starts to lock. Back
off starwheel 4-5 notches. Ensure wheel rotates.

Disconnect hydraulic lines at master cylinder. Plug openings
to prevent entry of foreign matter. Remove cylinder attaching nuts.
Remove cylinder assembly from vehicle. To install, reverse removal
procedure. Bleed hydraulic system. See BRAKE BLEEDING in this article.


Removal (740 Series & 760 Series)
1) Disconnect master cylinder and move it aside. Leave brake
pipes attached to master cylinder. Disconnect vacuum hose. Using
screwdriver, pry check valve from unit. Remove fuel filter and move
2) Disconnect vacuum pump and move aside. Remove sound-
proofing on left side of center console. Disconnect push rod from
brake pedal. Remove 4 power brake unit retaining nuts and power brake
unit. Remove check valve seal.

Install seal in power brake unit. Ensure seal is correctly
seated. Remove Sealing Ring (1272078-5) and install on new power brake
unit. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.

Removal (240 Series)

Remove master cylinder. Disconnect vacuum hose. Remove
soundproofing on left side of center console. Disconnect pressure rod
from brake pedal. Remove power brake unit.

Apply sealing compound to contact surface on firewall. Fit
other types with sealing ring. Reverse removal procedure to complete


Disconnect vacuum hose from check valve. Using 2
screwdrivers, lever out check valve. Remove seal. Install new seal,
ensuring that flange is properly aligned in cylinder. Coat seal with
grease. Press valve carefully into place. Ensure that seal does not
move out of position. Reconnect vacuum hose so that highest point is
attached to valve.


Remove disc pads, piston dust covers, and retaining clips.
Insert wooden block into caliper housing. Apply compressed air at
fluid inlet ports to force pistons out of caliper. Remove piston seals
from cylinder bore.

NOTE: DO NOT separate caliper halves.

Cleaning & Inspection

Clean all parts in brake fluid or alcohol. Inspect cylinder
bores for scoring, rust or corrosion. Replace if defective. Replace
rubber seals and dust covers during overhaul. See Figs. 3-6.

Fig. 3: Identifying Girling Front Caliper Components

Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.
Fig. 4: Identifying Girling Rear Caliper Components
Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.
Fig. 5: Identifying ATE Rear Caliper Components
Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.

Fig. 6: Identifying Bendix (DBA) Front Caliper Components

Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.

Coat all parts with clean brake fluid. Install new piston
seals in cylinder bores. Carefully install pistons into cylinder
bores. On ATE rear brake calipers, check piston position. Refer to
DISC PADS under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION in this article. Refer to
Fig. 1. Install dust boots and retaining clips. Install bleeder screw
and disc pads.

Remove master cylinder from vehicle. Clamp mounting flange in
a vise. Remove reservoir from cylinder. Remove rubber sealing rings.
Remove retainer ring from end of cylinder bore. Remove pistons from
cylinder bore. See Fig. 7.

Fig. 7: Identifying Master Cylinder Piston Components

Courtesy of Volvo Cars of North America.

Cleaning & Inspection

Wash all parts in clean brake fluid or alcohol. Blow dry with
compressed air. Inspect cylinder bore for scratches, rust or
corrosion. Replace if defective. Replace both pistons with connector
sleeve as an assembly.

1) Lubricate all parts with clean brake fluid prior to
reassembly. Position washer, seal, and back-up ring on secondary
piston. Install spring thrust washer on piston. Install piston
assembly into cylinder bore. Install washer, seal and back-up ring on
primary piston.
2) Install spring with plate and sleeve on piston. Install
piston assembly into cylinder bore. Push piston into cylinder bore.
Install retaining ring. Install reservoir sealing rings, and install


Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)

Caliper Guide Pin Bolts .......................... 25 (34)

Front Caliper Mounting Bolts .................... 74 (100)
Master Cylinder Mounting Bolts ................... 22 (30)
Rear Caliper Mounting Bolts ...................... 43 (58)
Wheel Lug Nuts
740 Series & 760 Series ........................ 63 (86)
240 Series .................................... 85 (116)

INCH Lbs. (N.m)

Rotor Retaining Stud .............................. 72 (8)



Application In. (mm)

Disc Diameter
Solid .................................... 10.33 (263)
Vented (ATE) ..................................... ( 1)
Vented (Girling) ................................. ( 1)
Rear ....................................... 11.06 (281)
Lateral Runout (Maximum)
Front & Rear ................................ .004 (.10)
Original Thickness
Solid .................................... .563 (14.3)
Vented (ATE) ..................................... ( 1)
Vented (Girling) ................................. ( 1)
Rear (Solid) ................................. .38 (9.6)
Minimum Refinish Thickness ........................... ( 2)
Discard Thickness
Solid .................................... .500 (12.7)
Vented (ATE) .............................. .90 (22.8)
Vented (Girling) .......................... .80 (20.4)
Rear ......................................... .33 (8.4)
Parking Brake Drum (Inside Rotor)
Maximum Diameter ................................... ( 1)
Maximum Runout ..................................... ( 1)
Master Cylinder Diameters
Primary ..................................... .88 (22.3)
Secondary .................................. .62 (15.75)
Rear Brake Caliper Pistons (ATE) ................ 1.5 (38)

(1) - Information not available.

(2) - Always use minimum thickness specification
stamped on rotors.



Application In. (mm)
Disc Diameter
Solid .................................... 11.02 (280)
Vented ................................... 11.02 (280)
Rear ....................................... 11.06 (281)
Lateral Runout (Maximum)
Front ....................................... .002 (.06)
Rear ........................................ .003 (.08)
Original Thickness
Solid ..................................... .55 (14.0)
Vented (ATE) .............................. .87 (22.1)
Vented (Girling) ........................... 1.02 (26)
Rear ......................................... .38 (9.6)
Minimum Refinish Thickness ........................... ( 2)
Discard Thickness
Solid .................................... .433 (11.0)
Vented (ATE) .............................. .79 (20.0)
Vented (Girling) ................................. ( 1)
Rear ....................................... .315 (8.00)
Parking Brake Drum (Inside Rotor)
Maximum Diameter ......................... 6.32 (160.45)
Maximum Runout .............................. .006 (.15)
Master Cylinder Diameters
Primary ..................................... .94 (23.8)
Secondary ................................... .66 (16.8)
Rear Brake Caliper Pistons (ATE) ................ 1.5 (38)

(1) - Information not available.

(2) - Always use minimum thickness specification stamped
on rotors.

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