SWM On Dumping Ground jp8EB6dLFJ
SWM On Dumping Ground jp8EB6dLFJ
SWM On Dumping Ground jp8EB6dLFJ
ABSTRACT Rode Sanjay (2000) studied the solid waste in all municipal
Now a day, we are facing a problem regarding the corporations is rising in Mumbai Metropolitan region. Such
management of waste generated daily. This waste includes rise in solid waste generation was observed in Brihan
solid waste from industrial zone, commercial zone and Mumbai, Thane, Mira-Bhayander, Kalyan-Dombivali,
residential zone. Among all these waste management from Ulhasnagar, Navi Mumbai and Bhiwandi-Nizampur
residential zone requires first priority because if this waste is Municipal Corporation. An increase in solid waste is observed
not properly disposed off daily, then it will create problems to because of increase in urbanization, population density and
public health, affects the aesthetics. This paper gives the income, changing food habits, taste and pattern and it was
present status of solid waste management on dumping ground concluded that the city needs improvement in solid waste
in Mumbai region and also suggests some methods to control management system of MMRDA region.
the same. Urgent steps in this direction will reduce the water, The journal Environmental and Resource Economics (2001)
air, soil pollutions and health hazards. showed main interest in the application of economic theory
and methods to environmental issues and problems that
Keywords: Waste, Solid waste management, Dumping
require detailed analysis in order to improve management
ground, Pollutions
strategies. Areas of particular concern include evaluation and
1. INTRODUCTION development of instruments of environmental policy; cost-
benefit and cost effectiveness analysis; sectoral environmental
The solid waste from Mumbai city and suburbs municipal is policy impact analysis; modeling and simulation; institutional
rising in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Such rise in solid arrangements; resource pricing and the valuation of
waste generation is observed by Municipal Corporation of environmental goods; and environmental quality indicators.
Greater Mumbai (MCGM). An increase in solid waste is Special issues are occasionally dedicated to particular topics.
observed because of increase in urbanization, population
density and income, changing food habits, taste and pattern. The journal Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
The growth of industry, commercial units such as hotels, (2001) focused the results of analyzed data pertaining to
theaters, restaurants, malls are rising fast. Such units are assessment and monitoring of risks that may affect the
positively contributing to the solid waste generation. Solid environment and human beings. The analysis was also
waste collection, segregation and disposal capacity of synthesized with various categories of health data. The data
Municipal Corporations is low and inadequate with rising gathered from the studies of diseases in human populations
solid waste. Therefore Municipal Corporation must adopt (risk factors and remedies), and toxicological ramifications
scientific methods for collection, segregation and disposal of obtained from the data analysis was published as well.
solid waste. Municipal corporations must accommodate Coverage included the steps and process of assessing risks
private sector for investment and management of solid waste. from exposure to pollution.
Urgent steps in this direction will reduce the water, air, soil The Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and
pollutions and health hazards. It will improve the quality life Management (JEAPM) (2000) covered laws, policies and
of people in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. procedures for environmental assessment, including areas
such as environmental impact assessment, eco-labeling,
2. LITERATURE REVIEW stakeholder communication and environmental tools for the
A review of literature gives the various informations of the financial community. Gautam et.al (2011) presented study
topic solid waste management, future scope and studies. Sahu done at Sewapura MSW dump site near Jaipur to assess the
Amiya Kumar (2007) experienced one such case of dumping ground water quality in and around the study area The ground
ground on which a business hub center at Mind space, Malad water in the study area was being polluted by percolation of
(W), Mumbai situated and has become the largest center of toxic substances into it and also concluded that MSW
BPO’s irrelevant of understanding the health and technicality dumping in the open area should be prohibited by the
of problem arising from this dumping ground and provided authorities to control the further pollution of water.
solutions for it. Zaveri Chetan (2004) had challenge in the Lober (1996) reported various findings such as no national
context of Mumbai lied in developing a scientifically and legislated or voluntary definition of recycling exits, despite
environmentally compatible MSW processing and landfill this being crucial for developing waste management policy.
facilities while keeping the site specific constraints in mind.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
International conference on Green Computing and Technology, 2013
Muttamara et.al (1996) concluded that open dumping should interviews, focus group discussions, which allows for general
be converted to a sanitary landfill with proper environmental conclusions to be drawn from particular facts.
protection measures in order to minimize environmental
pollution. If possible government should adopt the waste-to- The research has been based on the paradigm of critical social
energy treatment system. science, as the research seeks to critique and transform social
relations in terms of solid waste management. This research
3. METHODOLOGY helps in unraveling the problems related to solid waste
management in Mumbai, which in turn provides direction for
3.1 Conceptual Framework and Qualitative people to change the system towards greater sustainability.
The main reason for following the paradigm of critical social
Research science is that, we believe social realities change over time,
The conceptual framework for this study has been adopted and with our understanding of the problem and possible
from taking into account three important dimensions scope of solutions, the prevalent system of solid waste management in
waste management activities i.e. what needs to be covered? Mumbai can be definitely made sustainable in the long run.
Actors and development partners i.e. who can contribute for
taking the system towards higher sustainability? How to 3.2 Data collection and analysis
address strategic objectives and issues i.e. what is the best It was undertaken as a single-case exploratory case study, as
course of action to take? the strategy of inquiry for conducting the qualitative research.
The case study strategy allowed exploration of the solid waste
management system in Mumbai in detail. The collection of
detailed information using a variety of data collection
procedures which allows studying solid waste management
system in an urban environmental setting. The research
involved “how” and “why” questions and the researcher had
no control over the behavioral events, characteristics that
make a case study strategy suitable. As the data have been
collected from various sources & transcribed the data was
classified according to the contents. The organized data was
then overviewed to get a general sense of emerging trends,
patterns and concepts.
From the Kanjurmarg Dumping Ground visit it was observed
No segregation of solid waste is carried out. Government
yet to decide should the segregation be at source or at
dumping ground
Segregation MSW rule 2000 flouted
Fig1: Conceptual framework Leachate treatment plant capacity need to be increased
Qualitative research generally involves interactive and Treated Leachate is disposed OPENLY not sent in the
participatory methods of data collection; strong emphasis is sewer
given to the need for the researcher to build report with the
participants and involvement of the participant in the Proposed RDF plant Construction Delayed
discussions. Qualitative research is emergent and process
oriented; several aspects emerge during the study, which Need of energy recovery system from the gases evolved
allows the researcher to “view social phenomenon from dumping ground. Calorific value of gas evolved was
holistically”. The objective of this study is to recommend observed to be 380-390 °C
measures that will ensure long term sustainability of the solid Air Pollution Monitoring frequency to be increased per
waste management system in Mumbai. Hence, a need of an month as dumping site is in vicinity to City population
approach, which was both flexible yet organized. Keeping in
view the above requirement, a qualitative study was the most Improvement in Monitoring well required to check
appropriate approach to follow. groundwater table and surface water pollution.
The study was undertaken from August 2012 to March 2013.
The study was developed to understand the solid waste
From the visit to Mulund Dumping Ground it was observed
management system in an urban settlement in a developing
country framework in order to suggest ways the system might
achieve higher level of sustainability. It have examined in No proper conveying road inside the site
depth the nature and features of the system and problems No segregation of solid waste is carried out. Government
associated with it. In order to gain knowledge of the system yet to decide should the segregation be at source or at
being studied, interviews were conducted in conjunction with dumping ground.
other methods for obtaining qualitative data. This research is Site lacks waste measuring system.
based on the paradigm of critical social science. The main Segregation MSW rule 2000 flouted.
approach employed for this study is a qualitative case-study, Burning of MSW in open was observed, polluting the air
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai, India. The
Illegal cutting of mangroves observed
case study approach allows use of inductive methods, such as
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
International conference on Green Computing and Technology, 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
International conference on Green Computing and Technology, 2013
of volatile hydrocarbons entering the atmosphere in Mumbai 4.3 Incompetency in Enforcement of MSW
are a result of such activity
3.3Present Disposal of Municipal Solid The MCGM has not yet been able to enforce MSW Rules
Wastes Disposal through Dumping 2000. Although it is mandatory to segregate waste at the
household level, notices to this effect have not been given for
The Corporation disposes waste through landfill or land the implementation of the rules. Rules require that community
dumping method. At present there are 4 dumping sites in waste storage bins are put up.
operation. Waste is brought here from various locations
throughout the city as well as from the Transfer Stations at 4.4 Lack of Participation/ Communication
Mahalaxmi and Kurla. Refuse and debris are leveled at these
sites by means of bulldozers and landfill compactors. The land It has been proven through research that in the case of
filling carried out here is open dump tipping. At present there Mumbai, there has been an absence of communication
are 3 landfill sites in Mumbai. These are Deonar, Mulund and between local government and the communities.
4.5 Law provisions
Table 1: Classification of Dumping Sites
Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rule,
Location Area Quantity of MSW received 2000:
(hectares) (Maximum) (TPD)
The Ministry of Environment and Forest has notified the
Deonar 111.00 6826 Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rule, 2000
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to manage the
Mulund 25.30 598
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in the country.
Gorai 14.50 2200 According to this rule there is specific provision for
Collection, Segregation, Storage, Transportation processing
Total 150.80 9624 and Disposal of MSW & it apply to all Municipal authorities.
Under the Management of Municipal Solid
Two more landfill sites have been proposed: at Kanjurmarg of 5. Enforcement of New Efforts in Waste
82 ha and at Mulund of 40 ha. Of all the four waste disposal Management by Municipal Corporation
sites, Deonar receives 70 per cent of the total waste generated,
as this is the largest of all the three dumping sites with an area of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)
of 111 ha. All the dumping grounds are nearly 30-40 km north Looking into the drawbacks, relating to the solid waste
of South Mumbai, which is generating 48 per cent of the total management that the city is facing at present and also
waste of the city. As a result, transportation costs of waste are anticipating the future problems, local NGOs along with the
quite high and approximate to about Rs. 16 lakhs per day8 MCGM have taken up certain new initiatives in order to
Costs for maintenance of dumping ground, waste control the waste management problem.
transportation and hire charges come to Rs. 126 crores per Three new initiatives,
annum and constitute nearly 28 per cent of the total budget
allocated for SWM. These sites need to be upgraded and the Advance Locality Management,
waste appropriately treated as it has been estimated that they Slum Adoption Programme and
will last for only another 5 years. Increasing population of the Refuse Paper Plastic and Wood Fuel-RPPWF
city has forced people to settle near the dumping grounds.
Densely inhabited areas now surround the landfill sites. This 5.1 Advanced Locality Management (ALM)
has led to a situation where the residents have starting making programme
complaints of environmental pollution caused due to burning
of garbage and foul odor. The scheme has been initiated by MCGM with the main
objective of mobilizing citizens in a participative approach in
4. ISSUES IN SOLID WASTE setting up a system for dealing with the problem of solid
MANAGEMENT IN MUMBAI waste management in an environmental friendly manner. The
focus of the initiative was decided as ‘waste minimization’
4.1 Primary Collection and ‘segregation of waste at source’.
Because of non-segregation, part of the waste that gets 5.2 Slum Adoption Scheme
dumped on the disposal sites is recyclable in nature. This has
A study done by the Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action
led to increase in quantity of waste required to be disposed.
(YUVA) in 1998, which covered 100 communities in the slum
The problem in Mumbai is further aggravated due to a high
density and large proportion of slum population. pocket of Jogeshwari (E), found that while the residents were
aware of the problems related to inadequate practices of
4.2 Lack of Dumping Ground household disposal of waste and systems of collection and
transportation of garbage in the community, there was very
With increasing urbanization, land available for dumping and little community involvement in solving the problem. It was
creation of landfill sites for disposal of waste is becoming also experienced by the MCGM that because of the
unavailable. There are only 4 landfill sites in the MCGM area, heterogeneous population in the slums there was no sense of
whose expected lifespan remains only 5 years. MCGM is belongingness in the slums, which led to piling up of garbage
going to find it difficult to find new waste disposal sites in the and deteriorating health conditions of the dwellers.
near future to take care of present level of waste generations
and that generated by the new population.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
International conference on Green Computing and Technology, 2013
As a result of the survey, it was realized that an attempt to And the Government should propose
motivate and involve the slum population in keeping the
slums clean had to be made through offering some incentives RPPWF Plant at Kanjurmarg dumping ground site as
for the purpose. It is in this background that the Slum abundance of land is on site
Adoption Scheme (SAS) through community-based ABT technology for faster treatment of waste
organizations and public participation was started by the
MCGM. Called the Dattak VastiYojana, which means Slum Incineration technology upgradation to produce energy
Adoption Scheme, this programme is meant to financially from waste
support slum communities to form garbage committees that
would then hire workers to clean their areas.
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