Chapter 1 - Financial Statements
Chapter 1 - Financial Statements
Chapter 1 - Financial Statements
D 8. The two primary decision-specific qualities that make accounting information useful
a) Verifiability and representational faithfulness.
b) Predictive value and feedback value.
c) Cost effectiveness and materiality.
d) Relevance and reliability.
A 9. The underlying assumption that assumes that the life of a company can be divided me
periods is:
a) Periodicity.
b) Going concern.
c) Economic entity.
d) Monetary unit.
A 10. In general, revenue is recognized when the earnings process is virtually complete
a) Collection of the sales price is reasonably assured.
b) A purchase order is received.
c) Cash is collected.
d) Production is completed.
b) prescribes the sequence or format in which items are to be presented in the statement
of financial position.
c) does not permit the presentation of the additional line items, headings and subtotals
in the statement of financial position in addition to those set out in paragraph 4.2.
A 2. In accordance with the IFRS for SMEs, an entity must present additional line items in a
b) such presentation is a generally accepted practice in the sector in which the entity
c) such presentation is required by the tax authorities of the jurisdiction in which the
entity operates.
c) must choose either the current/non-current or the liquidity presentation formats (ie a
A 4. Assets to be sold, consumed or realized as part of the entity’s normal operating cycle are:
a) current assets
b) non-current assets
C 5. When there is much variability in the duration of the entity’s normal operating cycle, the
c) twelve months
d) three years
C 6. Liabilities that an entity expects to settle in its normal operating cycle are:
d) current assets
B 7. A dividend declared by the entity before its year-end and payable to its shareholders three
a) a non-current liability
b) a current liability
c) equity
d) a current asset
C 8. An entity must present each of the line items listed in paragraph 4.2:
d) not recognized
D 9. In accordance with the IFRS for SMEs, the financial statement that presents an entity’s assets,
d the statement of financial position, the balance sheet or any other title
showing changes during the period in each category of equity, and the rights,
d) could be titled the statement of financial position, the balance sheet or any other title
C 1. Notes to the financial statements:
a) contain only information required to be disclosed by the IFRS for SMEs that was not
c) contain the information required to be disclosed by the IFRS for SMEs that was not
a) is voluntary.
b) is mandatory.
a) is voluntary.
b) is mandatory.
a) First, a statement that the financial statements have been prepared in compliance
with the IFRS for SMEs. Second, a summary of significant accounting policies applied.
Third, supporting information for items presented in the financial statements, in the
sequence in which each statement and each line item is presented. Last, any other
b) First, supporting information for items presented in the financial statements, in the
a) the measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the financial statements.
b) all the measurement bases specified in the IFRS for SMEs irrespective of whether they
were used by the entity in preparing its financial statements.
c) the measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the financial statements and the
d) all of the measurement bases and the accounting policy choices available to the
entity (ie specified in the IFRS for SMEs) irrespective of whether they were used by the
entity in preparing its financial statements. Second, a statement that the financial
statements have been prepared in compliance with the IFRS for SMEs. Third, a summary
of significant accounting policies applied. Last, any other disclosures.
c) First, supporting information for items presented in the financial statements, in the
sequence in which each statement and each line item is presented. Second, a summary
of significant accounting policies applied. Third, a statement that the financial
statements have been prepared in compliance with the IFRS for SMEs. Last, any other
a) is voluntary.
b) is mandatory.
b) is mandatory.
a) select items of equipment from the accounting records and then locate them during
the plant tour
b) compare depreciation journal entries with similar prior-year entries in search of fully
depreciated equipment
c) inspect items of equipment observed during the plant tour and then trace them to
the equipment master file
d) scan the journal for unusual equipment additions and excessive debits to repairs and
maintenance expense.
D 9. The IASB specifies that “the elements directly related to the measurement of financial
position are
a) assets, liabilities and profit”
b) expenses, revenues and equity”
c) expenses, revenues and profit”
d) assets, liabilities and equity”
a) when a related party exists, even if there have been no related party transactions.
b) when a control relationship exists, even if there have been no related party
a) the only related party transactions are between the reporting entity and its
b) all related party transactions are at arm’s length, ie the transaction takes place at
same price, terms and conditions that apply to transactions between willing buyers
A 4. Entity A has significant influence over entity B. Entity B has significant influence over
entity C. Assuming entity A does not have significant influence in entity C. From entity
A’s perspective:
B 6. Entity A has significant influence over entity B. Entity B has significant influence over
entity C. From entity C’s perspective:
D 7. Entity A has control over entity B. Entity B has control over entity C.
a) From entity A’s perspective, entities B and C are both related parties.
b) From entity B’s perspective, entities A and C are both related parties.
c) From entity C’s perspective, entities A and B are both related parties.
D 8. Entity A has control over entity B. Entity B has significant influence over entity C.
a) From entity A’s perspective, entities B and C are both related parties.
b) From entity B’s perspective, entities A and C are both related parties.
c) From entity C’s perspective, entities A and B are both related parties.
d) All of the above are true.
D 9. Entity A has significant influence over entity B. Entity B has control over entity C.
a) From entity A’s perspective, entities B and C are both related parties.
b) From entity B’s perspective, entities A and C are both related parties.
c) From entity C’s perspective, entities A and B are both related parties.
C 10. Mr A is the financial director of entity A. He does not own any shares in entity A.
However, he owns 30 per cent of the ordinary shares that carry voting rights at a
general meeting of shareholders of entity B. He and Mr Z (who also owns 30 per cent of
entity B) have contractually agreed to jointly control entity B. From entity A’s
a) True
b) False
c) both
d) None of the above
D 4. The amount of a provision should be the "best estimate" of the expenditure required
to settle the obligation concerned. This estimate:
a) The maximum expenditure that could possibly be required to settle the obligation
b) The expected value of the expenditure that will be required to settle the obligation
c) The minimum expenditure that could possibly be required to settle the obligation
d) The present value of the maximum expenditure that could possibly be required to
settle the obligation
A 6. Should a provision be recognised in relation to: (a) future operating losses? (b)
onerous contracts?
A 7. In general terms, a contingent liability is a possible obligation that depends upon the
outcome of an uncertain future event that is not within the control of the entity
a) True
b) False
c) both
d) None of the above
D 8. In general terms, a contingent liability is a possible obligation that depends upon the
outcome of an uncertain future event that is not within the control of the entity
a) True
b) False
c) both
d) None of the above
B 10. International standard IAS10 requires that financial statements should be adjusted
to take account of any events occurring between the end of the reporting period and
the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue.
a) True
b) False
c) both
d) None of the above
B 5. Which of the following best describes when revenues are generally recognized?
a. At the completion of production
b. At the point of sale when legal title is transferred
c. When cash is collected
d. During production
C 6. Which of the following is the primary criterion for revenue recognition applied in practice?
a. Cash collection
b. Completion of the production process
c. Completion of the earnings process
d. When sales price is measurable
A 10. Which of the following should be considered first in applying the matching concept?
a. Costs should be matched against the revenue directly produced.
b. Costs should be matched to revenue in a rational and systematic manner.
c. Costs should be recognized as period expenses when incurred.
d. Costs should be recognized as expenses when cash is paid.
a) the carrying amount of retained earnings at the beginning and the end of the period.
b) the carrying amount of total equity at the beginning and the end of the period.
c) the carrying amount of each component of equity at the beginning and the end of the
period separately disclosing changes resulting from: (i) profit or loss, (ii) each item of
comprehensive income, and (iii) the amounts of investments by, and dividends and
other distributions to, owners.
d) no answer
c) in aggregate for total equity and separately for the total amounts attributable to
C 4. An entity:
accounting policy choice available to all entities that prepare their financial
b) whose only changes to its equity in the periods for which financial statements are
presented arise from profit or loss, payment of dividends, corrections of prior period
c) whose only changes to its equity in the periods for which financial statements are
presented arise from profit or loss, payment of dividends, corrections of prior period
d) that chooses to present a statement of income and retained earnings must also
A 5. Total comprehensive income for the period is presented in the statement of changes
in equity:
non-controlling interests.
d) showing separately profit or loss and the total of other comprehensive income.
A 6. In the statement of changes in equity the effects of the correction of a prior period
error are
c) in aggregate for total equity and separately for the total amounts attributable to
D 7. A company might prefer to raise more debt capital rather than equity capital in order to:
a) Reduce the risk of bankruptcy
b) Minimize its tax expenses
c) Get more owners
d) all of the above
D 10. One ratio that helps in assessing how effectively an enterprise uses resources
provided by its owners is:
a) ROI
b) Market-to-book ratio
c) EPS
d) ROE
D 2. The conditions which must be satisfied in order for the sale of an asset to be deemed
"highly probable" include:
a) Management is considering a plan to sell the asset
b) The asset is being marketed at a price which greatly exceeds its fair value
c) A completed sale is expected within five years
d) None of the above
a) The higher of the asset's carrying amount when originally classified as held for sale
and its fair value less costs to sell
b) The asset's carrying amount when originally classified as held for sale, less any
accumulated depreciation since that date
c) Fair value less costs to sell
d) The lower of the asset's carrying amount when originally classified as held for sale
and its fair value less costs to sell
A 5. If certain types of asset are classified as held for sale, they should continue to be
measured in accordance with the standard that normally applies to that type of asset
rather than being measured in accordance with the requirements of standard IFRS5.
a) True
b) False
c) both
d) None of the above
C 6. An asset which ceases to be classified as held for sale should be measured at the
lower of its carrying amount before being classified as held for sale (less any
depreciation that would normally have been charged in the meantime) and:
B 7. Non-current assets held for sale should be presented separately from other assets in
the statement of financial position.
a) True
b) False
c) both
d) None of the above
A 8. For assets that meet the criteria to be classified as ‘held for sale’ depreciation on such
a) Ceases.
b) Is reversed.
c) Is charged to discontinued operations.
d) None of the above
a) Non-current liabilities.
b) Non-current assets.
c) Equity.
d) Current assets.
D 10. If a newly acquired asset is ‘held for sale’, the asset or disposal group will be
measured at:
a) Cost.
b) Fair value, less costs to sell’.
c) The lower of 1 and 2.
d) The higher of 1 and 2.
D 2. One of the following criteria does not have to be met in order for an operation to be
classified as discontinued -
a) The operation is part of a single plan to dispose of a separate major line of business
or geographical area
b) The operation should represent a separate line of business or geographical area
c) The operation is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale
d) The operation must be sold within three months of the year end
D 3. IFRS 5 covers:
(i) The classification, measurement and presentation of assets ‘held for sale’.
(ii) The classification and presentation of discontinued operations.
(iii) The impairment of long-lived assets to be held and used.
a) i
b) ii
c) iii
d) i-ii
A 4. If the disposal group to be abandoned:
at the date on which it ceases to be used, the bank shall present the results and cash flows of
the disposal group as:
a) ‘Discontinued operations’.
b) ‘Held for sale’.
c) ‘Continuing operations’.
d) No operations
A 8. How should the income from discontinued operations be presented in the income
a. The entity should disclose a single amount on the face of the income statement with
analysis in the notes or a section of the income statement separate from continuing
b. The amounts from discontinued operations should be broken down over each
category of revenue and expense.
c. Discontinued operations should be shown as a movement on retained earnings.
d. Discontinued operations should be shown as a line item after gross profit with the
taxation being shown as part of income tax expense.
B 9. How should the assets and liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for sale be
shown in the balance sheet?
a) The assets and liabilities should be offset and presented as a single amount.
b) The assets of the disposal group should be shown separately from other assets in the
balance sheet, and the liabilities of the disposal group
should be shown separately from other liabilities in the balance sheet.
c) The assets and liabilities should be presented as a single amount and as a deduction
from equity.
d) There should be no separate disclosure of assets and liabilities that form part of a
disposal group.
D 10. Which of the following criteria do not have to be met in order for an operation to be
classified as discontinued?
a) The operation should represent a separate line of business or geographical area.
b) The operation is part of a single plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or
geographical area.
c) The operation is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.
d) The operation must be sold within three months of the year-end.
C 5. When an independent valuation expert advises an entity that the salvage value of its
plant and machinery had drastically changed and thus the
change is material, the entity should
a) Retrospectively change the depreciation charge based on the revised salvage value.
b) Change the depreciation charge and treat it as a correction of an error.
c) Change the annual depreciation for the current year and future years.
d) Ignore the effect of the change on annual depreciation, because changes in salvage
values would normally affect the future only since theseare expected to be recovered in
C 6. An entity wishes to accelerate its depreciation policy because of changes in the useful
life of the asset. How should the change be dealt with?
a) By retrospective restatement.
b) By retrospecctive application.
c) By prospective application.
d) By disclosure of an error.
D 7. In determining which accounting policy is suitable for the preparation of the financial
statements, an entity should look to
a) IFRS only.
b) IFRICs only.
c) The Framework only.
d) IFRS, IFRICs and the Framework.
A 10. Standards are normally published in advance of the required implementation date.
In the intervening period, where a new/revised standard that is relevant to an entity has
been issued but is not yet effective, the entity should
a) Disclose this fact together with the impact.
b) Not disclose any information.
c) Only apply the standard at the implementation date.
d) Only disclose the fact that the standard has been issued.