Comprehension Strategies Posters

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mental image

Think aloud...

I’m I’m
seeing… Use feeling…
predictions… I think….

While you read the story,

Create a picture in your mind.
Making inferences(
I think... My guess is…

I predict… Probably….
I infer….

Schema + evidence= inference

(what I know) (Clues in story)
Making Connections
Text to Text to Text to
Self Text world

Does this remind Does this Does this

me of something remind me of remind me of
in my life? something else that I something in
have read? the real world?
Asking questions
Before During After
Reading Reading Reading

I wonder….
What is it about?
I wonder….
What? Where?
I wonder….
Who is the author? Why? How? What was the story about...?
Why is that on the cover? When? Did? What type of text is this?
I can decide the I understand the main
difference between idea of the story and
what’s interesting and the author’s main
what is important. message.

The most important thing

About ______ is __________.

My thinking changes and grows as I read.

At first I was thinking… Then I thought…
I don’t Huh? I don’t
understand get this
that… part…

I need to re- I think I

read that… should…

Use your inner voice when you

lose your way.

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