Oracle E-Business Suite Exchange Rates Load
Oracle E-Business Suite Exchange Rates Load
Oracle E-Business Suite Exchange Rates Load
Any organisation using Oracle E-Business Suite with more than one currency
needs to enter daily exchange rates. The solution provided with Oracle General
Ledger is to enter rates manually each day, but this can be both time consuming
and error prone.
Care I.T. Services has teamed up with OANDA, the web-based global leader in
currency conversion, to produce an automated interface for exchange rates.
This product is a ‘bolt on’ extension to Oracle General Ledger and provides the
following key features:
• A seamless end-to-end process that handles communication with OANDA,
validation and loading into Oracle General Ledger
• Exchange rates are queried in real time from OANDA via an http request,
using their FXCSV/FXML tools
• Rates are loaded between all currencies you have enabled
• True ‘bid’ or ‘ask’ rates are available, including an option to ensure
• The interface can be scheduled to run early each morning
• Should a failure occur, the process can re-submit itself or send an e-mail
• Optional extensions allow you to calculate period rates and publish rates
to a web page, so that the rest of your organisation can benefit from
official currency exchange rates
Daily exchange rates are entered into Oracle General Ledger and then used by
all other Oracle Applications modules. Any transaction in a currency other than
your functional currency requires an exchange rate for the date of the
transaction. Examples include supplier invoices and payments, customer
invoices and receipts, purchase orders and sales orders.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Exchange Rates Load loads all the rates you need,
without any intervention or checking required. With OANDA as the source, you
can be sure the rates are accurate and timely. Should the load fail on a
particular day, for example if the link to OANDA is not available, the process will
re-run itself. An e-mail alert can be sent if the process fails after a specified
number of attempts.
Production Description
Oracle E- request OANDA
General Ledger Business Suite web site
Daily Exchange
Rates for all Rates Load
enabled FXCSV
A number of options are available for the load, each implemented as a parameter
with a default:
• Choose whether to use ‘ask’ or ‘bid’ market rates, both of which are
provided by OANDA.
• Choose whether you want your rates to triangulate from a specified base
currency. For example, if you want to triangulate from USD, then rates
are loaded between USD and all enabled currencies and rates between
non-USD currencies are calculated from these. Alternatively, you may
want to load market rates for all currencies from OANDA, which will not
• Choose the number of times the program should re-try in the event of an
error and an e-mail address to be alerted if the program fails after the
specified number of attempts.
There are two optional extensions to the product that can be implemented along
with the daily rates load:
for each set of books. Thus, if your organisation uses many sets of books,
entering period rates manually can be a significant task each month. The
obvious solution is to automatically calculate the period rates from daily rates.
Care I.T. Services has developed a single concurrent program that will perform
this task across all your sets of books.
Purchase Information
The Oracle E-Business Suite Exchange Rates Load requires the purchase of two
• A subscription to the OANDA FXCSV service
• The Oracle E-Business Suite Exchange Rates Load product from Care
I.T. Services
The pricing structure is flexible according to your preferences and the level of
support required. For example, the two elements could be combined into a
single subscription-based fee or a licence for the Oracle E-Business Suite
Exchange Rates Load product can be purchased via a single up-front fee.
Care I.T. Services can offer the following services in conjunction with the product:
• On site installation and testing
• A brief training session and demonstration
• Full documentation
• Ongoing support