Pre Closing Trial Balance San Roque

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Republic of the Philippines Barangay San Roque Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon PRE-CLOSING TRIAL BALANCE December 31,2019 ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT CODE Cash in Local Treasury 10101010 » Cash in Bank LOCA 1-01-02-010 Due from LGU's 1-03-02-010 Advances for Payroll 1-03-03-010 Advances to Officers & Employees 1-03-03-020 Other Receivables 1-03-06-990 Land 1.07-01-010 Office Building 1-07-04-010 Accumulated Depreciation - Office Building 1-07-04-011 Other Structures 1-07-04-990 Accumulated Depreciation - Other Structures 1-07-04-991 Office Equipment 1-07-05-020 Accumulated Depreciation - Office Equipment 1-07-05-021 Information and Communication Technology Equipment 1-07-05-030 Accumulated Depreciation - Information and Communication Technology Equipment 1-07-05-031 Technical & Scientific Equipments 1-07-05-090 Other Machinery & Equipment 1-07-05-990 ‘Accumulated Depreciation -Other Machinery 1-07-05-991 and Equipment. 1-07-05-991 Other Transportation Equipment 1-07-06-990 Accumulated Depreciation - Other Transportation — 1-07-06-991 Furniture & Fixture 1-07-07-010 Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture & Fixture 1-07-07-011 Due to Officers & Employees 2-01-01-020 Due to BIR 2-02-01-010 Others Payables 2-99-99-990 Government Equity 3-01-01-010 Real Property Tax 4-02-01-040 Internal Revenue Allotment 4-01-04-010 Subsidy from LGU 4-02-01-010 Clearance and Certification fees 4-04-01-010 Salaries & Wages 5-01-01-010 Cash Gift 5-01-02-070 Other Personnel Benefits 5-01-04-990 Travelling Expenses (Local) 5-02-01-010 Training Expenses 5-02-02-010 DEBIT 9,988.58 665,533.86 2,105.33 3,990.00 103,885.60 7,894.95 406,432.25, 314,855.80 124,462.80 126,665.89 113,595.00 6,357.80 8,400.00 20,000.00 6,480.00 756,000.00 33,000.00 67,375.00 33,195.00 64,550.00 - CREDIT 36,125.48 40,520.40 11,129.43 89,402.54 5,419.44 8,550.00 5,861.13 395.08 50,118.11 (11,734.00) 1,359,933.81 22,526.89 1,981,375.00 2,000.00 4,755.00 ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT CODE DEBIT CREDIT Office Supplies Expense 5-02-03-010 34,004.24 Other Supplies Expenses 5-02-03-990 119,482.92 Water Expense 5-02-04-010 1,571.00 Electricity Expenses 5-02-04-020 25,701.60 Environment/Sanitary Services 5-02-08-010 48,000.00 Security Services 5-02-08-030 81,739.86 Other General Services 5-02-08-990 131,900.00 Fidelity Bond Premium $-02-11-010 4,140.60 Other MOOE 5-02-99-990 254,687.75 Depreciation - Office Building 5-04-01-030 3,210.88 Depreciation - Other Structure 5-04-01-030 10,696.16 Depreciation -Office Equipment 5-04-01-040 1,081.08 Depreciation - Information and Communication Technology Equipment 5-04-01-040 9,754.84 Depreciation - Other Machinery & Equipments 5-04-01-040 1,806.48 Depreciation - Other Transportation Equipment 5-04-01-050 1,800.00 Furniture & Fixture 5-04-01-060 2,033.04 TOTAL 3,606,378.31_ 360637831 SE E8006 978.31 CERTIFIED CORRECT; ROMMEPE. GRUBA Munici untant blic of the Philippines BARANGAY San nee STA. MAGDLENA, SORSOGON STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 188 of Decomber 31, 2018 ASSETS ‘CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents 675,522.44 Receivables 11787588 Total Current Assets 8 Non-Current Assets a Property, Plant and Equipment 930,241.12 Total Non-Current Assets rrr TOTAL ASSETS aaa See LIABILITIES ‘Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities 50.51.19 Inter-Agency Payables (11,734.00) ‘Total Current Liabilities z Non-Current Liabilities Bails/Bonds/Loans Payable- Long Term Total Non-Current Liabilities SERRE TOTAL LIABILITIES —are NET ASSETS/EQUITY ‘Goverment Equity 1,684,860.25 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS/EQUITY TSE CERTIFIED 81 ROMMELS/GRUBA Munici intant Republic ofthe Phill BARANGAY SAN ROQUE STA. MAGDALENA, SORSOGON ‘STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. 8 of December 31, 2019 Note 2019 REVENUE Tex Revenue : 22se000 ‘Share from National Taxes - 1,981,375.00 Sora an Buen noone : “es Tot Reverie aaa Less: Current Operating Expenses Personel Services * 856,375.00 Manan ard er Operating Expenses j roaarsr Non-Cash Expenses. - 30,382.48 Current Operating Expenses TT 685,730.45— Supa rom Curent Operon zaszs.aa Deduct: Taney, Ale endSubsty : 500 ‘Surplus for the period —ores cen: \GRUBA Mu intant

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