The Main Characteristics of Sociology Are As Follows:: 1. Sociology: A Generalizing Science
The Main Characteristics of Sociology Are As Follows:: 1. Sociology: A Generalizing Science
The Main Characteristics of Sociology Are As Follows:: 1. Sociology: A Generalizing Science
There are no hard and first boundary lines between the social sciences
since each of these perspectives has implications for each of the
others. Still, it is useful at the outset to have a survey of the
characteristics of sociology to distinguish its particular perspective
from those of other social sciences. The following are the main
characteristics of sociology.
Sociology studies values as social facts but does not deal with the
problems of good or bad, desirable or undesirable. It is ethically
neutral. According to Weber, the sociologist may well be involved in
partisan political activity to stimulate his intellectual curiosity but
that, as a social scientist (e.g. a teacher of sociology) he must leave out
his personal bias, remembering always that a ” podium is not a pulpit”.
In this way sociology adds to our knowledge about human society. The
aim of sociology is the acquisition of knowledge about human society.
Such knowledge can be used to solve social problems, but it is not an
applied science. The knowledge acquired by sociology is helpful for
administrators, legislators and social workers etc.