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Fig. 5.1 Interfacial diffusion films. δo and δw are the thickness of the organic and
aqueous films, respectively. The presence of an adsorbed layer of extractant molecules
at the interface is also shown.
These two thin liquid films, which are also called diffusion films, diffusion
layers, or Nernst films, have thicknesses that range between 10−2 and 10−4 cm
(in this chapter centimeter-gram-second (CGS) units are used, since most pub-
lished data on diffusion and extraction kinetics are reported in these units; com-
parison with literature values is, therefore, straightforward).
The description of the diffusion films as completely stagnant layers, having
definite and well-identified thicknesses, represents only a practical approxima-
tion useful for a simple mathematical description of interfacial diffusion. A
reached with all systems. The exact limiting value depends on the specific physi-
cochemical properties of the liquids and the specific hydrodynamic conditions.
Even when dealing with the most efficiently stirred systems, the chemical spe-
cies that have to be transported to or away from the interface for the extraction
reaction to take place always have to diffuse through the diffusion films. The
time required for this often can be comparable or longer than that required for
the actual chemical changes in the extraction. As a consequence, diffusion
through these films controls the overall kinetics of extraction. Experience has
shown that film diffusion is the predominating rate-controlling factor in many
practical extraction processes. Although these diffusion processes occur through
very thin films, the films must be considered macroscopic, since the diffusion
distances involved exceed the molecular dimensions by several orders of magni-
Diffusion is that irreversible process by which matter spontaneously moves from
a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration, leading to equal-
ization of concentrations within a single phase.
The laws of diffusion correlate the rate of flow of the diffusing substance
with the concentration gradient responsible for the flow. In general, in a multi-
component system, the process is described by as many diffusion equations as
the number of chemical species in the system. Moreover, the diffusion equations
are intercorrelated. Nevertheless, when dealing with solutions containing ex-
tractable species and extracting reagents at concentrations much lower than
those of the molecules of the solvents (dilute solutions), diffusion is sufficiently
well described by considering only those species for which the concentrations
appreciably change during the extraction reaction.
The diffusion flow, J, of a chemical species is defined as the amount of
matter of this species passing perpendicularly through a reference surface of
sufficiently well for most diffusing species of interest in solvent extraction sys-
tems. The values of D for the majority of the extractable species fall in the
range 10−5 –10−6 cm2 s−1 in both water and organic solutions. When dealing with
viscous phases or bulky organic extractants, or with complexes that may un-
dergo polymerization reactions, the D values can drop to 10−7 or 10−8 cm2 s−1.
Equation (5.1) is extremely useful to evaluate the flux whenever the con-
centration gradient can be considered constant with time (i.e., when we can
assume a steady state). When a steady state cannot be assumed, the concentra-
tion change with time must also be considered. The non–steady-state diffusion
is expressed by Fick’s second law of diffusion:
∂c / ∂t = D∂ 2c / ∂x 2 (5.2)
Diffusion is a complex phenomenon. A complete physical description in-
volves conceptual and mathematical difficulties associated with the need to in-
volve theories of molecular interactions and to solve complicated differential
equations [3–6]. Here and in sections 5.8 and 5.9, we present only a simplified
picture of the diffusional processes, which is valid for limiting conditions. The
objective is to make the reader aware of the importance of this phenomenon in
connection with solvent extraction kinetics.
For steady-state diffusion occurring across flat and thin diffusion films,
only one dimension can be considered and Eq. (5.1) is greatly simplified. More-
over, by replacing differentials with finite increments and assuming a linear
concentration profile within the film of thickness δ, Eq. (5.1) becomes
J = − D dc / dx = − D(c2 − c1 ) / δ = (c2 − c1 ) / ∆ (5.3)
∆ = δ/ D (5.4)
is a diffusional parameter dependent on the thickness of the diffusion film and the
value of the diffusion constant of the diffusing species. The units of ∆ are cm−1 s.
ing that the correlation between the flux and the concentration variations within
the reservoirs is
−V1 Q −1dc1 / dt + V2 Q −1 dc2 / dt = J (5.5)
where Q is the area of the diffusion film (equal on both sides), and, assuming,
for simplicity, that V1 = V2 = V, Eqs. (5.3) and (5.5) can be combined to give
VQ∆dc1 / dt = c1 − c2 (5.6)
For the initial conditions at t = 0, c2 = 0, and c1 = c , the integration of Eq.
(5.6) is straightforward. Separation of the variables leads to
Qdt / V ∆ = dc1 (c10 − 2c2 ) (5.7)
Fig. 5.2 Concentration profile of a solute diffusing across an unstirred liquid film of
thickness δ in contact with two well-stirred reservoirs. The same liquid phase is assumed
throughout this imaginary model system.
and inversely proportional to the volume of the reservoir (V) and the thick-
ness of the diffusion layer (δ).
Although these conclusions are intuitive and trivial and are based on sev-
eral crude approximations introduced into an imaginary model system consisting
of only one liquid phase, the simple mathematical treatment developed helps
the reader better appreciate the fundamental role that film diffusion plays in
controlling the rate of solvent extraction. When two different liquid phases
(aqueous and organic) are in contact, two liquid films can be assumed to exist
on the two opposite sides of the interface, and diffusion through both must be
considered. The presence of two phases at which species can be unevenly dis-
tributed, and with interfacial chemical reactions of varying degree of complex-
ity, will in fact appear in the extraction rate equations only as modifications of
this simple diffusion equation.
are relatively easy to treat mathematically when x, y, z, and w are small inte-
Rate laws can be derived by measuring concentration variations as func-
tion of time or the initial rates as function of the initial concentrations. Unfortu-
nately, there is no general method for finding the rate law and the reaction order
from measurements of concentration vs. time or other types of measurements.
Usually, a trial-and-error procedure is used, based upon intelligent guesses.
Once a rate law has been defined and the rate constants evaluated, the
next step is to correlate it with the most likely mechanism of the extraction
Since the experimental kinetic data refer to a reaction rate and how this is
affected by variables, such as concentration, temperature, nature of the solvent,
presence of other solutes, structural variations of the reactants, and so forth, the
assignment of a mechanism is always only indirectly derived from primary data.
Therefore, it is not surprising that more than one mechanism has often been
proposed to explain the same rate law and that reaction mechanisms, which
were once consistent with all experimental information available on a system,
have later on been considered erroneous and have been disregarded, or drasti-
cally modified, as long as new experimental evidence was accumulated. In gen-
eral, the stoichiometry of the reaction, even when this is a simple one, cannot
be directly related with its mechanism, and when the reaction occurs through a
series of elementary steps, the possibility that the experimental rate law may be
interpreted in terms of alternative mechanism increases. Therefore, to resolve
ambiguities as much as possible, one must use all the physicochemical informa-
tion available on the system. Particularly useful here is information on the struc-
tural relations between the reactants, the intermediate, and the reaction products.
Table 5.1 presents the mathematical description of selected very simple
rate laws.
Irreversible first-order reactions [Eq. (5.14) in Table 5.1] depend only on
the concentration of a reactant X, and the rate of the reverse reaction, rate
(reverse), is always equal to zero. Simple distribution processes between immis-
cible liquid phases of noncharged components characterized by very large val-
ues of the partition constant can be formally treated as first-order irreversible
Reversible first-order reactions are given by Eq. (5.15) of Table 5.1.
Equation (5.15c) can be rewritten in a more elegant form by considering that at
equilibrium (t = ∞ ) the net rate is equal to zero, that is
k1[X]eq = k2 [Y]eq (5.17)
where subscript eq indicates equilibrium concentrations. The equilibrium con-
stant of the reaction is
K = k1 / k2 = [Y]eq /[X]eq (5.18)
Equation (5.15c) can then be reformulated as
ln{([X] − [X]eq )([X]0 − [X eq ]) −1} = −(k1 + k2 )t (5.19)
Equation (5.19) shows that the rate law is still first-order, provided the
quantity ([X] − [X]eq) is used instead of [X]. A plot of ln([X] − [X]eq) vs. t will
then be a straight line of slope -(k1 + k2). The individual rate constants of the
reaction can still be evaluated from the slope of such a plot, providing the
5.4.2 Mechanisms
Solvent exchange and complex formation are special cases of nucleophilic sub-
stitution reactions.
Generally, when a coordination bond is broken in a metal ion complex,
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the electron pair responsible for the bond accompanies the leaving group (com-
monly, the organic ligand). It follows that reactions involving solvent exchange
and complex formation have as reactive centers electron-deficient groups. There-
fore, they can all be considered as nucleophilic substitutions (in symbols SN).
The basic classification of nucleophilic substitutions is founded on the
consideration that when a new metal complex is formed through the breaking
of a coordination bond with the first ligand (or water) and the formation of a
new coordination bond with the second ligand, the rupture and formation of the
two bonds can occur to a greater or lesser extent in a synchronous manner.
When the rupture and the formation of the bonds occur in a synchronous way,
the mechanism is called substitution nucleophilic bimolecular (in symbols SN2).
On the other extreme, when the rupture of the first bond precedes the formation
of the new one, the mechanism is called substitution nucleophilic unimolecular
(in symbols SN1). Mechanisms SN2 and SN1 are only limiting cases, and an
entire range of intermediate situations exists.
Inorganic chemists prefer a slightly more detailed classification and subdi-
vide the range of possible mechanisms into the following four groups.
1. D mechanism. This is the limiting dissociative mechanism, and a transient
inter-mediate of reduced coordination number is formed. The intermediate
persists long enough to discriminate between potential nucleophiles in its
vicinity. Here we are dealing with an SN1 limiting process, since the dissoci-
ation of the metal-ligand bond fully anticipates the formation of the new
bond. The vacancy in the coordination shell that occurs as a result of the
dissociation is then taken by the new ligand.
2. Id mechanism. This is the dissociative interchange mechanism and is similar
to the previous one in the sense that dissociation is still the major rate-
controlling factor. Therefore, we are still dealing with an SN1 process. Nev-
ertheless, differently from the D mechanism, no experimental proof exists
that an intermediate of lower coordination is formed. The mechanism in-
volves a fast outer sphere association between the initial complex and the
dealing with a process entirely of the SN2 type. The rate-determining step
of the mechanism is the association between the complex metal ion and the
entering ligand, leading to the formation of an intermediate of increased
coordination number that can be experimentally identified. This mechanism
is often operative in ligand-displacement reactions occurring with planar
tetracoordinated complexes.
In practice, there is a continuous gradation of mechanisms from D,
through Id and Ia to A, depending on the extent of interaction between the metal
cation and the incoming group in the transition intermediate. Moreover, the
diagnosis of the mechanism is not a straightforward and unambiguous process.
A variety of methods have to be used, depending on circumstances, since an
approach based only on rate-law consideration can easily lead to false conclu-
to the rate of film diffusion. The rate of diffusion also is the predominating rate-
controlling process when the aquocations are extracted into the organic phase
with their entire coordination sphere of water molecules. These considerations
do not hold when other slow chemical processes, such as hydrolysis reactions
of the metal cation, polymerizations in the organic phase of the extractant or
the metal complex, adsorption-desorption processes at the interphase, keto-enol
Fig. 5.3 Logarithm of water exchange constants (s−1) for aquometal ions at 25°C.
(From Ref. 26.)
which L is the extractant [see Eq. (5.22)]. However, it has been experimentally
observed, at least for aqueous-phase reactions, that the variation of the rates with
the identity of the ligand correlates well with the variation in the thermodynamic
stability of the complex. Therefore, whenever the complex is not extracted un-
changed into the organic phase, thermodynamically very stable complexes can
be expected to react slowly with the extractant. An example is the extraction of
trivalent lanthanide or actinide cations from aqueous solutions by diethylhexyl
phosphoric acid (HDEHP). If the aqueous medium contains only weakly com-
plexing ligands (Cl− or NO−3), the extraction kinetics are very fast. On the other
hand, in the presence of polyaminocarboxylic acids, such as EDTA that are
powerful complexing agents, the extraction reaction proceeds only slowly.
For planar tetracoordinated complexes, the mechanistic problem is more
straightforward. A large amount of experimental evidence on ligand substitution
reactions for complexes of transition metals with electronic configuration d8,
such as Pt(II), Pd(II), Au(III), Ni(II), and Rh(I), has been accumulated. The
transition state is a five-coordinated species having the structure of a trigonal
bipyramid on which the entering group lays on the trigonal plane. Ligand-substi-
tution reactions with planar tetracoordinated complexes are often slow in com-
parison with the rate of diffusion through the interfacial diffusional films. It
follows that the kinetics of solvent extraction of planar tetracoordinate com-
plexes in a well-stirred system are often entirely controlled by the rate of the
chemical process. Studies on the rate of extraction can then be directly used
to obtain information on the rate of the biphasic ligand-substitution reactions,
neglecting the complications from diffusional contributions.
from those of the bulk phases and, therefore, any chemical change occurring
herein is likely to be affected by the different environment. The difference will
be particularly enhanced by the presence on the interface of adsorbed layers of
polar or ionizable extractant molecules. The extractant, because of its simultane-
ous hydrophobic-hydrophilic (low water affinity–high water affinity) nature,
necessary to maintain a high solubility in low dielectric constant diluents, and
selective complexing power relative to water-soluble species, tends to orient
itself with the polar (or ionizable) groups facing the aqueous side of the inter-
face. The rest of the molecule, having a prevalent hydrophobic character, will
be directed instead toward the organic phase.
Unfortunately, little direct information is available on the physicochemical
properties of the interface, since real interfacial properties (dielectric constant,
viscosity, density, charge distribution) are difficult to measure, and the interpre-
tation of the limited results so far available on systems relevant to solvent ex-
traction are open to discussion. Interfacial tension measurements are, in this
respect, an exception and can be easily performed by several standard physico-
chemical techniques. Specialized treatises on surface chemistry provide an ex-
haustive description of the interfacial phenomena [10,11]. The interfacial ten-
sion, γ, is defined as that force per unit length that is required to increase the
contact surface of two immiscible liquids by 1 cm2. Its units, in the CGS system,
are dyne per centimeter (dyne cm−1). Adsorption of extractant molecules at the
interface lowers the interfacial tension and makes it easier to disperse one phase
into the other.
Interfacial tension studies are particularly important because they can pro-
vide useful information on the interfacial concentration of the extractant. The
simultaneous hydrophobic-hydrophilic nature of extracting reagents has the re-
sulting effect of maximizing the reagent affinity for the interfacial zone, at
which both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of the molecules can mini-
mize their free energy of solution. Moreover, as previously mentioned, a prefer-
ential orientation of the extractant groups takes place at the interface. Conse-
Fig. 5.4 Typical interfacial pressure (Π) vs. logarithm of bulk organic concentration
(log c) plotted for an extractant exhibiting surface-active properties.
Fig. 5.5 Simplified picture of the interfacial structuring effect caused by an ionizable
extractant adsorbed at the organic-water interface.
coefficients in liquids generally do not exceed 10−4 cm2 s−1, and the depth of the
diffusion films apparently is never less than 10−4 cm.
If, however, all chemical reactions in the biphasic system are very fast in
comparison with the diffusional processes, the solvent extraction kinetics are
said to occur in a diffusional regime. In this situation, the rate of extraction can
be described simply in terms of interfacial film diffusion. Chemical engineers
define this as “mass transfer with instantaneous chemical reaction.” A diffu-
sional regime may control the extraction rate also in the presence of relatively
slow chemical reactions whenever the degree of stirring of the two phases is so
poor that thick diffusional films can be assumed on the two sides of the inter-
face. When both chemical reactions and film diffusion processes occur at rates
that are comparable, the solvent extraction kinetics are said to take place in a
mixed diffusional-kinetic regime, which in engineering, is often referred to as
“mass transfer with slow chemical reactions.” This is the most complicated case,
since the rate of extraction must be described in terms of both diffusional pro-
cesses and chemical reactions, and a complete mathematical description can be
obtained only by simultaneously solving the differential equations of diffusion
and those of chemical kinetics.
The unambiguous identification of the extraction rate regime (diffusional,
kinetic, or mixed) is difficult from both the experimental and theoretical viewpoints
[12,13]. Experimental difficulties exist because a large set of different experimental
information, obtained in self-consistent conditions and over a very broad range of
several chemical and physical variables, is needed. Unless simplifying assump-
tions can be used, frequently the differential equations have no analytical solu-
tions, and boundary conditions have to be determined by specific experiments.
The criteria that are most often used to distinguish between a diffusional
regime and a kinetic regime are
1. Comparison of the heat transfer and the mass transfer coefficients
2. Evaluation of the activation energy of extraction
3. The reference substance method
4. Dependency of the rate of extraction on the rate of stirring of the two
Criteria 1–3 are difficult to apply and have been used only occasionally
to evaluate the extraction regime.
1. According to this criterion, when, in the same apparatus, the same depen-
dence of the heat transfer coefficient and the mass transfer coefficient on
the stirring rate of the phases is observed, the conclusion can be reached
that the extraction occurs in a diffusional regime.
2. The rationale behind the use of this method is that, when the rate is con-
trolled by a chemical reaction, the activation energy is generally higher than
that expected for a diffusion-controlled process (diffusion coefficients vary
only slightly with temperature). However, this criterion is not always very
meaningful, since many chemical reactions occurring in solvent extraction
processes exhibit activation energies of only a few kilocalories per mole,
i.e., have the same order of magnitude as those of diffusional processes.
3. The reference substance method is based on the addition to the solution,
containing the species for which the transfer rate is going to be investigated,
of another inert component for which the rate of extraction is known to be
controlled only by diffusion. By following the simultaneous transfer of the
species of interest and of the reference component as function of the hydro-
dynamic conditions in the extraction apparatus, a diffusional regime will be
indicated by a similar functional dependence, whereas a kinetic regime is
indicated by a sharply different one.
4. This criterion is the simplest, as proved by its widespread use. A typical
rates the relationship between stirring rate and the inverse thickness of the
diffusion films (at least in a constant interfacial-area-stirred cell) is approxi-
mately linear, the first part of such a plot will usually approximate a straight
line. In any case, the rate of extraction will increase with the rate of stirring,
as long as a process is totally or partially diffusion controlled. When, eventu-
ally, the thickness of the diffusion films is reduced to zero, only chemical
reactions can be rate controlling, and the rate of extraction becomes indepen-
dent of the stirring rate. Unfortunately, this kind of reasoning can lead to erro-
Fig. 5.6 Typical extraction rate vs. stirring rate for constant interfacial–area-stirred cell.
As far as vigorously stirred vessels are concerned, strong ambiguities are also
faced when this criterion is applied. Unless the overall interfacial area is known
and taken into consideration, an increase in the rate of extraction can take place
with the increase in stirring rate when the system is in a kinetic regime deter-
mined by interfacial chemical reactions. The increase observed in zone A indi-
cates here an increase in the number of droplets of the dispersed phase (propor-
tional to the overall interfacial area) and not a decrease in the thickness of the
diffusion film. Moreover, the plateau region of zone B does not necessarily
prove that the extraction occurs in a kinetic regime. Although at high stirring
rates the number of droplets of the dispersed phase eventually becomes con-
stant, since the rate of drop formation equals the rate of drop coalescence, lack
of internal circulation and poor mixing can occur inside the droplets of the
dispersed phase. This is particularly true with small droplets and in the pres-
ence of extractants that are strong surfactants. Therefore, here also, a plateau
region may simulate a diffusion-controlled regime. It is then apparent that crite-
rion 4 can also lead to ambiguous or misleading conclusions.
Finally, it has to be emphasized that both the hydrodynamic parameters
and the concentrations of the species involved in the extraction reaction simulta-
neously determine whether the extraction regime is of kinetic, diffusional, or
mixed diffusional-kinetic type. It, therefore, is not surprising that different in-
vestigators, who studied the same chemical solvent extraction system in differ-
ent hydrodynamic and concentration conditions, may have interpreted their re-
sults in terms of completely different extraction regimes.
supports, but does not prove, the validity of the proposed mechanism.
The apparent values of the rate constants of the solvent extraction reaction
are usually evaluated by measuring the rate of extraction of M+ as function of
[BH] (at [H+] constant), of [H+] (at [BH] constant), and of [MB] (at [H+] and
[BH] constant). The experimental conditions are usually chosen in such a way
that the reaction can be assumed pseudo-first-order for [M+]. The apparent rate
constants are evaluated from the slope of the straight lines obtained by plotting
ln ([M + ] − [M + ]eq )/([M + ]0 − [M + ]eq ) vs. t (5.36)
Subscript 0 indicates initial concentrations in the aqueous phase.
It must be observed that when this mechanism holds, the rate of the extrac-
tion reaction is independent of the interfacial area, Q, and the volume of the
phases, V. The expected logarithmic dependency of the forward rate of extrac-
tion on the specific interfacial area (S = Q/V), the organic concentration of the
extracting reagent and the aqueous acidity, is shown in Fig. 5.7, case 1.
Case 2: The rate-determining step of the extraction reaction is the inter-
facial formation of the complex between the metal ion and the interfacially
adsorbed extracting reagent. Here, the rate-determining step of the extraction
reaction can be written as
M + + B− (ad) ↔ MB(ad) (slow) (5.37)
where (ad) indicates species adsorbed at the liquid–liquid interface. The rate of
the reaction that follows is
rate = −d [M + ]/ dt = k2 S w [M + ][B− ]ad − k2 So [MB]ad (5.38)
where Sw and So represent the specific interfacial areas [i.e., the ratios between
the interfacial area Q (cm2) and the volumes of the aqueous (Vw) and organic
(Vo) phase, respectively]. Throughout the following treatments we will always
assume, for simplicity, that Vw = Vo = V, and
Fig. 5.7 Logarithm of the forward extraction rate (normalized to the extractable metal
concentration) vs. log interfacial area (a), log [BH], and log [H+] for some exemplary
kinetic regimes.
a function of the interfacial area and the volume of the phases. A plot of the
apparent rate constant of the forward rate of extraction vs. S must yield a straight
line through the origin of the axes when case 2 holds.
Equation (5.46) shows a further difference relative to Eq. (5.34). Equation
(5.46) indicates a zero reaction order relative to [BH] in the forward extraction
rate, reflecting the complete saturation of the interface with the extracting re-
The determination of the true rate constants, k1 and k−2, is generally more
difficult than for case 1, since information on α, α2, K*a and K0ex can be difficult
to obtain.
Case 3: There are two interfacial rate-determining steps, consisting of:
(1) formation of an interfacial complex between the interfacially adsorbed mole-
cules of the extractant and the metal ion; and (2) transfer of the interfacial
complex from the interface to the bulk organic phase and simultaneous replace-
ment of the interfacial vacancy with bulk organic molecules of the extractant.
For this mechanism, we distinguish two possibilities. The first (case 3.1) de-
scribes the reaction with the dissociated anion of the extracting reagent, B−(ad).
The second (case 3.2) describes the reation with the undissociated extractant,
Case 3.1: The first mechanism is represented by the following equa-
M + + B− (ad) ↔ MB(ad) (slow) (5.49)
MB(ad) + BH(org) ↔ BH(ad) + MB(org) (slow) (5.50)
The rate equations holding for the two slow steps are:
rate 1 = S k3 [M + ][B− ]ad − S k−3 [MB]ad (5.51)
tions suitable for describing many other more complex situations. For example,
with the help of case 1, the equations describing the kinetic of extraction of
divalent metal ions, such as Zn2+, Ni2+ and Co2+, by dithizone and its derivatives
can be derived. Minor modifications also have to be introduced in cases 2 and
3 to obtain the equations that describe the extraction of metal ions, such as Cu2+
and Fe3+, by hydroxyoximes; Fe3+ by hydroxamic acids; and trivalent lanthanide
and actinide cations by alkylphosphoric acids. Other chemical systems in which
neutral or negatively charged metal species are extracted by neutral extractants
or by alkylammonium salts have been described by mechanisms involving aque-
ous-phase complexation or interfacial reactions (one-step or two-step mecha-
nisms) as rate-determining steps. Examples are the extraction of UO2(NO3)2 by
tributyl phosphate (TBP), or FeCl−4 and Pu(NO3)4 by trialkylammonium salts.
The equations reported in cases 1–3 can be easily modified to adapt them to the
specific chemical features of the reagents involved [13]. In most instances, these
modifications involve writing the correct charge for the extracted species (in-
cluding zero and negative charges), eliminating the acid dissociation step of the
extractant whenever this is appropriate, including additional equilibrium equa-
tions, and additional simple rate-determining steps. However, examples of com-
pletely different mechanisms and rates, which in no way can be related to cases
1–3, are abundant in the literature.
Fig. 5.8 Linear concentration profiles for the partition of A between an aqueous and
an organic phase.
The diffusion-controlled process [see Eqs. (5.66), (5.68), and (5.69)] can
be experimentally differentiated from the process occurring in the kinetic regime
[see Eq. (5.75)] only by measuring the variations of kl and k−1 with δw and δo .
Otherwise, the identical rate laws will not permit one to distinguish between the
two mechanisms.
Equation (5.73) can be integrated to obtain
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Fig. 5.9 Linear concentration profiles for the extraction of M+ by BH(org) in presence
of an interfacial chemical reaction.
−d [M + ]/ dt V / Q = J = J M+ (5.84)
By solving Eqs. (5.82a–d) for the interfacial concentrations [ ]i after tak-
ing into account the correlation between the fluxes [see Eqs. (5.83) and (5.84)]
and introducing the simplification that the diffusion coefficients depend only on
the nature of the phase, that is,
∆ w = δ w / DM+ = δ w / DH+ (5.85a )
∆ o = δo / DMB = δo / DBH (5.85b)
we obtain
[M + ]i = [M + ] − J ∆ w (5.86a )
+ +
[H ]i = [H ] + J ∆ w (5.86b)
[MB]i = [MB] + J ∆ o (5..86c)
[BH]i = [BH] − J ∆ o (5.86d)
Equations (5.86a–d) can then be inserted into Eq. (5.81) to yield
K ex = [MB] + J ∆ o )([H + ] + J ∆ w ) /([M + ] − J ∆ w )(BH] − J ∆ o ) (5.87)
Equation (5.87) can be solved for J to derive an expression for J (and the
extraction rate) as function of the four concentration variables in the bulk
phases, the equilibrium constant of the extraction reaction, and the two diffu-
sional parameters ∆w and ∆o.
A simple analytical solution for J (and the extraction rate) can be derived
from Eq. (5.87) by neglecting the term in J2 (very low fluxes) and isolating J:
rate = rate (forward) − rate (reverse) = −d [M + ]/ dt = JS =
= {S K ex [M + ][BH]}{∆ w ([MB] + K ex [BH]) + ∆ o ([H + ] + K ex [M + ])}−1 −
− {S [MB][H + ]}{∆ w ([MB] + K ex [BH]) + ∆ o ([H + ] + K ex [M + ])}−1 (5.88)
steps of the reaction mechanism proceed with a velocity that is comparable with
that of the diffusional processes through the interfacial films. The other two
regimes are thus limiting cases of this more general one. Up to a certain limit,
the diffusional processes in an isothermal system can be accelerated by stirring,
which reduces the thickness of the diffusion films, and the rate of chemical
reactions can be increased by increasing the concentrations of the reactants. The
range of experimental conditions that determine the nature of the extraction
regime is specific for each chemical system and depends on the hydrodynamic
conditions of the apparatus used for the extraction.
The analytical description of a mixed regime is rather complicated, as all
difficulties and ambiguities associated with both the kinetic and diffusional re-
gimes may be present. To fully describe the extraction kinetics, it is necessary
to solve simultaneously the equations of diffusion and of chemical kinetics.
Furthermore, the slow chemical reactions can be of two types: homogeneous,
wherein the chemical changes occur in the entire volume of a phase or in a thin
layer, generally not too far from the interface; and heterogeneous, wherein the
chemical changes occur at the interface. The description of a diffusion regime
coupled to a homogeneous chemical reaction is particularly complicated, since
the differential equations describing the rate of formation of new chemical spe-
cies have to be solved simultaneously with the system of differential equations
describing the diffusional processes. On the other hand, when the slow chemical
reactions are heterogeneous (i.e., interfacial), the rates of the chemical reactions
appear in the boundary conditions of the differential diffusion equations.
A mathematically simple case, that occurs frequently in solvent extraction
systems, in which the extracting reagent exhibits very low water solubility and
is strongly adsorbed at the liquid interface, is illustrated. Even here, the interpre-
tation of experimental extraction kinetic data occurring in a mixed extraction
regime usually requires detailed information on the boundary conditions of the
diffusion equations (i.e., on the rate at which the chemical species appear and
disappear at the interface).
dures can lead to erroneous interpretations, as in only a few cases can the rate
laws be correctly derived from stoichiometric considerations, and when too
many variables (e.g., rate constants, rate laws, and diffusional parameters) are
simultaneously adjusted to fit experimental data, many alternative models can
usually satisfy the same equations. Therefore, it is important that the boundary
condition of the diffusion equations (i.e., the interfacial rate laws) be derived
by separate, suitable experiments.
We now treat, in some detail, under the usual assumptions of steady-state
diffusion and linear concentration gradients through the diffusion films, only
one simple case of mixed regime. The case deals with a situation that is an
extension of case 4 described in section 5.8. Here the additional complication
of a slow interfacial reaction is introduced.
Case 6: The interfacial partition reaction between the two phases of un-
charged species is slow. The rate is controlled both by the slow partition reaction
and by diffusion to and away from the interface of the partitioning species.
Although the extraction process is still described by Eq. (5.65), the slow
interfacial chemical reaction and the corresponding interfacial flux, Ji, are
A i ↔ A i (org) (5.91)
∆o + k−1), an equation identical with Eq. (5.73) is obtained for which only dif-
fusion controls the partition rate. At the other extreme, when interfacial film
diffusion is very fast, and the reactions are very slow, we can set 1 Ⰷ (k1∆w +
k−l ∆o) and the rate equation becomes equal to
rate = S k1 [A] − S k−1 [A] (5.95)
that is, the partition rate is controlled only by the slow chemical reaction.
When the two phases are so highly stirred that one phase is dispersed into
the other in the form of minute droplets, it is generally difficult to control the
interfacial area through which the extraction takes place. This constitutes the
major drawback to the use of this technique to derive unequivocal information
that the motion of the liquids in proximity of the interface and the interfacial
turbulence are not well defined and vary with the equipment. Consequently,
poorly defined diffusion films result. Nevertheless, experience has shown that
by using well-designed equipment, reproducible data can be obtained, and film
diffusion can be treated quantitatively by using the two-film theory. With these
cells, ultimate film thicknesses of about 10−3 cm can be reached. Figure 5.11
shows a version of a constant interfacial-area-stirred cell.
Several different versions of extraction cells are used. The main difference
between the various cells lies in the presence or absence of internal baffles that
modify the internal forced convection, in the shape and dimensions of the stir-
rers that drive the forced convection, and in the presence of grids (or screens)
in proximity to the interface that help to stabilize the interface when the two
organic phase [20]. The microporous filter is attached to a hollow cylinder filled
with the same organic phase. The cylinder is dipped into the aqueous phase and
is rotated by a motor. A scheme of the rotating diffusion cell is presented
in Fig. 5.12. The cell has a filter with well-defined hydrodynamics on both
Fig. 5.12 Cross section of the rotating diffusion cell: B, bearing; BA, internal baffle;
FM, filter mount; I, inner compartment; L, lid with holes; M, membrane; MA, mounting
rod; O, outer compartment; P, pulley block; S, hollow rod; T, thermostated beaker. (From
Ref. 20.)
sidered at rest, and the membrane thickness and porosity control the diffusion
rate. The major drawbacks of this technique are difficulties in well characteriz-
ing the thickness and porosity of the membrane filter, in utilizing really thin
filters (less than 10−3 cm), and that, although the hydrodynamics inside the
rotating cylinder can be assimilated to those of a rotating disk, no studies have
conclusively shown that the flows inside and outside the cylinder are the same.
A more recent version of this cell [21] makes use of a rotating capillary,
containing a gelified aqueous phase. This eliminates the microporous membrane
tion. In the experimental device, the two phases are initially kept separated
inside a thermostated cell and then instantaneously contacted through a known
contact area. At this moment, the concentration variation in one phase is re-
corded as a function of time, generally using conductometry.
The aqueous phase is usually contained in a metal capillary. The capillary is
pushed into the lower part of the cell, containing the organic phase, at time
zero of the extraction. The method examines the reaction during very short
time intervals (from 0.05–1 s) and is relatively simple, as the two phases are
not stirred. The consumption of the reactants is very small (about 20 mm3 per
experiment) and permits one to make many determinations in a relatively short
time (about 10 kinetic curves per hour). Unfortunately, the method proves inap-
plicable for concentrated aqueous solutions and when many species are in-
volved in the extraction reaction.
This technique is based on a non–steady-state approach to diffusion. The
non–steady-state diffusion is not treated in our simplified approach to extraction
kinetics; the interested reader is referred to Yagodin and Tarasov [24] and Tara-
sov and Yagodin [25].
1. Whitman, W. G. Chem. Metal Eng., 1923, 29(4):146.
2. Whitman, W. G.; Davies, D. S. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1924, 16:1233.
3. Bird, R. B.; Stewart, W. E.; Lightfoot, E. N. Transport Phenomena, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1960.
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