Preparation of Sol-Gel Films by Dip-Coating in Extreme Conditions
Preparation of Sol-Gel Films by Dip-Coating in Extreme Conditions
Preparation of Sol-Gel Films by Dip-Coating in Extreme Conditions
Marco Faustini,† Benjamin Louis,† Pierre A. Albouy,‡ Monika Kuemmel,† and David Grosso*,†
Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, UMR UPMC-CNRS 7574, UniVersité Pierre et Marie Curie
(Paris 6), Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, 75231 Paris, France, and
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, UniVersité Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France
ReceiVed: December 3, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: February 2, 2010
Dip-coating of sol-gel solutions is a complex dynamic process that is difficult to model because it is associated
with time-dependent evaporation-induced concentration and viscosity gradients in the solution. It is, however,
highly used in the coating technology because it is simple and provides excellent reproducibility. Existing
fair models have been proposed some decades ago to describe this method, but they are based on Newtonian
and nonevaporating liquids and require several important assumptions and simplifications. In this work, we
present a simple experimental study of sol-gel film formation by dip-coating, through which we propose a
general semiexperimental model to predict the final film thickness. Spectroscopic ellipsometry was used as
the main technique to obtain the film physical thickness and optical density for various dip-coating processing
conditions (withdrawal speeds from 0.01 to 20 mm · s-1 and temperatures from 25 to 60 °C) and for several
different chemical solutions (TiCl4, TEOS, and MTEOS, all in the presence, or not, of block PEO-b-PPO
copolymer templates in EtOH/H2O, with concentrations from 10-1 to 10-3 mol · L-1). We show that phenomena
that are difficult to assess during deposition, such as viscosity variation, evaporation cooling, chemical reaction,
and thermal Marangoni flow, may not have to be taken into account. The influences of various experimental
parameters are discussed together with the limitations and the full potentiality of the dip-coating technique.
We show that two regimes of film formation independently exist at extreme withdrawal speeds, while they
combine into a third regime at intermediate speeds. Although the first regime is well-known and is governed
by gravity-induced viscous drag at higher speeds, the second one is barely used and is governed by
interdependent evaporation and capillarity rise at lower speeds. We show that both regimes can be selected
to build up films with a tunable thickness and that a minimum thickness exists for each given solution at a
critical speed for which we believe that the capillarity rise effect perfectly counterbalances the viscous drag.
We also show that the capillarity regime is well-suited when one needs to deposit thick films from highly
diluted solutions.
Figure 1. Schemes of the dip-coating method and both capillarity and draining regimes involved at low and fast withdrawal speeds, respectively.
densation into extended solids. The first reaction needs to be speeds (disregarding all evaporation-dependent quantitative
initiated for the second one to start. Both reactions start thus in parameters and examining only the slope). In addition, a second
the solution, run during deposition along the evaporation process, regime of film formation that is governed by capillarity feeding
and are generally completed on the dry film during a final and for which the thickness decreases with speed was evidenced
thermal treatment.8 It is, therefore, important to tune the kinetics at lower speeds. The latter regime was called the capillary/
of both reactions because it governs the degree of condensation, evaporation regime for which the thickness was found to be
the density, and the structure of the species assembling to form inversely proportional to the speed. For intermediate speeds, a
the final film upon evaporation. It is not unusual to end up with mixed draining/capillary/evaporation regime was found, for
porous films where the porosity is controlled by the latter which the thickness was perfectly described by the sum of the
chemical and processing conditions. The Landau-Levich model contribution of both previous regimes. These regimes are
is thus barely verified with these complex systems,7 especially illustrated in Figure 1. Interestingly, when both regimes perfectly
in extreme conditions (ultralow or -fast speeds, high evaporation counterbalance each other, a minimum of thickness is experi-
rate, high solution concentration, highly reactive species...) at mentally found, which corresponds to the critical speed uC found
which additional phenomena can take place. Indeed, at ultralow around 0.2-0.8 mm · s-1, depending on the system. Such uC
speed, the capillary rise of the solution at the substrate surface values are independent of the solution concentration but increase
is strongly opposing the draining, whereas at high temperatures, with the solvent evaporation rate that was modulated by the
the rapid evaporation of the solvent creates a fast increase in environmental temperature. Semiexperimental equations linking
viscosity. The capillary rise of the solution is analogous to the the expected thickness versus the solution composition and the
“pinning” phenomena known as the coffee-ring effect.9,10 It has speed of withdrawal were established without having to take
been recently demonstrated that, for the “coffee-ring” effect, into account involved important phenomena that are difficult
the evaporation rate is linear. The study was performed by in to assess, such as viscosity variation, evaporation cooling, and
situ FTIR analysis during evaporation of an aqueous/methylene thermal Marangoni flow. The equation linking the thickness to
blue sessile droplet deposited onto a surface.11 The so-called the speed was derived to mathematically determine uC, which
“convective deposition” has been used to deposit and self- matches with experimental results. Relations between the critical
arrange colloids12-14 or nonvolatile molecules15 on surfaces. The speed uC, the minimal thickness h0,min, the solution composition,
description of this capillary-driven convective deposition process and the temperature are discussed. The influence of speed and
was made and compared to the Landau-Levich regime of thickness on the refractive index is also presented. The last point
deposition for phospholipidic solutions on horizontal sub- that will be underlined here is that thicker films can be built up
strates.16 However, no study was dedicated to the capillary effect at lower speeds (in the capillary/evaporation regime) than at
during dip-coating of complex reactive sol-gel solutions. In higher speeds with equivalent optical quality, which is useful
the present work, we performed an experimental investigation when species to deposit can be stabilized only in highly diluted
of dip-coating of various sol-gel solutions between extreme solutions.
withdrawal speed conditions (from 0.01 to 20 mm · s-1). The
Experimental Section
thickness and refractive index of the final stabilized films were
measured by ellipsometry and were used to assess the quantity Initial Solutions. Absolute ethanol was purchased from
of material deposited per unit surface. From mass conservation Normapur, and inorganic precursors (TiCl4, TEOS (tetraethyl
law, we deduced the solution consuming rate, associated with orthosilicate) and MTEOS (methyltriethyl orthosilicate)) were
the rate of evaporation, responsible for the formation of the solid purchased from Aldrich. F127 Pluronic (EO106-PO70-EO106) and
films. We also show that several distinct regimes of deposition PB-b-PEO (polybutadiene-b-polyethyleneoxide, P3017-BdEO;
exist for different ranges of speed. The draining/evaporation MWPB ) 5500 g mol-1, MWPEO ) 5000 g mol-1) were
regime, described by the Landau-Levich model and for which purchased from Aldrich and Polymer Source, respectively. Each
the thickness increases with the speed, was verified for higher solution was prepared following a specific protocol. BTi
Sol-Gel Dip-Coating in Extreme Conditions J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 7639
solutions were obtained by mixing two solutions containing part the name of the solution, followed by L or H for low or high
of EtOH, H2O, and PB-b-PEO (aged 2 h at 70 °C) for the first concentrated solution, respectively, and, finally, with the applied
one and TiCl4 dissolved in the remaining part of EtOH for the temperature of evaporation in °C. In the solution names, F, B,
second one.17 FTi and FSi solutions were obtained by dissolving Si, Ti, and M stand for Pluronic F127, polybutadiene-co-
the precursors (TiCl4 or TEOS) in ethanol, water, and hydro- polyethylene oxide, TEOS, TiCl4, and MTEOS, respectively,
chloric acid for FSi only (HCl 2M), followed by the addition that enter the solution composition in addition to ethanol, water,
of F127. TiSi, Si, and FMS solutions were prepared following and, potentially, hydrochloric acid.
the same protocol with the appropriate precursor composition. Characterization. The thickness (h0) and refractive index
F solutions only contain F127 dissolved in EtOH. Silica- (n0) of optical transparent films were assessed using the
containing solutions were stirred for at least 12 h at room spectroscopic ellipsometry investigation (variable-angle spec-
temperature before deposition to ensure complete dissolution troscopic ellipsometry (VASE), M-2000U Woollam spectro-
of each component and partial hydrolysis of the inorganic scopic ellipsometer) in the visible range and at an incidence
precursors. The molar compositions of the final solutions are angle of 70°. To avoid possible film pollution due to extended
reported in Table 1. exposure to the environment, measurements were quickly
Film Preparation. Films were deposited on silicon wafer operated after thermal treatment and at a relative humidity below
pieces (1 × 7 cm) washed with acetone. Substrates were 5% (variable-humidity flow chamber SOPRA) so as to ensure
deposited by dip-coating at relative low humidity using the that the porosity was not filled up with condensed water. Data
previous solutions. Before deposition, the atmospheric chamber analysis was conducted with the WVase32 software. Ellipso-
was flux with dry air so as to decrease as much as possible the metric Ψ and ∆ plots were fitted using a single Cauchy layer
humidity. Films were deposited at withdrawal speeds ranging model, for which asymmetric optical properties emanating from
from 0.01 to 20 mm · s-1 and at three different temperatures (e.g., unidirectional contraction were not observed. All analyzed films
25, 40, and 60 °C). The temperature was adjusted by heating were of optical quality (no diffusion) and exhibited no density
the outside of the whole stainless steel chamber with hot air. gradients in the thickness profile. Optical characteristics of films,
Both hot and dry flows were stopped before deposition to which were cracked or delaminated because of their too high
prevent convection. The whole dip-coater was isolated from thickness or density, could not be analyzed and are, therefore,
natural vibration and external convection so as to prevent the not reported in the plots. Errors made on the determination of
formation of horizontal strips (thickness nonuniformity) associ- the refractive index and the thickness were measured to be less
ated with the fluctuation of the solution surface that creates than 5%.
meniscus instability. In the present investigation, the same Data Treatment. “Fresh” sol-gel films are highly sensible
container with an aperture gap of 2 mm was used to make sure to atmospheric conditions, and their thickness can instantly and
the meniscus shape was similar for each experiment and also considerably be modified by a slight change in temperature and
to diminish the potential fluctuation of the meniscus height humidity due to equilibration with the external relative humidity.
during deposition due to vibration-induced surface instability. In addition, they are unstable because they undergo drying,
These controls are necessary for ultralow withdrawal speeds. condensation, and shrinkage upon aging. As a result, final
During the whole deposition process, the vapor pressures of thicknesses (h0) and refractive indices (n0) were measured after
EtOH and water inside the chamber were not measured but were stabilization of the films by thermal treatment. An additional
considered to be constant because they self-equilibrate through reason for such a choice is that, after thermal stabilization, the
the constant evaporation of the solution from the reservoir films are composed of metal oxide of known density, molar
combined with the constant exchange with the outer atmosphere weight, and refractive index, required for the modeling of the
through small evacuation holes present on the chamber walls. optical response. Because the final xerogel films also contain a
We estimated that the ethanol vapor pressure in the chamber significant fraction of porosity, the volume fraction of solid
was slightly below saturation; however, the evaporation rate material can be deduced from the refractive index by effective
was increased for higher temperatures due to the associated medium approximation laws using optical constants of both
increase of the saturated vapor pressure. After complete drying, dense materials and voids.18 In our case, the refractive index of
films were directly transferred underneath a curing IR lamp the final films prepared from each independent solution does
(except the polymeric F127 films) to be thermally treated not vary significantly (maximum deviation of 5%) with the
between 200 and 500 °C to decompose the organic parts and to applied processing conditions, two different concentrations, and
complete the inorganic condensation. Conditions for thermal for three different temperatures. We thus decided to use a simple
treatment are given in Table 1. Samples are labeled with, first, linear dependence of the global refractive index with the volume
7640 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 Faustini et al.
TABLE 2: Symbols Used in Equations and Their Corresponding Meaning and Units
meaning units meaning units
h0 final film thickness nm hS thickness before evaporation nm
n0 final film refractive index none ηS solution dynamic viscosity Pa · s
ni material refractive index none γS solution surface tension J · m-2
Ri fraction of material in the film % FS solution density g · cm-3
u withdrawal speed mm · s-1 D global constant m1/3 · s2/3
F rate of film formation m3 · s-1 h0,min minimal final thickness nm
ci inorganic precursor concentration mol · cm-3 uC critical speed mm · s-1
Mi inorganic material molar weight g · mol-1 Vf final film volume m3
Fi density of the inorganic material g · cm-3 l film height m
E rate of solution evaporation m3 · s-1 L film width m
ki material proportion constant none t time s
fraction of both pore (n ) 1) and bulky dense reference materials Model for the Capillarity Regime. At low withdrawal
(ni) to deduce the proportion of solid material (Ri) through speeds, solvent evaporation becomes faster than the motion of
relation 1 (see Table 2 for a listing of the symbols used in the drying line (vapor-liquid-solid, three-phases frontier),
equations in this paper and their corresponding meaning and which leads to the continuous feeding of the upper part of the
units). The refractive index n0 and physical thickness h0 of the meniscus by the solution through capillarity rise. Here, as
final film, after thermal stabilization, were measured for each demonstrated for the pinning effect,11 we assume that the
system for withdrawal speeds ranging from 0.01 to 20 mm · s-1 evaporation rate is constant and we can thus apply the mass
for conservation law that tells that the rate of film volume formation
(F) can be related to the rate of solution feeding the upper zone
n0 - 1 of the meniscus, which is directly related to the rate of solution
Ri ) (1)
ni - 1 undergoing evaporation (E).16 If ci is the solution inorganic molar
concentration and Ri the volume fraction of inorganic material
A typical evolution of the physical thickness (h0) with the in the final film, deduced from the refractive index, one can
withdrawal speed (u) is given in Figure 2 for the FMS-H-25 write
systems. The plot exhibits two distinct tendencies. At low
speeds, the thickness decreases with u, whereas the tendency is
inverted at high speeds. At intermediate speeds, a minimum is ciMi
found that corresponds to a critical speed addressed uC. F) E ) kiE (2)
Intuitively, one attributes naturally the low-u regime to a RiFi
combined effect between continuous capillary feeding and
evaporation (capillarity regime), recently reported by Le Berre F and E are in m3 · s-1, whereas Mi and Fi are the molar weight
et al. for the horizontal knife coating of proteins. The high-u and the density of the thermally stabilized inorganic material,
regime corresponds to a combined effect between gravity-driven respectively. ki is the material proportion constant for each
viscous drag and evaporation (draining regime). Both regimes solution. The rate of film formation F corresponds to the
are illustrated in Figure 1. variation of film volume with time, which leads to
Figure 2. (a) Plot of the thickness versus withdrawal speed (log-log scale) for the FMSi-H-25 system experimental points and corresponding
models for both independent (dashed line) and combined (solid line) capillarity and draining regimes of film formation. (b) h0/ki versus 1/u plot
(experimental points and corresponding models). (c) D versus u plot (log-log scale).
Sol-Gel Dip-Coating in Extreme Conditions J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 7641
h0 ) ki ( LuE + Du )
hs ) u2/3 (5) As observed for the FMS-H-25 system in Figure 2, the global
γs1/6(Fsg)1/2 evolution of the thickness described by this equation perfectly
matches the experimental points, especially at intermediate u
ηS, γS, and FS are the viscosity, the surface tension, and the values. Because the thickness reaches a minimum value h0,min
density of the fluid, respectively, while g is the standard gravity. at the intermediate critical speed uC, the derivative of eq 7 must
In the present case, the fluid is the initial solution. For the then be null for u ) uC. uC can thus be calculated using relation
modeling, we consider that the solution behaves as a Newtonian 8 for which (dh0/du) ) 0.
fluid (which is an approximation because the viscosity and
surface tension change with evaporation that simultaneously
induces a concentration increase and condensation). The evapo-
uC ) ( 2DL
3E )
ration is taken into account by introducing the material For FMS-H-25, uC was calculated to be 0.186 mm · s-1, which is
proportion constant ki in the equation while the physicochemical in good agreement with experimental data (0.15 < uC experimental <
constants of the solution are gathered into a global constant D 0.20 mm · s-1). In addition, calculated and experimental h0,min values
such that eq 5, describing the fluid equilibrium thickness, for uC are also in good agreement (h0,min ≈ 100 nm).
becomes eq 6, describing the final film thickness, disregarding Generalization to Other Sol-Gel Systems. The previous
the mentioned evaporation-dependent parameters. complete analyses for FMS-H-25 films were performed on six
other classical sol-gel systems with solution compositions
TABLE 3: Molecular Weight (Mi/g · mol-1), Density (Gi/ reported in Table 1. These solutions were chosen so as to
g · cm-3), and Bulk Refractive Indices (ni/at λ ) 700 nm) confirm that the latter fitting equations are verified for all types
Used to Calculate ki for Each Solutiona of sol-gel film formation by dip-coating. Pure silica (SiO2),19
or mixed oxides (SiO2/TiO2),20 hydride silica (Me functionalized
solution F Si FSi FTi TiSi BTi FMSi
SiO2),21 mesoporous silica and TiO2 (templated with two dif-
Mi 12 600 60 60 80 78 80 58 ferent block copolymers) films22 were studied in addition to a
Fi 1.5 2.4 2.4 4 3.7 4 2.4 pure polymer non-sol-gel film. They cover a wide range of
ni 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.2 2.5 1.5
refractive indices (e.g., from 1.15 for FMS to 2.2 for TiSi) and
These values correspond to pure bulky oxide final materials. can find applications in optics, miocroelectronics, energy,
7642 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 Faustini et al.
Figure 3. Relative refractive indices (ni/ni average) measured by ellipsometry for different solutions and withdrawal speeds.
Figure 5. Evolution of thickness (h0) versus withdrawal speed (u) for all systems formed at 25 °C. Dashed lines correspond to fits associated with
eq 7.
TABLE 4: Solution Concentration in Inorganic Species, ci (mol · cm-3), Proportion of Solid Materials Inside the Film, ri (%),
Material Proportion Constant, ki (unitless), Solution Consuming Rate, E/L (m2 · s-1), Draining Regime Constant, D (m1/3 · s2/3),
Critical Withdrawal Speed, uC (mm · s-1), Theoretical Minimum Thickness, hmin The (nm), and Experimental Minimum
Thickness, hmin Exp (nm) for Each System
samples ci Ri ki E/L D uC hmin The hmin Exp
-6 -2 -10 -4
F H 25 5.1 × 10 91 4.7 × 10 8.3 × 10 4.0 × 10 0.494 201 219
F L 25 2.6 × 10-6 86 2.5 × 10-2 5.2 × 10-10 3.3 × 10-4 0.420 80 77.5
FSi L 25 3.8 × 10-4 42 2.3 × 10-2 5.4 × 10-10 3.8 × 10-4 0.398 79 84
FTi L 25 3.9 × 10-4 34 2.3 × 10-2 2.8 × 10-10 1.9 × 10-4 0.400 41 43.5
FTi L 40 3.9 × 10-4 35 2.3 × 10-2 6.3 × 10-10 1.9 × 10-4 0.648 55 51
FTi L 60 3.9 × 10-4 34 2.3 × 10-2 1.1 × 10-9 1.8 × 10-4 0.930 68 63
TiSi L 25 1.3 × 10-4 88 3.1 × 10-3 1.1 × 10-9 4.3 × 10-4 0.54 15.6 13.9
TiSi H 25 2.5 × 10-4 90 6.0 × 10-3 1.6 × 10-9 3.8 × 10-4 0.71 32 28.5
TiSi H 40 2.5 × 10-4 88 6.1 × 10-3 2.5 × 10-9 3.7 × 10-4 1.01 38 36
TiSi H 60 2.5 × 10-4 87 6.2 × 10-3 4.8 × 10-9 3.6 × 10-4 1.51 50 39
FMS L 25 2.0 × 10-4 29 1.7 × 10-2 1.8 × 10-10 3.5 × 10-4 0.216 37 31
FMS H 25 4.8 × 10-4 37 3.2 × 10-2 2.3 × 10-10 5.8 × 10-4 0.186 100 100
BTi H 25 9.8 × 10-5 55 3.6 × 10-3 7.0 × 10-10 2.6 × 10-4 0.585 11 9.9
BTi L 25 5.1 × 10-5 51 2.0 × 10-3 7.8 × 10-10 2.2 × 10-4 0.680 5.8 4.2
BTi L 40 5.1 × 10-5 56 1.8 × 10-3 1.6 × 10-9 2.2 × 10-4 1.04 7 6.2
BTi L 60 5.1 × 10-5 59 1.7 × 10-3 3.3 × 10-9 2.6 × 10-4 1.470 9.8 8.8
Si L 25 3.7 × 10-4 87 1.1 × 10-2 3.4 × 10-10 1.3 × 10-4 0.561 16.9 15
Si H 25 6.7 × 10-4 87 1.9 × 10-2 3.5 × 10-10 1.4 × 10-4 0.570 31 29
which is due to the common solvent (EtOH/H2O) that dominates of (h0 High conc/h0 Low conc). Knowing that the corresponding ratio
the evaporation rate and the viscous drag. Deviation from the of (ki High conc/ki Low conc) is 1.9, one expects the ratio of thickness
model at highest speeds, as already observed in Figure 2, is to be close to this value, but higher values are found. Concerning
also present for each system with different limits and intensities. this difference, several tendencies are observed: at low u in the
As expected, systems with high values of ki provide thicker capillarity regime, the (h0 High conc/h0 Low conc) ratio is increasing
films. A rather good linear dependence of h0,min with ki is found. from 2.4 to 3, whereas in the draining regime at high u values,
The influence of inorganic concentration has been investigated it increases even more up to 4.5. In addition to the concentration
for F, FMS, BTi, and TiSi systems (see Table 4). Figure 6 shows effect, one must, here, take into account the viscosity that is
the h0 versus u typical plots for two concentrations of the FMS the main factor for viscous drag that governs the thickness of
system at 25 °C (H for high concentration of inorganic (ci ) the solution and thus the thickness of the final film in the
4.8 × 10-4 mol · cm-3) and L for low concentration (ci ) 2 × draining regime only. More concentrated solutions are also more
10-4 mol · cm-3)). As expected, higher concentrations give higher viscous due to higher solute content (quantifying the viscosity
thicknesses, whatever u. The same behavior is found with the of both solutions during evaporation is extremely difficult in
other systems. The inset graphic (Figure 6) represents the ratio such systems due to concentration gradients that are formed
7644 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 17, 2010 Faustini et al.
Figure 6. Thickness versus withdrawal speed (log scale) for FMSi systems for two different concentrations. Inset: evolution of the thickness ratio
(h0 High conc/h0 Low conc) with u.
Figure 8. Evolution of (a) the minimal thickness (hmin), (b) the solution consuming rate (E/L), and (c) the relative critical withdrawal speed
(uC(T)/uC(25 °C)) with temperature for FTi-L, BTi-L, and TiSi-H systems. Dashed lines are added as guides to the eye.
T has a similar slope for the three systems, which suggests that Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank the
the temperature effect is similar, whatever the system, and that French CNRS, The University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI),
only the evaporation rate is influenced by the temperature, as the European Community (Terramagstore project), and the
already mentioned. French CIFRE for funding. The LPS technical and engineering
In summary, we confirmed that two opposite regimes of film team is greatly acknowledged for its help in dip-coating
formation exist in dip-coating processing of sol-gel solutions, conception and building.
as reported for horizontal knife coating, but with different speed
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