Anglu Kalbos Gramatika - Skaitvardziai - Sigute Grigaliuniene

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Anglq kalbos gramatika


You can see a twig of an apple- tree in

the picture. There are five green leaves on
one brown twig. This red and juicy apple is
just for Youl
SkaitvardZiai anglq, kaip ir lietuvir.t kalboje, skirstomi I kiekinius ir
Kiekiniai skaitvardziai parodo daiktq kiekiir atsako Iklausimq kiek?,
pvz.: Mr Pete Starling has got two brothers and four sisters.
Kelintiniai skaitvardZiai parodo daiktr{ skai6iuojamqjq viet4 eil6je ir
atsako I klausimq kelintas?, pvz.:
My mother's birthday is on the twenty-first of March.

Kiekiniai Kelintiniai
1 one /w^n/ the 1 st - f irst f3:sv pirmas
2lwo ltu:l the2 nd - second /'sekend/ antras
3 three /ori:/ the 3 rd - third /or:d/ tre6ias
4 lout lfr:l the 4 th - fourth /fc:e/ ketvirtas
5 five 7farv7 the 5 th - fifth /frfo/ penktas
6 six /srks/ the 6 th - sixth Arkso/ Sestas
7 seven /'sevn/ the 7 th - seventh /'sevn0/ septintas
8 eight /err/ the 8 th - eighth /ertO/ a5tuntas
9 nine Tnarn/ the I th - ninth /nan0/ devintas
10 ten the 10 th - tenth /teno/ de5imtas
'11 eleven
^en/ l'levn/ the 11 th - eleventh /r'levnO/ vienuoliktas
12 twelve /rwelv/ the 12 th - twelfth Ttwelfo/ dvyliktas
13 thirteen /.0::'ti:n/ the 13 th - thirteenth / 0::'ti:n0/ tryliktas
14 fourteen /.fo:' ti:n/ the 14 th - fourteenth /.fc:'ti:nei keturioliktas
15 fifteen / frf'ti:n/ the '15 th - fifteenth / fif'ti:n0/ penkioliktas
1 6 sixteen /.srks'ti:n1 the 16th - sixteenth /slks'ti:ne/ Sesioliktas
1 7 Seventeen / seyn'ti:n/ the 17 th - seventeenth /.sevn'ti:ne/ septy-
18 eighteen / er'ti:n7 the 18 th - eighteenth / er'ti:ne/ a5tuonio-
1 9 nineteen /.narn'ti:n/ the 19 th - nineteenth /narn'ti:n0/ devynio-
20 twenty /'twentr/ the 20 th - twentieth /'twentue/ dvidesimtas
30 thirty /'e3rv the 30 th - thirtieth /'031u0/ trisdesimtas
4A forly 1' fc:tr1 the 40 th - fortieth /'fctue/ keturiasdeiimtas
50 fifty /'fiftr/ the 5O th - fiftieth /'frftuo/ penkiasdesimtas
60 sixty /'srkstr/ the 60 th - sixtieth i 'srkstu0/ Sesiasdesimtas
70 seventy /'sevnh/ the 70 th - seventieth /'sevntuO/ sep-
80 eighty /'erty' the 80 th - eightieth /'e1tr0/ astuo-
90 ninety /'nantr/ the 90 th - ninetieth /'narntr0/ devy-
100 one hundred /'handred/ the 100 th - the hundredth /'h,rndrod0/
103 one hundred and three the 103 rd - the hundred and third
5imtas tre6iasis
1 000 one thousand l'Qa?rmdl the 1 000 th - the thousandth
l' laxzndl | - tilkstantasis
1 005 one thousand and five the 1 005 th - the thousand and fifth
- t0kstantis penktasis
1 000 000 one million /'mrhen/ the 1 000 000 th - the millionth
/'mrheno/ - milijoninis
1 000 000 000 one milliard the 1 000 000 000 th - the milliardth
/ m ro:d/ /'mrhq:d0/ - milijardinis

Kiekiniai skaitvard2iai nuo 13 iki 19 sudaromi, pridedant priesage
teen, pvz.: six +teen =sixteen.
Kai jie eina sakinio pabaigoje, kir6iuojama jq priesaga, o kai pries
kir6iuotu skiemeniu prasidedantlZod[ - Saknis, pvz.:
Nerissa is fourteen /fo:'ti:n/. Nerissa is fourteen /'fcti:n/ years old.
SkaitvardZiai, rei5kiantys desimtis (20 - 90), sudaromi, pridedant
prlesagqry, pvz.: seven + ty = seventy.
Pridedant priesagas teen, ty, keidiasi kai kurir,l skaitvardZir{ Saknies
tarimas ir ra5yba, pvz.:
three + teen = thirteen three + ty = thirty
five + teen = fifteen four + ty = forty
eight + teen = eighteen five + ty = fifty
two+ty=twenty eight+ty=eighty
De5imtys su vienetais rasomos su brrikSneliu, pvz.:
45 - forty-five, 76 - seventy-six. Sudetiniuose skaitvardZiuose tarp Simtq
(tiikstandiq, milijonLL milijardq) ir po jq einandi14 deSimdiq (arba vienettl,
jei nera deSimdiq) vartojamas jungtukas and - ir, pvz.:
205 - two hundred and five, 783 - seven hundred and eighty - three,
4681 - four thousand six hundred and eighty-one.
Skaitvard2iai hundred, thousand, million, milliard daugiskaita
nevartojami, jie neturi galiines s, pvz.:
Nine hundred metres - devyni Simtai metrq, three thousand cars -
trys t[kstandiai automobilirl, seven million pencils - septyni milijonai
pieitukq, five milliard people - penki milijardai Zmoniq.
Kada skaitvardZiai reiSkia neapibr6Ztq skaidiq, jie vartojami su
gahine s ir prielinksniu of, pvz.: hundreds of children - Simtai vaikq,
millions of stars - milijonai Zuaig2dZitq.


1 .0 - zero /'zrareu/. Tlnkamiausias :odis mokslo ir technikos kalboje,

nurodantis temperatura ar kitus skales matavimus, pvz.:

It is ten degrees below zero now - dabar yra de5imt laipsniq Saldio.
This scale goes from zero to fifty - 5i skale rodo nuo nulio iki pen-
2. 0 - nought/ncg. Tinka, skaitant de5imtaines trupmenas, pvz.:
0.41- nought point four one; 5.02 - five point nought two.
Anglq kalboje desimtaines trupmenos nuo sveikq skai6iq skiriamos
ne kableliu, o taSku.
3. 0 - oh /ou/. Vartojamas, sakant telefono numer[ar dat4 pvz.:
74 04 10 - seven four oh four one oh; 52 00 - five two double /'d^bv oh;
in seventeen oh nine - 1709 metais.
4. 0 - nil/nrV (arba nothing /'n 0rp/). Vartojamas, nusakant rungtyniq
rezultat4 pvz.:The result of the game is 2 : 0 (two goals to nil) -Zaidimo
rezuftatas yrc2: O.

Kelintiniai skaitvardZiai, isskyrus first, second, third, sudaromi i5
kiekiniqskaitvardiiq pridedant priesagq th /0/. Priesaga eth /r0/ raSoma
prie skaitvardZi{ kurie baigiasi galune ty. Raide y pakeidiama raide i,
pvz.: forly = the fortieth - keturiasde5imtas.
Sud6tiniai kelintiniai skaitvardZiai sudaromi i5 kiekiniq skaitvardZir{,
pakeidiant paskutini kiekini skaitvardi kelintiniu, pvz.:
sixty-one = the sixty-first - Sesiasdesimt pirmas
Pridejus priesagq th , keidiasi 5iq skaitvardZitl tarimas ir Saknies
raSyba, pvz.:
5 = five - the fifth 9 = nine - the ninth
8 = eight - the eighth 12 = twelve - the twelfth
Zymimasis artikelis vartojamas, kai prie5 daiktavardI eina kelintinis
skaitvardis, pvz.: the eighth window - a5tuntas langas, the forty-sixth
birthday - keturiasdeSimt Se5tasis gimtadienis.

B.C. - Before Christ /krarst/ - prieS Kristaus gimimq (prie6 m0srl

erq), pvz.: in 55 B.C. A.D. - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) - po
Kristaus gimimo (milsq eros metais), pvz.: in A.D. 55.
Datos raSomos ir skaitomos [vairiai, pvz.: January 28 , January 28 th ,
28 January arba 28 th January. Paprastai skaitoma January the
twenty- eighth arba the twenty- eighth of January .
Emily was born in nineteen fifty-six (1 956), on the 1Oth of February.
Her mother died in twenty hundred (2000). Almita and I will go to the
British lsles in twenty hundred and three (2003).

January /' d3enjuen/ sausis July /d3u:'lay' liepa
February /'february' vasaris August /'c:gesti rugpjutis
March /mo:ty kovas September /sep'temba/ rugsdjis
April /'erprl/ balandis October /Dk'taube/ spalis
May /mer/ geguze November /nau' vemba/ lapkritis
June 7d3u:n7 birZelis December /dr'sembo/ gruodis
Monday/'mandr/pirmadienis Friday/'frardy'penktadienis
Tuesday/'tju:zdrlantradienis Saturday/'satedr/ Sestadienis
Wednesday /'wenzdr/trediadienis Sunday 7's,rndr/ sekmadienis
Thursday /'0r:zdrl ketvirtadienis

Mdnesiai ir savaites dienos raSomi didZiqja raide. Nera artikelio.

Vartojamas prielinksnis in, pvz.: in February - vasario rnenesyje, o
savaites dienoms - prielinksnison, pvz.:on Sunday - sekmadieni.
a second /'sekend/ Sekunde at 10 o'clock - deiimtq val.
a quarter /'kwcre/ ketvirtis (15 min.) past /po:st/ po
a minute /'mrnrt/ minute to - iki
an hour /'aue/ valanda a watch /viDtfl laikrodis (ki-
o'clock /e'klok/ valanda Seninis/rankinis)
Kalbant apie laik4 Snekamojoje kalboje paprastai vartojami skaif
vardZiai nuo 1 iki 12. Norint i3vengti nesusipratimr4, vartojame Zod2ius:
a.m. /'er 'em/ nuo vidurnakdio iki vidurdienio
p.m. /'pi: 'em/ nuo vidurdienio iki vidurnakdio
Emily starts working on the computer at I a.m. (in the morning).
Ted goes to bed at eleven p.m. (in the evening).
Anglq kalboje laikrodis vertikaliai dalijamas pusiau. Norint pasakyti
laikqnuo 12 iki 6 val. vartojame :odapast, o nuo 6 iki 12 -to.

It is nine o'clock It is half Past ten a.m.-

sharp /jq:p/ a.m. - pusvalandis po 10 val.
lygiai 9 val. (pusd vienuolikos)

It is twenty minutes It is a quarter to lwo

past two a. m.- 20 a.m. - be 15 minudir.l
minu6iq po dviejq antra valanda

It is a quarter past It is five minutes to

six p.m. - ketvirtis po twelve a.m. - be pen-
18 val. kiq minudir.l dvylika

Prielinksnis in: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.

Prielinksnis at: at dawn /dc:n/ austant, at noon /nu:n/ vidurdienl, at
mid(night) - vidu(naktD, at 8 p.m. - 20 val. vakare.
What is the time?/ What time is it? - kelinta valanda?
What time is it by your watch? - kiek valandr4 rodo jiisq laikrodis?
It is seven a.m. by my watch - mano laikrodis rodo 7 valande.
Set the watch, please - praSau, nusisiatykite laikrodf.
My watch is 5 minutes slow/ fast - mano laikrodis S min. vdluoja/skuba.
Half an hour - puse valandos.

= the equals I'i:kwolzl sign /sam/ - lygybds Zenklas
+ the plus /pl^s/ sign - pliuso 2enklas
- the minus /'mames/ sign - minuso Zenklas
: the division /dr'vr3n/ sign - dalybos Zenklas
x the multiplication /,m^ttrph'kerin/ sign - daugybos 2enklas
a multiplication table - daugybos lentele
4 o/o - tour per cent /pa'sent/; 4.5 % - four point five per cent
2+3=5 9:3=3
two and three is/are five nine divided by three equals
two plus three make/makes three
five nine divided by three is three
two plus three equal/equals five 2 x 4 = 8
10 - 6 = 4 two multiplied by four equals
ten minus six equals four eight
six from ten is/makes four two times four is eight

Paprastosiose trupmenose skaitiklis yra kiekinis skaitvardis, o
vardiklis - kelintinis skaitvardis. Jei skaitiklis didesnis uZ vienet4
rasoma daugiskaitos galilne s, pvz.:
1/, one seventh; 3/o three fourths; 31/u three and one sixth.


Two dogs strive for one bone, and a third runs away with it - kur du
pesasi, tredias laimi.
Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians - gamta,
laikas ir kantrybd yra trys didieji gydytojai.
Four eyes see more than one - keturios akys mato daugiau negu viena.
A thousand probabilities do not make one truth - tiikstantis galimy-
biq neatstoja vienos tiesos.
First think and then say - pirma pagalvok, paskui pasakyk.
Third time lucky - tredias kartas nemeluoja.
A week of Sundays - simtas metr{.
A May cold is a thirty day cold - Salnos geguZy, Saltas kitas menuo.
Sigutes cRlcALl0NlENES knygos

Stop at English 1995

Anglq kalbos pamokos I d. 1 996
Anglq kalbos pamokos ll d. 1996
Grasshoppers 1996
English every day 1 997
London: old and new 1997
Famous British Travellers 1997
William Shakespeare 1 998
ln the Wind 1998
Anglq kalbos prad2iamokslis I d. 1998
Anglq kalbos pradZiamokslis ll d. 1999
Diana - the Princess of Wales 1999
Friends 1 999
Anglqkalbos pradZiamokslis lll d. 2000
Stonehenge 2000
Lady Nessie 2001
Pasakokime angliSkai 2001
Anglq kalbos gramatika. Prielinksniai 2001
Anglq kalbos gramatika. Taisyklin0i ir netaisyklingi
veiksma2odZiai 2001
AnglLt kalbos gramatika. BUdvard2iai 2002
Anglq kalbos gramatika. Skaitvard2iai 2002

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