RFID Tag Antenna Design and Its EM Simulation Based Measurement Method
RFID Tag Antenna Design and Its EM Simulation Based Measurement Method
RFID Tag Antenna Design and Its EM Simulation Based Measurement Method
Abstract- A UHF band inductively coupled loop feeding RFID tag impedance of tag antenna [5]. All of these method are
antenna and its EM simulation based measurement method are complex and need extra component. So a simple measurement
proposed in this paper. A de-embedding method based on EM method based on EM simulation is proposed in this paper.
simulation is proposed for accurate RFID tag antenna
measurement using coaxial line and SMA connector. The key The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section Ⅱ,
dimensions of antenna and their effects on antenna’s the antenna structure is presented. The key dimensions of the
performance are studied. The measured result shows the antenna antenna and their effects on antenna’s performance are also
presents 100MHz (880~980MHz) bandwidth under the condition analyzed in this part. Section Ⅲ describes the EM simulation
of voltage standing wave ratio less than 2(VSWR<2) , and it based measurement method and the measured result. The
agrees well with the simulated result. The proposed antenna
presents 2dBi gain at the working frequency with dimension of conclusion is drawn in section Ⅳ.
90mm ×16mm .
The main design task of RFID tag antenna is to achieve
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic good matching between microchip and tag antenna, which
non-contact bidirectional communication identification means small power reflected when the antenna transports
technology taking advantage of electromagnetic induction and power its received to microchip. Power reflection coefficient
radiation. A basic RFID system comprises a radio-scanner is defined as [6]:
unit, called a reader, and a set of remote transponders, denoted ∗
Z - ZC
as tags. The tags include an antenna and a microchip. The S11 = A (1)
reading range of a RFID system is dependent on the gain of ZA + ZC
tag antenna, the power transmission coefficient which is where ZA is tag antenna’s impedance, ZC is microchip’s
determined by the matching between tag antenna and impedance.
microchip, and the power sensitivity. So the tag antenna A. The feeding technology
which determines the system’s reading range plays a key role Dipole antenna with inductively coupled loop feeding
in the overall RFID system. structure and its equivalent circuit are shown in Fig.1 [7].
Most of tag antennas for UHF RFID systems are fabricated
as modified printed dipoles. The design goal of the tag d l
antenna is to achieve good matching between tag antenna and
microchip in a wide frequency band.
Usually, the resistance of microchips is between 5~80Ωand
the reactance is between -300~-50Ω. So the tag antenna
should have inductive input reactance for the conjugate
impedance matching with the microchip.
Recently, several researchers have proposed many tag
antenna structures for specific RFID applications, such as
double UT wideband antenna in[2], printed dipole antenna is
studied in[3], folded dipole antenna in [4]. But these (b)
antennas’ manufacture and conjugate matching to RFID IC is Figure 1. (a) Dipole antenna with inductively coupled feeding structure
not convenient, since they have no formula for reference to (b) The equivalent circuit
guide the design of antenna. The parameters RA , CA and LA give the circuit model of the radiating body
near its (series) resonance.
The existed methods to measure the input impedance of
The input impedance seen from the loop’s body terminals is
UHF RFID tag antenna is as follows: using external balun;
forming a big ground plane and using the mirror theory; or
using equivalent two ports scattering matrix to calculate
(2πfM ) 2 antenna, these dimensions are selected to have resonance
Zin = Z loop + = Rin + jX in (2) frequency at 920MHz.
ZA While, the input impedance of the antenna is decided
where Zloop=j2πfLloopis the loop’s impedance, Zloopcan be mostly by d,w and l. Fig.3 gives the curves of antenna’s input
calculated by (3): impedance versus the three key dimensions.
2lw 2lw
Lloop = 4{l ln( ) + w ln( ) 160
a(l + l + w )
2 2
a( w + l + w )
2 2 140
μ0 l w+d (a)
M= ln( ) (4)
2π d 250
Input Impedance(Ohm)
The Proposed antenna is fabricated by printing silver on a
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) substrate(ε r=2.7) with
a thickness of 100um..The impedance of the microchip 100
real(zin) imag(zin)
specified in this study is (20-j150)Ω . The antenna consists of
an inductively coupled feeding loop and meander line, .Fig. 2
shows the structure of the proposed antenna. 0
15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
l (mm)
Input Impedance(Ohm)
80 real(zin) imag(zin)
6.2 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2 8.7 9.2 9.7 10.2
w (mm)
Figure 2. Antenna structure Figure 3. Curves of antenna’s input impedance versus the three key
(a) Top view (b)Side view dimensions
(a) The input impedance versus d
(b) The input impedance versus l
Table 1 shows the dimensions of proposed antenna. (c) The input impedance versus w
PROPOSED ANTENNA DIMENSIONS From Fig.3 (b) and Fig.3 (c), we can see both the resistance
Meander wd 16 mm Inductively w 3.7 mm
dipole ld 90 mm coupled l 21 mm
and reactance of the input impedance will be increased by
antenna wa 2 mm loop d 1 mm increasing of w and l. It because when increasing w and l ,
s 0.8 mm feeding g 2 mm both of the Lloop and M will be increase, and it can be
deduced by (3) and (4).
C. Key dimensions and their influence on antenna’s When increasing d, Lloop is a constant, and M will
performance decrease. So the resistance of the input impedance will be
The dimensions in structure of meander dipole antenna part decreased deduce by (3). We can see this conclusion from
is mainly effects the resonance frequency. For the proposed the Fig.3 (a).
From Fig.3, we can also see the proposed antenna can be 4) Finally, using ZAnt=VAnt/IAnt, we can get the
tuned to match with the chip impedance with resistance Z-parameter of the antenna..
between 5~40Ωand reactance between 100-250Ωby tuning The transmission parameter of SMA connector, [ASMA], is
d ,w and l. obtained by using Ansoft HFSS simulation software. First, the
total input impedance of SMA connector and antenna,
Ⅲ. ANTENNA MEASUREMENT denoted as Ztotal-simu, and the input impedance of the
Fig.4(a) shows the measurement platform. The length of the antenna ,denoted as Zant-simu, are obtained by using HFSS.
SMA connector which is between the VNA calibration plane Then the equivalent circuit of the SMA connector can be
and the antenna is 32 mm. The block diagram of the obtained, and it is shown in Fig.5.
measurement setup is shown in Fig.4(b).
C Zant
shown in Fig.4(b), instead of the input port of the antenna 120 real(zin)_simu imag(zin)
2) From the Fig.4 and the definition of SMA connector’s 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000
Gain (dBi)
simulated one at the frequency bands: 840-910MHz and 1.5
920-980MHz. 1.0
The return loss of the proposed antenna can be obtained
using the equation (1). The Measured and simulated return 0.5
return loss of the proposed antenna using equivalent two ports 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3
scattering matrix method is also shown in Fig.8. The two Frequency (GHz)
methods have the almost the same accuracy. The proposed Figure 10. Simulated antenna gain
method is simpler than the other one which has to do a lot of
mathematical calculations and can’t evaluate the measured III. CONCLUSION
result during the measurement.
A UHF band inductively coupled loop feeding RFID tag
antenna and its EM simulation based measurement method
S11_simu are proposed in this paper. The key dimensions of antenna and
their effects on antenna’s performance are studied. The
s11_mea_ two ports
-10 measured result shows the antenna presents 100MHz
(880~980MHz) bandwidth under the condition of voltage
Return Loss(d
standing wave ratio less than 2(VSWR<2) , and it agrees well
with the simulated result. The proposed antenna presents 2dBi
gain at the working frequency with dimension of 90mm
-25 ×16mm. .Further work will be focus on antenna parameter
optimization, tag measurement and encapsulation [9].
800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000
Figure 8. The simulated and measured return loss of the proposed The authors thank for the support from State Key
antenna Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Nanjing(K200915),
As the Fig.8 above shows, the measured bandwidth under Program for new Century Excellent Talents
the condition of voltage standing wave ratio less than 2007(NECT-07-0108), National High Technology Research
2(VSWR<2) of the proposed antenna is 100MHz ( 880 MHz Plan of China(863) 2006AA04A02, 2007AA04A103 and
~980MHz ), which is width enough for most applications. Beijing Nova Program 2008A050.
The simulated radiation patterns in E-plane (dashed line)
and H-plane (solid line) for the proposed antenna are shown REFERENCES
in Fig.9. The HPBW in the E-plane is about 84°.
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