PHL Politics Governance Week 1 PDF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
14. Politics involves the power to decide and not to decide. Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
a. true b. false San Miguel National High school
Senior High School
c. It depends. d. qualify
15. It is a formal government organizational structure.
a. Institution b. Congress
c. Executive d. Legislative
Philippine Politics and
Reflective Essay
The Concept, Relationship and
How would you use the concepts in politics to improve Importance of Politics, Governance and
your relationship with your family and friends? How is politics
practiced in getting what you want?
Put your answers in a yellow paper.




(PAGE 16) (PAGE 1)

A. Content Standards 7._____________covers the sustainable use of natural resources
and the protection of the environment.
Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political
science, governance, political ideologies, power, states, na- a. Effectiveness and efficiency b. Rule of Law
tions, and globalization c. Accountability d. Legitimacy
8. The state is considered as a human institution and is
B. Performance Standards: therefore absolute.
Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can a. true b. false
be studied c. It depends. d. qualify
C. MELCs: 9. It is considered as the key cornerstone of good governance.
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, a. Responsiveness b. Participation
governance and government c. Accountability d. Legitimacy
10. Which one is not a characteristics of good governance?
D. Specific Objectives: a. responsive b. transparent
c. accountable d. prudent
1) Articulate the definitions of politics, governance and govern-
11. Rule of law means
2) Recognize the value of politics, governance and government a. fair legal framework. b. order in the community.
3) Differentiate the various views on politics c. justice prevails. d. all of the above
12. It s a practical science concerned with the noble action or
II. CONTENT happiness of the citizens

1. Introduction: The concepts of politics and governance a. Politics b. Congress

c. Government d. Judiciary
1.1 The meaning of politics
13.There is no politics when
1.2 How politics can be studied
1.3. The meaning of governance a. no public issue to resolve.
b. the are no politicians.
c. no resources to allocate.
(PAGE 2) d. there is an autocracy.
III. Learning Resources
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Encircle A. References:
the letter of the correct answer.
1. Textbooks
1. It is defined as the art of governance.
Philippines Politics and Governance by: Rhene
a. Politics b. Congress
Tabajen and Erlinda Pulma, pp. 2-9
c. Government d. Judiciary
Philippines Politics and Governance by: Renan E.
2. It is said to be as old as civilization.
Ramos, pp. 2-14
a. Politics b. Congress
c. Government d. Governance K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum Senior High
School – Academic Track/ Philippine Politics and
3. ____________ means serving all stakeholders within reasonable
Governance pp. 1-10
time frame.
a. Responsiveness b. Transparency
2. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
c. Accountability d. Legitimacy
4. Good governance entails a free flow of information.
3. Other Learning Resources
a. Responsiveness b. Transparency
c. Accountability d. Legitimacy Powepoint Presentation
5. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of the
Daily Lesson Log SHS Region III MTOT HUMSS
minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the Class D Group 1
most vulnerable in society are heard in decision making
a. Good Governance b. Politics
c. Transparency d. Government
6. ____________ requires men and women to partake directly or
a. Responsiveness b. Participation
c. Accountability d. Legitimacy

(PAGE 14) (PAGE 3)

IV. PROCEDURES: 4. ACTIVITY 4: Politikanta

A. Preliminary Activities Each must think of a line from a Tagalog song that depicts
1. Pre-Test a political statement. Present it to the class and explain what
makes it political.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.
1. How did Harold Lasswell define politics?
1. How are Aristotle, David Easton and Harold Lasswell‟s
a. a practical science concerned with happiness of the
definitions of politics similar or different from one another?
How can the definition relate with what has been described in
b. an authoritative allocation of values for a society
a short film presented?
c. It is who gets what, when and how.
d. Politics is the master science. 2. Is politics inconsistent or not with good governance?
2. It refers to the various ways through which social life is co-
ordinated. 3. Do you agree that politics exists at home? Why?

a. Politics b. Government 4. Explain why governance is said to be as old as civilization.

c. Governance d. Authority 5. Can politics occur without governance or vice versa? Why?
3. Which best defines governance?
a. a process of decision making E. REFLECTION
b. the action of a sovereign authority
We are greatly affected by politics. Whether we feel it or
c. a concept integral to the study of politics
not, it does matter because politics involves decision making by
d. all of the above
all whom in authority. Such decisions may either make or break
4. What is implied by the statement, “Government should people in the society, bring the system good or bad, and more
have the consent of the governed.” importantly, a government for the people and by the people.
a. legitimacy b. competence Regardless of stature in the society, politics says it all when
c. accountability d. respect for law and human conflict arises.

(PAGE 4) (PAGE 13)

5. Which measures good governance?
2. ACTIVITY B: Move Ko, Post Ko:
a. Public office is a public trust.
Concepts that define politics and governance are jumbled. Those b. Consent of the governed is not a priority.
concepts are written separately in pieces of bond paper. Post the c. non-participation
concepts where they belong, whether to politics or governance. A d. strong presence of the opposition
time limit is set in this game.
6. Politics involves the power to decide and not to decide.
3. ACTIVITY C : Political Cartooning a. true b. false
Draw a political cartooning of what good governance would c. qualify d. It depends.
look like. 7. Politics involves the power to implement and not to
1. Make it unique and eye catching
2. Creativity and humour help. a. true b. false
3. Using familiar figures help dramatically c. qualify d. It depends.
4. See rubrics for rating
8. Which is not part of a decision-enforcing process?
a. an official allocation of things, activities, ideas,
and other phenomena which the society gives
importance to
b. a determination by the government of who should
get what benefits, when and how
c. an analysis of public issues giving rise to conflict
of public issues which requires resolution
d. It involves the power to decide and not to decide.
9. David Easton defines politics as?
a. a practical science concerned with happiness
of the citizens.
b. an authoritative allocation of values for a
c. who gets what, when and how. t/doc/7161427/political-cartoon-analysis-rubric/re trie ve d Se pte mbe r 25, 2020
d. the master science.
(PAGE 12)
10. Which best explains that governance is a concept
integral to the study of politics? 4) Responsiveness means serving all stakeholders
a. Politics and governance co-exist. within reasonable timeframe.
5) Consensus oriented requires mediation of the
b. Governance is politics in itself.
different interests in society of what is in the best
c. Politics is everywhere. interest of the whole community and how this can be
d. Governance, without politics, is possible. achieved.
11. According to Aristotle, politics is? 6) Effectiveness and efficiency mean that processes and
institutions produce results that meet the needs of
a. a practical science concerned with happiness of the
the society while making the best use of resources at
citizens. their disposal.
b. an authoritative allocation of values for a society. 7) Accountability means that public and private
c. who gets what, when and how. institutions must be accountable to the public and
d. the master science. their institutional stakeholders.

12. Good governance is defined focusing on legitimacy, Recognizing the essential link between politics and
accountability, competence, respect for law and human governance will provide both government officials and citizens a
rights. clear idea of the type of political activity essential for good
a. true b. false
c. qualify d. It depends. APPLICATION
13. It is one of the institutions involved in governance. It can
C. Independent Activities
be both formal processes and informal norms.
a. Politics b. Congress 1. ACTIVITY A: Pol Venn Diagram
c. Government d. Judiciary
Directions: List in the circles below what you have learned about
14. „Gusto Ko Happy Ka!‟ is a political slogan of former Senator
Politics and Governance. On the Overlapping parts, write your
Juan Ponce Enrile. It is anchored on the definition of ideas on how both topics are interrelated.
politics coined by?
a. Dooley. b. David Easton.
c. Harold Lasswell. d. Aristotle.
15. Good governance embodies partnerships between states
and society and among
a. politicians. b. citizens.
c. government leaders. d. populace.
2. Reviewing previous lesson
Politics involves decision making and decision making
processes in any group that makes and enforces rules for its
members (1) an official allocation of things, activities, Ideas, and Day 2
other phenomena which the society gives importance to; an) A Semantic Web Map
determination by the government of who should get what
benefits, when and how; and 3) an analysis of public issues Give words associated „Politics‟. Based on the
giving rise to conflict of public issues which requires resolution. conceptualized semantic web map, define politics in
relation with the terms provided.
Governance is a concept integral to the study of politics. It
refers to the various ways through which social life is
coordinated. B. Presenting the new lesson
It involves (1) how governments are selected, monitored ACTIVITY
and replaced, (2) the capacity of the government to effectively
formulate and implement sound policies; and (3) the respect of 1. Motivation
citizens and the state for the institutions that govern economic Day 1: Watch a video presentation in Youtube entitled
and social interactions among them (World Bank Group, 2014)
„Definition of Politics‟, an award-winning short film‟
Good governance is defined focusing on legitimacy, Day 2: Teacher tells the students:
(government should have the consent of the governed),
accountability, competence and respect for law, and human “I am the teacher and I am the boss in this class, so
rights (Wyatt, 2005). you have to follow me…”
Pair and Share
Specifically, good governance can be characterized by the
following: Students will make a pair with their classmates and
share what they felt after hearing the teacher‟s remark.
1) Participation is an essential cornerstone of good
governance. ANALYSIS
2) Rule of law means impartiality of fair legal 2. Processing questions
3) Transparency means that enough information is Day 1
provided and that it is easily provided in
understandable forms and media. a) What is the film all about?

(PAGE 10) (PAGE 7)

b) Do politics, governance, and government exist at
home? Among the most widely used definitions of politics came
from David Easton (1965) who described politics as a human
c) Does the film define politics, governance and activity concerned with the authoritative decision-making and
government fully? If yes, what then are the definitions action by the government which results in an authoritative
given or elucidated about politics, governance and allocation of values for society.
Another was from Harold Lasswell (1958) who defined it as
“who gets what, when and how”.
Day 2 Politics is said to be a “natural outgrowth of human
a) Is there a conflict to resolve? If there is, what is your development having capable of reasoning that named man as a
political animal.” (Dooley et. al., 2013)
b) Is the teacher‟s remark correct? Politics may be defined as the art of government, public
affairs, compromise and consensus, and power.

3. ABSTRACTION Although viewed differently by people, politics generally

involves the public issues that give rise to conflict.
Governance can be broadly defined as the action of
“Politics is not such an easy philosophy that can be sovereign authority, specifically the exercise of authoritative
explained in two or three words.” This is revealed from an award- direction or control, over a particular unit or organization.
winning short film entitled, “Definition of Politics”. (Webster). It is as old as human civilization. It also refers to the
process of decision making, the process by which decisions are
According to the film, a better understanding of politics implemented or not implemented.
can be known through its ingredients: capitalist, government,
the educated generation of the state, the future generation, and Government, on the other hand, is one of the institutions
the working class. involved in governance. Institutions are “formal government
organizational structure as well as informal norms” that provide
During the time of Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher, politics government “with the framework within which to formulate and
was “politiké”, the short form of politike epistemé, or political implement policies.
science i.e., pertaining to a practical science concerned with the
noble action or happiness of the citizens. It is the master science.
Important Links: Politics, Governance and Government

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