Practice Exercises: Antonym Exercise A

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The document provides examples of antonym exercises to practice distinguishing words with opposite meanings. It includes multiple choice questions with one word capitalized and 5 answer options to pick the one most opposite in meaning.

The document is intended to provide practice with antonym (opposite word) questions through multiple choice exercises. It aims to help the reader distinguish between fine shades of meaning in words.

The document includes several antonym exercises labelled A through E. Each exercise consists of multiple choice questions with one word in capital letters and 5 answer options to choose from.

Practice Exercises

Antonym Exercise A 5. LACKLUSTER: (A) superficial

(B) courteous (C) vibrant (D) complex
Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a (E) abundant
word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words
or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick 6. CENSURE: (A) augment (B) eradicate
the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized (C) enthrall (D) commend (E) reform
7. TRANSIENCE: (A) slowness (B) permanence (C)
Because some of the questions require you to distinguish fine lack of caution (D) desire for perfection (E) original
shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices before nature
deciding which one is best.

1. MOURNFUL: (A) informal (B) sympathetic (C)

8. DESICCATE: (A) lengthen (B) hallow
private (D) appropriate (E) joyous (C) exonerate (D) saturate (E) anesthetize

2. SCAD: (A) parsimony (B) allocation (C) dearth (D) 9. PROTRUSION: (A) deep recess
restraint (E) provision (B) strong dislike (C) growing scarcity
(D) illusion (E) chaos
3. GRANDIOSE: (A) docile (B) unlikely to occur (C)
simple and unimposing (D) light in weight (E) 10. ENTICE: (A) repel (B) authorize (C) baffle
uncommunicative (D) misplace (E) diminish

11. ORTHODOXY: (A) renown (B) trepidation

4. ENTRENCH: (A) defy (B) oust (C) unconventionality (D) inquisitiveness
(C) extinguish (D) squander (E) intercede (E) remoteness
12. SUMPTUOUS: (A) dank (B) frequent 3. INDUSTRY: (A) cleanliness (B) pragmatism (C)
(C) partial (D) restrained (E) open sloth (D) promptness (E) abasement
4. SPUNK: (A) success (B) timidity
13. DISSOLUTION: (A) retribution (C) growing awareness (D) lack of intelligence
(B) compliance (C) futility (D) persuasion (E) loss of prestige
(E) establishment
5. SAGE: (A) zealot (B) miser (C) braggart
14. IRK: (A) pry (B) tinge (C) beguile (D) fool (E) tyrant
(D) convince (E) soothe
6. ADMONITION: (A) premonition
15. LIMBER: (A) sturdy (B) orderly (B) hallucination (C) escape (D) commendation
(C) durable (D) stiff (E) gloomy (E) trepidation

16. OBLIQUITY: (A) praise 7. CHARY: (A) lugubrious (B) brash

(B) straightforwardness (C) conformity (C) indifferent (D) graceful (E) scornful
(D) self-righteousness (E) depreciation
8. STUPEFY: (A) lie (B) bend (C) enliven
17. SLUR: (A) sensitivity (B) sacrifice (D) talk nonsense (E) consider thoughtfully
(C) understatement (D) challenge
(E) commendation 9. COGENT: (A) contemplative (B) unpersuasive
(C) expository (D) stable (E) inconceivable
18. APOTHEOSIS: (A) departure from tradition
(B)impatience with stupidity 10. FICKLE: (A) spotless (B) industrious
(C) demotion from glory (C) welcome (D) urgent (E) loyal
(D) surrender to impulse
(E) cause for grief 11. COMPLY: (A) simplify (B) strive (C) rebel
(D) unite (E) appreciate
19. ENERVATE: (A) narrate (B) enrage
(C) accomplish (D) invigorate (E) acquiesce 12. CREDIT: (A) believe false (B) treat as equal
(C) make more difficult (D) underemphasize
20. PARSIMONIOUS: (A) appropriate (E) forget
(B) generous (C) complete (D) radiant (E) ongoing
13. STILTED: (A) informal (B) verbose (C) secretive
(D) senseless (E) tentative
Antonym Exercise B
14. UNGAINLY: (A) slender (B) graceful (C)
Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a restrained (D) inaccurate (E) unnoticed
word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words
or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick 15. QUIXOTIC: (A) slow (B) abstemious (C) pragmatic
the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized (D) benevolent (E) grave
16. DISPARITY: (A) timidity (B) complacency (C)
Because some of the questions require you to distinguish bigotry (D) likeness (E) influence
fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices
before deciding which one is best. 17. CRITICAL: (A) unimportant (B) uncertain (C)
silent (D) coherent (E) destructive
(A) act on impulse 18. SOBRIETY: (A) influence (B) nonchalance (C)
(B) refuse to represent holiness (D) civility (E) mirth
(C) state without qualification
(D) make a foolish comment 19. RESTIVENESS: (A) completeness
(E) establish a connection (B) conviction (C) concern (D) docility
(E) petulance
2. ABROGATE: (A) transgress (B) signify (C) alleviate
(D) question (E) ratify
20. HALLOW: (A) keep silence (B) prove incorrect (C) accuse openly (D) desecrate (E) instigate

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3 Verbal Ability: Tactics, Review, and Practice

Because some of the questions require you to distinguish

Antonym Exercise C fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices
Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a before deciding which one is best.
word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words
or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick 1. PRIM: (A) rare (B) careful (C) unnecessary
the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized (D) improper (E) decisive
2. REPUGNANCE: (A) attraction (B) lethargy (C)
Because some of the questions require you to distinguish blame (D) virtue (E) awe
fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices
before deciding which one is best. 3. NETTLE: (A) disentangle (B) mollify (C) magnify
(D) muffle (E) recompense
1. HARBINGER: (A) ascetic (B) miser (C) counselor
(D) follower (E) braggart 4. REPLETE: (A) unwrinkled (B) devoid
(C) vulgar (D) matchless (E) unsympathetic
2. SPUR: (A) embitter (B) discourage (C) impress (D)
mislead (E) ignore 5. UNASSUAGED: (A) presumed (B) deceptive (C)
singular (D) faulty (E) soothed
3. DISJOINTED: (A) responsible (B) connected (C)
implied (D) useful (E) imprecise
6. PALTRY: (A) munificent (B) improvident
4. MEALYMOUTHED: (A) hungry (B) indefinite (C) (C) random (D) cautious (E) obsolete
tightlipped (D) sincere (E) apathetic
7. CONCLUSIVE: (A) difficult to express
(B) bringing bad luck (C) easy to solve
5. PREVARICATE: (A) postulate (B) emphasize (C)
(D) lacking merit (E) open to question
support in theory (D) consider thoughtfully (E) state
(B) gratitude (C) melancholy (D) incompetence
6. LUMINARY: (A) impostor (B) nonentity (C) pilgrim
(E) frustration
(D) braggart (E) mutineer
9. DISSUADE: (A) extol (B) exhort
7. TESTY: (A) erroneous (B) uncommunicative (C)
(C) intensify (D) complicate (E) precede
even-tempered (D) quick-witted
(E) industrious
10. SPLENETIC: (A) lackluster (B) heartless (C)
diffident (D) constant (E) cordial
8. NEFARIOUS: (A) lackadaisical (B) eccentric
(C) exemplary (D) corrigible (E) hypocritical

9. BEGRUDGE: (A) mourn silently

(B) grant freely (C) hunger for
(D) advance rapidly (E) fight back

10. BILK: (A) reduce in size (B) make famous

(C) roughen (D) renovate (E) pay in full

11. COMPOSE: (A) disturb (B) reveal (C) strengthen

(D) isolate (E) prevent

12. OCCLUDE: (A) determine (B) transcend (C)

surround (D) open (E) regulate

13. AMBIGUITY: (A) extent (B) success

(C) clarity (D) normality (E) expression

14. AMELIORATION: (A) prevention

(B) aggravation (C) distraction
(D) indifference (E) dissuasion

CAVIL: (A) discern (B) disclose

(C) introduce (D) flatter (E) commend
16. SKEPTICAL: (A) theoretical (B) indifferent
(C) ready to believe (D) eager for change
(E) lost in thought

17. FLEDGLING: (A) experienced person

(B) shy onlooker (C) social outcast
(D) fugitive (E) adversary

18. CRASS: (A) boastful (B) temporary

(C) cheerful (D) refined (E) extensive

19. RECALCITRANT: (A) tractable (B) erratic (C)

intuitive (D) vigorous (E) rambling

20. PROTRACT: (A) defy (B) supplement

(C) postpone (D) shorten (E) design

Antonym Exercise D
Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a
word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words
or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick
the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized

Antonym Questions 4
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11. 17. GAMELY: (A) fearfully (B) diligently (C) clumsily
(A) pallor (D)
(B) gloomily (E) respectfully
(C) femininity (D) harmlessness (E) cowardice 18. CRESTFALLEN: (A) haughty (B) impolite (C)
frivolous (D) tentative (E) rough
12. ADHERENT: (A) fugitive (B) dissembler (C)
opponent (D) educator (E) witness 19. DESULTORY: (A) apologetic (B) independent (C)
laudatory (D) questionable (E) methodical
13. OSCILLATE: (A) entreat (B) intensify (C) remain
fixed (D) expand gradually (E) wither away 20. PULCHRITUDE: (A) antipathy
(B) unsightliness (C) inexperience (D) languor
14. ASPERITY: (A) gentility (B) superiority (C) (E)rancor
kindness (D) clarity (E) vagueness

15. UNSCATHED: (A) honest (B) gathered (C) injured

(D) cleansed (E) forgiven

16. FETTER: (A) diminish (B) enervate (C) liberate

(D) return (E) cure

17. AUTONOMY: (A) dependence (B) animation

(C) renown (D) altruism (E) antipathy

18. SLACK: (A) rough (B) active (C) liberal

(D) dependent (E) familiar

19. RECOIL: (A) plunge forward (B) cease firing (C)

skirt an issue (D) facilitate (E) surrender

20. ENCUMBER: (A) disburden (B) perform easily (C)

challenge boldly (D) observe with care
(E) suppress

Antonym Exercise E
Directions: In each of the following antonym questions, a
word printed in capital letters precedes five lettered words
or phrases. From these five lettered words or phrases, pick
the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized

Because some of the questions require you to distinguish

fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices
before deciding which one is best.

1. OPACITY: (A) iridescence (B) firmness

(C) transparence (D) poverty (E) slum

2. PREDILECTION: (A) postponement

(B) afterthought (C) lamentation
(D) reoccurrence (E) aversion

3. SEEDY: (A) elegant (B) intricate (C) tranquil

(D) irregular (E) slow

4. BOGGLE: (A) disentangle (B) repudiate

(C) ascertain (D) remain unruffled
(E) lack planning
5. HIDEBOUND: (A) strong-willed
(B) open-minded (C) thin-skinned
(D) tenderhearted (E) scatterbrained

6. CASTIGATE: (A) diminish (B) imitate

(C) compare (D) reward (E) misjudge

7. GAMBOL: (A) dodge (B) masquerade (C) digress

(D) plod (E) vex

8. RAUCOUS: (A) orderly (B) absorbent

(C) mellifluous (D) contentious (E) buoyant

9. TAPER: (A) emphasize (B) restore

(C) split (D) broaden (E) modify

10. HIGH-HANDED: (A) dejected (B) reasonable

(C) hard-handed (D) short-handed (E) dynamic

11. DIMINUTION: (A) measurement

(B) proximity (C) augmentation (D) orderliness
(E) inclination

12. DISTEND: (A) tell the truth

(B) respond as expected (C) approximate
(D) collect (E) shrink

13. EMBROIL: (A) disengage (B) remonstrate

(C) refute thoroughly (D) answer hypothetic ally
(E) consider genuinely

14. VOUCHSAFE: (A) postpone (B) dissemble (C)

endanger (D) prohibit (E) justify

15. JETTISON: (A) salvage (B) decelerate

(C) muffle (D) distract (E) anchor

16. STOIC: (A) savant (B) herald (C) whiner

(D) victor (E) bystander
Answer Key Antonym Exercise

Antonym Exercise A
1. E 6. D 11. C 16. B
2. C 7. B 12 D 17. E
3. C 8D 13. E 18. C
4. B 9. A 14. E 19. D
5C 10. A 15. D 20. B Antonym Exercis
Antonym Exercise B

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