This document contains a series of Spanish translation exercises with multiple choice answers in Spanish. There are 12 short passages with vocabulary related to objects, locations, quantities and people. The passages focus on expressing concepts of existence, location and numbers in Spanish using common verbs and phrases like "hay" (there is/are), "en" (in), "aquí" (here). The exercises test the understanding of basic Spanish grammar including questions, singular and plural forms.
This document contains a series of Spanish translation exercises with multiple choice answers in Spanish. There are 12 short passages with vocabulary related to objects, locations, quantities and people. The passages focus on expressing concepts of existence, location and numbers in Spanish using common verbs and phrases like "hay" (there is/are), "en" (in), "aquí" (here). The exercises test the understanding of basic Spanish grammar including questions, singular and plural forms.
This document contains a series of Spanish translation exercises with multiple choice answers in Spanish. There are 12 short passages with vocabulary related to objects, locations, quantities and people. The passages focus on expressing concepts of existence, location and numbers in Spanish using common verbs and phrases like "hay" (there is/are), "en" (in), "aquí" (here). The exercises test the understanding of basic Spanish grammar including questions, singular and plural forms.
This document contains a series of Spanish translation exercises with multiple choice answers in Spanish. There are 12 short passages with vocabulary related to objects, locations, quantities and people. The passages focus on expressing concepts of existence, location and numbers in Spanish using common verbs and phrases like "hay" (there is/are), "en" (in), "aquí" (here). The exercises test the understanding of basic Spanish grammar including questions, singular and plural forms.
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A. Choose the best translation. B. Choose the best translation.
1. Hay tres libros en la mesa. 6. Is there a bathroom here?
A. There are three books on the table. B. There is one book on the table. C. There are three books in the house. D. There is one book in the house. A. Hay un barco en este edificio? B. Hay un barco en este edificio. C. Hay un bao en este edificio? D. Hay un bao en este edificio. !. Hay un hotel en el centro. ". There is a bathroom in this buildin#. A. The hos$ital is do%nto%n. B. There is a hos$ital do%nto%n. C. There is a hotel do%nto%n. D. The hotel is do%nto%n. A. Hay un barco en este edificio? B. Hay un barco en este edificio. C. Hay un bao en este edificio. D. Hay un bao en este edificio? &. Hay cinco chicas en mi clase. '. There are fi(e $eo$le here. A. Three #irls are in my class. B. There are three #irls in my class. C. There are fi(e #irls in my class. D. )i(e #irls are in my class. A. Hay cinco seores a*u+. B. Hay cinco $ersonas a*u+. C. Hay muchas $ersonas a*u+. D. Cinco $ersonas est,n a*u+. -. Hay una $luma en la mesa. .. Are there fi(e $eo$le here? A. There is a $encil on the chair. B. There is a $en on the chair. C. There is a $en on the table. D. There is a $encil on the table. A. Hay cinco seores a*u+. B. Hay cinco $ersonas a*u+? C. Hay muchas $ersonas a*u+. D. Cinco $ersonas est,n a*u+. /. Hay tres hombres y cinco mu0eres a*u+. 11. Is there one $en or t%o? A. There are fi(e men and three %omen here. B. There are three %omen and fi(e men here. C. There are three men and fi(e %omen here. D. There are three boys and fi(e #irls here. A. Hay una $luma o dos? B. Hay una silla o tres? C. Hay una silla o dos? D. Hay una (entana o dos? 2rite the follo%in# sentences in 3$anish 4Inde$endent5 1. There are fi(e $ens on the table. !. There are fifteen $rofessors here. &. There are ten boys in the class. -. There is a bathroom in the classroom 4sala de clase5 /. There are nine men and si6 %omen here. 76it8 Is there a hotel do%nto%n. Home%ork8 15 There is a $encil shar$ener 4un saca$untas5 on the table. !5 There are four do#s in my house. &5 There are t%enty fi(e students in the class.