PFC Matrix: Copo, Nico Angelo P

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PFC Matrix



DATA A 31-year old female nurse started to have The index patient is the The index patient is a
generalized body pain while resting at breadwinner of the nurse for 4 years now
History and home, suddenly experienced throat pain, family. rotating in ward and
Physical loss of smell and taste. No associated fever, emergency area. She
Exam or other symptoms The husband is still a is doing graveyard
law student who is shifts, and attending to
ROS: With decreased appetite, no weight currently taking care of her private patient
loss, no difficulty or breathing, no dyspnea. their 3-year old son. during her day offs.
PMH: Patient is known to have mitral valve The husband has no
prolapse although asymptomatic most of known co-morbidities. Her job requires time,
the times. No previous hospitalization energy and
PSH: Patient is non-smoker, non-alcoholic The child is a 3-year old dedication for the
beverage drinker, works in a private hospital son born on October service and well-being
as a nurse, lives with his husband and son, 17, 2016 to a G1P0 of her patients.
no history of travel outside town or country. mother, delivered 37
With balanced diet, and physically active. weeks via NSD assisted Unexpected events or
by an obstetrician. uncontrollable stressors
PE: afebrile, no nasoaural discharge, pale Development was at may disrupt functional
conjunctiva, (-) pallor, clear breath sounds, par with age. roles which can affect
abdomen is flat, with normoactive bowel individual family
sounds, no noted masses, non-tender, full members and the
and equal pulses, no edema community.
ANALYSIS Being a nurse in a during Family Assessment: The index patient
this COVID-19 pandemic is Smilkstein’s and Family APGAR has good working
a high-risk environment to relationship with her
any health worker. The family has strong ties with colleagues and
each other. The index patient patients. She always
Contributing stressors are has a priority of balancing her smiles to them and
both work- and family- time with work and spending they love her back.
related issues such as time with her husband and child. The index patient is
continuous exposure to also handling
patients and fear She is the breadwinner of the COVID-19 patients,
contracting and exposing family and provides well and some of the
both her husband and child financially and emotionally for colleagues has
to the disease. her family. She also insured the contracted the
health of her family by providing disease, too.
Symptoms of body pain them health insurances, and
can impair her ability to education plan for the future of
work well. her child
DIAGNOSIS, Diagnosis: mild Family function is compromised The index patient
CONCLUSION, COVID-19 infection because of inactivity of the believed that she
AND breadwinner and due to the fear has contracted the
ASSUMPTION Differentials: that other members might also virus through
Upper respiratory tract be exposed to the virus. exposure to patients
infection in the hospital who
Dengue infection The index patient is having are asymptomatic
UTI difficulty to separate from other and possible carriers
members due to unavailable of the disease.
There is a possible
increase in
transmission in his
workplace that can
lead to a scarce in
the hospital

MANAGEMENT Diagnostics: Family counseling with Awareness that the threat for
AND CBC with PC, Urinalysis, doctor(s) to ease out anxiety COVID-19 infection is
INTERVENTION Dengue IgG IgM, Chest xray, being felt by the members. present in the community
Oropharyngeal and
Nasopharyngeal RT-PCR Encourage the family Observe strict precautionary
members to continue measures and strict
Medications: communicating with each implementation of guidelines
Acetaminophen 500mg every 6 other to improve patient and protocols implemented
hours or Low-dose NSAIDs like outlook by BHW such as wearing of
ibuprofen 200mg twice a day for PPE and strict handwashing.
body pain. Provide the family with
proper PPE, and isolation Observe strict quarantine
Special Orders: room and physical distancing
Complete bed rest with protocols
bathroom privileges Updates of the patient’s
Strict isolation and quarantine progress to the family Regular and correct
protocols members. handwashing all the time.
Proper handwashing and
wearing of PPE

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