Patient-Centered, Family Focused, Community Oriented Care Matrix

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Patient- centered, Family

Focused, Community
Oriented Care Matrix

A tool for BPS Case Analysis

(learning how to be an integrated family physician)
• Framework are based from the work of
Prof Zorayda Leopando in developing
teaching strategies on biopsychosocial
approach to care.

• Slides are from Prof ZEL

• Learning to “think family”
• The importance of genogram
• The family within a larger system – use an ecomap
• Chronic illness and disability- supporting family
• Working with family members – the family
• Identifying the family at risk
Graham Bresick, 2006
The PFC Matrix (Leopando, 200?)
Z. E. Leopando, 2000
PFC Matrix by Leopando
Patient Centered Family Focused Community Oriented
to Community based

History and

Analysis ,

Plan of
Z. E. Leopando, 2000
Patient Centered Family Community Oriented to
Focused Community based

History and Cc, HPI, ROS, Past Med Hx, Family History, Place of origin and residence:
physical PSH, Feelings, fears family endemicity
examination concern, doubt, determinants and Place of work and hazard
predicament, PE, resources, Environmental sanitation
caregiver issues
Health center & other
Family Life Cycle resources
Social determinants of health

Analysis , Differential diagnosis Tools for family Community: effect on

including Stage of illness, assessment patient’s illness
differential Impact of illness, Impact of illness, Vice versa
diagnosis Compliance issues Compliance issues Compare with
Bioethics Family lifecycle epidemiological picture
CPG/ EBM stage Legislation and ordinances
Bioethics and policies
Social determinants of health

Plan of Diagnostics Capability building Networking, Linkages,

management Therapeutics of caregivers referral, shared care, Health
Supportive Health education Education
Alternatives for family
Follow-up/ referral Reassurance
Biopsychosocial apprpoach
Z. E. Leopando, 2000
Patient Centered Family Community Oriented to
Focused Community based

History and Cc, HPI, ROS, Past Med Hx, Family History, family Place of origin and residence:
physical PSH, Feelings, fears determinants and endemicity
concern, doubt, resources, caregiver Place of work and hazard
predicament, PE, issues
Environmental sanitation
Family Life Cycle Stage
Health center & other
Social determinants of health

Analysis , Differential diagnosis Tools for family Community: effect on

including Stage of illness, assessment patient’s illness
differential Impact of illness, Impact of illness, Vice versa
diagnosis Compliance issues Compliance issues Compare with
Bioethics Family lifecycle stage epidemiological picture
CPG/ EBM Bioethics Legislation and ordinances
and policies
Social determinants of health

Plan of Diagnostics Capability building of Networking, Linkages,

management Therapeutics caregivers referral, shared care, Health
Supportive Health education for Education
Alternatives family
Follow-up/ referral Reassurance
Biopsychosocial apprpoach
Patient Centered Family Focused Community Oriented
to Community based

History and Cc, HPI, ROS, Past Med Hx, Family History, family Place of origin and residence:
physical PSH, Feelings, fears determinants and resources, endemicity
concern, doubt, caregiver issues
examination Place of work and hazard
predicament, PE, Family Life Cycle Stage Environmental sanitation
Health center & other
Social determinants of health

Analysis , Differential diagnosis Tools for family assessment Community: effect on

including Stage of illness, Impact of illness, patient’s illness
differential Impact of illness, Compliance issues Vice versa
diagnosis Compliance issues Family lifecycle stage Compare with
Bioethics Bioethics epidemiological picture
CPG/ EBM Legislation and ordinances
and policies
Social determinants of health

Plan of Diagnostics Capability building of Networking, Linkages,

management Therapeutics caregivers referral, shared care, Health
Supportive Health education for family Education
Alternatives Reassurance
Follow-up/ referral
Biopsychosocial apprpoach
Guidelines for the PFC Discussion
during the 2 week rotation at FM

• Choose a case seen at FMC or AMBU

per group
• Analyze the case using the PFC matrix
Family from Community Rotation
• Ba able to present a family seen and managed
during your community rotation
• Family presented should have PFC matrix
• Family will be coming from each of the
assigned barangay of the interns.
– If there are two interns in a brgy = 1 family
– If the is one intern in a brgy = 1 family.
Thank you

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