Patient-Centered, Family Focused, Community Oriented Care Matrix
Patient-Centered, Family Focused, Community Oriented Care Matrix
Patient-Centered, Family Focused, Community Oriented Care Matrix
Focused, Community
Oriented Care Matrix
History and
Analysis ,
Plan of
Z. E. Leopando, 2000
Patient Centered Family Community Oriented to
Focused Community based
History and Cc, HPI, ROS, Past Med Hx, Family History, Place of origin and residence:
physical PSH, Feelings, fears family endemicity
examination concern, doubt, determinants and Place of work and hazard
predicament, PE, resources, Environmental sanitation
caregiver issues
Health center & other
Family Life Cycle resources
Social determinants of health
History and Cc, HPI, ROS, Past Med Hx, Family History, family Place of origin and residence:
physical PSH, Feelings, fears determinants and endemicity
concern, doubt, resources, caregiver Place of work and hazard
predicament, PE, issues
Environmental sanitation
Family Life Cycle Stage
Health center & other
Social determinants of health
History and Cc, HPI, ROS, Past Med Hx, Family History, family Place of origin and residence:
physical PSH, Feelings, fears determinants and resources, endemicity
concern, doubt, caregiver issues
examination Place of work and hazard
predicament, PE, Family Life Cycle Stage Environmental sanitation
Health center & other
Social determinants of health