Export Promotion Capital Goods (Epcg) Scheme 5.01 Policy
Export Promotion Capital Goods (Epcg) Scheme 5.01 Policy
Export Promotion Capital Goods (Epcg) Scheme 5.01 Policy
5.01 Policy
(d) An application for amendment in the list of export item(s) including
addition(s)/deletion(s) if any, may be filed with RA concerned
provided the Export Obligation period of the authorisation is valid
and the CG has nexus with export product. The applicant would give
justification for seeking such amendment(s) along with fresh nexus
certificate from an independent Chartered Engineer.
(a) Authorization holder shall produce, within six months from date of
completion of import, to the concerned RA, a certificate from the
jurisdictional Customs authority or an independent Chartered
Engineer, at the option of the authorisation holder, confirming
installation of capital goods at factory/premises of authorization
holder or his supporting manufacturer(s). The RA may allow one
time extension of the said period for producing the certificate by a
maximum period of 12 months with a composition fee of Rs. 5000/-.
Where the authorisation holder opts for independent Chartered
Engineer’s certificate, he shall send a copy of the certificate to the
jurisdictional Customs Authority for intimation/record. The
authorization holder shall be permitted to shift capital goods during
this period to other units mentioned in the IEC and RCMC of the
authorization holder subject to production of fresh installation
5.06 Import of spares, tools, refractories and catalysts
(b) In case of import of spares, EPCG authorisation shall not specify list
of spares but shall indicate:
5.07 Conversion of EOU/ Relocated SEZ Units to DTA Unit under EPCG
(a) An EOU/ a relocated SEZ unit, while converting to a DTA Unit, may
apply for an EPCG authorisation along with documents prescribed.
‘No Objection Certificate’ should be produced from the concerned
Development Commissioner.
(b) The export obligation period for a unit which converts from EOU /
SEZ Scheme to EPCG Scheme would be the same as is available to a
direct EPCG Authorisation Holder as per Paragraph 5.01 of Foreign
Trade Policy (FTP).
(c) If a standalone EOU / SEZ unit wishes to de-bond from EOU to EPCG
Scheme, there shall be no requirement for maintenance of average
export obligation and the unit shall be required to maintain only
specific export obligation equivalent to six times of the proportionate
duty saved amount of the depreciated value of capital goods for
which the Authorisation has been obtained.
(d) In case one unit of a firm / company opts to de-bond from EOU to
EPCG Scheme, while other unit(s) are DTA units, then the average
export obligation in respect of the authorisations issued to the firm /
company (other than de-bonding unit) shall remain unchanged and
the average EO, after de-bonding of the unit, shall be fixed by
excluding the exports made by the de-bonded unit from the total
exports of the firm / company, which runs concurrently for all the
units of the firm / company. In such a case, specific EO equivalent to
six times of the proportionate duty saved amount on the depreciated
value of the Capital Goods would be imposed on the de-bonding unit
shifting to the EPCG Scheme.
(b) This request can be made either along with application or during the
validity period of EPCG Authorisation.
(c) Applicant shall give the name and address of the manufacturer(s) of
capital goods.
5.09 Issuance of Advance authorisation for import of inputs
(d) The EPCG authorization holder shall submit the following additional
documents for discharge of EO through third party (ies):
manufacturer for fulfilment of the export obligation against
the EPCG authorization in question.
(vi) Disclaimer certificate from third party that they shall not use
such proceeds towards EO fulfillment of any EPCG
authorization (s) obtained by them.
also be counted for discharge of Export Obligation. Realization in case of
supplies to SEZ units shall be from foreign currency account of the SEZ unit.
(i) Handicrafts,
(ii) Handlooms,
(iii) Cottage & Tiny sector,
(iv) Agriculture,
(v) Aqua-culture (including Fisheries), Pisciculture,
(vi) Animal husbandry,
(vii) Floriculture & Horticulture,
(viii) Poultry,
(ix) Viticulture,
(x) Sericulture,
(xi) Carpets,
(xii) Coir, and
(xiii) Jute
transferred for a period of five years from date of imports even in
cases where export obligation has been fulfilled.
(a) The Authorisation holder under the EPCG scheme shall, while
maintaining the average export obligation, fulfill the specific export
obligation over the prescribed block period in the following
(c) Where EO of the first block is not fulfilled in terms of the above
proportions, except in cases where the EO prescribed for first block is
extended by the Regional Authority subject to payment of
composition fee of 2% on duty saved amount proportionate to
unfulfilled portion of EO pertaining to the block, the Authorization
holder shall, within 3 months from the expiry of the block, pay duties
of customs (along with applicable interest as notified by DOR)
proportionate to duty saved amount on total unfulfilled EO of the
first block.
(d) (i) Authorisations issued from 1st April, 2002 upto 31st August, 2004
shall be governed by provisions of paragraph 5.8 of HBP Vol. 1 (RE-
02) as amended from time to time.
(ii) Authorisations issued from 1st September, 2004 upto 17th April,
2013 shall be governed by provisions of paragraph 5.8 of HBP Vol. 1
(RE-12) as amended till 17.04.2013.
(iii) Authorisations issued from 18th April, 2013 till issue of
Notification of FTP 2015-20 shall be governed by provisions of
paragraph 5.8 of HBP Vol. 1 as amended vide PN No. 1 dated
(iv) Authorisations issued from 1st April, 2015 till 4th December
2017 shall be governed by provisions of paragraph 5.14 of HBP as
amended vide PN No. 1 dated 01.04.2015.
(c) less than the duty saved amount indicated on the authorization, the
export obligation shall stand reduced on pro-rata basis with
reference to actual utilization of the authorization.
(c) In case of zero duty EPCG Authorizations, two extensions of one year
each in export obligation period may be considered by RA
concerned, on payment of composition fee equal to 5% and 10%
respectively of proportionate duty saved amount on unfulfilled
export obligation for the first/second year of extension or an
enhancement in export obligation imposed to the extent of 10%
/20% respectively of the total export obligation imposed under the
authorization for first/second year of extension, as the case may be,
at the choice of the exporter. Minimum composition fee will be
(a) Deleted
(b) Deleted
5.19 Relief in Average Export Obligation
5.21 Deleted
5.22 Redemption
(b) Authorisation holder can also pay duty and interest suo-motu on the
basis of self /own calculation as per the procedure specified in
paragraph 4.50 of HBP.
5.24 Maintenance of Records
5.25 Re-Export / Repair/Replacement of Capital Goods Imported
under EPCG Scheme
(a) Capital Goods imported under EPCG scheme, which are found
defective or unfit for use, may be re-exported to foreign supplier
within three years from the date of clearance by Customs of such
goods, with permission of RA / Customs Authority. Consequently, EO
would be re-fixed.
(b) Capital Goods imported and found defective or otherwise unfit for
use may be exported, within two years from the date of clearance by
Customs of such goods, with permission of RA / Customs Authority
and Capital Goods in replacement thereof be imported under EPCG
scheme. In such cases, while allowing export, the Customs shall credit
the duty benefit availed which can be debited again at the time of
import of such replaced Capital Goods.
(c) Capital Goods imported under EPCG scheme, may be re-exported for
repairs abroad within three years from the date of clearance by
Customs of such goods, with permission of RA / Customs Authority.
The duty component on the expenditure incurred on the repairs as
well as the insurance and the freight, both ways shall be taken into
account for re-fixation of the EO.
(b) An application for clubbing can be made to RA concerned in ANF 5C.
Clubbing shall only be permitted in case export products endorsed on
the authorisations are same /similar and if authorisations are issued
by the same RA.
(c) Total export obligation would be re-fixed taking into account total of
duty saved amount of the clubbed authorisations.
(b) All applicable duties shall be paid in cash by the exporter at the time
of import of Capital Goods.
(d) Exporter can file request in ANF 5 B, for issuance of Duty Credit
Scrip(s) in proportion to the EO completed within the specified
EOP. Only for first such request, proof of actual duty payments on
Capital Goods, nexus and installation certificate(s) of Capital Goods
shall be submitted alongwith proof of fulfilment of EO alongwith
proof of maintenance of Average EO. Subsequently, only proof of
fulfilment of specific EO (alongwith proof of maintenance of Average
EO) additionally completed vis-à-vis specific EO fixed {as in c(iii)
above} may be submitted, unless there have been any changes in
documents / proofs submitted earlier.
(g) Deleted
(h) All provisions of the existing EPCG Scheme shall apply insofar as they
are not inconsistent with this scheme.
(i) The CG imported under paragraph 5.12 of FTP shall not be disposed
of till the date of last export for offsetting EO against such CG.
(j) In case of re-export of CG found defective or unfit for use as per the
provisions of paragraph 5.25 of HBP if the exporter claims drawback
on such re-export there would be no remission of duty under
paragraph 5.12 of FTP.
The Export Products covered under Paragraph 5.10 of FTP which provides
for reduced export obligation of 75% for green technology products are:
i Para 5.19A inserted vide Public Notice No.10/2015-20 dated 22.05.2018.