BM Calculation

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80 0 0

120 3.96 3.96 475.2 1.37

120 1.52 5.48 657.6 1.37
170 2.13 7.61 1293.7 1.52
170 1.37 8.98 1526.6 2.13
170 3.05 12.03 2045.1 3.05
170 1.37 13.4 2278 m 3.96
13.4 8276.2
cg 8.2762 m

27 0 0
27 1.1 1.1 29.7
114 3.2 4.3 490.2
114 1.2 5.5 627
68 4.3 9.8 666.4
68 3 12.8 870.4
68 3 15.8 1074.4 3.945578
68 3 18.8 1278.4 5.145578
554 18.8 5036.5 8.345578
x bar 9.091155 9.445578
BM due to 70R_Track load
153.1729 KN/m
span 49 m
Distance where Max BM is to be calculated 24.5 m sapcing of track loads 90 m
Total load per m 153.1729 KN/m 4.57 m
Load Length 4.57 m 24.5 m
Max BM 8175.125 KNm 49 m

BM due to 70R_Wheel load (at certain section of beam) 120KN 120KN 170KN 170KN 170KN 170KN
Span 49.0 m 80KN
Distance where max BM is to be calculated 24.5 m
Total load length 13.4 m
Maximum ordinate of influence line 12.3 m 3.96m 1.52m 2.13m 1.37m 3.05m 1.37m spacing of wheel loads 30 m

49 m

Due to the load (KN) Total Remarks

When the section is under the load (KN)
170 170 170 170 120 120 80
170 2082.5 1966.05 1706.8 1590.35 994.8 903.6 444 9688.1
170 1966.05 2082.5 1823.25 139.3306 1077 985.8 498.8 8572.731
170 1706.8 1823.25 2082.5 1966.05 1260 1168.8 620.8 10628.2 Critical
170 1590.35 1706.8 1966.05 2082.5 1342.2 1251 675.6 10614.5
120 1409.3 1525.75 1785 1901.45 1470 1378.8 760.8 10231.1
120 1280.1 1396.55 1655.8 1772.25 1378.8 1470 821.6 9775.1
80 943.5 1059.95 1319.2 1616.7 1141.2 1232.4 980 8292.95
Maximum bending monet at section 10628.2 KNm

Absolute maximimum Bending Moment

anywhere in the beam due to 70R_wheel
CG of loading system from 80KN load 8.2762 m
Ordinate of BM at mid span 12.25 m
Absolute maximum BM 10628.2 KNm

BM due to Class A load (at certain section of beam) 68KN 68KN 68KN 68KN 114KN 114KN 27KN 27KN

CG of loading system from farthest 68KN load 9.708845 m

distance where BM to be calculated 24.5
Ordiante of BM at that section 12.25 m 3.00m 3.00m 3.00m 4.30m 1.20m 3.20m 1.10m
Due to the load (KN) Total Remarks 2Lane
When the section is under the load (KN)
27 27 114 114 68 68 68 68
27 661.5 315.9 1151.4 1083 499.8 397.8 295.8 193.8 4599 9198
27 315.9 330.75 1214.1 1145.7 537.2 435.2 333.2 231.2 4543.25 9086.5
114 272.7 287.55 1396.5 1328.1 646 544 442 340 5256.85 10513.7
114 256.5 271.35 1328.1 1396.5 686.8 584.8 482.8 380.8 5387.65 10775.3
68 198.45 213.3 1151.4 1151.4 833 731 629 527 5434.55 Critical 10869.1
68 76.95 172.8 912 980.4 731 833 731 629 5066.15 10132.3
68 117.45 132.3 741 809.4 629 731 833 731 4724.15 9448.3
68 76.95 91.8 570 638.4 527 629 731 833 4097.15 8194.3
Absolute maximimum Bending Moment
anywhere in the beam due to Class A load
CG of loading system from 68 KN load 9.708845 m
Ordinate of BM at mid span 12.25 m
Absolute maximum BM 10869.1 KNm
70R_Tracked load ( span > load length)
span 49 m
Distance where Max BM is to be calculated 24.5 m 153.1729 KN/m
Total load per m 153.1729 KN/m
Load Length 4.57 m sapcing of track loads 90 m
Maximum negetive shear force -317.3571 KN 4.57 m
maximum positive shear force 317.3571 KN 24.5 m
49 m

70R_Wheel load ( span > load length)

span 49 m
Distance where Max BM is to be calculated 24.5 m
Total load length 13.40 m
Max ordinate of negative shear force -0.5 120KN 120KN 170KN 170KN 170KN 170KN
Max ordinate of positive shear force 0.5 80KN
Maximum negetive shear force -395.4327 KN
maximum positive shear force 395.4327 KN
3.96m 1.52m 2.13m 1.37m 3.05m 1.37m

49 m
Class A load (double Lane)
span 49 m
Distance where Max BM is to be calculated 24.5 m
Total load length 18.80 m
Max prdinate of negative shear force -0.5 68KN 68KN 68KN 68KN 114KN 114KN 27KN 27KN
Max ordinate of positive shear force 0.5
Maximum negative shear force -337.6612 KN
maximum positive shear force 337.6612 KN 3.00m 3.00m 3.00m 4.30m 1.20m 3.20m 1.10m
1.37 1.37
3.05 4.42 3.05
1.37 5.79 4.42 1.37
2.13 7.92 6.55 3.5 2.13
1.52 9.44 8.07 5.02 3.65
3.96 13.4 12.03 8.98 7.61

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