Sarda Rikhe Pier Found Final

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0 Design of Substructure
2.1 Design of Pier
Section of Pier

A B C A' 1.475 A
0.50 TPL 832.20

2.500 2.500 2.00


BPL 830.20
HFL 830.70
2.65 12.04
13.84 MSL 820.36

SBL 820.16

1.80 1.80

9.90 9.90 FBL 818.36

This prelimanry section is defined by considering SBL = Stem Bottom Level

hydrological analysis and geotechnical recommendation FBL = Footing Bottom Level
MSL = Maximum Scour Level
Material Properties
Concrete grade (fck) 20 N/mm²
Steel grade (fe) 500 N/mm²
Allowable stress of steel in tension and shear Sst = 240 N/mm²
Allowable stress of steel in direct compression Ssc = 205 N/mm²
Allowable compressive stress in concrete in flexure Scbc = 6.67 N/mm²
Allowable comp. stress in concrete in direct compression Scc = 5 N/mm²
Modular ratio (m) m= 10
Neutral axis factor k= 0.217
j= 0.928
The resisting moment coefficient R= 0.672
IRC:21-2000, 303.2.1, Table 9,10
High Flood Level 830.70 m
Maximum scour level for pier 820.36 m
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Level of deck surface 835.50 m
Thickness of pier cap (overall thickness) 2.00 m
Top level of pier cap (TPL) 832.20 m
Top level of footing (SBL) 820.16 m
Thickness of footing/Cap 1.80 m
Bottem level of footing/cap (FBL),( 2m below MSL) 818.36 m
Thickness of bearing+pedestal 0.50 m
Hence the total height of pier H= 13.84 m
Soil data & seismic data
Unit weight of backfill soil g 18 kN/m³
Unit weight of concrete w_conc 24 kN/m³
Horizontal seismic coefficient aH 0.150
Vertical seismic coefficient an 0.075
Angle between the wall and earth a 0
Angle of internal friction of soil f 34
Angle of friction between soil and wall d 23
Length of stem column (between the surfaces of the restrains)
L= 12040 mm
Diameter of column D 2700 mm
Effective length of column (IRC:21-2000, 306.2.1) Le = 14448 mm
[ effective length factor 1.2 ]
Impact Total Load Total Load CG of Load
Forces on the Pier at factor (absolute) (incl. wrt center,
Point from (excl. impact) m
superstructure impact)
Distance from center -2.50 0.00 2.50
Dead Load (kN) 1 1740.00 0.00 1740.00 3480.00 6960.00 0.000
Live load (kN) 1.110 836.00 0.00 403.00 1116.22 1239.00 -0.970
Forces at bottom of footing
Dead Load
Dead load from superstructure 6960.00 kN
Dead load due to pier cap 1441.80 kN
Dead load of pier stem 1379.63 kN
Dead load of footing 4234.03 kN
Total Dead Load 14015.46 kN
Effect of buyoncy [IRC:6-2000, 216.4 (a)]
Volume of submerged part of pier = 148.56 m³
Net upward force due to buyoncy = -1485.60 kN
Live Load
Live load excluding impact = 1239.00 kN
which will act at eccentricity ('CG of Load wrt center) -0.970 m
Critical moment due to live load eccentricity -1201.83 kN-m
Breaking Force:( As Per IRC:6-2000, 214.2)
Braking force = 20% of the weight of the design vehicle (Class 70R)
Height of deck surface from the pier cap= 3.30 m
And this force acts along the bridge at 1.2m above the road level 16.54 m
Total weight of the IRC Class 70R vehicle = 1000 kN
Therefore braking force = 200 kN

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Frictional force due to resistance of bearings
Type of bearings: PoT
CG of 70R load from the support having max. reaction 5.12 m
The bridge is subjected to breaking load at high above bearing level 4.50 m
Breaking load ( Fh) 200 kN
Reaction at support having max. reaction (A) 854.0 kN
Reaction at other support (B) 146 kN
Addition force due to support due to braking load + 25.71 kN
Total reaction at support A 828.29 kN
Total reaction at support B 171.71 kN
Dead load reaction at the end suppor B, (free end) 3480.0 kN
µ for pot and ptfe bearings, steel bearings (0.03 or 0.05 whicheve governs) 0.03
Horizontal force due to friction (Ff), µ(Rg+Rb) 5.15 kN
At fixed bearing
Horizontal force, greater of the following: (Non Seis,mic) (Seismic)
Full LL No LL
Fh-Ff 194.85 kN 1238.85 1038.85
or 1/2Fh+Ff 105.15 kN 627.15 527.15
So, Horizontal force at the fixed bearing in pier 194.85 kN 1238.85 1038.85
(i) No Seismic Case:
Force on fixed bearings 194.85 kN
Force on free bearings 104.4 kN

(ii) Seismic Case:

Seismic force in longitudinal direction due to Dead Load 1044 kN
Braking force 200 kN
Total longitudinal force, Fh 1244 kN
Force on fixed bearings 1238.85 kN
Force on free bearings 104.4 kN

Seismic 16404.96 kN-m

Force due to water current
Exposed height to water current 10.34 m
Exposed surface area 43.85 m²
Maximum mean velocity 3.93 m/sec
Maximum velocity, Sqrt(2)*V, (IRC:6-2000,213.3), V = 5.56 m/sec
Shape factor for square end (IRC:6-2000, 213.2), K = 0.66
Pressure intensity =0.52KV² (IRC:6-2000, 213.2) = 10.61
Hence force due to water current = 232.62 kN
Moment due to water current 1882.67 kN-m

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Horizontal seismic forces:
Forces (kN) Lever Arm (m) Moment (kN-m)
Superstructure: 0.00 13.84 0.00
Pier cap 216.27 12.84 2776.91
Pier stem 206.94 6.82 1411.33
Total 423.21 4188.24
Vertical seismic forces:
Superstructure: 522.00
Pier cap 108.14
Pier stem 103.47
Total 733.61

Loads and Moment Calculation

Load Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Moment Moment
Coefficie load, P load along load about about
Particular nt traffic(Y-Y) across transverse longitudina
(IRC:078- traffic (X- dirn (Y-Y) l dirn(X-X)
2000) X)
Combination I Dry case, Non-seismic, Full LL
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 1 1239.00 1827.53 1201.83
Tractive/Braking force 1 194.85 2794.15
Frictional force 0 0.00 0.00
Total 15254.46 194.85 0.00 4621.68 1201.83
Combination II Flooded case, Non-seismic, Full LL
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 1 1239.00 1827.53 1201.83
Tractive/Braking force 1 194.85 2794.15
Frictional force 0 0.00 0.00
Buyoncy 1 -1485.60
Water Current 1 232.62 1882.67
Total 13768.86 194.85 232.62 4621.68 3084.50
Combination III Dry case, Non-seismic, No LL
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 0 0.00 0.00
Tractive/Braking force 0 0.00 0.00
Frictional force 1 194.85 2794.15
Total 14015.46 194.85 0.00 2794.15 0.00
Combination IV Flooded case, Non-seismic, No LL
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 0 0.00 0.00
Tractive/Braking force 0 0.00 0.00
Frictional force 1 194.85 2794.15
Buyoncy 1 -1485.60
Water Current 1 232.62 1882.67
Total 12529.86 194.85 232.62 2794.15 1882.67
Combination V Dry case, Seismic, Full LL

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Non seismic forces
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 1 1239.00 1827.53 1201.83
Tractive/Braking force 1 1238.85 17765.11
Frictional force 0 0.00 0.00
Seismic forces 1 733.61 423.21 423.21 4188.24 4188.24
Total 15988.07 1662.06 423.21 23780.88 5390.07
Combination VI Flooded case, Seismic,Full LL
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 1 1239.00 1827.53 1201.83
Tractive/Braking force 1 1238.85 17765.11
Frictional force 0 0.00 0.00
Buyoncy 1 -1485.60
Water Current 1 232.62 1882.67
Seismic forces 1 733.61 423.21 423.21 4188.24 4188.24
Total 14502.47 1662.06 655.83 23780.88 7272.74
Combination VII Dry case, Seismic, No LL
Non seismic forces
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 0 0.00 0.00
Tractive/Braking force 0 0.00 0.00
Frictional force 1 1038.85 0.20
Seismic forces 1 733.61 423.21 423.21 4188.24 4188.24
Total 14749.07 1462.06 423.21 4188.44 4188.24
Combination VIII Flooded case, Seismic,No LL
Total Dead load 1 14015.46
Live load 0 0.00 0.00
Tractive/Braking force 0 0.00 0.00
Frictional force 1 1038.85 14897.11
Buyoncy 1 -1485.60
Water Current 1 232.62 1882.67
Seismic forces 1 733.61 423.21 423.21 4188.24 4188.24
Total 13263.47 1462.06 655.83 19085.35 6070.91
Combination IX Dry case, Non-seismic, Full LL (One span collapse condition)
Total Dead load 1 10535.46 5133.00
Live load 1 1239.00 1827.53 1201.83
Tractive/Braking force 1 194.85 2794.15
Frictional force 0 0.00 0.00
Total 11774.46 194.85 0.00 9754.68 1201.83
Summary of Load
Horizontal Moment Moment
Vertical load about about
Particulars load along
load, P across transverse longitudina
traffic (X- dirn (Y-Y) l dirn(X-X)
Non-seismic cases
Dry (comb. I), Full LL 15254.46 194.85 0.00 4621.68 1201.83
Dry (comb. II), No LL 14015.46 194.85 0.00 2794.15 0.00
Flooded (comb. III),Full LL 13768.86 194.85 232.62 4621.68 3084.50
Flooded (comb. IV),NoLL 12529.86 194.85 232.62 2794.15 1882.67
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Seismic cases
Dry (comb. V), Full LL 15988.07 1662.06 423.21 23780.88 5390.07
Dry (comb. VI), No LL 14749.07 1462.06 423.21 4188.44 4188.24
Flooded (comb. VII),Full LL 14502.47 1662.06 655.83 23780.88 7272.74
Flooded (comb. VIII),NoLL 13263.47 1462.06 655.83 19085.35 6070.91
One span collapse cond. 11774.46 194.85 0.00 9754.68 1201.83
Check for stability and bearing pressure
Factors of safety (IRC:78-2000, 706.3.4) For non seismic For seismic
Against sliding 1.5 1.25
Frictional coefficient (IRC:78-2000, 706.3.4) (f) = 0.50
Maximum allowable bearing pressure (q) = 426.00 kN/m²
s max = (P/A) + (M/Z)
s min = (P/A) - (M/Z)
where, s max = Maximum base pressure (should not exceed the allowable bearing capacity)
s min = Minimum base pressure (should be > 0, no tension in soil allowed)
P= Total vertical load on base
M= Moment at the base
Z= Section modulus of the footing base = bh² / 6
A= Area of base
f= Frictional coefficient (IRC:78-2000, 706.3.4)
Section modulus
Along the traffic Zyy = 161.72 m³
Across the traffic Zxx = 161.72 m³
Area of base A= 98.01 m
Stability against sliding: f*(P/H) > factor of safety
H= Horizontal force at the base
Along Traffic
Condition s max = s min = f*(P/H)
Non-seismic cases
Dry (comb. I), Full LL 184.22 Ok 127.06 Ok 39.14 Ok
Dry (comb. II), No LL 160.28 Ok 125.72 Ok 35.96 Ok
Flooded (comb. III),Full LL 169.06 Ok 111.91 Ok 35.33 Ok
Flooded (comb. IV),NoLL 145.12 Ok 110.56 Ok 32.15 Ok
Seismic cases
Dry (comb. V), Full LL 310.18 Ok 16.08 Ok 4.81 Ok
Dry (comb. VI), No LL 176.38 Ok 124.59 Ok 5.04 Ok
Flooded (comb. VII),Full LL 295.02 Ok 0.92 Ok 4.36 Ok
Flooded (comb. VIII),NoLL 253.34 Ok 17.31 Ok 4.54 Ok
One span collapse cond. 180.45 Ok 59.82 Ok 30.21 Ok
Across Traffic
Condition s max = s min = f*(P/H)
Non-seismic cases
Dry (comb. I), Full LL 163.07 Ok 148.21 Ok NA
Dry (comb. II), No LL 143.00 Ok 143.00 Ok NA
Flooded (comb. III),Full LL 159.56 Ok 121.41 Ok 18.89 Ok
Flooded (comb. IV),NoLL 139.48 Ok 116.20 Ok 17.43 Ok

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Seismic cases
Dry (comb. V), Full LL 196.46 Ok 129.80 Ok 18.89 Ok
Dry (comb. VI), No LL 176.38 Ok 124.59 Ok 17.43 Ok
Flooded (comb. VII),Full LL 192.94 Ok 103.00 Ok 11.06 Ok
Flooded (comb. VIII),NoLL 172.87 Ok 97.79 Ok 10.11 Ok
One span collapse cond. 127.57 Ok 112.70 Ok NA

Design of Pier Foundation footing section

Diameter of tension bars: Diameter of comp. bars:
Clear cover 75 mm Y-Y : 25 mm 20 mm
X-X : 25 mm 20 mm
Along Traffic Across Traffic

3.6 2.70 3.6 3.6 2.70 3.6

1712.5 deff 1688
( Depth in mm)

s min A B C C' D A B C C' D

s max

Non -Seismic
s max = 184.22 kN/m² s max = 163.07 kN/m²
s min = 127.06 kN/m² (corres.) s min = 148.21 kN/m²
sB= 147.85 kN/m² sB= 153.61 kN/m²
sC= 163.43 kN/m² sC= 157.67 kN/m²
s C' = 173.32 kN/m² s C' = 160.20 kN/m²
Moment at C:
Due to soil pressure 1148.84 kN.m 1045.03 kN.m
Due to self wt. of slab 279.94 kN.m 279.94 kN.m
Resultant moment = 868.90 kN.m 765.09 kN.m

Shear force at deff distance from C (C'):

Due to soil pressure 337.43 kN 309.05 kN
Due to self wt. of slab 81.54 kN 77.46 kN
Resultant Shear = 255.89 kN 231.59 kN

s max = 310.18 kN/m² s max = 196.46 kN/m²
s min = 16.08 kN/m² (corres.) s min = 129.80 kN/m²

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sB= 123.03 kN/m² sB= 154.04 kN/m²
sC= 203.23 kN/m² sC= 172.22 kN/m²
s C' = 254.11 kN/m² s C' = 183.59 kN/m²
Moment at C:
Due to soil pressure 1778.95 kN.m 1220.70 kN.m
Due to self wt. of slab 279.94 kN.m 279.94 kN.m
Resultant moment = 1499.01 kN.m 940.76 kN.m

Shear force at C:
Due to soil pressure 532.55 kN 363.33 kN
Due to self wt. of slab 81.54 kN 82.60 kN
Resultant Shear = 451.01 kN 280.73 kN

Neutral axis factor, Xc= [m*Scbc/(m*Scbc+Sst)] = 0.217

Lever arm, Z= [1-Xc/3] = 0.928
Moment of resistance factor, R= [Scbc/2*Z*Xc] = 0.672
Moment of resistance, Mr=B*Xc*(Scbc/2) * Z
Assuming B = 1 m, Mr = Mr = 672.00 d²
Along Traffic Across Traffic
Equating Mr = M, d (min) = 1137.10 mm 1067.02 mm
Provided effective d. d_eff = 1712.5 mm 1688.0 mm
Ok Ok
Area of steel required, Ast=M/(Z*d_eff*Sst)
Y-Y (along the traffic) X-X (across the traffic)
2278.14 mm² 2035.08 mm²

Provide tensile steel Diameter 25 mm (PF1) 25 mm (PF2)

Spacing 160 mm c/c 160 mm c/c
Number 7 nos per meter 7 nos per meter
Total 62 nos. 62 nos.

Compression bars: Diameter 20 mm (PF3) 20 mm (PF4)

Spacing 200 mm c/c 200 mm c/c
Number 5 nos per meter 5 nos per meter
Total 50 nos. 50 nos.
Non- Seismic
Check for shear
Total area of longitudinal bars 3436.12 mm² 3436.12 mm²
Percentage of longitudinal bars 0.20 % 0.20 %
Allowable shear stress 0.20 N/mm² 0.20 N/mm²
Shear stress developed 0.15 N/mm² 0.14 N/mm²
Ok Ok
Shear reinforcement
Residual shear stress, Vus = N/A N N/A N
Diameter 12 mm 12 mm
nos/legs 2 2
Spacing N/A mm N/A mm
Adopt 200 mm c/c 200 mm c/c (PF5)

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Check for shear
Total area of longitudinal bars 3436.12 mm² 3436.12 mm²
Percentage of longitudinal bars 0.20 % 0.20 %
Allowable shear stress 0.30 N/mm² 0.30 N/mm²
Shear stress developed 0.26 N/mm² 0.17 N/mm²
Ok Ok
Shear reinforcement
Residual shear stress, Vus = N/A N/A
Diameter 12 12
nos/legs 2 9
Spacing N/A mm N/A mm
Adopt 200 mm c/c 300 mm c/c (PF5)

Total nos 33

Check for Punching Shear

Critical diameter for punching stress 4.41 m
Perimeter of critical circle, Lo = 13.85 m
P= 15988.07 kN
Punching stress developed = tau_p = P/(Lo*D) tau_p = 0.67 N/mm²
Allowable Punching shear = 0.16*SQRT(fck) 0.72 N/mm² Ok
IRC:21-2000, 307.2.5.5

Shear reinforcement
Provide nominal reinforcement.
Providing 12 mm dia bars-8 legged @ spacing of 300 mm

Summary of reinforcement of Pier foundation

Along Traffic

Ø 20 @ 200c/c PF4 Ø 20 @ 200c/c PF3

Ø 12 @ 6 Nos. all sides (PF6 & PF7)

Ø 25 @ 160c/c PF1 Ø 25 @ 160c/c PF2
Ø 12- 8 Legged @ 300c/c PF5

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