1gg lpt5
1gg lpt5
1gg lpt5
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Theft is a big problem in many cities. (thief)
2 Graffiti isn't art, it's vandalism. (vandal)
3 The shoplifter stole a T-shirt. (shoplift)
4 They sent the offender to prison. (offend)
5 They used guns during the robbery. (rob)
6 The mugger took her mobile phone and watch. (mug)
Marks ……/6
2 Use a word with a negative prefix for each definition.
■ behaviour ■ belief ■ respect ■ fortune ■ honesty
1 the feeling of not believing in something: disbelief
2 the act of showing that you don't think someone is important: disrespect
3 bad luck: misfortune
4 the act of not telling the truth: dishonesty
5 the act of behaving badly: misbehaviour
Marks ……/5
3 Complete the phrasal verbs in the text with one word in each gap.
Help! I've fallen 1out with my mum after an argument. She's always criticizing me and I never live
up 2to her expectations. She says I never get 3around to tidying my room, but I do it every year!
She says I'm always coming up 4with excuses for avoiding housework, but I'm allergic to
cleaning products! Of course, I know I'm not perfect, but I always own 5up. to my mistakes.
Well, eventually, anyway.
I can't put 6up with the situation any more. What should I do?
Marks ……/6
There are lots of rules about driving in the UK, saying what is 1legal (lawful) and what isn't. It
is 2prohibited (illegal) to hold a mobile phone while driving. Wearing a seat belt is also 3
obligatory compulsory). Drivers also need to obey strict speed limits. Some people complain
that speed cameras are not 4fair (just), and that the maximum speed limits in the UK are too
restrictive (limiting). However, the police argue that staying safe should not be 6optional
Marks ……/6
5 Complete the first and second conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs below.
■ feel ■ get ■ introduce ■ not tell ■ see
1 If you have seen a friend stealing, would you tell anyone?
2 If you do some volunteering, you will feel good.
3 My parents will help me if I get into trouble.
4 If I ruled the country, I would introduce some new laws!
5 Life would be easier if we wouldn't tell any lies.
Marks ……/5
6 Complete the sentences with the first or second conditional form of the verbs in
1. Girl: I would go on holiday if I win the lottery. (go/win)
2. Shoplifter: If I see something I like, I will take it. (see/take)
3. Politician: The streets won't be safe if we don't reduce crime. (not be/not reduce)
4. Elderly man: If I was not a policeman, I would like to be an athlete. (not be/like).
5. Friend: I will pay for your coffee if you forgive me. (pay/forgive)
6. Judge: If people didn't do any crime, I would have an easy life. (not do/have)
Marks ……/6
7 Complete sentence b so that it has a similar meaning to sentence a. Use the
words in brackets.
1 a It's compulsory for students to wear a tie.
b Students must wear a tie. (must)
2 a Joining after-school clubs is optional.
b Students don't have to join after-school clubs.(don't have to
3 a We insist that students arrive on time.
b Students have to arrive on time. (have to)
4 a We allow students to bring in mobile phones.
b Students can bring in mobile phones. (can)
5 a Making calls in lessons is prohinited.
b Students mustn't make calls in lessons. (mustn't)
6 a Students aren't permitted to eat in class.
b Students may not eat in class. (may not)
Marks ……/6
Total ……../40