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How Are The Terms "Food" and "Nutrition" Different From Each Other?

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1. How are the terms "food" and "nutrition" different from each other?

Food is something we eat and which can be utilised by our body while nutrition is
the process by which we utilise food.
2. How do you understand the term "nutritional status.
State of our body as influenced by the kind of food we consume and utilise is called
nutritional status e.g. weight or height.

3. What do you understand by nutrients?

Nutrients are basic constituents of food which promote good health.

4. List the six nutrients.

Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water are nutrients.

5. Describe briefly the energy giving function of food.

Our body requires energy for performing physical activities like sitting, standing and
walking. We also spend energy while carrying out work like cooking, stitching,
gardening, etc. Apart from these, our body requires energy for the involuntary
processes such as blood circulation, respiration, digestion of food, etc.

Our food contains carbohydrates, fats and proteins which are metabolised to give us
energy. Thus we can say that food gives us energy for performing the above

6. Calculate the energy value of the following food-stuffs in Kcal

a) 25 gm of carbohydrates (100 Kcal ).
b) One tea spoon of sugar containing five grams of
carbohydrates (20 Kcal ).
c) 10 gm of protein food (40 Kcal ).
d) One large spoon of oil containing 14 gm of fat (126 Kcal ).
e) One glass of milk containing 12 gm of carbohydrate,
10 m of fat and 11 gm of protein (182 Kcal ).

6. Explain the body-building function of food in 7 or 8 lines.

Food helps our body to grow. In our body, not only the new cells and tissues are
being added every moment but also the old ones are continuously being broken
down and repaired. This results in body growth. Although, all the nutrients present
in our food help in this function, the major role is played by proteins, minerals and
water. This is known as the body building function of food.

7. Explain briefly how food helps in regulating our body processes .

Proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and the other nutrients help in regulating various
reactions going on in our body. Since we derive these nutrients from food, we can
say that food helps in regulating our body processes.
8. How does food help in protecting our body from infections, diseases and external
injuries? Describe briefly.
Various nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat and water, help in protecting
our body from infections, diseases and external injuries. The antibodies (special type
of proteins) present in our body act as soldiers and fight back the disease producing
organisms and thus we are saved from a number of diseases and infections.
Similarly, the other nutrients play their role in protection of body. Since
we get these nutrients through food, we can say that food helps in protecting our

9. Discuss the three categories of physiological functions of food.

Physiological function of food can be grouped into three categories: Energy giving,
body building and regulation of body processes.

10. Explain the psychological function of food.

Food satisfies our hunger and gives us a sense of psychological satisfaction. This is
known as the psychological function of food.

11. State the social aspect of food. Give three examples to show how food helps in
building social contacts.
Food creates an atmosphere where social relations can be developed and helps in
bringing them close. Food has a special significance in various cultures and festivals
in the society. Food is an integral part of birthdays, weddings and langars and a
reason for people to come together.

12 State whether true or false:

a) We eat food to get energy for performing the day to day activities. True
b) Food provides us proteins which help us in our body growth and
development. (True )
c) Food contains iron, which helps in coagulation of blood. ( Flase)
d) Food gives us psychological satisfaction. (True )
e) Fats do not protect our body from injuries. (False )

12. List three function of fats

a) Energy giving
b) Absorption and utilisation of fat-soluble vitamins
c) Maintenance of body temperature

13. Mention five good sources of plant and animal fats.

a) Groundnut oil
b) Mustard oil
c) Coconut oil
d) Ghee
e) Cream

Write three functions of protein.

a) Growth and maintenance
b) Regulation of body processes
c) Protection from infections

Why is water considered important for our body? Write your answer in about five lines.

Water is needed for giving structure to the body, metabolic activities, maintenance of body
temperature, as medium for transport, and utilisation of body substances.It also helps in
excretion of waste products. It protects us from external shocks.

Vitamin A is important for our:

a) Healthy eyes
b) Healthy skin
c) Normal growth and development.

List foods rich in vitamin A

a) Butter b) Liver c) Fish liver oils d) Milk

List the importance of vitamin E and vitamin K.

Vitamin E is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
Vitamin K is important to prevent excessive bleeding.

Describe the deficiency symptoms of the following:

a) Vit. B2 or riboflavin b) Vit. B3 or niacin.

a) The deficiency of vitamin B21eads to lesions at the angles of the mouth (anagular
stomatitis, inflammation of the tongue (glossitis) and dry chapped lips with ulcers (cheilosis).

b) Symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency (pellagra) include diarrhoea, red and swollen

tongue. There is itching and burning on the exposed parts of the skin and where
there is friction. The skin gets dyspigmented. The person is mentally depressed,
confused and has a poor memory.

What are the important sources of B-complex vitamins in our diet?

Whole cereals, pulses and nuts as well as animal foods like egg, liver, brain and

Vitamin C is important for

a) Teeth b) Gums c) Skin

The deficiency of vitamin C is called Scurvy

Describe the disease caused by the deficiency of iodine and how it can be prevented?

The deficiency of iodine is called goiter. There is an enlargement of the thyroid

gland in the neck region. The person becomes inactive and puts on weight. The
consumption of iodised salt helps to prevent this deficiency.

List some energy giving foods.

Wheat, rice, bajra, potato, ghee, groundnut oil, sugar, honey, etc.

Explain why children need more body building foods. Which are the foods that
perform the body building function?

During childhood, (period of growth), body building is going on, so it is important

to include larger. amounts of these foods in their diet. The foods which perform
the body building function are:
a) Milk and its products like curd, paneer, cheese, etc.
b) Meat, fish, poultry, liver, eggs, etc.
c) Pulses, nuts and oil seeds, etc.

What do you understand by the term protective foods? List some of the common
food items that protect us.
Protective foods are those foods which have a protective function i.e. they prevent
diseases. Some of the common foods that can protect us from diseases are
methi, spinach, papaya, carrot, orange, mango, lemon, guava, etc.

Discuss the nutritional adequacy of the vegetarian and the non-vegetarian dietary patterns
in 10 lines .

As commonly believed the vegetarian dietary pattern is not normally nutritionally

inadequate. If foods from each of the basic food groups are included in adequate amounts
in the vegetarian diet, it is nutritionally adequate. In fact, vegetarian diets have been shown
to improve work performance and endurance.
Non-vegetarian diets are equally nutritious, but if the meat foods are included in plenty
there are chances of having excess proteins and fats in the diet which in turn increase the
chances of causing heart and kidney disorders. However, in India the non-vegetarian diets
have cereals as the staple food while those in
Western countries have more of flesh foods. Therefore, the non-vegetarian Indian diets do
not necessarily have excess proteins and fats like those of the West.

What is the effect of cutting, chopping, slicing and soaking on the nutrient content of food?

Cutting, chopping, slicing: Cutting foods in any form or size exposes more
surface area of the food to air micro-organisms and enzyme action. This results
in nutrient losses. The finer the cutting, the greater are the losses.
Soaking: When food is soaked in water and the water is discarded, water soluble
nutrients are lost.

What are the advantages of sprouting and fermentation?

Advantages of sprouting and fermentation
a) Vitamin C and B complex are enhanced.
b) There is an improvement in colour, texture and flavour.
c) The toxic substances in foods are removed by inactivation and taste is

Advantages of fermentation. This method helps to improve digestibility of proteins

and enhances the content of vitamin B complex .

Which method of cooking, moist heat or dry leads to a greater loss of nutrients?

Moist heat method.

How can you improve nutrient retention in the moist heat method?

Nutrient retention can be improved if simmering temperatures are used for cooking and
liquids are not discarded but used for making curries, dhals, soups, etc.

List three ways in which contagion spreads.

The three ways in which contagion spreads.

a)' Through food and water.
b) Through contaminated utensils.
c) Through cooks and food handlers.

How can you make water safe to drink?

Collect water from a' protected source. If the supply of water is from an
unprotected source one must boil or filter the water before drinking it.

List three diseases for which milk could serve as carrier.

Diptheria, typhoid and cholera.

List the major causes of food spoilage

Micro-organisms, enzymes, insect and rodent damage.
What is the aim of food preservation?
The aim of food preservation is tvensure
a) 'safety from pathogenic organisms or toxicity.
b) maintenance of optimum quality of colour, texture, flavour and nutritive

List at least two food items each that can be preserved by cold storage, freezing
and refrigeration .

Cold storage - Mangoes, Cauliflower.

Freezing-Peas, Carrots.
Refrigeration-Meat, Milk.
Which radiations are commonly used for preserving foods?

Gamma rays and ultraviolet rays

Which foods can be preserved by radiation?

Breads, cake, packaged food.

List the criteria you need to keep in mind while selecting:

a) Whole grains.
b) Bread.

Grains should be free from dirt, grit, moulds, insects and fungus. To get
good quality grains, they should be bought from a reliable source.

Bread should be fresh and soft, with a good flavour and wrapped in a
hygienic package.

Cereals are an important source of the following nutrients:

a) Carbohydrate, b) Protein, c) Minerals like iron and calcium, d) B-complex


What points will you keep in mind in the preparation of rice?

Rice should not be scrubbed a lot while washing. The water in which it is soaked
should not be thrown away. It should be cooked in just sufficient water (2 cups
water for 1cup rice), so that all of it is absorbed in boiling. After the boil, the heat
should be reduced. A little fat should be added while boiling to keep the grains

What points will you keep in mind while selecting fats and oils?

Fats and oils should

a) Have a natural colour and fresh flavour.
b) Be free from dust, dirt and any solid particles.
c) Not be bought loose but preferably in sealed tins or jars.
d) Be bought from a reliable source.

Fats are an important source of the following nutrients:

Fats and oils are an important source of:

a) Energy.
b) Vitamins A, D, E and K.
c) Essential fatty acids which protect the skin and heart.
What is the recommended ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids in
the diet?

The recommended ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acid and saturated fatty acids is

Gives examples of fats / oils containing saturated and monounsaturated fatty


Saturated fatty acids: Coconut, Ghee, Butter.

Monounsaturated fatty acids: Groundnut, Sesame, Ricebran.
What are the different ways in which we use fats and oils in our daily diet?
The different ways in which we tse fats and oils in our daily diet are:
a) As a spread, for example ghee and butter.
b) As a shortening agent to make the product crisp like in biscuits, cakes,
mathris, etc.
b) As a medium of cooking food like for frying.

What points will you keep in mind to prevent spoilage of fats and oils during

To prevent spoilage of fats and oils.

a) Fry some potatoes or tamarind at the end as this helps in preventing spoilage.
b) Strain after frying to remove solid particles.
c) Add fresh fat or oil during storage of used fat or while reusing the fat for
c) Store in a cool place in a closed container free of moisture.

Why should jaggery be preferred to refined sugar?

In addition to calories, jaggery provides iron, calcium and vitamin B-complex. So

jaggery is preferred to refined sugar.

a) Tea and coffee Granulated sugar, sugar cubes

b) Chocolate pastries Icing sugar
c) Groundnut chikki Jaggery
d) . Gulabjamuns Granulated sugar
e) Biscuits Castor sugar

Discuss the uses of sugar in our daily diet.

a) Sugar is used in beverages, porridge, sweets and desserts, to make them

b) Sugar is added to remove natural bitterness and sourness in jams, chutneys.
c) Sugar when added in higher concentration acts as a preservative e.g. in
jams, jellies, squashes, marmalades.
d) Sugar is used for making candies and brittles.
e) It provides colour, flavour and taste to baked foods.
f) Icing sugar is used to decorate cakes, etc.

Excessive intake of sugar is harmful to our body. Justify the statement.

a) Excessive sugar leads to overweight and obesity.

b) Sugar is bad for teeth. Excessive intake of sugar leads to dental caries or
decay of teeth.

List the uses of artificial sweeteners in health sector and food industry.

In food industry artificial sweeteners are used in baked, convenience and diet
foods. It is also used by diabetics and obese people.

List the advantages of eating sprouted pulses .

a) Increased nutritional value.

b) Easily digested.
c) Reduced cooking time. List the nutrients present in nuts and oilseeds.

List the nutrients present in nuts and oilseeds.

a) Proteins b) Fats c) Vitamin A d) Niacin

List the nutrients provided by milk:

a) Protein b) Fats c) Calcium
d) VitaminA e) Riboflavin

Milk is good for:

a) Growth b) Strong bones

c) Healthy teeth d) Good eye-sight

List the points you will keep in mind while buying:

a) Milk b) Paneer

a) While buying milk, preferably purchase from Government agencies. The

milk should be pasteurised and packed in hygienic packs.
b) Paneer should be free from dirt, fungus and bad odour. Paneer wrapped in
a hygienic package should be preferred.

List three different ways of cooking eggs by themselves.

a) Boiled b) Poached c) Fried.

What is the role of egg as an ingredient in the following preparations ?

Preparation- I
a) Sponge Cake
c) Fruit Custard
b) Vegetable Cutlets
d) Chocolate Souffle.

a) Egg acts as a leavening agent. It also adds flavour.

b) It acts as a binding and coating agent.
c) It acts as a thickening agent and imparts flavour.
d) Egg acts as a leavening and thickening agent. It also adds to the flavour.

List the points one has to keep in mind while buying fish.

While purchasing fish, you should observe that the fish has a stiff body, light scales, red gills,
bright eyes. The outer surface should not be slimy. Fresh fish sinks in water.

List three nutrients found in flesh foods.

a) Protein b) Iron c) VitaminA

What is the importance of vegetables in our daily diet?

a) Vegetables provide variety.

b) Make our food colourful and tasty.
c) Protect us from many diseases.
d) Improve our eye-sight.

Name five green leafy vegetables:

Spinach, methi, amaranth, cabbage, mustard.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in:

a) Calcium b) Iron c) Vitamins

Green leafy vegetables are good for:

a) heal!hy skin b) improving eye-sight

. c) blood formation d) strong bones and teeth

Name five root tuber vegetables.

a) Potato, b)Yam, c) Sweet Potato, d) Tapioca, e) Radish

What points will you consider in selecting the following vegetables from the
a) Spinach b) Potato c) Cauliflower d) Beans e) Cabbage
a)Spinach Should be darkgreen, fresh and crisp.
b) Potato Should be clean, well shaped devoid of deep eyes, green
skin and cuts.
c) Cauliflower Head should be white and light.
d) Beans Should be small with semi-developed seeds inside.
e) Cabbage Should be green and devoid of holes.

List some practical tips which you must follow while cooking vegetables .

1) Wash vegetables before cutting.

2) Cook vegetables with peel or peel them thinly.
3) Cut vegetables just before cooking.
4) Do not soak cut vegetables in water.
5) Cook vegetables in minimum water.
6) Cook vegetables in a covered pan. Pressure cooking or steaming is best.
7) Avoid the use of baking soda as it destroys the vitamins.

How are vitamin C rich fruits good for health? Give any three reasons

a) provide resistance against infection b) prevent bleeding of gums c) speedy

recovery of wounds

Spices are important in the diet because

a). Spices make food attractive.

b) Spices give it taste, flavour and colour.
c) Spices are appetite stimulating.
d) Some of them are rich in minerals and B-complex vitamins.

List the points that you will keep in mind while selecting spices .

a) Avoid buying ground spices.

b) Spices should be free from gravel, grit and dirt,
c) They should be free from moisture, fungus and bad odour.
d) Buy spices of good quality with the' Agmark' seal or of any other reputed

List the three constituents of tea:

1) Theine 2) Tannin 3) Volatile Substances

Describe the function of these constituents.

Theine is a stimulating substance

Tannin imparts a bitter flavour, Vblatile substartces are flavour compounds
Discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of using convenience foods.

a) Timesaving
b) Simple preparation
c) Available throughout the year
d) Easy to store; do not spoil
e) Quality is controlled,
a) Important to use with care
b) Maintain proper hygiene
c) Important to store carefully
d) If unpermitted additives are
used they may be harmful

What points will you keep in mind while purchasing canned foods?

a) Buy reliable brand with quality control marks.

All necessary information should be provided on the pac•kage or tin.
Buy sizes according to one's requirements.
Examine tins carefully for any fault (dents or bloated).

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