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Fish have bones and are cold-blooded. (Cold-blooded

means that their body temperature depends on the

temperature of the water around them, unlike humans,

who have a normal body temperature that stays at

98.6 degrees.) They breathe oxygen from the water

through gills on the sides of their bodies. They cannot

breathe air or live outside of water. Most fish are

covered with small scales instead of skin. Fish use fins

and a tail to swim around. Baby fish hatch from eggs.

A person who studies fish is called

an ichthyologist  (say: ICK-THEE-ALL-O-JIST).

Most fish have a special part inside their bodies

called a swim bladder. Air inside the swim bladder helps

the fish float through the water. The fish can adjust

how much air is in its swim bladder. If it wants to

swim deeper, it lets some air out and if it wants to

swim up towards the surface, it will let more air into

its swim bladder.

Some animals that have the word “fish” in their

names are not really fish. Some examples are cuttlefish

(they are mollusks, see below), jellyfish (they are

actually plankton), and starfish (they belong to a

group called “echinoderms”). Can you think of any

other animals that are called fish but do not have the

things it takes to be a real fish?


prawn = langostino

shrimp = gamba
crab = cangrejo
dolphin = delfín
shark = tiburón
eel = anguila
whale = ballena
killer whale = orca
jellyfish = medusa
lobster = langosta
manta ray = mantarraya
octopus = pulpo
oyster = ostra
almeja = clam
seal = foca
sea turtle = tortuga marina
sea lion = león marino
squid = calamar
cuttlefish = sepia
seahorse =  caballito de mar
starfish = estrella de mar
hake = merluza
gilt-head bream = dorada
sardine = sardina
tunafish = atún
cod = bacalao
bass = lubina
trout = trucha
salmon = salmón

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