ISE 2 (B2) Interview - Lesson Plan 3 - Interactive (Final)
ISE 2 (B2) Interview - Lesson Plan 3 - Interactive (Final)
ISE 2 (B2) Interview - Lesson Plan 3 - Interactive (Final)
2) Inter
rview: preparing the
e Interaactive Task
el: Time
ISE II (CEFR B2) 3 x 45
5 minutes
o prepare foor the Interactive Taskk what is itt? What do you need tto do?
o show studdents good examples
e o
of the Intera
o show studdents how to o avoid misstakes in the e Interactiv
ve Task
o practise th
he Interactiive Task in role plays
ources and
d preparattion:
Trrinity DVD or
o DVDs fro om the Trin ity website:
Haandout 1 (H/O1) - Language and sskills for thee Interactiv
ve Task, ISEE II
Haandout 2 (HH/O2) - A Demonstrat
D tion Promp pt for a stro
ong studen nt to role play the
eacher. N.b. Only 1 copy
y is necessa n for the whole classs.
ary, this is not
Haandout 3a (H/O3a):
( Prrompts for SSpeaker A,, ISE II
Proc cedure:
1. Introducing the
t Interac
ctive Task (up to 45 minutes):
i) Sho
owing a DVD D of the Interactive Ta
ask (up to 25
2 minutes):
Tell tthe students they are e going to watch a DVD
D of an Interactivee Task. Sho ow the
studeents the folllowing list on ard (ideally, you shouldd write this before
o the blackk/white boa
the le
esson beginns):
c skills for an
a Interactive Task: a ll students at ISE II must
m at leasst
Start the intteraction by
y asking forr more information.
Ask the examiner quesstions and m
make comm
Invite the ex
xaminer to make comm
Take respon
nsibility for maintainin
ng the intera
action betw
ween the stu
w the DVD of
o Anthasia doing the I nteractive Task.
ii) The language and skills of the Interactive Task (up to 20 minutes):
Now give the class copies of H/O1. Give them a few minutes to read through the list of language and
skills that they need to demonstrate. Explain that some language and skills must always be
demonstrated and other language and skills are required depending on the situation that the
examiner reads to you.
Tell the class that they are going to watch the DVD again. This time they need to tick () the boxes
on H/O1 that describe what the candidate is doing. Answers:
Athanasia ISE II
ask for further information
comment on the examiners responses
encourage comments and opinions from the examiner
take, give up and offer turns when appropriate
give advice
make suggestions
describe past habits
express impossibility
persuade and discourage
express feelings and emotions
report the conversations of others
express possibility and uncertainty
express agreement and disagreement
highlight advantages and disadvantages
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ISE II Interview - Lesson plan 3: preparing the Interactive Phase
After 10 minutes, tell the students that they are now going to do a role play exam. Tell them to sit in
A+B pairs (x2). If you have students of different Grades in the class, put together A+B with the
same Grade. Tell the students that the A is going to be the examiner and must read out Prompt 1.
The B is going to be the student and has to start the conversation, by demonstrating all of the skills
and language they have prepared. After 5 minutes, stop the activity. Tell the students to discuss
which language was used by B. Did they do everything?
ii) Five common problems to avoid in the Interactive (background information for teachers)
One of the best ways to stop misconceptions and misunderstandings is to illustrate ways in
which the activity shouldnt be done. The demonstration of 5 ways to do the Interactive badly is
a very effective way of doing this.
In summary, the 5 mistakes to avoid are:
1/. Dont interrupt the instructions.
2/. Dont focus only on 1 word from the prompt.
3/. Dont just ask 1-word questions.
4/. Dont talk about yourself, talk about the examiners situation.
5/. Ask questions to find out more information before you give advice or make comments.
You can write these 5 points on the board after the activity.
iii) How to demonstrate these 5 mistakes (20 minutes): This is a fun activity and students will
enjoy it, if you are a bit over dramatic. Once you have finished, elicit any positive feedback and
give the students the chance to ask any questions. Choose a student that you think is going to be
strong enough to play the role of the examiner. You then pretend to be a student. Pretending to
be the student, you then demonstrate five different ways to do the Interactive badly. After each
demonstration, ask the class what you're doing wrong. Give the strong student you have
selected the Demonstration Prompt on H/O2. Here are the instructions for doing the
Example 1:
The first time, the examiner reads the introduction and the prompt and you constantly
interrupt them with, "yeah, I know, I know, yes, yes, yes" type comments. Ask the class what
you're doing wrong. Keep accepting guesses until somebody says: you shouldn't interrupt the
examiner. Congratulate the class on getting the correct answer. Be positive.
Examples 2-5:
For the next four examples, the examiner reads the actual prompt not the introduction. The
ways in which you get it wrong each time are:
2/. Just talking about colleges without talking about the examiners problems
3/. Just asking one-word questions
4/. Talking only about yourself, I..I..I..
5/. Just giving advice without even asking whats wrong.
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ISE II Interview - Lesson plan 3: preparing the Interactive Phase
Give the groups 15 minutes preparation time: The students (A) think of phrases they can use for
their language list. The examiners (B) think of some ideas for their backstory. The observers (C)
think about how the language list and prompt can work together.
Option: If you have time or want more examples, play more samples from the Trinity DVD or the
Trinity website. Encourage the students to tell you what the student is doing right, and if there is
anything that they could do better.
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ISE II Interview - Lesson plan 3: preparing the Interactive Phase
You must always:
ask for further information
give advice
make suggestions
express impossibility
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ISE II Interview - Lesson plan 3: preparing the Interactive Phase
For the next part, Ill tell you something. Then you have to ask me questions to find out
more information. You need to keep the conversation going. After about four minutes, Ill
end the conversation. Are you ready?
My local college has a great range of courses and Id really like to study something, but Im
not sure which course to take.
- You havent studied at college for some years and feel nervous.
- Youre not sure if you would choose something physical or academic.
- But when you were at school, you used to be good at art.
- Your family thinks its a good idea.
- Advantages: you would be able to do something independently.
you would be able to meet new friends.
- Disadvantages: you would have to go alone with no other friends.
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ISE II Interview - Lesson plan 3: preparing the Interactive Phase
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