Journal of Business Research: A 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
Journal of Business Research: A 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
Journal of Business Research: A 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
Keywords: As a worldwide disaster, the COVID-19 crisis is profoundly affecting the development of the global economy and
COVID-19 crisis threatening the survival of firms worldwide. It seems unavoidable that this natural disruption has hit the global
Firms in China economy and produced a huge crisis for firms. This study explores how firms in China are innovating their
Typology marketing strategies by critically identifying the typology of firms’ marketing innovations using two dimensions,
Marketing innovation strategies
namely, motivation for innovations and the level of collaborative innovations. This research also explores the
Dynamic capabilities
Resource dependence
influence of the external environment, internal advantages (e.g., dynamic capabilities and resource dependence),
and characteristics of firms on Chinese firms’ choice and implementation of marketing innovation strategies. It
provides valuable insights for firms to respond successfully to similar crisis events in the future.
1. Introduction crisis management, with the exception of Naidoo (2010). Further ana-
lysis of Naidoo (2010) finds that it focuses on empirically revealing the
The COVID-19 crisis, as a worldwide disaster, has a significantly link among marketing orientation, marketing innovation capabilities,
negative impact on the development of the global economy. The latest competitive advantages, and firm survival in the context of general
data show that in China, although the government took effective economic crisis, and defines marketing innovation capabilities as in-
measures to stop the virus from spreading, GDP in the first quarter of cremental improvement in terms of marketing tactics (i.e. marketing
2020 fell by 6.8% in comparison with an increase of 6.1% in 2019 mix) rather than in perspective of marketing strategy. It fails to identify
(National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2020). At same time, it is ob- the typology of marketing innovation strategies in crisis. In addition, it
vious that this worldwide disaster has also brought a huge crisis to firms also fails to investigate how a firm should design, choose, and imple-
not only in China but also in most countries, which has attracted at- ment proper marketing innovation strategies as a response to the crisis
tention to research on what firms should do to survive unexpected of Covid-19 in particular, which is quite different from the general
disasters in the future. This sudden crisis requires firms worldwide and economic crisis in the history.
in China to formulate and implement proper strategies for crisis man- Specifically, during the crisis of Covid-19, consumers’ demands and
agement. purchasing behaviors have been changing fundamentally (Kantar,
Prior research shows that marketing innovations could help firms 2020a), which makes it much more significant for a firm to rely on
survive risks (Naidoo, 2010). However, previous studies on crisis innovating its marketing strategies for survival. For example, people
management focus more on topics such as organizational capabilities must isolate themselves at home and decline physical contact to prevent
(Andreou, Karasamani, Louca, & Ehrlich, 2017; Parker & Ameen, 2018), infection; thus, firms must pay more attention to developing and
corporate response (Hale, Dulek, & Hale, 2005; Runyan, 2006), human strengthening their online business by rapidly marketing innovations.
resource management (Harvey & Haines Iii, 2005; Lee & Warner, 2005; Furthermore, among all affected countries, China was the first country
Sanchez, Korbin, & Viscarra, 1995), and corporate social responsibility to be hit heavily by COVID-19 crisis, and the first to manage to recover
(Bundy & Pfarrer, 2015). These research findings are undoubtedly as well. Thus practices of firms in China provide sufficient evidence of
significant for firms’ crisis management, but marketing innovation, as a marketing innovation strategies that are significant contributing factors
significant form of innovation, has received less scrutiny in research on for firms’ survival during the COVID-19 crisis. Besides, study of firms in
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Wang), [email protected] (A. Hong), [email protected] (X. Li), [email protected] (J. Gao).
Each author contributes equally.
Received 13 May 2020; Accepted 14 May 2020
Available online 25 May 2020
0148-2963/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Y. Wang, et al. Journal of Business Research 116 (2020) 214–220
China could provide firms in other countries lots of experience in can be adapted to the policy of home quarantine and makes it more
dealing with the crisis and recovering in its aftermath. Hence, to ad- convenient for consumers to obtain access to the products or services
dress the above research gap, this study is intended to focus specifically they need.
on firms in China, and explores what kind of marketing innovation The literature on crisis has emphasized that firms need to find a
strategies firms should adopt and how firms should choose and imple- survival mechanism (e.g., Champion, 1999), and innovation capability
ment specific marketing innovation strategies more effectively to re- has been found to be the key mechanism for organizational growth and
spond to the rapidly changing consumption patterns of customers to renewal (Lawson & Samson, 2001). Especially in times of environ-
survive and recover from the sudden COVID-19 crisis. mental turmoil such as natural crises, firms need to realize the need for
Marketing innovation strategies are defined as firms’ commitments innovations to resist destruction (Danneels, 2002; Schumpeter, 1950).
to involving new or significantly improved marketing methods that In the context of sudden disasters such as the COVID-19 crisis, tech-
enable firms to efficiently use their resources to meet the demand of nological innovations always require a long research and development
customers and create superior customer value (Hunt & Morgan, 1995; cycle (Bushee, 1998), while marketing innovations (compared to
Hurley & Hult, 1998; OECD, 2005). This study develops a typology of technological innovations) can be implemented relatively quickly to
the marketing innovation strategies of firms under crisis management adapt to the new and changing demand of customers. Therefore, mar-
in two dimensions: motivation for innovations and the level of colla- keting innovation is an effective strategy for firms’ survival during the
borative innovations. In this typology, four marketing innovation COVID-19 crisis (Naidoo, 2010). Thus, the rest of this study will iden-
strategies are identified as proactive responses to the COVID-19 crisis tify and discuss the feasible marketing innovation strategies chosen by
based on the successful experiences of firms in China. Furthermore, this firms in China to provide access to consumers more effectively and
research explores how firms should properly choose and implement stimulate more consumption and will provide valuable insights for
specific marketing innovation strategies based on an in-depth analysis firms to survive and recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
of firms’ external factors, internal advantages (i.e., dynamic capabilities
and resource dependence), and their own characteristics, which en- 3. Typology of marketing innovation strategies in the COVID-19
riches the literature related to crisis management and provides new crisis
scenarios for research on marketing innovations.
This study begins with an overview of the dominant challenges As mentioned above, marketing innovation strategies refer to firms’
firms face in the COVID-19 crisis and then develops a typology of commitments to new or significantly improved marketing methods that
marketing innovation strategies for firms to choose, which is followed enable firms to use their resources efficiently to meet the demand of
by a comparison and discussion of four marketing innovation strategies. customers and create superior customer value (Hunt & Morgan, 1995;
Furthermore, this study analyzes how firms should choose and imple- Hurley & Hult, 1998; OECD, 2005). To survive the COVID-19 crisis and
ment proper strategies. The research concludes with a discussion of seek possible market opportunities, firms in China in almost all in-
theoretical and practical implications. dustries have explored possible options of marketing innovation stra-
tegies to different degrees and in different forms. To more precisely
2. Challenges for firms in the COVID-19 crisis identify the marketing innovation strategies firms adopt during the
COVID-19 crisis, two conceptual dimensions are introduced to develop
Disasters inevitably bring crises to firms (Benson & Clay, 2004). In an analytical framework for firms to consider.
the three months since the end of Jan. 2020, China’s economy has been The first dimension describes the motivation for innovations. This
heavily influenced by the COVID-19 crisis. People are showing great dimension highlights the degree of impact a firm is suffering during the
concern about health and safety, which has resulted in fundamental crisis. Prior research suggests that risk-taking activities are responses to
changes in their preferences and purchasing patterns. Firms in China firms’ performance feedback (Chen & Miller, 2007; Chrisman & Patel,
have been highly affected and are seeking new market opportunities 2012; Joseph, Klingebiel, & Wilson, 2016). According to the behavioral
during the ongoing crisis. A survey of 995 firms from China shows that theory of the firm (Cyert & March, 1963), if a firm’s performance is
approximately 85.01% of them face the risk of bankruptcy because of lower than its expected level, the firm has a strong incentive to initiate
the significant drop in operating income and the lack of cash flow if the problemistic search. That is, the firm looks for solutions to its key
crisis cannot be addressed successfully within three months (Zhu, Liu, & problems (March, 1988), thereby increase R&D investment, conduct M
Wei, 2020). Another survey on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on &A, or engaging in other risk-taking behaviors (Xu, Zhou, & Du, 2019).
business management shows that firms generally face a sharp reduction When a firm’s performance is higher than the expected level, the firm
of orders, cost pressures such as rent, wages and taxes, a general in- will have sufficient resources and abilities to start a slack search. That
crease in the prices of raw materials, insufficient demand, and difficulty is, the firm may take advantage of its slack resources and turn them into
in finding alternative suppliers (Wen, Wei, & Wang, 2020). Further- long-term competitive advantages (O'Brien & David, 2014). Therefore,
more, due to home quarantine, consumers’ purchasing activities have during the COVID-19 crisis, according to the various degrees of impact,
largely decreased. According to Kantar's market research, consumers' firms usually have different motivations for innovation. In other words,
consumption attitudes have tended to be more conservative after the firms in China may have problemistic searches or slack searches for
outbreak of COVID-19 and they prefer to reduce unnecessary expenses their own choices in the COVID-19 crisis. To survive the crisis, highly
(Kantar, 2020a), which resulted in a sharp decline in firms’ revenue in affected firms tend to choose problemistic searches and manage to in-
the first quarter of 2020. novate their marketing strategies to keep their existing business and
In Chinese, a crisis is called “Wei Ji”, meaning both a danger and an retain their current user groups. In comparison, other firms that have
opportunity. More firms in China are striving to survive the COVID-19 not suffered sharp shocks tend to prefer slack searches and make full
crisis. Overcoming difficulties during the crisis and transforming the use of any possible new opportunities in the COVID-19 crisis to devote
crisis into an opportunity are common choices of all firms in China. themselves to marketing innovations to expand their business or
Among the surviving firms in China, a majority perform fairly well in gaining more consumers.
marketing innovations to adapt quickly to turbulent, uncertain, and The second dimension refers to the level of collaborative innova-
ambiguous environments. For example, weak consumer demand is one tions, which distinguishes whether the marketing innovation strategy is
of the greatest challenges in the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, based on primarily based on a firm itself or is based in collaboration with others.
deep insight into the changes in consumers' psychology and behaviors This depends on whether a firm has enough resources and capabilities
during home isolation, many retailers and even some leading manu- to innovate independently. For any firm, innovations are critical but
facturers choose to use e-commerce livestreaming as a new channel that challenging tasks, and they usually involve seeking new ideas, new
Y. Wang, et al. Journal of Business Research 116 (2020) 214–220
tools, or new opportunities to upgrade existing businesses or to create capabilities to rapidly upgrade their business independently, such as
new business (Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005). If a firm’s own business channel transfer, due to their business restrictions. Thus, based on the
can be upgraded or it can develop a new business with its own resources motivation of problemistic search, firms that use this strategy tend to
and capabilities, it may choose to achieve marketing innovations in- adopt collaborative innovations and share complementary resources
dependently. Otherwise, a firm may tend to choose to co-innovate with and competencies with other firms. This strategy can not only earn
other firms by sharing complementary resources and competencies with profits from new business by leveraging existing resources but also
each other (Doz, Olk, & Ring, 2000; Grandori & Soda, 1995; Rothwell & contributes to revitalizing existing business for the firm. For example,
Dodgson, 1991). during the COVID-19 crisis, residents seldom drive their cars, so there is
The two dimensions mentioned above represent four prototypical almost no business for gas stations (, 2020a). The product
marketing innovation strategies (see Fig. 1). A firm that is suffering characteristic of gasoline makes it almost impossible to be sold and
from the COVID-19 crisis can choose and implement a specific mar- fueled online. This situation forced Sinopec to analyze its business
keting innovation strategy that suits it best based on this framework to strategy very carefully, and it discovered that it was becoming more
overcome risks and seize opportunities. As shown in Fig. 1, the first difficult for residents to buy food outside as they did before the crisis
upper left quadrant represents a strategy that focuses on problemistic (, 2020b). Thus, Sinopec cooperated with local food sup-
search and independent innovations, which can be called the re- pliers and launched a new contactless service based on its widespread
sponsive strategy in the COVID-19 crisis. It occurs when a firm must gas station outlets in communities that makes it very convenient for
achieve marketing innovations for its existing business (for example, people to buy fresh food regardless of whether they need to fuel their
innovating its market channels) to restore its performance. Firms that cars (Cuba, 2020). This cross-border collaborative innovation provides
have been hit hard by the crisis may prefer this specific responsive Sinopec with new opportunities to develop diverse businesses and
strategy because they usually have stronger motivation for a pro- overcome the bottleneck faced by the original refueling business during
blemistic search to find new solutions to recover from the COVID-19 the crisis (, 2020).
crisis. When choosing this strategy, firms need to deploy their own The third upper right quadrant represents a strategy that focuses on
resources and perform marketing innovations to adapt to the new de- slack search and independent innovations. It is called proactive strategy
mand pattern of their target customers to realize the survivability of in the COVID-19 crisis, and it occurs when a firm has been relatively
their existing businesses. Since consumers do not have the opportunity unaffected by the crisis and wants to use its accumulated slack re-
to consume offline due to home quarantine during the COVID-19 crisis, sources of Internet technologies to capture the unique market demand
firms whose orders of products or services were acquired only by in- in the current environment. More precisely, some firms, such as e-
teraction with consumers offline are significantly influenced. In re- commerce platforms and social media platforms, are less affected by the
sponse, they may manage to establish a new e-channel of marketing to crisis because of their “contactless” characteristics (Kantar, 2020b)
survive. One example of this responsive strategy is that firms take ad- During the COVID-19 crisis, they can take advantage of their existing
vantage of rapidly emerging Internet platforms where transactions can user base and make full use of their own accumulated resources and
be made without traditional interpersonal contact and transfer all (or at capabilities, such as digital technologies, to optimize their businesses
least part of) traditional business to online channels (e.g., Chen & Zhao, independently in response to changes in environments, such as con-
2020;, 2020a; Lu, 2020). As a result, e-commerce li- sumers’ need to isolate at home and mainly use their smartphones to
vestreaming is becoming increasingly popular during the COVID-19 make purchases (Kantar, 2020b). By adding new businesses, firms can
crisis for online retailing, which has emerged in the last several years. not only provide existing users with diversified offerings but also ac-
At the beginning, online celebrities shared their experiences of product quire more potential customers. For example,, an e-com-
consumption, which gradually evolved into product recommendations merce platform in China, has lengthened the duration of livestreaming
in collaboration with firms (Cunningham, Craig, & Lv, 2019). During to 12 uninterrupted hours to meet the heterogeneous watching time
the COVID-19 crisis, Peacebird, a clothing brand, has rapidly adopted preference of consumers and maximize audience coverage (,
this specific strategy, inviting superstars, online celebrities, and even 2020).
corporate CEOs to sell goods in live broadcasts and develop a new The fourth and final lower right quadrant represents a strategy that
virtual connection with their existing customers (Zhou, 2020). Relevant focuses on slack search and collaborative innovations. It is called
evidence shows that with this marketing innovation strategy, the partnership strategy in the COVID-19 crisis and indicates that firms that
average daily retail sales of Peacebird exceeded 8 million during the are less affected during the crisis can collaborate with other firms and
COVID-19 crisis (, 2020a). develop new businesses based on the needs of consumers to expand
The second lower left quadrant represents a strategy that focuses on their user base. The key for firms that adopt this specific strategy is to
problemistic search and collaborative innovation. It is called collective develop new businesses by combining their internal advantages of di-
strategy in the COVID-19 crisis. In this specific strategy, the firms have gital resources with the external complementary resources of their
also been hit hard by the crisis, but they have insufficient resources and partners. In this way, they can develop new markets and acquire new
Y. Wang, et al. Journal of Business Research 116 (2020) 214–220
customer groups. Taking the Tik Tok short video platform as an ex-; Tencent
as museums and movie theaters were unable to generate revenue be-
Example firms
Tik Tok
upon the needs of potential users and launched new services such as
online exhibitions, online movie playback, and online education in the
livestreaming sector (199IT, 2020).
of the typology and provide firms with guidelines on how to choose and
transformation from offline to online
Physical contact
Leveraging capabilities
are based on offline physical interpersonal contact and that are able to
Core dynamic
Problemistic search
Slack search
Proactive strategy
crisis can also consider this strategy. However, when choosing between
Table 1
Y. Wang, et al. Journal of Business Research 116 (2020) 214–220
strategy is much more suitable for business innovations that are highly 19 crisis can adopt this specific strategy as an alternative. Both proac-
dependent on external resources. Because of the constraints of these tive and partnership strategies are applicable to firms that provide of-
firms’ own resources and capacities, they must develop their new ferings that service online consumption scenarios. However, when
businesses through collaboration with external firms to create collective choosing between these two strategies, firms need to consider their own
value as a system (Gandia & Gardet, 2019; Lusch, Vargo, & Tanniru, internal advantages. Unlike a proactive strategy, the partnership
2010). Moreover, firms that choose this specific strategy need to strategy is suitable for firms that lack internal resources to develop new
leverage their existing resources and capabilities, which involves in- business independently. More precisely, because of the resource con-
tegrating the advantages of their original business into a new business straints associated with the development of new businesses, firms must
(Makkonen et al., 2014). On the other hand, the consumption scenario seek potential partners whose businesses are complementary to their
of the original offerings provided by firms also affects their choices. For own and rely on the complementary resources of external partners to
firms whose primary products cannot be provided online, it is much develop new businesses and expand their own customer base.
more suitable for them to choose a collective strategy to achieve busi- Furthermore, to adopt this strategy, firms must have stronger leveraging
ness innovations. capabilities, which refers to taking advantage of the original business
When implementing this strategy, firms can develop new business resources to provide sufficient support for the development of new
by collaborating with other firms during the crisis. Sinopec, for ex- businesses (Makkonen et al., 2014). Thus, through cooperation, firms
ample, has adopted this marketing innovation strategy and become can provide existing customers with new offerings and further expand
successful in China (, 2020b). The firm's fueling business, their customer base by taking advantage of the complementary re-
which depends primarily on offline physical contact, declined due to sources of their partners.
home quarantine. To solve this problem, Sinopec seized its customers’ When implementing this strategy, firms should develop new offer-
new demand opportunity, i.e., the demand for fresh food with no ings through complementary collaboration with other firms. This kind
physical interpersonal contact; it quickly cooperated with the fresh food of collaborative innovation makes full use of the advantages of both
retailer Freshippo of the Alibaba Group and launched grocery shopping partnering firms to achieve a win–win situation for all stakeholders
with contactless distribution at its widespread gas station outlets (Cuba, (Huang & Yu, 2011). Taking Tik Tok as an example, the firm im-
2020). Citizens can buy, for example, fresh vegetables at various gas plemented this strategy well during the COVID-19 crisis. Tik Tok is a
station outlets of Sinopec, and then the frontline employees take these social media platform that provides short video and livestreaming ser-
fresh vegetables directly to the car trunk of the customer, which enables vices to users and relies primarily on user-generated content to increase
customers to complete the transaction in a more convenient and con- the number of users (Sohu, 2019). Under current resource constraints,
tactless way since customers have no need to leave their cars or even to seize new marketing opportunities based on increased demand for
open the car window. On the basis of its gas station outlets, Sinopec online services, Tik Tok collected various life service resources, such as
makes full use of the resources and logistics of Freshippo of the Alibaba exhibitions, movies and education, on its platform with its own plat-
Group in the fresh food supply chain to achieve business innovations. form advantages and acquired more new users (199IT, 2020). In ad-
Furthermore, this new business drives the demand of the existing dition, firms that cooperate with Tik Tok have improved their own
consumer base for refueling business to some degree, enabling the performance, thereby mitigating the negative impact of the COVID-19
original refueling business to be revitalized (, 2020). crisis on these firms (Sohu, 2020).
Proactive strategy in the COVID-19 crisis. From the perspective of In summary, the four strategies identified in this study are based on
external environments, firms that are less affected by the COVID-19 the refinement of Chinese firms’ marketing innovation practices during
crisis, such as some Internet firms that focus on online businesses, can the COVID-19 crisis. In fact, a firm may operate multiple businesses at
adopt this specific strategy. As far as internal advantages are concerned, the same time. Therefore, when choosing among the four specific
this marketing innovation strategy is suitable for business innovations marketing innovation strategies, it is possible for firms to adopt one
with low dependence on external resources (Gandia & Gardet, 2019). specific strategy or a combination of several strategies to cope with the
That is, firms can independently develop new business by prioritizing COVID-19 crisis.
the new demand of their existing customers during the COVID-19 crisis.
Firms that choose this strategy must have strong capabilities to in- 5. Discussion and implications
tegrate their resources of existing customer bases (i.e., reconfiguration
capabilities) (Bowman & Ambrosini, 2003; Makkonen et al., 2014) to COVID-19 is still spreading all over the world, and firms are pro-
design and launch their new businesses more effectively. foundly affected by the sudden crisis. Managers must decide how to
When implementing this strategy, firms can develop new businesses adapt their marketing strategies to disruptive environments. In this
to meet the special demands of existing customers during the COVID-19 research, a typology of marketing innovation strategies is identified in
crisis. Taking the Internet retailing firm as an example, it is two dimensions, i.e., the motivation for innovations (problemistic
a B2C online shopping platform that offers products including tradi- search or slack search) and the level of collaborative innovations (in-
tional home appliances, 3C appliances, and daily necessities dependent or collaborative). This study offers innovative insights into
(, 2020). During the COVID-19 crisis, seized how firms may choose among these four strategies to survive the
upon the popularity of online livestreaming services and launched a 12- COVID-19 crisis. Specifically, as far as both external environments and
hour uninterrupted livestreaming service in response to increases in internal advantages are concerned, when a firm is exposed to a greater
most users’ online browsing times. Through the extension of the lives- degree of external impacts, it is reasonable to choose the responsive
treaming time, met the heterogeneous demands of custo- strategy that requires the firm to have stronger reconfiguration cap-
mers for a more flexible time schedule for watching livestreaming abilities and independently optimize existing business. Otherwise, it is
during the COVID-19 crisis, which in turn gave existing consumers di- wise for the firm to choose the collective strategy that requires stronger
versified online offerings and attracted new customers. Another ex- leveraging capabilities and higher dependence on partners’ com-
ample is Tencent. As the largest social media and technology firm in plementary resources to launch new businesses. When external impacts
China, it has a large user base. To seize upon users' demands for remote on a firm are relatively light and the firm has advantages in re-
office and video conferencing as a result of home quarantine, Tencent configuration capabilities and resources that enable the firm to in-
has developed a new app called Tencent Conference, which has been dependently develop a new business based on its existing customer
preferred and widely adopted during the crisis. base, it is better for the firm to choose the proactive strategy. By con-
Partnership strategy in the COVID-19 crisis. From the perspective trast, when a firm has stronger leveraging capabilities and relies on the
of external environments, firms that are less affected during the COVID- complementary resources of partners to develop a new business, it is
Y. Wang, et al. Journal of Business Research 116 (2020) 214–220
more suitable for the firm to choose the partnership strategy. In addi- provided an external environmental guarantee for the potential effec-
tion, firms need to take their own characteristics into consideration tiveness of the proper marketing innovation strategies of firms.
when they decide which specific marketing innovation strategy to Furthermore, Chinese culture is collectivistic (Hofstede, 1980; Triandis,
choose. For example, when the products or services a firm provides 2018). In controlling the COVID-19 crisis, everyone in a firm, from the
require more physical contact between the firm and its customers, the top to the bottom, gathers together to seek ways to overcome difficul-
firm must choose the responsive strategy or the collective strategy ties and survive the crisis. Taking livestreaming as an example, popular
during the COVID-19 crisis. In contrast, when the products or services a CEOs of many firms go into live broadcast rooms and present good
firm provides can usually be accessed through contactless consumption selling points for their offerings, which embodies the collectivistic
scenarios, the firm may decide to choose the proactive strategy or the nature of Chinese culture. Therefore, when firms in other countries
partnership strategy. attempt to learn from the experience of firms in China and explore ef-
fective marketing innovation strategies, they may have to make certain
5.1. Theoretical implications adjustments based on the institutional system of their own country and
the cultural characteristics of their employees and customers.
This study makes two main contributions to knowledge of crisis
management. First, this research highlights the significant role of 6. Limitations and future research
marketing innovation strategies in crisis management. Although prior
studies acknowledged the importance of marketing innovation due to This study has certain limitations that call for future research. First,
its ability to provide diversified offerings (Doyle & Bridgewater, 1998), by exploring and identifying the marketing innovation strategies of
less attention has been paid to its role in crisis management. The cur- firms in China during the COVID-19 crisis, this article combines crisis
rent research fills this gap by identifying a typology of the marketing management with marketing innovation theory to demonstrate that
innovation strategies of firms in China in two dimensions, i.e., the marketing innovations can help firms in the COVID-19 crisis survive
motivation for innovation (problemistic search or slack search) and the and recover based on an in-depth case analysis. However, there is no
level of collaborative innovation (independent or collaborative), and empirical test of our conclusions. Future empirical studies are needed to
exploring how firms should choose among them in the COVID-19 crisis. test and extend the findings of this research. Second, to obtain a more
Second, this study extends knowledge about marketing innovation comprehensive and in-depth understanding of crisis management
to crisis management. Although previous research highlights a strong during the COVID-19 crisis, future research should pay more attention
link between marketing innovations and the likelihood of firms’ sur- to the generalization of the findings of this study by exploring the
vival during crises, it regards marketing innovations only as capabilities possible influences of the institutional system and cultural character-
of firms to improve their performance (Naidoo, 2010). The extant lit- istics of the host countries. Finally, this research focuses only on how
erature has not systematically investigated which marketing innovation marketing innovation strategy contributes to the survival and growth of
strategies firms should choose and how they can implement them more firms in crisis management. Future research should further explore the
effectively. This study addresses this research gap and explores how joint effects of other functional innovation strategies, such as human
firms choose and implement their specific marketing innovation stra- resource management, financial management, operations management,
tegies by considering the external environments, internal advantages and information management, with marketing innovations to build a
and characteristics of firms as a whole. Thus, this research enriches the holistic framework to guide firms in surviving any crisis in the future.
literature related to crisis management and provides new scenarios for
studies of marketing innovation. Acknowledgement
5.2. Managerial implications The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from National
Natural Science Foundation of China (71725003).
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